#sleepy adrien
96coccinelle96 · 6 months
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Happy St. Patrick’s day!! I wanted to make a lil comic of them bc they are always on my mind obv
This was so SO rushed (I pinky swear that first panel is not what you should ever expect from me but I was so tired and I don’t feel like redrawing it 😭)
also excuse me while I have a style crisis lol
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miraculousfanworks · 6 months
Writing Prompt: His dream journal must be awesome
Whenever Adrien has a bad dream, Plagg would whisper ridiculous scenarios into his ear so that he’ll have a much nicer albeit weirder dream.
Plagg: Focus Adrien, Ladybug needs you to do that Van Damme truck split perfectly or else the lucky charm won’t work Adrien: I won’t disappoint you my Lady
Plagg: freeze! Stop right there banananoir! You are under arrest for stealing all the croissants in Paris! Adrien: you’ll never get me alive
Plagg: Adrien, all your photoshoots are cancelled because its raining Passion fruit macarons Adrien: pleased humming
Prompt by: Ratkun
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
when you see allusions to her in everything you do call that simpolism
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bbutterflies · 11 days
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so I was at the gay club the other day
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graythegreyt · 5 months
solitary hero au: why doesn't marinette go to school? did her parents pull her out when chloe started bullying her or...?
The short answer is: Marinette is now Paris' only hero and their last line of defense against the akuma! She has no partner to rely on to handle the akuma in her absence, and no insurance that people won't discover her identity if she needs to bolt out of class. So, she's become a hero full-time in order to remedy this.
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I can't imagine that her parents would be happy with this arrangement, though, and the fact that their 14-year-old daughter will be quitting schooling to train to be the solitary hero of Paris as well as the guardian inheritor of an entire practice of magic-- well, it wouldn't sit well. They may have even turned away the Order at first, but if they were to do that I think Mari would at length chase after the Order behind their backs and accept the mantle of the Miraculous by herself. Begrudgingly, and eventually, her parents would have agreed to support this, but would have been very uncertain about it. I can't decide right now whether Mari would keep living with her parents or come to live with the Order, but maybe she splits her time? Remains to be seen I think.
I feel Mari would be constantly restless and yearn for the connection that school can bring though. She would, of course, not miss the bullying, but sometimes she sees her friends in the distance and daydreams what would happen if she could be there with them too, if only for a day. What would change?
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She signed up for this, though. She can't-- she won't-- go back until the threat of abused magic is defeated. And of course, until the threads of reality spinning the makeup of the universe stop singing to her too.
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lunarelly · 1 year
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april13th2009 · 7 months
Every day is just.
Thinks about Meenah as a character who doesn't want to feel as though she's hurting her friends and cares more about that than actually not hurting her friends. Thinks about "you know how it is someones gotta take care of the guy anyways" and the equation of dehumanization with care and the Beforean blood hierarchy as a systemic ableism analogy. Thinks about the perception of disabled people as burdens and Meenah's abdication being about not wanting to be chained down to anything. Thinks about Meenah as a character desperate to feel like she has autonomy/control in her life, but not necessarily wanting power, as more responsibility feels like less control. Thinks about social differences in Alternia vs Beforus leading to Meenah choosing to abdicate on one world but not the other. Thinks about Porrim's musings on fate where she references the life decisions of Mindfang and the Dolorosa (separately) and about the potential effect of that knowledge on her relationship with Aranea. Thinks about Aranea's fate vs free will talk with Terezi. Thinks about how similar Kankri's insecurities are to Meenah's and Aranea's, and how much more like them he probably would've ended up being if the Signless had been as shit a person as Mindfang or the Condesce. Thinks about the insidiousness of "I'd address my involvement with that, 8ut you seem to 8e tapping your foot so I think I'll just skip over that part of the story" and wonders if Aranea like Meenah felt guilt over actions never taken by her but by someone she spoke of in first person. Thinks about how I love Meenah when she's well-written and hate half the writing choices made with her. Thinks about how I [said through gritted teeth] like the vast majority of the writing choices made for Aranea, even if I'm screaming and crying about how they gave me the most autistic girl ever and then made her a Mindfang fan.
Thinks about Latula Pyrope's internalized sexism and how her personality revolves around "yeah I'm a girl BUT I still have value and deserve respect because I'm so good at [things that one can't easily or safely do while blind] let me prove myself please" and her influence on Terezi's mental state during the timeskip. Thinks about Latula's black lipstick and apparent eyeliner despite always wearing sunglasses, and how on her sprite it looks like her shoes have heels despite her constant skateboarding, and how cool it would've been if Terezi was butch. Thinks about how we see Terezi rping with Nepeta and flarping with Vriska and Team Charge and playfully flirting with Dave and Karkat and how over time every one of those people she was closest to was either killed and/or someone she distanced herself from until she had no one. And then until she had Vriska again. Thinks about how the moment I heard Terezi's "luck doesn't actually matter" line I was convinced she would kill Vriska and cheered aloud at being proven right. Thinks about Vriska killing Tavros and Tavros refusing to kill Vriska and Tavrisprite killing themself. Thinks about how the Vriska godtier scene was my favorite thus far in the entire comic and Tavros could be such a good character if Hussie also gave a shit about his characterization when Vriska wasn't there. Thinks about Vriska kissing Tavros as another way of challenging him, meaning that she knew he didn't want it. Thinks about Vriska kissing Tavros because she wanted to make him more like herself and SHE wanted to be given affection but could only conceptualize it through adversity. Thinks about the Summoner loving and killing Mindfang and Tavros doing neither for Vriska- “Too l8 to kiss me, too l8 to kill me”. Thinks about how Vriska grew up with a primary source stating that the person she idolized, who she had survived through emulating, was a rapist, and the effects that had on Vriska’s conceptualization of consent. Thinks about Mindfang brainwashing the Dolorosa to love her vs Vriska not being able to bear doing the same to Tavros. Thinks about Mindfang making the Dolorosa question her free will vs Vriska trying to force Tavros to take more initiative. Thinks about Vriska's Captain Hook parallels (pirate missing an arm and an eye, waiting for a character representing time to come kill her) and her fairy dress. Thinks about Kanaya making that for her, and the kiss acting as a power play against Kanaya too; Tavros was her friend. Thinks about how annoying it is when moirallegiance gets reduced to being wholesome besties by fans, when in canon no troll social dynamic on Alternia can be separated from their larger social norms facilitating abuse. Thinks about how trolls also had quadrants prescratch and wonders how Beforean social norms impacted that. Thinks about how annoying it was of the romance explanation to go "oh yeah being in a matespritship is just like normal human romance, moving on" instead of giving us anything new/more interesting. Thinks about "she keeps 8ugging me. 8ugging and fussing and meddling… I guess it's flattering that she wants to talk to me so much though. I guess I don't mind. It's cool". Thinks about how Vriska, having methodically destroyed her relationship with Kanaya, cries for her attention in Alterniabound by mockingly implying that it was Tavros Kanaya liked. Thinks about how glad I am that Kanaya got out of that relationship. Thinks about how, at Rose's "strive to pacify me as I scuffle down this black corridor" comment, Kanaya immediately asserts that she doesn't want to do that, and thinks about how HAPPY I am for her to be setting healthy boundaries. Thinks about how my favorite character Terezi will never beat the Vriskaliking allegations ever in her life.
Thinks about my stupid little webcomic thinks about my stupid little webcomic thinks about my stupid little webcomic
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sovya · 8 months
im exhausted but hear me out
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cray-2-the-z · 8 months
Took a nap and exported another one!
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sunlessea · 3 months
i think of you very fondly. — adrifires
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fruit bat / @londonfallen
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. . . god laughed. truly. its fingers feel soft 'gainst his lips where he holds its gaze, trying to ignore the hitch in his breath, how gently it handles him. the way it looks at him is nothing like how it looks at the rest of those under its employ, hell, not even how it regards the rest of london. he would know, how often he's watched it with something near quiet obsession since even the fourth city.
and he's never caught it like this 'til recent, the tenderness in its eyes and smile which would otherwise be hidden by cloak 'pon cloak, were they in public. like this, he can see each subtle flick of its ears, or how its lips upturn subtly at first... then less so. he'd never dreamt of meeting a master of the bazaar, in all the hundreds of years he'd dutifully stayed out of their way 'til this forsaken city. he'd have gagged at the chance. now, he can't look away. he's transfixed by it, and the purr 'neath its murmur.
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"i . . ." he doesn't ... hate it. it's not that he's discovering he never had, because he had! vehemently. he'd have never cried or lost sleep over news of mr fires having its throat slit in the night by revolutionaries, before this city, this job. now his magicked heart races, red creeping up his face from candlelit flame.
why him? out of everyone, even every caitiff, in london, why did it have to be him? all by chance, all because it had chosen him that day when it killed its previous supervisor. all because he'd stomped on its foot and called it a slew of colorful names when it'd tried to blame him for―
"are you going to kiss me?" it dawns on him slowly, the way it's staring at him, something caught 'tween its usual smug satisfaction, but also ... longing. it passes over him, the very real implication that he can only recognize those feelings because he must have experienced them himself. "sir?"
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sleepyspeedster · 10 months
Rating: Teen (May change in the future)
Pairing: Luka Couffaine/Adrien Agreste
(Set in the future and the Miraculous Users are in their twenties) Knowing the future is dangerous even for Miraculous Users of Time like Luka Couffaine. After having his future, a future where he is involved with Adrien Agreste aka one of Paris' beloved heroes Chat Noir, accidentally revealed to him by his close friend and fellow time-traveler Alix Kubdel aka Bunnyx, he must navigate his life, his burgeoning feelings, and his own insecurities knowing this potential future looms before him in the distance.
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psychopomparia · 1 year
Tell me why I got MLB fanart on my feed and it's the Dark! Adrien from the Miraculous Paris and my immediate reaction was
"oh it's Obey Me Satan fanart!"
it doesn't help that they both are blonde guys with green eyes who love cats.
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
can you share some of your writing/planning process for thirteen? i adore the non-linear format - how do you decide what scenes to put where?
ahh thank you!! idk how much of a defined process I have, but there's definitely a lot of planning that goes into it and i can show you some of that.
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i keep all the chapters in one doc organized by month, and then i plan everything out in bullet points in a timeline at the beginning. here i just have october and november as examples bc after december things started to get more detailed/messy
all of the scenes (especially at the beginning) set the stage for things i’ve planned to happen later, or establish something that feels relevant to adrien’s character by the time we meet him in canon. the task of condensing an entire month into about 2-3 scenes has been a bit difficult; i’ve found out that i’m a very present-moment kind of writer so it’s harder for me to describe the passage of, like, weeks of time. so i’ve been pinpointing specific threads of adrien’s story that i want to be sure to tell and choosing scenes from each month that build on that.
i’ve had the idea for this fic in the back of my mind since about 2021 so i’ve had several scenes cemented in my mind, ways i’ve decided things played out, etc. some of the writing process has been building the narrative around those things or figuring out how we get there. that’s what i love about prequels in general, honestly - it’s inevitable where we’re going to end up, but how do we get there?
adrien’s situation, at the moment we meet him in origins, is SO endlessly fascinating to me. he is in the process of doing something reckless and rebellious and bold - running away - against the will of his father, a man he spends the rest of the series struggling with his compulsion to submit to. we find out, via the rest of the show, exactly how difficult it is for adrien to stand up to his father. and yet, in his very first appearance, adrien is running away from him.
how did he get here? what, exactly, pushed him to this point? was this the final escalation of a steady build of rebellious behaviors, or an impulsive breakthrough after one awful day too many? what has this small boy been through in the last year, and why does public school seem to be his only fathomable escape?
and WHY, if his circumstances are so dire as to compell him to rebel so boldly in the first place, does he still throw it away to help the old man in the road? what makes him so kind, when he has everything to lose? what happened? how did he get here?
i’m interested, obviously, in the character of émilie. i think that the hole she leaves in the narrative is a compelling silhouette and i’ve been having a blast trying to pencil in its details. it’s obvious that adrien loved her deeply and had a stronger connection to her than with gabriel. but also, adrien was still shut off from the world while she was alive. he was still, presumably, an exploited child star while she was alive. she was an actress and a mother and died by broken magic and never told her son the truth about any of it. figuring out who i think she was and then how to show that through young adrien’s eyes has been a huge part of planning this story for me.
as far as the twenty three year old adrien sections, those have been less involved as far as planning goes. i only recently mapped out which areas of the house i want him to visit during the different months. i wanted his sections to line up at least thematically, if not physically, where thirteen year old adrien is at in his story. for example, in december twenty three year old adrien cleans out the dining room where thirteen year old adrien was having terrible christmas dinner. and in january they’re both in the garden, etc.
it’s a bit harder to map out twenty three adrien just because it has to also make sense geographically - i can’t have him running back and forth up and down the stairs, let’s be real he doesn’t have the energy for that. i’ve also opened up the agreste mansion page on the miraculous wiki so many times while trying to map this out 💔💔 did you know that apparently there’s a third floor we never see in the show. yeah i have to figure out what to do with that now
ANYWAY long story short: the planning process for thirteen is kind of a mess, but the whole story is built around some central plot points that i knew i wanted to hit from the beginning. the details change a lot (as you can see from the outline above - it’s not quite right) but i keep the end in mind. just have to figure out how we get there.
thank you for asking!! mwah<3
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bbutterflies · 8 months
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years
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Some CoF doodles
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fizzytoo · 1 year
feeling a very AAAAAAA about adrien and rua
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