#falco lombardi x reader
supersmashreaderz · 4 days
Falco Lombardi x Reader
Star Fox x Reader
After a Heated Argument
Reader is GN!
Warning: swearing, a bit of angst
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The Great Fox hangar was bustling with activity as the Star Fox team returned from their latest mission, but you were immediately drawn to Falco, who looked worse for wear. His usual confident swagger was overshadowed by the visible cuts, bruises, and a limp in his stride. The moment you saw him, your heart dropped.
“Falco! What happened?” you called out, rushing to his side.
Falco, with his typical nonchalant attitude, waved a hand dismissively. “Eh, it’s nothing. Just a little mishap, that’s all.”
Before you could respond, Slippy piped up from the back. “A ‘mishap’? He pulled off some crazy, dangerous stunt during the mission!”(Fucking Snitch)
Your eyes widened in shock, your worry intensifying. “What? Why would you—?” you began, but you stopped yourself. Taking a deep breath, you glanced at the rest of the team. “Can you guys give us a minute, please?”
Fox, Slippy, and Peppy exchanged glances before silently exiting the room, leaving you and Falco alone.
Falco leaned against the wall, still brushing off the situation. “C’mon, [Your Name], it wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine.”
But you were done with his casual attitude. Without thinking, you smacked him on the arm, maybe a little harder than you meant to. “Falco Lombardi, you could’ve gotten yourself killed! Do you think this is funny? This is Unacceptable!”
Falco winced but stood his ground, his feathers ruffled. “It wasn’t that dangerous! I know what I’m doing. You don’t have to act like I’m some helpless rookie!”
The tension between you two was quickly escalating. “But You’re not invincible, Falco! I’m tired of you always acting like you don’t care if you get hurt. Do you even think about how worried I get every time you come back like this?”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault you worry too damn much?” Falco shot back, his frustration rising. “I don’t need you hovering over me like some fucking babysitter.”
“You know I care about you!” you yelled, your voice cracking with emotion. “Why can’t you see that I’m just scared of losing you!?”
“I didn’t ask for that!” Falco shouted, his voice booming across the room. “ya know what, I wish I never met you!”
The words hung in the air like a sharp, cold blade, cutting deep. You froze, your breath catching in your throat as the shock of his words sank in. Falco’s expression immediately shifted from anger to regret, realizing what he had just said.
“[Your Name], I—” he began, but you shook your head, tears already welling up in your eyes.
You couldn’t stay. Without another word, you turned and ran out of the room, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the empty hall. Falco reached out, but it was too late. Fox, who had overheard the end of the argument from the doorway, stepped in front of Falco as he made to follow you.
“Give them some space,” Fox said quietly, his expression serious. “You really messed up, Falco. Let them cool off first.”
Falco clenched his fists, the weight of his mistake settling in. He stood there for a while, replaying the moment over and over in his head. Why did he have to say that? He didn’t mean it. Of course, he didn’t. You were everything to him.
After some time, Fox nodded toward the door. “You should go talk to them.”
Falco hesitated but eventually nodded, his usual confidence replaced by uncertainty. He found you sitting outside the base, staring off into the distance. You didn’t look up as he approached, but he could see the tear streaks on your face.
Falco sat down next to you, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words. “I didn’t mean it,” he finally said, his voice soft and low. “What I said… I don’t know why I said that. I was mad, and I— I just messed up.”
You didn’t respond at first, the hurt still too raw. Falco’s heart sank further as he stood to leave, figuring he’d give you more space if that’s what you needed. But before he could go, you reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
He turned to you, eyes wide in surprise. Slowly, you stood up and pulled him into a hug, resting your head against his chest. “I know you didn’t mean it,” you whispered, your voice trembling but filled with understanding. “I was just shocked, that’s all. I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you for long.”
Falco wrapped his arms around you tightly, his face buried in your hair as he held you close. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered, his voice breaking. “I love you. I never want to hurt you like that again.”
You smiled through your tears, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. “I love you too, Falco. Just… please don’t scare me like that again. You’re too important to me.”
From the door, the rest of the team watched quietly, smiles tugging at their lips as they witnessed the two of you reconcile. Fox gave a small nod of approval, while Slippy couldn’t help but grin. Even Peppy’s old eyes softened at the sight.
As you and Falco stood there in each other’s arms, the storm of emotions from earlier had finally calmed. You knew that no matter what, you would always have each other’s backs—through the arguments, the danger, and even the moments when words failed.
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snowpeawritings · 6 years
For Super Smash Brothers, can I please have Falco, Fox, Pit and Marth with a short male S/O who, despite his looks has inhumane strength and absolutely fucking fiersome when it comes to hand-to-hand combat? [Ex: they also like picking said character up] Thank you!
Reader is male
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- He’s pretty short himself as compared to the other fighters but he’s both surprised and relieved that you were almost as short as he is.
- One of the many fighters who thought that you were a dainty little thing that you needed something to eat. He even thought to train you using gun arts in case you wanted to be a part of the roster.
- When it was your turn to fight, it took all of Falco to catch up to Master Hand and tell him that it was a mistake to put you up against Ridley. The floating hand said that he didn’t need to as he pointed to you beating up the monster and yeeting him off the edge of Final Destination.
- After watching you kick absolute butt on the battlefield, you now make it a point to carry Falco around whenever he starts to show off in the training area. It was an amusing sight to see your petite form carry a walking-talking bird as the young ones in the roster gets a kick out of it.
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- Also one of the shorter characters in the roster so he’s also very happy to have you be around the same height as he is. 
- Doesn’t actually thought you were petite-looking until some people pointed out that he could probably pick you up and spin you around with one arm. He actually takes this as an insult and it’s up to you to hold him back.
- When you were up against the likes of both Ike and King K. Rool, he had to physically hold himself back because there is absolutely no way you were going to survive those beefy as heck fighters. It just took Princess Peach’es dainty words to tell him that you currently having the giant gator in a choke hold.
- Loves it when you pick him up and place him on your shoulders. The added height makes him feel taller than most fighters and he can finally pick a bone with one of the taller ones (even if the sight is goofy as heck).
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- One of the medium-height fighters of the roster, he cheats by flying above the taller ones but Palutena has to keep him in check. He’s really happy that you were shorter than he is because it makes him feel like he’s your protector when Palutena is absent to give him flight.
- Probably teases you of your stature but he doesn’t make fun of you. He just thinks you’re so amazing because they thought you were an amazing fighter despite your size.
- Has absolute faith in you when you were up against Ganondorf one match. Everyone else was praying for your safety and hoping Ganondorf has some mercy. Even Palutena thought to make a barrier when you get jumped off the stage. However, Pit stopped her and pointed to you Spartan kicking Ganondorf off of Yoshi’s Island.
- Makes it a game/strategy to have you chuck him across the area to see how far he can fly. Even if Palutena doesn’t allow him to fly, he still asks you to chuck him across the Smash Manor.
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- One of the semi-taller fighters, he knows that he towers almost all of the fighters but he really has to straighten his back because he’s royalty. So normally, he’s indifferent to your height and thinks that the size of the person doesn’t mean anything.
- He doesn’t think that people pointing out your height is insulting. It was true that you were small. He only draws Falchion when people start to belittle you on being a fighter and you have to hold him back on causing unnecessary bloodshed.
- He has absolute faith in your skills. He just thinks it’s cruel for you to be pitted against Link, a swordsman he’s grown close to and an expert at both melee and long-ranged weapons. That worry was soon washed over by pride when you were beating him down and effectively winning the match.
- Gets flustered when you try and pick him up around like a princess. You love it when he tries to cover his burning face with his hands as you carry him across the manor as if he was as light as a feather.
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bubblyanarocks3 · 7 years
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“ Mr. Stan, our sources say that you are in a relationship with one of you co-stars from Infinity Wars, is that true?” ask the Interviewer.
“yes, it is true,” Sebastian said.
“Our sources also say that your girlfriend is (Y/n) (L/n),  the very sexy Grammy award winning (favorite style of music) singer and Academy award winning actress. Is that also true?” ask the interviewer.
“Yes, yes, it’s all very true,” Sebastian said.
“How did you first meet (Y/n)?”
“I actually meet her on set of Civil War. Her character was the love interest to my character.”
“When did you two start dating and was it awkward since she is like twenty- one years old and you being thirty- four?” the interviewer asked again.
“Umm… we started dating at the end of summer of last year and we been together ever since. And as for the age difference, age doesn’t matter to us. She never had a problem with me being in my thirties and i never had a problem with her being in her twenties.” Sebastian said,trying not to be annoyed.
Anthony looked over at Sebastian and could automatically tell that Sebastian was getting a little annoyed being asked about his relationship with you. And thought now would be the best time to really annoy him.
“Hell yeah it’s true, You’ve should have seen him before they started going out. He was always stalking her when we were all on set.” Anthony began, causing Sebastian to choke on his Pepsi.
“Or getting jealous whenever Tom Holland would try to flirt with her. Oh, he even has a not- so- secreted box field with a bunch of magazine articles about her, photos all types, Cd’s of her band,  all 20 of them, and ticket stubs of all the movies and  concerts (y/n) has been in, even the movies where she makes a brief apprence. “ Anthony practically blurted out, causing Sebastian hide his face in shame.
“Wow.” was all the interviewer could say.
Sebastian’s face turned red as a fire truck, embarrassed the world have heard about  his little obsession over you.
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makerspace-kathy · 7 years
General Ideas for Final Project
General Idea/Object: Arcade Machine from the Future called Bitpocalypse (subject to change) 
 Inspiration: X-Men: Apocalypse, Wreck-It-Ralph, Pixels 
Story Line:
Dear Reader, 
In the year of 2020, Bill Gates runs the world with his four Bitsmen, Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde (the ghosts from Pac-Man) where the world now coexists with game characters who are evil and good. The only reason why this happened was because Gates came across this machine called the Bitpocalypse and summoned his Bitsmen. However, his followers, Pac-Man and Megaman betrayed him for the sake of humanity and game characters and sealed him away in the Ruins of a Hyrule Temple. However after 50 years of deep slumber, Gates awoke to find that game characters are now coexisting with humans in a good way. To him, he believes these avatars have lost their ways. He intends to remake the world where humans are subjugated to the avatars he begins recruiting his new Bitsmen, starting off with Ganon, a young street thief from Hyrule who seeks vengeance on Link for stealing his throne to Hyrule. The second Bitsmen, Gates recruits is Bowser, an angry fire breathing reptile who is had his glory overshadowed by the victories of Mario. The third Bitsmen, Wolf, an anthropomorphic Wolf who seeks to bring great pain to those who wronged him. The last Bitsmen, Porky Minch, a young boy from Onett, sets to destroy anything in his path using telekinesis. With the agenda to destroy and remake the world, the world has gone into chaos. Avatars and humans have been fighting on another for the sake of satisfying Gates that avatars will run this world. We, the League of Gamesmen: Ness, Lucas, Link, Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad and Peppy Hare have gathered today to send back the Bitpocalypse back in time knowing the repercussions we will face, to either exist within the console, exist with humanity or to die in the combat.  We will send back the Bitpocalypse back to 2017 which is the currently year now that you are reading this. We now induct you into the League of Gamesmen to help us become part of the cause. We also induct any companions that will help you on your journey. You must defeat 3 levels of each game so that Gates will be rid of this world and his Bitsmen.  There will be a catalog of all the games on the Bitpocalypse  for you to defeat. We wish you the best of luck because faith of humanity and avatars is in your hands. We need need you. Humanity needs you. 
 The Gamesmen.
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supersmashreaderz · 3 days
Baking a Cake With The Smash Fighters(Part 2)
Smash Fighter x Reader
Part 3 Coming Soon!
Chrs: Peach, Bowser, Zelda, Sheik, Ness, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Pikachu and Pichu
Reader is GN!
Princess Peach:
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Baking a cake with Princess Peach is like working alongside a master chef(practically the goddess of baking). She’s elegant, precise, and effortlessly graceful in the kitchen. Peach is always cheerful, offering you encouraging words as you work together. She has a knack for making even the most complicated steps seem easy. Peach shares little tips and tricks she’s learned over the years, making the experience fun and educational. Together, you create a perfectly sweet and beautifully decorated cake, with Peach adding a signature peach on top. At the end, she gives you a warm smile and says, “Thank you for helping me, this turned out beautifully!”
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Unlike Princess Peach, Bowser’s approach to baking is loud, boisterous, and slightly chaotic. His massive claws aren’t exactly built for delicate work, so you often find yourself guiding him carefully. Despite his rough appearance, he’s surprisingly enthusiastic and eager to please, especially when it comes to impressing you. Bowser grumbles when things don’t go his way, but he quickly recovers, insisting that you’re doing great. He may add too much of something (like sugar), making the cake a bit unbalanced, but it’s still delicious. Bowser proudly presents the final result with a gruff smile, his cheeks slightly flushed as he says, “Told ya we’d make it awesome!”
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Baking with Falco feels like working with a co-pilot in the kitchen. He’s confident, a little cocky, but surprisingly skilled. He jokes and teases you throughout the process, acting like he’s the pro here, but there’s no denying he’s having fun. You’ll catch him sneaking tastes of the batter and pretending not to, but he’s quick to get things back on track when needed. Once the cake is in the oven, he leans back and casually says, “Told ya, nothing to it.” The end result is solid, and Falco looks smugly pleased, especially when you compliment his flying-themed cake decorations.
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Baking with Princess Zelda is a calming and magical experience. She’s gentle and thoughtful, guiding you through each step with care. Zelda uses her magic to help speed up certain tasks, but she’s also deeply invested in the traditional process. Together, you create a cake that’s not only delicious but also beautifully decorated, with intricate designs made by Zelda’s careful hands. She smiles softly throughout, enjoying the peaceful time you spend together. When the cake is done, Zelda offers a soft compliment, “You did wonderfully. I hope we can bake together again.”
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Baking with Sheik is unexpectedly efficient and smooth. Despite being more focused on combat and stealth, Sheik’s precision translates well to the kitchen. Sheik moves silently, with an air of mystery, and you find yourself impressed by her quiet confidence. While she doesn’t say much, there’s an unspoken camaraderie as you work together. Sheik seems to enjoy the peaceful break from her usual activities, and though she remains mostly composed, you catch a hint of a smile when the cake turns out perfectly.
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Baking with Ness is pure fun and chaos. He’s constantly excited, bouncing around the kitchen, eager to try every step. He often rushes ahead, which sometimes leads to messes, but his enthusiasm makes it hard to be upset. You both end up covered in flour and batter at one point, laughing the whole time. Ness loves decorating the cake, adding as many colorful toppings as possible. By the end, it might not be the neatest cake, but it’s full of fun and personality. Ness proudly presents it, his grin wide, “This is the best cake ever!”
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Okay....Baking with Ganondorf is an experience you wouldn’t expect. He’s serious and stoic, handling everything with intensity, as if baking a cake is a battle to be won(to the point it's almost terrifying). His heavy-handed approach can lead to some smashed ingredients, but surprisingly, he’s very capable and doesn’t mind following instructions. You’re the one who lightens the mood, and despite his usual demeanor, you notice his efforts to make the experience enjoyable for you. When the cake is done, Ganondorf stares at it with pride, offering a rare, gruff compliment, “It turned out well… thanks to my power.”
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Baking with Marth is elegant and refined. He’s polite and charming, treating the whole process with grace. He’s surprisingly skilled, delicately handling the ingredients and ensuring every step is followed perfectly. Marth pays attention to detail, making sure the cake is as visually appealing as it is delicious. Throughout the process, you exchange light conversation, and he occasionally shares stories from his homeland. By the end, the cake is a work of art, and Marth offers you a sweet smile, “It was an honor to bake with you. This cake is a testament to our teamwork.”
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Roy is full of energy in the kitchen, which makes baking with him exciting but sometimes chaotic. He’s eager to help, but his enthusiasm sometimes causes spills or slight mishaps. Still, he’s quick to laugh at himself and keep going. He gets a bit competitive, trying to do things faster or better, but it only adds to the fun. You both end up with flour in your hair and batter on your clothes, but Roy’s smile never fades. The final cake may be a bit rough around the edges, but Roy is beaming with pride as he declares, “We did it! This cake is gonna be awesome!”
Pikachu and Pichu:
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Baking with Pikachu and Pichu is adorable, though quite the challenge. They try to help, but their small size means you do most of the heavy lifting. Pikachu helps out with little electric shocks to speed up mixing, while Pichu excitedly runs around, trying not to cause accidents. It’s a bit of a mess, but their enthusiasm makes it all worth it. By the end, you’ve created a cute, colorful cake that both Pikachu and Pichu are proud of. They both celebrate by sharing little happy shocks, and you all sit down to enjoy the cake together.
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supersmashreaderz · 2 days
Hi, I want to ask, can you write Starfox, fox McCloud X reader comforting like people sad or depressed ? Btw, I like kind stories when someone comforts people sad.
Star Fox Fans are you in the room??? 🦊 🔫
Star Fox x Reader
Fox McCloud x Reader
" You're not a Burden"
Reader is GN!
Summary: Fox comforts reader verbally disgracing themself after being kidnapped by Andross
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The Great Fox hummed softly as it cruised through space, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging inside you. You sat quietly in the corner of the ship, arms wrapped around your knees, staring blankly at the wall. You had been rescued from Andross's clutches only a few hours ago, but the weight of it all still pressed down on you, heavy and suffocating.
Fox had been keeping an eye on you ever since you returned, noticing how distant and quiet you had become. Normally, you were bright, full of life, but now you were a shell of your usual self. He couldn’t stand to see you like this, but every time he tried to talk to you, you brushed him off, telling him you were “fine.”
He knew that wasn’t true. He could see the pain in your eyes, the way you were holding everything inside. You were hurting, and it was killing him to watch.
After several failed attempts to get through to you, Fox decided to give you some space, hoping you’d come to him when you were ready. But as the hours dragged on and you stayed locked in your silence, Fox couldn’t take it anymore. He had to try one more time.
He approached cautiously, sitting down next to you on the bench. “Hey,” he said softly, his voice gentle but concerned. “I know you said you’re fine, but... I can tell something’s bothering you. Please, talk to me. I want to help.”
You didn’t respond right away, biting your lip as you fought to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. Fox waited patiently, not pushing you, but not leaving either. The quiet between you was heavy, tense.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you couldn’t hold it in any longer. The floodgates opened, and you broke down into sobs, your body shaking with the force of your emotions.
“I’m so ashamed of myself, Fox,” you choked out between sobs. “I let myself get captured... by Andross of all people. You... and everyone else had to risk your lives just to save me, and for what? I’m pathetic. Helpless. I’m just a dead weight to the team.”
Fox’s heart clenched painfully at your words, and he immediately moved closer, gently placing his hand on your shoulder. “Hey, hey, don’t say that,” he said firmly but softly, his voice full of concern. “You’re not any of those things.”
You shook your head, still crying. “But I am! I should’ve fought harder, done something... anything! Instead, I just let him capture me, and you all had to come to my rescue. I’m a burden.”
Fox frowned, his heart aching as he listened to your self-deprecating words. He hated that you were feeling this way, that you blamed yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. He couldn’t stand to see you in so much pain.
“You’re not a burden,” Fox insisted gently, but with determination. “You’re strong, and you’re capable. What happened wasn’t your fault. And no one—no one—on this team thinks you’re a burden.”
He reached out and tilted your chin up slightly, forcing you to look at him. His green eyes were soft but full of conviction. “You’re a part of this team, [Your Name]. We all care about you, and we’re glad you’re safe. Do you really think we’d risk our lives if we didn’t think you were worth it?”
You swallowed hard, tears still streaming down your face. “But... I’m still...”
Fox shook his head. “No. You’re not helpless or pathetic. You’re brave, you’re smart, and you’ve been through so much. And don’t forget that we chose to come after you. I chose to come after you, not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I wouldn’t leave you behind. None of us would. We're a Team we never leave each other behind.”
You let out a shaky breath, the weight of his words starting to sink in. Fox moved closer, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, you know that?” he murmured softly, resting his chin on top of your head. “I don’t want to imagine a world or galaxy without you in it. And neither does the rest of the team.”
Still crying, you leaned into Fox’s embrace, your arms slowly wrapping around him as you let out all the emotions you had been holding inside. The pain, the guilt, the fear—it all came pouring out, but Fox was there, holding you tight, letting you know you weren’t alone.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered through your tears. “I just... I don’t want to be a burden to you.”
“You’re not,” Fox whispered back, his voice steady and reassuring. “You never have been, and you never will be.”
The two of you stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, letting the comfort of the moment wash over you. Fox’s presence, his warmth, his words—they all slowly began to ease the pain in your heart.
When you finally pulled back slightly, wiping your eyes, you noticed that the rest of the Star Fox team had been watching from the side of the room. Falco gave you a small smirk and a nod of approval, while Peppy looked at you with fatherly concern. Slippy, always the more emotional one, had tears in his eyes, clearly touched by the moment.
Seeing them all there, watching and caring, made you realize just how much they all valued you—not just as a member of the team, but as a friend. You weren’t a burden to them. You were family.
Fox smiled gently, still holding you close. “See? We all care about you, [Your Name]. Don’t ever doubt that.”
You smiled weakly through your remaining tears and hugged him again, this time with gratitude and love. “Thank you, Fox,” you whispered. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Fox tightened his hold on you, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You’ll never have to find out,” he murmured back, his voice full of warmth and sincerity.
And with the team watching from a distance, you and Fox shared a quiet, tender moment, knowing that no matter what happened, you’d always have each other—and the rest of the Star Fox crew—by your side.
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