nightly-ruse · 2 years
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T4T Moth and Leaf. Actually their names are Leafbeam and Mothflame. Beam for moonbeam after the pool and Flame bc it’s opposite of frost and sounds pretty. They are so trans and so in love I’m so happy with them. Moth uses she/they and Leaf uses he/fae.
I think Moth has been transitioning since they were like a apprentice, maybe when she started down the healer route. So when she met Leaf she was this gorgeous beautiful lady that changed his life. The leaves she wears are for Leafbeam and the Willowleaves were what Mudfur gave them when she finally became a healer.
Leafbeam didn’t come out until he was on the journey to the new place, fae had always had some feelings like he wasn’t a molly but as fae kept talking to Moth and emotionally growing realized fae was trans masc. Fae still had the three but did not like it, though he does miss the little kittens nestling at his side. I actually think they’d be named Hollylight, Butterflyfeather, and Lionfire.
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
Just thought abt smt. There was such a lost opportunity in calling Mothwing "Mothflame". With her being paralleled to Hawkfrost and such. (Plus cool design ideas for Moth and Hawk being ice and fire themed)
ouhg,,,, n firestar parallels with their kittypet origins but differing opinions on starclan
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lunarsnow-pokemon · 11 months
trick or treeeeat! u doing anything for halloween or nah? :3
I'm going down to Mothflame to the pokemon center to sit with my friends for a while. Dressed as if Howl was queerer and also lived in snowy weather.. Its cold tonight :(
It's nice doing halloween. It's not a big thing in Kalos or in Likyo but its fun.
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Tumblr cut me off last time what I was going to talk about was updated lore for Valleysun. Which is what I'm talking about here!
Valleysun is the daughter of Scorchingsun and Wanderingsway. Her mother, Scorchingfern, was Commander before Valley and Wither were even born. Unfortunately, during a routine patrol, Wanderingsway was trapped in a strange cage and was taken. Since the Court had never encountered humans before, they thought the Fairies took him with their magic and the war became worse. Scorchingsun never recovered from losing her mate and she didn't take on another mate after this. During this time, the old King, Primsun, died due to sickness and Scorchingfern became Queen. Even as a kit, Valley showed the potential to be a great leader. However, Valleydew wasn't always supposed to succeed her mother. Her brother was. Witherstrike was an amazing knight. He showed promise of being an amazing King before he was even made a squire. Unfortunately, a horrible accident would leave him dead before the Court could celebrate his commandership and so their mother was forced to train her daughter instead. Valleydew definitely wasn't a horrible choice either, but to Scorchingsun, Valleydew was just a replacement. The proud Queen had set up a plan. If her son couldn't be King, maybe her son's daughter would be. Witherstrike had a mate named Vixensmoke. The two were close and Vixensmoke was absolutely devastated when her mate died. She had had three kits. All daughters and Witherstrike was a wonderful father to all three of them. His daughters were named Moth, who would later become Mothflame, Snail, who eventually becomes Snailmagic, and Withered, who would later be named Witheredspeckle. Withered having her father's name was not a coincidence. She was barely two months old when the kit was already showing promise of having her father's skills. Scorchingsun, as well as the rest of the Court, watched Withered closely. As soon as Snail, Withered, and Moth became squires, Scorchingsun announced that Withered would become her squire. This made Valleydew pissed, understandably, she was a knight. She was Scorchingsun's daughter. How could this stupid little squire ever have any possibility to outrank her? She thought about plans. Plans to overthrow her mother. Plans to kill Withered. Of course, she never would kill her niece, it was just a thought in her moment of rage. Her problems would be solved, however, when her mother made her Commander. Scorchingsun had planned to make her daughter Commander of course, just until Withered became a knight and trained a squire of her own. This stopped any plans Valleydew had to overthrow Withered. She stood tall beside her mother and felt proud that her mother had chosen her over her niece. Months pass and Withered became a knight, alongside her sister, Moth. Snail had become a Medic Squire so they wouldn't become a full Medic for another six months. Withered was immediately given a squire to train, this being a small tom named Ginger.
During that time, Scortchingsun ordered an attack on the Kingdom of Star-filled Wings. She was in the front of the battle with Valleydew at her side. This was a chance for Valley to prove herself, Scorchingstar made that very clear beforehand, and Valley was not going to disappoint her mother. This battle would end in tragedy. Scorchingsun would be killed by the Kingdom's Queen and Rune Court would run away in defeat and terror. Being Commander, Valleydew would now be able to be Queen and she made Knightrapid her Commander. The Court didn't hate this decision. They were hoping for Witheredspeckle to become Commander but Valleysun seemed to have a hatred for her niece that she didn't hide. Valley decided to have an heir of her own. She took Graveswim as a mate, of course, there was no love there and Graveswim even had his eyes on another she-cat. Eventually, Valleysun would become pregnant and she would have Light.
It's done. I really hope you like the new backstory stuff. I went into more details about her kithood and I don't think I talked about her father last time. I didn't have a plan for him until I played clangen and a cat I had named Wander was lost in a twoleg trap and I just went with the story idea. Also some expansion on Witherstrike and his little family. I didn't mention his mate in the last lore post either. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
Valleysun has had a chaotic life
and I do really like the new backstory and lore! it's very fun when there's updates to the story and it makes me excited to eventually read the story when you start working on it
I hope you have a great day as well!
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spottedbread · 1 year
top five rosethorns kitties
Mothflame. Sassy NYC lesbian with that accent who beats the fuck out of her republican sister and adopted cherryleaf frfr
Brightkit. Ignorant mother + distant cheater father = .......whimsical cartoon character? bright ginger from yellow and gray? hello? they're such a whimsy
Tinyacorn. Loser son to a big bad leader. Seastar's disappointed but they have a good relationship
Tawnystar. The most lawful neutral leader in all the world no cap. Just doing her job. Not a damn given. Smile and wave. Smile and wave.
theres too fucking many i love them all so theres also Cherryleaf, Spottedblaze, Quickice, Birchwatcher, Inksplatter, and all of the apprentices tied for 5th
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years
Fury of the Stars- Prologue
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The night air was stale and fireflies fluttered through the grass. The moon was high in the star-filled sky and it glowed down on the grass and trees.
A cream and black long-haired she-cat padded through the woods before she went through an undergrowth.
She padded through the undergrowth before she climbed out and walked over to a pond. Two other cats looked at her.
"Whiteleaf, Mothflame," the long-haired she-cat meowed, nodding her head in greeting.
"Rosefeather," the white tom, Whiteleaf, nodded back, flicking his tail, "it’s good to see you. I was hoping you would come."
"I would never miss a meeting with Starclan. You know this," Rosefeather chuckled. The tortoiseshell she-cat, Mothflame, chuckled and looked at the stars.
"Starclan certainly has been quiet as of late," she meowed, flicking her tail, "perhaps it is urgent?"
"We can only hope that it may be," Whiteleaf sighed before he lowered his nose to the water and closed his eyes.
Mothflame and Rosefeather did the same and their eyes closed.
Rosefeather opened her eyes and she looked around as she was in a starlit forest. She flicked her ears as an orange long-haired cat with white paws and a long white tail walked over to her.
"Hello, Rosefeather," they said with a smile. "Foxspiral!" She mewled happily as she ran over to them and she nuzzled their chest.
Foxspiral licked her head, smiling softly. "I've missed you, old friend," they said.
Rosefeather looked up at them, "I've missed you too." She shuffled her paws a little. "How are you?" She asked shyly, her ears folding back.
Foxspiral smiled softly and flicked their tail. "I'm alright. Whiteleaf and Mothflame are talking with Cloverpond and Batcloud."
"Is there something wrong?" Rosefeather asked. Foxspiral folded their ears back and they sighed softly.
"A darkness is coming towards the forest. To all of the clans." They said gravely. She widened her eyes, "wh-what? How can we stop it?"
They exhaled softly and stood up. "Follow me," they said. Rosefeather stood up and the two cats walked through the forest.
They walked over to a large puddle and Rosefeather looked into the water curiously. In Snowclan's nursery, she saw Lightfeather curled around her three kits, Graykit, Hawkkit and Primrosekit.
"Those kits, alongside the others, will save the clans," Foxspiral meowed. Rosefeather looked at them in shock, "Foxspiral... th-they're only kits. They wouldn't know about such a danger."
"Not yet," they sighed. The two Snowclan medicine cats looked over at Mothflame and Whiteleaf as the two walked over. Both of them looked uneasy.
"The Stars are going to become angry," Foxspiral meowed, "darkness and light will battle for the hearts of those who love them. Twelve cats will battle for their freedom and for the future of their clans."
Whiteleaf narrowed his eyes in confusion.
"Twelve cats?" He repeated, the fur on the back of his neck beginning to stand. Foxspiral nodded.
Mothflame frowned deeply. "Who are they, Foxspiral?" She asked.
"I cannot tell you that yet," they replied calmly, flicking their tail. Rosefeather frowned and looked away. Whiteleaf narrowed his eyes, "typical of you, Foxspiral."
Foxspiral hissed at her. "Careful with your words, Whiteleaf. Starclan is never wrong."
"They've been wrong before! And it nearly cost a cat their life!" The white tabby tom snapped, his eyes narrowing. Rosefeather shrank back as she heard the unmistakable sound of thunder rumbling in the trees.
Mothflame looked up as leaves fell from the branches. She looked back at Foxspiral, "we will take our leave, Foxspiral. We will try to figure something out."
Foxspiral frowned but nodded as they slowly faded away.
Rosefeather opened her eyes and she looked up at Whitelesf as the Leafclan medicine cat stormed away, his tail lashing sideways.
Mothflame sighed deeply. "I apologize that you had to see that, Rosefeather. Whiteleaf is well known for his temper."
Rosefeather looked at her, "it's okay. I remember when we first met as apprentices; he was a little hissy."
The two both giggled and looked up as thunder rumbled distantly. "It will rain soon," Mothflame muttered, "I should be getting back."
"Be safe," Rosefeather said, looking at her. "You too," she replied with a smile before she went through the undergrowth.
Rosefeather looked up and sighed softly before she stood up and walked through the undergrowth. She padded down a hill and past a frost-covered rock.
She looked up and blinked in surprise. She saw two cats sitting by the entrance. The tom was grayish-black long-haired tom with dark blue eyes and the she-cat was hazel brown with white paws, white spots on her back and amber eyes.
"Crowstep, Hazelwish? Is Emberstar having you two guard the camp?" Rosefeather asked curiously.
Hazelwish nodded, "yes. She thought it would make things better. After the last ambush Goldenstar gave us."
Crowstep huffed, his tail twitching with agitation. "If I ever see those Shadowclan foxhearts, I'll tear their whiskers off."
Rosefeather flicked his nose with her tail. "Oh shush you. You know the Warrior Code."
He grumbled softly, "yes, yes. A warrior does not kill unless necessary."
"I'm sure when the next Gathering comes, Emberstar will confront Goldenstar about it," Rosefeather meowed before she walked into the camp and over to the medicine cat den. She paused for a moment before she padded to the Highrock.
She exhaled softly and walked inside. "Emberstar?" She meowed. A bright grayish-blue short-hair flicked her ear and lifted her head from her paws.
"Yes, Rosefeather? How did the meeting go? Did Starclan give you anything?" She asked, sitting up and stretching.
"Well... Starclan was... oddly vague about it at first. But I only wanted to ask you for something else," the cream and black she-cat meowed, her tail twitching nervously.
Emberstar tilted her head, "oh? And what is that?"
"An apprentice. The queens' kits will be six moons tomorrow at sunhigh," she meowed, "I just want an apprentice to teach them about the ways of a medicine cat."
Emberstar frowned in confusion. "I'm sure it's more than that, Rosefeather. But I will think about it. For now, try and get some rest."
Rosefeather nodded before she padded out of Highrock and to the medicine cat den. She sighed softly as she slowly relaxed into her nest and looked at the entrance.
After a few moments, she closed her eyes.
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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Some recent horizon remains stuff ! May have been a little drunk for some of these
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Siblings siblings siblings siblings
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fourthofages · 5 years
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A white she-cat with an orange tail and forehead. The independent and observant medicine cat of SmokeClan, Mothflame’s curious nature and eagerness to help her clan make her ideal for her job. She came about in the usual way, one of two kits born to Nettlethroat and Jayheart, her brother being Fishleap. A tenacious kit with an interest in the supernatural, she’d always wanted to be a medicine cat to know more about StarClan and the infamous visions and prophecies they recounted at Gatherings. As she began her training, the difference the work of a medicine cat seemed to make in the lives of other cats, and even entire clans, only made it all the more alluring. As soon as the former medicine cat, Blackwing, moved on to become an elder, Mothflame was overjoyed to take her place, and works as hard as ever. Despite having a bit of a temper, and while she is known to be a reserved and contemplative cat, she does have one or two good friends among the clan. Mothflame still maintains a very close, almost maternal relationship with Blackwing, and her childhood best friend, Bearface, as well as a tolerance for her brother, Fishleap. She also has an ever-growing interest in the new deputy, Jackaltooth. Having watched him from afar since his adoption into the clan, she’s always had something of a crush on him, along with a general curiosity about his strange physique, but never quite had the courage to befriend him.
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halodwolf · 4 years
send me an emoji and i’ll draw you a warrior cat based off you/your blog (no more blease)
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i diagnosed you with tortie like a while back and i’m sticking with it motherfucker
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voidcreechure · 4 years
🍄With Wildspirit and Jasperchasm 👀👀
ooooohhhh finally getting to the spicy questions i see
🍄 my immediate thought for Wildspirit was Wolfmask, actually! For no other reason than because they are both absolute units and would create a very soft and squishy cushion by cuddling together...... also I just enjoy more outgoing personalities meshing with more shy ones! Wildspirit and Flamestride could also have a really fun relationship, even though I can only really see that being very casual, maybe even just friend-flirting. They would be a chaotic duo for sure tho and I live for that
🍄 for Jasper.......... hhhh he’s difficult. On the one hand, I think having him have relations with a CanyonClan cat would be SUPER complicated considering Circumstances™ but on the other hand.............. Olivebranch. Back In The Day, I think him, Mothflame, and Olivebranch could’ve really been sweet, and I really love Jasper/Olive friendship now, even though our glimpses of it have been limited so far! Plus Olive and Jasper already have some interesting dynamics going that (I think?) have yet to be explored, what with Jasper’s reasoning for leaving Canyon to join Creek, and Olive being a big supporter of Duskwatcher! I also think Jasper and Flamestride would be funny to watch, since they’re just. So painfully opposite each other. And they’d have a similar dynamic bit since Flame is also a Dusk supporter, just without the past history stuff there for Drama™. I mostly think Jasper/Flame would just be entertaining to watch, though who knows, perhaps a deeper bond could come from it.
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mumblerose · 2 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings
🏅😻- Ravinewing
🎨- Pinespark
🥀- Bubblebee
🎵- Earwig
♈- Spice Wish
☀️- Mellow Flame
🏅- what is your character’s reputation within their clan? what about the other clans? is your character popular?
             Ravinewing is a looker within CanyonClan, but doesn’t have much standing beyond that. He tends to keep himself in the background by choice, since he hates having eyes on him, but he isn’t unpopular per se – he’s got plenty of friends. Mothflame, Hawktail, Olivebranch, maybe even Fernsky or Whispershriek to much smaller extents. He’s….middle of the road, popularity wise. As for the other clans, it’s highly likely all they know of him is his disowning of Beesting at the gathering – and how they feel about that is honestly lost to him, good or bad.
😻 - is your character insecure about their appearance or are they confident?
             Oh, what a conundrum…See, Ravine knows he’s a ten in CanyonClan, maybe even above that. A pelt dark as night, an angular and lithe build, he has it all. But, well, his…Uncanny resemblance to Beesting’s rival made itself known whenever his mother looked at him. No matter how much of a model he is, any long-lasting glance at him is just the same as the bewildered and bitter expression he’d been at the receiving end of for as long as he can remember.
🎨 - does your character have a unique skill that sets them apart from others?
             Maybe not wholly unique, but Pinespark focuses on distraction and disorientation in her fighting style. She knows she’s not the strongest out there, so she uses cunning, quick decisions to try to catch an opponent off guard. Not a very honest fighting style, but then, fights are hardly ever really fair.
🥀 - has your character lost someone important to them? if so, how do they deal with it? have they moved on?
             Bubblebee lost Anoleslip, his best friend, incredibly recently – a mere two moons ago. This is the only significant loss she’s had to face, even though she is a senior warrior, and she’s…not taking it well in the slightest. Between wearing The Matron’s skull as a fucked up trophy, blaming Tarponshine for TideClan’s suffering, and thinking nothing of his apprentice’s rather grievous actions, it’s clear Bubby’s grief has more than gotten the better of him. It’s consumed him, and he doesn’t know how to get out – if he even wants to.
♈️ - what zodiac sign would your character be? (and, if you wanna get crazy, what would their birth chart be like?)
             I don’t think we have an official timeline, so I’ll go off vibes. I think Spice Wish would be a Pisces!
☀️ - what are your character’s goals and what would they do to achieve them?
             Mellow Flame wants to be a warrior HoneyClan can be proud of. They…aren’t quite sure what that entails, seeing how peaceful life has been, relatively speaking. But they’ll take care of any problem that comes to their territory, even if it’s some big, scary, supernatural thing. It won’t get through them, that’s for certain!
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moonflwrz · 2 years
🎭-> pos: “golden retriever”, gentle, endlessly compassionate          neg: naive, reckless, jump first and ask later vibe 
🍂-> hawk is friends with mothflame, olivebranch, and ravinewing! mothflame is his childhood friend, along with sunwing (rip). that being said, he’s friendly w anyone his age, since they all grew up together.  🤍-> it used to be his dream for kittens of his own, but he’s not sure if that what he really wants anymore. Caveshade’s moved on, his adult children have their own lives- it was hard to come to term with the deep sense of longing after he found out the truth, but luckily he’s made a lot of progress since then. He’s not entirely sure what his happiness is going to look like now, but he hopes that he’s at least close to getting it.  🧸-> not really? bee isn’t the material gurl type. i guess it would be simple pleasures when she’s not 100%, like a really delicious pika or being greeting by cold canyon floor after a day of hunting under the sun. 
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vivirrins · 3 years
🌈 Asterfrost, ☘️☁️ Earwig, ✨ Spice Wish, and ☘️🌲 Tarponshine, ⚡️☀️ Maplesweet, and 🍃🍄 Heath Blossom owo
Sorry for the wait on this orz
Asterfrost- Now that Aster's found peace & love I want to see him cut loose and have some fun! Especially once the Tumbleweeds are out of the nursery. Is he going to become a more permanent fixture in camp, or is the homebody life not for him? Will he still find ways to dad his kids like he does for Rocky? I wanna know!!! And I hope he enjoys it, whatever he does!
Earwig- I WANT TO SEE WIGGY INTERACT WITH THE STORMCLAN APPRENTICES SO MUCH, especially Peachpetal's family. They're all really hungry for approval from the adults in their life and I imagine they'd either bond...or it would become the most glorious bitchfest. Either way it would rock.
Alternate clan, hmm...ScaleClan Earwig, ESPECIALLY now with the Three C's (Cranepaw, Calamitypaw and Cedarpaw) wreckin' the joint in their chaos. I could see a hypothetical Earwigpaw maybe mentored to someone like Searingdawn, equally haughty and competitive. And he'd make an interesting rival to Cranepaw, since they have similar egos but in WILDLY different ways. Earwig's more on the "I know I'm good enough" while Cranepaw is more "Clearly I'm good enough...right? Right?" and I think that could make an interesting contrast.
Spice Wish- I wasn't around for a lot of Spice's interpersonal drama but I care him so much...I genuinely want to see Spice and Cloud maybe become a little detective gang together, they might have a really fun dynamic! I want Spice to worry about himself a little more though ;;
Tarponshine- I adore their dynamic with Sharkbite and I would love to see it explored more! I think their little friendship really solidified during Tarpon's tenure as leader, they really confided in her a lot. I just think they're honestly kinda tendy for each other even in a platonic way ;; I also and REACHING for Tarpon and Beetle interactions because I just think their dynamic has become FASCINATING. I want to really figure out how they feel about each other after the incident... Who do I ship them with? Drizzlepurr seems an obvious one, I mean childhood besties and all- but I would also entertain Sharkbite with how close they've gotten? But...hear me out...Hopfeather. I think the two are VERY similar people, deep down. They both strive to do good for TideClan, even if they don't really know how to approach it. They're also looking for connections, but kind of scared of what closeness means. I kind of want to see them maybe bond and get closer,,,,,,,,
Maplesweet- In a universe where Mothflame really did die, I feel like he would be an easy choice. Maybe something about putting the clan before yourself, especially the lives of the young and defenseless? Honestly lives for Maplesweet are a bit up in the air since most of the people he's really attached to are...still alive.
His ideal friendships are people who are proactive in getting him interacting with others, but also maybe helping him move past the need to shadow others all the time. It's why I think his friend group is really healthy for him- they're all really friendly and sweet cats, but they have enough life experience to be able to be maybe a bit more realistic with one another than the chaos of Pinkcloud's generation.
Heath Blossom- Druid!Heath would be very interesting! They're already kind of a spooky guy, but seeing them maybe become a sort of goth spiritual leader in the same vein as Mossgaze could be super fun! They join in the song of life, but always aware that a measure begins and ends. I think, much like canon!Heath, he'd just want to make sure whatever the verse is that he writes, it's meaningful and beautiful. I think dedicating his life to helping others would make a lower key Heath, though- more inclined to harmonize than write his own melody.
Outside the clan ships...Not a ship per se but I REALLY want to see him interact with Spirit Guide...I just think that would be interesting. I do think he and Copperstep would get into a LOT of antics together...I can just imagine the two of them in the corner of a Gathering chattering nonstop while the important stuff is happening because they love hearing what the other has to say! I just think that would be a really charming dynamic.
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mudpool-art · 3 years
🌲hawthorn + 🍁sedge + 🌸whisper !
🌲Hawthornberry – asgjh only so many options there but! Depending on the Vibes there are a few options that could be real fun! Hawthorn/Horizon lives in my heart for fun times and good vibes ONLY, for the "we're too old for the rules to apply to us" energy. Hawthorn/Bee would be messy purely bc of Family Drama but man oh man it'd be good,,, completely opposite vibes but common ground in having lost a lot, plus they grew up together! Could be interesting.
🍁Sedgeclaw – Tie between her argument with Rattlefang in the tunnels, her talk with Mothflame at the border, and her chat with Coyoteleap in camp! Super opposed vibes but they all were very fun to RP for different reasons and I feel like they let me dig into her thoughts and feelings well! The argument was rough to write but in a good way, tapping into her anger in RPs is fun. The Moth and Coyote threads were significantly chiller lmao I really liked both for how sweet they were,,, hanging out with surrogate son and good pal/brother-in-law who gives you life advice 💕
🌸Whispershriek – I've named a few in previous asks, but Whisper has a lot of dynamics I'm fond of! Their and Velvet's bitter relationship is super interesting and spicy to me! Haven't gotten to RP it too much but I also love their dynamic with the CanyonClan Girl Gang; Batshadow especially they have such a neat relationship with, but I think Whisper hanging out with any of those three is really entertaining lol. And WhisperCrane is a given but like!! Specifically love Whisper dragging Crane into his antics and them both going in on pranks and stuff sometimes that's always super fun!
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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A variety of Horizon Remains artwork! Prickles and Petal get new refs and owleye and mothflame get some new kits!
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