#skull arcobaleno
conalola · 1 year
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💖 Muchos wawitos 2d y mi cuñado el mingi 💖
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zefirkayoshi · 5 months
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Silly Skull
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in-asterism · 1 month
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Arcobaleno from @trilies 's Sevenfold AU
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zombu7 · 1 year
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Reborn x Skull , RSK
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yarrayora · 1 year
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the only civilian invited to the party
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incorrectr27quotes · 2 months
Tsuna: I don't need this right now, you guys. I'm under enough stress as it is. Especially with Dad showing up twice in as many months. Reborn's been in a mood.
Verde: Checker Face came back around?
Skull: Yeah, you should've seen this guy. Came in here looking like a catalog model. Was trying to flirt with me. Thinks I'm going to melt because he's got this mysterious air and broad shoulders.
Verde, grinning: Was he wearing his fancy suit?
Tsuna: What is this bizarre segue that's happening right now?
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ketchup-chup · 8 months
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analviel · 7 months
The Il Priscelti Sette timetravelled decades in the future and cross paths with decimo Vongola generation.
Reborn: We're actually siblings.
Tsuna:..... You don't look alike.
Reborn frowned: Are you saying just because some of us are adopted it negates our parents' love for us?
Tsuna: Your parents.
Reborn, straightfaced and casual: Yeah, Verde and Lal are in a lesbian relationship.
Reborn: They found Fon in their doorstep, Verde tripped on him and that's why he's like that.
Reborn: Luce was scavenged from a mountain in the himalayas. When they were camping, Lal got the ugliest mushroom for Verde to cook and then it started crying. Verde is not allowed to cook.
Reborn: Skull was named for only his skull because everyone thought it was empty. Verde got him from a dollar store.
Reborn: Viper appeared after Lal had a dream about some disembodied voice trying to scam her into being a surrogate mother so don't look into their eyes. And be not afraid.
Reborn: And Colonnello- him, they fished him from the canal half-grown.
Colonnello, walking past: Fuck you, Reborn.
Reborn: That's incest.
Tsuna, hesitant, and fucked up by both his HyperIntuition and how convincing Reborn is:......... And you?
Reborn: I don't know. Can't remember.
Reborn: But yeah, Luce's my sister with the same mother.
Luce: Big sister.
Reborn: By two fucking months.
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khr-doodling · 9 months
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i have to admit, skull is actually pretty fun to draw
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it's skull, skull is the third party who gets involved bc he's the only who has the emotional intelligence to notice the problem and the lack of self preservation to put himself in the line of fire
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There are some pros and cons to being a civilian suddenly thrust into not only the cursed mafia world, but also the cursed mafia world.
Pros: he gets paid to do what he loves—to play out his stunts in a setting where he doesn’t have to hold back so as to not to raise civilian suspicions about his condition, while also getting all of the acclaim when his subordinates genuinely shower him with it.
(Was it a mindfuck when some clown just showed up in his living room trying to reclute him? Yes. Is it dangerous? Yes. But if there’s anything the great Skull-sama loves, it’s a good challenge!)
Cons: once in a while he has to spend time in the vicinity of some less-than-desirable individuals, who consider him—him!—to be the less-than-desirable individual. The nerve!
(He’s not factoring Kawahira’s little misadventure, specifically, into this; getting turned into a toddler isn’t any weirder than being able to regenerate his body and coming back to life in his books.
Now that they’re out of the woods and he can laugh about it, he can begrudgingly admit—in the safety of his mind—that Checker Face did it for a noble cause, despite going about it in a not-so-hot fashion. If Skull were a millennia old being, he would play Russian roulette with some douchebags and give them body dysmorphia just for shits and giggles.
Skull will, however, complain about the acquaintances it left him with, as much as he wants, for as long as they’re assholes—which is shaping up to be for a very, very long time.)
The delightful but ultimately exasperating shit show that are one Sawada Tsunayoshi and Reborn-senpai does not fall into either of those categories, but in a secret, third, second-option-adjacent thing: idiots in love who, despite being more in sync with each other’s emotions than anyone could ever wish to be with their partner’s, couldn’t be more out of touch with their feelings if they tried. (And Skull has seen some paradoxes in his time, okay?)
All of this is relevant because, ultimately, despairingly, he’s gonna have to intervene. Jesus fucking Christ.
None of Tsuna’s little Elements, let alone any of Skull’s former colleagues—or anyone else who could, for that matter—is gonna do jack shit about it. They’re all either too emotionally constipated themselves, too scared of Reborn to dare going against him, or too willing to let them ‘go at their own pace’ (as if that will ever lead anywhere!).
So. It all falls into his hands to do something about it.
Does Skull win anything by meddling? Not in the slightest. On the contrary—
“I do not get paid enough for this shit,” Skull groans. “I do not get paid at all for this shit.”
If anything, he’s risking death by Reborn-senpai!
But he owes it to Tsuna, because despite being obviously influenced by Reborn in more ways than anyone would like, he has never, not even once, been unkind to Skull. Even before the whole Representative Battles happened—and that’s a whole other debt he needs to repay.
Unlike anybody else who has ever interacted with both Skull and Reborn, Tsuna has never once lacked basic human decency. (Skull wishes he had lacked basic human decency; he wouldn’t feel so morally obligated to protect the kid’s heart then.)
Enma pats his back in comfort when Skull hides his face in the other’s shoulder. Earnestly, he says, “I think you’re doing something truly honorable, senpai,” because he’s seen those two and knows what Skull has to deal with; more so than Skull, actually, because while Skull can just fuck-off whenever they get unbearable, Enma lives here and still has to interact with them on a daily basis.
What the fuck.
Skull raises his head long enough to look at him. “How do you deal with it, Enma-kun?”
Like the true child soldier he is—and he’s not gonna open that can of worms at the moment; Jesus, why did he even have to think about it?! One emotional crisis at a time, please!—Enma stares off into space before solemnly saying, “I grew up with Adel and Julie,” like that answers anything.
It kinda does, funnily enough.
“Ne, ne, Enma-kun,” Skull wheedles, getting an idea.
But Enma shakes his head, smiling apologetically before he can even say anything else. “I can’t help you with this,” he says, soothing the sting of his betrayal by running gentle fingers through Skull’s nape. “I grew up with Adel and Julie,” he reiterates meaningfully.
It takes Skull a moment.
“That bitch,” he says with an offended gasp. “She told you not to get involved, didn’t she?!”
Enma tugs gently at a lock in reproach. “Be nice to my sister.”
Skull pouts. Enma’s eyes soften. The fond amusement in his expression makes Skull’s stomach flutter.
(Maybe he has indigestion or something? He’ll have to pick up some Otha’s Isan on his way back.)
“If it makes you feel better, I will cheer you on every step of the way, okay? So hang in there, senpai.”
That does make him feel better.
If nothing else, Skull will at least have a cute little kouhai to come back to and be comforted by when this inevitably blows up on his face.
“Well,” Skull says, revisiting his earlier thoughts. He leans into Enma’s touch, feeling rejuvenated. “If there’s anything the great Skull-sama loves, it’s a good challenge!”
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reborn-wakeup · 7 months
I love the "character's wardrobe" series!! You should definitely do Skull!! Canon doesnt give his obvious punk influences justice
a/n: hiii! thanks for sending this request, i hope that you’ll like this one! also sorry for taking a lot of time to post this😭
☠️Skull’s wardrobe☠️
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-another fashionista that spends a lot of time on his outfits
-i’m sure that he would have an insane amount of extraordinary tops like crop tops with sleeves, tops with pins, patchwork tops, cutout tops - name them, he has them all
-low rise baggy jeans!
-also he makes sure that his underwear peeks out from pants🤭
-lots of metallic and leather accessories and also mesh mittens
-has a thing for leather jackets, like he has a collection of them (but they all look the same)
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rakubalka · 4 months
Victor Von Doom as Skull de Mort
(Another one of those Skull is actually someone else and badass)
Doom for some reason got transported into the khr world be it with his own body or reincarnated , aged down or whatever . Maybe he got reincarnated and got his memory after he awakened his flames
Either case Doom either starts planning how to take over Latveria (or this world equivalent of it) or start finding a way to his world to his Latveria while using being a stuntman as a cover to get more information and seeing how the technology in this world is faring against his own and how strong and knowledgeable magic users are here (he is disappointed by how old and weak both the tech and the magic users(if they even exist here) are)
Then he gets an invitation from Chekerface to the grattering of the world strongest and decided to go because 1 - he is amused that someone FINALLY noticed his presence 2 - he can't figure how someone got in to deliver the letter
He knows that someone got in , he knew when there was someone in his domain(his room) , he just doesn't know how that someone got in . He has put a heavy amount of protections on and in his suit , bike and domain because you never know when an old "acquaintance" may visit
He does however go
In his stage persona
Because he isn't an idiot Richard's
So he goes in and despite his expectations being low he still got underwhelmed by how ... childish they were
The so called "world best hitman" was a idiot with ego bigger that Richard squared on itself with none of Richard's accomplishments who will dismiss anyone he doesn't see as "strong" enough , fully forgetting that in his profession it's not the brawn but the brain and actor skill that is most important , and despite his boosting of being a genius in math he is barely at the level of first year math college student in Latveria
The "Wold Best Martial Artist" while having some skills is still only a big fish in a small pound in comparison to what an actual master of the martial arts is , at least he is of the quieter in comparison to the rest (but if he can't find his tea again they are going to have a long , long and thoughfull conversation of why you don't steal something of Doom's)
"world best sniper" his ass , the woman cannot stay quiet for a quarter of an hour unless she is asleep let alone hours if not days on end for a mission , not to mention how trigger happy she is and how ready she is to start a fight for no reason
Her stalker is only slightly better and that is almost fully because he keeps his distance but even then he is still too loud , seriously how he hasn't died yet because of how atrociously bad he is at hiding Doom doesn't know nor understand , even their untrained civilian camp from before Doom took over Latveria was better at hiding while having to source water , food and shelter for multiple people while simultaneously having to regularly outrun the army . He can hear him over the whole damn forest from how loud he was
The "second coming of Da Vinci" seems to be another fool calling himself a genius when only being slightly smarter than the rest of the populace , his robots are just clunky , slow and unintelegent pieces of metal with only the most basic of AI in them noting like his DoomBots . He also had the galls to make Doom change his seat from the (while ugly neon still better that the rest) green chair to ridiculous neon purple (he might have worn the purple for his stuntman cover , his hair might have changed its color to purple , but everyone from the smallest of ants to the strongest , oldest and biggest of gods knows that green is Doom's color . And Doom will have his revenge no matter what ! Mark Doom's words !)
The cloaked one is Doom's favourite . They don't make unnecessarily loud sounds , don't start fights for no reason , actually use their brain to stay on edge for unpredictable elements , are willing to sell information for the right price and understand the greatness that is cloaks .
Then there is that thing . He hates it the most out of not just this world , he HATES IT the most out of everything he has hated in all of his life . Every time it's even close it feels like it's trying to chain Doom down like some dog on its beck and call and NO ONE AND DOOM REPEATS NO ONE CHAINS DOOM DOWN LIKE A DOG !! He will personally make sure it dies in the most painful way possible after it has told everything Doom wants to know .
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zefirkayoshi · 1 year
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August 20 was the birthday of Sleep_Skull, my beloved sister and part-time talented fanfiction writer on the AO3.
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khr-guilded-cage · 2 months
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Skull @ Arcobaleno
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lunanovakat · 8 months
Ahhhh Art
So I’m working on some stuff since I can all of which are for unpublished WIPs I haven’t posted about.
Anyway, here’s the current art WIPs I’m losing sleep over.
There’s so much to color and shade omg. And I still haven’t finished Colonnello, Lal Mirch, or Fon yet.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 2 years
Viper: Skull has the weirdest knowledge and skill set I have ever seen. Like, watch this.
Skull, across the room: YEA?
Viper: why does antifreeze taste shit?
[skull wanders over while speaking]
Skull: ethelyne-glycol is a chemical compound toxic to the human body, and it’s used in antifreeze. Since it tastes sweet, people kept killing their spouses by mixing it with jello, so they eventually added something else to make it gross.
Viper: ok, what’s the most interesting place you know of?
Skull: uhhh, well, glacial Lake Agassiz existed a long LONG time ago, and it was essentially created by a glacier damming a river, and every so often it would create these MASSIVE floods when the ice lifted.
Viper: ok, how many times did humans domesticate cats?
Skull: actually they domesticated themselves at least three times.
Viper: alright. Who is the current president of the United States?
Skull, cheerfully: no clue!
[viper looks directly into the camera, gestures at skull, then walks away]
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