#sleepy noel
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nischaf4n · 2 months ago
Rip [insert character] Headcanons .
Rip, Misha Bachynski you would have loved sir-mix-alot. 😔
Rip, Constance Blackwood you would have loved 2020 tiktok. 😔
Rip, Ricky Potts you would loved Gacha/ao3. 😔
Rip, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg you would loved Smoking Psa's. 😔
Rip, Noel Gruber you would have loved Lady Gaga. 😔
Rip, Jane Doe/Penny lamb you would have loved antique shopping. 😔
Extra notes: I was just going to do Misha, but my brain said otherwise
I know noel would have love the Olympics last year cuz Lady gaga was in the opening Ceremony.
I think Constance's would also like the 2020 preppy aesthetic.
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yellows-secret-blog · 3 months ago
His name is Noel
I have a dream about him
He rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Oh how he rocks
In boots and tube socks
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me
Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
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arthur-lesters-spinal-cord · 5 months ago
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Rip Noel you were just too pretty and Kayne couldn’t deal with the competition
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deathandrebirth · 1 year ago
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Witch's heart wonderland human side doodles I drew on stream for my boyfriend ♡ + lime as the high as fuck caterpillar design :-)
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minnieposting · 2 years ago
Tell me about your Sun Haven character then. What's their favourite skill tree? Who are they romancing? How do they spend their days?
omg!! thank you for asking about my SH chara im OBSESSED WITH THEM...
this is noel!!
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ignore the writing on here, i've developed noel a lot more since drawing these. especially "shapeshifting demon", they actually aren't a demon at all, just a shapeshifting Thing(tm). they still live in withergate and work at the arcade though!!
in general, noel thinks that in order to fit in as a demon around withergate, they need to act tougher and way cooler than they actually are. they are genuinely wild and love to play pranks and scare people with shapeshifting. but they're also curious and out of touch with their new environment. noel isn't from withergate originally and used to live in the forest for SOOOOO long until stumbling upon the town one day.
originally i wanted them to date wesley and i had a whole story in my head until i realized donovan fits sooo much better with noel T_T <3 i really like to think about them adventuring through the sewers and finding fun stuff to do around town all the time. they're always hanging out at the arcade together too! their dynamic is like. noel trying and failing all the time to look cool and impress donovan while donovan thinks noel is cute regardless. noel has a huge crush on him that's why lol... they think he's suuper cool.
i also still think about a romance with wesley. i imagine that maybe a LOONG time into the future he would eventually visit withergate? or maybe nelvari opens up and curious demons would want to take a peak? haven't though that far ahead tbh it's just a vague explanation for how noel can specifically meet wesley while still in withergate, because i also thought about how noel can meet him in nelvari! it's by shapeshifting. idk if they'd be able to get past the "friend of the forest" barrier but WHO CARES they're successful because i say so. i'm not really sure what their dynamic would be like tbh, i've been mostly focused on donovan, but i just know that a common ground wesley + noel share is their connection with nature. cuz fun fact, noel could communicate with the forest they used to live in, and it's like they're "one" in a way.
as for that skill tree question, i feel like that doesn't really apply to noel. they're not my actual farmer oc and all they can do is shapeshift + communicate with nature. i'm still working on them so who knows lol. if anything they'd probably be really good at fishing and fighting things. they're rlly good at dodging and finding weak points
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trulylovestoned · 7 months ago
i can't stay up waiting for the possible oasis reunion, i'll wake up for the news tomorrow, good or bad 🙏
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your-phantomfield · 1 year ago
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I .. II .. III circa 2198 for @nkn0va
Dating Noel Vermillion...
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Noel has been a romantic all of her life- at least, all of it that she can remember.  Her poetry books are filled with references to the butterflies of gentle hand-holding, the warmth of a long walk or a sunset watched together, the feeling of finding a lost part of yourself in way your soulmate says your name.
This sappy, lovestruck side of herself is something she’s a little afraid to show you right away- afraid you’ll laugh at her, afraid it'll gross you out or scare you away.  But it’s so integral to who she is, it will color your relationship from day one.
You’ll catch her looking at you all the time with this expression of absolute awe.  It's one of the rare times she doesn't even look nervous!
Until she realizes you’ve caught her doing it.  Then she absolutely panics, stuttering in her rush to apologize or think of an excuse.
She gets lost in thought, admiring the shape of your hands as you work with something or the melody of your voice and how it's always so comforting to her.
What draws her in most are your eyes. It’s probably one of the most obvious ways you can tell she’s falling for you. Noel struggles with eye contact in general, and early on she does try to avoid your gaze just as much as anyone else- but when you do make eye contact, she’s mesmerized. She can’t look away. Noel is someone who believes you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes, and yours draw her in like nothing else.
Once the two of you are at a comfortable point in your relationship, she tends to hold eye contact with you a lot. She smiles, clearly happy to see you- sometimes giggling a bit- and then eases into this warm, loving expression as she forgets whatever you were talking about and takes a moment to just soak it all in. Her feelings for you. The feelings your presence gives her.
It’s a sanctuary for her. Your name itself is a synonym for peace.
Which is probably a theme of one of the hundreds of poems she’s written about you.
Noel has been writing poetry about you since she first started falling for you.  If you ever found out about the tens of dozens of poems she wrote for you before you even started dating, she’d probably drop dead on the spot.
After you started dating (and after another dozen poems gobbled up her notebook) she bought a special notebook specifically for writing about you and your relationship.  She probably splurged for fancy tinted paper, with a cute pattern and a color that reminds her of you.  It’s carefully organized, neatly decorated with stickers and some small doodles.  It would be a really cute anniversary gift for her to give you one day, but just like before, she’d never have the heart to actually let you see it.
There are a few things she writes that she does share with you, though. On rare, incredibly rare, occasion, like a special birthday or your first anniversary, she may decide to give you a poem.
She pours her heart and soul into draft after draft, looking over each one to make sure it’s absolutely perfect… then collapses into tears at the thought of you actually reading it. Back to the drawing board.
She just can’t force herself to give you her work, no matter how hard she tries. The compromise she makes with herself is to send it to you anonymously. She doesn’t sign it, but the way it shows up on your door, windowsill, or desk on the day of your anniversary gives you a pretty big hint that it’s from her.
It appears alongside pressed flowers from her hometown, smelling of a perfume you might be able to recognize that she’s worn on a few of your dates when she really wanted to impress you.
Noel of course adamantly denies any involvement. She insists that she’s never ever ever ever seen that handwriting before, and that it couldn’t POSSIBLY be from her because her anniversary gift to you is this wonderful picnic she made for you!  So she’d never send you a letter!  L-l-let alone a l-lo-love p-p- ohhh, just stop asking!  Just drop it!!!  Please!
You’re pretty familiar with her handwriting when you’re dating her. She may be scared to death at the thought of you seeing her poetry, but she writes letters to you often. This is partially brought on by her romantic nature and her love of all things literary.
You could be living in the same apartment together and she’d still leave you a letter every other week, left on your pillow or in your lunch bag or in the pocket of your coat. It’s something she likes to do when you’ve had a bad day or if you won’t be getting home at the same time.
Her personal preferences aren’t the only reason she ends up writing you so much, though. Chances are the two of you aren’t living together. At this point in her life, her work has to be her number one priority.
She’s a member of the NOL, an elite member of their fighting force no less, and serving directly under the Major Kisaragi. The intensity of her job and the ruthlessness of her superior(s) mean she isn’t exactly swimming in free time. She’s too afraid to even try to ask Jin for days off, positive he would shatter her hopes and somehow find a way to punish you, too, whether or not you’re in the NOL yourself.
If you manage to find yourself serving as a member of the 4th Thaurmaturgist Squadron alongside her, you'll be able to spend more time together. She'd likely end up your commanding officer, considering her rank and her time in the academy at Torifune, but she's a lenient commander in general and there's no way she could be strict with you.
More likely, though, is that Noel and you will not be serving in the same unit, even if you are a member of the NOL. If you're able to live in the same Hierarchical city, she'll make time for you on all her days off, and maybe you'd have a chance to move in together.
Though her work still drags her away sometimes. This is what leads her to write you so much. She could call you- and she does- but her favorite way to stay in touch with you will always be a heartfelt letter. She tends to get nervous on the phone.
Though somehow that's rarely a problem when talking to you… Actually, she finds herself unable to stop talking when the two of you are on the phone! She'll sit down to call you while she's having dinner and planning to get ready for bed soon, and if you don't keep a careful eye on the clock and stop her, it'll be one in the morning and she'll be falling asleep on call. It's pretty cute, but she really does need to be up in morning, and she has a hard enough time getting out of bed as is!
Just how much she has to prioritize her work over you is a huge source of guilt for her. It almost crushes her some days.
Maybe one day, she’ll have the courage to tell you why- about the situation her parents are in, about her adoption, about how important it is that she repay them in this way. They saved her. They loved her when she had nothing. They have to be her top priority right now; which means the NOL has to be her top priority right now. Even over you. It absolutely breaks her heart.
Because of this debt she feels she has to her family, she never intended to live for herself.  Like I said at the start, Noel has always been a romantic, in love with love.  But she never thought she’d find love for herself.  She views herself as plain at best, annoying to many, and unable to offer much, if anything, to anyone.  Yet somehow… you chose her?
She'll never understand why. Every day she's with you, she sees you as more and more incredible. Her low confidence leads her to idolize the people she loves.
She feels she couldn't possibly deserve all the patience you offer her. She's so busy with her job, she can't promise you a future, she can't buy you the kinds of things you deserve, she knows there are prettier and smarter women you could be with.
Yet you stay with her. Through all her failures.
She'll never have the words- and I don't have the words- to express how grateful she is for the way you love her.
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bunnyreaper · 1 year ago
today i spilled hot coffee on my hand, ice cream on my clothes and had a nose bleed at lunch!!
but i also got more things for my cod halloween costume so, small wins! i will catch up on some asks soon <3
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silly-username-here · 1 year ago
Pt 2 of my RTC essay. I better get extra credit oml
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sydneyofalltrades · 2 years ago
i remember a post you made where you said moni and noel sometimes has sleepovers on the weekends so maybe you could write that if you want to :)?
yes, i would love to! i, however, have just woken up anon, so this will not be some of my best work.
“Hey, rockstar.”
Moni looked up from her tablet. “What?”
She saw Noel’s head poking out from the attic hatch. “Wanna have a sleepover?”
Moni frowned. “What’s that?”
Noel climbed into her room. “Come on, you’ve got to know what a sleepover is.
Moni shook her head. “Does it require staying at someone’s place for shelter at night?”
Noel stared at her like she had cursed his bloodline. “You, poor child, are having a sleepover with me. Grab your pillow and a squishmallow and get downstairs!”
Moni blinked as he left in a huff and slammed down the hatch. Was it something she had said?
Regardless, she did as she was told and found herself in Noel’s room. There was the inflatable mattress she had used while her mom was getting her room set up, and there was a pajama set already spread on the mattress.
“Noel? What is this?”
She looked up and saw him smiling massively. “Come on, your French disapproving face won’t work. I got you matching pajamas because that’s how it works!”
Moni looked back at the outfit and then looked at her brother. “What else happens in sleepovers then, oh wise guru?”
Noel grinned wickedly. “Little sister, you’re about to find out.”
He dragged her into the kitchen and they both made a mess making some snacks for what Noel assured her was part of the plan. Once their snacks were ready, he dragged her again to his room.
“Noel, I’m covered in flour and sugar and probably egg yolks. Can I please just take a shower and go to sleep?”
Noel laughed. “You don’t sleep during sleepovers, that’s just what they tell you. You can take a shower and get ready but we’re not even halfway done!”
“Merde, I’m going to murder you!”
“Wouldn’t want that on your conscious, petite sœur! Hurry up!”
Moni fumed but did as he asked. Her only weakness was when Noel used her native language.
Twenty or so minutes later, she sat on his bed as he did her nails and they were actually having a good time. Matching pajamas and all.
“I never realized how silly and fun this is,” Moni said giggling, “I think I really like your idea of a sleepover, poet.”
Noel finished her nails and smiled. “Finally, she acts like a proper girl.”
Moni stuck her tongue out at him. “Jerk.”
She looked at her fingernails and saw he painted them a deep blue with black undertones. It was a very good look for her.
“Okay, now we get into the most important part of a sleepover.”
Noel grabbed their snack tray and placed it on his bed. He clapped his hands eagerly.
“The gossip!”
Moni rolled her eyes. “Noel, please, we’re not doing that.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve gotta have something you’re dying to share.”
Moni pursed her lips. “Well.. there is something.”
Noel was intrigued. “Ooh, spill.”
Moni snorted. “For fifteen bucks.”
Her brother frowned. “Why?”
Moni smirked. “My information is a transaction. You get the gossip, I get the cash.”
Noel nodded. “Touché, you evil witch.”
“I’m not evil, I’m just a bit petty, is all.”
Noel attacked her in a hug and she laughed. “Stop being so silly and give me the details, Moni!”
Moni tickled him off of her. “Not happening! You’re getting popcorn all over your bedsheets.”
Noel frowned but gave up. An idea popped into Moni’s mind and she grinned.
“Stay here, I have an idea.”
She ran up to her room and grabbed a bunch of paper and pencils. Running back down she placed them on Noel’s bed.
“We could have an art challenge! For fun, we can both draw something and let the other finish it.”
Noel nodded. “That’s actually a fun idea, Mon!”
They both ended up with the silliest works ever and were laughing about them for a decent few minutes.
Moni curled up next to Noel as they watched Mean Girls, Noel’s recommendation, of course.
“You know, big brother, this was actually a very good first sleepover. I’m glad you knew what you were doing.”
Noel shrugged. “Hey, you have to know what you’re doing when your little sister never had a sleepover, so that makes the 16 years of her life pretty pointless.”
“Oh, shut up.”
They continued watching, talking, eating, goofing off, having a pillow fight that Moni surprisingly won, and eventually fell asleep in Noel’s bed, both two tired to properly lay down.
An hour or so later, their mother arrived from work and saw them, matching pajamas and all, and took a quick picture. She would definitely want to keep this memory on hand for years.
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shoyoist · 1 year ago
IM GOOD!!! I’m planning out my outfit for tmr!! BUT OTHER THAN THAT IVE BEEN PLAYING FGO AND YEAH!!!! Oh yeah i am also madly in love with Noel Noa 😞😞😞
sounds good hehe ❤️ hope your day out goes well cause you'll def slay your fit and we can't waste that on a dull day !
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potato-lord-but-not · 9 months ago
We've gotten a lot of Malev men cuddles from you. Arthur and John, Arthur and Oscar, Arthur and John and Oscar, and now John and Oscar. Can we get some John/Noel or polycule cuddles? All four of 'em.
sleepy guys sleepy guys, all I do is draw the podcast men cuddling
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popponn · 1 year ago
boyfriend hcs | isagi yoichi.
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notes: im done pretending to be sane. "things and hcs about isagi yoichi" post because world hard and cold isagi yoichi soft and warm. this time, really mean it when saying no brain just isagi big love. please don't look at this too closely, other than that: no warning.
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the "natural rizz" type who is honestly not really good at being purposefully suave. if he tries, it will either go boyfailure route or cute babygirl route. if he doesn't, it's a full package bf who will get your whole family & friends' approval.
at first, he tries really hard, but the moment you get him to calm down and kick the nervousness away, you will get: casual affection, unconditional support, a cuddly & clingy bf on weekends, etc.
looks at matching keychains once and the metavision is telling him it will be cute if you two have that.
he seems like the type who is not obvious when he is in love. at first. the moment his friends accidentally stumble upon your dates and see his smile, his smile is fooling no one.
somehow could make the most mundane unromantic activity cute as long he does it with you. accidentally. somehow.
when he starts dating you, his clothes will reflect your taste because: 1) he will shop for those clothes with you and ask for your opinion; 2) if you are a sane human with a bare minimum level of taste you should know his fashion sense level is in minus already—please do a favor to mankind and get him away from that neon orange trousers and bright green jumper; 3) he just wants to see you happy; 4) despite his humble look and usual demeanor, he likes showing off that he has you and you have him.
doesn't mean he can pick your clothes. do yourself a favor and think thrice or ten times if he suggests clothing or god forbid a mix match. love makes people dumb but it has to have a limit. your man is not trustworthy in the style department.
getting his parents' approval should be the least of your worries. his blue lock fellows and noel fucking noa should be your concern. good luck, high chance you have to verbally fight people like michael kaiser and barou shohei.
your phone is guaranteed to have at least 5 country clocks in it because yoichi is an international sensation. and when he is not busy practicing, you barely leave his mind at all.
it ranges from "oh, they will like this as a gift" to longingly gazing at his phone because while he is an understanding & secure attachment-style boyfriend, it doesn't mean he can bear with you not contacting him for three days. call your man. text him.
his favorite songs will be that cm song and whatever you often listen to around him—"it just sticks". his favorite movie will be totoro and your favorite movie. attachment and fond memories are the main driving force for his favorite stuff.
is pretty independent and self-sufficient that is not clingy most of the time. unless when he is sleepy. he hugs his pillow when he sleeps, now that he has you get ready.
if your main love language are acts of service and words of affirmation, it will be an instant match. "i do this for you, you do this for me" without any talking needs to be done, just like second nature. and he likes to be praised.
in case of quality time and physical touch, it will take some time to get used to, most probably. while he clearly enjoys time with his closest ones, isagi also enjoys his alone time and thinking time too. and he used to be a shy boy who doesn't share touches with people much. but believe in his adaptability, as long as the parties involved are willing to figure this out it will get figured out.
made a whole post about this once like a besotted fool, but is a really good listener who likes listening to you. it's like you "giving him a piece of you"—especially if it is a part of you that you don't share much.
please do listen and try to figure him out though. moving on soon and focusing on the present's solution is good but in some cases, it really might lead to what people call "pent-up emotions". isagi doesn't enjoy looking or being "weak", but really understanding the emotions he doesn't say out loud will benefit both of you in the long run.
keep the balance in everything—because isagi as understanding and adaptable as he is, still sometimes has a lapse in judgment.
before this gets into angst territory let's stop here. moving on.
is canonly described as poetic in one of exhib dialogues—which means this man is scientifically proven to be cheesy as hell.
sheepish, boyish, cute, sometimes nervous, very boy next door yes. but when he is in the moment, aka the romance flow is kicking, get ready for the most heartfelt, the most sincere profession of love under the sunset. an "i'm glad you are in my life", an "i will happily choose you again", etc.
learn to kick a soccer ball if you can't. 1) good for self-defense; 2) he sometimes brings the ball to sleep and if you don't want it, really think of it as self-defense. (not kidding, check his PWC sprite and that one sleeping anime official art merch)
at first gets bashful at pet names, but if someone makes fun of him—especially during a match—that's just asking for it.
remember his habit of being unable to say "no"? In a very loving manner, it comes back in full force with you. he will spoil the hell out of you even when you don't ask him to. what you want, isagi will get.
you have to be his #1 supporter. because he is yours. sometimes he can give advice and help for you, sometimes he can't. but if anything, he will always be there.
has a soft spot for you smiling while hugging something. in other words, while his gallery is full of your photo with plushies, animals, etc—the number of mirror selfies with the two of you hugging each other is enough to make anyone blink in astonishment.
if someone badmouths you or tries to harrass you, oresagi aka on field persona comes out without any hesitation. and while isagi's appearance doesn't come in the most intimidating form—we have seen him. hold him back, please.
even after everything, is honestly a pretty simple guy who thinks a simple breakfast with you worth much more than expensive dinners. home dates with him is always the coziest thing on earth, no matter whether under a sunny sky or rainy clouds.
when he is dedicated to you, he is dedication itself. certainly still have to do pr and fanservice when he meets some fans in the street, but before he leaves he will always squeeze your hand like asking for permission and he always does it with such efficiency that some of his friends wonder if he is trained to return as quickly as possible to your side. (yeah. isagi values efficiency and like how he wants a goal, he wants to enjoy his date with you.)
comfort hcs tho, when you feel insecure or down in some ways talk to him. he might pick up the bad mood but he isn't the type to try and overstep when you don't want to tell him. and as said before, he is a really good listener who is always there for you, so it will really do you good.
sometimes protest but he loves it when you play with his hair one way or another. ruffle it, pat it, style it—do as you wish. bonus if you are in front of him, in his lap, in the comfort of your shared abode. clingy isagi coming out again.
he hugs in the same way he kisses. they are long and heartfelt. one could use "passionate" to describe them, if it isn't for a certain chaste-esque mannerism that is almost always there.
the only time it is not is when the two of you are in private but because this is a family account. not going there.
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slowcatsworld · 8 months ago
Noel Noa would let his spouse do his eyeliner for him sometimes
(It’s so canon that he wears eyeliner, I don’t care none of that ‘oh it’s natural’ bs my man is a cat-eye winged baddie)
I doubt he wore it when he was in the slums of France. He probably started using eyeliner regularly when he got recruited to a smaller team, his first real opportunity to change his life. Maybe he wears it because he likes the feeling of empowerment and belonging the dramatic flare the eyeliner brings to him. Maybe he wears it as a safety precaution, something to hide the flaws only he sees, and doesn’t realize it yet. Maybe he wanted to be remembered, to stand out. Not to be identified as the poor, improper, uneducated boy with potential, to be a beast of a football player that stands next to no one. A man that was worth more than the dirty slums. If they wouldn’t remember his name or his abilities, they would remember the cold, (desperate) hungry gleam in his amber eyes encased in a cut of harsh black liner.
Whatever the case, the eyeliner has stuck with him for years. Even you, his spouse that shares a home with him, hardly see Noel without it. Due to his profession, his training and competition often ensured that Noel would rise out of bed before you and sink back into bed after you. You don’t mind though, treasuring your time with Noel comes in small but rewarding moments.
Like this morning.
Noel was to be at the airport in a few hours to fly to Japan from Germany with his team, Bastard Munchen. Apparently their presence is required for the next phase of the ‘Blue Lock’ program. You heard of it, having one foot in the football world at all times because of Noel; however no one in the world would have expected the upset that was the U-20 game held in Japan a couple weeks ago.
You weren’t too fond of the idea of Noel staying at the Blue Lock facility for the foreseeable future, and you could tell by his attitude neither was he. This ‘Neo Egoist League’ he mentioned sounded like one big round robin experiment to find players for the U-20 World Cup. Something only weeks away. The whole thing was like a dream, you just couldn’t tell if it would be a good one or a bad one. Seems as though the whole world will have to figure out together as very few are privy to know what is happening inside Blue Lock as of now.
Despite his protests in favor of you sleeping in, you decided to accompany and see Noel off.
“Noel, I’m not able to come with you. This will be the last morning I get to spend with you for weeks.” You stress to the figure washing his face in your shared bathroom.
“You still have to go to work later today, you need to sleep. No one wants to deal with an employer that can’t keep their eyes open for five minutes.” Noel calls.
“I’ll be fine, I’m a grown woman who can handle a little sleepiness,” You groan and stride to the bathroom. “You’re one to talk on the matter in fact, I can see your eye bags from here.”
The two of you lock eyes and enter a silent competition. Noel refuses to admit his sleep has been plagued with thoughts about the Blue Lock situation and wishes for you to return to bed. You are unrelenting in your efforts of spending this time with him and do not want to lay in a bed getting colder by the minute.
Noel sighs. Victory. You 1, Noel 0.
“Perhaps then you should do my eyeliner today, to lessen the appearance of my eye bags to your satisfactory.” He mumbles and holds his hand out with the marker in tow. An olive branch. A gleaming smile breaks upon your face.
There was something very private, very intimate for Noel when he allowed for you to do his eyeliner. Him leaning against the counter facing you, you between his legs holding his face. It was about trust. It was about vulnerability. Even if Noel wouldn’t admit it to you, he was giving you access to that little boy covered in dirt and bruises all those years ago. You knew it too, the way his face would lean into the skin of your palm as you held him steady. The way his shoulders would relax and his posture would slack. The way his eyes would close and twitch ever so slightly when they felt the ink from the marker. You knew you were holding the boy right now, not the man.
You’ve seen the boy a good handful of times. In the crux of the night when Noel would hold your body closer to him. In the evening husk when you would massage his body and play with his thick tufts of white hair. In the middle of the day; when you could hear the smile in his voice even if it wasn’t present in his face as he called you on your lunch break. And in the morning, when you did his eyeliner.
And you were oh so fragile with him. He appreciated it greatly, the warm feeling that flowed through his veins. It complimented the confidence the eyeliner gave him perfectly.
Once you finished you pressed a chaste kiss to his nose, then one on his lips. He sighed slightly at the feeling of your lips touching. The momentary solace building his energy that the night had sapped away from him instead of rejuvenating home with. You rubbed your thumbs through his wispy white eyebrow hairs and waited. Noel slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the small smile adorning your face.
His eye bags were still present, he still carried that essence of tiredness. But there was more life in his eyes. They glowed brighter, more whimsical than before. It was the perfect blend of boy and man.
“Thank you, Y/N.” The man said. For everything. The boy thought.
He couldn’t verbalize it, not now. His emotions would over take him, and he can’t afford that at this moment. Not when he’s about to part from you for so long. He had to be the man.
You understood though, you always do.
“Always, my love.”
Mwah 😽
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celestialgallaghers · 1 month ago
Morning Rain [18+]
Hiiiii I just wanted to post a quick lil something for valentines day. btw Double Dare Ya part 2 is in the works but I had to get this one out of my brain first. 
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Summary: Basically just Noel & some early morning smut. And a bit of fluff bc vday. I hope you enjoy 💌
Word count: 2.4k
The first thing you registered upon waking was the soft patter of rain against the windowsill. The second was the gentle press of lips trailing lazy kisses along the nape of your neck. A slow, contented sigh escaped you as you shifted, stretching out before curling back into the warmth behind you, a drowsy smile playing on your lips.
Noel was always extra affectionate in the morning, and you never tired of it. This was your favorite version of him—soft, unguarded, untouched by the weight of the world that so often settled into a scowl on his face. The knowledge that no one else got to see him like this, that he reserved this tenderness for you alone, made you adore him even more.
He draped an arm over your waist, pulling you flush against him. Another kiss landed just behind your ear, followed by a sleepy murmur. “Mornin’.”
“Mm, morning,” you replied through a yawn, turning just enough to meet his gaze. His eyes were still heavy with sleep, his expression softened by the haze of early morning. You leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips before rolling back into your previous position, burrowing into his warmth.
The air was still cool, but he was so warm that you found yourself chasing that heat, nuzzling closer. He always smelled so good, no matter how many nights he spent sweating under stage lights or in dingy pubs. This morning, he smelled of sleep and warmth, with the faintest trace of his usual cologne. There was no way to describe it really, it was just Noel. The sheets always carried his scent, but you preferred going straight to the source.
His fingers, rough from years of playing guitar, traced slow, lazy circles against your stomach, a soothing rhythm that left you teetering between wakefulness and sleep. You reached for his hand, bringing it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his skin, the cool metal of his rings contrasting with the warmth of your mouth.
Noel sighed contentedly, tucking his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. His hand slipped from yours, drifting lower, his thumb skimming the curve of your hip before dipping to trace idle patterns along your bare skin. The cold drag of metal made you tense slightly, and he let out a quiet chuckle, adjusting his touch.
“‘M sorry, forgot to take ‘em off last night,” he mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
“S’okay,” you sighed, lulled by the slow, gentle strokes of his fingers.
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, and you felt yourself sinking back into the pull of sleep.
“You’re gonna fall back asleep, aren’t you?” he murmured, amusement laced in his voice as your breathing slowed.
“M’not,” you mumbled, though your eyelids were already fluttering shut. “You’re just so cozy.”
He shifted closer, hooking a leg over yours, effectively trapping you against him. More pleasant warmth enveloped you, the weight of him grounding you until you quickly realized that he was half-hard against your hip.
You let out a sleepy laugh. “Well, I’m definitely not goin’ back to sleep now.”
Noel hummed, his lips brushing against your skin. “Oh, you’ve only just noticed that now, have you?” His hips rolled against you lazily, and a shiver ran down your spine that had nothing to do with the cold.
Heat bloomed low in your stomach, spreading between your thighs as the slow friction built. His hand slipped beneath your shirt, his touch featherlight as he traced warm patterns along your torso. The heat of him was intoxicating, and you couldn’t help but push back against him, drawing a low groan from his throat.
His fingers skimmed higher, teasing over the swell of your breast, and your breath hitched. You were definitely awake now.
He brushed a thumb over your nipple, the rough pad of it sending a jolt of pleasure through you. You inhaled sharply, your body instinctively pressing into his touch.
“Let me take care of you,” he mumbled against your skin. 
A hum of approval slipped from your lips, warmth pooling in your chest as his thumb circled your nipple again, this time with more intent. His mouth trailed along your jaw, placing lingering kisses down to the sensitive spot below your ear.
He already knew every inch of your body, every spot that made you shiver, every touch that set you alight. And he used that knowledge mercilessly.
His breath grew heavier, warm against your neck as his hand kneaded at your breast, fingers rolling over your peaked nipples. When he nipped at your earlobe, a quiet gasp escaped you
“You make the sexiest noises, d’you know that?” he whispered, his lips trailing lower, teeth grazing lightly over your skin.
“Do I?” you managed, voice breathy.
“Mm,” he hummed. “Love the way you sound.”
The heat between your thighs grew insistent, the ache impossible to ignore as his hand drifted lower, teasing at the waistband of your underwear. His fingers barely ghosted over the sensitive skin, yet it was enough to send goosebumps rippling across your body.
He unwound his leg from yours, shifting slightly as his fingers trailed down your thigh, making you twitch.
“Impatient, are we?” he teased, parting your legs slightly as his fingers ghosted over your inner thigh.
“Wouldn’t be if you weren’t such a bloody tease,” you muttered, frustration creeping into your voice.
He inched his hand higher, making you shiver again. “Can’t help it,” he grinned against your shoulder.
You huffed, knowing you’d never win this battle.
Then, without warning, he knocked your legs further apart and cupped you with a firm, warm hand, drawing a sharp inhale from you.
Your hips rolled against his palm, seeking more, and he let out a satisfied groan. His lips found your neck once more, soft kisses pressing into your skin as his fingers traced slow, torturous strokes over the damp fabric between your thighs.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” he murmured, voice thick with desire.
“Can’t help it,” you echoed back breathlessly. 
His fingers moved with practiced ease, teasing along your slit, the drag of the damp cotton heightening every sensation. A soft moan slipped from your lips as he pressed his thumb against you, circling gently, then rougher, drawing another needy sound from you.
“Want me to take these off?” he whispered, fingers hooking into the waistband, his breath uneven against your skin.
“Please,” you breathed, voice dripping with need.
He obliged, slipping them down your legs and discarding them. The cool air kissed your skin for only a moment before his hand returned, fingers gliding through your wetness.
“Better?” His breath ghosted over your neck, but you could practically hear the smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Noel,” you whined, impatience bubbling inside you.
But he didn’t move. 
Frustrated, you grabbed his wrist, guiding his hand lower, your fingers fumbling against his rings. The cold metal was stark in comparison to the heat between your thighs and an idea popped into your mind.
“I’ll take ‘em off,” he murmured, beginning to slide his hand away.
“No, leave them,” you said quickly, gripping his wrist a little tighter. A flush of heat crept up your neck at your own desperation.
He chuckled, low and knowing. “Oh, you like them, do you?”
You bit your lip but nodded, dragging his hand back up to press the coolness against your clit. The contrast sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through you, a gasp spilling from your lips as your hips jerked.
Noel let out a shaky breath. “Fuck…”
Then he finally gave you what you wanted.
His hand dropped lower, your breath hitching as he pushed a finger inside you, his touch teasing you. 
A moan slipped from your lips, then another as he added a second finger, working you open with expert hands. His rings grazed against you with every movement, the sensation a heady mix of warmth and cool metal. A shiver rippled down your spine as he curled his fingers just right, sending a fresh wave of pleasure crashing over you.
Your body jolted, arching against him as his fingers gave a particularly sharp curve . Your nails dug into the sheets, hips rolling, chasing the friction, the pressure. Pleasure was building too fast to contain.
“That’s it,” he breathed, pressing a kiss just below your jaw before nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers quickened, plunging deep, stretching you with an ease that made your stomach tighten. His rings, now warmed by your body, still left a delicious contrast against your slick heat.
Then he bit down on the soft skin below your jaw, and a sharp whimper escaped you.
Your body reacted instinctively, pressing back into him, seeking more as his fingers found that perfect spot inside you, the one that sent sparks shooting through your veins.
His pace quickened, unrelenting, hitting that spot with maddening precision until you felt yourself start to really lose it, your body tightening around him. Your moans spilled freely now, raw and desperate, the pleasure climbing higher with each motion.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you silently thanked whatever deity had gifted him with his guitar skills. The years of practice kept his fingers from cramping too quickly. You were willing to bet he could keep this up for hours without tiring.
The thought sent another shiver through you. Maybe someday. But right now, you were too far gone to wait
He shifted closer, grinding against your ass, the heat of him unmistakable as you felt his own need twitching against you. It was enough to make you dizzy with pleasure. 
“Noel,” you gasped, your voice barely coherent. “So good… please.”
The coil in your stomach tightened, every nerve set alight. The pleasure was deep and consuming, like fire licking through your veins. Your breath came in broken sobs, body trembling under the sheer intensity of it. Your head tilted back against his chest, needy gasps spilling from your lips, skin flushed with warmth.
He ground against you harder, his breath catching, and you heard a soft whine slip from his lips. The sound sent a fresh jolt of arousal through you, tightening the knot in your stomach. You were so close it was almost painful, teetering right on the edge.
“Noel, please—fuck, need you,” you babbled, desperate and breathless.
And somehow, he understood.
His thumb found your clit, barely brushing against it, but that was all it took. The contact sent you spiraling over the edge
Your body tensed, then shattered, pleasure crashing over you in powerful, rolling waves that stole the breath from your lungs. A strangled moan tore from your lips as he worked you through it, fingers unrelenting as your body shook against him.
Even as the initial peak faded, he didn’t stop. No, he kept moving, his fingers curling, dragging out every last aftershock until you were trembling, overstimulated and lost in the haze of pleasure. It was overwhelming and intoxicating all at once. For a fleeting moment, you thought you might come again, the sensation so intense it blurred the edges of thought.
Then, finally, he eased his fingers from you, giving you a chance to catch your breath. Slowly, your muscles uncoiled, the tension ebbing into a satisfied ache. You felt boneless, completely undone. Even shifting onto your back sent pleasant aftershocks rippling through you, your muscles still twitching with the remnants of your release.
Then Noel was pulling you toward him again.
His touch lingered, teasing as he just barely pressed his ring against your clit. You jolted, oversensitive, a sharp gasp escaping your lips. 
He exhaled sharply, watching you with dark, heavy-lidded eyes, drinking in every twitch and shiver. Then, he lifted his fingers to his mouth and cleaned you off them, making a show of swirling his tongue around the rings. The sight was pure filth.
“I’ll never be able to look at these the same way again,” he said, smirk tugging at his lips.
You huffed a laugh, breathing still uneven as you turned, pressing your face into his chest, listening as his erratic heartbeat slowed to a steady rhythm. His hand moved gently over your back, fingers tracing lazy patterns, soothing in the aftermath. He played with your hair absentmindedly, letting you recover from your intense orgasm.
Lifting your head, you met his gaze, still dark with unmistakable lust, but now laced with something softer. A slow smile spread across his face as he reached to brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His touch lingered, fingers trailing down to cup your cheek, thumb skimming over your bottom lip.
“Love you so much,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his thumb, voice thick with adoration.
His expression shifted, something deeper flickering behind his eyes. His fingers traced along your jaw, tilting your chin up so you were looking right at him.
“Love you too,” he murmured, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your forehead. “More than you know.”
You shifted, capturing his lips properly in a slow kiss, pouring every ounce of emotion into it. His tongue slid against yours, and the taste of yourself on his lips sent another thrill through you.
Smiling against his mouth, you slid a leg between his, where he was still achingly hard.
He’s been so good to you, so patient. The thought sent a fresh wave of affection coursing through you. Pressing one last kiss to his bottom lip, you pulled back, a slow smirk spreading across your face.
“Need help with that?” you teased.
He exhaled a short laugh, eyes dark and wanton. “Yeah, I could use a hand… or two.”
Your fingers trailed down his chest, skimming over his stomach before halting just above his waistband.
“Well, since you were so kind…” you mused, letting the words hang in the air before slowly flipping him over, pressing him into the mattress with a grin.
His breath hitched, his gaze locking onto yours. It was your turn now.
And you were going to devour him whole.
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biblical-chronicles · 3 months ago
Early years
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where the reader stumbles upon Noel's childhood pictures and can't help but tease him a little.
The bedroom was tranquil, save for the soft sounds of Noel’s steady breathing beside you. His arm was slung over your waist, his face half-buried in the pillow, and his hair looked delightfully messy against his forehead. You could have stayed like that forever, but the curiosity sparked by your phone screen had drawn you away—just a little.
You’d been scrolling aimlessly until a headline caught your eye: “From Childhood to Stardom: A Rare Look at Noel’s Early Years.” Intrigued, you clicked, expecting a typical article. What you found instead made your hand fly to your mouth to stifle a laugh.
It was a photo of a very young Noel. He looked about six, his cheeks full and pink, a gap-toothed grin lighting up his face as he held his hands together. His hair was cut into a blunt bowl cut while his socks only stopped below his knees. You had to bite your lip to keep from waking him, but a small snort escaped, and you quickly pressed the pillow over your face to muffle it.
“Can’t be,” you whispered to yourself, your curiosity doubling. You opened your browser and started searching: Noel Gallagher childhood photos.
You didn’t expect much. Maybe a couple of old gig shots if you were lucky. But as the results loaded, you nearly lost it. There he was again, older this time but no less adorable, standing in a cowboy shirt next to Liam striking a pose, his hand sat sassily on his hip.
Your shoulders started shaking with silent laughter, and that’s when you felt him stir beside you.
“Wha’s all this?” Noel’s sleepy voice was muffled as he buried his face deeper into the pillow. “What you snickering at, eh?”
Your laughter betrayed you, spilling out now that you’d been caught. “Nothing! Go back to sleep.”
“‘Nothing,’ my arse.” He cracked an eye open, squinting at you. “C’mon then, let’s have it. What’s so bloody funny at—” He lifted his head to glance at the clock. “—half seven in the morning?”
You didn’t answer, holding the phone close to your chest to hide the screen. That only made him more suspicious.
“Right,” he said, his voice still rough with sleep. “Hand it over. What’ve you found, eh?”
“No way.” You grinned, scrambling out of his reach as he lunged lazily for the phone. “You’ll never catch me.”
“Don’t be daft,” he muttered, sitting up and ruffling his hair. “You’re up to summat. Lemme see.”
“Absolutely not,” you teased, holding the phone high above your head, safely out of his reach as you scrolled again. “Oh, my God, Noel. You were too much as a kid. Did your mum let you dress yourself?”
“You what?” He narrowed his eyes at you, the faintest hint of a blush creeping up his neck. “Gimme that.”
You turned the screen toward him, showing him the cowboy shirt photo for just a second before yanking it away again. He groaned, flopping back onto the bed and covering his face with both hands.
“Christ, not that one,” he muttered. “Thought I burned all those.”
“Oh, it’s brilliant,” you said, laughing as you climbed back onto the bed, sitting cross-legged beside him. “You'll have to teach me how to strike a pose like that, and that bowl cut? perfectly crisp that. How did this not come up sooner?”
“’Cause it’s mortifying, that’s why.” He peeked at you from between his fingers, his cheeks flushed. “Don’t you dare save any of those.”
“Too late,” you said, grinning wickedly as you clicked another link “Oh, Noel, look at this one. Knee-high socks again. You look like you were off to ref a football match in the middle of a school play.”
Noel groaned louder this time, snatching a pillow and covering his face entirely. “I was a child, you menace. You’re havin’ far too much fun with this.”
“I am,” you admitted, reaching over to poke his arm. “And you’re adorable when you’re embarrassed. Did anyone ever tell you that?”
“No,” he mumbled through the pillow, “and don’t you start.”
“Okay, okay,” you said, feigning innocence as you leaned closer. “Tell you what. I’ll stop… if you give me a kiss.”
He pulled the pillow down just enough to glare at you, his brows drawn together. “That’s extortion.”
“It’s a good deal,” you countered, holding the phone just out of his reach. “You get your dignity back, and I get a kiss. Fair’s fair.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, sitting up and pulling you into his lap with a dramatic sigh. “Come ‘ere then, you menace.”
You giggled as he kissed you, soft and lingering, his hands finding your waist to steady you. When he pulled back, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile despite himself.
“There,” he said, his voice warm. “Satisfied?”
“Very.” You grinned, tossing your phone onto the nightstand. “But just so you know, I’m keeping those pictures saved. For, you know… emergencies.”
Noel groaned again, shaking his head as he flopped back onto the pillows, dragging you down with him. “You’re a nightmare, you are.”
“And you love me,” you said, nuzzling into his chest.
He sighed, the sound heavy with mock defeat, but his arms tightened around you all the same. “Yeah, yeah. Lucky me.”
You smirked against his chest, unable to resist pushing your luck. “Y’know, I might have to ring Peggy. See if she’s got a whole stash of these photos tucked away somewhere, I just know she'd love to show me all of them.”
Noel froze beneath you, his hand stilling mid-stroke on your back. “Don’t you bloody dare,” he said, his voice laced with a mix of genuine panic and exasperation.
You pulled back just enough to catch his wide-eyed expression, biting your lip to keep from laughing. “What? I bet she’s got the good ones. Maybe even a whole album of you in little socks, short shorts and with that crisp bowl cut.”
“Oi,” he warned, narrowing his eyes as a blush crept up his neck again. “Leave me mum out of this. She’s been through enough without you diggin’ up evidence to humiliate me further.”
You grinned, leaning in to kiss the tip of his nose. “Relax, Gallagher. Your secrets are safe… for now.”
He groaned, dragging a hand over his face. “You’re unbearable. I should’ve married someone who didn’t find me primary school fashion choices so bloody hilarious.”
“But then who would keep you humble?” you teased, resting your chin on his chest with a cheeky smile.
“Unreal,” he muttered, shaking his head with a laugh, his fingers finding their way back to your hair. “You’re lucky I fancy you, you know that?”
The teasing soon faded into comfortable quiet, the kind of warmth and closeness that made you wonder how you’d ever gotten so lucky. Noel’s blush had mostly faded, but you noticed the way his lips twitched whenever you giggled, his gruff façade cracking just enough to let his affection show.
And if you happened to scroll through more of those pictures later when he wasn’t looking? Well, that was your little secret.
sickly cute little Noel story for all me lot today xx
it was another request so everyone thank @shes-thunderstormssss for the dead cute idea !!
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