#skin doctor in Vasundhara
Skin Specialist in Vasundhara in the World of Beauty Solutions a Tangible Need!
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When we say that, “beauty is skin deep,” then actually, we are covering the entire philosophy of beauty. Now, we are living in the world where your looks are serving as an innovative tool to secure jobs and other pleasures in the world. In a regime like this, the role of skin specialists in the world of beauty solutions certainly requires a new definition altogether.
Skin Specialist in Vasundhara Is Here to Handle Serious Skin Conditions.
This is a myth; most of the people think that the skin specialists have no role to play in the beauty solutions. It was partially true in the past. It was the time when our skin was not subjected to the tortures of harmful UV rays and pollution coming out of the vehicles of Delhi. UV rays can cause aging and raising pollution levels can play havoc with your skin and take it to a point of no return where only corrective makeup tricks can support you. Here, we would like to raise a simple question in front of you – what would be your answer to the question when the best skin specialist in Vasundhara will ask, “Are you happy with your vitamin C intake? We all are aware that Vitamin C is a very crucial nutrient for naturally shining skin. So, when you visit such a clinic, they alter your entire skin regime and give you a lifestyle where every day is a treatment day for your skin, whether you are at the clinic or at your home!
Refrain from Covering It up; Go for a Real Solution Instead.
When you will consult the best skin specialist in Vasundhara, he will come up with some permanent solutions and these permanent solutions will help the cause of proper skin maintenance; it means you will have naturally glowing and healthy skin. On the other hand, when you will visit a regular beautician, she will suggest you some lotions to bring back your glow. Now, your face is glowing because of the lotion; but it is a cover up. It is not an investment in the favor of self-sustainable health of your skin. In other words, it is an expense on your skin when you are visiting a beautician. When the skin specialist in Vasundhara takes the charge of the proceedings, then it becomes an investment on your skin, because after a point of time, the skin revives it former glory or the grace of the age that other factors are stealing from it.
Skin Care Specialist in Vasundhara Has a Role to Play in the Beauty World
Skin Specialist in Vasundhra We never hesitate to visit a doctor even in the case of a mild headache, and this is because the information level of patients is increasing. However, when we talk about our skin, then most of us are living in dark allies, we are not aware of the power of these clinical solutions for our skin. Your visit to the skin specialist in Vasundhara (www.twachaaclinic.com) will help you in developing a better understanding of the events. Don’t get fooled by the beauty industry though, as it is increasing in leaps and bounds; every second day they are launching new products and glamorous faces are launching them. However, never forget these glamorous faces are not using these products; they are also taking the advices of skin specialists and thus maintaining a secured beauty regime.
Categories: Skin
Skin Specialist in Vasundhara, skin doctor in Vasundhara
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
एसिडिटी या अम्लता एक चिकित्सा स्थिति है जो एसिड के अतिरिक्त उत्पादन के कारण होती है। यह एसिड पेट की ग्रंथियों द्वारा उत्पादित होता है। अम्लता पेट, गैस्ट्रिक सूजन, दिल की धड़कन और डिस्प्सीसिया में अल्सर जैसे लक्षण पैदा करती है। यह आमतौर पर अनियमित खाने के पैटर्न, शारीरिक खेल या गतिविधियों की कमी, शराब की खपत, धूम्रपान, तनाव, फड आहार और खराब खाने की आदतों जैसे कई कारकों के कारण होता है। लोग उन जगहों पर अम्लता विकसित करने में अधिक प्रवण होते हैं। जहां लोग अधिक शाकाहारी, मसालेदार और तेल के भोजन का उपभोग करते हैं। एनएसएआईडी (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) जैसी कई दवाएं गैस्ट्रिक अम्लता विकसित करने में एक व्यक्ति को अधिक संवेदनशील बना सकती हैं। एक भारी भोजन लेने के बाद अम्लता को गहरी जलती हुई सनसनी की विशेषता है। अम्लता वाले लोगों में अपचन और कब्ज भी आम है। यह घरेलू उपचार या एंटासिड का उपभोग करके और स्वस्थ कार्यान्वयन से ठीक हो सकता है। एंडोस्टिज्म के रूप मे�� जाना जाने वाला एक तकनीक एसिड भाटा से भी बहुत राहत प्रदान करता है। अम्लता के सामान्य लक्षणों में पेट और गले में मुंह, कब्ज, बेचैनी और जलने की उत्तेजना में अपचन, मतली, खट्टा स्वाद शामिल है।
# अम्लता का कारण क्या होता है?
हमारा पेट आमतौर पर गैस्ट्रिक एसिड पैदा करता है जो पाचन में मदद करता है। इन एसिड के संक्षारक प्रभाव प्रोस्टाग्लैंडिन और प्राकृतिक बाइकार्बोनेट के उत्पादन से संतुलित होते हैं जो श्लेष्म अस्तर में गुप्त होते हैं। यह पेट की अस्तर को नुकसान पहुंचाता है और अम्लता का कारण बनता है। अन्य कारक जो अम्लता का कारण बनते हैं उनमें शामिल हैं:
मांसाहारी और मसालेदार खाद्य पदार्थों का उपभोग करना।
अत्यधिक तनाव
बहुत अधिक शराब का उपभोग।
अक्सर धूम्रपान
पेट के ट्यूमर, गैस्ट्रोसोफेजियल रीफ्लक्स रोग और पेप्टिक अल्सर जैसे पेट विकार।
एनएसएआईडीएस (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) जैसी दवाएं।
√ अम्लता के लिए उपचार:
एल्यूमीनियम, कैल्शियम या मैग्नीशियम युक्त एंटीसिड का उपभोग करके अम्लता ठीक हो सकती है। कई बार, एच 2 रिसेप्टर ब्लॉकर्स (हिस्टामाइन अवरुद्ध एजेंट) जैसे निजाटिडाइन, फ़ोटोटिडाइन, रैनिटिडाइन और सिमेटिडाइन का उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि आपके पास गंभीर अम्लता है तो प्रोटॉन पंप इनहिबिटर डॉक्टर द्वारा भी निर्धारित किए जाते हैं। अम्लता का इलाज घरेलू उपचारों जैसे कि केले, ठंडे दूध, एनीज, जीरा, कार्डोमन, लौंग, टकसाल के पत्तों और अदरक का उपभोग भी किया जा सकता है। आप भोजन के दौरान मसालेदार भोजन या अचार से बचने, अधिक सब्जियों और फलों को खाने, गैर शाकाहारी भोजन का उपभोग न करने, एनएसएड्स (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) और स्टेरॉयड जैसी दवाओं से बचने और तनाव को कम करने से अम्लता को रोक सकते हैं।
कभी-कभी नींद से पहले भोजन लेने से अम्लता भी हो सकती है। यह पेट के एंजाइमों को आपके एसोफैगस पर वापस जाने और एसिड भाटा का कारण बनने के लिए उत्तेजित करता है। यह स्वास्थ्य के लिए बेहद हानिकारक हो सकता है।
√ लक्षण:
पेट में जलन जलन
गले में जलन जलन।
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Experience the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram with Dr. Megha Modi
Visit the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram for advanced treatments like chemical peels, Botox, and microdermabrasion to achieve flawless, healthy skin.
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Visit the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram for a Flawless Treatment for Skin-Related Issues
Like the saying goes, a healthy mind rests in a healthy body; in similar way, a healthy natural skin keeps your body, mind and persona intact. It won’t be overrated if we say it is now a prerequisite for the personality you project to the outer world. Gone are the days when you have to be simply manage with the ageing skin, dark patches and other skin-related issues without much of an intervention of the technologies that were never available at that time as there were some cost-effective ways to heal your skin, damaged tissues, and high-level stress work having a bearing on your body. And the most visible part of your body is the skin where all such problems reflect in the form of wrinkles, dark circles, excess fat on stomach, buttocks, and thighs etc.
Get Your Skin a Healthy Touch
Living in a fast pacing metro area like Delhi could be very harmful on your lifestyle, which in turn has an impact on your skin, due to the exposure of heat and pollution outside. You cannot simply stop going outside and confine yourself within the four walls of your house to escape such impacts. What you require is a healthy solution for your skin. If you are living in Delhi, you have the option of visiting the best dermatologist in Indirapuram. You will get all the facilities at the clinic which are laced with hi-tech equipment which goes easy on your skin to help you get back your original skin health.
One-Stop Point
All your skin problems can be effectively dealt with at the clinic in Indirapuram. You can visit the website of https://www.twachaaclinic.com/ to explore all the treatment options available for your hair, skin and body. Some of the useful services that you can avail at the clinic of the best dermatologist in Indirapuram are the following:
Chemical Peels: A very cost-effective treatment option in quick healing of skin by removing the acne lines, scars and any pigmentation effect.
Botox: An anti-ageing treatment option to remove excessive forehead lines and frown lines. It is not a surgical treatment and can be done quickly with a noticeable positive impact within a week.
Plasma Therapy: It’s for your hair. If you are losing hair, you can have them back from where you are losing. Based on the treatment through tissue regeneration using your own plasma from the blood, the therapy helps in the growth of new hair, and improving the density of your hair as well.
Microdermabrasion: It is a treatment therapy for helping you get rid of scars caused by acne, and other lines appearing on your skin. It is 100 per cent non-surgical treatment and no beams and chemicals are used for the treatment. It can be done within an hour using crystals of oxide of micro aluminum without any side-effects.
Best Dermatologist in IndirapuramBesides the above mentioned treatment options, you can have other options including Mesoglow, Photo facial, Fillers, Dermaroller, hair removal through lasers, and body contouring etc. These multiple options are available at the facility of the best dermatologist in Indirapuram. For more information and clarity on the treatment options and assistance, you can visit https://www.twachaaclinic.com/
Categories: Dermatologist
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drmeghamodi · 1 year
Giving your skin health and radiance - Dr. Megha Modi
The importance of healthy skin:
Our skin is something that most of us take for granted because we don’t realize the important role that it plays in our bodies. We have to always keep in mind that the skin is by far the largest sensory organ in our body and is vital for our survival. That is the reason why we have to take an effort to ensure that maintain our skin in the healthiest way possible. Our skin gives our entire body an appearance of healthiness when it is perfectly smooth and glowing. Healthy skin is necessary for us to understand the various sensations that we experience from outside and to allow our body to interpret those sensations. It includes sensations of touch, various temperatures, and even movement. In order to experience all these changes, we have to have healthy skin on our bodies.
In the modern day, more and more people are becoming conscious about making an extra effort to keep their skin healthy. Although most of it is for cosmetic purposes, it ensures that their skin is well cared for. This is why there is an increased demand for a dermatologist in Indirapuram because these days people are on the lookout for expert advice when it comes to maintaining healthy skin. They want to adhere to a plan that has been set up for them by someone who knows what is best for them.
How a dermatologist can help you:
A dermatologist in Indirapuram is someone who has qualified to be a doctor and has specialized in the field of dermatology. That means the study of the skin. Therefore they spend most of their time, dealing with patients who complain of various skin problems, and they have consequently become experts t dealing with different issues related to the skin. That is why you need to seek out specialist advice when you are worried that you may be suffering from a skin problem because a skin specialist will be able to tell you exactly what the problem is and also be able to help you deal with it in a precise manner because they know exactly what the underlying problem is.
Your dermatologist in Indirapuram will also be able to customize the treatment plan according to your needs, because not all people can be given a routine treatment plan for the same skin condition, a lot of different factors have to be taken into account when preparing a treatment plan for the different skin conditions, and this is why expert advice and input becomes critical. A skin specialist will be able to customize a treatment plan for you, so that you will be able to derive the best results in the shortest possible time, making you feel a lot better. So when you think you have a skin problem that needs to be dealt with by a doctor, do not hesitate to seek out a skin specialist, because you will be amazed at the results it will produce.
Tag =  dermatologist in Indirapuram, Skin doctor in Vaishali, Skin care in Vasundhara
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Dispense With Painful Experience With Laser Hair Removal Treatment In Vasundhara
Many people are worried of the painful experience of traditional hair removal using methods like shaving and waxing etc. They often are on the lookout for some process that is painless and easy for the user. One such methodology is laser hair removal treatment. In fact; laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara can be the solution for such people.
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An Option Worth Considering
For people looking for smooth and painless hair removal processes, laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara is a method worth the try. It is like replacing the traditional surgical treatment with a painless and convenient option for the patient concerned.
What is Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly used methods in use by millions of people today. In laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara the hair care specialist uses the most advanced and developed technologies such as beaming highly concentrated lights into hair follicles. The lights enter into hair follicles and destroy the hairs the person wants to remove.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
There are several benefits of laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara. Major benefits of the treatment are as follows.
Laser hair removal treatment is beneficial for removing unwanted hair from the face, legs, arms, and other parts of the human anatomy. Unlike shaving and waxing it is possible targeting selective dark as well as coarse hairs but the surrounding skin remains undamaged. In laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara the process of removal is much faster than other methods. The method is able to treat a quarter of skin areas every second.
It is possible treating small areas like upper lips and other delicate areas of the anatomy successfully with laser treatment. Just three to seven sessions of laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara can result in total loss of hair in the affected area. Preparation for Laser Hair Removal Treatment.
Prospective patient needs to take some preparatory steps for laser hair removal treatment. The reason is that despite the conveniences involved and its painless nature the laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara is a medical procedure. It can be risky if not carried out by trained and expert professionals. It is therefore necessary checking the credentials of the treating doctor before performing the laser treatment. The person opting for laser treatment should limit using other conventional methods like plucking, waxing, as well as electrolysis for at least 7-8 weeks before the laser treatment is carried out. The reason is that laser aims at the roots of the hair and they are temporarily removed by use of these methodologies. In addition; it is also necessary avoiding sun exposure for at least six weeks prior to and after going through the laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara.
Just before the treatment the hairs in the area of treatment would be trimmed. There will be only a few millimeters above the surface of the skin. Laser equipments shall be adjusted depending on the color, thickness as well as the location of the hair to be treated and this will make laser hair removal treatment in Vasundhara a comprehensive process.
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drsushmadikhit · 6 months
Increasing the Frequency of Gynaecologist Visits in Indian Culture
Gynaecologist In Indirapuram: In Indian society, it is usual to keep talks about women's health, especially visits to the gynaecologist, discreet and embarrassing for as long as possible. Gynaecologists are essential to women's overall health and wellness, but despite this, there are still negative and often unfair stereotypes about them, and many women are reluctant to see a specialist when they have reproductive health issues. One may observe a similar reluctance among modern Indian women in several areas. Similar hesitation is caused by deeply rooted social norms, cultural taboos, and a lack of knowledge about the significance of gynaecological care.
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Why Is It So Important To Schedule Regular Visits With Gynaecologists?
Normalising gynaecologist visits is a crucial step towards empowering women to take control of their health, talk openly about health problems, and obtain top-notch medical care from the best Gynaecologist In Indirapuram. It also helps to defy social norms.
What to anticipate from your first consultation with an Indirapuram gynaecologist?
If this is your first time seeing a gynaecologist in your area, it's normal to feel nervous and worried. Now is not the time to be self-critical; rather, acknowledge that you are maturing gracefully from a girl to a lady. Talk to the doctor about any concerns you may have about your body at any time. A gynaecologist at a hospital in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, is available to listen to your concerns with your physical, sexual, or reproductive health and to provide you with a personalised treatment plan.
Girls are advised to arrange early gynaecological exams rather than waiting for symptoms of health issues, such as:
painful menstrual cramps
unpredictable periods
acne or oily skin
Unusual weight gain
strange vaginal discharge
The Best Gynaecologist in Vaishali Is Prepared To Help.
Please speak with us about any concerns you may have regarding your health or reproductive health. The gynaecologist at Vaishali provides individualised care to each patient by drawing on her education and expertise. She is committed to achieving excellence, regardless of whether you have seen her for a routine check-up, a reproductive health concern, or a more complex medical issue.
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dr-meghamodi · 2 years
You can expect new hair growth along your existing hair line and improved density, health and texture of your pr-existing hair. Call now for hair treatment in vasundhara, Indirapuram, vaishali.
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drprashantjain · 3 years
Get A Fresh Look with Hair Treatment in Vasundhara Today
Getting an attractive look is easy when you set your mind to it. The hair treatment in Vasundhara is one such treatment that is helping hundreds of people develop their personality overnight. This is an easy technique of hair regrowth and is fast becoming popular with the people who want new hair on their bald pates.
Why is the hair treatment so popular?
Hair treatment in Vasundhara has many takers because it is easy. The treatment does not cost too much and so everyone can afford it. The need to look good is important and everyone feels that. If one can grow the lost hair easily then why not? This is the mood that is making this hair treatment so popular. There is another reason too.
There is no extensive surgery involved. There is no medications other than the regular pain killers. The process is simple and straightforward, everyone can see how it is done. The best thing is that it takes only one or two hours for the entire thing to be over. You do not have any side effects and you can begin washing your head right after the operation. There is no need to wait for the effect or anything. It is done and that is that.
Who can take up the hair treatment in Vasundhara?
The people who can take up the hair treatment is extensive. Old men who lost their hair can use the treatment to get new hair growth again. Since this is a natural regrowth technique, there is no side effect.  The growth occurs on its own and it then makes the person handsome with plenty of hair. Even old women who have lost their hair can undertake this hair treatment. This makes the people regain their lost youth and so people like it very much. The young people who grow prematurely bald too benefit from this treatment. Anyone who needs hair can take this treatment and see the results immediately.
Can the hair treatment go wrong?
It is possible that you go to the wrong place and someone who does not know about the hair treatment does it, then you might end up losing hair instead of gaining it. This is the reason why you must go to a reputed place such as the hair treatment in Vasundhara and you will never need to worry. They will take diligent care of you and make sure you get your hair again. So, make sure you do not go to the wrong place or book your appointment with the wrong agents.
The therapy is new and has extensive applications in many medical fields. However, in the field of hair growth, it is being widely adopted by all the people with enthusiasm. The reason is the enormous success of the treatment and the way it is over in an hour or so. This makes it so popular with the customers.  Being scientifically proven, the method helps you get the best value of your money.
Begin your new life with plenty of hair today.  Call the dermatologist and book your appointment today.  You will be happy for all time.
Tags- Dermatologist in Vasundhara Dermatologist in Indirapuram Skin Doctor In Indirapuram
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twachaaclinicworld · 4 years
Common skin conditions encountered by the dermatologist in Vasundhara
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As a dermatologist in Vasundhara, we come across a wide range of skin conditions which people want to get rid of. Amongst these, there are a few conditions which we encounter more often than not, because these are the conditions which commonly trouble people. And we believe that a little extra knowledge regarding these common conditions will help people understand it better and allow them to deal with it in a specific manner, instead of trying various methods which may or may not succeed. These common skin conditions include:
It is by far the commonest skin conditions that people world over complain about. This is a condition where the hair follicles present in your skin become clogged up with dead cells and oil, giving rise to various presentations such as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. It is not necessary that this condition affects only the skin of the face, because hair follicles are present all over the body, but the oiliest areas of the body tend to be the skin of the face, chest and upper back, therefore it can commonly be seen in these areas. The dermatologist in Vasundhara offers you a variety of treatment options that can help you get rid of stubborn acne from your skin.
Although this condition may clear up with self-care and home remedies for some people, others may require specialist treatment in order to help them clear up their skin.
Pigmentation disorders:
Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are two problems which most people fear, because they either give you dark colored patches on your skin or light colored patches on your skin, both of which are very obvious and for most people very unsightly. Such conditions include melisma, post inflammatory pigmentation, freckles and lentigenes. Hyperpigmentation results from the deposition of excessive amounts of melanin on your skin, and as a dermatologist in Vasundhara we can help you get rid of these blemishes, using a wide variety of treatment options. Vitiligo is condition that brings about the development of hypo pigmented patches, and even though most people think it to be contagious and untreatable, it neither of those. With advances in dermatological treatments, even vitiligo can be managed by your dermatologist in Vasundhara.
Stretch marks:
This problem is also becoming increasingly common in the modern times, because more and more people are concerned with weight loss, and you see many people undergoing dramatic weight loss during a short span of time. Although stretch marks will be seen with both weight loss and weight gain, it is more obvious with weight loss. This can rapidly lead to wrinkling and sagging of skin. And if you are looking for ways and means of making your skin look younger, then head over to the dermatologist in Vasundhara for the right solutions.
Eczema/Urticaria/Skin Allergies:
Commonly affects children, and gives rise red, inflamed patches of skin which is itchy and begins to ooze when there is flare up. Eczema is a chronic condition whereas urticarial and allergies tend to be more short lives reactions. They can be difficult to live with, especially since they are itchy, but there are treatment options available in order to either reduce the level of discomfort or cure it altogether.
Is a chronic condition where you develop dry scaly patches dispersed across your skin. Again psoriasis can be very unsightly, the reason behind why people want a cure from it. Since it affects the skin of the scalp as well, it can lead to hair loss, which again psychologically affects the individual.
We have come to realize that even though these conditions are common, most people don’t know a lot about them. Hopefully this helps to give you a better idea of what you are dealing with.
Tags = Best Skin Doctor in Vasundhara, Skin Specialist in Vasundhara, Dermatologist in Vasundhara
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healservdoctors · 5 years
Iron deficiency in blood
Those Symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood. Often the reason behind excessive fatigue in women is lack of hemoglobin and hemoglobin is made up of 2 words, heme and globin in which heme means iron and globin is a type of protein i.e. if there is deficiency of iron in blood So hemoglobin will not be able to perform its function properly and as a result of this many symptoms will appear in the body.
Hemoglobin gives red color to the blood and also performs the important function of transport of oxygen. The problem of low hemoglobin is found more in women than men, so you should also know about the changes in the body and the symptoms of iron deficiency. So, let us know today about the symptoms that appear in the body due to a lack of iron in the blood. Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
 Symptoms of iron deficiency in blood
Staying tired - It is often assumed that fatigue can occur due to excess work but if you start feeling tired even after doing a little work then do not ignore it as it can be a sign of iron deficiency. So get a blood test done after consulting your doctor.
Feeling nervous - You know that if the flow of oxygen in the body is not done properly, a lot of problems can arise and this happens when the function of hemoglobin is interrupted due to lack of iron. In such a situation, there is a feeling of nervousness, instead of ignoring it, iron tablets can be taken after consulting a doctor.
Shaking the feet - Shaking the feet is not considered a good habit, so we often stop each other from doing this, but this habit can also be a sign of iron deficiency in the body because research suggests that if the blood If there is a deficiency of iron, we are unable to control the feet and we begin to move the legs unconsciously.
Breathing - Even if you start breathing in normal daily activities, do not consider it normal. You're breathlessness while climbing stairs or working means a lack of iron in the blood. In this case, pay immediate attention to this so that this problem can be overcome.
Fade on the face - Doctors check the red part under the eyes because by doing this they get to know the level of hemoglobin in your body. Hemoglobin gives red color to the blood, which also makes the face look red, but if the face is beginning to fade then visit your doctor before changing your skin products as it may be due to lack of iron in the blood. Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
More pain in periods - There will be more pain in periods, so stop thinking that because of this, iron deficiency can also happen. If there is excess bleeding during periods, there may be a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood due to which the pain may increase. In such a situation, do not miss consulting a doctor.
Beating fast - Every part of the body needs a sufficient amount of oxygen and hemoglobin performs the task of transporting oxygen to every part. But if there is a deficiency of iron, the oxygen does not reach the heart in sufficient quantity, due to which the heart beats with breathlessness.
Staying Headache - If you also believe that the cause of headache is simply excess of work and lack of rest, they also know that it can also be due to lack of iron because the brain also needs enough oxygen, which is very high. Due to deficiency, hemoglobin is not delivered, due to which there is a complaint of headache.
Hair loss - Hair loss is considered to be the most common thing, but this common-looking thing also points towards many problems, one of which is iron deficiency. So if your hair starts falling more, they also pay attention to the signs of iron deficiency.
Desire to eat strange things in pregnancy - During pregnancy, the amount of iron in the body is often reduced due to which women feel like eating things like chalk, mud, paper, and ice.
It is very important for the body to have the proper amount of all the nutrients and if there is a deficiency or excess of any element then our body starts to respond immediately which can be avoided if it is understood in time. Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave Now you know the importance of iron and in such a situation, pay attention to the signs of your body and if there are signs of iron deficiency, consult a doctor and include foods containing iron in your diet.  Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare
Visit our website to get more details about HealServ-
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lindaksienkauthor · 5 years
What, Why, How: Vasundhara Tolia
“When I thought about retiring from my Pediatric Gastroenterologist career, my biggest dread was what would I do?” What, Why, How: Vasundhara Tolia
I was born in Kolkata, India and received an excellent education there. I became a doctor and I traveled across half the world to get further training in medicine to US. Initially, I always thought I would return to India, however, this country insinuated itself under my skin to such an extent that it became home. I have faced a lot of unique challenges and opportunities that have…
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letsletsdoctor-blog · 5 years
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drmeghamodi · 1 year
Types of chemical peels and why they are necessary - Dr. Megha Modi
Chemical skin peel treatment in Vaishali, Vasundhara & Indirapuram
Once we are exposed to environmental toxins, sunlight, and other irritants, they continue to harm our skin. These factors can contribute to visible signs of ageing, acne, sun damage, and other skin issues over time. Wearing sunscreen, using antioxidant serums, and getting regular skin checks can help slow the ageing process and keep your skin healthy and looking its best. However, there may be times when more aggressive treatment is required to address your specific skin concerns, and that is when medical-grade chemical peels can help you.
These chemical peels can only be obtained from a licenced medical provider. A medical-grade chemical peel can be used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne, and uneven skin tones, among other things. Â A chemical peel may be able to help improve the appearance of your skin, if you've tried other treatments and had little to no success.
A chemical peel removes layers of skin with a chemical solution, revealing the more youthful skin beneath. The new skin is usually smoother and has fewer lines and wrinkles, as well as a more even colour and a brighter complexion. The depth of your peel and the type of skin condition treated are determined by the different chemicals used.
What conditions are treated by a chemical peel?
Chemical peels are used to treat specific skin conditions or to improve your appearance by improving your skin's tone and texture.
Chemical peels are most commonly used on the face, neck, and hands. They can help improve or reduce:
- Wrinkling, fine lines under your eyes or around your mouth.
- Specific types of acne.
- Minor scarring
- Age spots, liver spots, freckles, and uneven skin colouring
- Precancerous scaly patches
- Dry skin, scaly patches, and a dull complexion.
- Dark spots.
How are chemical peels performed?
Different chemical solutions produce different outcomes. The depth of your peel will be determined in collaboration with your dermatologist. This joint decision may vary depending on your skin's condition and treatment goals.
- A light chemical peel, which is often done in series, provides subtle improvement over time. In this peel, the skin's outermost layer is removed. If you have fine wrinkling, acne, uneven skin colouring, or dry, rough sun-damaged skin, this option can be chosen to promote a healthy glow. The recovery time following this peel can range from a few hours to a few days, with little to no downtime.
- A medium chemical peel gives your skin a smooth, youthful appearance. In this peel, the upper part of your middle skin layer and the outermost layer is removed. If you have uneven or moderate skin discoloration, age spots, acne scarring, or fine-to-moderate wrinkles, this option may be recommended to you. This type of peel may take a week or more to heal and may necessitate some downtime.
- A deep chemical peel provides the most dramatic results. This chemical penetrates your skin's lower middle layer. A deep peel requires more recovery time. This option is recommended if you have moderate lines and wrinkles, extensive sun damage, deep acne scars, blotchy skin, and/or actinic keratosis, which are precancerous growths. Pre-treatment for a deep chemical peel can last up to eight weeks. Specific instructions will be provided by your doctor. If applied to your face, a deep chemical peel is a one-time treatment with significant downtime.
Why should you have your peel done by a medical professional?
While at-home chemical peels are available, we do not recommend them. They are not only less effective, but they also carry a higher risk of side effects and complications. One can face serious side effects from chemical peels if they are not performed by an experienced person.
A chemical peel is a medical procedure that should be performed only by a licenced medical professional. When done correctly, a chemical peel can produce stunning, long-lasting results. We at Ghaziabad, have a team of dermatologists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who are well-trained to perform his procedure with perfection.
Tag = Chemical skin peel treatment in Vaishali, Chemical peel treatment in Indirapuram, Best Skin Doctor in Vasundhara, Skin Specialist in Indirapuram
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elawoman123-blog · 6 years
Dr. Anshuman Kumar | Best Brain Cancer Doctors in Delhi | ElaCancer
Dr. Anshuman Kumar is extraordinary among different Oncologists in Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi. He has been a practicing Oncologist for quite a while. He has done MS General Surgery , MBBS. He is at present sharpening at Dharamshila Hospital And Research Center.
Dr. Anshuman Kumar is a remarkable and seen Oncosurgeon of India. In the wake of completing his Graduation from Patna Medical College and Post graduation in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University, he did M.Ch in Oncosurgery from Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (GCRI) Ahmedabad. He was allowed Gold Medal for his academic significance every through hello calling. He has moreover done MRCS from U.K (Edinburgh). His phenomenal zone of excitement for development therapeutic techniques are Head and neck and throat harm medicinal systems. Best Brain Cancer Doctors in Delhi With more than 12 extensive stretches of clinical association in watchful oncology, Dr. Anshuman has made diverse clinical and cautious techniques and tradition for organization of complex tumors. He once in a while drives hands-on ventures and passes on addresses all around on development organization. He successfully appreciates media chitchats for the best in class issues related to tumor.
Dharamshila Hospital And Research Center (DHRC) has cooperated with Narayana Health and the new name of our hospital is Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital (A unit of Dharamshila Cancer Foundation And Research Center). Best Cancer Hospitals in Delhi is a State-of-the-Art multispeciality hospital with world class helpful structure and an Expert Team of Highly Skilled Super Specialists giving Comprehensive Medical Care in Several Specialities including Oncology, Cardiology, Neurology, Urology, Gastroenterology, and Orthopedics. Long legacy of trust, more than two numerous long periods of experience and Innovative Treatment Approaches has made our hospital a fundamental and favored objective for remedial treatment in India. Barely any Pioneering Steps into the credit of Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital (A unit of Dharamshila Cancer Foundation And Research Center) is North India′s First Cancer Hospital accused in 1994 of 300 beds, with a comparable objective of making Cancer Care Available, Accessible and Affordable.
Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital is First Cancer Hospital of India to get NABH Accreditation in 2008 for giving quality restorative administrations organizations. Our Laboratory Services are moreover authorized by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). Dharamshila Narayana is the principle hospital in India, given accreditation by National Board of Examination (NBE) for the Diplomate National Board (DNB) Program in restorative and cautious oncology.
Brain tumors are sorted by where the tumor started, its example of development and whether it is amiable or cancerous. The tumor is additionally reviewed by its level of danger and its odds of developing and spreading. There are roughly 130 unique kinds of brain tumor. Names of the more typical assortments include: gliomas (astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas and blended cell compose gliomas) meningiomas, medulloblastomas and focal sensory system lymphomas.
A tumor that begins in the brain is an essential brain tumor. Essential brain tumors might be gathered into "benevolent" and "dangerous" tumors. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), astrocytoma, medulloblastoma and ependymoma are precedents of essential brain tumors.
A favorable tumor comprises of moderate developing cells, more often than not has unmistakable outskirts, and infrequently spreads. Treatment or potentially medical procedure is regularly powerful, in any case, if a kindhearted tumor is situated in a fundamental territory of the brain, it tends to be considered hazardous.
Harmful brain tumors change broadly both in the manner in which they develop and the manner in which they react to treatment. Some are conveniently contained inside a container (epitomized) and generally simple to expel. Others have long, thin fibers spreading through the brain, similar to the underlying foundations of a plant.
Metastatic brain tumors start as cancer somewhere else in the body and spread to the brain. All metastatic brain tumors are dangerous since they start as cancer somewhere else in the body. Most regular metastatic brain tumors begin in the lung, bosom, colon (inside), or skin (melanoma).
Youngsters are diverse to grown-ups—their bodies and brains are as yet creating. Their tumors are diverse as well. The most widely recognized youth brain tumors are not the same as the most well-known grown-up brain tumors.
Despite the fact that uncommon, brain tumors are the most well-known type of strong tumors among youngsters under 
the age of 15.
Youth tumors often show up in various areas and carry on uniquely in contrast to brain tumors in grown-ups. Treatment choices shift contingent upon the sort of tumor and age of the kid. Kids with tumors may likewise have a vastly improved anticipation than grown-ups with a comparable condition.
An event of cancer tumors in the brain cells prompts brain cancer. Essential brain tumors are named after the brain tissue compose from where cancer creates. Diverse names and kinds of brain cancers mirror the distinctive cells in the brain that can wind up cancerous. Albeit kindhearted or non-cancerous, tumors can influence the brain working, and the review of cancer decides the seriousness. Any irregular development of cells in the brain is known as a brain tumor. It is vital to comprehend that not all brain tumors are cancerous.
A considerate tumor does not attack the encompassing tissues or spread to different zones. It is the cancerous or dangerous tumors that take the supplements, blood, and space of the solid cells, and can likewise spread to different parts of the body. Regular brain tumors are gliomas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, vestibular schwannomas, and crude neuroectodermal tumors (medulloblastomas). Best Brain Cancer Hospitals in Delhi with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy
Meningioma is cancer that emerges from the meninges, the covers of the brain and spinal rope. These are typically moderate developing cancers and can be one of three evaluations. Medical procedure is normally the treatment, anyway radiation treatment is frequently utilized.
Pineal Tumors are a blend of tumors and cancers that happen close or around the pineal organ. Pineal tumors represent 1 percent of all brain cancers. The pineal organ is somewhere inside the brain and creates melatonin. There are a few kinds of pineal tumors, some are cancerous. Some pineal tumors are quickly developing. Medical procedure might be suggested for these tumors.
Pituitary Tumors influence the pituitary organ and happen in 12 to 23 percent surprisingly. Pituitary tumors represent around 10 percent of all brain tumors. The pituitary organ is situated at the base of the brain and is in charge of hormones, development, and digestion. Medical procedure is regularly improved the situation these tumors and additionally radiotherapy.
Schwannomas are tumors from schwannoma cells. Schwannoma cells frame the myelin sheath that spreads and secures the nerves. Schwannomas are normally generous and represent 10 percent of all brain cancers. There are a few kinds of schwannoma tumors. One more typical compose is an acoustic schwannoma. This is a considerate tumor of the nerve for hearing. Medical procedure is the essential treatment. There might be numerous schwannoma tumors. For this situation, medical procedure might be trailed by radiation treatment.
Essential Central Nervous System Lymphoma is cancer that emerges from lymphocytes, a sort of white platelet. Lymphomas of the brain are a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer that happens in the body and frequently in relationship to lymph hubs. These cancers are as a rule close to the ventricles of the brain. There might be numerous tumors. Metastasis or spread of this tumor is very normal.
Optional or Metastatic Cancers will be cancers begin from cancers in different organs of the body. For instance, lung or bosom cancer can spread to the brain. These cancers are treated with medical procedure, chemotherapy, or potentially radiation treatment. If you want to get more details about Best Cancer Doctors in Delhi at Elacancer.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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dr-meghamodi · 2 years
Twachaa Clinic provide Tattoo Removal treatment In Vasundhara, Indirapuram, Vaishali and Ghaziabd. Extremely short pulse, Q-switched (QS) laser systems can successfully lighten or eradicate a variety of pigmented lesions.
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twachaaclinicworld · 4 years
Hair Loss (Alopecia) and Hair Treatment
Hair Treatment is one of the medical solutions many people both men and women are seeking today, to overcome the condition of hair loss.
Dermatologists in Delhi are specialized in offering following hair treatments:
Recommending conventional medicines
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment
Lavatron Radio Frequency (RF) therapy
Stem Cells therapy
Benefits of Hair treatment using above methods:
Hair is part of our outer beauty and no doubt everyone likes to have healthy hair. However, many conditions trigger hair loss finally requiring hair treatment with the assistance of a dermatologist.
Worries over hair loss could be overcome using the right treatment recommended by good doctors. Dermatologists in Indirapuram are specialized in offering successful hair treatments that help you to –
Reduce hair loss
Regain lost hair
Nourish hair and recover hair health
Conditions requiring Hair TreatmentStress:
Each day of life is challenging and we have hundreds of worries. This stressful life has brought many diseases and hair loss is also an effect. Our hair has 3 life stages:growth, resting and shedding. Stress brings shedding stage of hair life sooner.
Imbalanced diet:
Iron, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Omega 3, Zinc and Selenium are few of the important nutrients for healthy hair. On the other hand, over-consumption of a particular nutrient such as vitamin A could trigger hair loss.
Puberty, Pregnancy and Menopause:
Hormonal changes during important stages in a woman’s life causes many to lose hair. Although, mostly lost hair is regained after hormone settlement, there are women for whom lost hair is lost forever.
Anemia is the result of iron deficiency in the blood and common symptom of anemia is hair loss. Researches indicate every 1 in 10 women aged between 20 and 49 are affected by this disorder, caused by lack of iron consumption or genetics.
Thyroid malfunction:
If the gland in the neck that produces an important hormone ‘thyroid’ does not function actively to produce adequate hormone, it impedes the growth and development of hair. Common symptom of thyroid malfunction is hair loss.
Overactive Immune system:
This condition is also called ‘alopecia areata’ or ‘autoimmune related hair loss’. Immune system at rare instances is overactive in few persons, which also recognizes hair as foreign and causes hair loss.
Sudden Weight loss:
We have noticed few people over-eating and then dieting to lose weight at once. Trying to lose weight without proper planning on diet makes the body miss vitamins and minerals, which could also cause hair loss.
Over dosage of Drugs:
Using certain drugs such as antidepressants and blood thinners for longer period leads to hair loss. Certain medications such as Chemotherapy to fight against cancer affect hair instantly by breaking the hair cells into multiple.
Cell weakening with aging changes the hair color and also causeshair loss. Today, hair ages sooner than the person ages and we see many bald headed men or thin haired women very common.
Let it be any condition discussed above, Dermatologists in Indirapuram are experienced to solve them through the right hair treatment.
Tags: Hair Treatment in Indirapuram, Skin Doctor Clinic in Indirapuram
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