#skz x atz
potatomountain · 2 days
Beg For It
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Pairing: Omega!JWY(atz) x fem reader x Alpha!Chan (skz) Summary: The night you get to officially belong to Wooyoung and his wolf, his pack, is the night he decides to fulfill a fantasy of yours- or maybe it was his: sleeping with your boss, and an ally Alpha, Bangchan WC: 5.3 AU: Werewolf, boyfriend/mate Genre: Supernatural, pwp Warning(s): 18+ rating, mxm, mxfxm, marking, degradation, cum-eating, oral (m & f receiving), rough handling, humiliation kink, mean dom Bangchan, sub!Wooyoung. Dacryphilia. penetration without barriers, overstimulation, Multiple orgasms, slight breeding kink. voyeurism, exhibitionism, guided masturbation, face-fucking, spanking(not reader), clawing, howling(relevant), knotting, just lots of pure filth Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society AN: Happy birthday to two loves of my lives! Christopher Bangchan and @adelusionforyourthoughts (and a dear clown as well for a third) This ended up way longer than I thought and this is also unedited (as i rarely edit or proofread my work tho i totally should) thanks to beta's: @bunnliix and @callmeghostly dividers by: @cafekitsune | Banner by me!
Main Masterlist
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Werewolves were a loosely kept secret. There were a few packs that were public, but for the most part, they were hidden. Which, considering there was still a bit of fear around them, was understandable.
You considered yourself blessed to be dating one however. He wasn’t an Alpha like many young adults day dreamed about, but you loved your little Omega with every fiber of your being. Sure you questioned how much of that was the mate bond thing his wolf had going on, but Wooyoung had always been honest and open with you about everything.
From his wolf side, to his pack, to presenting you with options to leave if you wanted: despite the catastrophic heartbreak it would cause his wolf. He had done everything to make sure you wanted to be with him for him, and that you knew he loved you for you.
The added bonus of the odd way his pack did things was just that… a bonus. They were one of the public packs in the city, probably because their Alpha, Kim Hongjoong, didn’t appear as threatening as one pictures an Alpha. But you’ve felt it before, even as a human, the presence he had in a room.
It reminded you of your boss, the CEO of the small company you worked for: Christopher BangChan. While it was speculation among your coworkers, as you worked under his second-in-command Lee Minho, nothing had ever been confirmed. Minho himself didn’t like the others talking about it, which still happened a lot considering the nature of your work: advertising and research for werewolf and human products alike. Minho and your department was pretty much the HR, so gossip always found it’s way to the small office the six of you shared.
You wondered idly what your coworkers would say now that you could confirm that yes, BangChan was a werewolf.
“Did he catch your eye baby?” Wooyoung hummed against your ear, his arm loosely wrapped around your waist and playing with the golden body chain that hung there. He had picked out your whole outfit for the night. From the dark blue shimmering dress, to the golden starry accents around your waist, ankle, and neck. His Alpha was hosting a local meeting for the other packs, and this was the first you were allowed to go to. There were other humans here, all for the same purpose as you: to be welcomed into the packs.
It was a full moon, the start of their “breeding” season as Wooyoung had called it, and tonight he was going to officially mark you as his mate. There was no going back from this, you would be tied to him until you died, and even then… in every life after this. It was romantic to say the least, and you had mulled it over for awhile.
You couldn’t deny it felt right, a smile playing on your lips as you leaned into him. “He’s my Boss.” You pointed next to him to the man staring at you with an unreadable expression. “Though I work with him more. He’s part of Chan’s board. In fact… everyone he brought today is.” You knew the other six easily, some of them saying hello.
But Chan was the one that had your attention and Wooyoung knew it. “You mean the boss you used to comment on how hot he is? The one your coworker and you talk about in a not so work-related way?” Cheeks burning with embarrassment, you tore your eyes off Chan to glance up at your boyfriend. “You know about that?” He grinned playfully. “Mhmm, I do. Chan does too ya know.” Oh you were fucked. Wooyoung loved to tease you, but now that you know Chan’s secret… Who is to say he won’t tease you as well? From the interactions you’ve had with him, you knew he was playful and flirty. He’d laugh off the allegations made by the others about being a wolf and turn it into flirting.
While the panic had you reeling, Wooyoung was already dragging you across the room towards Chan. You wished you could run, but the room was full of wolves that could smell your panic, and the lodge you all were in was hours from the city.
Hongjoong’s hunting lodge in the mountains definitely was the perfect place to hold a wolf meeting- but wasn’t such a good idea for your fragile human self who was currently watching your career go up in flames in your mind’s eye. “Chan! I wanted to introduce you to my mate!” Wooyoung pulled you tight against his side, pressing a kiss against your burning cheek before attempting innocent boba eyes at the Alpha. That was a sign he was up to now good. “I didn’t realize you were spoken for.” Chan showed his easygoing, flirty smirk as he shook your hand due to Wooyoung just plopping it in the man’s own awaiting one. “I don’t think I have to worry about you telling the company about what I am?| “I- uh- yeah. No need to worry about that Sir.” It was an effort to pull your hand from his simply because he wasn’t letting go, so you resigned to your fate.
He swung your joined hands between you both, turning to Wooyoung. “Is this the surprise you told me about? Binnie insisted I make no other plans.” Wooyoung giggled in your ear, grin turning mischievous. “My Alpha wants us to get along well, what better sign of trust than that.” Tearing your eyes away from the veins on Chan’s hand, you turned in Wooyoung’s arm. “What are you planning? Woo-” He shut you up with a quick kiss. 
“We’ll talk later.” Chan hummed out, containing his own laughter as he dropped his hand, running it over your bare back between your shoulders as he passed. It felt like a promise- one very similar to the one Wooyoung was promising as he deepened the kiss.
However, you weren't the one he talked to. The festivities kept Chan busy until Hongjoong announced to the wolves that the packs would head out for a ritual hunt, the same peacekeeping one they do yearly. Not all would head out though, as those who brought their mates were dismissed to partake in a different, more intimate ritual.
Like that you were taken upstairs, Wooyoung fucking full of his cum while he literally took a small bite of your flesh and ate it, just as he had you do with his. It almost ruined the mood for you, if you hadn't been preparing for it for weeks now. 
“Will yours scar?” You mused out, finger running under the missing bite of flesh on his chest, over his heart. He had cut it off himself, insisting only the closest flesh to his heart would do for you. Though he had taken a literal bite out of the curve of your breast, and you knew yours would scar.
“If I want it to.” He laid on his side next to you, watching your hand but occasionally glancing at the door. “There is one other ritual I wanted to do tonight, my moon.”
You hummed in response, urging him to continue but you had a feeling you knew where this was going. He was anxious, and with the newly formed bond you could feel it almost as if it was your own anxiety.
He still hesitated before continuing “I've invited Chan to share this night with you, as a gift. Both to him, to you, and to myself.”
Your fingers halted their lazy movements, lifting your gaze to his face. “Why didn't you ask me beforehand?” He's already fucked you- twice- and his seed was leaking out of you and sticking to your thighs that were quite marked up already. You had no qualms about being shared or that it would be with Chan but… you were human, would you physically be able to handle an Alpha after Wooyoung has spent the better of an hour wearing your body down in the most pleasurable ways he enjoys? 
He didn’t have a chance to answer, someone knocking on the door before stepping in. Chan was shirtless now, several gashes and bruises on his body from the hunt no doubt. Alpha’s will let new packmates chase them to test their metal; Chan probably had a few promising wolves in his pack now.
Whether it was from the hunt, or the precarious position you were in, you could see his eyes were that of his wolf’s: bright and vibrant and primal. When they landed on you, your body tensed up, alarms telling you that you should run. 
“Chan! How was the hu-”
“Quiet.” He snarled out, upper lip pulled back to reveal his canines. Wooyoung whimpered and did what he was told, imitating a dog with his ears flat on his head. You knew that look, he always wore it when one of the Alpha’s gave him an order he couldn’t refuse.
Frowning, you pushed yourself up on your elbows. “I’d rather you not use that tone on my mate when you interrupted our conversation!” Alpha or not- desire put aside as well- you never liked when someone forced Wooyoung to obey. Yes it was fun and enjoyable to boss him around, to push him and tame him like the brat he could be, but you didn’t like taking the free will out of it.
Chan tilted his head with curiosity as he locked the door behind him. “Don’t worry Angel, we talked about it. But if it makes you uncomfortable then I will refrain from using my wolf to command him.” His tone was much softer speaking to you than he had that one word. The stark contrast was dizzying but you didn’t dislike it.
Still, you glanced at Wooyoung for confirmation. “I… told him what I wanted” he rasped out once he could speak again, now sitting up next to you.
Relaxing at his admission, you nodded before returning your attention to Chan. It wasn’t lost on you that he had said what he wanted. “Can I have a safe word?” “We can use the color system. Since he hasn’t explained anything to you, which really, that’s more pathetic than I thought pup-” His tone had a hard edge when he addressed Wooyoung, but once more the edge was gone when he spoke to you “- he wants me to show you how much better you could have it. It’s almost disgusting that he doesn’t have a single possessive bone in his body. No wonder he’s an omega.” Your eyes widened as your legs were forced open, mess of a pussy on display for him. Chan was a respectful man, you knew that even as he was flirting with you long before he knew you had a boyfriend… so this was entirely new to you. The way he was purposely disrespecting, humiliating your mate was more shocking than finding out he really was a wolf.
Wooyoung’s hard cock was a testament to how much he was enjoying this though. Oh, you had no idea he liked it this much. You’ve dabbled in it with him, but you also loved him too much to say anything harsh and humiliating.
He wanted to be a cuckold. Wanted to watch you get fucked by “better” men, better wolves, and feel pathetic and inadequate- just to have the knowledge that at the end of the day he was your mate, he was the one who had your heart.
It was exhilarating. “So an Alpha can fuck me better?” You could definitely play into it.
Wooyoung’s whine, paired with Chan’s breath fanning against your nether lips, had you clenching around nothing. The alpha smirked up at you, nails digging into your flesh and drawing small droplets of blood in the process. “‘Course Angel, and I’ll prove it.”
He was licking you clean the next second; tongue pushing deep to scoop out as much of Wooyoung’s cum as he could. His nose pressed against your clit, expertly rubbing against it to leave you gasping and panting from the onslaught of sensations. Gripping the sheets beneath you, your head lulled back with a contented sigh as you relaxed fully into this.
“S-she likes- ah!” Wooyoung’s question was interrupted by his own cry, the reason being Chan’s claw squeezing his cock harshly. The way Wooyoung’s thighs trembled gave way just how much he enjoyed the pain. “I didn’t ask for you’re worthless opinion. If you could satisfy her in the first place, she wouldn’t be so pliant for my tongue now would she?” Chan growled out against your slick folds, the vibrations of his deep voice hitting you deep. His wolf was still very much present, bringing up your earlier concerns. Licking your lips and trying to catch your breath, you reached down to card your fingers through his tousled brown hair. “C-Channie? I- oh!” 
He cut you off with a harsh smack to your clit. “That’s not what I want you to call me tonight Angel.” With a soft nod, you corrected your mistake. “S-Sir, this is about my pleasure too isn’t it?” He seemed to soften a bit at that, lapping around your cunt to clean up more of the dried cum there. “Your pleasure is my top priority. How else am I going to prove how poorly of a job he does taking care of you?” He mused out, predator gaze still a bit soft as he stared up at you from between your legs.
Wooyoung whimpered again, ready to protest but his cock was slapped by Chan before he got the chance. The sight had you dripping onto Chan’s tongue. When you didn’t continue, just stared at where your mate had been slapped, Chan prompted “You like watching me hurt him?”
You nodded without hesitation. “He likes it. W-want to see him all marked up and ruined. Just as much as you’ll ruin me. P-please Sir?” Chan chuckled at your pleading, lifting his mouth and instead pushing two fingers into your sobbing cunt as he sat up straighter. “Want me to manhandle him? Treat him like a toy who’s only good is to be fucked?” He reached out and cupped Wooyoung’s chin. “This pretty mouth, or that little ass of his?” “Mouth.” You said the same time Wooyoung did, the latter receiving a harsh slap to his cheek.
“I wasn’t asking you bitch.” You whined this time, shaking your head. “Different word Sir.”
Chan nodded in understanding, curling his fingers inside you as if to reward you. “Angel is too soft and sweet on a pathetic and useless thing like you. A chew toy that won’t last the season.” He paused, glancing at you to see if you approved, then grinned maliciously at Wooyoung when you just moaned in response. “A chew toy. Fuck toy. Going to rip you to pieces as I use you. Mmm Angel likes that.”
With his fingers pumping into you at a growing pace it was hard to hide your body’s reactions to their words. It was also hard to keep your eyes on them, slipping off your elbows but keeping your head tilted to watch.
“I’ll be a good toy-” Another slap to the cheek, Wooyoung’s cock jumping and leaking in reaction. His own hands were digging into his thighs, small droplets of blood running down the tanned flesh.
He looked as fucked out as you felt, and he had only been hurt and humiliated.
“I’ll see if you can be good at anything, stupid toy. Take off my pants. Angel wants a show, she’ll get one.” Chan turned his attention back to you, grin softening but still cocky, almost arrogant.
With a twist of his fingers, his thumb pressing down on your clit, he was now assaulting your sweet spots as he turned just enough for Wooyoung to do what he was asked.
Through a pleasure-filled haze you watched your mate fumble with the Alpha’s jeans, groaning in frustration as he finally popped a button open. But he seemed to be taking too long, Chan grabbing a fistful of his dual hair and forcing his head back to look at him. “Can’t you even do this right?” Wooyoung opened his mouth to respond, just to moan out as Chan yanked his head back even further. Drool pooled at the side of his mouth, and he looked absolutely gorgeous like this.
The humiliation seemed to spur him on, his fingers making faster work of Chan’s pants while it became harder to bite back your own sounds; though those just seemed to encourage them both. 
Your climax was quickly approaching, hips bucking up to meet his fingers to chase the building high. It already felt too much after everything Wooyoung had done, your human body lacking the stamina these two wolves no doubt had.
“G-gonna cum-” You whined out, looking down your nose at them just in time to see Chan’s cock pop out of his underwear and slap against Wooyoung’s cheek. He was big, the shock mixing with the ecstasy as his fingers pushed you over the edge.
Chan chuckled, removing his thumb from your clit but his two fingers still leisurely rubbing against the soft spot of your inner walls to keep your high going.
The overstimulation became painful quickly, your body writhing as you breathlessly pleaded “no more”. Chan pulled his fingers away and brought them to his lips, licking them clean while he forced Wooyoung’s head back at an awkward angle to watch. “Fuck she tastes divine. Fitting of an Angel.”
You both whined, Wooyoung being yanked forward to haphazardly lean into Chan’s hips, cheek pressed up against his cock. The two of you made eye contact, some concern must have shown in yours because his lips widened into a pleased reassuring grin.
Relaxing, you melded into the bed more as your limbs trembled from the aftershocks of the orgasm, trying to find your breath once more. You knew this wasn’t over, but you were thankful for the moment of reprieve, listening instead to the two wolves.
“Open up~” Chan’s voice was dripping with fake sweetness, the sound of Wooyoung gagging a moment later adding to the cotton in your mind.
You wanted to watch, to lift your head and see your lover struggle to take the thick cock into his mouth. Would it bulge out his throat? Would it make him cry? The anticipation was enough to have you pushing yourself up, still panting, just to watch.
Wooyoung did indeed have tears in his eyes, his hair pulled tightly back by Chan’s grip; you wouldn’t be surprised if his scalp was red from the force. The entirety of Chan’s cock had disappeared into Wooyoung’s mouth, his curved nose pressed against the man’s trimmed pubes, his drool covering his chin and Chan’s balls. Still Wooyoung looked up at the man, the bright yellow flecks a sign his wolf was present, while Chan’s head was thrown back and he was panting.
Your mate must have done something as the next second Chan let out such a low animalistic growl before he was fucking his mouth with an intensity you swore was inhumanly possible.
He was gritting his teeth as he held his head still, hips bucking into him to shove his full length into him again and again, the harsh slap of skin on skin reverberating in the room. Tears were freely streaming down Wooyoung’s reddened cheeks now while he gagged and drooled around the member getting shoved roughly into his mouth.
You could never fuck him like this. You could never give him this- but he clearly loved it. Seconds turned to minutes, the bed shaking with the force as you managed to recover from your previous orgasm and were now eager for another. Chan didn’t seem like he was going to stop, continuing to growl and let out pure animalistic sounds that had arousal leaking from your cunt. “Angel likes this so much, her scent is driving me crazy. Can’t wait until I’m fucking that sweet cunt. Get it molded perfectly to my cock so your pathetic excuse of one would never be enough again. She’ll come begging for me to fuck her- to breed her- because you failed so miserably.”
Wooyoung moaned in response, his hands tearing at the blanket as his cock swung uselessly between his thighs and up against his abdomen with how harsh his body took each thrust.
“I’ll fuck her just like this. Abuse her pretty cunt like I am your throat. Mmm fuck, you’re leaking so much. Tears, drool, pre-cum. Don’t tell me you’re going to cum without being touched? Without being told?” Chan chuckled darkly, grinning to show off a dimple and fang as he locked eyes with Wooyoung who was so pliant in his hands. “Fucking pathetic. Angel- do you think he deserves to cum?” He turned to you, tone soft but still tight with his own impending climax. Wooyoung glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, pleading with you.
You were so soft on him. Besides, how can you deny him when he looked so damned good getting ruined like this? “Wanna see if he can cum without being touched. But you should cum first Sir- not fair that toys finish first.” Chan’s smirk widened, a raspy laugh leaving him. “Angel is so sweet on you. Fine, make your Alpha cum first. Don’t disappoint.” Wooyoung grabbed Chan’s thighs then, a fiery look in his eyes as he started pushing himself down on Chan’s cock- well as much as his physical limitations allowed him. His eagerness was awarded though, Chan growing more vocal as his head fell back. Words alluded him as he just fucked the other wolf, animalistic whines and soft howls falling from his lips.
When he did cum, he made a sound you could never forget. A howl that shook the room, his hands holding Wooyoung against his pelvis as he shot his cum down his throat and gave him no choice in the matter. Wooyoung’s own sounds were garbled, but you got to watch his cock spurt his seed onto the blankets beneath him.
The sight of them left you reeling, your whole body hot and eager as pleasure coursed through you. You wondered if you were feeling remnants of Wooyoung’s own climax through your newly formed bond, though it wasn’t enough pleasure to get you off, just edge you a bit. It distracted you enough that you weren’t aware the two had pulled apart until you felt a hand sliding up the side of your calf. Chan was crawling towards you, now completely nude, with Wooyoung lapping at his cum on the bed behind him. A bit confused, you glanced at Chan for an explanation. “I can explain that later Angel, but we can take a moment before continuing?” He must have caught on to how exhausted you had been feeling. Truthfully if he had asked moments ago, you would have agreed, but after what you just saw? There was no way you could sit still. 
Shaking your head you reached for him. “I want to continue.”
Chan brought your hand to his cheek, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of your wrist before nodding. “And how do you want to continue?”
You thought over your options for a moment, gaze constantly flickering to your pathetic boyfriend you adored, and settled on one. “I want to hear him beg for you to fuck me. For you to mark me up and make me cry with how good you make me feel. All while he just gets his hand. If he really wants me to feel good, he’ll beg for you to take care of me.” Wooyoung looked up at you with wide eyes and puffy lips. He wasn’t crying anymore, but you could tell he liked the idea. You knew that he caught on to what you were doing too. You wanted to give him his fantasy, and if this was it, so be it.
He just had to beg for it.
He attempted to hide the smirk that tugged at the corners of his lips, dashing it away the second Chan looked over at him, instead batting his lashes almost innocently. There was nothing innocent about him, or this situation, which just had his cute head tilt seeming even more sinful. “I should beg for it?” There was the brat in him.
Chan sighed dramatically, turning back towards you and pressing a kiss to your knee. “You would think he would have learned his lesson by now right?” With a nod, you watched Chan slip back over to Wooyoung and grasp his throat with lightning fast reflexes. Wooyoung had the gall to act shocked, but his cock was already twitching back to life. “You’re going to deny your sweet, beautiful mate, pleasure? You’re going to tell her no?”
Wooyoung made an effort to swallow with the hand around his throat, glancing back over at you just to have his gaze ripped away by Chan. “N-No, won’t deny her.” That malicious smirk was back as Chan now forced him to look at you, his thick lip brushing against the shell of Wooyoung’s ear. “Beg for it. She wants to hear you. If you’re going to say anything it’s going to be exactly as your mate wants right?”
When Wooyoung nodded, Chan squeezed for a split second before dropping him, nudging his chin in your direction as a single towards him. “Beg.” Wooyoung whined and bent forward onto his hands and knees. “Please- I’m not worthy of fucking you. I’m not good enough, baby. Want to watch you get fucked dumb by the better man. Alpha’s do it so much better anyways.” There was the tiniest hint of sarcasm in his tone, but it was overshadowed by desperation. 
You couldn’t help but squirm a bit, glancing at Chan. “Mm you heard him- fuck me better than he can Sir.” Chan grinned as he climbed between your legs, manhandling you into a position that allowed Wooyoung to see everything. You had enough time to rest, your nerves no longer on a fiery edge and while exhaustion still threatened to take over, your desire outweighed it. “Gladly Angel.” He was quick to position himself, swollen cockhead rubbing against your slick folds then pressing in.
Laying flat on your back you could do nothing but take his full length as he thrust in, a moan escaping you as he most definitely stretched you out more than your mate did. “F-fuck-” Chan chuckled, gripping you by the back of your thighs and pushing them up so your knees were parallel with your shoulders. “Not used to such a big cock? His is rather pathetic isn’t it?”
You nodded in agreement, glancing over at Wooyoung. “He should be stroking that pathetic excuse of a dick to your own strokes- though I don’t think he’ll last as long as you.” In the back of your mind you made a mental note to reassure Wooyoung later. Even if he was enjoying this, which he most definitely was, you had some budding guilt at insulting your chosen like this.
Wooyoung wrapped his hand around the cock in question when Chan sent a harsh glare in his direction. He opened his mouth to speak but shut up with Chan growling at him.
“Toys don’t speak, not unless you’re going to beg and plead.” He snapped his hips up into you for emphasis.
“Please fuck her. Mark her up. Ruin her for me.” The pleas began to fall from Wooyoung’s lips without an ounce of shame, getting filthier as Chan started up a relentless pace without warning. Your hands gripped the mattress above you, trying to hold still as your whole body bounced with each thrust.
Chan was pure raw feral power. His nails digging into your flesh, hips slamming into yours with such force your ass was stinging. It was different from Wooyoung, better in its own right. It lacked the love and connection that he gave, but Wooyoung also couldn’t manhandle you like this. Couldn’t have you crying out and gasping for breath as your pussy was abused.
“Fuck just like that. Fucking her so good. Marking her so pretty.” Wooyoung was fucking into his hand at the same pace Chan was slamming into you, the same pleas tumbling from his lips.
It just drove both you and Chan further with desire. “You like this don’t you Angel? Like how harsh I’m fucking you? Want me to breed you? Fill you with pups?” Chan growled out, words more animalistic than human. He cursed out more incoherent growls when your walls clenched down around him, cumming unexpectedly from his promises. “She wants it.”
“Fuck- my Moon-” You barely registered Wooyoung’s whiney voice, not with the way Chan was fucking you through your orgasm into such a fucked out state your mind was too much of a haze to process much. Your own bubbling mess of sounds didn’t even register to your own ears.
Wooyoung whined out more. “You want him to breed you? Am I too pathetic for it?” He was close, you could tell from the way his words pitched at the end.
Unable to get a word out, you just nodded, just to be flipped onto your stomach and hips lifted up. The cry you let out echoed through the room, hands pulling at the sheets to try and still your body but the bed was shaking just as much as you were. 
How Chan managed to go even harder now, one hand gripping your shoulder in a painful grip to hold you still, was beyond you. Tears streamed down your face from the intense pleasure and pain that coursed through your body with each thrust of his. Too fucked dumb to even register what words you were speaking, or if it were even eligible sounds at all.
“I can’t deny you what you want. Such a sweet Angel deserves the best.” Chan didn’t even sound human behind you, vaguely his cock no longer felt it either. Thicker, a point hitting deep inside you that was pushing you more and more to the edge again. How you could manage another climax was beyond you, but it hit once more without warning.
You could hear Wooyoung’s own cry of pleasure as Chan’s coated the inside of your walls, breeding you thoroughly with a howl of his own. Forcing your eyes open, you could see your lover hunched over himself, cum staining the sheets beneath him, but his eyes were on yours. With Chan suddenly stopping with his release, you reached for your mate and he took your hand in his. 
“My Moon.” Breathless he leaned down and kissed the back of your hand, reaching to wipe away the tears from your eyes. “A mess of tears and drool, so fucked out you’re barely aware of it. How does it feel to be knotted by an Alpha?” The whine you let out was met with a chuckle from them both.
“Are you sure she’ll be fine?” Chan rasped out, still sounding rather gruff as his hands rubbed up your sides. Your body felt sore, muscles aching from the constant pounding and the orgasms you were given. You tried to lay down, but Chan quickly followed, still stuck inside you.
“Oh-” You finally registered Wooyoung’s words: Chan was knotted inside you. However, you were too exhausted to care. 
Wooyoung glanced at the Alpha behind you with a silent question, suddenly moving a second later to lay next to you, even if that meant he was laying in his own cum. You were now on your side, Chan behind you and stuck, with Wooyoung mirroring your position and pressing his forehead against yours.
He was still holding your hand, the only reassurance that everything was indeed alright. It was the only thing you needed before passing out.
Talking can wait for the morning.
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Taglist (Form):
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fairyofjaeyun · 26 days
here’s some more for y’all 😏
if none of them work try logging into twitter because I think you need to be logged in to see nsfw content now !
relentlessly teasing jaehyun while he’s tied up
trapping and pegging maid boy yangyang in the dryer (yes I’m back on this agenda)
sunghoon putting a pink ribbon on it 🎀
asking hyuka “who’s a good boy?” while you jerk him from behind ♡
bang chan telling you he wants your strap deeper
fingering jaehyun
jeongin sitting on your strap
edging and torturing mark’s poor cock
yeosang eating you out under the desk while you read
parking the car and giving hyunjin a ruined orgasm
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Bf!skz vs you crushing on another idol (ft Ateez!) 💌🎭
any other staytiny out there? 👀 I only very recently started listening to a couple songs by Ateez I'm definitely more of a casual fan atm 🤗 (is anyone else seonghwa biased but daily wrecked by hongjoong and yeosang? and yunho? helpme🤡)
🖤hyung line🖤
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🖤maknae line🖤
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358 notes · View notes
skteezcursed · 8 months
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❝DEVIL LOOKING ANGEL❞ — p.sh & l.mh
PAIRING. park seonghwa x fem!reader x lee minho.
SYNOPSIS. Seonghwa and Minho both have a crush on you, and one day they decide to share you with each other so everyone wins.
GENDER. smut. tiny bit of fluff.
AU/TROPE.friends to friends with benefits. non idol au. uni au (implied).
RATING. R (+18) - MDNI.
WARNINGS. mean dom hwa. mean dom minho. brat sub reader. normalization of drinking. oral (f and m receiving). face fucking. tongue fucking. fingering. edging. overstimulation. slight voyeurism. pussy slapping. spanking. praises and degradations. dacryphilia. pet names (pretty, slut, whore). sir is used to refer to both minho and seonghwa. unprotected sex (please don't). double penetration. aftercare is also important.
NOTES. english is not my first language. sorry for the 9k, i got caried away, also, this is way more filthy than I originally planned. first smut ever so bare with me, please. thanks @cybrsan and @straykidsholicleigh for believing that i could write smut, hope it lived up to the expectation, bye ♡.
IMPORTANT. this is a work of fiction, it has zero intent on portraing how any of the people quoted here are in real life.
CREDS. dividers by cafekitsune ♡
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                 You’ve always knew Felix was rich, both him and Changbin had always been the richest of the group, which was why whenever there was a party or any type of celebration, their places would be the first ones to be considered, so there was little to no surprise when Felix called everyone to his family lake house for a start of the summer celebration.
                 As a magnet, your eyes searched for the two men that have been living in your mind rent free since they joined your friend group. Park Seonghwa and Lee Minho. You have seen many gorgeous men in your life, hell, your friend group could be considered the one with the hottest guys around, but there was something about Seonghwa and Minho that always drawn you to both, although you never actually acted on it, but flirty comments and moments had always been a constant presence in between you three.
                 In all truth, you couldn’t choose and the fact they are friends – even prior to be in your group – it made it even harder. Your fingers and toys being the only companions whenever the situation got to a certain extreme, especially when both became extremely flirting with you in a row, as they never did really get close to you if they were both in the same room, which didn’t help the choosing process. If you could ever choose.
                 There was no surprise when your eyes met with both of them near the infinite pool of Felix’s lake house. Minho still had his shirt on, dealing with the meat, but Seonghwa was already shirtless, arms stretched on the edge, eyes fixed on you, as if he could undress you and you were barely there for five seconds. Minho’s eyes noticed Seonghwa’s and finally found your figure at the entrance, talking to Felix. Feeling both eyes on you, eating you, didn’t help with the butterflies on your stomach.
                 “Minho is almost done with the first batch, Chan is in the kitchen with Ji and Joong making snacks, you wanna drink something?”
                 “Whatever you guys are having,” your voice was met with a can of beer in front of you as a hand landed on your lower back, feeling the water wet your shirt, meeting with Seonghwa smirk, “Hwa, this is yours I-”
                 “It’s okay, I was about to get Minho another one, I can get two more on the way while you finish this one,” his lips met with your cheek as the pads of his finger digged a little on your side, the clothes probably helping with not leaving a mark. “I’ll be right back, go be a good girl and keep Minho company while I get us something to drink.”
                 You felt hot through out your body, resting on your cheeks and in your lower stomach, holding yourself not to brush your thighs together at the pet name and what Seonghwa was asking, trying to ignore how his fingers still lingered in you, even through the shirt. The beer came right to your mouth and you drank down the liquid, needing a little bit of liquid courage to go through that party. Minho already had his signature smirk in your direction, and you drank the rest of the beer, throwing your can besides his near the lawn.
                 “Hey pretty, how is it going?”
                 His left hand extended to you as you held his hand in yours, feeling the pull towards him, as he wrapped his left arm around your waist, his hand still entangled with yours as his lips met with your right cheek, you felt his thumb caress slightly your back, but never unlocking your fingers.
                 “I’m good, and you? Is anyone helping you out, can I do anything?”
                 “I’m okay, Hwa has been helping around, mostly bringing me drinks,” he laughed lightly, but never really leaving your hand, “you can keep me company if you want, wouldn’t mind at all to have you around.”
                 Before you could answer, Seonghwa voice could be heard, and you slipped your hands from Minho, missing the way his eyes fell slightly on his hand before exchanging looks with Seonghwa, as you were too busy getting both yours and Minho’s drink. Both boys exchanged quick looks as you opened Minho’s can before handing it out to him, grabbing yours and opening, looking at both raising your can, being followed by both with a small smile.
                 “Lix said you almost done with the meat.”
                 “Yeah, hold on, let me give you a piece and you tell me what you think.”
                 “You can tell the truth, he’s a big boy,” Seonghwa said with a sly smile while you drank more of the beer as you saw their eye exchange, “I think he can take a pretty girl saying his food is bad.”
                 “I can take a pretty girl saying anything to me as long as I have her attention.”
                 You felt your cheeks burn and you lowered your head, but noticed the exchange of glances between the two this time, not missing the compliment that both said. Your mind going a hundred miles an hour, only getting worse as you felt his hand on your forearm squeezing slightly catching your attention and giving you a piece of the meat he had just taken out of the grill.
                 Ignoring the best you could the way both pair of eyes were staring at you, how their eyes lingered on your lips, how Minho’s thumb went to clean the grease that was falling from the corner of your mouth before he brings his own thumb to his lips, how Seonghwa’s eyes lingering a little longer on you at that, the sly smile always present.
                 That should have been warning enough for what that day held for you.
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                 The party had been full on throughout the day. You were going from group to group, few beers here, a bit of food there and you knew you were hitting your limit to some extend as you joined some of the people at the pool, taking the rest of your beer before going to the other edge, while mostly still stayed closer to the lawn as you headed to the infinite edge.
                 The sun was setting on the lake, making the rays of sunshine dance across the calm waves, your arms rested on the pool edge, a bit of the water falling through as the tips of your toes hit the bottom. You thanked that the lake was empty that day, most families still organizing to wander to that area, which meant you and your friends could have one of those parties.
                 Hands grabbed your waist as you felt a hot breath on your ear, your head turning slightly finding Seonghwa right there behind you, if he reached closer you could feel his perfect body against yours, and there was nothing you wanted more than that at that moment. The alcohol in your system quickly reaching the part of your brain that was in charge of morality, clouding it as you allowed your body to move a little away from the edge, your head resting on his shoulder slightly as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, hands resting on you lower belly.
                 You tried your best to ignored how close his hands were to your core, how his hot breath reached your ear, how his abs felt against your back, but most importantly, the slight poke you felt on your ass. There was no way he was actually hard, the alcohol was definitely messing with your mind.
                 “What you doing here by yourself?”
                 “Just felt like watching the sunset at the lake, I like it when there’s no one but us here,” he sensed how your breathing hitched as his lips touched the tip of your ear slightly, a light chuckle coming out of his mouth as you felt a small caress on your belly. “Why you here? I thought you and Minho were organizing some of the drinks.”
                 “Just didn’t feel right to leave a pretty girl alone,” a small kiss was placed on your neck, followed by a small bite that made you suppress a gasp, but not the jolt that your body made, bringing you more in contact with Seonghwa’s body. “Oh, you liked that didn’t you?”
                 “Seonghwa…” a plea leaved your lips as he kissed your neck again, one of his hands roamed at your side, as the other pulled you even closer to him body, allowing you to feel everything, “Please… Someone… Someone can see it…”
                 “I’m sorry pretty, but I’ve controlled myself too much and just like you said, there’s no one but us here and I’m sure everyone is too busy or drunk to notice us, right now.”
                 His right hand kept wandering around your body before resting on your thigh squeezing the inside of it, forcing you to open slightly.
                 “But what if someone approaches?”
                 Although his body never left yours, his mouth did, slow breathing right next to your ear. His right hand making small circles on the inside of your thigh, so close to where you wanted them, and yet, you two were still around everyone.
                 “Just say the word and I’ll stop,” you knew he meant it, mainly because he stopped with the caress at your silent, his hands moving to rest on the front of your thigh, a small whine leaving your lips as your right hand quickly found his, trying to keep him from straying too far away from where you needed them, a small chuckled was everything he gave you as a respond. “I knew we weren’t seeing things.”
                 Seonghwa’s hand went back to where they were, but raising slowly closer to your core.
                 “You were never the most discreet person, you are a starer,” the pad of his middle finger finally meeting your clit still hidden from the swimwear, but sensitive nonetheless, making you bite your lip as he slowly and tortuously made circle movements with random points of pressure, “not that we have been the most discreet ones as well.”
                 “Hwa -”
                 “And now you are letting me touch you while all our friends are here,” you whined as he increased the moments of pressure on your clit, your right hand holding the edge of the pool, your waist moving to make your ass press against his bulge, “ah, and eager as well, but would you let me fuck you right here, in front of everyone?”
                 You held a moan at the thought, trying not to actually picture how badly you wanted him to do it, how badly you had imagined his hands roaming your body just like that, his fingers on your clit and inside of you, trying to ignore the outline of his cock against your ass.
                 “It’s not like you are not eager as well,” you wiggled your ass against his bulge and felt his grip tightens around your waist, while the other palmed your front, you turned your head trying to ignore how you could feel the tips of his fingers on you clothed core. “Like you said, it’s not like you have been discreet as to how you look at me.”
                 The sly smile you gave him was received with a smirk and a raise of eyebrows.
                 “Minho was right, you are a brat,” before you could gather the words that came out of his mouth, you felt him swiftly moving your bottoms to the side, feeling one of his fingers start to enter you, but not deep enough, “no words now, pretty?”
                 “So, you and Minho talked about me?”
                 Without warning he entered with another finger, deeper this time as you felt his palm press slightly on your clit, making you bite your lip repressing a moan.
                 “Oh pretty, we did more than just talk about you,” he curled his fingers inside of you before tortuously and slowly take them out and in again, as you rested your head on his shoulder, thanking for his broad shoulders to hide you two from everyone behind you, “you have no idea how many times we fantasized about your cunt? How many times we jacked off at the thought of you?” You clenched around his fingers, making him chuckled. “Oh, you like that pretty? The thought of us thinking about you? Sharing you?”
                 A whimper left your lips as he curled his fingers again, his speed increasing considerably.
               “Couldn’t wait I see,” at that, your eyes opened finding Minho on your right, looking at you and Seonghwa with a sly smile and raised eyebrows, your right hand quick to hold Seonghwa’s forearm, but Minho’s hand were quicker holding your wrist as Seonghwa worked his fingers inside and out of you, his left hand leaving your waist making you lose your balance, as Minho was quick to stand in between you and the glass of the pool, left hand still holding your right wrist as the right held your waist, “can’t say I would have waited if I was in Hwa’s place.”
                 Seonghwa’s left fingers quickly found your swollen clit and started to rub circle figures with random pressure points as his fingers nimbly went in and out of your core, your left hand finding his left forearm but Minho was quick to take it and hold both wrists in front of you with his left hand while the right held your waist in place. You could feel the pressure of his fingers, knowing they would probably leave a mark, but you didn’t care, specially after you moved your hip up to feel Seonghwa’s bulge again while also trying to release the pressure he was doing on your clit, receiving a raise of eyebrows from Minho as you felt his fingers deeply on your waist before finding your hip and putting back into place, seeing as you bit your lip trying to repress a moan.
                 “You were right, she’s a brat.”
                 “So, I’ve gathered,” Minho answered, as his eyes wandered across your face, at how you would close your eyes and bite your lip, but both noticed when your body started to shake, a small exchange happened and Seonghwa’s fingers left your core, but his left still circling your clit slowly, as you whined in frustration of the stolen orgasm, “what is it? You’ve always wanted our attention, now you have it,” Minho took a step closer, Seonghwa’s fingers lazily playing with your clit as you felt yourself clench at nothing but the pool water, your wrists hurting from the hold Minho had on them. “You think you can handle our attention, pretty?”
                 “I thought I’ve always had it, what you talking about?”
                 Your voice cracked a little as Hwa’s fingers pressed a bit harder at your clit, but you didn’t miss the spark in Minho’s eyes, not holding back the smirk that showed, quickly vanishing as you felt Seonghwa’s fingers leaving your clit and covering everything back with your bottom part.
                 “Oh don’t worry, this is just the start,” Seonghwa quickly held your hips in place, pulling it up a little so you can clearly feel the outline of his cock against your ass as Minho got closer, lips mere centimeters away from your own, but you noticed how he held your hands as you felt the shorts he was wearing touch your fingers, before he pulled your hands lower and you extended your fingers, feeling the outline of his cock, he released a bit of the pressure on your wrists as you eagerly touched his covered cock. “We are gonna have so much fun with you tonight.”
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                It wasn’t like no one knew about the sexual tension between the three of you. Hell, everyone had a bet on who would break first, who would be the one you’d choose, if the three of you would become a throuple, when it would happen, if you would be with one while the other watched… In all honesty, the three of you have heard all of them and would be lying to not admit that all those options had never crossed either of your minds, yet, here you were, entering the room you knew it would be for the two of them, their colognes entering your nostrils and clouding your judgement more than the alcohol in your system.
                The feeling of their hands on your skin, of Seonghwa’s fingers inside of you, the denial you received, the thought that finally you would be able to have what you were craving, by not one but both… That was exhilarating. The warmth that went through your core at the thought of both of them, of feeling Seonghwa’s fingers, to have Minho hold you down even if that left marks on your body, just the thought of having them close.
                “Daydreaming pretty?”
                As the door closes behind Seonghwa, you find yourself mere centimeters away from Minho, noticing how he has one shot glass on each hand. The lock of the door is heard as you also noticed Seonghwa with a bottle of tequila and another shot glass of his own in hand. Both with a sly smile and primal look, the type of look a predator would look at its prey, making a shiver run down your spine as both caged you, their little prey for the night.
                “Not so talkative now, are we?” Minho purred as his right arm snatched your waist making your lower half find his, the outline of his cock still could be felt, even more with the soaked in shorts. “All talk and no fun?”
                You felt as his nails dig into the skin of your waist, Seonghwa quickly behind you, making you feel his own clothed cock against your ass.
                “I thought you had a smart mouth from all the things you said at the pool,” his head quickly lowering into your neck as you felt his lips lingering on your sweet spot, you could feel both getting harder of the situation, “thought I would have to find a way to shut you up.”
                “It’s not like you guys gave me anything to talk about,” the smirk made them raise their eyebrows before a quick exchange and you feel the loss of Seonghwa’s warm while Minho’s face became closer to yours, you could feel his lips feather like against yours. “Guess someone else is all talk and no fun, right?”
                At that Minho’s eyes focused on yours and you waited for the crash, for his lips to be on yours, but instead, the smirk reappeared on his lips as you heard the clack of the glasses as Minho’s hand went for the back of your neck meeting your hair and pulling it down making your neck all open for him to mark it as he gladly started kissing every little part of it, hearing as you moaned when he bit into it, allowing you to feel the smirk on his lips.
                His hands roamed all over your body, but always pressing you against him, so no part of your front was too far away. Your hands were quick on his shoulders and hair, pulling it slightly whenever he bit down your neck, but his hands never touched where you wanted them most, until you pulled his hair stronger this time, getting a small groan out of him, bringing a small smile to your lips before you went in for a kiss, getting his cheek in response.
                “You think it’s that easy?” He laughed leaving you completely, joining Seonghwa on the bed. Although the room had two single beds, as you saw when you entered, at some point they were connected creating one big bed, as each seated on one, the tequila right in between the sheets, each with a glass in hand. “Prove it you deserve it.”
                “You say that as if you weren’t just as crazy to have my lips on you.”
                Your giggle made their expression change and so you remembered some of the comments your friends had made, the small fame both had around campus and you felt another shiver down your spine, but you wouldn’t back down. If you had to work for it, so had they.
                “Oh pretty, we will have your lips on us,” Seonghwa’s voice was husky as he drank up the tequila, barely a reaction on his face from the alcohol, “preferably with them wrapped around our cocks as you choke on them,” you pretended that phrase didn’t make a pool to form at the space in between your legs, trying your best not to brush your thighs together, not wanting to give them the satisfaction. “C’mere pretty, have a taste.”
                You were quick on your feet and ignored how both men smirked at your reaction, but instead of heading for one of them, you grabbed the bottle, pouring some of the liquid in each of the three glasses, but instead of handing to them, you put each glass on their legs, which they agreed to allow it. You quickly brough your glass to your lips, the liquid burning on your throat as you turned to Minho, your knees finding the ground, you in between them.
                As your hands roamed around Minho’s thighs you held eye contact as your mouth got closer to his crotch and, even though he looked unfazed, you could feel the twitch of his thighs under your palms as your mouth took the hem of the cup, finally breaking eye contact as you took the cup, your head fell back and the liquid quickly entered your throat as one of your hands took the glass from between your lips, putting it on top of Minho’s crotch, the tent even more visible after your little act.               
                Seonghwa was just observing, waiting for his turn. His hungry eyes landing on your chest, and for a second you thought about taking the top of the swimwear off, but not yet. Yours knees moved closer to the man still waiting with his shot glass in between his legs, but this time your hands wandered a little bit closer to the man’s crotch, the glass a little closer than where you remembered putting it in, bringing a sly smile to your lips as you moved your head forwards, your nose touching the outline of his cock that twitched at the small contact, making you giggle before taking the glass and repeating the same thing you did to Minho, only this time, part of the tequila fell from your lips as you took the cup from your lips.
                Before you could react, Seonghwa’s right hand grabbed your jaw, pulling you to him making you lose balance and your hands land on his thigh. His eyes were dark and hungry and you knew what awaited you, you wanted whatever they would give you. The smile that creeped your lips making Seonghwa annoyed enough for a scoff to leave his lips as he pulled you closer, your breathings mixing, but none averted the eye contact.
                “Don’t play games when you can’t win them,” you felt Minho’s breathe on your ear, his fingers tracing every part of your body as Seonghwa held you in place, “I believe you’ve heard stories,” your body answered for you as you felt Minho’s fingers trace the outline of the swimwear on your ass, going down until it make a light caress on you clothed core, the whimper that left your lips bringing a smile to the other two. “And yet, here you are begging us to fill you up, to treat you like the whore that you are,” he forced one of the pads of his fingers in your core and the other found your clit, making you clench your thighs, trapping his hand, “ah, you like when we call you a whore? A slut? Or at the thought of you being shared by the both of us?”
                His finger on your clit makes small torturous movements making you move your hips and your nails to dig into Seonghwa’s thigh, a chuckled left their lips at your body’s response.
                “Talk slut.”
                The pressure of Seonghwa’s fingers on your jaw made you try to jerk away, only for his other hand to meet the back of your neck holding you in place. Minho worked his legs to meet between yours and force them open so his hand would be free to play with you.
                “Yes,” you choked, “yes please, jus-just please touch me,” you cried as you felt Minho’s fingers nimbly pull you bottom to the side and play with your folds, “God please, just fuck me.”
                At that, Minho entered two fingers at your soaking cunt, making you gasp as Seonghwa took the opportunity to put two fingers of his left hand inside your mouth, his right fingers still holding your jaw open as his face got closer to yours, hot breath mixing as you felt the familiar warmth at the pit of your stomach as Minho’s finger skillfully played with your cunt.
                “So wet already, and all for us?” The mockery on Minho’s voice made you moan against Seonghwa’s fingers, a chuckled left Seonghwa as his fingers left your mouth, his right thumb caressing your bottom lip as you felt Minho curl his fingers inside of you. “How about we put that mouth use?” You moan loudly as his moved his fingers inside of you, but at your lack of response, a hard slap was felt on your left ass cheek, making you jolt forward, left hand on Seonghwa’s crotch. “Speak when spoken to slut.”
                “Then stop moving your fingers like that and I might,” as soon as those words left your mouth regret filled you up as his fingers left your core making you clench at nothing and a hard slap was felt on your right cheek before Seonghwa’s hand found your neck, tightening just enough to make you gasp for air. “I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise.”
                “Such a lying whore,” Seonghwa was now mere centimeters away from your face, “guess I should shut you up this time, no?” Minho’s hands griped your waist pulling it slightly back making your torso lower itself, a harsh slap at the same spot on your ass made you whimper as your eyes were still fixed on Seonghwa whose hand was palming himself through the shorts. “All I wanna hear is you gag around my cock, you hear?”
                “Words, slut,” another slap and you jolted forward, lips touching Seonghwa’s but he made no effort to move closer, “sudden out of words?”
                “You’d much like to hear me moan in your ear, wouldn’t you?”
                Another hard slap and you whimpered, feeling your legs tremble.
                “I think you are a little too dressed up for this, don’t you think Minho?” Seonghwa’s fingers played with the upper part of the swimwear, fingers gracefully moving on the edge of the cloth before fixing on your hardened nipple under the fabric, pitching it painfully as he held your neck, forcing you to eye him as you felt Minho taking your bottoms off, a muffled moan escaping his lips as he saw your glistering cunt. “Bottoms down, now upper part off.”
                Seonghwa’s hands promptly took your upper part off, briefly letting go of your neck as Minho skillfully teased your wet folds open with his fingers, laughing as you pushed your body back trying to make his fingers get inside before a hard slap meet your ass before you feel him spread your legs wider, giving him all the access he needed. His fingers lazily going around your folds, teasing your entrance as you turned your head finding his hungry eyes already on you, drunk on your reactions.
                “Time to put that mouth to use slut, try not to enjoy yourself too much.”
                You felt his hot breath against your cunt and whimpered closing your eyes, anticipating the contact, but Seonghwa pulled your face back to him, and you met with his hard, red, leaking cock in front of you, making your mouth water. His left hand on his shaft as his right tangled on your hair pulling you towards his dick.
                “Time for your first meal, slut.”
                You didn’t need to be told twice as your hand went to the base of his cock the same moment Minho’s lips found your pussy making you moan against the tip of Seonghwa’s cock. His hand on your hair pulling you to his cock, as the tip met with your cheek and you took the message as Minho’s tongue ravish on your juice, you kissed the tip of Hwa’s cock, squeezing the base just a little before twirling your tongue around the top, but he forced your head down his shaft making your hand go for his hip as you gag trying to breath, feeling him twitching inside your mouth.
                As Hwa pulled your head back, Minho’s face left your cunt, a hard slap on your ass before three fingers entered your dripping cunt and you closed your eyes before feeling a sting on your cheek before a Seonghwa make small caresses on your side, pushing your head back to his cock as your right hand skillfully started to stroke his length as his left fingers entered your mouth.
                “That’s it, such a dirty slut, you love having your holes filled, don’t you?” The moan that left your mouth was answer enough as you felt Minho’s other hand reach your clit as the same three fingers kept going in and out, his mouth finding your third hole, kitty licks being left there as you tried to say something, making Seonghwa’s fingers leave your mouth. “Oh, you have something to say?”
                “I want your cock, let me have your cock.”
                “Beg for it.”
                “I’m better at showing, let me show you,” your hand squeezed his length before your thumb go over the tip, taking pre cum as more lubricant, making your movements faster, “let me make you feel good sir, let me prove it with my mouth.”
                “Keep talking like that and you’ll get a reward,” his thumb went for your parted lips as you wrapped it around it, “such a dirty slut.”
                Minho left your ass at peace as he speed his fingers and circle movements around your clit make you whimper before taking Seonghwa’s cock on your lips one last time, taking him full, only stopping as you felt his tip on the back of your throat, howling your cheeks as you moved your head up and down his shaft, his fingers tangling around your hair, dictating the speed as you tried your hard not to moan as you felt Minho’s fingers curling inside of you.
                The shaking of your legs being enough to tell him you were close and you prayed for them to allow you to come this time as Seonghwa started to also jolt his hips up, hitting the back of your throat harder, your nails digging into his thighs but he didn’t care and in all honesty, neither did you.
                “Such a cock drunk whore you are,” you felt Minho’s teeth sink into your ass as his fingers curled heavenly inside of you. “Clenching so much around my fingers, can’t wait to use this hole for my cock.”
                You clenched at his words, feeling your legs tremble harder and the built up increasing.
                “That’s it, take it like the fucking slut you are, take my cock down your throat.”
                Too much, it was too much, so damn good.
                Until Minho’s warmth left you, at the same second you were about to cum, and you cried around Seonghwa’s cock that fucked your face mercilessly, ignoring how hard your nails digged into his thigh, but then you were free, your head was lifted by the hair, your eyes meeting Seonghwa’s gaze, he hadn’t cum yet, but he was close, you knew it, so you took his cock in your hands and started to stroke him again, seeing as his grip tighten on your hair.
                “Get her on the bed,” fingers digged into your sides as your lower body was lifted by Minho, you could feel his three wet fingers on your skin, whishing they were back into you, curling inside, “I wanna fuck her mouth.”
                As Seonghwa’s fingers left your hair, Minho tossed your body on the bed, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get there on your own, your legs still weak for the second denied orgasm.
                “I’ll take her cunt then,” Hwa got on the bed pulling your lower body closer to the edge as he got on his knees, “enjoy her mouth, is just as heavenly as we thought it would be.”
                “Fuck-” you said breathlessly as you realized that they had jerked off at the thought of you, “You two are just as perverted as I thought you’d be.”
                “Don’t pretend you are an innocent angel and never touched yourself at the thought of us,” Minho said cynically, the tent on his shorts clearly an inconvenient, even if he looked unbothered, yet all you wanted was to see his cock, “or are you gonna pretend you never called us out while your fingers were deep inside of you?” Seonghwa pulled your hips lower, spreading you open, having a clear view of your swollen clit and soaking core. “You may look like an angel, but you were definitely a work of the devil.”
                You clenched at nothing at those words, hearing Seonghwa curse under his breath looking at you all stretched and open in front of him, but all you could focus was the tent in Minho’s shorts. You liked your lips receiving a scoff, Hwa’s breathe still close to your core, but never close enough making you jolt your hip slightly, receiving a slap on your swollen cunt, making you scream as your eyes finally met Seonghwa’s hungry ones, his fingers lazily caressing the swollen organ, teasing you all over again.
                “You can’t stop looking at Minho, have something to say?”
                “I just-” another slap on your clit, making your hips jolt and you close as your eyes as his fingers lazily play with your folds now, teasing the entrance making you roll your eyes, “fuck, please.”
                “Please what slut?” Minho got closer to the bed, both hands on his pocket and you could see the movement there, he was stroking himself through the shorts, your mind wandering to how red and leaking his dick was, making you wet your lips as your eyes focused on his shorts. “What’s so interesting in my shorts, hun?”
                “I was just wondering, because my toys are pretty big, maybe even bigger than you,” a hard slap on your cunt made you cry loudly pulling the sheets with your hand, “if you are gonna do something than fucking do- AAAH FUCK!”
                Two of Seonghwa’s fingers were soon inside of you as his tongue finally found your clit, kitty licks teasing you as he curled his fingers inside as you tried to close you legs around his head, finding two strong hands on both your thighs forcing them open, bringing them closer to your chest. Minho’s fingers sank into your skin and you found his dark look, you had pissed him off you knew that, but you didn’t care, as long as you could have his dick you didn’t care.
                “Keep them open, whores like you know how to do that,” with a slap on both legs he released them, eyes fixed on you as your hands went to hold them open as Seonghwa started to suck on your clit, fingers nimbly in and out of your cunt making you see stars as the previous stimulation Minho made you through. You heard the bed creak, but you couldn’t open your eyes, only doing so once you felt something wet on your cheeks, meeting with Minho’s leaking cock inviting you to take it. “Now let’s keep that fucking mouth shut and suck it dry, and don’t you move your hands from your legs.”
                You felt yourself clench against Seonghwa’s fingers, feeling his groan reverberate from your core up. You parted your lips leaving a moan mixed with a curse before looking back at Minho, his hand at the base of his angry leaking cock, God you could cum right there as you kissed the tip of his dick feeling the bittersweet taste on your mouth. Kitty licks were placed at the tip of his cock, small kisses in the mix as you saw how his dick twitched slightly from time to time as you teased him, only looking away as you felt Seonghwa back away from your cunt, finding his glistering lips and nose as his three fingers went to his mouth.
                “Such a sweet cunt for such a filthy whore.”
                Before you could answer, Minho’s hand held your head turning you to his cock.
                “Now open.”
                And so you did as he said feeling his hands around your head as his hips started to move slowly ahead, his cock filling your mouth. As his tip hit the back of your throat, Sengohwa’s lips were back at your cunt, his tongue heavenly going in and out of you, his nose hitting perfectly your clit as his arms held you in place as he tongue fucked you. Minho’s dick furiously getting in and out of your mouth, hitting the back of your throat every time, making you gag as you dig your nails into your legs that were already shaking.
                You felt your throat and eyes burn and you knew you tear would soon fall, specially if they denied you another orgasm. You heard Minho grunt as his trusts became sloppy, you could tell he was close. The hum that Seonghwa would occasionally drop also said he was painfully hard as he stuffed his head against your cunt, nose making a sweet pressure on your clit as you felt his tongue inside you, thanking heavens for giving this man such an incredible and versatile tongue that could reach places you never thought it could.
                Minho quickly let go of your face at the same time Seonghwa took his face from your cunt, denying for a third time your orgasm making you cry and let your legs fall, clenching around nothing as you saw Minho stroke his dick lazily and breathing heavy, as you waited for his cum, but it didn’t come, instead you were found with a cocky smirk as he controlled himself exchanging quick looks with Seonghwa who was now standing, cock red, leaking, begging for a release.
                Your legs were failing you and they noticed as they caged you again against the mattress. Seonghwa predatorily hovering above you as Minho went behind you, feeling his hard wet cock against your back, his legs going under your arms as his hands roamed around your waist, slowly going up to meet your breasts, nipples hard and sensitive as his hands squeezed it harshly making you cry again, your head resting on his shoulder as Seonghwa stayed between your wimbling legs which he put on tops of his as he took your right breast in his mouth as your other one was receiving Minho’s left hand attention.
                His right hand went to your throat squeezing just a little as he buried his face on your neck leaving open mouth kisses all over it, small bites here and there. Seonghwa’s right hand went back to your core making you move your hips for more contact, crying at how sensitive you were already but in search of your release nonetheless. You heard both chuckle at how eager you were. Minho’s left hand leaving your breast to hold your waist as Seonghwa started to give your left breast attention while his left hand took your right breast in, pinching your nipple from time to time.
                “Should we mark our little whore?”
                You cried at the comment and at Seonghwa’s fingers curling inside you, Minho’s teeth giving small bites against your skin, helping make your body shivers at the already three denied orgasms, the fourth already building it up.
                “Let’s make sure everyone knows to whom this whore belongs to.”
                At Seonghwa’s response, both focused on sucking and biting at your skin, Minho’s fingers making slight pressure at your neck as Seonghwa’s fingers worked in and out of your core, his palm pressing occasionally on your clit making you jolt your hips in desperate search for your released. You didn’t hold back any sound that came out of your mouth, their names slipping it along with a few cuss words, your body shaking uncontrollably as they try to hold you down, you could feel tears falling as they both stopped.
                “Are you fucking kidding me?”
                You cried as your body shook, hot and desperate. Minho took your face to his, cleaning some of your tears before pulling you to a hungry sloppy kiss, his tongue entering your mouth with desperation, his fingers pressing against your skin. Minho’s lips were just like you imagined, you could kiss him for ours, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands explored your body holding you in place as he pulled away from you before turning your head to Seonghwa who held your face to him, his lips quick to crash against yours, tongue quickly exploring your mouth as you felt Minho step away from you, as his hands held your waist up, making you stop kissing Seonghwa for a second.
                “Time for your reward slut,” he laid on his back and you quickly straddled him, thankful for Minho’s strong hands helping to keep you up, Seonghwa observing everything with his hand slowly stroking his dick, “it’s time to bounce.”
                Your hand was quick to find his hard angry cock, lining it up with your throbbing entrance. You torturously and slowly sank down his shaft, feeling his every inch coming inside of you, filling you up so good that you couldn’t help but moan his name as he was finally full inside of you.
                “Thank fucking God,” the desperation in your voice made both laugh at you, but you honestly didn’t care anymore, as you ignored your wimbling legs as you started to bounce up and down in Minho’s length, his fingers sinking and helping you bounce on his cock, you knew you’d have marks the day after. “Hwa, please.”
                Your hands quickly found his cock as you took it in squeezing a little before use the precum to help the movement, his hands grabbing your face and moaning against your lips as you felt Minho hold you up and start to thrust into you as Seonghwa stuck his tongue inside your open moaning mouth as you stroke him shakingly before he groan against your mouth and start giving kisses against your neck as Minho kept burying himself inside of you.
                “So fucking beautiful my pretty little whore,” he bit your neck as you let out a small screaming moan as Minho kept hitting your cervix at every trust. “You gonna cum on Minho’s cock, you gonna let him fill you up nice and well?”
                “Yes, fuck, yes ple-please!”
                “Fuck you clenching so much around me,” Minho groaned and you felt his nails dig into your flesh deliciously as you squeezed Hwa’s cock, “Imma fill you up so good, you gonna keep my cum inside you, you got it?”
                “Yes, yes sir, please fill me up, jes-fuck!” Your whole body shook uncontrollably as you felt Minho let you down on him, his whole length inside you and you whimpered desperately rocking your hips back and forth trying to finally get your release. “Please let me cum, please, I’ll do anything, please fuck, please!”
                Minho slapped your ass holding your hips down as Seonghwa slapped your face taking your hands away from him, ignoring his aching cock as he cleaned some of the tears that dripped down your face, his tongue licking them away and you clenched around Minho feeling his fingers sink into your skin.
                “Minho, we good?”
                The groan made both you and Seonghwa chuckle as you felt his hands push you up, making you irritably accept that, feeling empty as Minho’s dick slide off you, sitting straight caressing your waist slightly.
                “Think you can handle the both of us? Be a good little slut for us?”
                Although Minho’s words where filthy and hit your core directly, the slight caress on your waist catching a little off guard, yet you caught yourself nodding eagerly.
                “Words slut,” Seonghwa said with his thumb caressing your red face still from the slap he gave you, “we need to hear you say you want us to stuff you up and fuck you dumb like we know you want and like.”
                “Hwa can take your cunt and I take your ass,” Minho’s teeth bit your shoulder making you shiver while Seonghwa’s hand found your nipple, playing with it, “and after he fill you up, I’ll take your cunt again and shove it right back into and mix it up with my own and you’ll keep both our cums inside of you.”
                “Yes sir, I will.”
                “Such a good whore for us, I think she deserves a reward no Minho?”
                “You ready to cum, pretty little whore?”
                “Yes, please.”
                Swiftly, Seonghwa held your waist pulling you in as he laid back on the other bed, his feet founding the floor as you straddled him, quickly taking your hand and finding his hard cock and placing it at your entrance as you sank down. He was longer than Minho, but thinner, making it easier to slide into your aching core, you bounced a few times before he held you down, pulling you in against his chest, to make it easier for Minho to slide into your ass.
                The tip of his cock at the rim of your ass and you close your eyes in anticipation. You felt the stretch and bit down your lip, but Seonghwa made you eye him and spread your lips open, a silent demand for you to not hold back, so you hid your face on the crock of his neck as you felt Minho stretch you out slowly and deliciously painfully as you felt both their cocks fill you up entirely.
                “That’s a good whore, such a good whore taking both our cock on your holes,” the tips of Minho’s fingers caressing your back before landing on your ass with a hard slap making you jolt and feel both cocks move inside you, letting a moan escape against Seonghwa’s skin, “gonna fill you up so good you won’t be able to walk.”
                Minho was the first to move as you sank your teeth into Seonghwa skin, hearing his groan in your ear, but as soon as your body relaxed, both boys held your body as they started to move in different rhythms. As Minho’s cock was coming out, Seonghwa’s was coming in, you were never fully filled and never fully empty.
                Seonghwa’s hands were quick to find your ass cheeks spreading them as both thrusted relentlessly into you making you see stars and become a moaning and shaking mess. Minho pulled you up from your shoulders, one hand around your waist holding you up as the other played with your breast, allowing Seonghwa’s fingers to find your clit as the other squeezed your ass cheek oh so painfully.
                The overstimulation was sending you skyrocket to the edge of the universe. Incoherent speech left your lips as both kept thrusting deep into you. Your moans started to become little screams as you felt your whole but heat up and tremble under their hands, you cried out trying to get away as the overstimulation became too much.
                “Stay put slut, we gonna fill you up good and you gonna take like the pretty little whore you are.”
                “You squeezing me so fucking good, guess you are indeed a whore, taking both cocks so well, begging to be filled up.”
                “Gonna cum slut? Gonna cum on Hwa’s cock?”
                “Can you even take us both? You think you can handle Minho after I fill you up, hun?”
                “Yes, yes I can, please sir, please fill me up, please make me cum, I promise I can take both cocks, please.”
                You cried out clenching around them as you screamed one last time before feeling the so denied wave of pleasure rush through your body, crying even harder as they didn’t stop, searching for their own release. You were now their personal fuck toy, and you weren’t even mad at that.
                “Fuck she’s clenching so much!”
                “Take our cum slut, take it all.”
                Minho took his dick away from your ass and released your body that was quickly embraced by Sengohwa who thrusted harder into you, helping build up another orgasm on the way as you cried against his neck.
                “Fuck just like that, take my cock you filthy slut.”
                “Hwa plea-please…OH FUCK!”
                You felt his seed spill inside of you the same moment your second orgasm hit, but not even a second later and Minho pulled you out of Seonghwa, turning you on the back, the mattress sinking in between your legs and you feel the small stretch of Minho’s girth in your gummy walls and moaned in pleasure again, your hands quickly finding his forearm that held your waist down.
                “Time to fill you up for good.”
                “Yes please, please Min, fuck me please, fill me up.”
                “Such a cum and cock slut,” he finally thrusted into your swollen cum dripping cunt, his movements fast as his free hand went to slap your tits as he used the one on your waist for balance. “Fuck you take me so good, such a good whore with such a nice pussy.”
                “Yes, just for you, just for you and Hwa, fuck-fuck- FUCK!”
                You cried as you sensed fingers playing with your clit and you knew it was Hwa as Minho’s hand had not left your waist and were still playing with your tits.
                “Just like that, cum for me, I know you can do it again, cum on my fucking cock you filthy little whore.”
                His movements became sloppy, and you knew he wouldn’t last long and, the way they were both working you up, you knew you wouldn’t either. Your toes curled as Minho’s fingers twisted your nipple while Hwa’s pinched your clit and you cried out loud as you felt Minho thrust you one last time before collapsing on top of you, barely able to hold his own body weight, although you couldn’t complain as it has kind of comforting after everything.
                Your eyes were shut, you could hear movement around the room, Minho’s body lifting it up just enough to look at your face. His free hand was quick to take your hair away from your face, both breathings were heavy, neither could hold a small chuckle at the situation you were in.
                “You okay?” You nodded and he smiled leaving a small kiss on your lips before pulling it out, receiving a complain from you. “I’m sorry pretty, were we too hard on you?”
                He laid on your side, his fingers feather like against your skin, lingering a little longer on the more visible marks bringing a smile to your lips.
                “I’m okay.”
                “I’ll be gentle, promise,” Seonghwa’s voice was concerned, they both were as they realized the state you were in. “We were too rough with you, pretty, I’m sorry.”
                “I’m not,” you said quickly using your elbows to lift your upper body, hissing as you felt the cloth Seonghwa was using to clean you up against your sored lower body, making him be even more careful, “I had fun, you guys don’t need to be sorry for anything.”
                “Well, you did beg us a few times,” Minho chuckled and you rolled your eyes noticing how he started to move his body upwards, Seonghwa handing him the cloth before coming up on your other side of the bed, “but we should have been less… eager with you.”
                “That’s a word I could use,” you laughed as you felt Seonghwa touch your arms, indicating for you to move up with them. “I didn’t wanna be the one to ask, but -”
                “This is something we’ve been talking for a while,” Seonghwa cut you off as your back found the wall, both boys eyes on you and you suddenly felt aware of yourself, which didn’t go unnoticed by them as Seonghwa continued talking and Minho pulled some of the covers up on your body, “we can’t deny we are attracted to you, we also know you are to us, we don’t mind sharing you if you take us.”
                You stopped for a moment observing both of them, searching for any type of bad reaction to the idea of you being shared by them in any way.
                “So, what does that makes us?”
                “Whatever you want it to be, pretty,” Minho’s hand found yours playing lightly with them, intertwining your fingers as Seonghwa’s went to your face and neck, taking in your features. “So, will you take us?”
                Your only answer was kissing them. Minho first, Seonghwa second. It was a different kiss this time, it wasn’t rushed, it was light, careful, tender. Both kept observing you, expecting anything, searching for any type of rejection just how you were looking for it a while ago.
                “Do you guys mind if we sleep for now?”
                You sigh and they chuckled laying beside you. Minho was quick to turn on his back as you wrapped your legs around his, resting your head on his shoulder, your hand quickly found Seonghwa, pulling him close as you made him hug you by the waist. It felt right, whatever you three were to become.
                Sleep found you fast as Minho’s left hand made small circles on your knee around his hip and Seonghwa caressed your hand and left small kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders. A smile plastered on your face.
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general masterlist here ♡
here's the link for the permanent taglist ♡ !
network: @cultofdionysusnet ♡
©skteezcursed (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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yeoosaangg · 1 year
៹ Kinktober - 2023
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➮ DAY 02 ── PET PLAY
➮ DAY 04 ── FREE USE
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➮ DAY 16 ── ANAL
➮ DAY 17 ── SADISM
➮ DAY 20 ── EDGING
✎… WEEK 4 ⦂ NCT 127
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➮ DAY 25 ── TOYS
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coupsie-daisies · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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Hey guys, I decided to try and participate in kinktober this year. I've never successfully finished it before so I'm hoping that maybe this post will help me hold myself accountable.
If you want to be added to the taglist, please reply to this post or send me an ask with the url you'd like to be tagged under. I will not be accepting tag requests through dms or anywhere else not listed. I will be trying to update this every day but we'll see how that goes
as always, minors do not interact, any minors found interacting with my content will be blocked, no exceptions. do not repost this elsewhere, I will upload to AO3 after October!
Main masterlist
Day 1: Virginity with Min Yoongi
Day 2: Exhibitionism + Voyeurism with Park Seonghwa and Kim Hongjoong
Day 3: Scent Kink with Jeon Wonwoo
Day 4: Collaring with Park Jimin
Day 5: Strength/Size Kink with Kim Mingyu
Day 6: Mutual Masturbation with Bang Chan
Day 7: Somnophilia with Lee Chan
Day 8: Body Modification with Xu Minghao
Day 9: Mommy Kink with Yoon Jeonghan
Day 10: Getting Caught with Choi San and Jeong Yunho
Day 11: Praise Kink with Lee Seokmin
Day 12: Cockwarming with Kim Seungmin
Day 13: Breeding with Choi Seungcheol
Day 14: Sensory Deprivation with Lee Felix
Day 15: Begging with Lee Minho
Day 16: Bondage with Boo Seungkwan
Day 17: Threesome with Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin
Day 18: Intercrural Sex with Vernon Chwe
Day 19: Pussy Eating with Kim Taehyung
Day 20: Pegging with Seo Changbin
Day 21: Free Use with Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook
Day 22: Public Sex with Han Jisung
Day 23: Thigh Riding with Lee Jihoon
Day 24: Phone Sex with Song Mingi
Day 25: Orgasm Denial with Wen Junhui
Day 26: Pet Play with Joshua Hong
Day 27: Dry Humping with Kwon Soonyoung
Day 28: Biting + Primal Play with Jung Wooyoung
Day 29: Mirror Sex with Hwang Hyunjin
Day 30: Overstimulation with Choi Jongho and Kang Yeosang
Day 31: Hand Kink with Yang Jeongin
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wooyoungisbaby · 6 months
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minhosbitterriver · 28 days
Thank you to all 467 people who voted! As promised, here are the results of your votes — all of the groups that ended up having 10% or more votes will have bigger/longer pieces that will be posted throughout the month of October! The other groups that had lower votes will maybe have some shorter, more simple pieces posted (feel free to make some spooky requests for them!). Please give this lots of love!
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SUMMARY: After a mysterious fire destroys your husband Minho's dance studio, you bring him home from the hospital, hoping for a fresh start. However, you soon begin to notice small but unsettling changes in his behavior. Initially, you dismiss these as signs of his recovery from the traumatic event or perhaps just your mind playing tricks on you. Yet, with each passing day, the feeling grows stronger that the man you brought back from the hospital isn’t truly your husband—even though he wears his face.
PAIRING: Lee Minho + Female Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Non-Idol AU, imposter horror, psychological horror, fire, mild burn injuries, gaslighting and manipulation, trauma, violence, injury, mild gore, more to be added.
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SUMMARY: During a night shift at an understaffed morgue, you encounter the eerie and inexplicable movements of a corpse bound by a failed ritual, unraveling a dark mystery of death and supernatural forces while alone with the unsettling remains of Kim Hongjoong.
PAIRING: Choi Jongho + Female Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: MDNI, Non-Idol AU, explicit sexual content, friends with benefits trope, mutual pining, semi-public sex, protected sex, piv, light spanking, mirror kink, mentions of having one drink, supernatural horror elements, death and corpse imagery, violence, dark themes, psychological horror, disturbing sounds and visuals, mild gore, more to be added.
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SUMMARY: At a Halloween party, you and your friends decided to use an old Ouija board for fun, not expecting anything serious. However, things took a terrifying turn when Hanni, one of your friends, began convulsing and speaking in a deep, guttural voice. Possessed, Hanni started revealing unsettling secrets about each of you, exposing your deepest fears and hidden betrayals. As the night unfolded, you realized you had accidentally summoned a demon that thrived on your guilt and despair, turning your playful game into a night of fear and revelation.
PAIRING: Kim Minji + Female Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Non-Idol AU, supernatural possession, disturbing themes, descriptions of fear and anxiety, guilt and betrayal, violence, more to be added.
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SUMMARY: You and your group of friends receive an anonymous invitation to play an immersive escape room game in an abandoned mansion. The host, calling himself “The Game Master,” promises a grand reward for the winner. However, once inside, the challenges quickly turn sinister, exploiting each of your deepest fears and darkest secrets.
PAIRING: Sim Jake + Female Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Non-Idol AU, psychological horror, mentions of past death, trauma, gore, violence, dark themes, more to be added.
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SUMMARY: On Halloween night, while you’re hosting a party with your boyfriend and friends, a group of children in strange, vintage masks knock on the door of your home. They ask to come in, claiming they are “the original owners.” You dismiss it as a prank until the children return every hour, each time more insistent and increasingly disturbing.
PAIRING: Hwang Intak + Female Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: MDNI, Non-Idol AU, established relationship, explicit sexual content, protected sex, piv, light choking, dirty talk, disturbing imagery, paranormal elements, psychological horror, demonic horror, more to be added.
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fairyofjaeyun · 2 years
I had to spoil y’all again
jerking off and rimming puppy jake and making him stay quiet because dogs don’t talk <33
pegging houseslut jake after work
riding jaehyun and treating him like your sex toy
kicking hyunjin’s dick under the table during a cute date
punishing san with a vibrator and crop for wearing a slutty outfit
busting bang chan’s balls while listening to emo music <3
fucking renjun missionary
playing with vocal shotaro’s ass
fingering soobin while he’s fucking you
vernon… yeah
pathetic bunny soobin fucking himself with a carrot because he’d do anything his master tells him to
pegging hyuka and making him a whiney mess <3
jerking and fingering heeseung in public
making lee know ride you with a leash on
tying down and torturing jungkook’s sensitive dick
wooyoung being a slut and sending you videos of him fucking himself
overstimulating jake until he’s begging for you to stop
finally letting jay cum
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 8 months
Hi guys:( im sorry i havent posted in the last week:( im feeling quite shitty mentally and i dont have any energy to use besides the bare minimum. I have two requests and when ill get any ideas to start them, then ill start working on them i promise!
Heres my masterlist if anyone wants to take a look at it!
Im sorry again and i hope you’re doing okay! Please take care of yourselves and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Ps: some cute pics to compensate<3
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hcuyk · 5 months
hi everyone! i'm vae, and i'm making this poll to see if there will be any WRITERS who are interested in joining a collab idea i have
the collab is called CORRUPTED FANTASIES, and it can be interpreted in a myriad of ways! the fic doesn't have to be fantasy (though it's highly encouraged) and will focus on the idea of CORRUPTION
do they choose power over love? do they use people and step on them to reach the top? a hero turned villain, power imbalance relationships, all ideas are welcomed! go wild with the toxicity, and remember that it's all fiction!! (the smut and angst can go crazy yall)
please answer the poll so i know whether i should make the collab post or not. all kpop writers, old and new, are welcomed! i want it to be a place where we meet other writers and create new friendships by breaking past the boundaries of being in different fandoms
i will also be adding other things, such as an optional match making system where i can pair people off into twos to create their fics in the same universe!
please dont let this poll flop 🙏🙏 reblog and share if you can to see this idea come to light!
if there isnt a high demand in the kpop community, i may repost this interest check for specific groups, such as just the boyz, nct dream, and seventeen
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lemineso · 9 months
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intro page*~
BODHI ! • HE/SHE ! • 19 !
male idol x male/gn reader content. ★
[ masterlist ] ★
requests are open ★
i write for male and genderneutral readers only !! (including ftm reader.)
i will write poly one shots but please limit it to two idols x reader !!
lowercase is intended.
please be specific about your request !! let me know if you would like a oneshot/headcanons/imagines/etc, and what the genre of that request is! (angst, fluff, etc)
i may edit your request slightly.
be clear about what you want !! the more you tell me, the more i am able to write.
i am new to writing on tumblr, so please give me feedback and let me know if i make any mistakes. <3
please send only one request at a time.
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coupsie-daisies · 20 hours
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
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For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Cas and I'm not a quitter. So even though I'm a year late on finishing my 2023 kinktober, here's the final parts of it as a 2024 Kinktober gift
obviously, minors do not interact, any minors or ageless blogs found interacting with my content will be blocked, no exceptions. Do not repost any of my writing on any platform
Main Masterlist
Kinktober 2023
Phone Sex with Song Mingi
Orgasm Denial with Wen Junhui
Pet Play with Joshua Hong
Dry Humping with Kwon Soonyoung
Biting + Primal Play with Jung Wooyoung
Mirror Sex with Hwang Hyunjin
Overstimulation with Choi Jongho and Kang Yeosang
Hand Kink with Yang Jeongin
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prplocks · 2 months
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 idols birthday ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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mini-mews · 10 months
a/n: pure angst, no members in mind but he/him used, gn!reader, wc:940
It was a flash of headlights and a screech of tires against the rainy road. Everything seemed blurred. Heavy panting as the air burned in his lungs but his legs refused to give out. Tire tracks burned into the road as it scrapped against the pavement, veering off to the side. A few meters from the car, lies your body, shirt staining a crimson red.
The air feels thick, almost non-existent as he runs to you, collapsing to the ground to hold you in his arms. Tears mixing with the rain as his hands stain red, uncaring as he pulls you into his chest.
Letting out small gasps, rips puncturing your lungs due to impact. Your eyes struggle to crack open, as rain beats down on your face. A stream of blood and rain mix on the concrete below you, making a small pool. Your chest burns, you mind a hazy mess. Trying to remember how you got here.
Oh right, a fight.
✰࿒ ჻࿒ ჻✰
You were tired of him overworking himself, worried for his health and well-being. But when you brought this up with him, you were met with frustration, anger.
"I'm not a child, I can care for myself. I don't need you nagging me every second of the day. I got enough shit to deal with, don't need you adding onto it." His words shot like arrows through your body. Biting your lip to suppress a shaking sob as tears blurred your vision. "I'm sorry, I was only trying to help.." Your choked voice quickly cut off by his "Well clearly you're fucking not helping!" Snapping out as he runs a hand through his hair, "Just drop it would you?".
Tears slide down your cheek, as a laboured breath escapes you making him raise his eyes from the ground to your tense figure. You refused to look at him, quickly collecting your phone, wallet and keys as to leave the apartment. Stumbling over your shoes as you slipped your jacket on, knowing it was calling for rain later tonight.
"You're right I'm sorry, I'll leave you be then." Your voice came out small, as if he didn't strain his ears he would have missed it as the door slam shut. Loud footsteps echoed down the hall as you made your way down to the staircase, needing some fresh air.
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"Hey! Look at me please! Its okay, you're going to be okay, I promise, look at me." He's gripping you closely, his face curled into your neck. All you can hear is rain pattering on the ground and his ragged breathing, before he lifting his head, screaming out "What're you lookin' at?! Call for help!"
Short puffs of air come from you, the pain becoming unbearable as your eyes well up with tears. Your body becoming lighter, less responsive as dark spots start to appear in the corners of your vision. "No, no no baby, stay with me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, please. No please." He's cradling your head in his arms.
You can't even remember what you were arguing about anymore, it felt so far away in your memory. You use your remaining strength to lift your arm to caress his face, he always had such soft skin. "It's okay. I forgive you. I'll always love you." His eyes widen at your words, a choked sob escaping him. "Hey what're you saying? Baby don't talk like that. Help is on the way I promise, Y/n please."
Your arm drops down into the puddle of blood and rain, the wetness drenching you both. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer, like we planned."
His tears fell freely, dripping onto your face as you try to find the strength to smile for him, despite the agonising pain. "Stop it! Don't talk like that! Help is on the way." He screams, eyes screwed shut. A distance sound of sirens rang in his ears, as he looked down at you, "Please, don't leave me all alone. Don't say goodbye please Y/n, it's not goodbye, you're going to be okay I promise. Baby please believe me, help is on the way. Please." His desperate speech barely registers as you can feel your heart tear apart.
"Baby please, remember how you said we were gonna move down south together? adopt too many cats and be a perfect family?" A sob rips through his chest, "I'm already looking at engagement rings, have some saved that I'm sure you'll adore. Y/n can we go home and pick one out together? Can we go home?" Your heart squeezes painfully at that.
Everything is fading around you, distorted voices and sounds, all you can feel is water as if you were floating onto of the sea. A dark abyss covers you, swallowing you whole as you blindly reach out for your lover. Flashes of what you'd imagine your life with them appear, almost mocking you as you bled out.
"My love, i'm sorry to say goodbye."
Doing your best to lean into his touch as he wails out, rain soaked skin grasping yours, as you slip away. The blood continues to spill out onto the pavement, as he sits on his knees, holding your now lifeless body. He feels his heart wretch, sobbing so hard he struggles to force out a breath, as paramedics rush in.
People swarm him, grabbing his arms to pull him to his feet as they crouch above your body. He screams out, "Save them please!" as his knees give out beneath him, bloody hands wrapping around himself as he screams out in agony.
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hope you enjoyed the suffering! I did this as a small writing exercise and hopefully kick myself into writing more. my requests are open, and a small shoutout to @writing-my-life-away for beta reading for me.
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jonghoyah · 10 months
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