chickenstrangers · 1 year
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gloriouslokius · 6 months
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Thank you!!
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You are also wonderful!!!! 🌈🌈🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mysterygrl20 · 4 months
khemjira the series giving us a curse to break and we all know true love’s first kiss is the one to do it
but they should go with true love’s first sex because of the whole souls become one thing
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
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@slayerkitty Kitty! You gotta get a general tag, girl 🤣🤣🤣 ❤️
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Hello I’m with the klainecclibrary and just recommended your Games we play fic - but the link doesn’t work? Could you send me a link that does? Thanks !
I’m just discovering your Klaine fics
So links to all my fanfics (the ones on LJ) are here on my MasterList. Klaine fics are towards the bottom (all my fics are grouped by fandom/pairing then series, etc). If you find one of the links still isn't working, please let me know!
Fanfiction Masterlist
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toastofthetrashfire · 4 months
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The true full name of the show courtesy of @slayerkitty My Stand In: Oh No! Ming, Don't Do That
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 9 months
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The Sign - but i use jelly fish to censor it
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@slayerkitty i did it dear happy christmas eve eve
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babyangelsky · 3 months
The maids kids know everything
Yeah so I'm not done yapping about expressions this week and ya'll can blame @almayver , @slayerkitty , @prapaiwife , @fallsouthwinter , and @crispywizardtale for enabling me.
I wanted to talk more about Meena in my expressions post because the second I saw her adorable, sweet happy face go from this
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to this the second she saw her grandfather waiting for her after school, I knew we were going to be in for a lot.
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And boy howdy, were we.
First though, can I say how much I already LOVE Nina? Baby girl is 10 years old and she absolutely blew me away. She's doing a great job. Her expressions as Meena are clear and excellent and telling in the very same way that Tongrak's are. It makes it feel like they're really related and like she's grown up around him her whole life and picked up his mannerisms, it's incredible to see.
Of course, that also meant that she ripped my heart out.
Meena is sweet and cute and intelligent and it's obvious that she's the absolute light of Tongrak's life. She's also very precocious, which means that she knows everything to an extent that no child should.
This baby girl is very aware of how messed up her family is. She knows her grandparents' history, she knows her mother is afraid of her grandfather, she knows her uncle is even more afraid of her grandfather, and even worse than all that, she knows she should be afraid of her grandfather.
When her grandpa shows up at her school, she knows to take a picture and then go in the opposite direction of wherever he is. She knows to tell Tongrak right away. She makes the decision not to tell her mother because she knows it'll stress her out.
She says THIS.
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Do you know how fucked up it is for a child to say this so casually?
For all that Tongrak and Kwan have been traumatized and harrowed by their upbringing, it's clear to me that they've done what they can to shield Meena from suffering because of it too. She seems like a bright, happy little girl.
But it's precisely because they're harrowed by it that Meena knows as much as she does. Kids see things. They understand more than they're ever given credit for because so few adults see them as actual people. Even if neither her mother nor her uncle said a word about their family history, Meena would pick up on all the things that are wrong and all the things not being said.
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For god's sake, she won't even let her uncle pick her up from school because she knows he's terrified of her grandfather. No child should have the things on their mind that she does.
Yes, it's fucked up that there's even anything for her to be aware of in the first place and that she's having to think about comforting the adults in her life, but being aware of things helps to protect her. There's less of a chance she'll be hurt by her grandfather or anything else if she knows to run away and that she has safe places and people to go to.
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And that's why it matters so much that Mahasamut told her the truth about his feelings for and relationship with Tongrak.
No one is ever direct with children. No one dares to be frank with them or meet them on a level they can process and understand because again, children aren't always seen as people. There's always this feeling of "you can't say that to a child" or "that's too much for a child!" and I'll agree that most children don't need to know absolutely everything.
Meena isn't most children, however.
I didn't pick up on it the first time for my expressions post, but when I went back and rewatched the scene in Tongrak's living room, I clocked this expression from Mahasamut.
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He makes this face the second Meena brings up her grandfather. He wasn't really paying that much attention to the conversation before this but after? He zeroes in because he knows it's important.
There is no world in which Mahasamut wasn't going to offer--insist even--to pick Meena up from school. Ain't no way. He's just learned exactly how cruel and fucked up Tongrak's father is and now here this child is telling her uncle about how she saw that same man was waiting for her after school. In this exact moment he set himself up as one of those safe people for Meena to go to.
And I really think Mut realizes that in order to be that for her, he has to be honest with her. He tells her and she understands because she is intimately familiar with what it means for one person to pay another for their company. Once he's honest with her, he can then reassure her that he isn't with Tongrak for the money and that he sincerely cares about him.
Meena wants a happily ever after for her uncle. She can pick up on the sadness and loneliness in his novels. She sees that Tongrak takes care of everyone but that no one takes care of him.
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When Mut asks her to root for him to get to be the one to take care of Tongrak and that he's confident that he can be, her whole face lights up and she has fight back her smile.
Maybe most kids don't need this level of frankness, but Meena does. I can only imagine how betrayed and hurt she would feel if she were to find out later from someone else that her beloved uncle's relationship began with money like her grandparents' relationship did because she has already seen how that ended.
Mahasamut has known this child for like an hour and already he's treating her and her feelings with the same respect and consideration that he shows to Tongrak. And that is exactly what she and any child deserve from the adults in their life.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Favorite Kiss Game
Rules: create a poll with five of your all time favorite onscreen kisses, setting any standard for qualification you choose. Then tag more friends to join in!
Tagged by @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle. For my poll, I am going with bl kisses that marked a major transition in a romance arc, because for me, the best kisses are the ones that have real meaning to the characters and their emotional journeys. To narrow the pool and eliminate some heavy hitters, I am excluding first kisses here and focusing on important kisses that came later in a relationship.
TharnType: Type Reaches out for Tharn
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For all that this show is remembered for all the high heat sexy sex, this simple chaste kiss is the most important one in the story. It's the first moment of casual affection between them and the first time Type reaches for Tharn without trying to fight what he wants.
Bad Buddy: All In at the Beach
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This beach trip is the moment Pran and Pat decided they were all in on fighting for this relationship, even if it meant a lifetime of half truths and hiding. Their kiss on the beach sealed it and led to their first time.
History 3: Make Our Days Count: Engaged
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This proposal was so wild and so fast, but it made perfect sense for this couple. Bo Xiang needed to show that he was serious and Zhi Gang needed to feel secure. The way Zhi Gang cried while they kissed said it all.
Lovely Writer: No More Hiding
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This is the moment when everything for Nubsib and Gene is finally out in the open with both the public and their families: who they are, how they feel about each other, and what they are willing to fight for. It was cathartic to see them kiss in the street in front of their childhood homes in full view of their families.
The Eighth Sense: It's Not the End of the Story
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Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works
It ain't funny, it ain't pretty, it ain't sweet
Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works
But I think that it could work for you and me
Just wait and see
It's not the end of the story
Brb gotta go rewatch T8S.
Come play if you want: @incandescentflower @my-rose-tinted-glasses @callipigio @negrowhat @slayerkitty
And: @doublel27 @pharawee @mysterygrl20 @wen-kexing-apologist @williamrikers
Plus: @hyeoni-comb @troubled-mind @gillianthecat @shortpplfedup @shannankle
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syrena-del-mar · 7 months
An Ode to Older Siblings: New in Dead Friends Forever, Episode 9
Spoilers ahead for Dead Friend Forever Episode 9. Allusions to suicide and all other triggers that have accompanied this show will be here. Tagging @slayerkitty for the DFF Meta compilation.
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Can you imagine New, who sacrificed his relationship with his little brother to make it into a university abroad with a scholarship, one that would open opportunities that Thailand did not have to offer him, having to come back on a plane ride? A minimum of 12 hours in a plane, in an airport, packed with people going on business trips and vacations, yet where nobody knows that you're going to back home to a hell that you never could have imagined? It was supposed to be a holiday for him, a chance to see his family again after months of being apart.
But instead, his baby brother was now missing. The same baby brother that had given up on having any semblance of a relationship with him because he felt abandoned, forgotten. His little brother who would find no difference if he was abroad or not, because it's not like Tan had ever paid him any attention when he was so focused on just getting out of their home. But New was trying, extending an olive branch, hoping that Non would accept even the smallest bit of it. He'll bring him the best snacks that England has to offer, he'll listen to any problems that Non may have, even while he's thousands of miles away. But no calls ever came from his little brother's number. No, he hadn't even known that Non had gotten into trouble until his mother called him. Non's missing.
And, now he's returning home. The snacks that he had promised Non probably weighed like a ton of bricks as he carried them, they were his burden to carry. Maybe if he had been there a little more for Non, had been a little bit more present, maybe Non would have reached out. Maybe he wouldn't have had to turn to his tutor. His home is broken, but it's still a home. He's the oldest, he's the one that has to repair it when his parents can't.
He knows his mom had mentioned Non's boyfriend in passing before, even though Non had never told him directly. So he had searched through Non's belongings, looking for his number, hoping that Phee might have more information. He's doesn't, they're both at a loss. Maybe Phee didn't know Non as well as he thought he did, but New knows his brother. Non was never good with his words, never good at speaking directly of the problems he faced, but he would have left a sign, something, that might show them what demons he was facing alone.
So, he pretends that he can go back to his life in England, pretends for his parents' sake, so they don't have to worry about their only other son. But he can't, not when his little brother is out there...alone, again. He takes a leave of absence from school. Maybe it's crazy, reckless, but he puts himself back in high school. If the cops won't give him answers, then he'll get them himself. He forges his records, pretends that he was Non's same age, changes his identity. He's now Tan. A new kid that just happened to meet Phee at the office on their first day of school. Tan can charm his way into the same friend group that likely destroyed his brother. Tan can dig for the answers that nobody was willing to get.
And Phee helps, maybe he helps a little too much and little too close. For a moment, a part of New's heart breaks for his baby brother, as he sees his boyfriend get close to one of the bastards that had a hand in Non's disappearance. Maybe this is why Non always felt abandoned. So New smokes, one pack turns into hundreds more. A bad habit that he picked up with his English friends as they hit the pubs. It's the only sense of normalcy he has anymore.
He builds a makeshift lab with the money his parents wired him, nothing like the state-of-the-art equipment that he had grown accustomed to at his university, but it was enough. He researches, he experiments with the one concoction that might finally get Non's friends to tell him the truth. He's so close to perfecting it. Then his dad calls, and it feels strange. He rarely talked to his dad, it's his mom that usually calls him. Mom's dead. For a moment, he forgets that he was supposed to be in England, that he was never supposed to be in Thailand. He's not Tan anymore, he's just New. His house isn't just broken anymore, it's crumbling.
His father resents him. He's drunk and he's spitting fire, New can't blame him. Afterall, he is a liar. He lied that he was back at university, back in England. He never visited his mom when they were only miles away from each other and now she's dead as well. Was Non right all those years ago? Does he abandon everyone? He was never his dad's favorite, he knew that, but how he could he go and leave him behind too?
Now there was no broken house, no dilapidated house, no place that he called home. He couldn't fix this anymore. And he's tired, he's so tired. There's nothing for him to salvage anymore. Maybe if he takes a hit of his own concoction, he can end his pain as well. But Non... Non deserves justice and New is so scared, scared of failing him again. He wants this to end, he can't save anyone. But Phee arrives and holds him steady, lets him cling tightly to his shirt like he used to cling to his mother as a child.
Maybe he won't live for himself anymore. This all started with the bastards who were supposed to be his brother's friends. They cost him his whole family. No. he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of destroying his home, of destroying his baby brother. He once told Non that he would steal his novel, get it sold for other people to read. Maybe it can't be sold anymore, but maybe Non's story can finally be told as Non had wished.
How could New have ever known that getting onto that plane would just be the prelude to the hell that he was about to raise? He's the oldest brother of the family, he was supposed to protect them, take his responsibility for his parents and his baby brother, but he failed. His dad was right, he wasn't a good enough son or brother, but maybe this could be the start of his atonement.
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chickenstrangers · 1 year
Hiya! Waitmyturtles sent me your way to see if you might be willing to gif a couple of things for me from Only Friends episode 7. I want to do a meta on the close-up zooms in this episode, and I sadly do not know how to gif. I've seen a couple gifs of Top's and Boston's, but Nick has a zoom when he's crying on the floor in the shop, and there's kind of one on Ray's dad. I might have missed one. Would you perhaps be willing to gif those for me? No pressure, lol. I just want to take a shot and ask.
hi! here is the boston zoom out and nick zoom in in isolation and here is the rest of the scene as well. there wasn't a real zoom for ray's dad so I left it at nick.
happy to help and now very curious what you're writing since I now have some thoughts on the camera work in the nick and boston scene.
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respectthepetty · 3 months
@italianpersonwithashippersheart and @slayerkitty, I think Dee will win the scholarship too because he is a winner and will burn the hospital down if he loses, but I think he going to stay because he has to make a decision and even if he wins the scholarship, he'd still lose.
Follow me down Wild Ass Theory Road:
The director said all the money and high-tech equipment is pointless if they don't have component doctors in the hospital.
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Dee took personal responsibility for his youngest patient's care.
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And Dee is here for the patients.
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Dee is a doer rather than a thinker like Ter, so he likes to be hands-on. Ter is compiling a lit review and filming videos, which is valid.
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But Dee is conducting original research and coordinating activities.
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Dee also doesn't like presenting.
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Ter likes brushing shoulders with the big wigs.
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Dee, strangely, isn't about that life, and really just wants to do his job, very well.
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He could've been a face (dermatology), but he didn't want to do that.
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He wanted to flex some knuckles, break some bones, and get the joints poppin'!
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Dee is (fake) dating the boxer that the hospital, specifically his department, is sponsoring, and if the rumor mill was doing the rounds before when news spread that he was only applying for the scholarship because Ter rejected him, if he wins, I think the rumors will spread that he only got it because the hospital wanted to please their World Champion Boxer.
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I'm blind when it comes to Ter, so I think this would be a good chance for him to redeem himself and step up to defend Dee which is something he DID NOT DO last time.
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Dee is going to win, but he doesn't want to really study abroad. He wants to be in the hospital, doing his job, helping his patients, and doing his own research. Ter wants to study more and be a nice prop for the hospital, so let him.
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Give the real loser his dream while also rubbing salt in his loser wounds letting him know that he is only getting this because Dee, the winner, is letting him.
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Also, when Yak was busy with training, Dee sent Yak a message first.
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Then, when Yak went to training, Dee drove four hours round-trip to see him.
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Dee didn't even want to stay longer in Japan and he checked in on Yak's fight while he was out of the country. Also note that Dee didn't want to present on their work from the previous year, while Ter was quick to state they would once again proving that Dee isn't trying to rehash the past but build on it so he can keep making advancements. Also, the director is Team DeeYak.
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Never once during these events did Dee admit he missed Yak first because Dee. Must. Win. And admitting he misses Yak makes him a loser.
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So would Dee really study abroad and leave Yak in Thailand when he misses him so much even after a few days? Or would it be better for Dee to finally admit that even if he won the scholarship, he doesn't want to be away from Yak? He wins, but he loses.
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Finally, a wedding IS coming. Last Twilight already gave us a breakup and time jump before a wedding brought the couple back together. That could happen here, but it shouldn't have happened the first time, and it'd be hella weird for it to happen twice, from the same company, in the same year. This isn't the Japanese BL run. We don't need two nickles for this.
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And Dee is wearing Yak's chain in the BTS image, so they are still together, and considering how much Thailand makes a WHOLE THING over couples trying to stay together when one is abroad (Never Let Me Go, Bad Buddy, 23.5), they are together at that wedding.
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Therefore, my Wild Ass Theory is that Dee will win the scholarship and will have to leave before Yak's big fight or Cher and Yei's wedding, so Green Flag Yak will say, "take the opportunity because you deserve it" but Dee will say "NO!" to the scholarship, make it to Yak's fight or the wedding at the final moment paralleling this scene,
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Then, he'll scream "YAK, I MISS YOU" and *scene*
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Dee has gotta lose eventually, so let it be in the finale admitting the one thing he refuses to admit - Winning doesn't matter if he loses Yak.
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4 Minutes Theory- More Timelines
As I wrote on @lurkingshan post here there has to be at least one more timeline we are not seeing. Not just because the Thai Tea is not the OG timeline (see link) but there are other inconsistencies.
So there are more then two timelines. But how many? And where does Tonkla fall in all of this?
Here are my theories
Cold Opens Order
Cold Open in ep 5: Title gets drugged by that lady that Tonkla pays.
Cold Open in ep 2: Tonkla kills Title in the same place he killed Dome
Cold Open in ep 3: Win finds Title's body and the idea that this of revenge gets floated around.
Cold Open in 4: Win learns the name of the fingerprints of the rock. He is shocked and then Tonkla calls. Obviously that was Tonkla's real name.
Cold Open in ep 6: Win goes to Tonkla's home but Tonkla is not there @slayerkitty thinks Win is helping Tonkla (her tags on @lurkingshan post linked above and we talked about it in my post side note: I could not find the scene with the usb) which is possible.
Cold Open in ep 1: (putting this here as a tentative option there might be one more cold open that goes before this next ep) Great flatlines and Tyme gets shot.
First Tonkla
Something with potentially fuckery (time or death releated) is still up with Tonkla. He sees his dead cat in Ep 1. After Korn leaves. And for a brief second he can hear Dome call him at the end of Ep 4.
What we have seen from Tonkla so far sounds like it's part of the OG timeline. The timeline were Great let's Title kill Dome and helps him dispose of the body.
Given that his prints were in the cops database, that means he went to jail. Maybe in High School? Probably for drugs.
As it stands the timeline is: Win is still investigating, suspecting a heir of an important/powerful family. Tonkla sends Korn away. And Win regrets all of his life choices and gets his heart broken after fucking Tonkla raw. THEN Tonkla starts to get revenge by paying someone to drug Title. Obviously there is at least one scene we are missing where Tonkla connects the dots.
Of course he could have just guessed. I mean Title and Great are probably the most influencial people in Dome's class. Not a huge stretch that one of them killed his brother. Especially since Win explicitly said: I think it's the heir of someone powerful. I would expect him to start killing people after receving some more concrete evidence but you never know. Not like he was wrong.
Things to note: They never found Dome's phone. We saw Title and Great body disposal through a camera in ep 6.
Fixed Timeline Vs OG Timeline and Inconsistencies:
Great fixing of the timeline starts the day he kills the lady in the street. His first mistake/regret.
Inconsistency N°1: Tyme and his Girlfriend. In the OG timeline his girfriend breaks up with Tyme the day the lady dies. While in the fixed timeline in Ep 2 we learn that that they have been broken up for a while and that she already quit.
They meet the same way bumping into each other. Great is even wearing the same shirt.
In the OG timeline Tyme follows Great and has sex with him. Filming him in secret. In the fixed timeline, Tyme saves Great from Title and they exchange lines.
Inconsistency N°2: in the fixed timeline Tyme goes to Great's univeristy and we see the scene with the Thai Tea, were the msg on it is different. That is not from the OG timeline. In the OG timeline is Great that reaches out to Tyme again first.
They have a semi-date in the OG timeline too but it's totally different then the fixed timeline's date and Tyme tells great they should not be talking.
In the OG timeline Tyme has already send his grandma away and refused the money from Great's father. In the fixed timeline the same meeting causes him + his interactions with Great causes him to back off. He doesn't give the money back they are left in his house. And he is much more resigned/afraid.
The scene were he attacks Korn and removes his mask for Great is the same.
The fight in the hospital after that is something else Great fixes. He says he will help with Nan.
Great interveans with Nan in the Fixed timeline so when Tyme arrives he is helping them escape. But in the OG timeline he watches Nan died and then takes a while to interven when they are hurting Tyme. Then they fight.
The scene with the parents is the same. In the fixed timeline the lady he saved sends someone to kill them and shoots both Great and his Mom. In the OG timeline Tonkla kills hims and his Mom is fine.
If Fasai's father is also Title's father (I don't remeber where I first saw the idea that Title has to be connected to Fasai because otherwise that plotline would be to disconnected, if I find it or I get told from somewhere I will edit and add the post here) and he is the one that Great's father was talking about when he said my other partners are not as kind as me. Then I think we can assume that this guy is the guy that will send a goon to shoot Tyme in the OG timeline.
So My theory is that there is another timeline. I think next episode will finish up the OG timeline and tells us about the limbo part. Then it will finish with Tyme going to limbo as well and getting the oppurtinity to go back too.
Tyme 3rd Timeline aka Tyme goes back to fix things:
So if my hunch is correct then Great went back in time to his first mistake. That means that so will Tyme.
Arguably Tyme's first mistake was involve Nan instead of helping her get out. Which means that he could potentially go back in the timeline way before Great did.
So my theory is that he goes back earlier. Doesn't involve Nan in his revenge at all. He breaks up with his girfriend earlier.
Then He meets Great earlier. And they start to talk. They start an actual relationship and fall in love.
Tyme influence has a positive change on Great who saves Dome instead of letting him die.
Tyme does something. Maybe Great learns that Tyme approched him for revenge at first. Then he apologizes at the University with the Thai Tea.
Dome goes home in this timeline. Tonkla never has to kill anyone and never meets Win (but hopefully still breaks up with Korn)
Not sure about anything else at the moment. The finale is pretty up in the air. I am thinking either totally open ending. Or bittersweet/open ending Or obviously a bad one (honestly leaning thowards open because Dr Sammon has never done totally bad ending before).
Where they both get saved but maybe forget about each other. And the ending is them meeting again or something in a timeline where everything is already fixed (the parent's crime is resolved and Tonkla and Dome are both happy and way from the family).
Or maybe the OG timeline gets restored and nothing changes. IDK.
I personally think Tonkla deserves to get away with murder. Hopefully be happy with his brother. Everything else I am fine with either way.
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mysterygrl20 · 5 months
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yakdee · 2 months
Why Didn't Yak Wear Purple?
My theory: Yak has never been sure about Dee's feelings for him until that final scene at the beach.
Walk with me.
Yak's primary love language is words of affirmation. That's why baby boy holds people to their word and is so big on promises. Dee has been showing his feelings for Yak through his actions (i.e. acts of service, which is his primary love language) and although it's clear to us and everyone else in their lives, that he has fallen in love with Yak, he has not verbally expressed this to Yak. And when he does get close to saying something, he makes a joke and/or backtracks (e.g. the scene where he refused to admit that he missed Yak after driving two (2) hours to see him). That is why Yak is wearing blue even after Dee asked him to be his "real" boyfriend. That moment, although a nice public display of affection, lost a bit of its seriousness and failed to provide the security that Yak has been looking for because Dee made it seem like he wasn't going to mention him (>_<).
From a color theory stand point, in Yak and Dee's relationship blue is purple without the presence of pink/magenta, without the presence of love. Although he's almost always bathed in purple and pink light while in Dee's apartment, Yak has never felt secure enough in Dee's feelings for him to actually wear Dee's purple. He knows that Dee likes him, but there is still doubt in his mind so he's only comfortable enough to wear Dee's more ambiguous blue.
The one and only time that Dee has been verbally straightforward and concise about his feelings, his love for Yak was when he finally returned Yak's "I love you" at the beach. Unfortunately for us, that was the final scene so we did not get to see Yak in purple. I half expected an extra scene after the credits like they usually do, but even I have to admit that the drone shot of them kissing next to the "HAVE A GOOD DAY" written in the sand was too good of a final shot to pass up.
Note: The blue and yellow at the wedding don't count because they are Cher and Yei's colors, respectively.
Hope this bring y'all some peace of mind @slayerkitty @mysterygrl20 @babyangelsky @respectthepetty (Petty, I sent you an ask about this but idk if it actually went through. If it did, feel free to ignore~)
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