#skyler flynn
alexpdcl · 3 months
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"we're a family."
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walter-hotgirl-white · 3 months
being a breaking bad fan with media literacy is harder than anything that fuckass bald man went through
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gomosmorodina · 3 months
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fuuuuckkk that's the funniest thing i ever drew it felt like art school assignment that's supposed to show how not only facial features and body type reflect the character
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swimbreak · 1 year
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some of my 2022 brba stuff
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
the irony of walt jr (flynn) being named after his father when he is, in every conceivable way, the opposite of him. for every selfish, cowardly, cruel thing walt did, flynn just became more generous, brave, and loving. playing with holly and giving her love while walt is out "working for his family" and neglecting them in the process. inventing gofundme to save his father's life while walt sits there and seethes because no one's giving Him any kudos for his earnings. comforting a high, weepy walt on his own birthday. throwing himself in front of skyler to protect her, doing more for her in that one gesture than walt has ever done for either of them. flynn had every virtue that walt Believed himself to have and everything he did, he truly did for his family.
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bigbazoxngas · 2 years
A world where gay is the norm and straight is a minority
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ratlover7 · 1 year
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Because Walter White went out of his way to be the world’s worst father figure to a grown man he had no blood ties to, I feel that we as an audience don’t always take the time to properly acknowledge that he was also pretty shitty as an actual father to his actual son. Flynn does get off easy in comparison to Jesse, but A) who doesn’t, and B) that’s only because Walt, despite all of his waxing poetic ab his love for his family, doesn’t really give Flynn the time of day, or give a shit about him beyond how his role as Walt’s son plays off of Walter’s machoistic vision of himself as a family man and provider. Jesse bears the brunt of Walter’s abuse despite Walt loving him more than Flynn because it doesn’t pay to be the favorite child of an abuser, but as invested in and obsessed with Jesse as Walter is, that’s exactly how little interest he has in cultivating a more substantive relationship with his son. Flynn isn’t a people pleaser like Jesse, but he’s still just a kid who wants his father’s love and approval, and throughout the series we see him make a number of efforts to connect with what he believes to be a benignly distant father, only to be brushed off time and time again. And it’s worth noting that he really only ever succeeds in getting his father’s full attention when Walter is weaponizing him against Skyler or feels his patriarchal status has been threatened by Hank and Flynn’s relationship. Jesse and Walt have this toxic as all fuck Freudian messiness going on that Flynn is Very Thankfully spared from, but only by virtue of not being the son his father wanted. Because Walter is an ableist pos primarily concerned with his own legacy, he has written Flynn off as his successor and subconsciously bestowed that title onto Jesse, though it should be noted that Jesse is not a successor in the traditional sense. Walter’s chauvinism demands a male heir, but his ego can’t reconcile this with letting anyone else take any credit for the building of or carrying on of his legacy, and so Jesse is forever in the process of being built up only to be torn down, never allowed to expand his horizons or leave the nest, and is kept on a very short leash. Walter’s priorities are so jacked that he prefers the legacy of having reduced someone who trusted him to a shell of their former self, of that testament to his power, than the legacy of having raised a kid who will probably go on to do a lot of good in the world, of a kid who recognizes the inherent value of virtues that have been coded as traditionally feminine by society, such as kindness and not exploding people. Ultimately, the reason Walter loves Jesse more than Flynn is because Walter’s love is a narcissist’s crayon drawing of love, always conditional, always contingent on how much that person can do for him, and how best it might serve his interests to love them.
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redr1vers · 2 years
walter thinks he got away with it for so long because he’s so incredibly smart and badass but he actually got away with it because everyone in his personal life either loved him too much to see the truth or just thought he was insanely pathetic
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beetlelunch · 2 years
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the golden boy 🍳🥓
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saulgoodthem · 7 months
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mandala (s02e11) // to'hajiilee (s05e13)
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airoarts · 1 year
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no way the bad breakers and saul callers are moe?!?!?
[Image description: Digital artwork of 15 major characters from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul drawn in a chibi anime style. In descending order: Walter White, in his black hat and holding a bag of meth in one hand and a gun in the other; Skyler White, with her hand on her hip and a bored or tired expression; Marie Schrader, in a delighted cutesy pose with her hands clasped next to her face and a heart-shaped mouth; Flynn White using his crutches with a piece of bread in his mouth; Hank Schrader wearing a t-shirt with a pig on it, winking, smiling, and making a peace sign with his hand; Jesse Pinkman who appears to be shouting something; Mike Ehrmantraut who is just standing there; Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman in his pink divorce suit, leaning forward with his hands behind his back; Gus Fring, smiling slightly and adjusting his tie; Lydia Rodarte-Quayle, with her hands clasped and a nervous expression; Kim Wexler, holding a smoking cigarette; Chuck McGill, looking pissed with a cartoon vein visible on his forehead; Howard Hamlin in a pigeon-toed stance and an innocent expression; Lalo Salamanca winking and sticking his tongue out, with his hand on his face; and Nacho Varga, with his arms crossed. They are all in canon-typical outfits save for Hank's piggy shirt. End ID]
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yourbelgianthings · 2 years
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skyler, i am the one who customizes my phone layout!
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biblionerd07 · 4 months
Walt always insisting his money is for his family and then paying for Jesse’s rehab out of his share, not Jesse’s, despite the fact that he has Jesse’s money and could use that…’we’ll have three kids. eventually.’ Calling him son all the time and calling Jesse family…………..
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swimbreak · 1 year
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I’ve Never Watched Breaking Bad Before, Here Are My Thoughts (2x01-2x04)
I know that this fandom is split into team “Walt was always like that” and team “the circumstances of the show made Walt like that” and I’m not even halfway through Season 2 yet but I fall firmly into the former category. There’s just something about the way he interacts with the main cast now that tells you he’s been itching to act like this for years, and being Heisenberg has finally given him the excuse to drop the pathetic act
That scene in 2x01 between Skyler and Walt was very difficult to watch, I knew it wasn’t going to get worse thanks to spoilers but I was tense all the same. And yeah, he’s a great character, but that turned me against Walt as a person for what I’m led to believe will be the rest of the show.
I’m still going back and forth on how I feel about Hank
Flynn is very quickly rising in the list of my favorites. He’s a smart, sweet kid who deserved a lot better than what he’s got so far.
Is Skyler just going to be pregnant like…the whole show or something
Also I feel worse and worse for Jesse every time he pops up on screen. I was rooting for him to hit Walt when he finally did.
Hector Salamanca is a supportive uncle who won’t tell on Jesse? I have no choice but to stan
I honestly thought Tuco was going to last a lot longer than he did. But if he was what TV Tropes would call the “Disc-One Final Boss” then I’m a little scared to see what’s in store for Walt and Jesse…
Again, Skyler can do practically no wrong
This show just keeps getting better and better and more addictive. I can’t wait to see more!
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