#skills and deb
sleepnoises · 7 months
okay as we may know i'm a longtime enthusiast of the work of deb smittenkitchen. my boyfriend, the guy in this relationship who actually likes to cook and is good at it, loves kenji foodlab. they are starting a podcast together and we are losing our minds
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thekenobee · 23 days
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I'm one chapter in so far, yet Patrick O'Brian's echoes are very much present nonetheless for we've got:
Introduction of a fair-haired, kind-hearted Post Captain? JACK, IS THAT YOU?!
Cpt Chase referring to Sharpe as 'particular Friend' HELLO STEPHEN MATURIN?!
Slice of Life???
Mentions of Lord Nelson (Beloved)
Mention of fourteen inches for a hammock Beloved
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praesaepe · 2 months
thinking abt dexter and how i really didn't understand the ending as a teen but as im watching thru it now as an adult i think im getting it more. ill have to see how i feel when i actually get there (im only on s4) but i think im starting to understand
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 months
Such a beautiful moment! 🥹 Lucas started off as an outcast who had NO ONE and built up a community of ride and die friends 😭
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liesyousoldme · 8 months
skills you can NOT tell nathan you are “doing freaky things” to his mom PLEASE
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dementedspeedster · 9 months
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"Why? Why are you like this?"
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"Pleas sign up for a cooking class. Also why are there no layers??? At least proportionate out correctly!"
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oth-caps · 1 year
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randomsufff · 11 months
I’m back Michie girlies and this has been on the dome for a while but I’ve been seeing people mention it and at least one fic has executed this idea (“I once was his tutor” I salute you 🫡) but I need to just present this idea anyways because it has COOKED for a while-
I think it would be absolutely fucking hilarious if Max had started treating Richie the way he did Grace. Like the whole, dumb himbo act where he laughs real hard at non-jokes and tries to rizz Richie up as he’s going to class.
In my head- this is connected to the “Richie tutors Max” universe, so in my mind- Richies been helping him out and he’s been getting to know the guy, Max either: 1) eventually realizes how much of a capital P Prude Grace is OR (the funnier option I think) 2) Grace, in her want to get thoughts of Max Jäegerman out of her head, goes so far in the opposite direction that she somehow accidentally sleeps with a woman and is no longer “forbidden fruit” as Max puts it. (Insert side story of Grace battling internalized homophobia as she developed a friends-with-benefits turned maybe actual relationship with…. idk Deb or Alice or someone.) Cue Max looking at Richie and being like “I can totally seduce this nerd, my skills aren’t lacking just because I couldn’t get Grace.. this is 100% not me subconsciously really liking the dude and wanting to genuinely date him and knowing no other way to outwardly express this”
ANYWAYS- point is I need Max to try to flirt with Richie in that himbo way that he did with Grace-and I need Richie “This projects on thermodynamics… what the fuck are you talking about???” Lipshitz to just be constantly confused on what’s happening to him.
AND THEN when he finally realizes that Max is trying to get with him, I need Mr. Richie “has definitely never been with or slept with anyone and is just as unhinged and horny as Ruth (need I remind you she said Stephanie was the object of both their sexual fantasies)” Lipshitz to look at Max, really debate over it, before going “I may not have standards but I, unfortunately, have morals” and that he couldn’t do anything with Max since he was… well…his and his friends bully for years.
Boom, kick start the redemption arc that starts with Max just wanting to sleep with Richie but shifts to genuinely wanting to date him and trying to open up/clean up his act.
(Also- to add to that ‘“Dirty Girl Soup” Richie version’ concept that I’ve seen somewhere- I think it would be so fucking funny if Max’s equivalent to this, scandalous, forbidden, sexual fantasy was just Richie being the most supportive, understanding and healthiest boyfriend ever. Just accidentally fantasizing them in the most domestic situation ever (you know, because it goes against his Literal Monster persona). Like Richie’s, i don’t fucking know, holding his hand as they get coffee together and is just so understanding and calming when Max attempts to bully this fantasy Richie, and Max-who is just swimming in toxic masculinity (but is super ok in knowing he’s bi. As people say- he’s an actual asshole but he will bully you using your correct pronouns damnit)- is just like “NO, what are these feelings??? Why do I feel like this??? This is so wrong… but why does this feel… actually nice???” Yeah… funny shit)
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must be love - a Steve Harrington imagine
summary: just a shorter imagine about a reader who works at a diner and Steve comes in with the rest of the friendship group (which you’re also part of). There’s a mutual pining between Steve and reader and eventually Steve decides to do something about it, just a lil fluffy imagine which got me going
warnings: brief descriptions of food and eating
word count: 2.5k
notes: shout out to one of my fave SNL skits of Debbie Downer thx for playing a small part in this imagine. if anyone has any ideas for an imagine plsss request i’d be happy to do some requests !! have a great day :) master list here
                                                   ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
“Have a great night, guys!” You call as the most miserable family you’ve ever served in your entire time of being at the diner slumps out the door. A small laugh escapes your lips, almost in disbelief at what you’ve just put up with, as you start to clear their plates. Clinks of metal cutlery scraping fired ceramic plates fill your ears as you gather everything in an impressive stack. Guiltily, you take the gracious tip they’ve left you and you suddenly feel awful for whining to yourself about how unpleasant they’d been. 
Behind the till, you place their cash tip into the tip jar and then take the plates to the back to be washed. The heat of the kitchen still overwhelms you as you place the stack of dirty dishes into the hot sink full of water. “Busy out there, yet?” Deborah, the main pot washer calls out from the break room, her evening drawing out slowly in front of her at the slow stream of customers. 
“Not quite yet, still early though, Debs!” You call back cheerily, behind her back you all call her Debbie Downer, no matter what you say Deborah will reply with something depressing that ultimately kills the mood of the conversation.
Last month, when you told her you’d got a new cat, she had replied, “Feline AIDS is the biggest killer of domestic cats. Hope you got it checked!” 
Pushing back through the swing doors, you see a few more groups had been shown to tables and you were ready to go over to welcome them in. One group you see, is your friends. 
An unsettled feeling stews inside you, you love that they come here to see you, but you hate how it makes you feel pressured. Dustin loves the shakes, Mike and El the burgers, and Steve loves to come just to see you. Not that you know that. You’re partial to a spill of a drink, or a burger to the floor as it slips off the plates as you try to juggle too many, and you do not want Steve to see anything like that. You’ll just have to try not to show off your plate stacking skills this evening. 
Whipping your pad out from the front of your grease-stained apron, you walk to their table and paint a smile on your face, beaming from ear to ear. “Fancy seeing you here.” You approach the table and stand next to Steve, who looks up at you with a small smile painted across his rose-tinted lips. 
“Do you even need your little pad, surely you know my order by now.” Dustin is quick to comment on his food, he must be starving. He didn’t mean it in an asshole way, you’re close enough with each other that you rarely take offence to anything now.  
You guffaw at his request and scribble down his order. Peeking over the top of your pad to see Steve slightly shaking his head and raising his eyebrows at him. “Max?” Your attention goes to Max now, awaiting her order.
“Just a chocolate shake, please.” She offers, sheepishly pushing the menu back towards you. You don’t push her on an order for food, as you know any of the other waitresses would, you just nod and jot down the code for a shake. She’s still recovering from Vecna, and you understand her lack of appetite, which she is grateful for. 
After finally scribbling down the group’s order in your illegible scrawl, which is only decipherable by the chefs, you turn to Steve who’s perched on the end of the booth. “And for you, Steve?” Your pen is ready in between your fingers, and you give him a patient smile. 
He quickly skims the menu, even though he knew what he wanted the minute he walked in. He relays his order to you before gathering up all the menus, making your job easier and quicker. “Thanks.” You take them from his hands and his cheeks flush with colour. He’s aware of the intense rush of heat to his face, as is everyone else at the table. Your heart skips and beats intensely in your chest as you relish in the sight of his flushed cheeks. You know you caused his blush, and it gives you a slight spring in your step as you return to the host stand with their menus, knowing you have the power to make Steve Harrington tint with crimson. 
Whilst his ears are trained into the conversation happening around him, he lets his eyes divert to your whereabouts. He watches intently as you balance the plates with skill before setting them all down on a nearby table, talking to your customers with expressive hands and giving them an effervescent smile before turning and going to attend to another table. He sees how your tongue slips out of your mouth, ever so slightly, in concentration as you place glacier cherries onto the top of a sundae before carrying it to an over-excited child who claps with your arrival. Your smile at the young boy’s happiness and delightful manners stays on your face as you make your way back over to the serving hatch, the bell ringing out continuously with the Friday night rush of families, friends and couples. 
“Dude.” Dustin starts, leaning in closer to Steve as he breaks away from the rest of the conversation. Steve leans in too. “Why don’t you just ask her out already?” The prospect of doing such a thing is enough to bring sweat to the palms of his hands. Noticeably so that he has to rub his palms over his jeans to get the wetness off. His mouth feels dry, so he runs his tongue over the roof of his mouth and swallows what little saliva he has down his throat. “It’s so painfully obvious.” 
“What is?” He quickly retorts, turning his face too fast so it’s left lingering extremely close to Dustin’s. He pulls back slightly and let’s Dustin observe how you make him feel. The slight tinge of pink has returned to his cheeks, and he hasn’t stopped rubbing his palms over his jeans. Dustin just laughs slightly and gives his head a shake before giving Steve an insignificant nod, indicating your return with an armful of their food. 
“Alrighty.” You say as you settle their food down on the table, sliding the plates in the direction of whoever ordered what. The table digs into your stomach slightly as you stretch across to push El’s plate to her in the far corner of the booth, meaning you slightly lean across Steve. “‘Scuse me.” You gently breathe as you pull back, the smell of your perfume lingering after you push back from the table. He quickly inhales, wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and then grabs the cutlery. “Max just let me grab your milkshake, I’ll be right back.” You dust your hands off on your apron as you make your way back to the hatch, collecting Max’s milkshake before ambling back over to their table. “There you go, sweetie.” You turn her shake towards her and her eyes light up, looking at Lucas with wide eyes in admiration at her humongous milkshake. You smile at the pair; glad Max has someone as sweet and caring as Lucas. “Okay, think that’s everything.” Your eyes skim everyone’s plates to ensure you haven’t missed anything. “Can I get you guys anything else? Anymore sauces?” 
Everyone replies with a cacophony of “No” and “Thank you” and you nod at them all, the boys already starting to shovel their food into their mouths as if they haven’t eaten for days. Max seems settled and Steve thanks you again before turning to his plate to eat. 
The next half an hour passes in a blur of sundaes, hamburgers, spilt milkshakes, and grumbles from Deborah as you take in another stack of greased up, ketchup smeared plates. As you stand at the host station placing clean cutlery neatly into white napkins, Steve wanders over to you as he opens his wallet in front of him. You place your hands down on the counter, keeping the napkin well wrapped up in your hands. “Hey!” You beam at him as he approaches. “Was everything okay with the meal?” You finally place the neatened cutlery and napkins into their box and return your full attention to Steve. 
“Was great. Five-star service, too.” The corner of his mouth hooks up into a smile and you reciprocate it broadly. “But I was wondering if I could pay now?”
You nod, taking their order from the small pile of tabs that you keep by the cash register. “Sure, you just wanna pay for yours?” You start keying in the price for Steve’s meal, but he cuts you off.
“No no, I’ll get everyone’s.” His offer is laced with the kindness he exudes, like warmth coming from a mug of coffee on a chilly day. 
Your head tilts to one side and your eyebrows lift slightly, “Steve, that’s awful kind of you but are you sure?” 
He nods, pulling out some cash he’s sure will cover it as he patiently lets you tot up the total for the meals on the register. “I’m totally sure.” He seems nervous, you notice from the corner of your eye his weight keeps shifting from one foot to the other. A small smirk forms on your lips, then quickly dissipates as you get ready to read the total out. 
He hands the cash over without question and tells you to keep the change for the tip jar. “Thank you so much.” You hold the cash in your hands gratefully as you look back at him. He’s still stood behind the host stand, his eyes travelling nervously around you. As you drop the cash into the jar, he leans onto the station with his elbows.
“I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie? After you finish up?” The words tumble out of him quickly, but his question is laced with reluctance, like he’s already prepared himself for you to say no.
You study his features, the soft-hearted nature of him shines through. Him paying for all the kids’ meals and still asking you out afterwards, you feel on top of the world that he’s asked you. You think of how sublime it would be, spending the evening with Steve after work, but you don’t finish up until close tonight and you fear that would be too late for him, making him waste the night waiting for you. Although it would feel anything but a waste to Steve. A feeling of defeat washes over you as you worry this could be the only time Steve asks you to do something, and you fear he will think that you’re making an excuse. “I’m here till close tonight.” The words fall regretfully from your mouth, and you see his features soften with disappointment.
He nods quickly, pursing his lips as he pushes back from the counter, giving it a tap as he readjusts his posture, standing tall. “Oh, yeah. Totally. No that’s fine.” 
“But I could come over, when I’m done? I know it would be late, but I could bring us something to eat, and we could just, I dunno, chill?” 
Inside his chest, his heart soars around like someone has ignited him and soon the sweaty palms return. He came over here expecting you to say no, but he figured it was worth a shot. He did not expect, however, for you to then suggest another idea. His worries and anxieties about asking you now seem so farcical when all along you had wanted the same. 
He’s almost taken aback and has to bring himself back to the reality of being here in the diner, with you. “No, no it wouldn’t be too late. That’d be great.” He taps the counter again, the pair of you just looking over at one another, waiting for someone to speak. The pair of you never run out of things to say, never find it awkward to make conversation, never shut up really. But now, you both stand enthralled at the idea of spending some time together, just the two of you. 
“I’ll pick you up?” He poses the question to you in a gesture of what seems like good will, but it’s really just a way to get to spend more time with you. 
A torrent of emotion as intense as a winding river of rapids course through your veins and rise the temperature of your body, causing your skin to prickle intensely like tiny bolts of electricity hitting your skin. The flow of your emotional river ebbs, the source of the river stemmed as an anxious thought enters your stream of consciousness. You want Steve to see you at your best, not sweaty and smelling of cooking after a five-hour shift. “I will stink of grease.” You admit to him awkwardly. The perfume bottle you keep in your bag is a God send and you hope it will help to mask at least some of the smell.
He puffs air out between his lips and a smile softens across his face. “I really couldn’t care less.” He pushes his hands back from the counter where they’d been resting lazily, his muscles contracting underneath the sleeves of his t-shirt and you eye it quickly. The way the shape contorts and flexes under his skin as he pushes himself up from the counter again makes your eyes widen and your stomach throb. “Pick you up around ten, is that when you finish?” 
“Yes! That sounds great, thank you!” You radiate, your words landing like a verbal high five. 
He turns away, wordlessly, and gathers the kids up to leave. You click a few buttons on the register before finalising the receipt. They all wave and shout goodbyes as they make their way out of the diner, leaving as you turn to see your favourite group of regulars sat waiting for you to go over and take their order.
Outside, the wind turns to a chill and the clouds blow clear, leaving the sky black and bright above them. “So...” Dustin starts, elbowing Steve as they make their way to the car. The rest of the kids making their way to their buses home. “Did it work?”
Steve lifts his chin and laughs, “Quit making it sound like I’ve been doing some sort of experiment.” 
Dustin just rolls his eyes and waits, expectantly. 
“Yeah, it did ‘work’.” His fingers go up into air quotations before twisting the key to start the car with a low growl. “I’m seeing her after work.”
“TONIGHT?!” Dustin jeers in a high-pitched voice that makes his voice box squeal in delight. “Dude, how many times have I told you. She feels the same.”
“You think?” Steve quizzes, passing the conversation back to Dustin. 
“Hell yeah.” Dustin smirks, showing Steve all his ‘pearls’ as Dustin likes to say. “Offering to see you after a shift at the diner?” He tilts his head and brings his eyes down playfully. “Must be love.” His voice exudes sickly sweet confidence and Steve backs out the car park, turning up his radio and rolling the windows down, despite the chill. He drives back happily and hasn’t once tried to deny Dustin’s final remark. 
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sapphicforsarahh · 7 months
best hands i've ever seen
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ship: loubbie x fem!reader
word count: 800+
warnings: dom!loubbie x sub!reader, no smut (yet), dom and sub themes, sexting
synopsis: debbie and lou are looking for a new crew mate for the newest heist plan, that's when you catch their eye.
A/N: let me know what you think of this and whether you'd like a second part!
"Deb, I'm telling you, this girl has some of the best hands I've seen," she whispers to her wife. Both of them watch as you perform magic tricks to people who are stupid enough to fall for them. "Look, watch this," Lou leans forwards from her chair and watches you attentively. Your hands cleverly moved to show the participants correct cards. As they looked at their friends in shock and awe, you confidently slip the gold engagement ring, decorated with a diamond, off this woman's finger and secretively slip it into your pocket, without a single one of them realising.
"Not too bad," Debbie agrees and Lou smirks in return. "A pretty girl too," Lou adds, Debbie hums in agreement. After the bystanders had walked off, it was just you left with Debbie and Lou in the distance. "What do you say Deb?", Lou tries to convince Debbie to consider you, knowing their could be other benefits of having you on the team. "Sure," Debbie says a bit more easily than Lou would've thought. Without another word, Debbie stands up, Lou quick to follow her and the couple begin to approach you.
You're sitting on your bucket, counting your previously 'earned' dollars when you hear an Australian voice grab your attention. "Hey, can I hel-", you look up to see the older couple. Jesus, were they beautiful. All the thoughts in your head disappeared and you somehow managed to mumble out, "is there anything I can do for you ladies?". Debbie chuckles out, "we've got a charmer here."
One of the women stood with a dark, grey trench coat that pretty much hid her entirely black outfit, but still managed for her stiletto heels to stick out. The other, a blonde, stood taller with a sophisticated yet sexy leopard print coat. The dark, green lapels of her blazer were peeking through and you noticed her chest and hands were complimented by stacks of jewellery, most likely 24 carat gold.
"Me and my wife here noticed how skillful you are with your hands," Debbie started, taking off her shades and looking down at you with alluring deep, brown eyes. "We were wondering, if you could help us with something?" Lou added, also taking off her sunglasses, her eyes juxtaposed with her wife, as she met your gaze with light, blue ones.
You clear your throat with anxiousness, wondering what these women had proposed to you. "Uh, what is it?", you finally plucked up the courage to ask. "Come with us sweetheart, we'll explain everything," Lou said, placing her fingertips on your chin, making the power dynamic even greater.
You nod obediently, not wanting to upset these clearly powerful women. Debbie and Lou stand to the side whilst they watch you collect your things. "She's obedient isn't she," Lou chuckled, grabbing onto the lower of her wife's back. "Always a good thing, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Debbie looks at her wife with a raised brow, knowing her full intentions with this girl. As Lou was going to answer, you walked over with your bag on your back and ready to follow these women to wherever they were taking you.
"Let's get going, I bet you're eager to find out what we want, aren't you sweet girl?", Lou teases, walking forward and placing her hand on your back. "Yeah," you managed to squeak out, before the the two women pushed you into the taxi. Debbie sat in the front, whilst Lou got in the back with you. You tried to distract yourself by looking outside the window but you just couldn't concentrate on anything else apart from the insanely good-looking blonde next to you. Finally, you decide to stare at your feet and choose that as the safest option. The sound of Lou's ruffling coat caught your attention but you didn't look up. She took her phone from her pocket and looked at the notification from Debbie.
| Debbie: finish what you were going to say earlier love x.
You silently watch Lou smirk and quickly text back:
| Lou: i was going to say she’d be a good toy x.
she listened to every word we said without questioning it, we could break her in no time x.
Your eyes widened in shock at how these two women were talking about you. I mean would you really want that? Maybe you would!
| Debbie: good call baby, we'll discuss when we're back home x speaking of, i need you to take care of me once we're back i need you so badly honey x
You really try hard to hold back any reaction to the obvious sexting that's occurring in the back of this taxi, and it must've worked because all you hear is a small groan from Lou before she put her phone away.
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @angelick1sses @gmtsu @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30 @blanchettlovebot
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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thewingedswine · 1 year
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The very bottom photo is from the Avatar 2 encyclopedia💕
Part 2 in my “makin avatar shit” series, this is Mark 1 of Neteyam’s choker. I’m not that far along but I’ve already learned some valuable lessons. I made…a LOT of mistakes, but that’s okay! Rome wasn’t built in a day! And I’m also not trying to get an exact copy, I don’t have the skill or the resources necessary to pull that off anyway🤣
Next round I’ll be using matte beads, and they’ll be cylinder, not round. I’ll also be swapping out the crystal fireline for black fireline. I made a good solid decision with the base though, it’s holding up nicely and it’ll pair super well with a leather backing.
(The beads look different colors than the actual piece because of the lighting but they’re pretty accurate in natural light)
In this video, (please watch it if you are a fan of costume design, crafting, LARPing, whatever! It’s so insightful and a big relief to hear that even professionals in the industry are constantly learning and growing!)
Deb Scott mentions the team had to make a normal version and a scaled up version, and now that it’s in my hands, counting the beads and measuring, the beads used in this photo were definitely for the na’vi scaled version because if I had kept the exact bead pattern shown, the top would’ve ended up like half the circumference of my neck.
If you’re looking to make this yourself, any beads smaller than a 6/0 look dumb and they don’t lay out correctly, don’t do it.
This one, even though I’ve altered the bead pattern, is going to end up as a decorative collar for my dog when I’m finished with the neck band(which I’ll also show when it’s finished) because I want the better version for myself because I’m extra like that.
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simspaghetti · 9 months
Simblr Gratitude Day!
Hello! Sorry this is a day late because I was really busy with deadlines over the last few days - I didn't even know this event was going on until I was tagged! 😭😭
I still want to express my love for some wonderful simblrs, and hopefully give you some new recommendations on some great blogs you should be following!! 🥰🥰 rather than clogging up everyone's inboxes a day late, I thought I'd just tag you all here (in no particular order!) <3
@kevinvoncrastenburg - you're such a lovely positive light in this community, I also love your scenery posts, the architecture of your builds looks so realistic and is really inspiring to me!
@erasabledinosaur - you always have such beautiful screenshots, I'm so inspired by your gameplay! Thank you for the work you do on creating reshade presets as well they're always so gorgeous!
@llamaheart - I love how alive your sims feel, they all have really in-depth personalities, I recently read through the Halen lepacy from start to finish and it made me want to start my own!! I'm so inspired by the way that you play :)
@sushiikinsss - you're always so supportive of my blog, if you ever post simblr content i know i would love it, you're so creative!! love you lots 💞💞
@appellosimae - i love the style of your gameplay! it feels so cosy and cute, and i've been reading your lepacy recently and loving it! I really like the fact that you include the premades in your gameplay, it leads to so much drama which is so entertaining!
@hiddengnomes - I'm so so inspired by your gameplay and screenshots, your interior design skills specifically are so on point I'm always striving to make my interiors as good as yours! The way you take screenshots could be an ad for sims 3 honestly, reading through the Maldanos makes me want to play my own game!
@twinsimming - thank you for your hard work making mods they're always such great additions to my game!! I specifically really really loved the acne mod, it's a feature that I'd always wanted in sims 3, I used to roll the chance it would occur and manually place it on my sims before your mod came along, so it really revolutionised the way that I play in such a good way! haha
@thesweetsimmer111 - you have created some of my favourite mods for sims 3, I'm so grateful for the work that you do and I use all of them in my game!! I specifically love how fluid the animations are and how they all feel like a really natural addition to the base game <3
@horusmenhosetix - there's not many cc creators like you making maxis-match content for sims 3 anymore, and I use so much of your cc in my game because I LOVE the way it looks! I really appreciate the work that you do for the community!! thank you for your hard work and your beautiful creations <3
@nectar-cellar - thank you for your beautiful cc and tutorials, i've learned so much from your tutorials on how to take good looking screenshots and set up amazing looking lighting, I also love the way that you create sims! They always look like real people because of how unique and detailed their faces are, I'm so inspired by your style!
@faeriefrolic - your sims are SO cute omg, i'm loving reading the jam legacy and the way that you create so much drama with your sims, it's something I'm trying to incorporate more of in my gameplay because I feel like I stray away from having any conflict, but I love how there's deaths, romance and so many emotions flying around in your gameplay! It makes it feel so much more real, dynamic and entertaining to read! <3
@obscurus-noctem - every time a post of yours pops up it looks like a totally different game than sims 3, I'm so in awe of the way that you're able to create sims to be so detailed and compose screenshots to be so beautiful - i LOVE deb belinski as well she's such an icon
@sim-songs - thank you for your gorgeous maxis-match cc, i also love your gameplay style, the composition of colours on your screenshots makes them feel like a cosy warm hug and i love that your sims have such unique faces, it makes them feel like real people!
@magiclabs - i love the way that you take screenshots, they're always so colourful and cosy - I love the Fitch legacy, your gameplay is so maxis match and cute it always makes me wanna go on a cc shopping spree and then go play my own game! The way that you decorate lots is also so detailed and inspiring <3
@papermint-airplane - your scenery screenshots are just so incredibly beautiful, i also love the dialogue on your gameplay posts it feels so realistic and is always so funny! you're such a warm light in the community <3
@mosneakers - the Darling legacy will always be such a big inspiration behind my gameplay - the way that your sims look so eccentric and your screenshots feeling so magical has always been something that i strive for in my own gameplay - your incredible storytelling abilities are also unmatched, whenever i read through your stories they always manage to pull at every different emotion in me! <3
@frostedshore - i LOVE your sims style and your gameplay screenshots are always so well composed, i also really like how when you makeover sims you keep their original personalities shining through, your version of Bella Goth specifically is probably my favourite makeover I've ever seen of her - I love how you captured her essence as a femme fatale which is what I've always imagined her as!
@thepettymachine - your gameplay inspires me so much, the trout legacy and the day legacy are some of my favourite gameplays on simblr to sit and read through! Your sims are also always GORGEOUS and I love love love your sims style!
I'm really sorry if I left anyone out, I'm bad at remembering names! But I just wanted to say a really big thank you and send lots of love to anyone who has interacted with my blog at all this year, even though the sims 3 community is small, it has the support and love of so many people it feels so full of joy, I'm sending hugs to all the people who are a part of this wonderful community and am grateful for anyone who enjoys my gameplay / blog in whatever form that takes 💞💞💞
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prozac-shaped-urn · 4 months
ok so super quick the thing i keep saying about deb being a bottom has less to do with her lack of ability or desire to initiate and more of a need/desire to have someone next to her who's as equally capable of initiating TO DO THAT so she doesn't have to. if we're putting a label on that then she's probably a switch-leaning-top. but that's not out of skill set that's out of desire. two entirely different motivations.
it's the caregiver mentality that she developed at 15 when her mother died and she had to start mothering kathy. i'll do a whole meta thing on this later if anyone's interested (i mean i also wrote a fucking fanfic about this too if you'd prefer to read this analysis in porn form) but it just makes so much sense to me that yes! deb is fully able to do the strong stuff!! she's done the strong stuff her whole existence!! she's been the strongest person in the fucking room for DECADES but when she doesn't *have to* then she's much calmer and centered and can joke around and be silly and all the fun things she's never really been allowed to do with anyone except ava and maybe marcus and josefina.
i have to go to be a stage manager now but yeah. from the evidence the show has presented and the lore n shit, i see deborah margesson vance as someone who will take initiative if she sees a need to do so, but would prefer someone else do that because fuck... she's tired of having to be the strongest person in the room.
and my god do i feel that too.
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doublestandardlove · 7 months
my headcanons about the smoke club bc i'm bored
first of all, the club's members:
danny, sof, and deb obv
alice is an honorary member due to being deb's gf, but she doesn't normally smoke with them unless she's real stressed
ziggs was a member before they graduated
ethan was for a while, but left after lex got caught for dealing to the club
ofc lex was an honorary member bc she never actually hung out unless she was dealing. she's not much of a social smoker
steph, obv bc she's not a fucking loser and she was cool enough to hang with the seniors back then. she's still in it as of npmd, but it's less frequent
max, bc he's not a loser either, but he's usually too busy to make it to most meetings
ALSO slightly unrelated headcanon, but max and steph joined the smoke club sophomore year and were really close until they drifted apart a bit the summer of senior year
anywayss these are my headcanons, it's okay if you don't agree, sounds like a skill issue /hj ;)
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(Part 2)
(Part 3)
Posted on July 8, 2022 by Douglas P. Marsh
"The strike was called November 9th, 1903. … The whole state of Colorado was in revolt.” – Mother Jones
It’s well known how, in 1905, the famous “Big” Bill Haywood helped found the Industrial Workers of the World in Chicago with Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, Eugene V. Debs and others. Fewer know that Colorado – specifically the Colorado Labor Wars – was where Haywood and several other wobbly founders forged bonds of solidarity among miners and learned the pitfalls of business unionism. Or, that it’s where Haywood ran for governor, albeit from inside an Idaho jail cell.
And very few know that Colorado’s most successful strike took place under IWW leadership, during an overlooked surge in the union’s influence between 1927 and 1928.
Western Federation of Miners and the founding of the IWW
Approaching the turn of the 20th century, in the American West’s mining industry, big Capitalists were putting the squeeze on Labor and conditions were increasingly mean. Workers from Idaho, Montana and Colorado began organizing and, in 1893, would form the Western Federation of Miners.
WFM’s initial strikes took place in Colorado, with Cripple Creek’s first miner’s strike of 1894, and after that, in Leadville in 1896-1897. Haywood joined the WFM in 1896 as did another of IWW’s earliest members, Adolphus S. Embree, in 1899.
In Idaho, 1899, mine workers, armed and masked, hijacked a train and blew up mining equipment belonging to operators that refused to sign a WFM contract. The equipment was targeted because it was at the cutting edge in mining technology of the time and thus extremely expensive.
The event terrified bosses on both sides of the national border. At the time, Haywood was also in Idaho, while Embree was farther north in British Columbia, Canada, both mining precious metals. Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg declared martial law, convincing President McKinley to deploy soldiers and detaining over a thousand men in a barn without trial.
By 1903, tensions would erupt into what is now remembered as the Colorado Labor War, where employers brought against workers the most systematic use of violence in U.S. labor history. In the face of brutal suppression, miners executed multiple coordinated direct actions in at least six mining towns throughout the state in 1903 and 1904.
Galvanized in these and other struggles in the region, radical factions within the WFM sent delegates to Chicago in June of 1905 to help found a new organization to compete with the American Federation of Labor in uniting workers from different industries.
The IWW was founded as AFL’s radical alternative – staunchly international and anti-capitalist – fiercely critical of the AFL’s privileging skilled labor and its tolerance of nativist sentiments.
Back in Idaho, Steunenberg was assassinated in a bombing outside his Caldwell residence in late December, 1905.
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Colorado and the IWW’s early years
The IWW’s second convention, in 1906, began in open conflict and concluded in schism.
As with many revolutionary organizations, the IWW was internally divided from the outset. Many members drawn from the AFL brought the federation’s reformist tendencies, while WFM dual-carders (workers affiliated with two unions) included members with more conservative beliefs.
“The struggle for control of the organization formed the Second convention into two camps. The majority vote of the convention was in the revolutionary camp. … On the adjournment of the convention the old officials seized the general headquarters, and with the aid of detectives and police held the same, compelling the revolutionists to open up new offices,” – Vincent St. John
A few months after the convention, “Big” Bill Haywood was arrested in Denver at WMF headquarters and transported to Idaho, where he was accused of orchestrating the assassination of former governor Steunenberg. From his Boise jail cell, he won over 16,000 votes for governor of Colorado on the Socialist Party of Colorado ticket while designing WFM posters and reading Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”. By the end of 1907, the WFM would cut ties with IWW, Haywood would leave the WFM in 1908.
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Dual-carding wobblies were likely involved in continuing labor disputes in Colorado, including the infamous Ludlow Massacre of 1914. The IWW had held free speech rallies in Denver in 1912 and 1913, and A.S. Embree was seen during the long strike (1910-1914) which preceded the massacre and other events of the Colorado Coal War.
In 1916, IWW leadership determined to wage a major campaign, authorizing “an appropriation of $2,000.00 be made for organizing the miners of California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Utah, Idaho,” (Proceedings of the Tenth Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World. Chicago, 1916, page 61). Embree and another wobbly, Frank Little, were two of the external organizers sent to the field. They arrived to find the IWW forgotten to most miners and a united front among bosses and government agencies.
The Mountain West and the Fall of the IWW
“Guns, revolvers, machine guns came to Bisbee as they did to the front in France. ‘Shoot them back into the mines,’ said the bosses,”.
“Then on July 12th, 1,086 strikers and their sympathizers were herded at the point of guns into cattle cars in which cattle had recently been and which had not yet been cleaned out; they were herded into these box cars, especially made ready, and taken into the desert. Here they were left … without food or water to die,”- Mother Jones
The United States entered World War I in the spring of 1917. Early that summer, workers with IWW Local 800, fighting for better conditions in Arizona’s copper mines, were ready for action. A.S. Embree had been organizing miners operating out of Bisbee, with another IWW leader coordinating from Phoenix. Just before the strike, the Phoenix offices were moved to Salt Lake City, and Embree was cut off.
Though over 2,000 workers joined the Bisbee strike, a posse of even more assembled on behalf of the bosses and selected 1,200 deportees to load onto a train, later to be dumped in the desert over a hundred miles away. They were held in Columbus, New Mexico for over two months by federal troops who had been on the hunt for Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa.
It was the largest deportation in U.S. labor history.
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After release, A.S. Embree would travel north to copper mine strikes in Butte, Montana where IWW organizer Frank Little was lynched, on August 1, 1917. Little was the second of three early IWW martyrs along with Joe Hill, an IWW songwriter, organizer, and activist executed by firing squad in Utah, in 1915, and Wesley Everest, a former Serviceman and Lumberjack who was lynched by a mob while defending his union hall following the 1919 Seattle General Strike.
Embree had earned a reputation in subsequent strikes in and around Montana as IWW’s “ablest tactician” while also returning to Tucson, Arizona to face down incitement of riot charges over events at Bisbee. He was targeted by federal agents from 1917-1920 who provided evidence to prosecutors in Idaho, where he was sent to state prison from 1921 to 1924 on charges of, so-called, “criminal syndicalism.” 
Disrupting the copper industry during war-time production led in part to the federal government’s overwhelming and devastating attacks on the IWW. These began on September 5, 1917, when state and local forces initiated raids against IWW offices, as well as private residences of the union’s leaders, all across the U.S.
In the end over 150 wobblies were arrested and charged under the then new Espionage Act. IWW co-founder Eugene V. Debs would be arrested in June of 1918 and sent to prison in April 1919 for speaking publicly against the war, “Big Bill” Haywood fled to Russia in 1921, where he would die seven years later at the age of 59.
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I may have already made a post about this but I don't think I have so I thought I'd take the chance. I have these rants or thoughts in my head and sometimes I just have to get them down in writing or I'll be playing it in my head all day lol
I feel like the One Tree Hill writers room went to work and the first thing they said was "This show is not going to be Dawson's Creek and we are going to make that clear at every turn."
The first thing I think about is the Lucas and Haley friendship. They even went out of there way to separate Lucas/Haley from Dawson/Joey by making Haley make disparaging jokes about Dawson and Joey in the Pilot. I really respect the decision to make Lucas and Haley only friends and they never wavered from that. There was never even a second when they hinted that their relationship could be more than friends.
In some ways Nathan and Haley are equivalent from Pacey and Joey in One Tree Hill and they made the decision of getting Nathan and Haley together and then never really breaking them up. Unlike the Pacey and Joey model where there was the stupid love triangle with Dawson and they broke them up and got them together and broke them up again. Pacey and Joey really deserved better writers. Pacey and Joey have some of the best chemistry in TV and the writers did not know how to utilize that treasure.
The female friendships are absolutely atrocious in Dawson's Creek. I mean is there really a female friendship? I mean I guess Jen and Joey but even that was littered with tension most of the time and even after they buried the hatchet Joey would put men above Jen all the time. Like when she started dating the guy who cheated on Jen and then when Jen tried to help her she was really mean to Jen. I blame the writers for that. That is atrocious! Write better female friendships you cowards. In One Tree Hill, the friendships certainly have their ups and downs but you have Haley and Brooke, Brooke and Peyton, Haley and Peyton, Deb and Karen. Every woman on the show has at least one really great female friendship.
The fact that OTH never killed off any of the original teenage characters as in Nathan, Haley, Brooke, Lucas, Peyton, Skills, Mouth. Dawson's Creek just had to be assholes and kill off Jen in the last episode. But I really think giving all of them happy endings was really a concerted effort to be different from Dawson's Creek. And the reason I believe that is that they even brought on James Van Der Beek in a small role where he played a director... kind of a wink to his character in DC and he's talking to Lucas about his book that's going to be turned into a movie. It's something that's so similar to DC. Both Dawson and Lucas wrote books, movies, or TV shows about their lives. James' character has this to say "All right, clear your head, all right? What if Haley... Dies? I'm saying think about it. People love that stuff." You can tell that sometimes the writers are poking fun at some of the Dawson's Creek writing choices and I fully support it lol
The writers on One Tree Hill weren't always great and there was certainly one completely rotten apple in that bunch... cough M*** S****** cough but it really seemed like they went into writing the show with the intentions that it was gonna be better than Dawson's Creek in every way. Now if only there could have been a Dawson's Creek/One Tree Hill crossover and we could have seen Pacey and Joey show up in OTH then it would have been perfect lol
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