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❗❗BARBIE WIRE IS FINALLY HERE ❗❗ and on that note heres something I noticed about that heart shaped skull birthmark that both her and Blitz share with thier Mother!!!
In this pic of their childhood, it's obvious that before whatever happened to their mom, they both had the skull mark intact
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And during thier teens (??) Circus performing era, you can clearly see that Barbie has crossed out her skullmark:
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This is how she appears to us at first too, skull mark crossed and very adamant on cutting ties with Blitz :( it could be that she wants to sever ties with him since he reminds her of whatever that has happened/she blames him for it
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It's also interesting to note (I might be overthinking here) 😭 that she pokes at his necklace specifically as she tells him, that she wants to never see him again- BECAUSE THAT IS THIER MOTHER'S NECKLACE/CHOKER :'D
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skullmark · 7 years ago
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”Skullmark GALAXY COMMANDERS” Commander Robert and Kafka. Soft Vinyl Action Figure in stock now! USD$69.99 each plus shipping. Ship to anywhere. Now available at: www.toyunderground.com/store #ko #galaxycommanders #skullmark #starroidraiders #tomland #vintagetoy #madeinhongkong #racktoys #knockoff #bootlegtoy #sofubi #ソフビ #pachimon #actionfigure #softvinyltoy #vinyltoy #vinyl #toy #toystagram #starwars #starwarsbootleg #jeffgoldblum #sethbrundle #metamorphosis #franzkafka #thefly #brundlefly #davidcronenberg #cronenberg
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plastickaiju · 8 years ago
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Name: Commander Nizard Platform: Galaxy Commander Artist: Skullmark Manufacturer: Skullmark Material: Sofubi
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awesometoy · 7 years ago
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Awesome Toy STS (Shanghai Toy Show 2018) Review.   Here is our friend Skullmark’s display.   About Skullmark: In the 2014 AD, turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Haiguan Federation has stopped all sofubi toys shipping to the planet of S.T.S. While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched Galaxy Commanders who are on the active list, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy to settle the confict. During the STS exhibition, the brand Skullmark showed all the galaxy commanders launched. This is a perfect appearance. Please look forward to its future work !   真棒玩具 STS • 上海國際潮流玩具展2018回顧 這是我們好友品牌之一 骷髏嘜 (Skullmark) 在STS上的展示 有關Skullmark骷髏嘜: 公元2014年,銀河共和國裏動蕩不安,針對星際貿易通道上稅收問題的糾紛難以排解,盜寇莽匪趁機作亂,騷動不斷。 貪婪的骸官聯盟也時不時派出戰鬥艦艇,企圖封鎖壹切即將運輸至S.T.S星的軟膠貨物。 正當共和國為這壹連串危機爭論不休的時候,共和國首腦已秘密收編了一支精銳部隊,並率先派出手下現役的維護和平與正義的銀河指揮官(Galaxy Commanders)去化解沖突.   STS期間,品牌Skullmark展示了已往推出過的銀河指揮官。這是一次堪稱完美的亮相,敬請期待它今後的作品!   中國及中文地區的朋友有興趣的話請使用“微信 WeChat”搜索我們的官方公衆號“awesome-toy”查看品牌最新動向,謝謝。   #awesometoy #オーサムトイ #sofubi #ソフビ #vinyltoy #softvinyl #vintage #bootlegtoy #design #パチ #knockoff #arttoy #玩具 #doll #packagingdesign #creature #design #galaxycommanders #art #design #starwars #toys #toycollection #skullmark #sts #sts2018
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tenthousandyellowjackets · 6 years ago
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Skullmark - Skullworld Warriors Set by Toy Underground x Awesome Toy
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discovondoom · 6 years ago
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I call this the Suzukigun Skullmark.
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zenjaka · 8 years ago
Facts about Rhaxma
Rhaxma is a amanitribestroll. He left Zul'Aman with his two mates and a couple of cubs when Zul'jin was killed. They went to the Hinterlands to become part of the Raventusks trolls at the shore.
He has two older brothers which are still alive. But he does not talk about them. Never.
His first experience with dead came, when his berserkerfather killed his mother in a ballistic attack of bloodlust.
Rhaxma enjoys music and dancing. But even more he enjoys watching females dance for him. He's just a man after all. Beautiful woman are his weakness!
The skullmark on his shoulder is a sign that he finished his education being a true lynxwarrior. It got burned into his moss over three days long, so it is deep enough and will never disappear from his skin.
His voodoo is dark and bloodthirsty, like himself. For this reason his job is killing people. Besides killing, he loves to torture his 'targets', before ending their lifes. He kills everyone. Expect woman and cubs. The darkness in his mind is so strong, he needs to contain it with jujus and small fetishes, which are stuck to his shoulderplates.
He is a complete different man when it comes to his family. He is very affectionate towards them, but he can be also very strict with his cubs.
He fought against the Korkron at the siege of orgrimmar and got heavily wounded in battle. He just survived because a freed darkspear female mender was able to stop the bleeding from his cropped arm. This experience changed his view on the darkspears.
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dustedmagazine · 6 years ago
Common Objects — Skullmarks (Meenna)
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Welsh harpist Rhodri Davies first convened Common Objects in 2005, and you could say that it has evolved patiently between then and now. Once unfixed, the group’s line-up has settled upon six musicians (Davies, electric harp; Angharad Davies and Lina Lapelyte, violins; John Butcher, saxophones; Pat Thomas, electronics; Lee Patterson, amplified devices and processes). The players’ collective experience encompasses established and emergent classical music, electroacoustic improvisation, and electric and acoustic jazz. Common Objects’ performances have been freely improvised and guided by various unconventional scores, but the 2016 concert reproduced on this CD is the first time that the score was made up of objects.
They were by no means common objects. Butcher selected them from the collection of the Pitt Rivers Museum, an anthropological institution based in Oxford, England. Each of the four objects was made to contain animistic energy. The musicians aren’t believers, nor do they do anything so gauche as to try and create some sort of shamanic ritual in the objects’ presence. But they are all serious diviners of the spirit of the moment, tuned into each other and the space that contains them. It is large but crammed with display cases, and one choice that Common Objects has made is to avoid both the regularity and the density of the museum’s layout. The music develops organically from the opening scrapes of the two violins, adding machine-like churning and bird-like reed cries that test the space’s resonance. The timbral contrasts between dry wood, spit-dampened reeds and bumping electronic tones trace the outlines of a space in common flux. The musicians move carefully through that space, managing proximity with senses that most people don’t know they have, let alone how to use them. Is that magic guiding them, or a conscious effort to imagine how long-dead magic might once have motivated small cabal of believers? Whichever notion you choose, there’s no denying that this music casts a spell.
Bill Meyer
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opsikpro · 5 years ago
Common Objects - Skullmarks (meena, 2019) ****
Common Objects – Skullmarks (meena, 2019) ****
By Paul Acquaro To fully appreciate Skullmarks, you should visit the page on John Butcher’ website about the release and look at the images for a bit. Let them sink in. Look at the mix of organics … bones, ceramic, teeth, wood, feathers, and pigments. This music was shaped in reaction to these objects.
The six members of the group Common Objects paid a visit to the unique Pitt Rivers…
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killa2 · 5 years ago
via The Toy Chronicle
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inspireif · 8 years ago
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I picked up these #skullmark galaxy commander blanks from #lulubell_toys today. Already started in on painting.
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skullmark · 7 years ago
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”Skullmark GALAXY COMMANDERS” Commander Robert Soft Vinyl Action Figure in stock now! USD$69.99 plus shipping. Ship to anywhere. Now available at: www.toyunderground.com/store #ko #galaxycommanders #skullmark #starroidraiders #tomland #vintagetoy #madeinhongkong #racktoys #knockoff #bootlegtoy #sofubi #ソフビ #パチ #pachi #actionfigure #softvinyltoy #vinyltoy #vinyl #toy #toystagram #starwars #starwarsbootleg #detroit #peterweller #alexmurphy #robocop #robertcop
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thetoychronicle-blog · 8 years ago
SKULLMARK new Galaxy Commanders
Skullmark is adding some members to the Galaxy Commanders family! The vintage inspired interstellar sofubi figures are getting the Egyptian an Sesame Street treatment? Confused? Be no more… The Egyptian inspired Commander Giza Measuring about 256mm, these figures are based on the 1977 Made in Hong Kong classic action figures “STARRIOD RAIDERS”! The Commander Elmo features a…
SKULLMARK new Galaxy Commanders was originally published on The Toy Chronicle
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knockoffcollector · 9 years ago
Skullworld Warriors: Underworld Warriors Re-Boot(-legg)ed
When I first heard the rumors, I couldn’t believe it. A Hong Kong based vinyl toy company named @skullmark was about to release a giant 10″ Underworld Warriors bootleg line?! This sounded too good to be true. I started working on my Underworld Muscle resin bootlegs about the same time, when I first heard of Skullworld Warriors. I thought it couldn’t hurt to reach out to the guys behind the project, who confirmed the rumors to be true. About a year later, I am now among the lucky ones who can call a complete set of Skullworld Warriors their own.
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The original Underworld Warriors (or Ultra Tumba Luchadores, as they were called in Spanish) were made by Hong Kong based Tung Sing Toys in 1986. It’s certainly one of my favorite KO lines of all time. It featured six figures with skeleton bodies in bright colors. 
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A witch, a bone head, a vamp, a snake face, a devil, and a krampus. These are also the characters that Skullmark included in their Skullworld Warriors line-up, introduced as…
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and Krampus
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After the prices for the original Underworld Warriors figures went through the roof (especially when considering that these were $1 toys back in the days!), it was probably just about time to give them the upgrade they deserve (and actually make them worth their money). 
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Skullworld Warriors are upgraded Underworld Warriors in terms of size, sculpt, paint, articulation, and - last but not least - art(work)! They’re twice as big as their predecessors, and have been all new sculpted as close to the originals as you can probably get. Underworld Warriors had five points of articulation (neck, shoulders, legs). Skullworld Warriors have ten (neck, shoulders, hands, waist, legs, and feet). While Underworld Warriors look like they’ve been painted by 3-year-olds, Skullmark’s paint apps came out super clean. I’m a big fan of the original UW artwork, so this was probably the toughest part to improve. But Skullmark got no other than @lamoursupreme to do the header artwork.
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All in all Skullmark did an outstanding job on their Skullworld Warriors. They certainly lack the garbage feel you get when looking at your original Underworld Warriors (you probably paid way too much money for). Skullworld Warriors are no garbage. They’re passionately crafted pieces of art, and ironically with just $80 a pop even more affordable than their older but smaller brothers. Go grab one if you want to convince yourself! 
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skullmark · 7 years ago
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”Skullmark GALAXY COMMANDERS” Commander Kafka Soft Vinyl Action Figure in stock now! USD$69.99 plus shipping. Ship to anywhere. Now available at: www.toyunderground.com/store #ko #galaxycommanders #skullmark #starroidraiders #tomland #vintagetoy #madeinhongkong #racktoys #knockoff #bootlegtoy #sofubi #ソフビ #pachimon #actionfigure #softvinyltoy #vinyltoy #vinyl #toy #toystagram #starwars #starwarsbootleg #jeffgoldblum #sethbrundle #metamorphosis #franzkafka #thefly #brundlefly #davidcronenberg #cronenberg
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skullmark · 7 years ago
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”Skullmark GALAXY COMMANDERS” Commander Kafka Soft Vinyl Action Figure in stock now! USD$69.99 plus shipping. Ship to anywhere. Now available at: www.toyunderground.com/store #ko #galaxycommanders #skullmark #starroidraiders #tomland #vintagetoy #madeinhongkong #racktoys #knockoff #bootlegtoy #sofubi #ソフビ #pachimon #actionfigure #softvinyltoy #vinyltoy #vinyl #toy #toystagram #starwars #starwarsbootleg #jeffgoldblum #sethbrundle #metamorphosis #franzkafka #thefly #brundlefly #davidcronenberg #cronenberg
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