#skydiving instructor
alarminglybad · 1 year
This is fine
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learningeye · 3 days
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It was only the singular quiz, though I will admit I have greatly postponed my nightly rest. I apologize, I am simply rather restless tonight; nerves are unavoidable in this scenario.
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maretriarch · 2 months
my lesbian pop star op-ed
jojo siwa: real lesbian actually counter culture with a unique personal sense of style
chappell roan: straight woman from the midwest who got drag brunch poisoning. many such cases
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imtooobsessedrn · 1 year
did y’all also have a favourite mii as a kid, I need to know it wasn’t only me that had one-
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lovepotionnumber5 · 1 year
i mean this in the nicest possible way, but your fic ideas are so weird. like how on earth do you decide on your mashups etc
oheee i wish i had something to tell you other than 'brainrot.' LOL! i literally open up a google doc and vibe
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yeyinde · 28 days
thinking of big gross simon once more 😔
he’s just so fucking huge imagine him finally getting his precious girl home with him one night after work. he didn’t ask, obviously, just slipped a little smth extra into the tea he made her! it took her no time to fall straight into his arms
the ride back to his cabin has to be excruciating for him,, imagine having to keep his attention on driving when his girl is sat next to him. the urge to pull over and take you apart right tugged on him every couple minutes
when he does finally pull up imagine him gently peeling off your seatbelt and shifting your weight into his beefy arms uggghhhhhh 😖😖 his chest pressed against your side as he placed you down on the couch. takes him no time to go back out to the truck and grab what he needs,, a thick pair of leather cuffs and a chain.
maybe he traps her arms, hooking the chain into a loop on the floor. he does it so she won’t hurt herself trying to fight back, it takes nothing for him to put you in your place. the thought of getting too rough and breaking his favorite toy so soon didn’t rest easy with him… gotta keep her safe
or maybe he traps her legs, cuffs wrapped around her ankles. can’t have his little bird trying to escape the nest!! not until she’s finally trained! stops you from kicking or running from him, perfect to keep your legs together tight… but maybe seeing your limbs pressed together like that does something to him, makes his blood boil in a way no one else ever has 😏
big bloody hands rub your body down, mapping out every part before you even wake up. he can’t wait to break you in
-🧸 i’m horny.
ohhhhhh yeah. yes to all of this. i saw this tiktok a while back about this girl who was going skydiving or something. and the instructor was getting her harness on, and when he knelt down to do the straps on her thighs, he was basically eye-level with her. it fucked with me so good.
and now i can't stop imagining poor reader frantically searching for an escape after he chained you to the wall only to see Simon stagger back over with ankle straps in hand, drop to his knees in front of you, and suddenly you're eye-level with him. or the top is his head comes up to your chin and it's like. well. okay 🫠 guess i'm staying.
he probs secretly starts taking things from the slaughterhouse, too. hooks, chains. chain hoist. block and tackle. stockpiles it in his cabin for you. has everything prepared because this isn't a spur of the moment thing. everything is meticulously thought out. planned. has your routine memorised the first week of knowing you. no changes. home, work. groceries on the weekend. might stray to the odd friend's house on occasion. but it's shockingly easy to narrow your world down into home and his shop. even easier to tell everyone in town that you went back to home for a little while.
to your honeymoon, as he calls it, mockingly. mean. and you come to the horrifying realisation that he's more cunning than you gave him credit for when you ask why he's doing this, and he plainly says that he just wanted you. and so, he took you. simple as. old school prison mentality. finders keepers.
but don't worry. he'll give you a better one later on when you come back to town as a Riley.
you just have to learn how to behave.
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tgmsunmontue · 10 months
When Bradley keeps growing past the 6'5" limit of being a naval aviator Maverick lets out an internal sigh of relief. He's not going to be the one responsible for stopping Bradley from becoming a pilot.
Of course he thinks too soon because Bradley ends up falling in love with sky diving (an 18th birthday gift from Mav), and okay, that's a calculated risk. Mav indulges it. He understands that need to be risky although Mav can never understand why he'd want to jump out of a perfectly functioning plane. The fact Bradley has a bunch of honorary uncles who are all pilots means getting someone to fly him up for jumps is easy. He gets his licence before his 19th birthday.
He goes to college, studies, but he LIVES to jump out of planes. He works as a skydiving instructor and also does tandem dives with people - it pays good money.
He deliberately puts himself into spins and then recovers, over and over again. He makes YouTube instructional videos. He goes into spins when his parachute is deployed and has to do a release and use the reserve chute. He then collapses his chute only to extend it again. He's an adrenaline junky.
Over the next decade or so Bradley becomes an EXPERT in spin-recovery and ends up as a civilian contractor brought into train aviators on how to recover if they, or their parachute goes into a spin after an ejection.
Mav is a nervous wreck and Ice tells him he only has himself to blame.
(And can you imagine Bradley training Jake, Jake flirting (badly), and Bradley isn't impressed. His god father is Pete Maverick Mitchell, he has dinner with him and Admiral Kazansky at least once a week. Then Bradley decides to fuck with him. Tells him sure, he'll go on a date. And gives Jake an address to pick him up from. It's Ice's address... so Bradley pretends that Ice is his dad all the while Jake is pretty sure his life is now over.)
Edited 27th Feb 2024 - this is now a fic titled 'You need to learn how to fall' #You need to learn how to fall
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fadingplaidlibrary · 4 months
harvey headcanons
dr. harvard gregory mcclintock. what a man
our sweet boy was raised in a small town just east of stardew valley. his parents lived with his maternal grandmother, and regularly hosted a revolving door of cousins and extended family. he grew up in a very full house
he’s the third of four children. his older twin sisters, charlotte and eleanor, both live in zuzu city. charlotte is an executive chef and eleanor is a personal trainer. his younger brother robbie is a skydiving instructor who travels for work
he’s not really allergic to salmonberry or spice berry, he just grew up foraging and picking so many fresh berries in the summers as a kid that one day he got sick of them
he is mildly allergic to joja cola though, which he didn’t find out until he mentioned to a friend in college that he doesn’t like the spicy aftertaste of the drink (that beverage is… not supposed to be spicy)
he was a quiet kid growing up. he wore big green glasses, he had a lisp, and he was kinda gangly. he liked running and swimming, but was never particularly well-coordinated when it came to sports or dancing
he got his first growth spurts pretty early, but he was a late bloomer when it came to dating. he went on his first date in college, and he didn’t even realize it was a date until his lady friend kissed him on the lips when they got to her door
despite being a doctor, he’s entirely too squeamish to do any procedures on himself. no drawing blood, no sutures, not even finger pricks. he got a splinter in his foot once while he was down at the docks, and he had to look away while elliott removed it for him
he’s really good at skipping stones across the lake but he can’t do it if he knows anyone is watching him
besides his established fear of heights, he’s also scared of spiders, snakes, clowns, public speaking, and venus fly trap plants
speaking of plants, he’s killed every plant he ever had except one - a snake plant his sisters sent him to cheer him up while he was in med school. he nicknamed the plant bertha and it’s been with him ever since
he’s very careful about his grooming. nothing too elaborate, but he does wear sunscreen every day, flosses daily, gives himself regular manicures and pedicures, and irons his work clothes like his grandma taught him. and of course, he keeps his signature mustache neatly trimmed
he sleeps in whatever old sweats or gym shorts he can find in his drawers, but that man sleeps with a satin pillowcase to protect his curls and you cannot convince me otherwise. also, his grandma gifted him a heated blanket for the holidays one year and it’s his prized possession
he’s really close with his dad. his dad is a retired commercial pilot, and even though harvey couldn’t follow in his footsteps, they share other interests and hobbies. his dad is a real cheerleader for all four of his kids, but especially his little harvey-bear
sometimes when he has insomnia, he walks to the park next to the community center and lays on a bench to stargaze. one time, linus and gil even found him fast asleep there when they did their pre-dawn patrol sweep
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Neil help me i agreed to write a part 2 to a (1st person narrator) story that wasn't really designed to have a part 2 because said narrator dies at the end of part 1 but if i say I'll do something i commit to the bit so theres no backing out now. can you possibly give me any inspo at all?
context (for what its worth), the main character goes on a skydiving trip and forgets her parachute but the skydiving instructor pushes her out of the plane anyway so she dies in a field
Dead narrators are the best kind. They know more about what's going on than the living sort.
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lee1504 · 4 months
sbg adult head canons (assuming they're alive and stuff)
ashlyn is a part time ballet teacher, and a part time boxing teacher assistant
taylor, logan, and ben opened a coffee shop/cafe together. taylor's in charge of coffee, logan's in charge of flowers/aesthetics, and ben's in charge of music and serving
tyler opened his own studio. he does tattoo art and hair styling there. give 90% discounts to everyone but aiden. aiden has a 60% discount
aiden works many jobs. he never gets fired or anything, he just quits because he's bored. his current job is a skydiving instructor
speaking changing jobs, rumor is aiden was part of the CIA, military, and disappeared off the face of the earth for a week (he wasn't lost, he was just busy)
ben helps out at schools that teach kids how to do sign language, because he started using sign language years back
a few times a month the six meet at someone's house (the house always changes) and catch up on their lives
taylor probably wrote a book on how to deal with grief with tyler's help
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Very silly modern AU premise: Ed's the best driving instructor ever and he's absolutely fascinated by the weirdo who keeps getting his license suspended because he can't resist the allure of going for high-speed drives through the city at 3 a.m. chasing the high of running red lights. Ed introduces Stede to lower-risk adrenaline junkie activities (roller coasters, skydiving, etc.) but it turns out that Stede's main thing is he just REALLY likes doing illegal things sometimes. For the thrill. The solution is making a fake ID so Stede can feel like he's being sooooo bad when they go to bars even though no one blinks twice because he's obviously over the legal drinking age, Stede finally gets his license back, and they live happily ever after
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ateez-ana · 4 months
treasure film days
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For those who have not seen the treasure film, the boys had to do individual challenges and group challenges to "find" the treasure
pt1 the challenge
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The air crackled with nervous energy as the Ateez members gathered around a table in their Sydney hotel room. They had just received their 'Treasure Film' challenge sheets, a colorful array of tasks designed to test their courage, resourcefulness, and, of course, their comedic timing. It was their first time filming in Australia, and the vibrant energy of the city was infectious.
Ana, scanned the sheet, her brows furrowing. The tasks were a mix of daring and ridiculous, each matched to their individual personalities. San had to swim with sharks , Wooyoung had to ask a friend of her mom to give him food , and Mingi had to order some things in a pharmacy all by himself Ana’s eyes settled on hers: 'Skydive and take a selfie.'
Ana glanced at Hongjoong, their leader, who was carefully studying his own challenge, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew about her fear of heights, “Ana,” Hongjoong whispered, his voice laced with amusement, “You okay?” Ana swallowed, forcing a smile. “Just… thinking about it.” “I bet you’re going to be great,” he said, his voice laced with a reassuring confidence that calmed her a little.
A couple of hours later, the group gathered at the airfield, their nervous laughter echoing in the vast, open space. Hongjoong stood nearby, a watchful observer, a small smile playing on his lips as the cameramen began their preparations.
Ana sat at the edge of the runway, her heart pounding like a drum solo. The skydivers, clad in bright orange jumpsuits, seemed calm and collected, though their faces seemed to radiate a strange kind of madness.
“Ready, Ana?” the cameraman asked, his voice a little too chipper for the situation.
Ana’s knees trembled.
One by one, the skydivers climbed into the plane, their faces a mix of excitement and apprehension. When it was Ana’s turn, Hongjoong approached, his hand on her shoulder, his eyes twinkling.
“You got this,” he whispered, a reassuring squeeze before he stepped back.
Ana took a shaky breath as she climbed the ladder of the small plane, the cold wind whipping through her hair. The world shrunk beneath her as the plane ascended, the vast expanse of the land becoming a patchwork of greens and browns. Her stomach tightened, fear tightening its grip on her. This was crazy.
The wind hummed through the plane windows, and Ana, with her pale face and wet eyes, clung with all her might to the edges of the seat. Her heart was pounding like a maddened buffalo in her chest.
'Ana, are you ready?' The instructor's voice, a burly man with a smile too cheerful for the situation, echoed through the noise of the plane.
'No, no, no,' Ana let out a sob. 'Why are you doing me this? I pay you, I give you everything you want, but please don't make me jump. I'm not cut out for this kind of thing.'
'Don't worry, Ana. It's an incredible experience. Look at the view!' The instructor pushed her toward the open door of the plane.
Ana clung to the door for dear life, looking down in horror. The ground stretched like an endless chess board. Her stomach clenched as she saw the distance, and her legs began to tremble.
'I can't, I can't, I can't,' Ana whispered, tears threatening to overflow.
'What's wrong, Ana?' the instructor asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
'I'm afraid of heights,' Ana said, her voice shaking. 'I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of everything.'
'Don't worry, Ana. I'll be with you all the time. Come on, just a little jump!' The instructor pushed her lightly into the void.
'No! No! No!' Ana screamed, clinging to the instructor with a force that would have probably broken her bones.
'Ana, relax! It's just a jump!' The instructor, feeling a little uncomfortable with Ana's iron grip, tactfully tried to free himself from her. 'Besides, if you get off now, you can tell all your fans later,' he said with a wry smile.
Ana froze. His fans! The thought of the shame she would feel if her fans found out about her fear of heights filled her with a new terror, a terror even more intense than the fear of falling.
'It's okay,' Ana said, taking a deep breath. 'I'm going to do it, but… can you hold me tight and not let me fall?'
The instructor looked at her with a wry smile. 'Of course, Ana. I'm going to hold you very tight. Get ready for the adventure of your life!'
And with that, Ana, holding on to the instructor like a koala to a tree, launched herself into the void, screaming like a little girl. The wind whipped her face and the sound of her own scream echoed in her ears. Fear paralyzed her, but despite the terror, a small thought floated into her mind: at least her fear of heights would be a great story to tell her fans.
Ana took out her phone, her hands still trembling. She focused her lens on the breathtaking panorama and pressed the button, capturing the moment, the feeling of being alive, free, and conquering her fear. She had done it.
Back on the ground, she was greeted by laughter and cheers. The crew, the cameraman, the other Ateez members - even the skydiver who jumped with her – all seemed to be in on the joke, their faces lit by amusement.
“Ana!” Mingi cried, doubling over as he choked back a laugh. “Your face was priceless! Do you even realize how funny you were while falling?”
Even San, managed a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I knew you could do it, Uno,” he said, using his nickname for her.
Hongjoong just smiled, his eyes warmly admiring.
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The air crackled with anticipation as Ana, Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Wooyoung stood in line at the concession stand, the smell of buttery popcorn and sugary soda filling their senses. This wasn't just any movie night; it was a challenge orchestrated by Hongjoong himself. He was dared to watch an entire English-language film without subtitles, a feat that seemed impossible considering his infamous sleepiness.
'I'm going to have to rely on the power of sheer will,' Hongjoong declared, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness as he surveyed the massive popcorn buckets. 'And this glorious sugary fuel.'
Wooyoung, ever the playful instigator, nudged him playfully. 'Don't worry, hyung. We'll all be your personal translators, even if they're just mumbled whispers in your ear.'
Yeosang, on the other hand, was surprisingly invested. He leaned towards the counter, his eyes scanning the menu with an almost academic curiosity. 'What kind of film did you choose, Hongjoong?'
'A classic,' Hongjoong said with a dramatic flourish. 'One that will truly test my limits.' He winked, 'Just wait till you see the trailer.'
The popcorn, a mountain of fluffy goodness, arrived, and they settled into their plush seats in the darkened theater. The crew had rented the entire space for their little experiment, a decision that felt both luxurious and strangely isolating. The lights dimmed, the opening credits rolled, and the story began to unfold.
The first few minutes were a blur of unfamiliar dialogues and foreign accents. Yet, Hongjoong, driven by his own challenge and an intrinsic need to prove himself, clung onto every spoken word, every dramatic inflection.
As the movie progressed, however, fatigue began to set in. His eyelids grew heavy, his head bobbing forward in an act of defiance against sleep. Around him, his friends succumbed one by one. Yeosang, with his usual quiet dignity, leaned against Wooyoung’s shoulder, his head resting against the soft fabric of his hoodie. Wooyoung, barely able to keep his eyes open, surrendered completely, his head drooping against the seatback, a slight snore escaping through his parted lips.
Ana, who had always been a light sleeper, managed to stay awake for a surprisingly long time, occasionally turning to Hongjoong with a concerned frown. But eventually, she too succumbed to sleep, softly snuggling up to Wooyoung, finding comfort in his warmth.
The rest of the film moved at a snail’s pace. Hongjoong, alone in a sea of slumbering faces, felt a mix of annoyance and pride. He’d lost count of how many times he’d had to fight the urge to close his eyes, to succumb to the comforting embrace of sleep. It was a mental battle, a testament to his determination. As the last image faded and the credits rolled, he finally let his head droop, defeated by the unrelenting fatigue.
He looked around at his friends, their faces peaceful in sleep. A gentle smile played on his lips as he observed Ana, curled up against Wooyoung like a sleepy kitten, Yeosang, comfortably slumped against Wooyoung’s side, and Wooyoung, fast asleep with a soft, rhythmic snore.
“Always the champions of sleep,” Hongjoong muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper. He knew that his friends would feel a pang of embarrassment once they woke up
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Ana stared at the camera, perched precariously on a stack of books on San's desk. It was supposed to be a simple 'good morning' message for Atinys, but the simple act of greeting their fans seemed to be turning into a comedy show starring only Ana.
'Good morning, Atinys!' she started, her voice bright and bubbly. 'It’s a beautiful day outside...' She glanced at the window, a thin sheet of rain lashing against the glass. 'Okay, maybe not a *beautiful* day, but it's a day nonetheless!'
The camera caught the faintest twitch of San’s eyebrow as he sat on his bed, his headphones on, completely engrossed in his phone. San was good about respecting her space, mostly. But this lack of interaction was a little... unnerving. Especially when she could feel his eyes on her every few seconds.
'Anyways,' she carried on, 'I hope you all have a wonderful day, full of sunshine and... and... well, I don’t know, anything you enjoy? I’m still trying to find my own sunshine.'
She sighed dramatically, leaning on her hand. This felt less like a greeting and more like a therapy session.
“Oh, and remember to eat breakfast, and drink lots of water,' she continued, suddenly serious. 'And if you’re feeling down, just remember… you’re not alone.”
She paused for a beat, then added with a mischievous grin, “Not literally, but you know what I mean.”
San finally looked up from his phone, a barely-there smirk playing on his lips.
Ana, emboldened by his amusement, decided to up the ante.
“Speaking of feeling down,” she said, gazing directly into the camera, “I’m feeling a little… under the weather.” She let out a dramatic cough, followed by a cough so fake even a five-year-old would know it was staged.
San, unfortunately, was not a five-year-old. He snorted, a sound that was half-suppressed laughter, half-choked disbelief.
“Why are you so… theatrical?” he grumbled, still staring at his phone but a hint of a smile creeping onto his face.
Ana pretended not to hear him, continuing with her performance. She coughed again, with theatrical flair, then leaned forward like she was about to reveal a shocking secret.
“Actually,” she whispered, her voice dropping to a dramatic whisper, “I think I’ve caught… the San-flu.”
San finally broke, throwing his head back and laughing. He was truly laughing, his shoulders shaking, a joyous sound that echoed through the room.
'I think you need to teach me some of your acting skills,' he said, his voice still tinged with amusement.
“I already did,” Ana replied, tilting her head with mock solemnity. 'That’s why you're always so dramatic.”
'San, do you think this is cute?' She showed him the recording, a grimace plastered on her face.
San burst out laughing. 'No offense, Ana, but that was, well, how do I say this politely… not quite 'cute'?' he chuckled. 'More like 'caffeine-deprived-zombie-trying-to-awaken-a-sleeping-giant'.'
Ana groaned. 'This is hopeless.'
'Don't say that!' San encouraged, his eyes sparkling. 'Look, just be yourself, alright? We love you, cringy moments and all. Just imagine you're talking to your friends.'
Ana contemplated his advice. 'Okay, maybe I can do this.'
Taking a deep breath, she began recording again. 'Good morning, Atiny! It’s Ana,' she started, her voice sounding more natural this time. 'I hope you’re having a great day.' She decided to channel her inner San and added with a chuckle, 'If you’re not, then don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all have those days. And remember, you’re all amazing!'
As she finished the message, her eyes darted to the clock. Only ten minutes left until the group message deadline! She quickly moved on to the next part, trying to think of something cute and memorable.
'Okay, how about this…' she muttered to herself, placing a hand on her cheek, pretending to be shy. 'Good morning, Atiny! Today is going to be amazing, just like you!'
A loud, snorting cough from the living room made her jump. She peeked through the door to see San clutching his stomach, tears streaming down his face.
'What?' Ana asked, bewildered.
“You're… you're channeling your inner-Mingi, dude!' San said between fits of laughter. 'Your facial expressions are priceless!'
Ana’s cheeks flushed red. 'Oh, no, I can't be caught dead trying to do a Mingi.'
San managed to compose himself, wiping his tears with a sleeve. “Okay, okay, how about this? Go for a simple, classic good morning. And maybe, just maybe… try a dance move? A little something for the fans.”
Desperate for a solution, Ana grabbed her phone and started scrolling through videos on TikTok.
'Oh! I got it!' she exclaimed, her eyes alight with an idea.
The camera started recording and she threw her hands in the air, mimicking a classic K-Pop move. But as she tried to execute the motion, her feet got tangled, and she stumbled, landing flat on the carpet.
A wave of laughter erupted from the living room. 'Ana!' San's voice rang out. 'Don't worry, I'm fine!' Ana called back, scrambling to her feet. “Just a little, uh, choreography malfunction.”
She decided to play it cool and finish the message, flashing a strained smile at the camera. “Okay, Atiny, I hope you have a wonderful day. See you soon, and always remember… you're all amazing!'
She uploaded the message and hurried to the living room, where the rest of ATEEZ were gathered, their faces a mix of amusement and concern.'You alright, Ana?' Yunho asked, his eyes filled with concern.'Yeah, just a few bumps in the road,' Ana replied, flashing a smile. 'But hey, at least it made San laugh.”San, wiping away a tear, nodded. 'Indeed. You know, Ana, for a girl who’s absolutely terrified of being cute… you’re a natural comedic genius.'
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mrghostrat · 5 months
Flawless AU Readers be like: "Watch as these people willingly and enthusiastically throw themselves off the edge of a cliff they know is coming and into the jagged rocks they know are there, with the hope that the dodgy parachute they were given actually works" lmao
(Its me, I'm one of those people)
it’s been an honour to be your skydiving instructor
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I don't know if your like closed on the requests so sorry if it's closed I don't know!!
Anyways my birthday is tmrw (the 9th of February-im turning 21!!) And I want to know if you can make me like a birthday smut story on like soap ghost and price (maybe Konig if you want!) Different POVs on what they would get me- please!!! -🐼
Not closed! Just fighting the world's worst writer's block T_T
But! I'd love to celebrate your birthday! Here's what I think the boys would get you (NSFW/MDNI18+):
Ghost is definitely getting you food. He's taking you to all your favorites spots for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. He stops for snacks, gets you practically stuffed to the gills so you're nice and sleepy from being so full.
"Wanna lay down for a bit of a rest, sweet girl? Had a long day, didn't ya?"
You nod, curling up with him on his big sofa. He covers you up with a blanket and you drift off to sleep. Only... when you wake up later, you feel... hands...
"Si... ?" You call out to him, opening your eyes slowly.
When you look up, he's staring right at you. You've been stripped down to your bra and panties, and he's using his fingers to lightly play at the elastic edge of your lace bottoms, tickling you ever so gently.
"Are you still full, baby? 'Cause I'm ready to feed you something else."
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Price is more traditional. He gets you a nice card, two dozen roses, and a pretty necklace. A choker. You don't notice at first, but it's not just a choker after all; it's a collar. The little gold bell tinkles as he loops it around your neck, and he fastens it just tight enough to let you feel it, but not too much.
Later, when you're on your knees, thanking him for his gift, he uses it to pull you down just a little further, inch by inch, training you how to swallow his cock deeper into your mouth.
The collar tightens then, pushed from the inside as his girth stretches down your tongue and into your throat.
"Poor little pet," he purrs darkly down at you, "Did you forget about your birthday spankings? You're getting better at your training, so I'll take care of that arse for you, don't you worry."
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Soap buys you skydiving lessons. It's your first time, but he's a certified instructor. So, he gets to be strapped behind you. As you board the plane, he fastens you to him, claiming he needs to go ahead and get you into position - just in case.
You are sitting on his lap, positioned between his knees, feeling his cock as it grows along your lower back, hardening to an impossible length.
He unzips your flight suit just enough to play with your soft nipples, pinching them to make you squirm against him, using your writhing body to rub his cock.
"Tha's it, hen," he teases you, "Gotta work out all that nervous energy, hm?"
He can't get to your soaking core through the one-piece suit, but he palms your pussy on the outside, pressing the fabric into your clit, rubbing you until you're practically humping his dick through your clothes.
"Fuck, lass. You're gonna make me come if you cannae sit still. Be a good girl for me until we jump."
The jump is exhilarating, and you actually feel like you're gliding back down to earth. You had no idea the parachute would be so quiet and relaxing compared to the loud plane.
Now that you're safely floating, he unzips your flight suit a little further and frees your breasts, letting them out into the open air. He told you that you couldn't take your hands off of the parachute straps, so all you can do is surrender to his desires.
As he plays with your hardening nipples, licking his fingers to make them slippery wet, you can feel him humping his cock against your ass, getting himself off on you. He's pressing his hand so hard between your legs, he's practically fingering your panties into you, dragging your body backwards with each thrust to pleasure himself.
"Fuckin' hell, lass. Such a good girl for me. Tha's it, hold those straps tight. I'm so close. So bloody close."
Hope this was what you wanted for your birthday!! <3 <3
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toujoursrab · 2 months
Prompt: Pounce | Pairing: Jegulus (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Word Count: 946 Warnings: Light sexual undertones. Casual mentions of blood because Reg is a vampire and James makes him thirsty.
“I want him.” Regulus’ tone left no room for argument, his grip tightening around his glass of old fashioned. His eyes were dark but glowing red, determined as he looked across the club admiring the most beautiful man he had seen in centuries. Said man was in the middle of the dance floor, drink in his hand as a blonde woman pressed up against him with minimal space between, his head was tilted back in a laugh over something she had said. Regulus couldn’t hear the sound, but surely it was just as beautiful as he was. An image conjured up in his mind of the stranger beneath him, Regulus’ mouth nestled near the column of his throat before his sharp fangs pierced through tan skin and the first taste of syrupy copper exploded on his tongue. He would sound so fucking pretty, and Regulus would be so full, so satisfied, as he feasted on his prey. 
“Down, kitten.” His best friend smirked, gulping down his own drink; a vodka something. “You look like you’re gonna pounce. As much as I’d enjoy the show this isn’t the place for that.”
Even if it pained him, Regulus had to agree with Barty. They had chosen a human club to visit tonight, deciding to step out of their usual supernatural social rings in an attempt to be “adventurous”. Regulus wasn’t supposed to find his next meal, tonight was just meant for casual fun. There were a lot of human/vampire hangouts where humans willingly let vampires feed on them and this place wasn’t one of them. In fact, his older brother owned one of the oldest and most popular clubs for feeding (and more), Regulus usually ventured there because he was given special treatment from the patrons and the staff. As much as he pretended he didn’t like the attention, he loved being spoiled and given special treatment when he was in the mood for it.
With a disappointed sigh, he sipped his drink but kept his eyes on his prey. Every time he moved, the bright lights flashing over him, it was as if Regulus was noticing some new physical attribute. He was tall, had dark messy hair, and wore glasses. Hot. “I won’t pounce, Barty. I’ll just casually stroll over there.”
Barty gave him a side eye as if he didn’t believe him. Regulus wasn’t the type to be attracted to someone at first glance, but he also wasn’t the most subtle person. He was blunt and straight forward and this wasn’t the best place for that. Most people didn’t take too kindly to vampires even if they openly walked among humans and shared spaces. “And then…?”
“I’ll get close enough to smell his blood.” There were too many scents in here, most of them not pleasant, for Regulus to make out the scent of the guy who made his fangs ache with desire.
“Annnnnd then….?”
“If he smells disgusting, I’ll walk away. But if he doesn’t…..” and Regulus had a strong feeling that he wouldn’t. “I ask him to dance, flirt a little. The bathroom of the club didn’t look that disgusting.”
Barty almost spit out his drink. “You—the biggest prude I know—are going to—in the bathroom of a club?”
Regulus hit the other’s bare arm with the back of his hand in offense, Barty’s face scrunching up as he rubbed the back of his arm. Regulus may have small hands, but the sharpness of the blow stung. “Sirius always says—”
“Stop right there. The last time you quoted something from your brother you decided to go skydiving even though you’re scared of heights.”
“It was for the experience.”
“You clung to Remus for ten minutes crying and hyperventilating, and then had him tell the instructor he was the one who was scared so you both wouldn’t be diving.”
“He took one for the team.”  A huff left the vampire while Barty looked smug to have made his point. It was quiet for a few moments, Barty ordering a new drink and Regulus scanning the crowd for the beautiful guy in glasses, somehow he had lost him. “Fuck, Barty. He’s gone.” His nose twitched just as Barty’s new drink was set down on the bar top. It smelt sweet and alluring, flowery in a way he couldn’t pinpoint, and almost intoxicating as he leaned in to try and get a whiff of more but was left disappointed when he realized it wasn’t coming from the drink placed on the bar. Before Regulus could blink, he was elbowed into his ribs.
“Ow, what the bloody h—” But he stopped speaking, feeling a warmth behind him as he turned. Oh—not only was he met with the beautiful man from the dance floor, but also that sweet intoxicating scent. He almost leaned in just so he could get a whiff, but decided that was weird at the last moment.
“Hi!” the glasses guy looked sheepish, running his fingers through his already messy and lightly damped hair. It was all very endearing, Regulus breathed in and allowed the human’s scent to cloud his senses; it felt like he was floating. “I’m James. I noticed you watching me, thought you might want a closer view.”
Regulus was momentarily stunned. No amount of time spent on this Earth—463 years—could have prepared him for this moment.
“Oh trust me, he bloody well does.” Barty answered with a laugh, almost knocking Regulus off the barstool and right into James.
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apartmentsmoke · 7 days
Okay, new ask game! Top three dates you'd love to see Buck and Tommy go on 🥰
Sorry this has been in my inbox forever <3 1. Skydiving! Buck would love it, and would persuade Tommy into doing it. I think Tommy would be reticent - he flies the aircraft; he doesn't jump from them. He's even less enthusiastic when he learns that they have to take a 6-hour class beforehand, because Buck wants to do it solo and not with an instructor strapped to his back. Buck's able to persuade him, though, through the power of puppy dog eyes and blowjobs combined. While they're going up, Tommy is a little fidgety, and Buck teases him ("The man who flew through a cat five hurricane is afraid of a little jump?"). When it comes to the jump - which they do separately because the one thing Buck didn't do during his travels was become a licensed skydiver - Buck goes first and he gives Tommy a peck and a cheeky wave. And, well, Tommy's already promised himself that he'll follow where Evan goes, so he doesn't hesitate. When they've both landed, adrenaline narrowing their focus, Tommy pulls Buck towards him and they make out until the instructor clear her throat. 2. Baseball game - this time, it's Tommy that pulls from his mental fact database. I know that man lives on Baseball Reference and FanGraphs. He struggled with enjoying it one of the few good memories he had with his dad was watching games on the TV together, but he had an ex who got him back into it, and now he's a Dodgers fan. He's telling Buck all about Shohei Ohtani and how he is potentially the greatest baseball player to ever live. Buck is charmed. He's never been to a baseball game before but loves the idea of them, and immediately grabs crackerjack and peanuts because they're classic. Between innings, they end up on the kiss cam, and Buck leans in to kiss Tommy, happy and grinning and proud. 3. Clubbing - Buck never got his dance at the wedding, and he is going to dance with Tommy. It's not the same kind of dancing, but this is even better; he can hold Tommy as close as he wants and not worry about who might be watching them. Buck's been to a gay club before, but always an ally - "Thought you were still my ally, Evan?" - and not since he's started dating Tommy. Tommy isn't huge on clubbing, but he's got a couple favorite spots he goes to occasionally. The club's busy, and they're already touching, squished side-to-side, when they're getting drinks. Then it's out to the dance floor, and they spend hours out there (with a few trips to the bar in between), hands roaming, yelling into each other's ears to be heard over the music. By the time they leave they're both drunk and giggling, their ears ringing, and they tumble together from the Uber into Tommy's bed.
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