#slovak daddies
maturetemptations · 4 months
Andrey Hryc. WOW.
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dadsinsuits · 1 year
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Ivan Korčok
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victorious16 · 1 year
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Good night 4 All ❤️👍🏻😍... fb-viktor Matz, ig- viktor_matz ❤️👍🏻😍🤩
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bitchinbarzal · 6 months
She’s so sad. And Matt is immediately like no and picks her up and reassures her.
“It’s ok dal, we can try again”
“But I don’t wanna… it’s too hard for my head”
“But baby this is how we speak to grandma and grandpa”
“But daddy my brain doesn’t get it”
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mychlapci · 9 months
once again reminding everyone that the slovak/czech translation of the title "breaking bad" is "meth daddy"
critically acclaimed legendary drama and thriller series Meth Daddy
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pollonegro666 · 9 months
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2023/12/24 Mi papi ya tiene preparado el vino tinto que quiere para la cena de esta noche. Por favor, amigos, sírvanse un poco para hacer un gran brindis.
My daddy has already prepared the red wine he wants for dinner tonight. Please, friends, pour some to make a great clink of glasses.
Google Translation into French: Mon père a déjà préparé le vin rouge qu'il veut pour le dîner de ce soir. S'il vous plaît, les amis, versez-en un peu pour faire un grand tintement de verres.
Google translation into Italian: Mio padre ha già preparato il vino rosso che vuole per cena stasera. Per favore, amici, versatene un po' per fare un gran tintinnio di bicchieri.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Meu pai já preparou o vinho tinto que quer para o jantar esta noite. Por favor, amigos, sirvam um pouco para fazer um grande tilintar de copos.
Google Translation into German: Mein Vater hat bereits den Rotwein vorbereitet, den er heute Abend zum Abendessen haben möchte. Bitte, Freunde, gießt ein wenig ein, damit die Gläser laut klirren.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Babai im ka përgatitur tashmë verën e kuqe që dëshiron për darkë sonte. Ju lutem, miq, që disa të bëjnë një shirit të mrekullueshëm të syzeve.
Google Translation into Arabic: لقد قام والدي بالفعل بإعداد النبيذ الأحمر الذي يريده لتناول العشاء الليلة. من فضلكم، أيها الأصدقاء، لكي يقوم البعض بعمل عيادة رائعة للنظارات.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հայրս արդեն պատրաստել է իր ուզած կարմիր գինին այսօր երեկոյան ընթրիքի համար: Խնդրում եմ, ընկերներ, մի քիչ լցրեք՝ բաժակների հիանալի թխկոց պատրաստելու համար:
Google Translation into Bengali: আমার বাবা আজ রাতে ডিনারের জন্য যে রেড ওয়াইন চান তা ইতিমধ্যেই প্রস্তুত করেছেন। অনুগ্রহ করে, বন্ধুরা, চশমা একটি মহান clink করতে কিছু ঢালা.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Баща ми вече е приготвил червеното вино, което иска за вечеря тази вечер. Моля, приятели, налейте малко, за да направите страхотно дрънкане на чаши.
Google Translation into Czech: Můj táta už připravil červené víno, které chce dnes k večeři. Prosím, přátelé, nalijte si trochu, abyste mohli skvěle cinkat sklenicemi.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我爸爸已经准备好了今晚晚餐他想要的红酒。 朋友们,请倒一些,让酒杯叮当作响。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리 아빠는 오늘 밤 저녁으로 원하는 레드와인을 이미 준비했어요. 친구 여러분, 술을 좀 부어서 멋진 유리잔이 부딪히도록 해주세요.
Google Translation into Croatian: Moj tata je već pripremio crno vino koje želi za večeru. Molimo vas, prijatelji, natočite malo da napravite sjajno zveckanje čaša.
Google Translation into Danish Min far har allerede forberedt den rødvin, han vil have til aftensmad i aften. Venligst, venner, hæld lidt op for at lave et fantastisk klirr af glas.
Google Translation into Slovak: Môj otec už pripravil červené víno, ktoré chce dnes na večeru. Priatelia, nalejte si, aby ste mohli skvele štrngať pohármi.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Moj očka je že pripravil rdeče vino, ki ga želi nocoj za večerjo. Prosim, prijatelji, nalijte malo, da boste odlično žvenketali.
Google Translation into Estonian: Mu isa on juba valmistanud punase veini, mida ta täna õhtusöögiks tahab. Palun, sõbrad, valage klaasi, et klaase kokku lüüa.
Google Translation into Suomi: Isäni on jo valmistanut punaviinin, jonka hän haluaa illalliseksi tänä iltana. Olkaa hyvät ystävät, kaada vähän lasien kolinaa varten.
Google Translation into Georgian: მამაჩემმა უკვე მოამზადა წითელი ღვინო, რომელიც მას სურს ამ საღამოს სადილისთვის. გთხოვთ, მეგობრებო, დაასხით ცოტა ჭიქის გასაკეთებლად.
Google Translation into Greek: Ο μπαμπάς μου έχει ήδη ετοιμάσει το κόκκινο κρασί που θέλει για δείπνο απόψε. Παρακαλώ, φίλοι, ρίξτε λίγο για να κάνετε ένα υπέροχο τσουγκρισμα των ποτηριών.
Google Translation into Guarani: Che ru ombosako’íma pe víno pytã oipotáva okaru haĝua ko pyharépe. Por favor, angirũnguéra, peñohẽ michĩmi pejapo haĝua peteĩ clink tuicháva umi vaso-gui.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ua hoʻomākaukau mua koʻu makuakāne i ka waina ʻulaʻula āna i makemake ai no ka ʻaina ahiahi i kēia pō. E ʻoluʻolu, e nā hoaaloha, e ninini i kahi mea e hana ai i ke kani nui o nā aniani.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אבא שלי כבר הכין את היין האדום שהוא רוצה לארוחת הערב. בבקשה, חברים, מזגו קצת כדי ליצור צקצוק נהדר של כוסות.
Google Translation into Hindi: मेरे पिताजी ने आज रात के खाने के लिए अपनी पसंदीदा रेड वाइन पहले ही तैयार कर ली है। कृपया दोस्तों, गिलासों की शानदार झनकार बनाने के लिए इसमें कुछ डालें।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Apám már elkészítette azt a vörösbort, amit vacsorára szeretne. Kérem, barátaim, öntsön néhányat, hogy nagy poharakat csorgasson.
Google Translation into Icelandic: Pabbi minn er búinn að útbúa rauðvínið sem hann vill í kvöldmatinn í kvöld. Vinsamlega, vinir, hellið smá til að gera frábært glös.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Ayahku sudah menyiapkan anggur merah yang dia inginkan untuk makan malam malam ini. Tolong teman-teman, tuangkan sedikit untuk membuat dentingan gelas yang bagus.
Google Translation into Japanese: パパは今夜の夕食に欲しい赤ワインをすでに準備してくれています。 友達の皆さん、グラスにカチャカチャという音を立てるために注いでください。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Атам кечки тамакка каалаган кызыл винону даярдап койгон. Сураныч, достор, бир аз куюп, стакандарды шакылдатыңыз.
Google Translation into Latvian: Mans tētis jau ir sagatavojis sarkanvīnu, ko vēlas vakariņās. Lūdzu, draugi, ielejiet, lai lieliski saskandinātu glāzes.
Google Translation into Malayalam: എന്റെ ഡാഡി ഇന്ന് രാത്രി അത്താഴത്തിന് ആവശ്യമായ റെഡ് വൈൻ ഇതിനകം തയ്യാറാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. സുഹൃത്തുക്കളേ, ഒരു വലിയ കണ്ണട ഉണ്ടാക്കാൻ കുറച്ച് ഒഴിക്കുക.
Google Translation into Malay: Ayah saya sudah menyediakan wain merah yang dia mahukan untuk makan malam malam ini. Tolong, kawan-kawan, tuangkan sedikit untuk membuat dentingan cermin mata yang hebat.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Efa nomanin’i Dada ny divay mena tiany hohanina anio alina. Azafady, ry namana, arotsaho ny sasany mba hahatonga ny solomaso mahafinaritra.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Аав маань өнөө оройн хоолондоо хүссэн улаан дарсаа бэлдчихсэн байгаа. Найзууд аа, аятайхан аяга цохихын тулд бага зэрэг асгана уу.
Google Translation into Dutch: Mijn vader heeft de rode wijn die hij vanavond wil eten al klaargemaakt. Alsjeblieft, vrienden, schenk wat in zodat een geweldig gerinkel van glazen ontstaat.
Google Translation into Nepali: मेरो बुबाले रातो खानाको लागि रातो रक्सी तयार गरिसक्नु भएको छ। कृपया, साथीहरू, चश्माको उत्कृष्ट क्लिङ्क बनाउन केही खन्याउनुहोस्।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Faren min har allerede forberedt rødvinen han vil ha til middag i kveld. Vær så snill, venner, hell litt for å lage et flott glass.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਮੇਰੇ ਡੈਡੀ ਨੇ ਅੱਜ ਰਾਤ ਦੇ ਖਾਣੇ ਲਈ ਰੈੱਡ ਵਾਈਨ ਤਿਆਰ ਕਰ ਲਈ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ, ਦੋਸਤੋ, ਐਨਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਾਨਦਾਰ ਕਲਿੰਕ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੁਝ ਡੋਲ੍ਹ ਦਿਓ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: زما پلار لا دمخه هغه سور شراب چمتو کړی دی چې هغه د نن شپې د ډوډۍ لپاره غواړي. مهرباني وکړئ ، ملګرو ، د شیشې عالي کلیک کولو لپاره یو څه واچوئ.
Google Translation into Persian: بابام از قبل شراب قرمزی را که برای شام امشب می خواهد آماده کرده است. لطفا دوستان مقداری بریزید تا یک لیوان عالی بسازید.
Google Translation into Polish: Mój tata przygotował już czerwone wino, jakie chce na dzisiejszy obiad. Proszę, przyjaciele, nalejcie trochę, żeby w szklankach rozległ się głośny brzęk.
Google Translation into Romanian: Tatăl meu a pregătit deja vinul roșu pe care îl dorește pentru cina de diseară. Vă rog, prieteni, turnați câteva pentru a face un clinchet grozav de pahare.
Google Translation into Russian: Мой папа уже приготовил красное вино, которое хочет сегодня на ужин. Пожалуйста, друзья, налейте немного, чтобы бокалы громко звякнули.
Google Translation into Serbian: Мој тата је већ спремио црно вино које жели за вечеру. Молим вас, пријатељи, сипајте мало да направите сјајан звекет чаша.
Google Translation into Swedish: Min pappa har redan förberett rödvinet han vill ha till middag ikväll. Snälla vänner, häll upp lite för att göra ett fantastiskt klingande av glasögon.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Bapa kuring parantos nyiapkeun anggur beureum anu dipikahoyong pikeun tuangeun wengi ayeuna. Mangga, babaturan, tuang sababaraha pikeun nyieun clink hébat gelas.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Inihanda na ng daddy ko ang red wine na gusto niya para sa hapunan ngayong gabi. Mangyaring, mga kaibigan, ibuhos ang ilang upang makagawa ng isang mahusay na clink ng baso.
Google Translation into Thai: พ่อของฉันเตรียมไวน์แดงที่เขาต้องการสำหรับมื้อเย็นคืนนี้ไว้แล้ว ได้โปรดเพื่อน ๆ เทเหล้าลงไปให้แก้วแตกกันหน่อย
Google Translation into Telugu: మా డాడీ ఈ రాత్రి డిన్నర్‌కి కావలసిన రెడ్ వైన్‌ని ఇప్పటికే సిద్ధం చేశారు. దయచేసి, మిత్రులారా, గ్లాసెస్ యొక్క గొప్ప క్లింక్ చేయడానికి కొన్ని పోయాలి.
Google Translation into Turkish: Babam bu akşam yemeği için istediği kırmızı şarabı çoktan hazırladı. Lütfen arkadaşlar, harika bir bardak şakırdaması için biraz dökün.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Мій тато вже приготував червоне вино, яке хоче сьогодні на вечерю. Будь ласка, друзі, налийте трохи, щоб вийшов чудовий дзвін келихів.
Google Translation into Urdu: میرے والد نے آج رات کے کھانے کے لیے ریڈ وائن تیار کر لی ہے۔ براہ کرم، دوستو، شیشے کی ایک بڑی جھلک بنانے کے لیے کچھ ڈالیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Dadam kechqurun kechki ovqatga xohlagan qizil sharobni tayyorlab qo'ygan. Iltimos, do'stlar, bir oz quyinglar, shunda ko'zoynagini ajoyib tarzda chayqating.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Bố tôi đã chuẩn bị sẵn rượu vang đỏ mà ông ấy muốn cho bữa tối nay. Các bạn ơi, hãy rót một ít để tạo ra tiếng kêu leng keng tuyệt vời.
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miss-rum-hee · 2 years
Hey! I was thinking about something and wanted to ask: What do you think of calls for GOOD Slavic representation and Slavophobia being shoved aside (mainly by POC) as being unimportant because "you're just white and already have enough rep", when Slavs of all white people should get the rep. Slavs and Eastern Europeans are usually represented in negative ways. Some examples of movies and TV that are guilty of this other than spy movies are:
Taken and Hostel - Stereotype: "Eastern European S*x Trafficker". Taken, one of the most blatant pieces of propaganda. Basically "Big Strong Eagle Daddy American saves his Beautiful Damsel Daughter from Those Savage Barbaric Albanian Perverts", and Hostel. Hostel is "The American Men Get Tortured by Slovaks", and Slovak people called it out. Albania's government had to make signs showing how nice Albania actually looked to try and fix their bad reputation.
Orphan - Stereotype "Eastern European Killer". Esther is revealed to be Estonian, which is Baltic, which while not Slavic is still Eastern European. She's a killer in a kid's body who manipulates people and even tries to SEDUCE AN ADULT MAN. Ironically, Estonia is closer to Finnish culture than Slavic/Russian culture.
Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors: Not really a stereotype. Also implied antisemitism too. The main characters are a brother and sister, and their new neighbours from Ukraine are sus. The sister believes them to be vampires (which turns out to be true). The problem is how she talks about Ukraine and Eastern Europe when trying to convince her brother the truth. She's like "Ukraine is around those other places. Hungary, Russia, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Transylvania". The neigbours are also implied to be Jewish with the surname Braun.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch episode Date witj Destiny. This one is more subtle, and I don't think this had malicious intent as it should be noted, Harvey, one of the recurring characters and Sabrina's boyfriend, is Slovenian-American. But this episode is still kinda sus. Sabrina's dating another man at this point and he gets a business job in the Czech Republic. But Sabrina seems to have a hatred and bias against Czech people. She spends the entire episode trying to keep Josh (the man) away from Prague, she's like "oh with that guy Vojtek Kreszowski" or something, and she makes his trip their miserable. Makes the hotel staff rude, makes the room a sty, to the point where he says it's like he's a POW.
Another subtle one most people don't get. Sixteen Candles is notorious for Long Duk Dong, but a quick and often unnoticed discrimination is there too. the heroine's dad , when talking about her sister's boyfriend, says "we're glad she's not marrying an oily Bohunk". Bohunk is an offensive term for a Hungarian person, so he hates Hungarians, and the boyfriend is Hungarian-American.
Or they get erased (like the new MH G3, despite what people say "Draculaura's still Romanian" when it's clear she's not, "the accents were stereotypical" when Romanians and Russians didn't care, "Abbey wasn't Russian" when she was, with her family's names, as well as being okay with mixed Drac and Clawdeen but drawing the line at Abbey, or the Netflix Witcher getting rid of all the Polish influence from the original books, and even the author calling out how they handled his story and characters).
Just wanted to know what you thought of all of this, and how Slavs get called "racist" for talking about Slavophobia and why they deserve rep even when they clarify they're not trying to make POC seem less important
I think it's pretty shitty ngl. It's hard to put into words, but like....One group's representation shouldn't matter more than the other & treating them that way is not a good thing, but it seems like some people really want to push that crap. They should all have the chance to be shown on screen.
It's kinda goofy how they dismiss Slavs wanting better rep as "oh you're just white you HAVE rep already" considering how the Irish (you know, mostly fair-skinned people) weren't even considered the same as whites for a long ass while. I forgot where I saw this, but back in the 40s, there were legit signs at workplaces saying shit like "Asians/Irish/Blacks need not apply."
The Irish weren't even considered as white for a long ass time, so like, what makes these mfs think Slavs are even considered the same?
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sevadee · 1 year
I was talking to my mate about differences between czech and slovak language and we came across ů/ô and not long after came ŮwŮ/ÔwÔ monstrosities.
Posting this so I can share this psychic damage with you, random internet vagabond, who found my blog while procrastinating at 2 am instead of studying for your finals. Enjoy and get back to work so daddy can be proud of you ŮwŮ.
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dadsinsuits · 2 years
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Ivan Korčok
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Dangerous (Part 1/2)
Description: It was your best friend’s bachelorette party in one of London’s best clubs when two men had closed a bet if they would be able to seduce you. And in the end, the night ended up way better than you originally anticipated.
A/N: Oh, we're back. For this two-part one-shot, I approached both of the idiots very differently - I wanted Sam to have this sexual hotshot energy while Cutter had more of that mysterious daddy vibe. And I think that somehow, it really suits both the boys. Enjoy.
Pairing: Charlie Cutter x reader x Samuel Drake (We stan a threesome in this house)
Playlist: Idiot sandwich that stole my heart™
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Part 2.
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It was just another night in downtown. The sunlight was slowly fading away, ladies wore tight and short skirts, and gentlemen were sipping whiskey in the nearby bars. And London was no different. It was one of the most favorite tourist locations since it was mostly colder in there during summer and it was the crown jewel of England. Soho and Chinese street looked especially magnificent at that time of the year.
Yet the clubs were especially full of people as well. Swedish and European students, you gonna love this, mate, as Charlie said Samuel a million times. Cutter and Drake, formerly known as Morgan, were two gentlemen in their best years. They weren't some boys who would bend you over the nearest bed without knowing what to do. No. They both were quite tall, one of them would even say fairly handsome - and skilled in the first place.
Drake, the definition of a small bitch according to Cutter, was rather persistent with choosing some warmer locations like the Bahamas or the Canary Islands, let alone Cuba, for their summer vacation. But Cutter, who was born and lived his whole life in England, told him to go fuck himself and that this year, he’ll show Drake the European hospitality and girls. Samuel had to say that these young kittens looked magnificent, from both up close and from the distance.
Norwegian girls had the dirties eyes he had seen, French girls could whisper them some sweet nothings the whole night, Hungarian girls were fiery enough to show them who is the boss, Czech and Slovak girls knew well how to handle alcohol and Russian girls were both tough and sweet as candy at the same time. Yet Samuel didn't stop bitching about London being the color-less, boring city he always saw on the postcards. What did it matter that the Queen was living there when the only location which tingled Samuel’s senses was the Tower? Yet Cutter told him that Sam hadn't seen shit yet.
And bloody hell, as British men would say when they walked into the club, Samuel knew what was the boy talking about. That was the energy Sam needed to feel alive since he was rotting in hell for God knows how long. Alcohol being poured in gallons, tight pairs of jeans, and laughter all around. And this wasn’t some boring-ass club either, as Samuel would say. People were dancing, which he hasn't seen in ages. Cutter most took him to poker tournaments or to play darts.
"Bee’s knees, I love this bloody place." - Cutter sighed and took the bomber off, walking stairs down to walk to the bar of the place itself. - "Come on, you prick, don't just stand there!" - He called at Samuel with a raspy voice, laughing out loud. Sometimes, Sam looked like a small boy in a toystore. Especially when he was looking at so many lovely bottoms and tits.
"One Pimm’s Cup and a Sex on the Beach for this lady over here." - Cutter winked at the barmaid who smiled back at him, already holding the shaker to prepare some of the best drinks in London.
"What are we? Fucking ladies to drink cocktails?" - Sam asked back, leaning his back to the bar, looking around. His eyes were doing their best to see it all - the girl with afro trying to kiss the soul out of her partner's body, the boy who had his hand in his girl's panties and the twerking group in the middle of the dancefloor.
"Mate, you hadn't learned shit while you were in London. You need to start slowly before pouring down vodka and other shit." - Cutter told him, smiling at the barmaid who brought them the drinks. She was sweet - her blonde hair was in a high ponytail and her face was full of freckles. She was just the type of girl Cutter liked. Sweet, innocent, and pretty. - "Thank you, darling." - The bald man smiled at the barmaid before she ran off to serve another customer.
"And you still think that you're attractive enough to get under a young girl's panties. Who is dumber here? Cheers, mate." - Samuel answered with a dramatic British accent, toasting to Cutter before taking a sip through the straw. Yet Cutter's grin was making him sure that he had just bumped into an interesting topic.
"You don't know what you're talking about, Samuel. Both American and European chicks go crazy for a British accent. All you have to do in the bed is talk and they cum on their own." - Cutter looked around with a shit-eating grin. He knew very well that he's right. A good portion of women was into a thick British accent and his raspy voice. The voice alone could work wonders between girl’s thighs, so being tall, muscular, and having this bad boy vibe was just a bonus usually.
"I think you're lying, brother, but what can I know? I usually put my mouth to use too, but we ain't talkin’. And this mouth can show you the universe, I tell ya." - Samuel answered with a nasty grin as well, his Boston accent being fully put to use at that point. Cutter started to laugh out loud, having Samuel clueless.
"Nice to know, I will remember that, mate. You wanna show me or what?" - Cutter asked, sipping another sip of his ice-cold drink.
"You're such a douchebag." - Samuel laughed as well since Cutter knew how to turn every single situation into a stand-up.
"You see the chick at three o’clock?" - Cutter mumbled from sipping, still looking in front of himself. Samuel carefully checked her out. Not that she would notice a man staring in a club full of people, yet Samuel didn't want to come across as a creep. She was... Pretty. As a lot of women inside the club. She was yelling something at the barmaid so she would hear her, standing there in some old sneakers. Her clothes didn't reveal that much, it was just a normal white top and a pair of blue jeans. Yet something about that face made both the idiots grin when thinking about showing her the edge of paradise.
"Yeah, you bet your fucking British ass I do see that girl." - Samuel returned to the previous position, grinning into his straw just the way Cutter did. Both boys liked girls who had that little spark about them. You never could quite put the finger on it, yet it was there. You couldn't name or label it - it was the flame of the unknown, a promise of fun or... See? Neither of them knew what it is, but she had it.
"And since we’re in this bloody town for the last night, I wanna bet, mate. Since I know that British accent is a hit with the ladies and you keep telling me about some magical Boston mouth, whoever gets the girl, wins something." - Cutter put the empty glass on the bar, grinning at Samuel, having the man grinning back. Timber was yelling all over the club and it felt 2013-ish. The barmaid automatically brought both men a shot of their finest vodka since Cutter came to the club pretty frequently.
"What’s the somethin’ we talkin’ ’bout?" - Samuel bit his lower lip when the girl got her drinks and ventured back to the back of the club where the tables were. Both of them poured the vodka down their throats at the same time, both of them having that face.
"I don't know. Maybe some expansive liquor?" - Charlie asked, but after that, he started laughing. - "Oh, I know, when I get her down tonight, you owe me a ride on your motorbike baby and night with this beautiful lady." - He offered Samuel his palm, watching Sam slowly shaking it.
"When I win, your best bomber is mine. Who goes first?" - Samuel crunched the knuckles and to his surprise, Charlie motioned for him to go.
"Ladies first, mate, ladies always go first." - Charlie smiled, asking for two bottles of beer. When Samuel got his beer, he shook his head but started walking in the direction of your table.
It was your friend's bachelorette party and for a reason, she chose a club in London from all the destinations, like France or Italy, she could choose. You were not from there, but she wanted something big and fancy, so she decided to go for a weekend to London. You were more of staying put at home person, yet you didn't want to upset her just days from her wedding.  
"Your dinks, ladies." - You yelled, earning an excited yelling of your shit-faced friends back. You’ve been sticking to beer the whole four hours you've already spent in that God-forsaken place, you've been just fine at that moment, being on bottle number four by that time.
"You're my favorite maid of honor." - Your friend Amber hugged you, giving you a big fat kiss on your cheek. You giggled at that, taking another sip of the beer. - "These men here, ugh." - Amber moaned out loud before taking a big sip of her Mochito, watching the dancefloor with her eyes open wide. You chuckled at that, sipping from your bottle.
You weren't that interested in the men there. Like, yeah, they were nice and most of the men you've encountered in England so far were true British gentlemen, but... You weren't the type who would mingle for a one-night stand. You were taking the whole crazy trip as a widening of your horizons. When Amber didn't want to be in a club, you usually traveled around to see the sights England could give you. Stratford upon Avon was cute, Devon too, but London was a blast in your opinion.
"And you're getting married next week, Amber. Don't forget about that you nasty bitch." - Monica yelled from the other side of the table, giggling at Amber's sighs.
"I envy you soooo much, Y/N. These men are everything. Just look at these damn asses." - Amber rolled her eyes, making you both laugh in sync. Suddenly, she got all serious. Her elbow bumped into your ribs making you squeal, her head motioning in a direction of some forty-something dude who was eyeing your table, slowly walking to it through the dancing crowd. - "I think he's coming for one of us, what should I do?" - Amber panicked, looking at her engagement ring.
"You won't do shit, Amber, you're the bride." - You calmed her down, making her lips from a little O in awe. She was like that when she was drunk. The man looked fine, that was true - tall with brown hair, a rough face, and a tall body. You couldn't see him clearly, you just watched him swaying his hips in black jeans and shoulders in a white t-shirt widening with every step he took.
It took him almost five minutes before he finally got there. That was mainly because of the way he was trying to sell that nasty smug. You’ve wondered how it came that he didn't wiggle his hips out. Just when he was about to tell you something, the DJ started playing some banger according to the screaming coming from the dancing crowd, which made you smile. So he leaned in without a problem. Well, at least you knew that he had some confidence inside of him.
"Night, ladies, the name’s Samuel." - He offered his palm to Monica, then to Amber and then to you, kissing your knuckles with a smile. - "How comes that three beautiful ladies end up in a place like this... Alone?" - He wondered, standing next to the empty spot long enough for Monica to scoop a bit further away. Naturally, Samuel sat next to her, giving her a rather nasty smile.
"It’s my bachelorette party!" - Amber yelled at him with a happy smile, making you smile as well when she shoved her ring right in front of that guy's face. At least the confident asshat knew that he won't make a single move at that table. Yet Samuel rose his eyebrows, smiled even wider, and gently caught her palm to look at the ring. Then he nodded and let her hand go. - "He is one of a hella happy fella, I tell you that." - And with that, his eyes hooked on your face. Monica was watching both of you with a vulgar smile on her lips.
"And what about you, doll, you're having a bachelorette party too?" - Samuel smiled, putting his bottle on the table. Before you could answer, shit-faced Amber already started telling him your story.
"She’s been single forever, I swear. It always works or spending time with her family, like, I know she's the most responsible and shit, but I am afraid that she’ll end up alone with twenty cats, and one day, she'll go nuts." - She told him seriously. The mysterious, confident and somehow sexy guy started laughing at her straightforwardness, looking you in the eyes after that.
"I will go nuts if you won't stop, bitch, this was unnecessary." - You sighed, taking a deep swing of your beer. You shook your head with an angry face. Although, Amber wasn’t stopping there, making you even more embarrassed. - "But you are a hell of a guy. Holy fuck, are those tattoos? I always wanted my fiance to get some." - She went for it and let her fingers grace his neck. Samuel had a pleased grin when she has done so.
"I've been living in Panama for some time, got ’em there." - He then proceeded to lift one of his sleeves, showing you another tattoo on his shoulder. These were poker aces. Amber but her lower bottom, looking at the tattoos, gently touching them, traveling down to feel the poor man's biceps at the very end of her exploration. To put it nicely, you were embarrassed. Yet to your surprise, the Samuel man ignored Amber drooling over him and practically climbing over the table to touch his skin. The man sat there and watched you with a small smile. - "And I have a few more on places that ain’t appropriate to show ’ere." - He mumbled and both of the ladies next to you instantly got the horny faces on.
Amber bumped her elbow into your ribs again, doing it way stealthier this time. Yeah, he was a good looking man if you'd have to be honest. He had your girls wrapped around his long finger five minutes after coming there - there was this... Testosterone or some shit like that coming out of him. Amber gave you one of these risen-eyebrows looks and bit her lower lip once again.
"Care for a dance?" - The man asked, standing up. At first, he was looking into the dancing crowd only giving you his palm as if he didn't even care. You sat there for quite a while before Samuel smiled in your direction, assuring you that he wants you to dance with him. Which, no matter how hard you'd try to deny this, it was something that made you smile too. In a gentle moment, you slipped your palm into his, hoping that at least Amber would stop hitting your ribs.
You honestly hadn't heard that song in years. Calabria felt real like a late 2010-ish song. Was this night sort of a retro party? You hadn't heard the majority of the songs in years, yet people danced to them like crazy. And let's be honest, you and Samuel weren't that much different, because as soon as you hit the dancefloor, he showed you some good moves and suddenly, it wasn't that weird or gross to be seduced by that man.
To be honest, Cutter was quite in the mood when he saw that Samuel and you dancing along with the other pairs. And more importantly, you two were having fun. Sam started with his most outdated moves, slowly getting to the more erotic ones when you seemed to agree with that. The man didn't want to be punched right into his nose. Yet soon, your pelvis was brought close to Samuels and Charlie could see his friend's lips whispering something in your ear. In the reaction to that, you were laughing and soon enough, you put one of your hands on his waist.
Charlie was quite familiar with the song playing. It had some good basses and the beat just invited you to dance. You were the sweetest when you let go of Samuel, rose your hands above your hand, yelling the upcoming lyrics, that went something like... - "Dangerous? Oh! That sounds good, yeah.
Talk to me baby, like I'm your dude." - It made Charlie chuckle.
He was also quite interested in the tactics Samuel used to relax you like that. The whole time Samuel was gone, Charlie stood next to the bar, thinking about what he should he do. He was choosing a tactic if you will. Every woman was different, so he better has some back-up plan if he wants to win the bet. Samuel undeniably had the charming personality chicks liked, whether he was aware of it or not. He was a forty-something-year-old dude with the mentality of a dude in his early twenties, which was attractive too.
Yet Charlie didn't have that trait. He was a man in his late forties and it could be seen as well. He was bald too. But that was something Samuel didn't quite have - the authority of something like a daddy figure if you will. He met girls who were into that sort of stuff and he hadn't got a single problem with delivering - it was quite fun actually. To say it quickly, he was a guy who was looking mysteriously with a good sense of humor, making the chicks both screaming in pleasure and very with laughter when they wanted that goofy-guy sorta stuff.
So he figured out that it would be best to figure out what you were into and work on that since the first second he introduces himself to you on the bar.
"You have good dance moves, Y/N!" - Sam exclaimed happily when he was leading you back to your table. You nodded, still laughing. You couldn't believe that you spend half an hour with a totally strange guy on the dancefloor. Yeah, it wasn't just dancing obviously. Sam proved to be quite handy with his palms, absorbing almost everything out of your body while his mouth was whispering funny stuff. Suddenly, you both stopped and he looked at you with a pretty bold smile. Again, he showed you how quick he could be when his left palm put some hair out of your face. - "This was fun. So... If you would like to have some more fun when you'll be leaving, call this number, deal?" - He asked and gave you a small card.
It was one of the most simple ones you've ever had seen. Samuel Drake - historian, archeologist, and an adventurer. His number was on the other side. After giving him the same nasty grin, you nodded and pushed the card into the back pocket of your jeans, letting him go.
Girls immediately noticed you coming back... All alone without that Sammy boy. But the smile was indicating that you hadn't empty hands. Amber asked you about what happened even before you sat your ass down. - "Well, we danced and lemme say, he's a good dancer and then... He gave me this business card to call him when ill be leaving. Which unfortunately won't happen since I have to lead both your drunk asses to the hotel." - You sighed, playing with the card between your fingers. Monica took it out, smiling at you.
"I'm more or less sober, so I can take Amber home while you'll find that prince charming and have a wonderful night." - She gave it back to you after reading the text under his name. - "I would love to have a cig, anyone going with me?" - Monica asked and mumbled a few curse words while she searched through her purse for a pack of cigarettes. Naturally, you got up and motioned for her to go first, telling amber to sit there on her damn ass until you come back.
It was nice to stand in some fresh air. The night was pretty cold and it was raining a bit, but you didn't care since you were already soaking wet. Monica gave you a cigarette as well and both lit it up at the same moment. She was giving you some nasty grin too, which made you chuckle. - "What?" - You mumbled, exhaling the smoke.
"He seemed to be into you big time. You sure you don't want to call the man?" - She asked and at that moment, she seemed to be pretty reasonable and sober. Your shoulders jolted unknowingly. There was something on that promise of spending a night by his side. Sam was genuinely fun, hot as far as you could say and pretty smart. Also, he wasn't drunk that much, neither were you - so it was maybe really the both-sided chemistry doing the work. A couple of times it seemed that he's going in for a kiss, yet he rather teased you and bit your earlobe gently.
"He seemed sweet and fun and all, but what about you two?" - You asked Monica silently, still smoking on the cigarette with a thoughtful face.
"Oh, shush. We'll take a cab and get to the hotel on our own. I'll look after Amber. She was right about you being all about work or family. He's a stranger and you don't have to see him ever again, and that has some magic into it. Live a bit, come on, sis." - She hugged and you, indeed, felt confident about what Monica has said.
Sam was nothing but a hot guy you met in a club. You can fuck the night away, have some fun, wait for him to fall asleep, and then drive to your hotel, sitting on a flight home tomorrow. You'll never have to see him again.
You were determined that once you'll be leaving, you'll call the man, accepting the offer. When you were inside, you walked to the bar to order some alcohol, because Amber got to drink both your and Sam's beer when you were dancing.
It took you a moment to notice that guy. He was holding a small glass of whiskey, eyeing you with a small grin. He wasn’t exactly your type of handsome, yet there was something about that face. You spotted small stable and very attentive blue eyes. This man was huge in the best meaning of the word. He wasn't fat, not at all, yet it could be seen that there are some muscles under the t-shirt he had on. He was at least twice your age, but you got nervous when you looked into his eyes.
The difference between him and the guy you met earlier was huge. While Sam appeared to be a fairly approachable, exciting, and funny person, this dude... He seemed mysterious and authoritative. Which had woken up things inside of you; things you didn't even know were there. After having your breath stuck for a while, you returned a smile to the man, which was a signal for him to move closer to you.
"Whatever the lady orders, it's my treat." - The bald man told the barmaid, having her smile. Slowly, the man put some pounds on the wooden countertop, still looking at the lady who was serving the alcohol. It was ridiculously more than what you were supposed to pay, yet the gentlemen made clear that he doesn't want a pound back. - "Sure thing, Mr. Cutter."
"And what about you, love?" - He asked, taking your palm to kiss your knuckles delicately. That accent settled inside of your ears, fully attacking your brain. It was hot only to listen to the raspy voice speaking with the fully-blown thick London accent. No matter what you did, that man’s gaze followed you around. You almost felt like you can't escape it. Why Sam was making you feel so good and that was what made you aroused, yet this man was coming across as someone who would bend you over his knee with pleasure and it made you interested as well. - "What about me?" - You asked back, smiling at the man.
"What are you doing here alone?" - Cutter said and leaned even closer, having a smile on his lips when he leaned closer enough to whisper things into your ear. He had a firm body, just like Sam did, yet these two couldn't come across differently. - "I can do something about that, sweetheart."
Was all of this a nice dream? Two attractive men approaching you on the same night, telling you to leave the place with them. Or were they serial murderers? Or did a car hit you and you were in a coma? No, your heartbeat reminded you that this is pretty much happening in front of your very eyes. What the fuck should you do? If you'll leave with Cutter, what about Sam? And if you'd leave with Sam, what about this man? Why couldn't you have them both?
Monica more or less made you swear that whatever happens, you'll leave with Sam at the end of the party. But you felt being in a tight corner at the moment. Both men had some spark in them, one of them promised you a whole night of fun and the other one felt like a total daddy.
"That's kind of you, sir." - You winked at him, not knowing what else to say. The club was slowly getting darker, changing the color scheme as it was getting closer to midnight, now playing some Russian rap songs. Cutter looked at the couples around you, seeing many of them kissing and touching far beyond the line of decency. That was before you felt tips of someone's fingers smoothing your upper arm, gently getting onto your sweaty neck and jaw.
You could turn away from that man, yet there was something that made you push your head even closer, so your lips could meet his halfway. He wasn’t shying away at all, coming in with full force - lip bite, not too long after that, he even used his tongue, holding you close by your jaw. And this man, dear lord, he had some skillful mouth. It even made you close your eyes with enjoyment, making you moan lightly into his kiss.
"So, what do you say, love? Me, you, my place here?" - He whispered once he was done with the kiss, his palm slowly traveling down on your waist and lower. Sam did touch these places, yes, but his approach was more natural than devoting straightaway. Which made you also a bit cautious and aware of the man.
"I need to go back, Mr. Cutter. But thank you for the... Ehm... Invitation anyway." - You took the drinks, hurrying up back to girls. Your heartbeat was off the charts, your whole damn body was sweaty and since there were two rather handsome men trying to win you over that night, you were aroused as well. You couldn't leave with Sam, because you'd think about Cutter and the other way around. But you were sure that you will at least masturbate that night.
"Are you okay?" - Amber yelled into your ear when you finally sat down, gulping down. You couldn't catch your breath ever since Cutter kissed you. Your gaze traveled to her and you shook your head almost frantically.
"Another guy tried to take me over to his place." - You mumbled, gulping down your whole drink at once. Monica smiled and leaned over to you.
"And was this one as handsome as that Samuel before?" - She asked, taking her cocktail out of your hand. You turned your hand to the dancefloor, imaging both the men inside of your head.
"It's hard to tell, Monica. This one was tall and well-built as well..." - You sighed, but Amber stopped you once again. - "How can you know that he was well-built?" - She wondered, taking the last ice-cold drink as well. It was a miracle that she hadn't fallen asleep until that point.
"Because I know he's a good kisser too." - You smiled and each of you started laughing like crazy. - "I mean, he wasn’t the most handsome man I've seen, yet, he had that something inside these eyes." - You shook your head, not believing the things that had happened inside that club. It was just one night you've spent there and two attractive men approached you. One of them was American, the other one was clearly British and you knew that both of them had something to offer. But you knew that you'll leave alone once again.
"How did it go?" - Samuel asked Cutter once he walked off the dancefloor again. Cutter was leaning his elbow to the bar, watching you and your girls chatting excitedly. After that, he turned back to Sam.
"I can't tell, mate. First, it appeared that I have her hooked, but she left after that. What about you?" - Charlie finished another glass of whiskey, moving to beer for the rest of the night. From Sam’s smirk, it was apparent that at least one of the men is feeling positive about the whole bet.
"She has my number and when I was on a smoke break, her friend told her that she should have some fun with me tonite if you know what I mean." - Samuel wiggled his eyebrows, making Cutter frown even more. Maybe he shouldn’t go for the kiss just like that, but your body was telling yes. You were attracted to him, so why shouldn't he test the waters? It was too late for these kinds of thoughts. He probably had scared you off.
The two friends were standing there for quite a while and waited for Sam's desired call, talking about nothing the whole time. Sam had to say that he had some fun time and Cutter’s most impressive bomber on top of that. But that was when both men felt someone's presence behind them.
"You two know each other?" - A voice asked them and when they turned around, it was none other than you. Your eyes were looking at both of them and it was clear that you don't know what to think of that. Sam looked at Cutter with panic, not knowing what to say.
"It's not how you think it is." - Cutter tried to calm you down, but you were visibly upset over the whole situation. Yeah, it was a bet, but Cutter meant what he said. He wanted to spend the night with you. This was just a fun way to raise the stakes. If you wouldn't get to know.
"Jesus, I should've known that you two are assholes." - You walked between the men, mumbling something about assholes, dickheads, and shits, preparing money to pay the last drinks of the night. - "How would two men like you saw something on an ugly duckling like me? Funny shit, I tell you." - You mumbled with disgust, ordering cocktails your girls asked for.
"You don't know what you're talking about, love. You're beautiful." - Cutter told you back with a small smile, looking Samuel in the eyes. The other man nodded when he realized, leaning into the bar as well. - "And intelligent as hell, which is a huge turn on. I don't know why someone as pretty as you are even let guys like us talk to you." - The American smiled at you from the other side, lust lingering inside his eyes.
Could that be? It maybe was just a bet, yet these two men seemed to be interested. It could be a game as well - but a perfect solution to your situation too. If these two knew each other, maybe you didn't have to leave the place alone because you couldn't choose between them. Maybe, you could leave with both of them at once. You’ve never done that, but the alcohol inside your veins made you courageous.
"So, you're friends, you know each other, right?" - You asked while a smile grew on your lips. Oh, Cutter knew what is about to come and... It was so nasty that it turned him on in some kind of way. Samuel was completely confused tho. - "That means you can meet me outside the club in ten, probably?" - You asked innocently, taking the drinks, smiling at Charlie. He smiled back, leaving Samuel in the dark for a little longer.
"Which one of us?" - The American demanded. He wanted to win the bet so badly because Cutter’s bombers were the best in the whole world. But when he saw your devilish grin with the shine in your eyes, his heart skipped a beat. Oh. OH. Holy fuck. You had that spark inside of you, but neither of them would ever say that you're a nasty girl as well. At least not this much.
Sam honestly never seen cutter without clothes and he didn't know if he's ready for that, but... Life was about adventure, right? And this way something Sam knew he will say yes to. There was something on having a girl helpless, being taken care of by two men. He loved to worship women, he indeed loved everything about that, but this was exciting as well. And Charlie? He knew how to approach to a threesome. There were occasions where he had joined in and in some, he was only there to watch. He especially loved when two ladies invited him to a bad. But he hadn't a single issue with giving you what you wanted.
"Both of you, silly." - You smiled sweetly before disappearing into the crowd.
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bitchinbarzal · 6 months
Oh I FORGOT dallas learning Slovak 🥹
she’s getting frustrated because she can’t do it too good “I’m sorry daddy I’m not good…”
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Čauko! Fairy, Sepia, Melody and Ink? Maybe Feather? Have a nice day!
fairy; is there any mythological creature that you believe in?
I like believing in all of them tbh. I guess I just like the thought of magic being all around us.
sepia; a quote you find inspiring?
Listen this is probably not a quote, but it’s the truest thing for me: “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” I strongly believe that just because you are related someone by blood doesn’t mean you have any responsibility over them. Some people do not deserve your love and loyalty, no matter if they made you or you made them or whatever.
melody; ten songs that you think “define” you?
Ten? I can’t really think of one. I mean I do say fairly often that Daddy issues by The Neighbourhood is the theme song of my life, but so is Sweater Weather. Maybe Epiphany by Kim Seokjin? Marina and the Diamons - Homewrecker :D  Especially this quote: “I guess you could say that my life's a mess But I'm still looking pretty in this dress” Can’t think of more, I’m really sorry.
ink; your favorite word?
Epiphany in English. Fuwa-fuwa in Japanese. Beruška in Czech. Jardin in French. And bunch of Slovak swear words because they always come directly from the heart :D
feather; your favorite textures?
Probably fur and hair!
Thanks a lot for asking, and have a nice rest of the day as well!
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
Tumblr media
2023/03/05 Mi papi tiene un nuevo negocio dando su imagen para una pasta de dientes. Nos envió una muestra para que los niños puedan lavarse los dientes y que estén orgullosos de su abuelito.
My daddy has a new business giving his image for a toothpaste. He sent us a sample so the kids can brush their teeth and be proud of her grandpa.
Google Translation into French: Mon papa a une nouvelle entreprise donnant son image pour un dentifrice. Il nous a envoyé un échantillon pour que les enfants puissent se brosser les dents et être fiers de leur grand-père.
Google translation into Italian: Mio padre ha una nuova azienda che dona la sua immagine per il dentifricio. Ci ha inviato un campione in modo che i bambini potessero lavarsi i denti ed essere orgogliosi del loro nonno.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Meu pai tem uma nova empresa doando sua imagem para pasta de dente. El nos enviou uma amostra para que as crianças pudessem escovar os dentes e se orgulhar de seu avô.
Google Translation into German: Mein Vater hat eine neue Firma, die sein Bild für Zahnpasta spendet. Er hat uns eine Probe geschickt, damit die Kinder ihre Zähne putzen und stolz auf ihren Opa sein können.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Babai im ka një kompani të re që dhuron foton e tij për pastë dhëmbësh. Ai na dërgoi një mostër që fëmijët të mund të lajnë dhëmbët dhe të jenë krenarë për gjyshin e tyre.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հայրս նոր ընկերություն ունի, որը նվիրում է իր նկարը ատամի մածուկի համար: Նա մեզ մի նմուշ ուղարկեց, որպեսզի երեխաները կարողանան լվանալ իրենց ատամները և հպարտանալ իրենց պապիկով:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Баща ми има нова компания, която дарява негова снимка за паста за зъби. Той ни изпрати мостра, за да могат децата да си мият зъбите и да се гордеят с дядо си.
Google Translation into Czech: Můj táta má novou společnost, která daruje jeho obrázek na zubní pastu. Poslal nám vzorek, aby si děti mohly vyčistit zuby a být na svého dědečka pyšné.
Google Translation into Croatian: Moj tata ima novu tvrtku koja donira njegovu sliku za pastu za zube. Poslao nam je uzorak kako bi klinci mogli oprati zube i biti ponosni na svog djeda.
Google Translation into Danish Min far har et nyt firma, der donerer sit billede til tandpasta. Han sendte os en prøve, så børnene kan børste tænder og være stolte af deres bedstefar.
Google Translation into Slovak: Môj otec má novú spoločnosť, ktorá daruje jeho obrázok na zubnú pastu. Poslal nám vzorku, aby si deti mohli umyť zúbky a byť hrdé na svojho dedka.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Moj oče ima novo podjetje, ki donira njegovo sliko za zobno pasto. Poslal nam je vzorec, da si bodo otroci lahko umili zobke in bili ponosni na svojega dedka.
Google Translation into Estonian: Mu isal on uus firma, mis kingib tema pildi hambapasta jaoks. Ta saatis meile näidise, et lapsed saaksid hambaid pesta ja vanaisa üle uhked olla.
Google Translation into Suomi: Isälläni on uusi yritys, joka lahjoittaa hänen kuvansa hammastahnaa varten. Hän lähetti meille näytteen, jotta lapset voivat pestä hampaansa ja olla ylpeitä isoisästään.
Google Translation into Greek: Ο μπαμπάς μου έχει μια νέα εταιρεία που δωρίζει τη φωτογραφία του για οδοντόκρεμα. Μας έστειλε ένα δείγμα για να μπορούν τα παιδιά να βουρτσίζουν τα δόντια τους και να είναι περήφανα για τον παππού τους.
Google Translation into Dutch: Mijn vader heeft een nieuw bedrijf dat zijn foto doneert voor tandpasta. Hij stuurde ons een staal zodat de kinderen hun tanden kunnen poetsen en trots kunnen zijn op hun opa.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Faren min har et nytt selskap som donerer bildet sitt for tannkrem. Han sendte oss en prøve slik at barna kan pusse tennene og være stolte av bestefaren sin.
Google Translation into Polish: Mój tata ma nową firmę, która przekazuje jego zdjęcie na pastę do zębów. Wysłał nam próbkę, aby dzieci mogły umyć zęby i być dumne ze swojego dziadka.
Google Translation into Romanian: Tatăl meu are o companie nouă care își donează poza pentru pasta de dinți. Ne-a trimis o mostră pentru ca copiii să se spele pe dinți și să fie mândri de bunicul lor.
Google Translation into Russian: У моего отца есть новая компания, которая жертвует его фотографию на зубную пасту. Он прислал нам образец, чтобы дети могли чистить зубы и гордиться своим дедушкой.
Google Translation into Serbian: Мој тата има нову компанију која донира његову слику за пасту за зубе. Послао нам је узорак како би деца могла да оперу зубе и да буду поносна на свог деду.
Google Translation into Swedish: Min pappa har ett nytt företag som skänker hans bild för tandkräm. Han skickade ett prov till oss så att barnen kan borsta tänderna och vara stolta över sin farfar.
Google Translation into Turkish: Babamın resmini diş macunu için bağışlayan yeni bir şirketi var. Çocukların dişlerini fırçalayabilmeleri ve büyükbabalarıyla gurur duyabilmeleri için bize bir örnek gönderdi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У мого тата є нова компанія, яка дарує його фотографію на зубну пасту. Він надіслав нам зразок, щоб діти могли чистити зуби і пишатися своїм дідусем.
Google Translation into Arabic: والدي لديه شركة جديدة تتبرع بصورته من أجل معجون الأسنان. أرسل لنا عينة حتى يتمكن الأطفال من تنظيف أسنانهم ويفخروا بجدهم.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমার বাবার একটি নতুন কোম্পানি আছে যারা টুথপেস্টের জন্য তার ছবি দান করে। তিনি আমাদের একটি নমুনা পাঠিয়েছেন যাতে বাচ্চারা তাদের দাঁত ব্রাশ করতে পারে এবং তাদের দাদাকে নিয়ে গর্বিত হতে পারে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我爸爸有一家新公司,将他的照片捐赠给牙膏。 他给我们寄了一份样品,这样孩子们就可以刷牙并为他们的爷爷感到骄傲了。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리 아빠는 치약을 위해 자신의 사진을 기증하는 새로운 회사를 갖게 되었습니다. 그는 아이들이 양치질을 하고 할아버지를 자랑스러워할 수 있도록 우리에게 샘플을 보냈습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: לאבא שלי יש חברה חדשה שתורמת את התמונה שלו עבור משחת שיניים. הוא שלח לנו דוגמה כדי שהילדים יוכלו לצחצח שיניים ולהתגאות בסבא שלהם.
Google Translation into Hindi: मेरे पिताजी की एक नई कंपनी है जो टूथपेस्ट के लिए अपनी तस्वीर दान करती है। उसने हमें एक नमूना भेजा ताकि बच्चे अपने दाँत ब्रश कर सकें और अपने दादाजी पर गर्व कर सकें।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Ayah saya memiliki perusahaan baru yang menyumbangkan fotonya untuk pasta gigi. Dia mengirimi kami sampel agar anak-anak bisa menyikat gigi dan bangga dengan kakek mereka.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私の父は歯磨き粉のために彼の写真を寄付する新しい会社を持っています. 子供たちが歯を磨いておじいちゃんを誇りに思うことができるように、彼は私たちにサンプルを送ってくれました.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Атамдын сүрөтүн тиш пастасына белек кылган жаңы компания бар. Балдар тиштерин жууп, чоң атасы менен сыймыктанышы үчүн ал бизге үлгү жөнөттү.
Google Translation into Malay: Ayah saya mempunyai syarikat baharu yang mendermakan gambarnya untuk ubat gigi. Dia menghantar sampel kepada kami supaya anak-anak boleh menggosok gigi dan berbangga dengan datuk mereka.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Аав маань шинэ компанитай болсон бөгөөд түүний зургийг шүдний оонд зориулж өгдөг. Хүүхдүүд шүдээ угааж, өвөөгөөрөө бахархаж байхын тулд тэ�� бидэнд дээж илгээсэн.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਮੇਰੇ ਪਿਤਾ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਨਵੀਂ ਕੰਪਨੀ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਟੂਥਪੇਸਟ ਲਈ ਆਪਣੀ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਦਾਨ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਉਸਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਨਮੂਨਾ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਬੱਚੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਦੰਦ ਬੁਰਸ਼ ਕਰ ਸਕਣ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਦਾਦਾ ਜੀ 'ਤੇ ਮਾਣ ਕਰ ਸਕਣ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: زما پلار یو نوی شرکت لري چې خپل عکس د غاښونو پیسټ لپاره ورکوي. هغه موږ ته نمونه رالېږلې ترڅو ماشومان وکولی شي خپل غاښونه برش کړي او په خپل نیکه ویاړي.
Google Translation into Persian: پدرم یک شرکت جدید دارد که عکس او را برای خمیر دندان اهدا می کند. او برای ما یک نمونه فرستاد تا بچه ها بتوانند دندان هایشان را مسواک بزنند و به پدربزرگشان افتخار کنند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Pa abdi gaduh perusahaan énggal anu nyumbangkeun gambarna pikeun odol. Anjeunna ngirimkeun kami conto supados murangkalih tiasa nyikat huntu sareng bangga ka akina.
Google Translation into Tagalog: May bagong kumpanya ang tatay ko na nag-donate ng kanyang larawan para sa toothpaste. Pinadalhan niya kami ng sample para makapag-toothbrush ang mga bata at maipagmalaki ang lolo nila.
Google Translation into Thai: พ่อของฉันมีบริษัทใหม่ที่บริจาครูปภาพของเขาสำหรับยาสีฟัน เขาส่งตัวอย่างมาให้เรา เพื่อให้เด็กๆ ได้แปรงฟันและภูมิใจในตัวคุณปู่ของพวกเขา
Google Translation into Urdu: میرے والد کی ایک نئی کمپنی ہے جو ٹوتھ پیسٹ کے لیے اپنی تصویر عطیہ کرتی ہے۔ اس نے ہمیں ایک نمونہ بھیجا تاکہ بچے اپنے دانت صاف کر سکیں اور اپنے دادا پر فخر کریں۔
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thes-hitoverlord · 5 years
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Translated from Slovak:
{panel 1}
Soldier 76 - It’s our birthday! 
D.Va - That’s right, daddy 76!
{panel 2}
Junkrat - Need more candles? 
Soldier 76 - NO!
{panel 3}
Soldier 76 - Make a wish! One, two, t...
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isleofapplepies · 6 years
it's so frustrating to exist in an international culture where your references aren't understood but:
"and where is the sugar?" "das ist doch die erste phase!"
"let's eat the dogs" "even though we don't have any?" "even though we don't have any"
"you don't understand that, that's a battle wagon wall"
"we're also slavs. czechs. from prague. össtereich."
"daddy, did you forget you're supposed to die today?"
"and brothers slovaks are here as well?!" "no, they have their own mountain"
"nevermind goldilocks. but the mistletoe!"
"... professor Vondruška who translated the English title Who Is Who as /a train is a train/"
"so you're telling me I'm sitting here, doing nothing, and I'm drifting?"
"that ball - mark my words - will be gravely missed"
and my current favourite :
"we've been standing here because of the stupid ball long enough"
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dadsinsuits · 1 year
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Robert Fico
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