#slice of life promo
yeehawpim · 2 days
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yeehawpim merch at 🍋SLICE🍋 Gift Shop!!
1636 Venables St Vancouver BC V5L2H2
🤠spooky prints, zines, funky fresh stickers!🤠
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letters-to-rosie · 3 months
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fanfiction on ao3
Powder and Ekko have been orbiting around each other for years. When their courses shift and they collide, Ekko makes a deal: revolutionary vision for information on Silco’s operations. Powder may be no politician, but she has her mind, some unlikely friends, and a score to settle. If only it weren’t complicated by her falling in love—and into bed—with her former worst nightmare.
real review left by @xsuicunex2 haha thanks to them for letting me use their words! 🤍
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h-a-unted · 3 months
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How abnormal am I? Am I broken? Indeed, I am broken. Even so, I want to breathe. I want to, I want to...
@h-a-unted | An indie Semi-selective, Slice of Life Multi-muse featuring BILLY BUTCHER from THE BOYS (2019) as portrayed by Kuroki.
How abnormal am I? Am I distorted? Indeed, I am distorted. Even so, I want to breathe. I want to, I want to...
@dollhidden ! a private and mutuals only horror multi—muse containing canon muses from THE BOYS, RE VILLAGE & MORE. Featuring JUNG DA-EUN from DAILY DOSE OF SUNSHINE, adapted into the universe of THE BOYS (2019). Brought to you by Ladybug !
(Promo template by supersources)
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wonderlandcarpenter · 7 months
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mahankrp · 4 months
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Mahan’s city gates have been open for decades, offering protection and peace to all the wandering souls needing a rest stop. However, as more people settle in the city, so does the evil. A new addiction blooms its ugly buds in the heart of the city: glimmerance.
The origins are unknown, as well as the providers, but over night, Mahan’s citizens are turned into fiends by this mysterious potion.
For supernaturals, its effects enhance their abilities tenfold, turning them into power-hungry beasts chasing the bliss given by such strength. For humans, it offers a deep sense of serenity and euphoria, more intense than any other drug they’ve ever tried.
Mahan’s police forces begin an investigation on the matter. The drug is slowly turning the city to chaos, and the agreement of peace is hanging by the thinnest thread under the danger of glimmerance. Anonymous tips and reports start coming in; for once, hunters, humans and supernaturals have a common enemy.
Will this fragile truce be enough to rid the city streets of addiction?
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griefsrage · 25 days
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he cries — o lord, o lord, what have you done? / now you will never see heaven or kingdom come.
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independent & selective SAM WINCHESTER from supernatural ( & extremely canon divergent & heavily based in headcanon. ) + crossover & oc / canon friendly with more verses to explore. as written by cupid ( he / 30 / est. )       rules. about. verses.
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you can run on for a long time. but sooner or later — listen here, you rambler, gambler, and back-biter: sooner or later, god'll cut you down.
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promo-ilha · 1 year
“Desde que a Terra é Terra, é dito por aí que em qualquer guerra a calmaria vem entre as tempestades e, depois das tempestades, a calmaria se instala por um tempo duradouro até que o ciclo se recomeçasse.
O problema, é que nem sempre a calmaria vem como uma coisa boa.
Os anos que antecederam ao surgimento daquele local que alguns chamavam de paraíso não só foi regado à brigas, discussões e ameaças, como também por suspiros de boas notícias e tranquilidade. Eram raros, sim, mas eram eles os momentos de calmaria entre as tempestades.
Arquivos guardam a história bonita que surgiu dali que, infelizmente, não teria resultado se não fossem pelos conflitos que transformaram o inferno em paraíso.
E a calmaria perdurou por dez, vinte, trinta anos, até que o caos em toda a sua quietude engolisse cada canto dali, alimentando-se do silêncio desconfortável até que estivesse gritando em Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste, trazendo à superfície a tempestade adormecida que obrigou-os a fechar as portas pela primeira vez em muitos anos.
Força, grandeza, onipotência, controle, genialidade, nobreza, presença, elegância, beleza. Todas essas palavras compunham o que era aquele paraíso.
Se em meio ao caos Altalune uma vez surgiu, do caos ela ressurgirá.”
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improbable-implosions · 3 months
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Man, my desk sure is a mess. Makes it a bit of trouble to look For a Space to get streaming done! Guess you'll have to tune in next Friday (the 19th) to find out what we'll be reading for the paper cuts finale!
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fantasiesandfolklore · 7 months
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~ @fantasiesandfolklore ~ 
Indie RP Sideblog as written by Lettie 
25+, Occasional NSFW
[Muse List]
[main blog: @joyfulmagic ]
Muse List for mobile users:
[Farah - The Tower]
[Theodore - The Devil]
[Vasily - The Emperor]
[Jane - High Priestess]
[Rosie - Justice]
[Relta - The Empress]
[Aislin - The World]
[Keife - The Hanged Man]
[Open Starters]
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godccmplex · 1 year
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Why be a KING when you can be a GOD.
Independent OC Elijah King. RULES || MUSE || IMPORTANT INFO || OPENS || MEMES Friendly. Selective. Written by Opal. promo by the ever wonderful @wynterlanding
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sharedpractice · 1 year
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You keep working HARD in order to win and you get better little by little. To IMMERSE yourself in something you like, that’s what it means to enjoy something fully.
A multimuse blog for:
Kiyoshi Teppei (From KnB) a soft boy whos got big hands and can be a little sly when needed. He will protect those he loves and his main goal in life is to have fun.
Kotaro Sato. (From Kotaro Lives Alone) a four year old gentleman who lives on his own and talks like a grown man
Gou Matsuoka (From Free) the manager of the swim team. She loves muscles and can’t actually swim. She’s cute and strong and will support girls.
Alex Garcia (From KnB) ex pro WNBA. Loves kisses and basketball. Will fight your battles for you <3
For rules and more info on the characters please read my carrd >> x <<
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h-a-unted · 2 months
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There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. And we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover. The worst was over. My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the great war.
Indie Semi-Selective Slice of Life Multi-Muse featuring Joseph "Bear" Graves from SIX (2017) as portrayed by Kuroki.
template by calisources
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goldenboybridgers · 4 months
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Golden as I open my eyes. I don't wanna be alone.
rules | about | starters
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suncpesquisa · 1 year
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É isso mesmo que vocês estão lendo: mais uma pesquisa de interesse.
Nossa proposta vem em formato nxn e se passa em um complexo luxuoso com características de hotelaria, composto por três arranha-céus, sendo estes, dois residenciais. O plot, que é ambientado em Busan, acompanha um passado trágico com problematizações na rotina de magnatas e bem sucedidos. Envolve corrupção, gentrificação, eliminações misteriosas, e claro, não podemos esquecer dos eventos de gala para os esbanjadores de dinheiro.
O acesso às residências só será possível se seu char tiver uma renda altíssima. O suficiente para não precisar colocar os pés para fora do apartamento.
Ah, deixamos claro que não focaremos somente nas desgraças, tá? Nosso intuito é promover uma boa comunicação e uma confortável imersão com brincadeiras, eventos de viagens e algumas surpresas para que todos consigam desenvolver seus personagens com grandes amizades e momentos marcantes.
Buscamos players que queiram ficar por muito tempo conosco, pois fizemos pensando em abandonar a rotina de migrar de comunidade em comunidade.
Por fim, a esperada e importante pergunta: quem está afim de uma comunidade de formato nxn slice of life de condomínio, only Twitter (e futuramente, Discord também), 50 vagas iniciais, com diversos detalhes para contribuir no desenvolvimento e estadia de seu personagem? Deixe o like nesse post e suas dúvidas na ask!
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regalitae · 1 year
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– an ind. sel. dual original character blog. ft: GABRIEL CABRERA. by belle. 21+
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synsationss · 1 year
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