billystorm · 3 years
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final in the set of paintings I did for @skunknoze
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Finally had a litter together!!! Quail and Skunk have been a long time coming…
Meet our kiddos: Aphidkit, Rolypolykit, and Grubkit!
Aphid and Rolypoly were designed by my dear @kiittenteeth and Grub was by me!
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swanface · 7 years
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a very important chart containing all threeclans lesbians...
from left to right... meadowfrost, swanface, applenose, dawnpetal, heatherface, briarstar, alderleap, skunknose, juniperdust, starlingkit, and stonefang.
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blightsending · 2 years
Welcome new members!
After combing through 53 applications, it was hard to choose our final picks for our very first opening. You guys blew our minds with awesome applications and unique characters that really showed us what the Warrior Cats roleplay community can do!
Thank you so much to everyone for providing us with applications, interest and support! We're super grateful. If you didn't get in this time, please consider sticking around! We'll be sure to open applications again in the future, and we'd love to see you in here with us.
Below is the list of all of our members and their characters:
Mod Shep w/ Shatterstar (Leader)
Mod Maya w/ Tornthroat (Deputy)
Salmon Ribbon w/ Bloodmuzzle (Mender)
Mod Rufus w/ Howlstrike (Warrior)
Mod Cedar w/ Grayspine (Warrior)
Dynne w/ Ichorpuddle (Healer)
Snow w/ Silvercrest (Warrior)
Mel w/ Palethroat (Warrior)
Echo w/ Bearbelly (Warrior)
Mars w/ Nightpaw (Apprentice)
Krill w/ Kestrelpaw (Apprentice)
Ox w/ Snakepaw (Apprentice)
Dakota w/ Grimsilver (Perma-Monarch)
Jess w/ Darkstorm (Warrior)
Melia w/ Bonecrack (Warrior)
Kristin w/ Deadflame (Warrior)
Mod Rufus w/ Ratstar (Leader)
Mod Cedar w/ Pronghornpath (Deputy)
Mod Shep w/ Eveningpaw (Apprentice)
Mod Maya w/ Oriolepaw (Apprentice)
Salmon Ruby w/ Feverface (Monarch Council)
Dia w/ Thimbleleaf (Healer)
Xion w/ Skunknose (Warrior Council)
Husk w/ Shiverheart (Scout Council)
Magnolia w/ Owlpath (Scout)
Bri w/ Lionthroat (Scout)
Tap w/ Butterflythroat (Warrior)
Zyn w/ Cloverpaw (Apprentice)
Skylar w/ Sunsetpaw (Apprentice)
Ras w/ Quietpath (Perma-Monarch)
Leaf w/ Chicorystep (Scout)
Courtney w/ Porcupinepaw (Apprentice)
Skylar w/ Sunsetpaw (Apprentice)
Mod Maya w/ Hollystar (Leader)
Apple w/ Erminethroat (Deputy)
Skele w/ Littleleaf (Healer)
Thistle w/ Fennelmask (Herbalist)
Leo w/ Thrushfeather (Advisor)
Mod Shep w/ Cedarwind (Warrior)
Mod Cedar w/ Salmonfoot (Runner)
Cactus w/ Batleap (Runner)
Nic w/ Nightflight (Warrior)
Salmon Scar w/ Mushroomnose (Warrior)
Lycaon w/ Pondshine (Warrior)
Mir w/ Rabbitpaw (Apprentice)
Neon w/ Merganserblaze (Expecting Monarch)
Dapple w/ Butterflywing (Warrior)
James w/ Spicepaw (Apprentice)
Salmon Ribbon w/ Sunnypaw (Apprentice)
We will continue to post art, lore, arc updates and more on this blog! Welcome to our new members and thank you to everyone who showed up for us!
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tsunadadudi · 3 years
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Heraldry Style Gracklestar, Skunknose, and Tigerhawk from @horizonremainsrp! I found a new crunchy brush I wanna do cool lineless stuff with.
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galaxysmoothmug · 3 years
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some emo ass diamondback/diamondskunk art bc these two get me in my emo feels . i love them <3 skunknose belongs to @sorrelstream
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flyingeevees · 4 years
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Skunknose test animation for @kiittenteeth >:3
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courtjester · 6 years
Allegiances (new)
Snowstar – albino cat (4 lives)
Blackfire – black molly with striking ginger markings and yellow eyes, mentor of Owlpaw
Medicine cat
Smallblaze – ginger munchkin tom with yellow eyes
Wolfnose – dusty brown and white tabby tom with green eyes
Vixenrush – sorrel abyssinian molly with green eyes, mentor of Rookpaw
Graydawn – blue abyssinian tom with green eyes, mentor of Hailpaw
Violetfrost – lilac molly with fluffy fur and orange eyes
Plumtuft – lilac point tom with blue eyes and soft fur
Peanutbelly – chocolate cat with a broad face and orange eyes, mentor of Nightpaw
Junipertuft – blue and white oriental tom with green eyes, mentor of Cherrypaw
Rowanmask – cinnamon and white tabby oriental tom with green eyes
Honeytuft – cinnamon calico oriental cat with yellow eyes
Oakcrest – cinnamon calico tom with yellow eyes and curly fur
Squallclaw – blue mink point molly with striking blue eyes and curly fur, mentor of Bumblepaw
Maplestorm – ginger molly with blue eyes, mentor of Ebonypaw
Cloudsong – longhaired blue and white tom with amber eyes
Ashstep – giant silver tabby and white tom with yellow eyes
Flameripple – longhaired cinnamon calico molly with amber eyes
Burncloud – longhaired cinnamon calico tom with green eyes, mentor of Rampaw
Grizzlystrike – gigantic dusty brown tabby cat with dull yellow eyes (bobcat hybrid)
Littleheart  - small black and white tom with green eyes
Stumpyfeather – black spotted tabby munchkin tom with horrible scars, white on his neck and orange eyes
Eagleheart – chocolate and white long-legged cat with green eyes
Nightpaw – black molly with amber eyes (11 moons, Nightfang)
Hailpaw – blue tom with amber eyes (11 moons, Hailrunner)
Curlpaw – black silver ticked tabby cat with folded ears and yellow eyes (10 moons, Curlear)
Rookpaw – black and white tom with long fur and amber eyes (8 moons, Rooktuft)
Bumblepaw – torbie molly with long fur and copper eyes (8 moons, Bumbleheart)
Cherrypaw – torbie munchkin tom with long fur and amber eyes (8 moons, Cherrynose)
Rampaw – blue and white cat with curly fur and yellow eyes (6 moons, Ramskip)
Owlpaw – cinnamon and white molly with curly fur and amber eyes (6 moons, Owlcry)
Ebonypaw – pudgy black smoke molly with big ears and green eyes (6 moons, Ebonyshine)
Queens and kits
Cinderspark – charcoal bengal molly with orange eyes, mother of Vixenrush‘s kit and five adopted kits
Chickadeekit – sorrel abyssinian mix tom with green eyes (3 moons, Chickadeewing)
Dandelionkit – fluffy white molly with one green and one blue eye (2 moons, Dandelionfoot)
Hemlockkit – fluffy chocolate and white tom with hazel eyes (2 moons, Hemlockstep)
Magpiekit – fluffy black and white molly with hazel eyes (2 moons, Magpieflight)
Dustkit – fluffy grayish black tabby and white molly, green eyes (2 moons, Dustgaze)
Parsleykit – fluffy grayish torbie and white molly, green eyes (2 moons, Parsleytuft)
Dawnsong – longhaired ginger tom with amber eyes, father of Wolfnose‘s kits
Shinekit – ginger and white tom, green eyes (0 moons, Shinegaze)
Sorrelkit – torbie and white molly, amber eyes (0 moons, Sorrelleap)
Orchidstar – dilute torbie van tom with odd eyes (6 lives)
Peachfeather – cream molly with a bushy tail
Medicine Cat
Morningleaf – ginger and white molly, mentor of
Twilightpaw – pretty chocolate calico tom with green eyes
Moonwhisker – black and white tom with long fur, mentor of Kelppaw
Bogshine – dark black tabby tom with green eyes
Barklight – black tabby tom with a white chest and yellow eyes
Mudtail – black tabby van tom, mentor of Antpaw
Bearclaw – skinny chocolate and white tom
Foxblaze – red silver tabby cat
Shadesong – black molly with a white tail tip and orange eyes
Doebelly – chocolate tabby and white cat with green eyes
Skunknose – black molly with white paws and a white stripe on her face
Urchinsting – black tom with green eyes
Antpaw – tiny frail black smoke tom with a white muzzle and paws
Kelppaw – lilac lynx point tom with white paws, blue eyes and a stubby tail
Applepaw – a slender dilute tortie tom with curled ears and a plumey tail (Appleclaw)
Queens and Kits
Frostleap – blue tabby van molly with long fur, mother of Bearclaw’s kits
Dewkit – fluffy blue and white tom (2 moons, Dewspring)
Firkit – black tabby and white molly (2 moons, Firmask)
Smokeflurry – blue and white cat with piercing yellow eyes, dam of Skunknose’s kits
Penguinkit – black and white molly (1 moon, Penguinfeather)
Orcakit – white molly with black spots (1 moon, Orcasplash)
Sharkkit – blue tom with a white underbelly (1 moon, Sharkwhisker)
FogClan Leader
Daisystar – longhaired dilute tortoiseshell molly with white paws and muzzle (5 lives)
Junipertail – skinny blue and white tom with green eyes
Cloudface – handsome cream point tom with long fur
Magpiefur – black and white tom
Squirrelheart – fluffy black molly with dark eyes and an underbite
Suneye – a small cinnamon molly with yellow eyes
Smokepaw – a longhaired blue ticked tabby molly with blueish green eyes and white paws (7 moons, Smokeshimmer)
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threeclans · 7 years
Can you post everyone who got accepted and their cat blogs? I want to follow everyone.
Future Nettleclan:DaisynoseBadgerstepLoonwind, WigeonpawSpidernoseDustfootFuture Creekclan:MeadowfrostMorningshine, LeechclawHollyfur, LilystormLeafstepEmberglow, Boulderscar
Future Jaggedclan:Thicketface, WaxwhiskerStonefang, LittlekitHornetheartPebblefrostSkunknose
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Whoa. Human Warrior cats?
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Furries? Furries.
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Come on, Beetle.......
Skunknose belongs to @skunknoze and Beetleburr belongs to albinorudolph!
Based on this comic!!
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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blossompuppy · 4 years
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Anyone up for some gay cats ?
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Hypokits with some of my warrior cat ocs!
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Various unrelated comics from Horizon Remains
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