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gammasquad · 4 months ago
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SladeRobin Week!!!
Day 7: Omegaverse
Bookending the week with a two page comic. Tomorrow for the free day im just gonna post some sketches, so here’s the last full piece.
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sladerobinweek · 6 months ago
SladeRobin Week 2024 Prompt List!
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The votes have been counted, the results are in and have been tidied up, and we have a list for you! The winning prompts for SladeRobin Week 2024 (October 21st-28th) are:
Day 1 : “You’re the only person I could ask for this.” | Arranged Marriage | Dominant/Submissive
Day 2 : Passing Out on the Other’s Doorstep | Touch Starvation | Murder Uncle!Slade Wilson
Day 3 : Undercover Mission | Competence Kink | Collars
Day 4 : “You… saved me?” “I’m not through with you.” | Enemy to Caretaker | Spoils of War
Day 5 : Jealousy/Possessiveness | Bickering While Fucking | Bodyguard
Day 6 : “Stop fucking my brother.” | Relationship Reveal | Trapped/Chained Together
Day 7 : Omegaverse | Soulmate AU | Sugar Daddy
Day 8 : Free Day!
As always, if you have any questions please go ahead and send us an ask. And if you’re new, make sure you check out our Rules and About posts!
Have fun, and we look forward to seeing what you make!
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marquisedesaad · 4 months ago
New Fic: SladeRobin 2024 Day 5
Truth Bomb
Rated E
Tags: Developing Relationship, Rough Sex, Manhandling,Canon-Typical Violence, bickering while fucking, Make Up Sex Sort Of, mentions of the all blades
For Sladerobin Week 2024, Day 2: bickering while fucking
Slade gets hit with a magic truth bomb. Unfortunately, neither he nor Jason realize it until some unfortunate confessions are made.
“You've screwed with my operation enough, Red Hood!” The wizard shouts in a ridiculously overplayed voice. It's clearly meant to be his impression of deep and booming, but it comes off more like a bad attempt at opera. “This ends now! Face the truth of my might!” He throws the grenade at Jason, who quickly dodges out of the way, but fuck. It has some kind of magical heat-sink in it because it instantly adapts and veers its trajectory to follow. Slade is already diving forward. His reflexes are fast enough that he's able to detonate the grenade midair with a shot from his sidearm. His enhanced healing and his Ikon suit can take on the resulting shrapnel without any lasting impact.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
Fandom: Batman: Arkham - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Other(s) - Past/Implied Characters: Slade Wilson, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Past Torture, Blood and Injury, Sex Pollen, Extremely Dubious Consent, Conditioning, Brainwashing, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Possessive Slade Wilson, Topping from the Bottom, Painful Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Porn With Plot, Codependency, Alternate Universe - Batman: Arkham (Video Games) Setting, Timeline What Timeline, Sex Addiction, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Series: Part 25 of necrotic nephilim's writings Summary: Slade finds Jason Todd in the abandoned wing of Arkham, being tortured and conditioned. He makes the completely, totally charitable decision to be Jason's savior. And in the process, he reaps the benefits of Jason's conditioning. - SladeRobin Week 2024 - Day 4: “You… saved me?” “I’m not through with you.” | Spoils of War
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katzynia · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson Characters: Jason Todd, Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Feelings Realization, Introspection, Love Confessions, Established Relationship, POV Slade Wilson Summary:
Slade is aware that it's becoming an issue. Fortunately, he can easily mitigate it by staying quiet. And he has never have issues with not talking about his feelings, so it will be easy. Right?
More SladeRobin week fics! (okay the only other one, but still)
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timbitsandpieces · 4 months ago
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roipecheur · 1 year ago
The first time Dick met Deathstroke the Terminator, he was twelve years old, and the mercenary broke his leg and tied him up on a rooftop. In retrospect, Dick thinks it started there. Or, Slade keeps tying Dick up over the years, and Dick can't be blamed for getting his wires crossed. @sladerobinweek mini event prompt (in chapter 3): Accidental Subspace
Fandom: DCU (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Bruce Wayne, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Wally West, Garth (DCU), Koriand'r (DCU), Tim Drake, Roman Sionis, Mario Falcone
Additional tags: Bondage, Kink Discovery, Subspace, Accidental Subspace, Minor Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Trans Dick Grayson, Impact Play, Past Rape/Non-con
Words: 46,163
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littlemourningstarr · 2 years ago
Slade always expects to run into Bats when work leads him to Gotham. But he never expects his own relented mercy to be countered by their rage. And he definitely never expects to bow down to them like they're gods.
The final day of SladeRobin weekend!
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ashboy-3 · 2 years ago
It Just Happened
Written for SladeRobin mini event 2023 Day 1 Prompt: Secret Relationship Fandom: Batman, Nightwing, DC Comics Charcters: Slade, Dick, Batfam Words: 1,411 Summary: They didn't mean for it to happen, it was just something that developed over time. They could have sworn they told Bruce.
The first time they got together out of costume it was an accident. Slade was working undercover and Dick was having a fun night out. They recognized each other, of course, they did, but instead of avoiding each other they just kept getting closer and closer till Slade, for once in his life, was tempted to leave the job for another day.
The second time it happened wasn't as soon as someone may think. It wouldn’t be till a year later that Dick was just trying to go grocery shopping for himself, helplessly so. Slade just happened to be at the same one. Once again the two noticed each other but neither was on the job, there was no need to interact. Except for when Slade finally took pity on him and helped him with his groceries. The two just didn’t want the day to end so they went back to Dick’s apartment and as Dick tried to cook them dinner, Slade had to take over. It was the best meal either had for a while.
It soon became a monthly thing for the two to meet each other at one another’s apartments, no matter how far the other was. It became such a habit that other people started to notice.
“Look the rookie has that smile on his face again,” Lolli teased as Dick walked into the station.
“I always have a smile on my face,” Dick rolled his eyes, going towards his desk.
“No, I agree with Lolli. This is a different smile. You only have this one on the same day of every month,” Amy observed.
“It’s just a smile, nothing to look into,” Dick shoved them away, but the smile never left his face.
The next two times the two meet up for their monthly dinners they exchanged personal numbers. Surprisingly it was Slade who gave his first, After some thinking Dick followed his lead.
The two ended up texting each other more then they thought. It was so constant Dick got called out during family dinner.
“So who is it?” Tim asked, looking dead to the world.
“Who’s what?” Dick asked, taking a bite of the excellent food Alfred prepared.
“On the phone. I don’t know anyone with the name Death Machine, which is a horribale contact name by the way.”
“How do you know it’s not Jason?” Dick asked.
“Cause Jason is on your phone as Zombie boy 2.3,” Tim shrugged as if it’s obvious while Jason looked offended.
“Why am I 2.3?” 
“It’s the amount of times you get into a truly terrifying death situation and some how come out of it alive as if it’s some miracle,” Tim rolled his eyes.
“I agree with Grayson. 2.3 times is a miracle,” Damian agreed with his oldest brother.
“Now stop avoiding the question who is on the phone?” Tim asked again.
“It’s no one. When it becomes someone I’ll think about exposing them to the this flaming dumpster fire of a family,” Dick galred at his brothers.
“So it’s a guy,” Jason smirked.
“Oh stop budding in,” Dick glared.
“Boys leave Master Dick alone. When he is ready he will tell us who is gentleman partner is,” Alfred scolded while Jason and Dick looked towards each other mouthing the words ‘gentleman partner?’
“Alright we’ll leave him alone for now,” Tim said defeated.
A month later the constant text messages turn into late night phone calls. Talking anytime the two have to go on long missions away from each other. Talking anytime the two are going to be traveling, letting the other know to be safe. A month after that it’s a call almost every day they are not in the other’s presence. Calls before patrol, talking about their missions. Slade talking Dick out of taking ones, Dick talking Slade out of taking others.
A month later Bruce confronts Dick.
“This partner is becoming a problem. You do not have your priorities straight.”
“I have a life Bruce. My life doesn’t revolve around being Nightwing twenty four seven. Unlike you I enjoy living my life and having fun,” Dick rolled his eyes.
“It is becoming a distraction. How do you know you can trust this person?”
“Because if I couldn’t trust them then I would be dead by now.”
“So he’s dangerous?” Bruce asked.
“Guess it runs in the family,” Dick glared back. “Listen Bruce when you ready to hear about my actual feelings and how I actually care for others I’ll be happy to listen. Till then just keep your opinions to yourself,” Dick stood up and walked away.
“I want a name,” Bruce said.
“I’m not giving you one,” was the last thing Dick said before fully leaving.
“So the bat wants to know about me?” Slade asked as the two cuddled on the couch.
“I think everyone wants to know you,” Dick rolled his eyes.
“Not my fault that you keep me a secret,” Slade grumbled.
“If we don’t keep it a secret then people will start questioning our loyalties, mine more then yours,” Dick complained.
“We could aleays start out small?” Slade suggested.
“Cause that’s what I’m known for. Taking things one step at a time,” Dick looked into the older man’s eyes and relented. “Alright fine if you can find a way to take it one step at a time then i’ll do it.”
Another month had passed and Dick honestly forogt all about the conversation, however that didn’t stop his coworkers from constantly teasing him.
“So when do we get to meet the pretty things that has our Rookie head over heals?” Shalt asked.
“I’ve been here for over a year you can stop calling me Rookie,” Dick rolled his eyes, but everyone could see the laughter hidden inside them.
“Stop dodging the question!” Lolli complained, shaking Dick in his place.
“I’m not dodging, I’m being serious,” Dick laughed, but it was soon stopped as he saw a familiar face walk into the precinct. His eyes went wide with worry and it lead the others to stare at the man as well.
“Do you know him?” Amy asked, pointing towards the guy, but never got an answer as Dick met him halfway towards his desk.
“Are you insane?” Dick asked, crossing his arms.
“What? I said we’d take things step by step. This is a step up, better then dealing with the brats you call brothers,” Slade grumbled.
“Bruce is going to kill you,” Dick laughed.
“He has to get past the demon first,” Slade smiled.
“Rookie introduce us!” Lolli ran up, Amy and Shalt following behind.
“I’m Slade Wilson. Dick’s partner,” Slade held out a hand for the others to shake.
“He’s much older then I thought,” Shalt whispered towards the two girls.
“So how long have you known each other?” Lolli asked.
“A few years. Also try not to tell anyone. We’re taking it one step at a time,” Dick asked them.
“We’re avoiding telling his father for as long as possible is what he means,” Slade answered.
“Worried he’s not going to be accepting?” Shalt asked, a sad look on his face.
“No I’m scared he might actually murder Slade. Let’s just say the two don’t have the best history,” Dick shrugged as they chatted with the BPD for a few more minutes, Slade giving Dick his lunch before walking out.
As time went on the two were happy forgetting all about keeping things a secret. Eventually everyone knew, well everyone but Bruce. It’s not like he was avoiding it, they just forgot to tell and everytime it got brought up Dick had just assumed that Bruce had already known. 
It was Dick’s wedding that he almsot killed the groom when he realized that the Slade Wilson was marrying his oldest son and in the reception, Bruce glaring as the entire time he walked Dick down the aisle it dawned on both that no, Bruce was never made aware of the situation and when Dick looked toward his brothers and best friends he realized that they all had an active hand in distracitng Bruce from the truth.
Bruce being older now waited till after the wedding before walking up to Slade. “My son loves and trusts you, but if you hurt him in any way I will kill you. I don’t mind breaking the rules for my family. Not anymore,” Bruce glared as he walked away, going to enjoy the rest of the party. 
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gammasquad · 4 months ago
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Final Day of SladeRobin Week!!!
Day 8: Free Day!
Sketches from daydreaming about King Slade and Royal-Guard Dick
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sladerobinweek · 7 months ago
Voting for SladeRobin Week 2024 is Now Open!
You can go ahead and click the link above to get to it, and get started submitting your votes for your favorites!
The poll will remain open through August 17th (Saturday) to give everyone a chance to vote, and then we'll get everything put together and make up the official lists for the week.
A reminder to please only vote once. We want a clean match here, so keep it fair and have fun!
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jellyfitzjelly · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Characters: Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Roman Empire AU, Smut, PWP, Top Dick Grayson, Bottom Slade Wilson, Dom/sub Undertones, Slavery, Massage, Prostate Massage, Anal Sex, Dubious Consent, passing mention of wetting, furthering my dick grayson has a big cock agenda, furthering my bottom slade wilson agenda, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms Summary:
Emperor Slade enjoys a post-bath massage from his war prize and new slave Prince Richard, but meekness has never been the boy's chief quality.
Written for the SladeRobin Mini Event 2023 day 2: Royalty AU
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marquisedesaad · 4 months ago
New Fic: SladeRobin 2024 Day 2
Not Made to Be Gentle
Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Rape Aftermath, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Murder, SladeRobin Week 2024
Slade opens the door to find Jason passed out on his doorstep. He isn't wearing his usual tactical armor, just a pair of rumpled black trousers and a cheap polyester button-down shirt of the cheap sort that waiters don at catering events. When Slade moves to hook his hands under Jason's arms to drag him inside, he finds that Jason’s shirt is unbuttoned and there's a livid trail of small bruises decorating his neck and chest.
Not bruises. Bites.
Livid is an apt word. Because that's exactly what the flash of red that suddenly clouds his vision must mean.
For Sladerobin Week 2024, Day 2: Passing out on the other's doorstep
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katzynia · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson Characters: Jason Todd, Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Lingerie, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Light Dom/sub, Kink Exploration, Kink Discovery, POV Jason Todd, Established Relationship Summary:
Jason and Slade indulge in some kink exploration. Not that they haven't done that before, but this time, it is a little bit different.
My (first) contribution to SladeRobin week 2024! Also the long-awaited and forepromised lingerie fic, finally here :D
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timbitsandpieces · 4 months ago
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Category: M/M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 2,837 Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Villains Win, Enemy to Caretaker, Spoils of War, SladeRobin Week, SladeRobin Week 2024, Hurt Dick Grayson, Hurt/Comfort Threatened Execution, Imprisonment, Rescue, Lex Luthor Being an Asshole, The Light (DCU), Hopeful Ending, Good Slade Wilson, kiiiiind of, Morally Grey Slade Wilson Summary:
“I do hope you improve his manners, Deathstroke. This is the reward you wish for your part in our victory?”
“It is,” Slade said, his eyes fixed on Dick. His attention made Dick’s skin crawl, and he bared his teeth. “No matter how poorly behaved.”
“Well, a man has his tastes. You should be grateful, Grayson.” Luthor looked at him with cold eyes and too-white teeth. “He’s the only thing keeping you from your sentence.”
Two hours, nineteen minutes, and thirty seven seconds until his execution. The timer stopped. Dick wasn’t sure this was better.
Dick is certain that he is going to die, certain that his world is ending in a way that he hasn't been since he was just a kid, looking down at his parents' bodies. This isn't like that. He won't get to see any of the bodies, but - Dick is going to die. His family is going to die. All that is left is to let the seconds slip uselessly through his fingers. Then Slade shows up to collect his payment and upends every certainty Dick has.
Day 4: “You…saved me?” “I’m not through with you.” | Enemy to Caretaker | Spoils of War
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harvesterhexenon · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Dick Grayson is Robin, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Drugged Heat, Omega Dick Grayson, Omega Slade Wilson, Auctions, Hurt Dick Grayson, Enemy to Caretaker, Good Slade Wilson, Slade Wilson is Deathstroke, sladick is implied tho nothing major happens in this, Nesting Series: Part 7 of Sladerobin Stuff, Part 9 of Hexe’s collection of omega Dick works Summary:
…The room had been eerily quiet as he was brought on stage, before the people then started throwing bid after bid at the traffickers right after the auctioneer announced him. The number, his price, grew steadily higher and higher.
Dick’s tummy clenched with unease. All these people wanted to own him. Wanted to bred him like he was nothing more than just his second gender….
[SRW Day 7 → Omegaverse] Robin is sold to Deathstroke.
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