#slight lemons
Jaune: Penny! Thanks the Gods!
Penny: You seem out of Breath, and in a state of heightened arousal What has happened?
Jaune: Weiss and her Family have lost it!
Penny: How so?
Jaune: Hey, Weissssssss ...
Jaune: Hey, What, uh, What are you Wearing?
Weiss: *Dressed as 2B, minus the skirt* It is my prerogative to help Humanity in anyway I can.
Weiss: *Pressing herself against Jaune* Is there anything I may assist you with?
Jaune: Humina Humina Humina-
Weiss: Its Certainly Feels there may be something~
Jaune: *Pauses, Sprints out of Room fighting his arousal*
Jaune: Winter? Wint-
Winter: *Dressed as A2, Holding a sword just under his Chin* Hm. If she was too Forward it would seem. Though, I know That I will succeed where she failed-
Jaune: *Splashes water on her, Sprints away again fighting more arousal*
Jaune: Ms. Schnee! Weiss and Winter have gone nuts!
Willow: I'm in My bathroom Right now, just sit on my bed and I'll be out in a moment!
Jaune: O-Okay. The thing is, They're dressed up as characters from a video game- And it's all really Skimpy! I don't know why they're acting like this-
Willow: *Steps out dressed as the Commander* I know my hair doesn't match The one their having me dress as, but I hope it's not too far off~
Jaune: *Leaps up, runs off once more*
Willow: Oh I so do Love The hunt!
Jaune: *Hides in Whitley's closet*
Jaune: Breathe, breathe, You'll be fine.
Whitley: I'd say you already are fine~
Jaune: AH!
Whitley: *Dressed as 9S* I'd Rather be the one screaming. C'mon It'll be fun! It's not like this is Prohibited~
Jaune: *Hard-On Tearing his pants, Sprints to door*
Door: *Is Locked*
Whitley: I'm not as foolish as my family-
Jaune: *Jumps out Window*
Whitley: ... Shit.
Jaune: And that's why I'm here!
Penny: That does seem like a Very Distressing scenario. Follow me, I will take you somewhere where your Stress may be believed. *Penny begins walking*
Jaune: *Following* Where are we Going?
Penny: To my Dormitory. We may help there.
Jaune: *Entering The Dormitory* "We"
Ciel: *Dressed as 2P, Bent over a bed* We.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: *Taking Pants Off* Fine, But Penny goes first for Tricking Me.
Penny: That is an Acceptable Outcome! I will inform Specialist Winter so she may bring her family!
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therealmofamorus · 7 months
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madmanwonder · 10 months
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writer-by-the-sea · 11 days
Elliott imagines what it would be like with you. On top of you.
Script below if needed.
NSFT, me moaning and sounding desperate as hell, thrown together script, volume warning, and warning for sounding nothing like Elliott should. Enjoy.
I can’t take my eyes off of you. 
Even the way you bend down to pick up a random fruit or vegetable creates lust in my heart. Today, you’re on the beach, half naked and lying on a towel while you soak in the sun. 
While I’ve never been the type of man to openly oggle another being, I couldn’t seem to stop myself; peeking at you from behind my curtains like a sick man. 
Despite years of learning to control myself, to present myself with nothing but elegance and poise; I stroke myself as I watch you. 
How badly I ache for you, how I throb in my hand; my cock needy and leaking just a little bit. 
In my youth, I would have never dared to risk being caught like this. Moaning your name and fucking my own hand while I imagine you below me. 
Your legs spread wide, your face filled with ecstasy as I pound into you, screaming my name and begging for more, more, more. The way I would crush my lips down onto yours, swallowing your moans as we reach that limit together. 
How you would shake, just a touch, your head thrown back and your voice silent and, for just a moment, the only sound in the room is my hips smacking into yours as I push harder and faster into you–
And then you cum, shouting it to the heavens as I finally settle in to chase my own high. Dropping my head into your shoulder, my hips thrusting with abandon until I finally finish with you. Filling you with my cum, each rope of it decorating your inner walls before it’s close to overflowing-
My free hand punches into the wall to support me while I finish into my occupied hand, my cum coating my fingers and dripping onto the old weathered floor. 
When I look back up out the windows, you’re still there; blissfully unaware of the man watching you. 
One day, you may be mine, and I will forever wait for you.
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lordofwought · 10 months
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Weiss Schnee dressed like General Esdeath of Akame ga Kill!
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babumakeanart · 4 months
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Only a messy sketch to get down the vibe :DD Will get to it after my exams are done uwu
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Worth a Thousand Words
Jaune: *walks into restaurant in casual clothes* Hi, we’ve got a reservation for two?
Pyrrha: *disguised in casual clothes with her hair up under a hat and fake glasses* The private booth, please! 😎
Host: Of course, right this way! *leading Arkos couple to a private table in the back of the restaurant*
Aspiring Photographer #1: *watching Jaune/Pyrrha walk by* Holy crap, is that Pyrrha Nikos?
Photographer #2: I think it is! Looks like she’s out on a date in disguise!
Photographer #1: *digs out camera* I’m going to ask for a photo!
Photographer #2: Uh…I don’t think that’s a good idea. I heard that she beat a guy senseless the last time someone bothered her with questions on a date! [Referring to this incident!]
Photographer #1: Oh come on! Everyone knows she’s a complete cinnamon roll! What’s the harm in asking?
In the private Arkos booth…
Waiter: *takes menus* Okay, I’ll be back in a little bit with your order! Let us know if there’s anything else you need!
Pyrrha: Thank you! ☺️
Jaune: Wow, a private booth! I’m glad we don’t have to worry about anyone asking questions or talking selfies with you tonight!
Pyrrha: Uuuugghhh…don’t remind me…! I’m so tired of people watching me everywhere I go! I just want to have a nice, romantic dinner with my boyfriend without having to keep up my public image! 😑
Jaune: *scoots closer and starts gently nuzzling her neck with occasional nibbles* Well…you know something that would REALLY be a change from your usual public image…? 😈
Pyrrha: Oooo…! 🥴 💕 In a public restaurant before the waiter gets back? How lewd and naughty~! *starts undoing Jaune’s belt*
Just outside the Arkos booth…
Photographer: *adjusting camera settings* Okay, here goes nothing…!
Photographer: *steps forward into booth* Excuse me, Pyrrha Nikos! Would you mind posing for a quick piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……..!
Pyrrha: *top unbuttoned and leaning back on the cushioned bench with her hair down and bottoms off*
Jaune: *topless, pants pulled down, and lined up ready to enter the spartan pussy*
Photographer: 😳
Jaune: 😳
Pyrrha: 😳
In the main dining room…
Waiter: *cleaning up plates from empty table* 😗🎶
????: *unholy shriek*
Photographer: *sprinting past holding camera* I REGRET EVERYTHING!!! I REGRET EVERYTHING I’VE RVER DONE!!!
Pyrrha: *in hot pursuit with disheveled hair and only half-dressed* GIVE ME THAT CAMERA!!! 🤬
Photographer: *runs screaming into the street with Pyrrha gaining on them*
Waiter: 😦
Jaune: *hurriedly pulling down his shirt and fastening his pants* Hey, can we get our order to go?
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
As much as I like the idea of Steve and Eddie immediately being comfortable around each other, I also really want it to be a progression.
Give me Steve who isn’t used to a lot of physical contact, even though he desperately wants it. He isn't used to just getting what he wants from people anymore. Especially things he wants bone deep. He kind of associates people giving him what he wants with being an asshole which he's trying hard not to be so it loops back around to him being afraid to get what he wants.
Not to mention the very real possibility of internalized homophobia. While Robin and Will being queer is absolutely fine with him, being queer himself is a different beast altogether. He can suspend biases for his friends because they're wonderful and he loves them to the moon and back. But whenever he thinks about how much he wants to play with Eddie's hair or how happy he feels when Eddie calls him by one of his nicknames for him, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Richard Harrington tears him apart over it.
In Eddie's case, he doesn't fully believe that Steve would want any of his usual affection. There's way better people than him that Steve could get that from.
He was mainly invading his space to try to get a reaction out of him before he realized he's actually a good dude. He lays off out of respect, but he hates it. He's always been physical with his friends, and he's come to like Steve a lot. But he sees a divide between them, a social one, despite being out of school. He doesn't want to be the one to drag such a pretty boy down into the muck of his life by being overly familiar with him.
This little dance could go on for months before one of them breaks.
I'd like to think its Steve who asks to be held. Like maybe he's just having a shit day and he's too tired to care about all the reasons he usually doesn't do this. His body aches in that way he knows is from not having had someone touch him in more than passing in a while, and Eddie is right there.
So he breaks down and asks if Eddie would be okay with hugging him.
He sounds miserable and Eddie has never had anyone ask if he's okay with giving them something as simple as a hug. He's not really used to people asking if he's alright with much of anything.
Of course he agrees and pulls Steve in for a lingering hug.
Its clear he isn't used to it, he's so tense and he's not really sure where to put his hands, so Eddie directs him what to do. It takes a few moments but Steve starts to relax more.
So Eddie rubs his back, pets his hair, lets him lean into him more. Its like trying to tame down a hurt dog, and he's sure Steve will bolt if he makes one wrong move. He wants to suggest they lay down, but thinks cuddling might be a little too advanced for now.
So he just holds Steve like that, and when they break away, he hesitates but chooses to be brave and tells him he can ask him for that any time he needs.
It takes a while, Steve has learned to subsist on minimal contact the way camels subsist on minimal water, but he does ask again.
And again.
And again.
Its gradual, but they both begin to gravitate toward one another. Steve no longer gently elbows Eddie away if he gets too close. And Eddie figures out where Steve is alright with being touched and in what settings. He's damn proud of himself for the nuance in that last part.
A few months into this new dynamic sees Steve initiating touches too. He gets incredibly nervous the first time, but Eddie seems happy with it so he doesn't stop himself from doing it again.
Soon they’ve hit the point of nearly always touching somehow. If they're in the same room they're sitting side by side. Steve plays with Eddie's rings almost as much as Eddie does. Eddie's legs belong in Steve's lap and vice versa. Steve is sure if he goes a full day without hugging Eddie he will in fact wither and die.
It doesn't take long after that for them to realize they’ve caught feelings. It does however take an age to talk about. Neither wants to ruin what they have, its so good and it took so much time and work to build. They work as friends and that should be plenty.
It isn't.
This time its Eddie who breaks.
Its during one of the nights Steve has stayed at his place long after sundown. The man is laying on Eddie's chest, legs interwoven, half asleep and watching TV. He's the portrait of comfort and when Eddie cards his hand through his hair, Steve makes this little content noise and it just slips out.
Three little words that make time stand still.
He knows Steve heard him, he felt him tense up. He wants to take it back just for that, but he's long since learned his lesson about being a coward. So he lays still and let's Steve process.
Steve who's mind is on fire right now.
He's sure Eddie couldn't have really meant that the way he wants him to. Its just wishful thinking projected onto platonic affection. Robin tells him she loves him all the time. But Eddie is still rubbing his back and he's gonna lose it trying to figure this out by himself.
So he asks, and they talk and they learn they're both kind of idiots.
They agree to give dating a try.
Its quickly apparent that's what they were meant to be doing all along. At this point it comes easily, naturally even.
Up until their first kiss.
Its not that they don't want to kiss, they definitely do, its that Eddie's never done it before and Steve has never kissed a guy.
Just like everything else, it takes some work to get right. The first time Steve had flinched a little when Eddie's stubble had grazed him, and the second time Eddie got a little overzealous with his tongue.
It takes practice, but they’re willing to put in the work.
Soon they share the kind of kisses that are easy to get lost in. They once spent the better part of a Saturday afternoon just kissing, with Steve sat comfortably in Eddie's lap.
Eventually they build up to more and that's when their patience and the lessons they've learned about each other up until this point really get put to the test.
Once again, Eddie doesn’t have any experience in this arena. He’d had daydreams a plenty, but he’s never actually touched another person intimately before. Steve has, but only girls and only so far. He thinks some things ought to carry over, but when they get to the part that involves stripping off clothes, he panics a little.
The first time they don’t make it very far. They want to, more than almost anything, but their joint fumbling wrecks the mood pretty quickly. They get as far as their boxers before they both concede and let themselves head back to their comfort zone, which is long makeouts. It makes the tension that much thicker.
For a while they focus on getting comfortable with one another in that sense. There’s a lot more times when one of them loses a shirt during a makeout session, more often than not the victim of roaming hands and needy fingers. They map each other out the same way they’ve been doing for months now, until the other doesn’t feel like foreign territory anymore. It helps put them both at ease, but it also makes them both so much needier.
When they finally do end up going all the way, they cling to each other for hours after. Now that they’ve been as close as they can be, it’s difficult to handle being apart. Eddie traces the various moles Steve has, while Steve does the same with Eddie’s tattoos. It’s sappy, and neither of them would give up those details under pain of death, but they tell each other how much it means to be able to be so close to someone else without being afraid. Eddie confides in Steve about how hard it is to be so far ostracized and how sometimes he wishes he were different just so he didn’t have to feel that way. Steve tells Eddie about growing up in a big empty house and how he sometimes feels like he’s just the ghost of an idea his parents had about what he should be.
They agree that so long as the other is breathing, they’ll always have someone who will hold them and remind them that they both have value.  
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Jaune: Ruby can you crush down those card board boxes?
Ruby: Sure.
Ruby: *puts her whole body weight on the card board box*
Ruby: *hardly depressed it*
Ruby: *pouts*
Jaune: *sees her struggling*
Jaune: *picks her up with one arm*
Jaune: *steps on the box and crushes it with one foot*
Ruby: *internally* Oh my gods. Fuck me sideways.
Ruby: *still in Jaune’s arms* I have never been more horny in my life.
Jaune: Are you serious right now?
Ruby: Put. It. In. Me.
Jaune: I’m a little busy.
Ruby: I’m not actually asking. Don’t you wanna see how flexible I am?
Ruby: *pulls up her skirt a little and loosens her corset*
Ruby: Please? I’ll be a good girl.
Jaune: Yeah I’ve got time.
Ruby: *rubs her face against his cheek like a kitten, purrs* Yay.
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therealmofamorus · 5 months
Worth It! (RWBY/DC)
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Jaune: Ren.
Ren: Yeah?
Jaune: You are the leader of Team JNPR during my stay in the hospital.
Ren: I will bring you flowers Jaune.
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madmanwonder · 4 months
Sequel to this
Jaune is so disappointed at Marrow. Not because he is dating Winter since he supports that... but he kept it from him. They were supposed to be bros and Jaune wouldn't do that! That is until the knight gets a voice mail from Harriet... who refers to herself as his Thicclet and talks about the night that they had last night. The more she talks about it the more Marrow is staring at this hypocrite.
(Caught) (Implied Sex)
"What the hell bro,?" Jaune said with great dissapointment, looking at his brother-all-but-blood-and-name. "How can you hide you are dating Winter from me."
"Jaune. Let me explain-" Marrow tried to explain with a nervous look on his face.
"We support to be bros and bros don't keep secret from each oth-"
Jaune Ringtone: "Booty by Jennifer Lopez"
Jaune whole face turned ashen-white when he heard the familiar ringtone. "Oh...shit." Jaune took out his phone and tried to stop his voicemail but was too late.
[Jaune Voicemail]
[Hiya Knight. It me, your Thicclet. I tried calling and texting you to thank you for rocking my world last night but you didn't answer my tex or call so I did a voicemail to thank you for making it hard to walk around Atlas and making me skip breakfast, lunch and dinner due how much you filled with your-]
Marrow eyebrow slowly raised until it reach his hair as he looked at the paling, red-faced knight who was looking at his scroll in horror and humiliation.
"...You damn hypocrite."
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I can't do much productively during the heat wave/health issue flare up/etc. like work on my games or anything where I have to sit at the computer/type for long periods of time, BUT.. I did passively sculpt a few tiny foods lol. I wanted to do one of my bigger usual sculptures, but those take so much more time and concentration, I thought something small just to keep my hands busy would be better.. close up photos look kind of weird and blurry from my camera settings or something, but overall they came out okay, especially in person.. Nearly the only reason I ever wanted to buy dolls as a kid was to get my hands on the miniature foods and plates and stuff that came with them, I've always just been obsessed with small versions of things like that, so.. why not make some! lol
#sculpture#ooops.. i could have posted this on the art blog but I forgor and do not feel like reuploading everything#into a new drafted post on a whole other blog.. not in this heat.. i have no patience lol#items are: tomato. asparagus. a four leaf clover (not food lol). some sort of folded bun or dumpling with meat inside (not based on#anything specific. I just wanted to fold a flat sheet of clay into a shape). pomegranate. cheese wheel. lemon slice. some sort of mushroom.#fish (not a real one. just made up. if it looks like any specific fish that'd be interesting). and fig.#I haven't been able to get many avocaodo pits to carve again. so sculpting. then is good for a tiny craft#WISH I COULD DO COSTUMES OR SOMETHING.. i have some pikced out. bundles of clothes laying on the floor of the closet#but GODS even before the heat wave it's just been so warm.. I know.. it's the summer. of course it's warm#but WHYYYyy............. what if it just snowed all year around and was awesome and beautiful and i was so cold and could wear 25 blankets#at all times.. what about THAT hmm?? .. the ideal..#anyway.. my favorite is the pomegranate and the mushroom maybe#The fig is hard because in the pictures of figs I googled a lot of them have that sort of white powdery type of thing on the outside#that grapes and plums and stuff have sometimes and it's hard to convey that weird like.. sheen.. plus the purple with almost powdery blue#and little lighter specks plus streaks of light green and a little orangey on some of them.#It's okay in person I think but this doesnt show up as much in pictures. The cheese also looks betterin person than images. you can't tell#the slight shine in the pictures lol. but the pomegranates look cool and also photograph decent.. hmm#I should have made toast with an egg on it or something. that would be a nice addition#OH ALSO ASPARAGUS MY BELOVED.. though they look a little wonky. the cuticle pusher tool that I sculpt with in leiu of any actual sculpting#tools has a kind of triangle edge that was suite for the little leaf details of the asparagus so that was cool. its like..ALMOST right lol
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lordofwought · 6 months
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2024 Calendar - Bayonetta
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itscthulhubitch · 4 months
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this song has been stuck in my head for like, a week now
naturally i had to draw it
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
The Raw Story
Werewolf!Pyrrha: *eating a raw leg of lamb*
Nora: Wow, look at her go!
Jaune: Yeah, Pyrrha really likes it raw when she transforms…! 🥰
Ren: *slow-roasting lamb for the rest of the team* You mean the meat, right?
Werewolf!Pyrrha: *finishes and promptly wraps herself around Jaune with a happy rumbling sound* 😏
Jaune: …that too! 😁
Ren: …
Nora: …
Ren: …we’re about to EAT here!!!
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limonecat005 · 2 years
haha sub alhaitham pov for y'all it's alhaitham season
Those uniquely grey eyes, you've grown to get addicted to, stared up at you in a hazy sort of cloud nine. You faintly smile at him when you realise that you were the only one who could make him feel like this. Licking your lips, you slowly drag your gaze down his body covered in his usual black body suit and crawl towards him in slow strides. It was intoxicating; a day of the grey January woes, warmly heated room, jasmine scented candles burning in the back, the light pastel blue of your sheets and the sound of pitter patter on the window due to winter rains.
His hands were pleasantly wrapped on the top of his head and you just couldn't help but run your hands down the muscular arms of his and his completely unguarded, perfectly sculpted torso and then smoothly fit in his waist in your hands. You heard the latter gasp at your touch and your lips almost fit into the devilish smirk you always carried with you when you feel so lost in the feeling of paradise and power. It was addictive, so seductive as his dewy scent lured you further into the crook of his neck.
You were so drunk of his love. So drunk.
Alhaitham inhaled lightly as you trailed sensual kisses, with every drag of your lips and graze of teeth on the smooth expanse of skin. Your hands find their way to slowly tear the sleeveless body suit he wore finding it a nuisance at the moment, almost ripping the fabric to tiny shreds and you couldn't help it. Especially when his pretty lips moved to make the most seductive sounds you had ever heard in your journey of lovers you had over the years.
You gently lift his thighs and place his legs over your shoulders as you dive deeper to reduce the distance and kiss those Chateau Musar coated lips, running a tongue over them to relish the sweet and tang of the Cabernet Sauvignon. And all of these senses felt like a high fever dream because this sensory stimulation was too much that it left you breathless in all the good ways.
So, you slowly remove your shirt and look at him lustfully. "I'm definitely keeping you for the night."
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