#sleepy cg
cosmic-c-kiddo · 9 months
hello!! do you think you could make a Moon (fnaf) cg moodboard, with themes of bedtime? thank you either way! :0]
Heyyy!! I hope you like it! 💙💛
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compressedrage · 4 months
Inspired by the fact that is Mother's Day today, I had a thought
How much do you think the CG understand about traditional family dynamics?
I'm sure they understand a lot, since they exist on a computer with easy internet access, and they definitely watch movies together. I just wonder if (for example) they ever think about how the RYGB don't have parents. Where'd they come from? We don't know, and they probably don't either! They just existed on a stickfights webpage before Orange busted them out!
Or take Orange. Does he ever think about how the closet thing he has to a father is Alan? The one who killed his friends, tried to kill him, and then chilled out over the course of five months? Sure, everything's okay now, but still.
I just wonder if when they talk to Purple, who's an Outernet stick who had actual parents, they ever stop and think how different their lives were.
Traditional family dynamics must seem pretty foreign to them.
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diapered-bun · 3 months
I just want to be a sleepy baby and be falling asleep in their lap/ on their chest and unexpectedly feel their hand pressing on my diaper, giving me something to grind myself against while I doze off.
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 5 months
Well hi there sweetie-pie!~.☆
Someone's looking a little small, huh? That's okay baby, Dada wants you to relax <3
Let's grab your stuffies and blankies and cozy up in bed, how's that sound?
Dada will get you some warm milk, angel ~ but here's your paci for now.
*Forehead kisses*
Keep being good and I'll be right back for as many cuddles as you need <3
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babibrew · 1 year
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Caregiver moon moodboard for @moons-age-regression-blog !!
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endy2eepy · 3 months
cg alastor headcannons
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with an earthly little, inspired by this fic:
his silly confused look around gathering his surroundings every time you summon him
he tells you all about his friends in hell- lots of fun stories about angel and nif in particular (your sibbies even if you've never met them!)
he's the best storyteller, you don't even think about wanting to watch TV when you get to hear him tell stories instead
he sings you lots of lullabies
him bringing you presents from members of the hotel !
having a penpal in hell !!! cause your super cool cg is able to deliver the letters
he's big on manners, always reminding you to say please and thank you
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caregivingchrysalises · 6 months
oh beloved, i’m here, papa’s here, *softly cups your cheek with my hand* starlight hey, we’re alright, we’re going to get through this, i know it feels icky right now, but it won’t feel this way forever~ buba also knows how silly that sounds as you’re sitting in that sadness, i promise i do~ you’re doing the best you can i know you are love. *taking your hand and holding it* expressing your feelings is something to be proud of blossom, your feelings don’t make you weak~ and they certainly don’t change the way i love you. i will always be here to dry your tears or quell your fears my love, ‘tala isn’t going anywhere angel, i’ll be right here when you need me sweetheart.
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loveyjeongie · 11 months
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m upset so here is me writing out how I feel but also comforting myself with a short thing bc I can relate to baby mina. also I wrote this half asleep and running on no sleep for 24+ hours so I apologize if there are any mistakes <3
|little!mina, cg!2yeon|
word count: 941
warnings: mina is autistic, talk abt nightmares, hair pulling as a way to regulate emotions, just a little sad with a happy ending bc we all need that rn and I want to sleep peacefully with mommies 2yeon too :(
Everyone was laid on the couch watching a movie that was quickly coming to an end. Mina rested against jeongyeons chest, her thumb in her mouth, a habit that she always had when she was sleepy. Nayeon opposite of them, with mina’s legs resting over her lap whilst her fingers drew soft loving circles around the soft spot of her calves, the credits began to roll on the tv in front of them and she spoke through a whisper, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Hey love bug, I think it’s time for bed yeah? Why don’t you come with me, i’ll help you brush your teeth!” Standing up, nayeon gently picked up mina as she shifted around in her arms with a few whines.
“mina don wan sleepies mama, mina wan mama stay wit her” her arms tightened around the back of nayeons neck as a form of expressing that she was being firm.
“Oh baby… you have to get some sleep, otherwise how will you have energy to play tomorrow?” they walked into the bathroom, she switched on the light and sat the little down on the sink’s marble countertop. But when she tried to back away mina’s grip was still tighter than ever, like she was determined to stay that close with her mama forever.
“saids mina don wan sleepies!” fussing around in her arms, she began to kick her feet while letting out a few more frustrated whines. “mina wan mama! sleepies bad sleepies hurt mina!”
At this point, jeongyeon was also standing in the doorway after being called over to help nayeon calm the upset little. Mina started to feel anxious, like there were ants crawling under her skin and her brain was on fire. Moving a hand away from her grasp on her mama, she grabbed a fistful of her hair and began tugging on it roughly in an attempt to sooth herself. “no sleepies! no sleepies! bad!” she began to yell as the overwhelming feeling of having to sleep and relive a common nightmare of hers she had the night before brought her to tears and soon she was sobbing vigorously against nayeons chest.
Mina was starting to hurt herself and pull strands out of her scalp with every other tug. Jeongyeon quickly stepped forward from the doorway to grab the little girls hand, and held it in hers as she gave it gentle kisses.
“mina baby, what’s scaring you about sleeping? have you had a bad dream?”
Through choked sobs she tried to stutter out a few words that neither caregiver could make out. The lack of understanding of what she was trying to say upset mina even further, causing her to take her other hand and ball the hair on the opposite side of her scalp in her fist as well.
Nayeon began to worry heavily, and took mina back out to the living room where she sat back down on the couch and rocked the both of them back and forth trying to calm down the sobs that were shaking the girls body.
“Sweetheart, mama and mommy aren’t going anywhere and the bad dreams can’t hurt you I promise.”
“Your mama’s right peanut, we’re always here when you sleep and you need us. Would you like to come to bed with your mommies tonight instead? Would that help the bad dreams go away?”
The rocking movements and gentle tone they used with her helped calm her jumbled mind slightly and after a few minutes minas sobs turned into occasional sniffles and small hiccups. One fist still in her hair, she grabbed the hem of nayeons shirt and brought it closer, a way that mina often grounds herself. She loved the sweet scents and soft textures that her mamas clothes always had. They made her feel like she was laying on a warm cloud.
Taking a while to respond, nayeon grabbed the hand still in minas hair and interlaced it with hers,
“Okay, cmon my sweet girl you can come to bed with mama tonight.”
The three of them entered the bedroom and as jeongyeon fixed up the bed for them all to sleep in, nayeon quickly changed mina into her favorite blue pajamas, and slipped a pull up on the small girl so that she didn’t have any accidents during the night. She was still fussy, but was only mumbling a few words such as “mama” “mommy” and “bobo”, for her paci that sat on the bedside table. Jeongyeon took mina from nayeon arms so that she could get undressed as well, and laid down in the middle of the bed, the little crawling on top of her chest and placing her ear to her heart. The boom of their heartbeats made her feel safer, closer even, so they always let her rest there whenever she wants. Nayeon climbed into the bed and under the blankets on the other side of mina, grabbing the blue penguin themed paci from the nightstand and sliding it past her lips.
She fussed slightly, prompting jeongyeon to rock her side to side.
“We love you peanut, and your mommies will never let anything hurt you, if you have any bad dreams you’ll wake up and both of us will be here to protect you from them, okay?”
mina closed her eyes slowly and hummed in response.
“Goodnight my sweet girl, i love you.”
nayeon pulled the comforter over them, and let out a sigh.
On the brink of sleep, and finally feeling safe again in the arms of her mommies, she mumbled barely audibly before stilling for the night.
“no bad nite mamas, mina wuvs u too”
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cgetbrmj · 1 year
Guys this is so insignificant and doesn't matter to anyone but me BUT today I had such a Little™ moment and wjsbfheken
So like, I'm at the end of my last year of schooling for now right (should mention that I'm not a minor somewhere - anyway) and there's this guy who's like a year older than me who's training to be a teacher and comes to help this one class I'm in (that's basically just a for fun class that nodoby tries that hard in)
And like he's kinda cute and funny and we get on well so I spend a lot of time in that class talking to him but he's so scatterbrained that half of the time that he's trying to get me to do work we just end up distracting each other and getting more sidetracked right
And anyway point of the story is that that was happening and we were laughing about something and then he smiled at me and said "okay we really need to get you on task now, kiddo" and
You know? Because that shit made me so baby brain kiddy mode little and I'm not going to stop thinking about this for a WHILE now good god
Anyway I just needed to get that out of my system, love yall thanks for listening to my rambles once again xoxo
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compressedrage · 3 months
*pokes head through door sleepily*
Do you guys think Orange will wonder if he's immortal (or at least unable to be killed) and think he might outlive his friends? Again?
If Dark isn't actually dead (press X to doubt) than it is looking very likely that hollowheads can't be killed by any vaguely normal means. What does that say about how long they will live?
We don't know how sticks and aging works– everyone has their own headcanons of course, I personally think it's similar to how humans age, maybe a little different. they have different "risks" or whatever after all.
But Orange is different from his friends. He's already survived an attack that killed them. His wounds healed themselves and he went on to unlock his powers. How long will it take for him to notice?
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pumpkin-n-mc · 4 months
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sensitivegoblin · 15 hours
Whos up i need distractions
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bobzora · 16 hours
writing so much flavor text.someone help meeeeeee
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daddyssafespace · 4 months
I’m so drained.. just got home now after driving 20 hours in 3 days 😭
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kny-agere · 10 months
Hello! It's been a while since I saw this account and I read the Little Space stories from here and i love it!, You could make a Little space scenario of Little Zenitsu and Caregiver Uzui? They two are cute together and I really wanted to see that (no pressure btw :3)
“No! I don’t wanna go to bed. I’m not tired, I’m not, I’m not, I’m NOT!” Zenitsu howls like he’s dying. In reality Uzui stands a few feet away from him and simply softly suggested that he look tired.
In his fit he’s tossed accessories all over the room, subsequently ending their game off dress up. The fine robe hangs off of Zenitsu’s shoulder, partially exposing him. His face is an awful splotchy red. It looks like he’s had an allergic reaction.
Uzui wishes one of his wives were here. Not Makio actually, who’d get fed up with the screaming too quickly, but one of the others would know how to softly reassure the boy. Hinatsuru especially would know how yo approach him.
Instead Zenitsu is stuck with Tengen. He seemed happy with the man’s company mostly, which came as a surprise. Half the time Agatsuma still insisted that he hated the hashira, taunts eagerly swapped between them.
Regressed however he was much quieter and willing to follow instructions. Rarely did Zenitsu ever talk back or disobey, too happy to soak up any scrap of positive praise. Uzui tried to dole it out often. He felt bad to see how disappointed the boy got at the smallest amount of scolding. His tears weren’t of the crocodile variety, actually genuine in their sadness.
Now he felt like he had a completely different person in front of him. Zenitsu hadn’t kept on howling for too long, but still had a twisted look on his face.
“I didn’t say you had to take a nap. I just asked if you were ready to start winding down.”
“Well I’m NOT! I’m keeping playing.” To prove his point Agatsuma grabbed a handful of costume jewelry and began donning it.
“Great, but you’ll have to play on your own. I don’t like playing with boys who shout.” It was a childish move.
Zenitsu’s little face scrunched up. He let out a large wail before falling into Tengen’s lap. Clutching onto the man’s robe he proceeded to use the fabric as a sort of tissue. “Nooo! Please play wif me!” He let out another strangled noise and feel back into a fit of sobs.
It wasn’t exactly uncommon for the boy to cry, regardless of what age he felt. Tengen wasn’t swayed by the tears.
“We can play if you stop yelling.” He wasn’t too cruel, putting a reassuring hand on Zenitsu’s head. “I not making you go to bed yet so we’re not gonna cry over that.”
“O-oh, okay.” He can’t stop his crying immediately, but the noises taper off into little sobs. “and I dun’ wanna go to bed. ever.”
“Sure thing.” The kid will be asleep within an hour at most. “Can we go clean up the mess?” Beads have scattered over the floor. A necklace or two have broken.
He tries to widen his eyes. All his emotions are so plain in his features. “Will you help me?” Sticking his bottom lip out he wiggles it.
Tengen prepares himself for another possible fit. “Did I make the mess? I’m sure you’ll do fine on your own.” He waits for another scream to shatter his eardrums.
Zenitsu lets out another whimper, but surprisingly does not throw another fit. His displeasure is still clear however as he drags his feet back toward the clothes scattered on the ground. Lying down he picks up each fallen bead one at a time. Every few minutes he’ll let out an angry little noise.
“C’mon, let’s clean up properly.” Tengen moves closer, crouching beside the sullen boy. While he continues to just watch instead of helping, he does affectionately ruffle Zenitsu’s hair.
When Agatsuma just turns away the man is forced to pull out his secret weapon. “I’ll time you.”
That draws up curious eyes.
“I think the ladies will be home soon.” A lie. “I’m sure they’ll be very impressed to hear how fast you are.”
It puts an actual smile on his face. “And I get a treat?”
“Well, maybe if you’re good for the rest of the day.” Another lie, all the women adore the boy to much. They’d probably give him a treat even if he murdered Uzui.
“Ok! Start now.” Quickly Zenitsu grabs handfuls of beads and shoves them into the jewelry box. In between movements he removes some of the play necklaces. Tengen has to remind him to be careful.
“If you break another I’ll add 30 seconds to your total.” A scandalized squeal pops from the child. He moves with more caution than is necessary, though it’s better than reckless abandon. Some of them are tangled together, still dumped into the box all the sane. It’ll be a nightmare to sort through them later. Uzui might just buy new ones instead.
“How long has it been?”
“Almost a minute! You better hurry.” It was another… another lie but a useful one. The first time Zenitsu heard a number bigger than five he had cried and refused to do anything more.
“All done!” He pointed to the box which was not organized, necklaces spilling out over the sides, but all the items were technically there. “Was I fastest?”
Uzui stops his imaginary timer. “Oh wow, 48 seconds! I think that’s a new record.” He’s not as good at putting on a cheerful tone as his wives are, but it satisfies Zenitsu.
“Yay! I win I win.” He clapped his hands together. “And now we play more?”
“Oh buddy I’m kinda tired. Maybe we can do something quiet.”
“Can we color?”
Uzui was surprised at the suggestion. Though maybe he was more surprised that Zenitsu hadn’t reacted with immediate tears. “Sure. You wanna help me find the paper?”
The boy leaped up and reached for Uzui’s hand. “I already know where it is,” he declared proudly.
Tengen grunted as he brought himself off the floor. “Alright, you lead the way.” He grabbed the boy’s hand and followed him down the hall.
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caregivingchrysalises · 6 months
hey lovebug i’m- hi sweetheart *hair ruffles and head pats* i know i flew away a little longer than i’d promised *nodding into my shirt sniffling* awe sunshine i’m here now it’s all going to be alright *grabby hands tugging my shirt- wings fluttering in response* would my little love like to come fly with me? no no not too far, can papa pick you up? yeah alright three… two… one *carefully lifts you into my arms and sits you comfortably* swoosh (i’m not sure how to write flying noises hahah) here we are little one *i sit us down on the soft mattress wings finally able to spread out behind me* how was that for an adventure lovebug? *nuzzles noses and forehead kisses* yeah, let’s see i think it’s the perfect time to get some rest hm, does that sound good sweetheart, i’d be happy to read a story or sing something if you’d like~ whatever you wish little one
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