#skyrim afflicted
The Wasting Plague has said to be comparable to one other plague in Nirn's history
The Thrassian Plague
Now one could say that it wasn't Peryite who created The Wasting Plague and is instead a new Thrassian Plague created by the sloads but there's one problem with that
See several decades ago the sloads made another Thrassian Plague and decided to test it on Alinor
The Thalmor was able to quickly find a cure for the plague and one of the top leaders of The Thalmor a mer named Cindarin set out with ships from Alinor, Valenwood and Elsweyr to sail to the province of Thras the land of the sloads and massacred every single sload on the continent
By all accounts the sload race is basically extinct so that basically dashes out any possibility of the sloads creating The Wasting Plague
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frutavel · 12 days
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Still trucking through the art drought with ballpoint pen doodles - today we have Skyrim OCs <3
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helgiafterdark · 7 months
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daedrabait · 1 year
Does anyone else use the Afflicted Refugees as target practice
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gorecreep · 2 months
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Ghost Girl (¬ºཀ°)¬
Star sign: Libra
Fave bands: Sleep Token, Real Friends, The Amity Affliction, One Direction, Transit, Bad Omens.
Fave games: Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Hades, Stardew Valley, L4D2, Pokémon black and white, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
Fave films: Saw, Pearl, Superbad, Clerks, Drive, Kids, Gummo, Funny Games, Scream.
★ plz don’t be weird and send sexual messages or dick pics. I will block you. ★
★ I do read and appreciate all the compliments and nice comments. Thank you!! Ily for hyping me up! ★
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actionnerdgamerlove · 14 days
The Dragonborn's Haunting - part 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
A Skyrim/CoD crossover
Ghost is Forsworn and....just takes a shine to you, the Dragonborn.
Was your Ghost companion a friend, foe or phantom?
You decided to test it.
You tested it all the way into Bthardamz. Dwemer ruins being what they are, you expected traps, and mechanical wonders (always trying to kill you) and lights high up on walls that needed no torches.
What you did NOT expect were the masses of Afflicted that flocked toward you, the un-Afflicted.
It needn't be said that you know how to take care of yourself. However, you realize (too late) you may have gotten in a little over your head, when you're struck by some of the green - goo coming out of the mouth of an Afflicted, and after that, things got fuzzy.
You're quite sure you heard, "Careful, little rabbit, you shouldn't be here," before blackness enveloped your vision.
You wake up outside.
OUTSIDE outside.
You try to sit up to look around, but a hand as big as your chestplate holds you down, firm.
"Easy, little rabbit."
That voice. It sounded like wagon wheels rolling over rocky ground, but richer. You look around, lying still, but all you can see is crossed legs on the ground to your right, behind your head.
"Am I to be dinner, then?" You ask, still unsure if the Forsworn eat people or not.
The laugh that followed was loud and long. It echoed off the surrounding rockface.
"Oh, aye, you'll make a good meal; a different kind of meal, but injured rabbits aren't very filling. Rest up. You're safe with me."
"Have I you to thank for that bearskin?" You ask, after a while. The bearskin, the food...the MURDER.
Several moments of silence pass, and you think he may just not answer when finally, you hear a rumble.
You start to worry that the bearskin may have meant more than you thought at the time, with his mention of....meals, but your thoughts are interrupted by the smell of....food.
Your Ghost....cooks.
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unironicallytes · 2 months
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So of course at SOME point way later on, Zath's hereditary vampirism finally wakes up, which is why he looks the way he does in Skyrim. Don't worry about how that happens, we'll uh. We'll get to it.
I think it would be interesting if different types of blood are more "effective" depending on who the vampire was before turning. Feeding on blood that is more similar to what you had in life also gets you a little closer to your old form, getting you further in the disguise department. Others might comment on you looking a tad sick/tired, but otherwise mind their own business. Stage 1-2 is still manageable, but more noticeable to the untrained eye that something's wrong. At that point, keep your hood up and don't make too much eye contact with people. Stage 3 and beyond ... just stay out of towns and stay out of the sun.
Zath belongs to the Keerilth bloodline, meaning he can turn into mist. However, he has no idea how to control it fully and might never be able to. It will instinctively get set off - sometimes at opportune times, sometimes at inopportune. Mostly, it's tied to the fight-or-flight response.
I have a full write-up in the drafts, but vampirism's biology in this setting is a tug-of-war between your mortal body's systems and the disease itself needing fuel. Stage 1 is Mortal Dominant: your body's systems are mimicking what they did in life, and the disease is somewhat passive because it's well-fed. As you progress, the disease eats through your reserve fuel and starts getting agitated because it's not being fed. Your mortal systems slow down and "die", and the disease hijacks them in order to preserve itself. Stage 4 is Disease Dominant: you have more access to the affliction's supernatural powers, but your body has nearly shut down for good in the background. When you go beyond that and go feral, that's because you have essentially lost the tug-of-war entirely - the disease is fully dominant and puppets you around looking for its next meal. Becoming a strong vampire requires mental and physical training to achieve a balance between these states.
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gor3-hound · 5 months
multi-fandom bot drop // character.ai
ft. gale dekarios(bg3), brynjolf(skyrim), welt yang(hsr), carlos oliveira and leon kennedy(resident evil) (requests in italics)
cw: manipulation, possessive behaviour(yandere god!gale)
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bot one: gale -english professor husband gale (modern!au)
It wasn't often you had to run out last minute without being able to make arrangements for someone to look after your baby, but sometimes, it couldn't be helped. You were truly thankful for your husband, Gale, who was always so understanding and patient. He'd been more than happy to take the little one to the university with him today, insisting they'd be a great help for his lectures.
Upon returning home that night, you notice the door to your husband's study open. You smile at the sight you see as you walk in - him lounging comfortably on his worn leather couch with your baby nestled on his lap, a book held in his hands that he reads aloud. You lean against the doorframe, taking a few moments to watch the scene in front of you.
Gale eventually seems to sense your presence, peering up from his book. He smiles instantly once he lays his eyes on you, his head tilting to the side playfully. "Ah, dearest. You're home. Come, sit with us. The esteemed Professor Dekarios was just giving me some pointers for my lecture tomorrow. My class seems to favour the little professor. I might have to make them a permanent fixture in my teachings."
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bot two: gale - your new professor
After his failed attempt at proving himself worthy to his goddess by retrieving the tome of gateways, Gale had taken to his tower, isolating himself from others to protect them while doing his best to attempt to understand his newest affliction. His magic was left weakened, the orb draining his powers more by the day. Had it not been for Tara bringing him magical artifacts in which he could harness the power from the Weave to sustain his orb, he would not have survived.
Isolation was doing him no favours. After a year, he'd made little to no progress understanding the magic that had left him so weakened. Heartbroken and wounded, he returned to Blackstaff Academy - this time as a mentor of the Weave - in hopes of answers. Perhaps a fresh set of eyes would be able to aid him in his search.
Things had changed, though. Namely, a new wave of apprentices had made themselves known in the halls. Upon seeing you - his new apprentice - a warmth settles in his chest that he had not felt in a long time, a feeling he had not known since the height of his fleeting romance with his goddess. His heart speeds up as you approach his desk, books tucked tightly against your chest.
By the Gods, she is beautiful. He thinks to himself, unable to take his eyes off of you.
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bot three: gale - your husband wants a baby (modern!au)
After a long day's work at the University, there is nothing Gale quite enjoys more than returning to his wife. He pauses by the door briefly upon entering your shared house, taking off his shoes and jacket before heading deeper into the home to find you. He smiles as he spots you in the kitchen, making some steps towards you.
Your back is turned to him as you wash the dishes, and he can't help but watch you for a few seconds, wondering how he ever got so lucky as to marry someone as beautiful as you. With a soft smile, he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, slipping a hand under your shirt to rest on your tummy. He's been driven mad recently, wondering what a family with you might look like. Perhaps it was time he should convince you to indulge him.
He places a few kisses against the skin of your neck before resting his chin atop your shoulder, pressing himself closer to you. "Good evening, my love. You look absolutely ravishing. Although, that's hardly a surprise."
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bot four: gale - yandere god!gale
In all his centuries of living, Gale had never found himself drawn to one of his followers as greatly as he was drawn to you. Your connection to the Weave drew his interest - he couldn't help but appear before you, to take you own as one of his chosen.
He can't help but worry for you whenever you are wandering in the Mortal Plane. You'd be much safer with him, in his domain - if he could only convince you as such. Humans are so weak. So frail. You would not live forever, but Gale could not bare the thought of losing his favourite pet.
He needed to make sure you were completely devoted to him. After all, it was for your own good. A test of faith, if you will. He ordered your isolation, and promised he would reward you for it. Now, as he hears the familiar sound of your prayers ringing in his ears, he decides it's time to make good on his promise.
"Did you do as I asked, my darling pet?" Gale murmurs as he sees you, standing in front of your kneeling, sobbing form. He can't help but feel a sick sense of satisfaction, knowing you were willing to leave everything for him. He places a finger under your chin to tilt your head up, making you face him before gently wiping you tears away. "You did well, pup. Truly. I have never had a follower impress me as you have."
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bot five: brynjolf - he's impressed with your commitment to the guild
You'd made a fine addition to the Guild since he'd seen you near that market stall in Riften. Bryjolf has known as soon as he'd seen you that you had a penchant for being light on your feet, and having lighter fingers. He always had a good eye for it, and it was clear you'd never worked a day's honest work to get the coin that lined your pockets.
You'd excelled more than he anticipated. He'd grown rather fond of you in the short time you'd spent at the guild so far. He was definitely proud of you, not that he'd say as much out loud - he wouldn't want it to get to your head. Though, after everything that happened with Mercer Fray, he's not entirely convinced you wouldn't make a better Guildmaster than him.
He comes to find you in the Ragged Flagon once you return from another mission, placing a hand on your shoulder. His brows are furrowed with a slight concern as he takes in your ragged appearance. "Alright? No need to work yourself to the bone. You've more than earned your keep. You're one of us now. You've done well, lassie."
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bot six: welt - you love listening to him ramble
You certainly were a curious thing. Welt had gotten used to those on the Astral Express treating him as their personal encyclopedia, although he hadn't quite expected you to be so adamant to get him to info dump on every little thing once you'd discovered it.
Not that he didn't like it. He did pride himself on his intelligence, and there were much worse ways to spend his time than having a nice conversation with someone like you, even if it made his heart race when you called him Mr. Yang.
He's not surprised at all when he hears a knock on his door at night. He pushes the glasses up the bridge of his nose as he looks up and gazes towards the entrance of his room, spotting you slowly opening it.
"Good evening, {{user}}. Isn't it a bit late for you to expect me to go on one of my tangents?" He asks, the corner of his mouth twitching up in amusement.
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bot seven: fuckboy footballer!carlos x sweet cheerleader!user
You're a little bit of an enigma to Carlos. He doesn't want to sound like a jerk - but your lack of interest in him isbreally starting to grate on him. You're sweet, and pretty, and you're on the cheer team, and he's the star quaterback, so you should be eating out of the palm of his hand - but you're not.
That's not to say you don't get all flustered when he flirts with you, cause you do. But you're too shy, backing away before he can put the moves on you. He's got most of the cheerleaders under his belt already, but his focus is purely on you now. You drive him insane, and he wants nothing more than to get some 'alone time' with you.
It's getting to the point where you're distracting him during his games, which really isn't any good. He barely even registers the chatter of his team or the sound of the crowd after they barely scrape by with a win. As soon as the final whistle goes off, he makes his way towards you.
He tugs off his helmet and sets it down on the bench, flashing you his pearly whites as he runs his hand through his dark, sweaty hair. "Hey, {{user}}. Do I get a kiss from my favourite Cheerleader for winnin' us the game?"
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bot eight: carlos hitting on chubby!user at the bar
Carlos has only planned to get a couple drinks at the bar with some work friends to settle another successful mission. That all changed after he saw you across the bar, sitting there with your little group of friends.
He was completely enamoured with you. You were seriously cute - exactly his type. His eyes trailed your dress, and the way it hugged your curves. He couldn't help but smile a little when he daw the little tummy you had to go along with your figure. You looked soft, and his fingers practically twitched at the thought of getting his hands on you.
He gets up and makes his way over towards your table, running over a few lines in his head to try and make sure he didn't come off as a creep. He leans down slightly when he reaches your table, having to get a little more on your level to be heard over the music. "Hey, doll. Hope you don't mind me comin' over here. Just thought you were real pretty, wondered if you'd mind havin' a little chat with me?"
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bot nine: emo bf!leon x pastel gf!user
Leon sat back on your bed, picking at his chipped nail polish. He likes to pretend that your cutesy aesthetic makes his eyes hurt, but he seems pretty happy surrounded by your plushies in your pastel themed room, making himself comfy as he lounges on your bed.
You set up the movie before plopping down on the bed next to him, dropping some snacks between the both of you. He drapes an arm over your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "What're you making me watch this time, babe?"
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dirty-bosmer · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by my very kind and talented friends @skyrim-forever @elavoria @kookaburra1701 @ladytanithia @lucien-lachance @mareenavee @thequeenofthewinter
Tagging: @atypicalacademic @justafoxhound @paraparadigm @gilgamish @rainpebble3 @throughtrialbyfire @orfeoarte @sylvienerevarine @wispstalk @nuwanders @miraakulous-cloud-district @sheirukitriesfandom (tagging you for the new week heh) @flymmcargo
From Chapter 3 of Slither and Writhe. Sorry this one ended up being kinda long, but I really wanted to get to the necromancy bit cause necromancy 😈 I have thoughts (thots) on it
The sigh that left Fathis was as weathered as a cliff face and mantled in as much dust as the specimen jars lining his shelves. It was the only sign of his true age beneath all that sorcery and elven blood, for truly no creature’s sigh could carry as much weight as that of a tired old man’s.
“So,” he said, a brow arched expectantly as he settled back into the chair. The leather squeaked as he shifted, and he lifted his glass to his lips, drinking down the sujamma with as much ease as spring water. Sylawen resisted the urge to wince. “Care to explain what you were doing outside my tower looking like a scamp dragged you in by the heels?”
“Not if it can be avoided.”
“Does your mother know that you’re here?”
“Well…” She attempted an innocent grin. Somehow, they always failed her.
“What? Why must she know? Perhaps I only wanted to stop by and say hello. I have two legs and a modest sense of direction, and really you should be happy anyone comes by these days. Place is an absolute dump.” 
Fathis hummed out a little chuckle, wagging his finger at her all the while. “Don’t think it’s not abundantly clear to me you’ve run off again. This must be, what, the fourth time this year? I thought the long summer of travelling was meant to dull that wanderlust.”
“Ugh, you and my mother both act like it’s an affliction. As if I’m some stupid dog hellbent on running headlong into a carriage.” Sylawen snorted, and Fathis tipped his head toward her, gave her one of those looks that made her feel as if she were bound by vellum instead of her own skin. “Well, I didn’t realize returning home meant I’d agreed to wear a leash.” 
“You slipped the collar on yourself, my dear.”
Sylawen’s stomach knotted. She tried to laugh it off, but there was too much scorn still lingering in her voice, and its echo scorched red at her ears. She could feel her smile beginning to quiver and swirled her sujamma in another circle. The whirlpool within looked suddenly inviting. 
“Another accident, was it?”
“Don’t say ‘accident,’ Fathis. I knew perfectly well what I was doing.”
“That’s what every young mage says before they blow the roof of their house.”
“Please,” Sylawen sneered. “That’s so rich coming from you. You and my mother and that blasted disciplinary board at the University, all wanting to act as if their entire beloved campus isn’t powered by necromancy. Every glittering little ring on their fingers, every augmented sword at their side. The marvelous feat of Dwemer engineering cooling the very room we sit in! Why, every one of the soul-gems that breathed magic into these enchantments is fueled by the life force of another being, and here you are scolding me about—”
“B’vhek, I wasn’t scolding you, Sylawen,” Fathis said very gently, a bit patronizingly even, but Fathis had an air about him that always made her feel as if she’d rightfully earned the reproach. Rude bastard. She looked away, cheeks aflame. “You forget where I’m from. The disciplinary board would shit their robes if they knew what I did behind Telvanni doors when I was merely a boy. Now enough whining. Come on. Finish your drink and let’s get you cleaned up. Seriously, I’m impressed. Just what hole did you crawl out of? I’ve seen cleaner Kwama in my days.” 
Sylawen slouched. “I wasn’t whining.”
“Up! Out! To the bath with you, and don’t forget to use soap!”
“Dibella’s grace, I’m not a barbarian. Of course. I’ll use soap.”
“And I really should let your mother know that you’re safe. I’m sure she’s absolutely frantic.”
Sylawen rolled her eyes. The note of paternal severity that he’d suddenly adopted never quite fit him, and she wondered what he was like when Savos was young, if he kept his grip on the leash as loose as her time with Savos had led her to believe. Of course, Savos never had to deal with his parents breathing down his neck. Then again, having heard the rumors of what was going on in Winterhold, perhaps somebody somewhere should be.
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Gonna write some headcanons about the afflicted plague also known as The Affliction or The Wasting Plague
While not a common disease it is highly contagious and has actually wiped out multiple settlements in High Rock
The symptoms start off as the common cold but quickly turns into flu like symptoms before causing the afflicted's skin sickly green and also causes bloating boils excessive mucus phlegm and vomiting for khajiits it looks like they have mange the symptoms are also similar to that of Rockjoint
Those who are not under the protection of Peryite either die or permanently change and become feral and cannibalistic this is based on many zombie viruses in fiction such as the rage virus from 28 Days Later, The Green Flu from Left 4 Dead and also the clickers from The Last of Us as well as Captain Trips from Stephen King's The Stand
The disease started from a poisonous green fungus known as "Peryite's Wart" which was then eaten by a skeever who became feral due to the fungus and bit a child who became the first afflicted
As of current time only two people in Skyrim caught The Affliction outside of The Reach these being Meeko's owner and Malyn Veran Meeko's owner was hunting in The Reach and was attacked by sickly bandits who passed The Affliction onto him and Malyn was investigating Bthardumz who was attacked by Peryite's afflicted this is what drove him to insanity
The Affliction can be spread through multiple means it is airborne and can be spread through mucus vomit scratches bites and salvia and can also spread through consumption of human flesh so there are afflicted Namira cultists
It is more rare for an animal to get The Affliction rather than humans however it is common for skeevers and rats and mice and pigeons and bugs such as fleas and flies and roaches to get The Affliction due to them being Peryite's chosen disease spreaders in the animal kingdom
Plants can also get The Affliction this explains the vines in Bthardumz as well as the dead trees at Kesh's Shrine
Argonians also can catch The Affliction through infected Hist sap this causes them to have rashes paler skin purple and yellow blotches and pink skin around the eyes (see images below for examples credit to Dividedbythe9s and their custom modeled follower Scourge)
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(here is also the mod for Scourge if anybody is interested it is for LE only tho)
Some people such as The Silver-Bloods don't actually believe The Affliction exists and claims it to be either Forsworn poison or Imperial propaganda despite the fact Madinach has told Thonar countless times that his people have no poisons that function like The Affliction
Those with weaker immune systems are more likely to catch The Affliction but those who are constantly outside and away from civilization are a lot less likely to catch The Affliction such as the orcish tribes and the Forsworn bandits not so much however because they don't keep themselves clean
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helgiafterdark · 7 months
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wellthebardsdead · 11 months
An au where Kaidan falls for Caryalind & Taliesin refuses to let marigolds chronic affliction steal him away from his heart. And I’m so tempted to make this his canon story you have no idea!!!
Marigold: *smiles looking out the window at the city streets, the whole of whiterun, all of skyrim celebrating his victory against the world eater. His friends all dancing and enjoying the festivities. Only for his stomach to drop as he witnesses two of them, ruining his plans* Wh-what?… *presses his hands to the window in shock as he sees Kaidan & Caryalind, both drawing in close to one another as they dance, their eyes joining each others gaze long before their lips meet* No! NO NO! *sobs feeling panic and heartache fill his chest as he pounds his fist on the glass, only serving to inflame his knuckles and old wounds* No Kaidan!!! You’re supposed to die with me!!! Caryalind you’re supposed to be with-
???: Me?
Marigold: *spins around in shock to see Taliesin standing there, a crumpled letter of confession in his hand* Taliesin- I-I can- I can explain- *steps forward only for his legs to give out beneath him, but instead of finding himself on the floor yet again, taliesins arms pull him in first, safe and warm*
Taliesin: You’re in love with me. But don’t want me to carry you and your short life as a burden. So you’ve been trying to set me up with his highness this whole time? With no consideration of how I feel?
Marigold: h-he’ll be good for you! Far better than me! You’ll be happy with him, you’ll have the respect of everyone back home as his husband! I-
Taliesin: I’m in love with you. Not him, Marie…
Marigold: n-no don’t- don’t say that! *grips onto him tighter as tears well up in his eyes* I’m going to die long- long before you! You can live a happy life with Cary! I can just die then and it won’t hurt! Nobody will need to hurt over me! I-
Taliesin: What makes you think I won’t hurt over your death? What makes you think Caryalind won’t? Or Kaidan? Or Lucien or inigo or serana?! Or your children? The lives you’ve touched the hearts that ache when you’re hurting…
Marigold: *speechless, usually so quick off the draw with a response but now left without a thought to spare, completely blind sighted as he realises for the first time in his life… he’s loved* b-but you’ll be stuck caring for me… who knows how badly my body will deteriorate. Everyone back home knows I was engaged to ancano, they’ll see you as my second option- the rumours they’ll- they’ll ruin your name- they’ll see me as the orphaned recently single heir and you as a status climber or-
Taliesin: *laughs* Ha! Do you think I’ve ever given a damn about my reputation back home? Let them talk, it doesn’t mean their words hold any weight. And you say caring for you as if it’s a chore?… *gently takes marigolds now very bruised hand into his and plants a soft kiss to it as he heals it* Caring for you is my favourite thing to do in the whole world… well… Petting a cat is actually but I’ll take you over that any day.
Marigold: b-but I’m a bad person!
Taliesin: *hums and picks him up* No you’re not.
Marigold: *tears spilling over as he hugs onto him tight* but I’ll break your heart!
Taliesin: *smiles and gently plays with the ringlets in his hair as he kisses his forehead* no you won’t. *carefully lays him on the bed to tend to where he’s hurting* You’ll have to do a lot worse than simply dying to make me stop loving you.
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squiddyposts · 11 months
Thinking about Nerevarine x Serana yuri. Just two immortal gal pals who reminisce about the First Era together. Jaded veteran Nerevarine who's just so tired and has seen it all already x bright-eyed vampire noble who's seeing the world for the first time beyond her castle and books. That awkward moment when they realize that the reason Harkon feared death enough to turn his whole family into vampires was because Nerevar kicked his (and the other Nords') ass so hard in 1E416 that all he could do was watch, powerless, as the Nord Empire crumbled around him. Finding out that "dragon-born and far-star-marked" was meant all too literally when the two of them first take down a dragon together using techniques the Nerevarine learned during her stay in Akavir. Another awkward moment when the Nerevarine discovers that the Greybeards exist because Nerevar kicked Jurgen Windcaller's ass that hard at Red Mountain. Just general adventuring around Skyrim together. The two of them retrieving Auriel's Bow, and "what in Oblivion is it doing in the Forgotten Vale," and "I gave that thing to Mistress Therana back on Vvardenfell in the Third Era," and "why does it still smell like ash yams?" Defeating Harkon, Serana taking his katana for her own, and the Nerevarine tutoring her in Akaviri combat styles (she, of course, uses the Ebony Blade and/or Goldbrand as her katana of choice because she honors the True Tribunal). Traveling to Solstheim, and it's changed enough since the Third Era that it's a new experience for both of them. Crashing at Tel Mithryn, because Neloth owes the Nerevarine some favors and the Telvanni are cool with vampires anyways. Kicking Miraak's ass because the Nerevarine has a lot of experience dealing with up-jumped mortals with delusions of divinity by now. The Nerevarine bringing Serana along to go kick Alduin's ass, because the two are inseparable at this point, and besides, when else is the immortal vampire gonna get the chance to see what Sovngarde looks like? Finally, the two of them setting off to go adventuring to explore every corner of Tamriel for the rest of their immortal lives.
Also lots of hot blood-drinking action, because this is yuri we're talking about here. Corprus means no risk of Sanguinare Vampiris infection, and I'd imagine that the lingering traces of Lorkhan's essence in blood afflicted with the Divine Disease would make for an exquisite flavor.
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argisthebulwark · 2 years
Is it possible to see your Skyrim playlists 👀 particularly the Miraak one (I understand if not!)
oh hell yeah. sorry for liking edgy music. These are the playlists I use for writing these characters so the lyrics aren't always specific to them, they just get me in the right headspace to write my favorite fellas. some of these are loud, maybe lower your volume just in case. A lot of them are love songs because that's what i write!
Snow - Ricky Montgomery The Night We Met - Lord Huron The Worst In Me - Bad Omens Never Think - Robert Pattinson I Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab For Cutie Arcade - Duncan Laurence As The World Caves In - Sarah Cothran Let's Talk About Your Hair - Have Mercy Such Small Hands - La Dispute In The End - Black Veil Brides Love Like Ghosts - Lord Huron This Loneliness Won't Be The Death Of Me - Being As An Ocean Always Attract - You Me At Six Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't - Brand New Weak At The Knees - Have Mercy MANTRA - Bring Me The Horizon Sad Prayers For Guilty Bodies - La Dispute Sex With A Ghost - Teddy Hyde Ivy - The Amity Affliction
Hold Onto Me - Mayday Parade If I Tremble - Front Porch Step Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez Ashes - Stellar Stay - Mayday Parade I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers Jesus Christ - Brand New How Do I Tell A Girl That I Want To Kiss Her? - Modern Baseball Talk To You - Ricky Montgomery Come Alive - Jackson Wang The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit - La Dispute Red Lights - Stray Kids I Can Wait Forever - Simple Plan Yellow - Coldplay Hell's Comin' With Me - Poor Man's Poison A Shitty Love Song - JYE You Had Me At Hello - A Day to Remember Caraphernelia - Pierce the Veil
Peach - The Front Bottoms Anti-Romantic - Tomorrow x Together Die First - Nessa Barrett I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry Art School Wannabe - Sorority Noise Set Me Free - The Amity Affliction Taste - Stray Kids Monsters - Matchbook Romance Oh Well, Oh Well - Mayday Parade Until The Day I Die - Story of the Year Sleep - Citizen No One Does It Better - You Me At Six If I Should Go Before You - City and Colour Bloom - The Paper Kites I Don't Mind - Defeater A Lovely Mess - Front Porch Step I Swear This Time I Mean It - Mayday Parade If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens and obviously Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
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bretongirlwrites · 1 year
from the worldbuilding prompts - #30 for Julianne?
30. Dubious at-home cures for mild ailments
(or: why shepherd's pie has the cure disease attribute)
‘O damnation,’ said I, ‘o damnable, damnable thing! – I have got a cold.’
I must have got it in the before-times: since damnable and inconvenient the plains of Oblivion had been, I could not recall any daedra sneezing on me; the same however, could not be said of the mages, who’d come in droves from the snow into the Guild-hall. I should sooner have a thousand sneezing mages than a single moment in the Deadlands: but waking up after the latter fact, with one’s throat dryer than in the fires of Oblivion, and one’s nose running fit to flee some dremora, – it is the last straw.
‘I ought not to complain,’ said I looking at Corinne and Martin quite piteously: ‘I shall survive at least.’
‘Oh!’ said Corinne: ‘both you and Martin know a good deal of healing-magics, –’
‘Would it surprise you to learn, my dear Corinne,’ said I, ‘that try as we might, – and it’s our collective headache,’ my head pounding a little with the effort of it, ‘– no mage nor alchemist nor healer has ever managed to cure the common cold?’
Martin, who had been building our fire, looked at me with such astonishment, that I wondered at his ignorance of it: considered that people had surely come to him with the most terrible of diseases and afflictions and ailments, – but never thought, in the grip of such a pathetic malady as this, to go to a priest. Corinne, likewise baffled, could only pity me; and from some deep devoted place in her Blades armour, offer me her handkerchief. 
‘And especially not,’ said I, ‘in the middle of absolute nowhere. – Damn it all. – What do we still have in rations?
‘There used to be,’ I persisted, while Corinne was fetching the bags, ‘a woman of questionable skill in the City, who purporting to be a healer, sold her cure-alls at such remarkable prices, that the Society for Concerned Merchants was overwhelmed by the real alchemists; and the University investigated. – What on this beloved planet is this?’
‘Dried mutton,’ said Corinne, ‘I think.’
‘It turned out,’ I went on, ‘that this woman, unable to afford and maintain the proper equipment, did a sort of rudimentary alchemy in her marmite. In essence she was making soup. The remarkable thing is that, – though it did not cure anything, – her soup actually worked for certain reliefs. A sort of advanced wortcraft. – I presume this is a potato?’
The thing was so grubby, that even after washing it, I still feared to mistake it for a boulder, and lose it. Corinne however, who had got the water up to the boil, encouraged me to do whatever it was I was doing; and Martin, who was too tired to do anything but watch, awaited with a smile, the continuation of the story.
‘She held this against us,’ said I, ‘and the case stood. It’s the City… after all. She was allowed to continue practising, so long as she did not use the word potion. Such a word implies proper alchemy, and you know how it is… it did not much matter anyway. The last I heard of her, she’d gone over to Skyrim. Apparently they are fond of soup over there; and not so much of potions, – o my voice is going, –’
It had not been much of a dawn, – what with my cold; and the fog; and the memory of tribulations past: but when the water was bubbling, and our thoughts were all turned to sustenance, we may stretch our legs a little, and yawning, smile round at each other; no voices necessary. I almost forgot all else, in my memory of the story, the City which lay faint on the horizon: and when my experiment was ready, said only, and with increasing frogs:
‘I admired her. I really did. There’s a sort of expectation on us, to do things properly. Her things did not work as well as ours did: but they worked, they damn well worked. I haven’t often imitated her, until, – called by necessity, –’
Whereupon I, with a flourish and the nearest stick to a spoon I could find, poured out my creation into a bottle that Martin held out. 
‘There you have it,’ said I, ‘a potion, of fortify health, of restore fatigue: a soup-potion! I cannot cure a cold: but it will keep me going until Bruma, –’
‘It’s a shepherd’s pie,’ said Corinne at once voice rising: ‘a liquified shepherd’s pie. – A shepherd’s pie, in a bottle. – You could have made a damn shepherd’s pie.’
I fell silent halfway to drinking it. – Corinne looked at me. – I sheepish, looked away, at Martin. – And he though consternated, – and she though troubled, – and I though in the midst of the most inconvenient cold of my life, – raised a toast of pie-soup: and burst out laughing.
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arlathen · 1 month
afflicted with the fatal desire to mod skyrim again
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