#slendverse headcanons
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Toby's only visibly happy when he kills someone. The most deadpan proxy out of the three, you'll never catch him happy or excited unless he's hunting. When Toby murders, he's conquering. It's the only time he ever feels powerful, and every time he's able to do it openly with no consequences he's elated to the point where he becomes a rabid animal. Screaming and hollering with glee, he'll painfully hack his victims up and brutalize them physically and verbally with no mercy. And afterwards he can't help but have a big grin on his face, inhaling deeply and enjoying the sweet smell of their blood. Nothing could compare to the relaxing pleasure that comes after murdering a target. Not sex, not alcohol, not food. Nothing brings him more peace than doing the "work of God." And by "God" - he means himself. (Or so he likes to pretend)
Heyyyy!! So I made more art! And I feel like my portraits are getting wayy better, I've come a long way from 2022 portraits. This was really fun, I've been trying to draw Toby using a specific reference I found on Pinterest for like 2 years and I hadn't really captured it until now, and I'm very happy with the result! :))
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Quick proxy headcanons!!
-Proxies have supernatural powers that help them perform and achieve tasks. That's because Slenderman is connected to and within all of them - this also gives him the ability to watch over everything and everyone. Because of their puppet-like connection, they are all appendages of Slenderman.
-For example, proxies all have telepathic abilities. Some are weaker than others, which is based on each proxy's personality. So some can read thoughts and see images in a victim's head clearly if they're naturally observant. While some can only quickly predict the instinctual actions of their victims, these proxies are much more impulsive and more likely to be the more violent brawn of the group.
-Proxies with higher telepathic abilities can also communicate/transmit messages through their victim's brain. This can both be used as a way to intimidate and scare them, but also as a way to psychologically fuck with and weaken them.
-Masky has the lowest telepathic ability, it really only helps him with quick thinking while chasing a victim. Toby has a slightly stronger telepathic ability than Masky, but not much. He's able to read people's hidden emotions and intentions as well as their instinctual reactions, but can't really read/communicate thoughts or see images, maybe a little piece of a thought - but nothing crazy.
-Hoodie on the other hand is the strongest in the telepathic field. He can read thoughts easily and pays close attention to how a person feels, thinks and acts. He uses it to his advantage especially when he interrogates, bringing up traumatizing and even shameful thoughts their victims have in order to weaken them. There are no limits Hoodie has when performing and finishing a task. Everything is on the table. Although he's personally removed from his job and actions, this trait makes him one of the most harmful and brutal proxies out of the three.
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If toby is the runt of the group, how are the other proxies like in general?
General Proxy Headcanons
Okay so to start off and to make it completely clear - Masky and Tim Wright, while physically the same person, are two completely different characters and personalities. It’s the same with Hoodie as well - a lot of the personality change has to do with slenderman wanting to mold both characters into better, more fitting proxies.
-Masky likes to think (key word: “think”) of himself as the leader
-He’s extremely cocky and impulsive, not really taking serious consequences into consideration
He’s also the annoying one of the group, once Masky gets the idea to do something in his head he’s gonna do it regardless of how it’ll effect everyone
-Masky also likes to push boundaries and see how far he can take things - he does it with his peers, strangers, allies, even fucking Slenderman
-He thinks “Well let’s see what’ll happen”
-He does it partly out of boredom, as well as to feel a lil bit of power within whatever situation he’s in
-I also see him being kind of like a rabid dog, if you’re not able to step up to the plate and fight then you most definitely won’t want to be around him
-Everyone in this group has physically fought Masky on multiple occasions, and lemme tell ya if you can’t fight he might kill you
-But yeah Masky’s the brawn of the group, not much going on upstairs but is physically extremely powerful
-Hoodie is definitely the brains, he’s quiet but extremely intimidating
-He’s all business when it comes to being a proxy, no fucking around on missions when he’s there - he refuses to suffer the consequences if Toby and Masky decide they want to make trouble instead of getting a task done
-He has no patience for bullshit and doesn’t let any of the other proxies walk all over him - he won’t yell or scream, he’s the type to just have this natural dominant aura around him, like: “I’m in charge, and you don’t want to fuck with me”
-Which you don’t, while Masky might be strong and powerful you know Hoodie will fuck you up just as bad, if not even worse than he will
-That’s why Hoodie is actually the true leader, he is the one to keep everyone in line when need be
-But he’s also very calculating, he thinks things through for the long run and sees most missions like chess games
-And of course Masky, being the impulsive stupid ass that he is, is like “Why can’t we just go to their house and kill them?!”
-But Hoodie knows it’s not that simple whatsoever, he likes things to get done in a clean easy manner - and it takes time and careful planning in order to do that
-I have a feeling Masky would assume that they’d be fine under the FULL protection of Slenderman - but Hoodie knows that if they’re jailed there’s a good chance no one’s coming to save them, plus there’s a good chance they’d be killed
-Because Slenderman has TONS of different proxy groups, much better than them and in higher positions
-So Hoodie wouldn’t ever, in a million years take that risk.
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not sure if you’ve ever written about it on ur blog, but masky vs tim headcanons (personality wise)
It’s so funny, I was JUST about to write about this! Back when I did matchups I touched on this topic, because they are essentially two totally different characters! So yeah sure! :)) (also this became more general headcanons than personality, sorry about that)
~𝕋𝕚𝕞 vs. M̴a̴s̴k̴y̴ Headcanons~
Tim Wright
-Oh dude, this guy is so, so tired.
-He keeps to himself but is genuinely a huge sweetheart
-Ever since the events that took place in marble hornets he tries to keep to himself always and doesn’t let anyone near him
-The harassment and demise of all his past friends has absolutely destroyed him and his mental health (which was already not great)
-The insomnias worse, he has nightmares constantly, the guilt eats him from the inside
-But he tries not to think much of it, he tries to ignore it - he’s like “guess it’s just another drop in the bucket”
-“Everything is fine.”
-Tim tries to take care of himself to an extent though, he knows that he can’t get it from anyone else, so he likes to treat himself once in awhile
-But he does deal with his bouts of depression, where he doesn’t have the energy to even leave his house for days (Until the black outs occur of course)
-Although Tim works off jobs from time to time now, the majority of his income comes from living on disability due to his frequent seizures/blackouts
-Although he’s lived with random blackouts since childhood, it never seems to become less stressful and scary every time he regains consciousness
-Every time a blackout occurs and he wakes up he can’t help but go into a full blown panic attack while his mind is still fuzzy
-Doesn’t help he wakes up in random places either, sometimes with random items, with different clothes
-Sometimes with b̶̯̈́l̷͔̀o̸̲̿o̷͖̚d̸̗̓
-Honestly he’s just a wreck in the present moment, he wants to protect everyone - he doesn’t want to destroy more peoples lives and is currently holding himself back to the fullest extent
-But he’ll probably slip up, and connect with someone - and they’ll be able to see his laid back attitude and sarcastic sense of humor
-He’s a very good guy with a huge heart overall, but he treats himself like a caged monster who needs to be kept in check at all times
-But Masky - oh Masky - is just living the dream not giving a fuck about anyone but himself and his urges.
-Empathy? Sympathy? What the fuck is that?
-Slenderman truly created a bastardized version of Tim for his own use
-He’s pretty much just an evil doppelgänger
-And while Tim is like this laid back, go with the flow type - Masky is full on take control, and assert dominance like a feral dog type
-He’s just extremely violent and unpredictable, anything can set him off
-It especially depends on his environment, because you or anyone else could’ve done nothing, and he will just pounce at you for no reason
-He is not stable, he’s ran by whatever he’s feeling and nothing else
-Whether it’s anger, desire, or pride,
-He’s just extremely self serving
-I feel like Tim has no idea about Masky, but Masky knows of Tim
-I mean Toby and Hoodie are just themselves now, so they’ve witnessed Masky’s identity change to Tim plenty of times and have told him about it afterwards
-But Tims not completely clueless ofc, he knows something’s deeply wrong here and it has something to do with Slenderman
-But he just hasn’t caught onto the other personality residing within himself
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Do you have any hcs fir Hoody with a partner? </3
Lol I’d be more than happy to give em’!
~Hoodie S/O Headcanons (Kinda?)~
-Hoodie is not available for an actual commitment
-it doesn’t really interest him, he’s not an extremely affectionate or lovey-dovey person
-He’s straight forward: if he likes you, he will make time for you, even if it’s a small visit
-But Hoodie is also just not a commitment type of guy either, he’s not at all clingy or easily jealous
-He doesn’t have time to be, and he’s extremely upfront with his inability to keep up with a romantic relationship
-At best the relationship would be an extremely casual friends with benefits situation
-The thing with Hoodie is he has a habit of compartmentalizing things his life to try and create some sort of balance
-So he has his proxy self, his by-himself self, friend self, and “romantic” self (but even then that could be put into his friend self)
-He is unable to make a partner the apple of his eye, there’s just more important matters in his life
-Plus he doesn’t really want to be tied down to others, if he meets another he wants to be able to give them his time if he wants without being criticized or bugged
-It’s extremely impersonal with him, it’s never anything against the person he’s talking to
-And if it’s brought up by the person he’s seeing, like: “What are we?” He’s most definitely just going to say “friends.”
-He understands his time is valuable and shows others enough respect to treat theirs the same way
-So don’t worry it’s not like he’s leading anyone on, at that point if the other party decides to stay in the hopes of getting something more - then they’re just being foolish
-But hey if you want good sex and chill conversation every couple weeks/months you know, go for it
-But he would never have a real partnership with someone
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I’m stealing this idea, i love this lol
~~~ ~Creepypasta’s Musical Tastes/Favorite Artists~
Jeff The Killer: Jesus, fucking Cannibal Corpse and Lamb of God - he was the type of teenager to listen to this shit on full blast and think he was a fucking badass cyclepath. Now as an adult he doesn’t listen to anything, but he would most definitely love speed/noisecore if he had access to the internet and understood it in any way. He’d also rock out to crazy frog unironically
Homicidal Liu: Type of guy to listen to 60s music and wish we could go back to “the good times”
BEN Drowned: Underground Spongebob trap remixes
Masky: James Taylor and Queen forever😩💦💦
Hoodie: Dude lowkey he’d be kinda a Jazz guy, like he just wants something calming and easy to listen to
Ticci Toby: Although - since I headcanon him from West Virginia - I’d think he’d listen to bluegrass, I also feel as if he would be embarrassed by his roots due to the constant harassment and bullying from Masky, and to an extent Hoodie - so he’d realistically be the type to listen to whatever’s on the radio.
Clockwork: She’d so listen to punk music, ya already know she loves X-ray Spex & Crass
Eyeless Jack: MOST DEFINITELY a fan of old blues artists from the 20th century, he adores Leadbelly and Blind Willie Johnson (a lil ironic, but ya know).
Slenderman: Ț̴͔͖̱͔̗̳͎̣̙̃͊̉̋̈́͛̎̐͑́̏͑͐̇̈̋̄̊͑̌̕̕͜ͅḫ̵̡̮̱̯̋́͋̈́̄͑̏̓��̣̙̥̗̱͚̬̣̘e̶͕͗̌͒͑͌̈́͌́͘ ̸̨͖̠̣̭̠̬͔̱͎̅̒̌̑̃̈́̕͘͝ş̸̢̘͙̮͈͖̫̱̹̰̭̣̱̟͊̾c̵̨͓͈̮̫͙̱͕̭̺͚̐r̶̛̗̯̟̐̂͋̔̍̕e̸̢̛̮̰̭͙̫͖̿̔͆͊̀͌̓̇͝ą̸̠̦̟̪̱̪͎̙̖͕̻̘̰̆̈́̓̉̓͌̊̓̀̑̈́́̊͐̇͝m̶̧̺͉̖̦̰̗̥̘̱̳̝̫̑̄̆̔̈́́̆̽̂͐̈́̀̋̈́̾̌̆͋̍́̍͝͝s̵̛̖̤̹̬͉͖͒̈̂̓̕ͅͅ
Jane The Killer: She’d love Lil Kim and just late 90s rap music in general, it’s just what she grew up with.
Puppeteer: Well I mean, come on he grew up a grunge teen so of course he’s into that whole genre. I got a feeling he really loved Mudhoney and Bush tho
Nina The Killer: OMG okay so since this bitch is such a scene queen you already KNOW she’s listening to shit like S3RL and Hollywood Undead - she loves upbeat music and absolutely adores rave style music
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Can I have a headcanon of slenderman and zalgo reaction if a proxy accidentally call them dad
Lol okay okay, I’ll bite.
Slendermans reaction:
-Would actually not care
-He wouldn’t even acknowledge them
-Don’t know why they’d call him dad, he’s a multidimensional being with no connection to humans besides how he decides to present himself to them
-Plus in my headcanon, he is the farthest from a dad
- he’s more of a bored tyrant playing in a sandbox with lil action figures
-He isn’t even something that a human can relate to on any level, he’s simply a force that is above anyones control
-And proxies know and feel it in their gut
-He brings a feeling of doom, powerlessness, hopelessness
-The farthest away from a traditional father figure lol
Zalgo’s reaction:
-He would be the type to totally brainwash his proxy, just a mindless soldier - that’s all they are
-He is the father, he is the son, the Holy Ghost, closest friend, he is them, they are him
-He is much bigger than slenderman - slenderman is one being, while Zalgo is something much bigger and is fueled by worship and the souls of his victims and proxies
-There would be no war between Slenderman and Zalgo, and that’s because Zalgo is so much more powerful than Slenderman. I doubt Slenderman is even aware or interested in Zalgo
-But he intuitively understands the relationship he has with his proxies
-Blind worship, that’s all it is
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