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motoroil-recs · 1 year ago
It feels kinda bad when you just don't experience memories often
Most of my fictionkin friends experience memories and stuff but I rarely do so I never know if I'm a canonmate of anybody
And sometimes people will talk about their memories to me and ask if I remember it and I'm like "idk man,,"
LIKEE some stuff could be a memory but also I'm an avid artist, writer, story maker, and daydreamer so like. could be a memory or just my brain being silly yk??
ANYWAYS I wanted to say: anyone who doesn't experience memories are also super valid!! It might feel invalidating because a lot of people do, but that doesn't matter! You're still a valid kin <3
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yesloulou · 8 months ago
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sslsims4lookbook · 1 year ago
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Day 7 @windbrook's Slashed CAS Challenge, Daniel Todd the Skeptic
Daniel Todd want notting more then just stay at home and work on his art commissions, dealing with Trick and Treaters and helping out in his family's candy shop for the 50% off sale of Halloween candies tomorrow, but his cousin, Heather (aka the Academic) keeps insisting that as a senior he should join in for the last Halloween party in his high school year, with a killer hellbent to kill the partygoers and he somehow avoid seeing Ellis's body , he have been more and more skeptic if all happening just a Halloween prank gone wrong until he was stung by bees and fell down from the stair from a trap. knocking him out cold for a while before someone found him and rejoined the rest of the survivors to take down the killer.
"What a crazy mess-up night we have, honestly I wonder why I am still alive after everything." Daniel Todd, one of the known survivors of the Myers High Halloween Party Massacre in his interview with the local news.
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socialistexan · 3 months ago
Absolutely comical that transphobes in both the UK and US have repeatedly pointed at the Cass Review as a justification for withholding care from trans people (not just youth) and blanket bands on social and medical transition-related care.
Even with the Cass Report being heavily weighted towards "trans-skepics" it still doesn't even recommend withholding transition-related healthcare from trans people, including trans youth, and advocates against blanket bans for both social and medical transition for minors
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year ago
Hi, I wanted to ask if you have any advice on how I can find more lesbians around me as a 17 year old (so a minor) and I live in a red very religious state.
I often feel so isolated as a lesbian from my peers who aren’t lesbians, I know a few lesbians but I really want to know more. Since I’m 17 I don’t have the option of dating apps, or some Facebook groups unfortunately. It’s been hard because there’s been multiple times where I resorted to talking to lesbians much older than me due to feeling like my dating poll is so small, and being lonely. I know this is bad, and I don’t want to do that cause I know it is just me being taken advantage of— but sometimes it feels like the only thing I can do. If you have any advice, I’d appreciate it so so much. I love your page and your advice♥️
It is hard as a minor to stay safe and still use the internet to reach out to find other lesbians. Continue to be safe and skepical of strangers.
FInd out if your local library has book clubs and if they support them get help starting a lesbian book club for intergenerational lesbians. This is public and safe and meet only in the confines of the library. The books give you topics to talk about to take off the awkwardness of meeting new people and you can set the demographics to your age or to a wide range.
At 17 you can still often volunteer for local prides, PFLAGS or at other LGBT non profits and they are usually very good about vetting others. HOWEVER if anyone pushes your boundaries or makes you feel uncomfortable report that to the board or the national affiliates right away.
Look on instagram or tumblr for Lesbian zines that are available. These are often produced by the younger crowd and can be free on line or very cheap and they can give you some connections to others around your range of age and shared experiences.
CHeck the meet up app for lesbian gatherings held in public places like coffee shops or small cafes. Reach out to see if they allow 17 yo and if others your age attend. Many older lesbians have neices, daughters, god daughters who are lesbians and attend these kind of casual gathering.
Check on line for lesbian archives (like at a local university or museum) and inquire about volunteering. They are great places to learn untaught history and meet lesbians of all ages who are passionate about preserving and passing on knowledge.
I hope some of these ideas help. Hang in there. You are by no means alone
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gwcndolynhawkcs · 2 months ago
🕛 - our muses run into each other after midnight
"Hm... That's strange..." Gwen looked at her watch and then back at Ambrose skepically. "It's past midnight and you've not changed back into a pumpkin... Perhaps a rat would be more apt though." She teased, a smirk playing across her lips. "Happy New Year, Ambrose." Came the more genuine greeting, a moment later.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 7 months ago
Rolan talking with virion and maybe teaching him some cards and virion talks about the others and not going into detail, just small facts
ough. yeah. i think virion would talk about his home most tbh finally beiong able to tlak about it without immediate skepicism (the otehrs are tryign but he is stiaght up jsut an isekai proteg.) and rolan would talk about galloway and chicago and ouugh . . . . . . . . .
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maverick-jones-writer · 6 months ago
Angsty Scene w/characters Eli and Jaedyn
A/N: so I've had the absolute most fucked week. I'm pissed that my job is trying to suck out my soul, but they can absolutely go fuck themselves. I want to start writing for my book, I have being trying to for three weeks now, and nothing is going to stop me today, not even god.
So, here is some deep angst of my favorite ship in my book, Eli and Jaedyn. I love these two and they are absolutely end game but they absolutely go through shit together so here is one of those moments. Enjoy!
The wooden door made a loud thud as it slammed against the wall. "Tell me it's not fucking true," Jaedyn was shaking so much he could barely see straight. "Please tell me you didn't add Morgan into those plans..."
Eli pinched his nose. "I don't have time for this-"
"You're making time, so answer my fucking question!"
"Jaedyn, please," Eli turned to face him, his face grim. "It's been a long day-"
"No!" Jaedyn walked around the rounded table until he stood inches away from Eli. "You're not doing this, not to me. You can spare me five fucking minutes to explain why Morgan, a thirteen year old girl, is being placed in fucking battle plans!" He took a step closer, "You owe me that."
Eli took a deep breath. "I know you're upset, and I know you want to protect her since you have all these years. But you haven't been here. While you've been unconscious the last eight months, we've been dealing with this crisis and Morgan-" he closed his eyes tight and tsked. "She growing up, Jaedyn. She's grown up a lot while you've been recovering. You don't-" he chuckled darkly. "You don't know what she has put us through these past eight months."
"Oh my fucking God, if I hear one more fucking time about how 'I don't know the situation' because I was in a FUCKING COMA-"
"But you don't!" They were face to face now. "You don't understand what these past eight months have been like for me! Not only is every single person in the world looking to me now that Amon's experimental failure is affecting every single nation, Morgan started spiraling out of control. She's-" he huffed. "She's breaking into the training rooms at night, Jaedyn! Every. Single. Night. We put up precautions, she gets around them-"
"Fuck, Eli! Put up better fucking barriers!" Jaedyn threw up his hands. "I can't believe you're defending this. Thirteen, Eli. She's thriteen. I don't care how fucking talented she is or what catastrophe is happening in the world-"
Eli slammed Jaedyn against the wall, their noses brushing. His gaze was hot and fierce; Jaedyn felt himself wither underneath it. Eli's lips were pressed into a thin line as he spat out the words, "You don't care...because you weren't. fucking. here." His eyes began to glisten. "You've only been awake for a month, Jaedyn," his voice was low. "You haven't been outside yet. I understand your skepicism but for once..." he swallowed. "The reports aren't exaggerating. It's bad...really bad. And Morgan, well, everyone, has changed. It's a completely new world out there."
Jaedyn blinked. Looking into Eli's eyes, he could see his exhaustion run deeper than before. He bit his lip. "I...know I still have a lot of catching up to do..." he glanced down. "But I promised to look out for her, I mean," he looks pleadingly at Eli. "We both did. I just...want to understand why you think this is a good idea. I'm worried for her. I know she's 13 and her power source is large but-"
Eli pulled him into his arms. His left hand held the back of Jaedyn's head while his other arm coiled tightly around his waist. "Our battle plan is complex, and I promise to go over every single detail with you when I can. But let me reassure you now that I am taking every precaution. I have not forgotten our promise."
Once the words sank in, he wrapped his arms around Eli and buried his face in his chest. Jaedyn wasn't sure when the tears started, but they had soaked Eli's shirt by the time they pulled away.
Eli cupped his face with his hands before planting a firm kiss on Jaedyn's lips. They melted and held each other, seeking a comfort that had been forgotten.
E/N: vv short and there's stuff before and after this scene, but I wanted to get this out there and put it in my sandbox. If you read this far, I hope that tomorrow you don't encounter a red light on the road, and thank you for reading <3
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lua-stellar · 9 months ago
hello, I hope you're well.
-> what will it be like when I meet my future spouse?
my initials are 'ef', sun in virgo. - pls and thanks.
cards drawn: reversed the hierophant, three of cups, reversed knight of wands,
i'm getting alot of skepitcal vibes from this reading, perhaps you did not trust your future spouse at first, but you began to get to know them better and to develop feelings for them, and it seemed the same on the other end, the romance between you too will blossom so naturally it seems but in a way your fs is not the person they appeared to be, as it's right to be skepical, for some reason your fs even though they end up being your fs and this is the first meeting, they are being very dishonest with you and even manipulative, they are someone who has a short temper and is highly confrontational, they are impulsive and have a terrible lack of self-control. Your fs they may hide these negative qualities of themselves with you at first, and in the beginning the romance will feel sweet, and when its good its good but i feel as though in the long run a relationship with such a dishonest person may not be the best.
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beladi · 2 years ago
When I first head about investing in cryptocurrencies , I was skepical But little did I know that this new form of trading and investment would completly revolutionize my financial journy
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respondedinkind · 1 year ago
The whole sensation of this - the moment in itself - is strange to him, foreign and new; He almost feels a little vulnerable when Stephen starts to roll those pants up along his leg and then removes the cast, but Khan pushes that thought away as he simply lets the other do his thing while watching him intensely so.
He simply wants to see what's going on, wants to be aware of any possible changes in the man's demeanor, just to make sure - so he takes in the sight, his bright gaze flicking back and forth between those fingers and that face, filled with curiosity and a hint of what could be a soft sprinkle of skepicism.
Part of him wants to retreat, but another part has long since started to trust this man - so here he is, does not pull away, simply because he reminds himself that Stephen has only ever offered him kindness. He'd never been rough with him, nor had he shown any signs of attacking or causing harm to begin with.
And, just as Khan thinks about it, he feels that gentle touch of a warm thumb running along his skin. Even the unknown one's touches are soft, as if he truly worries about accidentally causing pain - it's so different from what Khan did in his past, how Khan handled most others, and he himself has never been treated in such a way before.
That might be why he swallows, why goosebumps appear wherever Stephen's touch lingers on his leg, and why Khan finds himself pressing his lips together as he watches the magic unfold in front of his very own gaze.
The sensation is familiar, reminds him of what he's felt two days ago; Warm and comfortable, almost, but also prodding in a way he can't really describe. It feels as if that magic is truly sinking through the layers of his tissue, directly to his bones, where it creates an interesting buzz, prickles even - a muscle in his thigh spasms, briefly, but then relaxes again.
And then, their gazes meet - cerulean eyes trail up to his own, right when Khan looks at Stephen's in return, and that gaze is held by him as that single word is spoken into the air between them. Magic.
It's... unbelievable, in a way, that this is happening. That magic exists. That it can.. do something like that to him, work on his body, repair it just like that. And it's remarkable that Stephen is the one to control it, that he is essentially the one to possess this power. Magic wouldn't do this to him if the other weren't here - or anyone else who can do it, for the matter.
Swallowing again, shoulders lifting and sinking as Khan takes a breath, he hesitates - then nods, his gaze still locked onto the other. "---Magic.", he confirms, obviously impressed.
stephen grabbed the chair from the desk and took a seat in it, right in front of khan. he gently put his hand underneath the broken leg and lifted it, setting it on top of stephen's lap so he didn't have to bend down to reach it. stephen then rolls up the pant leg of the sweats up to khan's knee and is efficient in taking the cast off, since it was only a temporary one.
once the cast is off, stephen can see where he had operated on the leg and gently runs his thumb over the areas where he knows the bones were broken. they were healing, yes, but they would be healed completely soon.
so, without wasting time, stephen gently braces both of his hands on khan's shin and begins to work his magic. warm, blue energy swirls around stephen's hands, beginning to seep into khan's alabaster skin. the sensation is warm, like before, but this time it seems to seep deeper into khan's frame, working its way through the injuries to knit them back together and repair the damage that had occurred.
"magic," he said softly, his cerulean hues shifting up to glance at khan for any changes in his face.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years ago
do you think Jayden looks at tae’s baby pics and goes “that can’t be you. you’re old!” 😂 it’s just that i remember showing my baby pics to my baby cousin and she was like “no she’s not” when i said the little girl was me 😭😭
haha I love the disbelief of children, it's so funny. And yes, I bet Jayden is a skepic, he doesn't just believe anything, especially if Taehyung's hair and face don't look exactly like they did as a kid! I also think Jayden is the kid who'd tell people proudly he has his dad's eyes and point to Taehyung and refuse any skepticism from anyone else 🥰
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years ago
some skeptic shitposts for y'all
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drowsynaldo · 6 years ago
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Renders done using PMCSkin! https://www.planetminecraft.com/pmcskin3d/ Skins made using Gimp.
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crosaidi · 5 days ago
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His brows wrinkle. " Brownies? I mean, " and he looks a little skepical, and also a little cheeky despite the situation of their conversation, " I had some brownies once 'r twice that coulda made me convinced they was haunted, but didn't know that was an actual thing. " Oh dear.
He looks briefly over his shoulder as though having some kind of inward debate, and —— ultimately, whatever he’s considering, he makes the decision to stay and elaborate. " Can I —— sit? " And without really waiting for an answer, he plops down into the seat opposite — not out of assumption so much as his brain spinning too fast and distracted to wait. 
" So, uh —— " He leans hard on the table, rubbing the back of his neck; his voice pitches low to avoid it carrying. " At first it was just —— lights turnin’ off, doors shuttin’, stuff I thought was just shit wirin’ or drafts or —— " He waves a hand vaguely, as though to say and on and on. His brows furrow a little, as though considering if he should say more —— but then in for a penny, in for a pound, he supposes. 
He sighs, takes a deep swallow of his drink, and pulls out his phone and flips through pictures —— hesitates before handing it over, but ultimately does. He’ll just hope the guy doesn’t get overly adventurous in swiping through them. In the first photo, every single drawer in the kitchen has been emptied on the floor; the second’s just a short little video of blackness, but there’s a distinct —— dragging noise, like something hard being dragged across a wood floor. 
" Oh, an’ then last night th�� ceilin’ fan fell off on my bed in th’middle’ve the night an’ only missed hittin’ me b’cause it got hung up on th’wire —— " Which could be written off as bad luck, considering the state of the place and the fact it was creaking anyway, but —— he looks uncomfortable, really, and also unnerved. " Just. Weird shit, aye. "
"Somethin' a bit more specific than 'shit's been weird'," Ashe teased with a smirk before taking a sip of his whiskey and snapping his book shut with his free hand. "Somethin' must've happened t' make you think it's been weird..."
"I'm talkin' things like objects moving. Voices in the middle of the night. Mysterious injuries you can't explain. The constant feelin' of something watchin' you. That kinda thing," Ashe offered with a patient smile. He understood. For the normal person, this sort of issue isn't something regularly talked about. Ashe had grown up in the supernatural world-- he was already accustomed to these sort of situations.
Ashe waved down the bartender, who skipped over. Ashe ordered himself a other glass of whiskey, and whatever Paerin wanted since it seemed like the conversation would be going for a while.
"Don't worry about seeming weird. I've dealt with everything from ghosts to brownies. Trust me, shit is definitely weird." He grinned.
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vanillapie-80 · 5 years ago
Whether or not Wizards will be good, at least I’ll have my self-indulgent crack au comic to help me cope.
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