#slbp terumune
yonezawacastle · 10 months
Maybe this is the result of me not being a longtime player, but there's a great deal about the Date family that never quite adds up to me.
Terumune in particular is an enigma. He's seen so rarely that it's hard to get a real grasp of his relationships with his wife and children. Has he come to love Yoshihime, I wonder, or does he merely respect her role as his wife and the mother of their children?
And how much did he know about Yoshihime's abuse of Masamune? Her contempt for her eldest child appears to have been open and unrestrained. It's not clear to me that Terumune ever attempted to put a stop to it. Did he see it as a necessary toughening up, or as simply out of his hands?
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buddy-anon · 5 years
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:,) family
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arlome · 2 years
(Fashionably Late) Snippet Sunday
Yes, I know, I know - it's Monday... But, in my defence, yesterday was Tisha Be'Av and I was too busy mourning for the destruction of our Temple to post :P
So, without further ado, here's the snippet!
“You honour us with your words, tono,” Uncle replies, bowing formally. “Our boy here can be a tad too studious, you see. His sister and I were quite worried he’d end up a stuffy bureaucrat.” 
This time, the flush on Kojuro’s cheeks has nothing to do with the drink and everything to do with his uncle’s lack of restraint. If only the man would keep his damned mouth shut! 
Terumune-sama reaches over and slides a warm hand down the back of his neck and squeezes softly.
“I’d say there’s very little chance of that happening,” he says, smiling warmly through a haze of mild drunkenness. “Kagetsuna has a firm hold on his sword, a good aim with his bow, and a fine head on his shoulders. Now he only needs to grow into his body, and the Date army will have a fine commander on the field.” 
“T-tono…” Kojuro breathes, quite taken with the compliments. He can’t recall when last he’d been praised so openly. 
“A fine young man, indeed,” Ibano-done adds and downs another cup. “Bontenmaru-sama will surely benefit from his company in the future.”  “I have no doubt,” Terumune-sama agrees and picks up another tokuri, wrist poised for pouring. “Here, Kagetsuna, drink up, my boy.”
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Hi, how did Masamune's father die? I haven't read his route yet but I've read some of his SEs.
There are many theories.
One version says that when he was taken hostage, he told the Date army who came to rescue him to go ahead and shoot the enemy and not to mind him. In the shootout, he perished. However, according to the Date Jike Kiroku 伊達治家記録, Masamune wasn’t actually there. The Date army pursuing the kidnappers were led by Shigezane and Terumune’s brother Rusu Masakage. 
Another version from 会津旧事雑考 (not sure how this is pronounced), Hatakeyama Yoshitsugu saw that Masamune was coming to rescue his father, and so killed Terumune. 
The last version, the one used by both Ikemen Sengoku and SLBP, is from Ou’u Eikei Gunki 奥羽永慶軍記, where it claims that the one who shot at both Terumune and the enemy was Masamune himself. 
The first one is considered the most reliable, because Shigezane’s personal diary/records also corroborates that Masamune wasn’t there when Terumune died.
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💖 I love the Oshu Clan soooo much 💖
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❤ I hate her, her brother, and their clan soo much ❤
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quincette · 6 years
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daeva-agas · 4 years
Podcast host: “Date terumune really loves poetry and literature”
Dunno why, whenever someone says that some Sengoku lord likes poetry, dance, or painting or whatever, I’m like “YES, TELL ME MORE”.
Also, if the host is to be believed, then Masamune was an emo kid when he was younger. I’ll be damned, SLBP has a point! Though he did eventually grow up to be Nobunaga v2/Ikesen Masa, so there’s that. 
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draconivn · 4 years
SLBP. 01 | Blue Confidence
Summary: His eye may not be as damaged as his confidence after Lady Yoshihime is done with you and him. Part of the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu birthday series. Pairing: SLBP Masamune x Reader Warnings: Mild implications of violence, angst, comfort Masterpost: LINK
There were nights that we would spend at each other’s sides, curled up in bed like nothing else mattered in the world. There were also nights that Lord Masamune was busy with his work that it kept him up late, leaving me to go on to my room and sleep there instead. I wanted to be there to help him, but it had all been work that only he could complete since my part was already done. 
As his page, I wanted to make sure my Lord was happy and that I could help to shoulder his burdens whenever he struggled the most. As his lover, I wanted to be able to see to those burdens, that I could help him understand how to handle it, to give him that confidence he needed to pursue his decisions that were in the best interest of the clan.
But in the end, there was one thing that I knew he had no confidence in.
Gently, I reached up to undo the tie that kept his eyepatch on as he watched me with his green eyes, its colour like the trees that had just bloomed for the spring with buds waiting on its branches. As I removed the cloth, it had made way for the colour of a blue hue, warm like the ocean and misty as he blinked the fog away to adjust his vision.
Day in and day out, he wore this cloth to hide this beautiful eye of his, the very reason that Lady Yoshihime had labelled him as a monster for ever since he was born. Yet, it was before me that he bared it, and I welcomed it each time. Not a single time did it look as ugly as Lord Masamune called it to be. He had a beautiful blue eye, just as beautiful as the green one that looked at me with love that stretched to his lips with a smile. 
Today had been one of those days when Lady Yoshihime had come for a visit. 
The two had been mending their relationship ever since Lord Masamune had finally spoken to his mother about becoming that person she could eventually trust.
But today… indicated that she had no intention of actually fixing the relationship.
One moment, I had been offering her a dish that Lord Masamune said he remembered her liking, the next, it had been slapped out of my hand, the tray and its contents all over the floor with malice dripping in her tone. I didn’t care for the words she called me, nor the fact that she told me that I should have never arrived into Oshu because I had ruined all plans to make Kojirou the next head of the Date clan. But…
“That demon will never succeed to be the leader that Terumune was!”
Lord Masamune had been there to stop her hand from finding its destination on my cheek, and instead, Lord Kojuro had already ensured that she was escorted off the premises back to her castle.
Never have I ever believed that Lord Masamune was a monster, and I made sure that every waking moment we had together, he knew that. Setting the eyepatch down, I reached up to cup his cheeks and pressed a soft kiss to his eyelid, then to his other eye. “Your eyes are beautiful, Lord Masamune.”
His arms wrapped around my waist to embrace me close, burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Only you would ever say so.”
The corner of my lips tugged up into a smile. “Only because it’s true. These eyes of yours have become so kind, much kinder than when we first met. To see them makes me wonder what could make someone think that of you, to destroy your confidence like that. But the colour of your eyes don’t change that you are you.” Gently, I leaned back so we could crane our heads to look at one another, my hand brushing his hair out of his face.
“I thank every day that I have you,” he murmurs. “Even if I cannot love this eye of mine, you still love me for it.”
“I will keep loving your eye even when you have finally accepted it. I will continue to love you and your eyes for so long as you’ll have me.”
His head tipped up, the surge of calm washing over us as he leaned in to close any distance between us. “Then will you accept myself as I am for the rest of our lives?”
The question nearly goes missed before I have a chance to understand it. When I look at him in surprise, his expression seems to confirm everything he had asked me in that single question, but part of me wants to voice it out and ensure I didn’t just misunderstand. “Lord Masamune… are you saying…”
That soft, loving and boyish smile graced his expression, the look alone melting me to sit back on the heel of my feet as I looked up at him. “I want you by my side forever as my bride. When we cannot love ourselves, we are there to love one another and to hold each other with all the love in our hearts.”
Happiness and joy made my hands and lower lip tremble, my eyes starting to water.
It must’ve been my expression that caused worry to change over his loving expression, looking so startled. “W-What’s wrong?” Lord Masamune may be a fighter in war, but he’s very much a gentle giant that makes me smile at his flustered expressions. 
I shake my head, curving my lips into a smile. “It would truly be an honour to be your bride.” The relief that crossed his expression had made my smile break to laugh, before his own joined mine in the room, our lips soon sealing the promise of our future together.
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oh-my-otome · 7 years
Besides Shingen and Kenshin, who else from slbp do you think would most likely/least likely be into BL?
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Above: from Seductive Superstitions Epilogue
There’s also Nobu x Ranmaru 
I wonder if Terumune and Kojuro possibly had the same type of thing? Kojuro is super-extra devoted to the Date clan, and this tradition is said to be deeply personal, on an intimate and emotional level, of which sex is only one of many aspects.
Though I like his devotion as is, it just got me curious.
I still want to see Shingen take Saizō down again:
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Above: from Yukimura’s Our Sultry Nights of Passion Epilogue.
There’s also Tadakatsu, who is either bisexual or pansexual:
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He appears to have a preference for males, but I could have sworn he’s said that he didn’t care about a person’s sex, so long as they fuel his masochism.
Hideyoshi is known for not being into it, and MC helped herself to a fujoshi fantasy involving Nobunaga and Inuchiyo:
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Meanwhile, Hideyoshi as he stands there listening with you:
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Above: from Mitsuhide’s Noble Hearts Exposed.
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yoosungshoodie · 7 years
1: How long have you been playing Slbp?
Since December of 2016, I think? Maybe late November? I remember playing it during a family trip and I was really put off due to everything looking so confusing at first.
2: What made you decide to download it?
People on Tumblr that I followed began playing about it and posting about it, so I was curious to see what the hype was all about. I had also been winded from a very, very dramatic breakup from a turbulent relationship, so I needed something to help myself get my head out of that space and move on.
3: Who’s route did you play first?
Of course… Oda Nobunaga. I don’t know if it’s because he was the first option that popped up when you get to choose or if he just looked all fiery and red, but I was into it. He turned out to easily be one of my favorites.
4: Favorite route?
God… I don’t know if I can decide between Kojuro or Nobunaga, even if I can’t remember either of their routes super well. I know everyone already talks about this, but I really liked MC in Kojuro’s route and I liked how confusing Kojuro could be at times, as well as endearing. I haven’t played all the routes so maybe this will change, but Kojuro and his whole “precious girl” and the whole plot seemed really interesting.
5: Least favorite route?
I’m not sure if I have one yet, and again I haven’t played all of them yet, but all I know is that Shingen’s route didn’t particularly leave much of an impression on me, but I really did enjoy his divine ending and it moved me a lot. His route itself however, just didn’t seem to leave much of a mark on me.
6: Favorite lord?
For overall, Kojuro. He’s steadfast and charming and everything I know I’d want for myself if that kind of person really existed. He’s my dreamboat boy, and I like his messy room and his Bontenmaru obsession. I think his relationship with the MC is the most evolved out of them all, and is really cute and mature and understanding. Also, jealous Kojuro makes me want to kiss his face all over.
7: Least favorite lord?
I can’t… I don’t have one… I love them all…
8: Favorite female character?
Umeko. I’d go gay for her. I haven’t played Saizo’s route yet but his sister? Sheeeeesh. She is so fine.
9: Favorite retainer?
Toramatsu Toramatsu Toramatsu Toramatsu. He is my small boyfriend and he looks so cute… I need his route. He just seems so right for MC and I mean it may not be the most dramatic route, but it would sure be a damn cute one. Plus, the way his eyes light up in battle makes me giggle. He’s so cute, who could say no to that brown hair and brown eyes?!
10: Favorite side character? 
I didn’t want to say Toramatsu because I already said Toramatsu, but Toramatsu. Let me be with my boyfriend.
11: Best villain?
Nobunaga in Shingen’s route. I’ve seen previews of Ieyasu as a villain as well but I really like Nobunaga as a villain because I’ve seen it myself. He’s a powerful one and he’s ruthless, and I love me some villains. He’s driven, and even Shingen notes that he acts as if he needs to take the world on his shoulders. He’s a villain with purpose, not just a cardboard cutout villain who’s got no real purpose. Nobunaga in Shingen’s route makes me so damn happy, especially when he says that line about him being the only one who can achieve unification. He’s got a reason for being the villain and he knows it, and Shingen’s death wasn’t just because Nobunaga was dicking around and decided to play with the Tiger for the shits and giggles. 
12: Worst Villain?
I can’t remember any specific villains but I hate villains who don’t have a real purpose or a shitty one that isn’t really worth all the trouble for. This reminds me of a Gillian Flynn (a favorite author of mine) quote that’s about female villains when she was talking about her novel Sharp Objects (a favorite book of mine), but I think this applies to villains in general as well.
“I particularly mourn the lack of female villains — good, potent female villains. Not ill-tempered women who scheme about landing good men and better shoes (as if we had nothing more interesting to war over), not chilly WASP mothers (emotionally distant isn’t necessarily evil), not soapy vixens (merely bitchy doesn’t qualify either). I’m talking violent, wicked women. Scary women. Don’t tell me you don’t know some.”
Actually, writing this now, I’m really thinking of Masamune’s mother in his route. She kind of bugged me, mostly because Voltage could have emphasized anything that would drive her: her loyalty to her own clan, maybe focus more so on Date Terumune’s death, her brother. Instead, they chose to make the main point of her villainess (not a word, I know) none other than the fact that she hates Masamune for having heterochromatic eyes. That, is the basis of her hatred and then Date Terumune’s death is the cherry on top. Like, really? I would’ve really wished they’d focus more on that than the preconceived notion of “Yes, she hates her son mainly because he has a blue eye.” Not the worst villain but Voltage just has poor portrayal of her.
13: Do you play the event stories?
Yes. So much. And I go for the courtier’s prize so that means drawing blood.
14: If so, who’s event story do you read the most often?
Kojuro’s and Nobunaga’s are always first if it’s available.
15: Do you buy any of the epilogues?
Only of my favorites, and if I deem them to be worth it. I have mostly Nobunaga’s.
16: How many pearls do you have as of now?
Haha, I have six. I’m crying. I spent most of it on the epilogues.
17: Did you ever buy any pearls?
Answered here.
18: Do you ever participate in any of the Battle Events?
19: If so, do you usually pick East or West?
Whoever has my bias… Or if I could choose, the losing side. I want that warrior’s grace pearl.
20: How many routes have you completed?
Nobunaga, Masamune, Kojuro, Shingen… so four. I think. After Ieyasu’s, five.
21: Do you usually choose the Divine or the Noble ending?
Divine because I stress over picking the right answers. 
22: Have you ever replayed a character’s route just to get both endings? 
Not yet. I want to for Kojuro and Nobunaga.
23: Do you play the game every single day or do you play once in awhile?
Every single day. I check on average about every 3-4 hours.
24: Is there any character that you want a route for?
Sorry. You had my riled up a little.
25: Any character you don’t want a route for, but everybody else does?
I don’t know a lick about Nobuyuki. But everyone wants his route. 
26: Do you ever fall for another character when you’re playing a route? 
…. T O R A M A T S U.
27: Do you like or hate the MC? 
Not really fond of her. I know Voltage has to make her as plain as sketch paper for the sake of ~relatability~ but I’ve never been super fond of really innocent protagonists unless they learn something in the end too. Her being a cook is cool though, I stress bake so.
28: Favorite pair?(Example: Nobunaga and Mitsuhide, Saizo and Yukimura)
me, with a boom mic: THE DATE COUSINS.
29: Did any scene make you laugh out loud?
Answered here!
30: Favorite interaction between two characters?
Answered here!
31: Funniest character? 
Answered here!
32: Did any scene make you cry?
I don’t cry. I don’t think I remember one exactly, but Shingen’s divine end epilogue left me teary eyed.
33: Character with the most tragic backstory?
I spoiled myself with Mitsunari’s backstory and he takes the cake. Sorry, bud.
34: Character that you relate to the most?
Answered here! 
35: Favorite CG?
Any CG with Kojuro’s sweet face in it.
36: Favorite event so far?
That one smutty one that was going on when I first joined and never participated in because I was too busy being confused with the interface.
37: Do you like when the events contain sexual scenes or no?
I like them, even though I have the sexual experience of a brick.
38: Favorite ship?(Romantic/Platonic)
Me and Kojuro. Saizo and Yukimura are adorable from what I’ve seen in their ES.
39: Which character would you be best friends with?
I’d work really well with Nobunaga just because we’re both petulant brats who complain over everything and will fight everyone at all times. He looks like a down af motherfucker who’s fun to be around. My hair used to be red too!
40: Which character would you ship yourself with?
Kojuro, my best-case-scenario if-my-life-was-a-fairytale go to guy. What a good man. I want him for Christmas.
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yonezawacastle · 10 months
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It's my habit to take the Watsonian perspective on SLBP, rather than the Doylist one, and so --
I do often wonder why it is that Shigezane was ultimately passed over for the Date clan succession, since some stories imply he was at least strongly considered for the role. Leadership seems to come more easily to him than it does his cousin, despite the latter clearly being prepared for it, and he has a natural gift for public relations.
Perhaps it simply comes down to Terumune having favored his own son. But I'm sort of curious anyway.
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buddy-anon · 5 years
Hi! I love your art! Keep it up! I was wondering whether you will be able to sketch Date Terumune? He's Masamune's dad. Thanks!
Thank you!!
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Listen… I NEEDED to make this 😧
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(©Voltage Inc.)
1.) please don't compare me to that harlot! (Even if it's you do mean well, just don't)
2.) Terumune... Why her??? She has such an awful personality, she's a fucking snake for Pete's sake!! WHAT IS THERE TO LIKE!?!?? (Did you not care about how she treated your son!? Your own blood???) 😒
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Yeah no there's no way Terumune could know or handle it since he was too busy he sometimes couldn't spend time with his child... Poor baby had a rough childhood 😢💔 (let me hug hiiiiim)
On a more positive note:
Terumune, Kagechika, & Hiromasa were basically the Oshu trio Classic™ edition and it's freaking adorable!!!!
Terumune = Masamune
Kagechika = Kojuro
Hiromasa = Shigezane
They all use to hang out and were bff's like our current Oshu trio, I LIVE FOR THIS TBH 😭❤ (and I guess that dumbass Yoshihime was the equivalent of MC back then... 😒)
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quincette · 7 years
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Special on the menu today: 
 Triple Date All Age Sandwich* 
 *family combo, contains something for everyone 
**appeals to your motherly instincts 
***extreme fluff flavour with angsty note and sweet aftertaste 
****may induce the wrath of a certain noblewoman, you’ve been warned
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daeva-agas · 3 years
I know this is completely random but I was just wondering if you know which castle lottery in SLBP is the helmet with crescent moon with a hawk from? Or am not sure what kind of bird it is. lol
From Nobu's second lottery. It is a hawk, yes. It's probably a reference to how IRL Nobu got a lot of hawks from the Date. Naturally it's from Terumune, not Masa (WHO IS LIKE MAYBE 10 AT THE TIME).
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(Someday I hope someone will make the pink birb story a thing)
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