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diinferi · 2 years ago
[ROHAN] Rohan’s vast, sweeping plains and steppes are home to the Rohirrim and, more importantly, their horses. The Rohirrim are a tribe of humanity who live to ride, but under King Theoden riders are being recalled, for reasons none understand but his advisor, Grima.
[MEN] You are a human, from Gondor, Rohan, the Shire, or anywhere else. You have plenty of experience with daily life on the edge, and the blood of heroes may flow through your veins. 
[ARCHERY] You know how to use a bow with great skill. You are accurate within a 3” grouping at 50 yards, and hitting an Orc-sized target at 300 yards is not unusual, if you have the right bow.
[FORESTRY] You have experience out in the woods. Hunting, tracking, and trapping are second nature to you, and you can move quickly and quietly even over broken ground.
[HORSEMANSHIP] An excellent horseman, you will never be thrown from the saddle. You can ride a trained mount even in battle with no trouble, and a horse you have bonded with can be ridden bareback and even in the most extreme situations. This blends with other skills; if you are an Archer, you can now fire a bow accurately at a gallop, and a Forester can take horses through the densest forests, without them balking or leaving a trace.
[FIGHTING SKILLS] You are a trained warrior in melee combat. You can wield axes, swords, spears, and the other weapons of Middle Earth in close combat with a great proficiency, able to defeat dozens of Goblins at once.
[BASIC MAGIC] You are in touch with the basics of magic. You can bless creatures, create light, and slightly affect objects at a distance. You may have the rudiments of the gift of prophecy, and your words hold power not their own.
[MENTAL FORTITUDE] You have a hardy soul and a powerful will. Even the darkest of mind magics take far longer to take their grip on you, and you can often surprise people by your fierce heart, even if unaccustomed to battle.
[SWORD] You have a simple, workman like blade. A plain sword of Gondorian or Rohirrim craft, an ancient and slightly rusted Dwarven Axe, or a similar weapon.
[MONEY] You have a significant stock of money, in multiple denominations. Roughly equivalent to $200,000 in buying power.
[BOW] You have a bow, perhaps a Gondorian longbow or a Lorien Shortbow of Mallorn Wood. You have 40 arrows and a quiver. Hope you know archery!
[LEMBAS BREAD] A few dozen loaves of Lembas bread are among your possessions. A few crumbs of this bread can keep a traveller fed for a day! You also know the recipe, and can make more so long as you can in someway imbue objects with magic.
[MASTER ARMOR] You are protected in battle by a set of armor and a shield made by supernaturally great blacksmiths. The armor of Dwarves, Elves, or Numenor guards you from enemy blades.
[ROHIRRIM/ELVEN HORSE] You have a horse bred and trained by the Elvish riders, or one of the thoroughbreds of the Rohirrim. Your horse is intelligent enough to understand most commands, and can follow you to later jumps without difficulty.
[FAMOUS SWORD] You have an ancient and unparalleled blade, possibly with extra powers. A Elven Blade that warns you of danger, a sword of the Numenor that grants swiftness in battle, or a Mithril Waraxe from the height of Moria’s Craft, the choice is yours.
[OUT OF THE FRYING PAN] A pack of nine orcs and their wargs have picked up your trail from wherever you started. You are in battle from the very moment you arrive.
[TASTE OF THE VALINOR] You smell and taste particularly good to the creatures of darkness. Expect to be hunted by giant spiders, trolls, wargs, and werewolves. The servants of Morgoth thirst for your blood above all others, and no matter how you hide you will not escape.
[TRAVEL ONWARDS] You travel on to the next world and the next adventure.
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eshildora · 3 months ago
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leagueofgardens · 1 year ago
Renka: Every time I look at Kazuha, I can't help but think… Maybe there's some way we can fight without having to abandon our ideals. I even think… maybe the choice I made back then… wasn't wrong after all. It's freaking sad, me getting all hopeful that she could somehow absolve my guilt, even after all this time! So what I was scared of was hating Kazuha… and Kazuha's ideals.
Yoh: …
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Yoh: Wanna make a bet?
Renka: Over what?
Yoh: If Kazuha recovers from this… And, if you think, even for a moment, that Kazuha might be the light beyond your guilt… Then we trust Kazuha with our lives.
Renka: Annnd… if she doesn't pull that off?
Yoh: Then once this battle is over, we quit being Lilies.
Renka: And abandon our duty?
Yoh: Better than losing you.
—From Rebellion of Skjaldmær, scene 5-4 (Click the link for English subtitled videos) Translation by Ulsairi
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rainhafrozen · 1 year ago
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@borbonsg .
o aroma equino do estábiulo onde residia skjaldmær impregnava os sentidos de emilia, um viva lembrança de suas raízes na islândia, onde as vastidões dos estábulos eram um ambiente de acolhimento. entre os cavalos, avistou uma figura que, em sua memória, evocava um passado compartilhado de risos e confidências, nicolás, alguém cuja amizade lhe era uma das mais estimadas e alguém que realmente lhe causava o sentimento de saudade, mesmo com as diferenças de âmagos. ele era alguém com uma personalidade que divergia da dela, mas que havia a conquistado platonicamente, uma pessoa com quem podia contar; mas que agora ela tinha medo de ter desapontado. o espaço de um ano de distância pesava sobre os ombros da rainha, e ela não podia negar a tensão que preenchia o ar. seu coração pulsava com uma intensidade incomum, as palavras pareciam enredadas na garganta.
com um suspiro, ela se aproximou, seu olhar tímido refletindo sua incerteza. "oi, moço bonito." murmurou, sua voz uma sinfonia suave no cenário rústico dos estábulos. "peço desculpas por minha repentina ausência. eu... enfrentei tempos de adversidade. acredite, eu desejava ter tido você do meu lado." as palavras brotaram de seus lábios com um misto de franqueza e apreensão. Ansiava pela aceitação, temendo a possível rejeição de seu amigo. "eu senti falta deste lugar," confessou emilia, seus olhos percorrendo os estábulos que eram testemunhas de tantos momentos preciosos de sua juventude. "e de pessoas como você."
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folkloremagic · 4 months ago
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (/ˈvælkɪri/ VAL-kirr-ee or /vælˈkɪəri/ val-KEER-ee; from Old Norse: valkyrja, lit. 'chooser of the slain') is one of a host of female figures who guide souls of the dead to the god Odin's hall Valhalla. There, the deceased warriors become einherjar ('single fighters' or 'once fighters').When the einherjar are not preparing for the cataclysmic events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead. Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens and sometimes connected to swans or horses.
A shield-maiden (Old Norse: skjaldmær [ˈskjɑldˌmæːr]) was a female warrior from Scandinavian folklore and mythology.
The term Old Norse: skjaldmær most often shows up in fornaldarsögur such as Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks. However, female warriors are also mentioned in the Latin work Gesta Danorum. Both the fornaldarsögur and Gesta Danorum were written after the Viking Age and are considered fictional. Earlier reports of fighting women occur in some Roman sources from Late Antiquity. They are often associated with the mythical Valkyries, which may have inspired the shieldmaidens. They may have also been inspired by accounts of Amazons. (Source: Wikipedia)
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women in norse mythology;
shieldmain and valkyrie, daughter of King Budli.
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durchlauferhitzr · 4 years ago
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kris-de-v-blog · 6 years ago
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Skjaldmær. Based on the descriptions of Lathgertha (Hlaðgerð) on Saxo Grammaticus and Katheryn Winnick's interpretation in the Vikings TV show. #lagertha #lathgertha #hlaðgerðr #saga #icelandicsagas #ragnar #ragnarlothbrok #katherynwinnick #vikings #historychannel #netflix #shieldmaiden #skjaldmær #skjoldmøy #skjaldmö #drawing #color #pencil #pencildrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5A9v1gwot/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=klrcrzwhay8m
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quarkmaster · 7 years ago
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Personal work
Giulia Costanzo
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Ma quando minchia esce la 5B
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michael-svetbird · 5 years ago
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: • "INTERLUDIO" : . • Shieldmaidens Webiorg and Rusla of Norse Mythology - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webiorg - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusla . Illustrations to Saxo Grammaticus’ works by Louis Moe, a Norwegian painter and illustrator | 1857-1945 [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Moe ] . . #louismoe #bookillustration #norsemythology #scandinavianmythology #scandinavianhistory #sagas #factorfiction ? #mythsandlegends #earlymedieval #saxogrammaticus #history #shieldmaiden #skjaldmær #webiorg #vebjorg #rusla #swordswoman #womeninhistory #womenofhistory #shieldmaidens #womenwarriors #amazons #ancientamazons #warrioress #vikingwomen #vikingwoman #heroicwomen #woundedwarrior #arrowed #battleofbravellir https://www.instagram.com/p/B_10uKAqH77/?igshid=pyvlywy8zik0
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niallswork · 7 years ago
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Inktober Day 1. The Shield-Maiden Hervor; daughter of Angantyr, mother of Heidrek, bearer of the cursed sword Tyrfing. The protagonist of the Hervarar saga.
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mrwoolybear-blog · 8 years ago
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My son and his wife requested a Viking helmet for the baby. Of course, I am all excited to make it. It can work for a boy or girl, Viking women were sometimes warriors called shieldmaidens #VikingsDidNotReallyWearHelmetsLikeThis #vikings #vikinghelmet #babyhat #getyourballsout #ionlydoeasystuff #skjaldmær #skjoldmø #skjoldmøy #sköldmö #Schildmaid #lionbrandyarn #lionbrand #superwashmerino #yarn #yarncraft #yarnaddict
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laurellerual · 2 years ago
For the fanart, could you do Val full shieldmaiden stlye, post-battle?
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I am so proud of this! I love it, if I can say so myself.
I think that the equipment of the skjaldmær (shielmaiden) is quite historically accurate.
The swan feather cloak is not. I chose it because Val, shieldmaiden version, reminded me of  Hervör (also a shieldmaiden from the Hervarar saga ok Heiðrek). And  Hervör + Val reminded me of the homonymous valkyrie from the Vǫlundarkviða, also a swan-maiden.
I hope you like it :)
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thecollectibles · 4 years ago
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Skjaldmær by Gary Inloes
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jmacthaidgh · 5 years ago
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“Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it.”
~Völsunga Saga, c.5
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hadesbeast · 3 years ago
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Artist Gary Inloes…skjaldmær 😈 ~ßεศş†~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CcM6Pq_FpGd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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