#slippy is a fucking snitch 💀
supersmashreaderz · 4 days
Falco Lombardi x Reader
Star Fox x Reader
After a Heated Argument
Reader is GN!
Warning: swearing, a bit of angst
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The Great Fox hangar was bustling with activity as the Star Fox team returned from their latest mission, but you were immediately drawn to Falco, who looked worse for wear. His usual confident swagger was overshadowed by the visible cuts, bruises, and a limp in his stride. The moment you saw him, your heart dropped.
“Falco! What happened?” you called out, rushing to his side.
Falco, with his typical nonchalant attitude, waved a hand dismissively. “Eh, it’s nothing. Just a little mishap, that’s all.”
Before you could respond, Slippy piped up from the back. “A ‘mishap’? He pulled off some crazy, dangerous stunt during the mission!”(Fucking Snitch)
Your eyes widened in shock, your worry intensifying. “What? Why would you—?” you began, but you stopped yourself. Taking a deep breath, you glanced at the rest of the team. “Can you guys give us a minute, please?”
Fox, Slippy, and Peppy exchanged glances before silently exiting the room, leaving you and Falco alone.
Falco leaned against the wall, still brushing off the situation. “C’mon, [Your Name], it wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine.”
But you were done with his casual attitude. Without thinking, you smacked him on the arm, maybe a little harder than you meant to. “Falco Lombardi, you could’ve gotten yourself killed! Do you think this is funny? This is Unacceptable!”
Falco winced but stood his ground, his feathers ruffled. “It wasn’t that dangerous! I know what I’m doing. You don’t have to act like I’m some helpless rookie!”
The tension between you two was quickly escalating. “But You’re not invincible, Falco! I’m tired of you always acting like you don’t care if you get hurt. Do you even think about how worried I get every time you come back like this?”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault you worry too damn much?” Falco shot back, his frustration rising. “I don’t need you hovering over me like some fucking babysitter.”
“You know I care about you!” you yelled, your voice cracking with emotion. “Why can’t you see that I’m just scared of losing you!?”
“I didn’t ask for that!” Falco shouted, his voice booming across the room. “ya know what, I wish I never met you!”
The words hung in the air like a sharp, cold blade, cutting deep. You froze, your breath catching in your throat as the shock of his words sank in. Falco’s expression immediately shifted from anger to regret, realizing what he had just said.
“[Your Name], I—” he began, but you shook your head, tears already welling up in your eyes.
You couldn’t stay. Without another word, you turned and ran out of the room, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the empty hall. Falco reached out, but it was too late. Fox, who had overheard the end of the argument from the doorway, stepped in front of Falco as he made to follow you.
“Give them some space,” Fox said quietly, his expression serious. “You really messed up, Falco. Let them cool off first.”
Falco clenched his fists, the weight of his mistake settling in. He stood there for a while, replaying the moment over and over in his head. Why did he have to say that? He didn’t mean it. Of course, he didn’t. You were everything to him.
After some time, Fox nodded toward the door. “You should go talk to them.”
Falco hesitated but eventually nodded, his usual confidence replaced by uncertainty. He found you sitting outside the base, staring off into the distance. You didn’t look up as he approached, but he could see the tear streaks on your face.
Falco sat down next to you, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words. “I didn’t mean it,” he finally said, his voice soft and low. “What I said… I don’t know why I said that. I was mad, and I— I just messed up.”
You didn’t respond at first, the hurt still too raw. Falco’s heart sank further as he stood to leave, figuring he’d give you more space if that’s what you needed. But before he could go, you reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
He turned to you, eyes wide in surprise. Slowly, you stood up and pulled him into a hug, resting your head against his chest. “I know you didn’t mean it,” you whispered, your voice trembling but filled with understanding. “I was just shocked, that’s all. I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you for long.”
Falco wrapped his arms around you tightly, his face buried in your hair as he held you close. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered, his voice breaking. “I love you. I never want to hurt you like that again.”
You smiled through your tears, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. “I love you too, Falco. Just… please don’t scare me like that again. You’re too important to me.”
From the door, the rest of the team watched quietly, smiles tugging at their lips as they witnessed the two of you reconcile. Fox gave a small nod of approval, while Slippy couldn’t help but grin. Even Peppy’s old eyes softened at the sight.
As you and Falco stood there in each other’s arms, the storm of emotions from earlier had finally calmed. You knew that no matter what, you would always have each other’s backs—through the arguments, the danger, and even the moments when words failed.
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