#skeleton is fun bc skeleton war and stuff
doodlboy · 11 months
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rtnortherly · 7 months
Get To Know Your Tav
Tagged by @auspex-author (thanks!) Template by @sporeservant
Rhuna, (she/her) Duergar Circle of Spores Druid
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(gotta do a proper portrait of her, also I'm still super early on in the game bc its a co-op and scheduling is hard)
What is your Tav's:
Favourite weapon: Randomly turning into a Deep Rothé and goring people
Style of combat: Tank (accidental) healer (in emergencies)
Most prized possession: A special sample box with her favourite findings on journeys, which include random bones, mushrooms, lichens, bugs, candlesticks, glass jars, random rocks, or whatever other junk she thinks is neat
Deepest desire: To make friends who also think her collection is neat.
Guilty pleasure: Making nasty and weird poisons out of the stuff she finds
Best-kept secret: Rhuna is incapable of intentionally keeping a secret, so her best kept ones are just really badly kept. At this point that's probably her nefarious plot to prank Wyll by filling his tent with glow bugs because he seemed Sad (would he find this helpful? Who can say. Are some of the party very much going to notice her doing this? Certainly.)
Greatest strength: Friendly/easy-going
Fatal flaw: Insatiable curiosity
Favourite smell: Dirt. Any kind of dirt really. In fact, she'll tell you a lot about the area based on how the dirt smells and it's composition.
Favourite Spell or Cantrip: Bone Chill
Pet peeve: Shouting or raised voices
Bad habit: Wandering off
Hidden talent: Stone skipping
Leisure activity: Finding/cataloguing/and sorting samples of fauna/flora
Favourite drink: Spiced goat milk
Comfort food: Roasted sweet potato
Favourite person(s): (She'd like anyone really) Zilvra, (sister's Tav) the fellow Underdark originator and snarky sorcerer who let her join in the adventure and appreciates her contributions, Karlach for being so cool and funny and nice and cool, Wyll for being the biggest sweetheart and most courteous and patient individual she has encountered. Withers because she doesn't understand a thing he says but he 's pretty neat, being a skeleton and all. Dammon because he's a nerd and she respects that. And he's also nice. Halsin because he seems pretty patient and tolerant and like he won't be weird if she starts info dumping about her mushrooms and lichens, and might even have his own thoughts on the topic (he reminds her of home)
Favoured display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): quality time and words of affirmation.
Fondest childhood memory: harvesting phosphorescent micro organisms from the rocks and using them for war paint in epic games of tag with other children in her community
Is there anything else you'd like to share? (feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Tav if available!)
Rhuna doesn't have many memories of life within the Duergar community, or with her biological family. She spent a large portion of her life with a group a druids who were mostly comprised of Deep Gnomes. They tended to travel between different warrens in the Underdark every seven years or so, and the journey was often perilous and could take months at a time. When they arrived at a new warren, they would begin to establish colonies of different flora, and then when it was well established, they would leave it to grow wild free of cultivation. It was also customary for their deceased to be used to start new fungal colonies.
As for folks to tag, I don't have the gumption right now (though I'd tag my sister so y'all could learn more about Zilvra if she were on tumblr.) However, if you want to jump in on this, please do! I love a good character read, and this one is fun!
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
after the battles, yet we cannot win the war (its a mad multiverse out there that's for sure)
hi im back. its timeline time >:] very much still a work in progress, uhh only vague for that I don't wanna spoil Big Things (for no reason, this is really all for fun LMAO no one is gonna wanna produce this)
*obligatory disclaimer, all named characters are in reference to solely the RP characters, and have nothing to do with CCs
the stuff that happens after S2/before Isles isnt as important plus ive rambled about it before
During Isles tldr; Sonja revives Capsize with the help of Spark, Kristin, Phil and Ianite.
Tom returns to the present from Isles, literally falling from a rift and landing facefirst onto the deck of Capsize's boat
Jordan got taken by DreamXD into the DSMP to be trapped in the End Realm- long story short he finds Techno and Phil, they free him, he gets launched far from the Syndicate meeting room, roped into working for Wilburger and reconnects with Tubbo this is all the DSMP Sparklez stuff
When Techno's Syndicate has their ending (the canon one Phil wrote), Rux!Dianite (I'll just refer to him as Dia) uses the anomaly signal caused when Wilbur left to Utah to find Jordan and bring him home with Tubbo (Michael and Ranboo idk they fit in here somewhere im not on about writing this just yet)
Everyone's home yayyy Tom is doin his Mecha Dianite things, everyone's kinda gettin along (not really.. lots of uh. skeletons in the closet. Big Character Conflits). then Boom. Alice Syndicate (and Karl bc he deserves to get saved from whatever the fuck happens to him at the end of Isles im not that far yet LMAO anyways)
Basically. Big Frick. NoWhere (deity of multiverse) has discovered a force that is causing worlds to decay away (ooc: inactive SMPs) explaining why it seems Mianite is getting rotted despite Tom being there aka all 3 gods present
Leads them to Vault Hunters/Hermitcraft universe- long running, no decay, Vault Gods must know something
Tom gets sent there first. Cue confusion thing and him bein a little messed up with his attachment issues to Jordan after he just got his bf back, he fights Pete, gets kicked
X33n (aka deviser gaines who ditched everyone and reinvented himself) and Tubbo talk to VH!Ianite get Tom back, he talks to Vault Gods. Wendarr explains what the force was, now their worlds are untimed. This entity is like a mimic, its hard to find. Suggests they check Hermitcraft
Tom returns, the team prepares. Dia agrees to take Tom's place alongside the S1 siblings temporarily to let him investigate.
On the way to speak to the hermit gods or watchers, theyre intercepted by someone who looks like Martyn inthelittlewood (its not him) in the data streams who says they have information. Jokes on them. its a mimic, and sends them flying off their trail into a random vanilla world.
Its where Tucker went. theres also a witch there too shes chill
They catch up with Tucker, find out where he's been.
Conflict part 23, haven't fleshed this out but ends with Tucker agreeing to join them in their shenanigans one last time
Alice finds traces of the entity in a realm akin to Empires S2, its called Aitheaca.
Through her portal, Tom, Jordan, Sonja, Capsize and Tucker end up in Aitheaca, and are greeted by the fishy Watcher Merina and wither skeleton Cassell, who help them get to safety before Flash can find them
Wag is also there by a random coincidence, has just been hanging out with William and Mianite. Bro's just been travelling about the multiverse for fun
Most story takes place here; Martha's theory is the Ianite in this realm is housing the entity (Jordan agrees.. why else would his lady be evil and hellbent on keeping balance to the point of it being destructive?) Basically, them two's about to have a massive fucking wakeup call. Capsize is skeptical
Back home, Ianite, Dia and Mianite are trying to hold their crumbling realm together with the help of Spark, Mot Jeriah and Alyssa, going back n forth between Ruxomar to pick up quintessence. Its not gone well
Stuff ensues. How it ends? I really don't know yet...
and uh. I mean i do have more but its more spoilery but its for ending things which I'm still working out so yeeee But! That's the gist of it; I really wanna focus on themes of them having to understand things are temporary, the idea of things having to have an end, and when it ends, who will be there to start again with you.
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canonskyrissian · 2 years
one more, sorry! top 5 favorite mark hamill voice acting roles?
no, go ahead! I'm in the mood for lists^^ also for this I had to cheat bc I literally forgot everything mark's ever been in lmao and what I've actually seen that he's in
1. skeleton king/the alchemist from super robot monkey team hyperforce go!
this is my number one because it holds the most nostalgic value to me. this show was my everything when I was like 11 and though I mostly watched it in finnish, jetix showed some episodes in english and holy shit I thought skeleton king sounded so cool. I didn't know he was voiced by mark until a lot later tho, well after I first saw star wars (I was 14 when I saw star wars for the first time)
a lesser known role but so, so good (I also recommend the show itself, it's a lot of fun)
2. firelord ozai from avatar the last airbender
one of mark's most iconic roles. once again he puts his entire markussy into it and the result is honestly terrifying, just as it should be. ozai wouldn't be the villain he is without the voice
3. skeletor from masters of the universe: revelation
another iconic villain role and once again he puts his entire markussy into it. it sounds like he had some genuine fun in the role, which makes it so good! I still have to finish the show tho, I only watched the first half when it came out
4. sean from wizards
thanks for recommending it to me btw^^ a small role but so cute! he was a baby and only starting out as a voice actor but already so good!
5. luke skywalker from forces of destiny
okay this is a bit of cheating I guess but I was so happy when the first fod episode where luke appeared came out and I realized. this is mark! this is mark as luke as luke should be! legit cried a bit.
I know most people would list the joker but seeing as I've never actually seen any of the series where mark voices the joker I'm not listing it. I went for the stuff I've actually seen
ask me my top5 anything
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Hey idk if youve done this alreadh but im curious about your body headcanons for the sdr2 cast!! An anon sent some in for characters previously (the one where they said things like angie has vitiligo and stuff-i love them and they really stuck with me haha) and i wanna know your headcanons!! :D
Hmhmm this one I might be listing off the spot lmao. I feel like my hcs are mostly just. Common hcs but hey I never said I wasn’t basic skdjksjdks
cw for. Everyone. Yeah kdjfksjdks
Hajime…..I like to think he’s slightly buff? Maybe that’s not the right word. Toned? Idk, I hc that he jumps around hobbies a lot because he wants to find something he’s good at, so that includes sports. I like the idea that a few stick with him, like swimming and basketball. I imagine he also has light scrapes and scars on his legs from falling, both with skateboarding and general Clumsy Shit.
Also this one switches a lot but with Trans Hajime, I can see him with top surgery scars.
Oh ah, I like freckled Hajime!! It’s cute. This one goes with the sports hc, but I like the idea that he’s kinda tanned. Entirely unrelated but I also like the idea that he has calluses from playing guitar.
Chiakiii!! She’s soft bc I said so. Specifically her thighs, arms and stomach + some stretch marks. And moles all over. Projecting big time onto a cute fictional girl, call that self care <333 /j
uhh other than that, I imagine she has bags under her eyes from staying up late gaming. Also tan Chiaki my love. Shh I know she probably doesn’t go outside for days on end. In my defense I tan easily and I imagine she does too. Again with the projection. Shhhh
Oh oh!!!! I forgot to mention but!!!! Chiaki gets a ton of moles. I saw the boob mole and went !!!!!! fellow mole haver!!!!!! and went nuts. This is the one weird niche entirely irrelevant thing that can get me to like a character, just. Being able to point at them and jump up and down with joy over them also having moles. Idk why it’s just therapeutic <33
Nagito’s bony. Skinny mf. Could probably cut cheese with his elbows. Maybe grate it on his collarbones. Cuddling with him would be a fight to see if you can find a position that doesn’t end with something poking you in the gut. I mean this affectionately, he’s bony as shit but he’s my bony fucker <3
Pale asf, sunburns if he’s in the sun for more than two minutes. His eye bags could hold the entirety of his life’s trauma. Sharpest features ever. Sometimes I hc that he looks greasy, and other times I hc that he looks ethereally pretty in a ghostly way. Either way he always looks like he’s had the soul sucked out of him by a Dementor.
You can probably definitely see the veins in his hands. They’re. Very There. Also I’ve brought this up before but he definitely has big ass hands. L a r g e hands, all the better to head pat you with. This was originally so much more pining but I decided no I’ve exposed myself enough on this blog skfjksjdkd
Oh last minute thing, I think he’d be tall as fuck. Specifically 6’0 or taller. Also he probably (definitely) has at least a few scars from his childhood, particularly that plane crash. And I like to think he has glasses when he’s older. I’m so sorry that his section is so long I have so many thoughts about him ;;;;;
Okay uhh Imposter? Mmm. Idk actually. I do think they’d have callused fingers but soft hands. Probably from having to adapt to using a ton of different talents for their Imposter Agenda. Also stretch marks probably, all over their body.
Teruteru uhhhhh. God. Can you tell I don’t think about some characters ;;;;; Idk I don’t have much that differs from canon. I like him. Oh but he probably has cook hands? Chef hands, whatever you wanna call them. Probably faint scars from cuts and burns from when he was still learning how to cook from his mama.
Mahiru……hmm well freckles obviously dkjfksjd. I think she’s tanned as well since I feel like she likes sunlit shots. Idk I don’t have much. I like to think she’s got a stockier body type though.
Also not necessarily her body but I like her with an undercut!
Peko’s buff <3 it’s canon <333 /j
N ee way yeah. Buff Peko my love. Also she probably has a few scars from handling her sword when she was younger and less experienced. I also feel like she would have contacts she wears when she trains bc fuck exercising with glasses
I don’t really have anything for Hiyoko until she gets her growth spurt. Afterwards, I imagine she’s tall and kinda thin? Mainly bc of fast metabolism probably, though when she’s older maybe she’d be a little less spindly.
I don’t know if her hair would be bleached or not, but if it were, I like the idea of her letting her actual hair color grow in. If not, I think Ibuki might help her try a few sections of dyed hair? Idk I just like the thought
Ibuki is a fellow bony bitch. I mean this lovingly. She’s skin and bone. Skeleton rocker lady
Probably tan, I imagine she spends a lot of time in the sun. She strikes me as a summer person. Oh, I also saw some art of Black Ibuki with vitiligo and loved that!! Also calluses from shredding guitar, obviously
Hmmm I like the idea that she rollerskates? So possibly some bruises or scars on her arms or legs from falling on concrete when she was still learning. Oh oh I imagine she has a ton of piercings!!! On her ears, nose, lips, brows, tongue, belly button…….maybe she has a split tongue too idk. Also she totally gets a ton of tattoos when she’s outta Hope’s Peak, prove me wrong.
Mikan uhhh. I like tall Mikan. She deserves the height. 5’8 to 6’0 Mikan good 👍
Hmm she probably has scars all over, particularly on her arms and legs. Uh. Idk I imagine she’s curvy probably. What do I say for her I don’t have anything skjdksjdks
I’m not even gonna lie I don’t have a damn thing for Nekomaru. Or. Wait nevermind here’s a concept: buff Nekomaru but like. If you’ve seen those wrestlers who have fat on them that hides some fucking crazy strength? Yeah that’s him. Also hairy asf.
Gundham……tall vampire vibes. I’d say he’s a stick but also I feel like he’s the slim type of muscular. Idk how to describe it. Shigaraki type muscle? Male gymnast. No nevermind those guys have visible muscle. Shigaraki type it is
Hmmm I think this is canon but probably a few scratches from his pets. His arms and legs mainly but I’m sure the Devas have scratched up his neck at some point or another. Just a little though. Also piercing fiend Gundham my beloved. I also like him having a couple tattoos when he’s older. Ibuki probably helped him heheh
I’m torn between Fuyuhiko being skinny as shit and Fuyuhiko being tiny and buff. I like both………hhh
His hair is probably bleached. Peko probably helps him re-dye it when his roots start growing in. I also like him having glasses
Uhhh tooth gap Fuyu’s cute. I used to have a super small one before I got my braces, I imagine it’s the same for him. Him, Ibuki, and Gundham are probably Tattoo Buds.
Kazuichi…..I want so bad to say he’s a weakling just to make fun of him but he’s a mechanic that probably works with heavy machine parts a lot and he probably has some sick biceps. But he probably also smells like hair dye, oil, metal, and Monster Energy. Win lose situation I guess.
I like to think he has a couple piercings? Not as many as Ibuki, but maybe he’s got like. Second or third place in the class. Also he totally filed his teeth to be sharp like that
Akane!! Buff lady, could probably deadlift me or something. She’s definitely got some scars from running around, especially when she was first learning parkour. Ummm oh, I like to think she has a chipped tooth or smth like that from falling roughly as a kid.
Soniaa <33 in my heart she will always be tall and have at least some muscle. Novoselic is a war country if I remember correctly, she’s definitely got some military training in her.
Idk why but her with heterochromia just popped into my head. That pretty greenish blue gray that she has + maybe brown or hazel? I think that’d be cool. And hip dips.
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peachywander · 4 years
All asks
Holy shit, this will be so much fun B-) *cracks knuckles*
A - Your current OTP
Uhhh pff,,, skeleton dance I think?? I mean sure, skelley dance is always my current OTP, ngl. They're basically made for eachother, hell, even craig himself wore tshirts and stuff with wander hugging hater ifthisisn'tcannonthenidkwhatitis
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
To be honest,, wander x beza. I used to dislike every wander x girl ship bcs I see him as gae and nothing else. But I have a friend who does lots of art with them so I think it grew on me more and more with time?? Now I think they would look cute together, even if i'm still not super big on it.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
Wnder x domi. No comment, I despise it with all my heart 😂😂 Like I said earlier, I don't like most of wander x girl ships, and domi really hates wander. Sooo this ship simply doesn't make sense to me,, lmfao.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
I think Twi x Flash from mlp. Yeah, I thought twi was cute when crushing on him in the 1st EG movie but they don't seem to have that chemistry I was hoping for. Plus I haven't seen any recent episodes of mlp in a long time, though I heard ppl say that he was mean to her once, if I remember well? Anyways, doesn't work so much for me.
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Besides memes/ shitposts, not really. Check @gunxball if you want to see posts of mine back when I was into gumball 2 yrs ago (golly i miss those times)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Probably su (2016-2019) or kid vs kat (2011-2014)
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Why yes, of course I do. cosmo x wanda from fop. They were so adorbs together esp in the first 2 seasons. Don't like how they got so flanderized with time, their dynamic was absolutely destroyed, and my day was ruined when I found out.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
I don't watch either lolol
But I think anime.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Dislike the fandom, not the show itself? Probably hzbin hotel. The show has a pretty neat concept and animation and it had such a big impact on my artstyle when I first watched it. But the fandom? Absolute hell. (pun intended)
From shipping wars, to pestering vivz, anything is possible. Glad I haven't actually interacted with that part of the fandom.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Not a show but among us. Back in september/october last year, my tl was FILLED with among us, up and down. Made me a lil tired of it but once I tried playing that game, I couldn't stop. Also the owlhouse, fell in love with the artstyle and story.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
I don't have a current fandom. Not feeling in the mood + school + inactivity bcs of school. So I'll say abt my latest fandom, which was animaney. Well, people were really nice, and they seemed to enjoy the reboot. Nothing more to say tbh,,
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for
Ummm I don't really like giving rqs to my fave artists, i don't wanna bother them haha
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist
I don't know aaaa, prolly toonipi but she also draws ocs, not just fanart.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
Anything cute or sappy with skelleydance (NO nsfw)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Lasers and feelings. Skellydance again. It matches sO well-
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I used to have a skatepark AU ft. su chars but never put anything over here. I still have the sketches from 9th grade lmao.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
To be completely honest, Amydot. Up until s3 they really gave me possible ship vibes. They interacted a lot, and peri discovered her metal powers thanks to amy. But after s3 they hardly ever interacted anymore (besides that one ep from s5 with the kindergarden). I was so dissapointed, but hey lapdot isn't so bad anyway, right?
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Back in 2014 I would have said chred from angry birds, definitely. Not many really shipped them, and when I saw some fanart of them on dA everyone would say "ew, gae". Well, 2014 everyone. I was always like "so?? i like that ship, what's the problem??"
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Uhmm, i headcanon darwin from tawog that he likes to yodel lol
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
I think my ships are 50-50, but here are some examples:
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Same as T. Another examples:
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping
Lol no. Tbh, i'm not super big on shipping either. I only slighty like/dislike any ship i listed earlier (with the exception of skelleydance, i'm too in love with that ship)
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
wakko warner (animaney)
wander (woy)
fluttershy (mlp)
amethyst (su)
bubbles (ppg)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
skelleydance (woy)
lumty (toh)
stevnnie (su)
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
kid cosmic (or maybe I do ship papa g w/ chuck), animaney, okko, gravity flls
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
That one fan made episode from su called the smothering, it was so freaking amazing. It helped a lot in relieveing the pain of that big hiatus from 2017 (which was the biggest one, i literally turned into a skeleton waiting for new eps). Loved peri's needy personality, as well as lappy's playful one. It was so well written, like it could be perfectly fit as a role reversal episode in the main show.
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frutavel · 4 years
I picked up minecraft more seriously now as I'm sure you've noticed, and I think I posted about it here but I was documenting my newest adventure with the intent of writing about Tari and Sama trying to survive in minecraft
Well I'm not sure if I'm going to write it after all, but I still have all my notes and I think it's got some comedic potential so I'm posting them here, from when I first spawned in the world up until I stopped keeping track of things about three weeks later :D
I started mixing in Tari and Sama's POVs at some point, but everything noted here are things that for real happened to me while I was playing!
Under the cut because it's A Lot ^^
- Spawned by mushroom trees
- White horses everywhere
- Gather a little bit of meat and wool
- Find and kill some chickens
- Dig a hole in the ground
- Barricade the hole
- Fear.png
- Noises
- Survive the night intact
- Go out early to look for resources
- Find island
- B E E S
- Gather wood and resources
- Go back to the hole, begin talk of building on the island
- Go to the island
- B E E S v2
- Make beds
- Start building house on a lil hill
- Foundation layer done
- Creeper blows up half the hill
- Repair
- Go out get more food and wood
- Finish house
- Creeper blows up again but this time with more damage
- Trouble with skeletons, almost die
- Repair
- Find a cave
- Worry about building this close to cave, start talk of moving away
- Go explore cave to see what's up
- Gather coal and iron
- Find enderman stuck in cave, release enderman, almost die to enderman
- Spread lanterns and torches around house and cave
- Monsters seem to have given up
- Mood has been lightened
- Explore neighborhood
- Find pumpkins and more food
- Happyness ensues
- Make boat, go exploring by boat
- Tari doesn't come back until next morning bc he almost died while exploring by boat
- Come back w news of a village nearby and more food
- Make a furnace
- Make farm
- Tari stays home watching furnace
- Sama handles farm
- Things going good
- Decide to expand house
- Go hunting for wood
- Find more mushrooms
- Get home late at night very scared but everything is okay
- Mushroom soup babey
- Things seem good
- Go to bed, wake up next morning and go check on farm
- Creeper blows up the farm, half the house and almost kills Samaela
- Panic.png
- "Lead the way Taran-Zhu" he said "Let the healing begin"
- Samaela stays unconscious for a couple days while Tari does repairs
- Realizes they built right on top of cave system
- Samaela wakes up eventually
- Start talk about moving somewhere else again but for real this time
- Begin gathering resources
- Begin making planks for the building
- Take bed, take boat, begin looking for another place to build
- Go to oak tree forest, survey area
- Find big clearing of sand by trees
- Fear farming there won't work, move on
- Find big clearing on top of hill a little aways away
- Worry about exposure, scout nearby woods
- Very dark woods
- Like, really fucking dark
- Dark as shit but no caves nearby
- Spoke too soon, found a cave
- Woods are very dense, worry about getting lost after dark
- Clearing on top of hill seems like best option, unsure as to whether they should go farther
- Decide to hop on boat and keep going
- Find sea turtles, immediately forget sea turtles
- See desert biome, remember village, wonder if maybe building next to village is a good idea
- It's a desert so no
- Also kinda scared of the villagers
- Wonder about other biomes, keep going
- Find little swampy like area with lillypads and weeping willows
- Interest piqued , explore further via river
- Looks like a new biome but vibes are a little weird, keep going
- Row in between very tall mountains
- Starts getting dark, river gets too shallow to continue, make camp for the night, sleep with no issues
- Wake up feeling okay, dig a little bit around the riverbed to make room for boat
- Get on boat and continue exploring
- Row row row the boat gently down the stream
- Find another village, hang around village for a bit, move on
- Little spot accross the river from village seems nice
- There's sheep and cows and pigs, and it's close to the village if they need help
- And it must be safe if the villagers settled here
- Take a closer look around area
- Find cave
- Cave entrance is chock full of coal and iron
- Mine away babey
- Actually make it all the way down the bottom
- Cave is not that big and there are no monsters inside
- Get all surface level minerals
- Bags filled with coal go back to the surface
- It's night
- Panic
- Make quick camp at mouth of cave
- Sleep and wake up fine
- Decide to explore more of area
- Find another cave nearby
- This one looks big
- Bags are full no space for new things
- Tari wants to be closer to sea, Sama is torn
- Sama likes being close to the village
- They decide to build a temporary house near village
- Temporary becomes permanent
- Start laying the foundation and prepare to transfer things from the old house to the new
- Spend a fuckton of time building new house
- Really a fuckton
- Run out of dark oak wood, take boat and go back to oak tree and giant mushroom forest
- Very far away
- Chop until axe breaks, load up boat with wood, go back home
- Build build build buld
- For story purposes Tari says he's going to try and go farther to see if he can find more resources, Sama stays behind to build
- House almost done
- Starts setting glass for glass roof
- Finished the glass go to finish roof
- Runs out of wood again
- Sama goes to oak trees alone
- Woods spooky
- Gets wood
- Go home with no problem
- Tari came home aya!
- Finish house together
- Enjoy a nice evening on the roof
- Wake up next morning bc noises
- Enderman got inside
- Fuck
- Try to coax it out
- It gets angry, Tari gets badly injured but they manage to kill it
- Tari's turn to be in bedrest
- Sama tucks him in the glass room and goes downstairs
- Sees creeper creeping by the window
- War flashbacks
- Sneaks outside, gets it to blow up without damaging the house
- Goes to inspect the damage, sees pillagers in distance, chooses to not engage and pray they'll go away
- Tense day
- Pillagers keep lurking but don't do anything
- Go to bed
- Pillagers still there next morning
- Go fight them
- Success
- Go back hoping no more show up
- Decide to begin farm
- Farmwork has begun successfully
- Put out some lights, make some bone meal for the next morning and go to bed
- Wake up next morning, skeleton got inside
- Is killed easily but at the cost of Samaela's mental health
- She put in so much work on this house and doesn't wanna have to leave again
- Deep breaths
- Go outside to check the situation
- No more monsters around thankfully
- Bone meal helps get started on wheat which is nice
- Harvest wheat
- Put a little staircase in front of door
- It serves no real purpose but makes things feel a little better
- Plus it looks pretty
- Needs more minerals
- Go to cave
- Instant regret
- Skeleton and zombie climb out but catch fire as soon as they go in the light
- Okay
- Go in
- Cave has a little waterfall in it
- Lotsa iron and coal
- Creeper blows itself up
- Go in a littke deeper
- Growling and moaning everywhere but no sign of monsters
- Light up the place and start mining
- Find bottom of cave, nowhere near as deep as previously thought
- Calm.png
- Mine away like there's no tomorrow
- Growling intensifies
- Take a brief peek at mouth of cave and see that it's night
- Forgot to bring bed
- No sense going outside now when monsters are up
- Continue mining and hope for the best
- Water from waterfall sounds soothing
- Growling doesn't stop
- Wonder if they can hear her mining below
- Minerals no longer appearing
- Go back to mouth of cave and wait for sunrise
- Go outside, see creeper
- Fuck it kill
- It blows up and hurts her but she finds coal in the crater so it's not that bad
- Drags herself back home with tons of coal just as it starts raining
- Passes out
- Wakes up in bed
- Tari bounced back way faster that she did
- Damn troll regeneration
- He takes over for now
- Handles things inside while it rains
- Smelts some iron, crafts some lanterns
- They're out of wood again
- Also running low on food
- He leaves Sama with as many torches and lanterns as she'll take and goes off to the oak forest
- Gathers as many mushrooms as he can
- Chops wood until his axe breaks
- Suns starts going down, mad boat dash back home
- Makes it just a little after dark
- Deep breaths
- Time to plank the wood and make mushroom soup
- Things quiet down
- Spider gets in next morning
- Kill it with fire
- Discover that the reason mobs keep getting inside is because they forgot to put glass in one of the windows
- Fix that asap
- Deep breaths
- Wheat garden going well, decide to expand farm
- Get cows
- Get chickens
- Get sheep
- House is finished, wheat is growing, farm is working, Sama is healing
- They both go on a long long trek into the woods to pick flowers
- Go home with a fuckton of flowers
- Get wool from their sheep
- Make dye with flowers
- Make wool carpets for stargazing room and everywhere else
- Fill house with lanterns
- Things are good things are great
- Explore nearby caves with no issue
- Decide to make a basement
- They have time and resources to kill
- Begin digging
- Find iron and coal while digging the basement which is very fun
- Basement almost finished after a couple days
- Trader shows up
- Nothing to trade
- Trader hangs out until night
- Survives the monsters and keeps hanging around
- Finish basement
- Put beds in basement and make an exit that leads outside the house
- Sama hangs some chains around because why not
- Put chests and furnaces on basement
- Things going good
I did some other stuff after the basement, but I stopped takin notes at this point. Hope it was an entertaining read :D
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Oct 5 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “preparing for war (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
01:36  Tommy told him not to stream / would tell us to subscribe but we’re all notification gang 03:35  intro / Tommy woke him up to help with a fight / looking for a thumbnail / jester_u never lets me down 06:21  back to the Tommy story/ if he’d had more stuff he would have 1v5’d / hunt for mending villager / failing to craft a lectern 10:23  mining off camera / horse breeding off camera 12:57  fancy horse is named Andrew / fast but can’t jump / secret horse facility / in between horse numbers are dead 19:43  lots of villages / “equestrian expert” / breeding explanation / “got to kill like 9/10 of the babies because they’re worthless average babies” 22:00  calling Awesamdude a noob / percentile system doesn’t work like that 25:05  almost roasts us for watching him but decides not to complete that sentence 26:18  trying to do interesting streams but everyone is nice only when he's live 28:28  "oh no my water spilled...also I  have a second glass of water that i'll drink from" / floating snow trap 29:28  "offering" villagers jobs to get a mending villager 35:13  "Whichever one of you gets the mending book gets to live" 37:29  reading server rules / not breeding bc that wouldn't be pg / "these villagers don't deserve to pass on their jobless genes" 41:05  gets a mending villager / villager tries to die 45:08  trading with fletchers / "just cause I hit them in the face with an axe a whole 5 minutes ago" 46:59  "You've got to cut down the trees before the burn down in a giant fire" / criticizing the blaze rod achievement 48:24  hard to get special arrows without villager breeding / gonna destroy everyone once fully geared 55:28  how to become a human gps? 59:35  "I haven't killed a single baby on this stream" / "imagine putting off college to be Technoblade" 1:12:30  texts to dad during $100k duel 1:16:52 John Mulaney / "I read words I don't hear them, because people don't speak to me. I'm not sad you're sad" / blow up the sun / deleted for bad grammar / "Lesbian Rights" / "actually funny" 1:22:03  making fun of a scam text 1:23:01  "say ommf in a high voice" / "it's been over two years from my last compliment" (dono) 1:27:15  naming pickaxe / sword / trident / potions / water elevator 1:33:37  lying to Eret about having mending books / kelp / hbomb adver.tising his challenge 1:36:23  "opportunity to steal something from Sapnap" / totally didn't scam Tommy out of a god apple 1:38:51  liked the Sadist dual animation / lesbian's are still the only ones with rights / knows about turtle potions 1:42:59  stole the name Technoblade 1:45:26  too much of a hoarder to use god apples or regular golden apple 1:46:19  doing hbomb's slimeblock challenge / chat lying about Dream being under Techno's base / pufferfish 1:56:56  FIRST TRY BABY / call with Hbomb 2:06:48  chat tries to prank Techno and he immediately finds diamonds / "Everything's coming up Technoblade" 2:10:09  had a cough for a year / not covid / going to the nether 2:23:13  needs new glasses 2:25:24  has been eating 50% cheeseburgers lately / guy who's been up 20 hours / no bannerlord / fortresses are the bane of speedrunners now 2:30:30  likes on brand fanart slightly more (for thumbnails mostly) 2:39:50  Eret gives coords for a nether fortress / taco bell challenge ending / glad he quit / bargaining with Awesamdude 2:44:29  being risky for the suspense but completely incapable of dying 2:52:26  "cause I'm built different" / "you have been noticed" / heading to the Eret fortress 3:00:00  Techno is very confused by the bastion / "Pig King among the Pigmen" (Eret) 3:28:00  Tommy in chat / Techno being bitter about Tommy telling him not to stream / Techno leaving the nether to portal travel to the fortress / Philza can't call he's sleeping 3:32:00  cows jumping into water / teleporting cow 3:39:01  pink sheep / "Now that I have seen a statistically improbable sheep i'm going to find stacks of netherwart” 3:44:35  "That dolphin is vibing...I aspire to that level of vibe" 3:50:35  directions from Eret / "Just cause the chat has trust issues" 3:54:30  (loud) "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES" / "Yeah I am very lucky I was born Technoblade" 3:59:48  getting 6 wither skulls 4:04:40  this was scarier than most tournaments 4:08:42  "This is main character energy" / would kill the turtles if they dropped anything / "I would never kill a defenseless animal, unless it had bad stats 4:10:26  "No amount of money is worth the puns" / typo in last stream title 4:14:32  "We're going to make good use of these wither skeleton skulls" / foreshadowing / "I'm not killing pigs that's not kosher" 4:16:37  not gonna ask people to make new accounts to subscribe 4:23:45  It'd be homophobic to only spawn a wither in the rainbow castle 4:26:11  "We're gonna use this wither at an opportune moment" / "We're gonna ruin the server for a day with withers...the day of reckoning" 4:27:13  "Only you can prevent forest fires" / learn how to put out fires with your fist in California 4:35:20  "Longest grocery trip since my dad" (dono) / "tsundere horse" 4:42:00  chat is very attached to the horse / chat is spoiled / Techno complimenting his own joke 4:47:00  gonna lose his voice / 13 hour stream / vc with Karl and Eret / taco bell gift card / deep voice gang 4:49:49  married people are responsible for each others' crimes 4:55:40  Karl instigating Techno Dream rivalry / Dream being mad at Techno 
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nilmerg-ecid · 4 years
updated ideas
One piece inspired pirate rpg Basic stuff and ideas: Instead of 6 stats, instead only have 3: body, mind, and spirit Have different skills, based on combinations of body mind and spirit as well as just normal skills “Saves”: wisdom (mind and spirit), endurance (body and spirit), focus(mind and body) Speed and strength also important stats that feed into dodge and block respectively, as well as movement for speed Skill list: persuasion (mind/spirit), deception (mind/spirit), history (mind), animal handling (spirit), insight (mind), intimidation (body/spirit), perception (mind/spirit), performance(body/spirit), nature (mind), stealth (body), sleight of hand (body/mind), constitution (body), athletics (body), investigation (mind) Combined skills are the average of both unless you get a feat Instead of simple ac, have dodge skills and block skills that act like saves to physical attacks Get to take special skills, basically feats, either 1 major or 2 minor and a skill proficiency, at start Each class/subclass gets extra special skill and boost to stat + proficiency in something related Initiative is somehow body, mind and spirit; If subtracting for any mod, it is a 1:1 ratio, body is always 1:1 for initiative, mind is 0.5x mind mod, rounded down, and spirit is 1.5x spirit mod, rounded up Add all together after calculating +1 to mind is +0 to initiative, +2 to mind is +1 to initiative, +3 to mind is +1, etc. +1 to spirit is +2 to initiative, +2 to spirit is +3 to initiative, +3 spirit is +4, + 4 spirit is +6, etc Ex: +1 mind, +2 body, +3 spirit would be 0 for mind, 1 for body, and 4 for spirit, so a total of a +5 initiative Armor and weapons give bonuses to block, depending on weapons and armor, might detract from dodge Basically a feat in any given crew for “captain” that gives them bonus to initiative, bonus to persuasion to own crew and bonus to intimidation for others (or vice versa if you're a crappy captain/ maybe a marine) Design your own ship? Upgrade it during rests, have lots of fun weapons? Everyone has a swim speed, but tritons and mermaids have more, plus certain classes and feats might make it faster? Movement speed: every 10ft walking spd is +1 to dodge  (round up), so 25ft is +3, etc. Stats?? Roll 5d6 drop the lowest or just standard 4d6 drop the lowest….. Point buy so total of mods is +7 or total points for body mind spirit is 42?? idk
Classes: Fighter (with altered subclasses based on monk, ranger/gunslinger, and fighter/barbarian) Sniper- ranger/gunslinger Fighter- what it says on the tin Monk- idk if there's a better name Spellcasters Archaelogist- (ok this one is just straight up only robin) basically a wizard, good at languages?? And history and stuff navigator - combination sorcerer +divination powers? Weather related mostly musician - basically a bard doctor - basically a cleric with hints of druid? Or maybe thats just chopper Other: shipwright - can control ship, gets to choose upgrades?, kinda like artificer, cook - paladin ish and can give buffs during/after rests, thief - just a rogue bc nami is both navigator and thief so i made a separate role, hmmm maybe warlocks could just be devil fruit users tho that would be complicated
Races: Humans - basically just variant humans with a way wider range of size and can have fun stuff like horns and teeth Three eyed people - divination powers? Long arm and long leg - bonus to attack and speed respectively or something Skypeople - useless wings and have primitive observation haki aka super high perception and passive perception snakeneck - honestly idk man but why not Cyborg - halfway between warforged and human Modified humans - humans but physically better and not nice Minks- furries aka shifters but they have an animal form and an even more animal form Fishmen- tritons basically Merfolk- what it says on the tin\ Giants?- idk how that would work in a dnd inspired world bc they too big Dwarfs- like pixies/halflings Celestial dragons- worse and more stuck up than elves but otherwise humans Hybrids: Centaurs, satyrs, harpies, zombies?, skeletons, clones, idk everything
Skills: Major skillz Uhh captain First mate - gets basically telepathy w captain, same but lesser skills plus attack bonus coward - gives you bonus action disengage/hide/dodge/dash Heckin skilled mate - lets you use the full combined total for 3 skills and 1 save Swimmer - underwater combat, higher swim speed, dont need to breathe for like 15 min idk, can get like sneak attack if they come up from the water Minor skills Artist - honestly mostly an aesthetic but also possibly can give bonuses to the ship for stealth, intimidation, plus can make money on the side or something Liar - prof in deception, exceptionally good at distracting and granting advantage Good with animals idk - proficiency in animal handling plus get to have basically a familiar? Built in weapons Language expert idk this is becoming very straw hat specific Helmsman - idk what this one would do if you already have a shipwright i guess allows you to also control the ship bc someone has to be manning the ship unless somehow they get autopilot Blocking - bonus to blocks Coward but cheap - bonus to dodge Like,, calligrapher or forgery artist or something that gives adv on persuasion and deception when through a written message
Fighter Class features: HP: 1d12 per fighter level Proficiencies: all armor, shields, simple and martial weapons Saves: Endurance, strength or speed Bonus to body Fighting style: Evasive: bonus to speed and dodge, get bonus action disengage Just straight up dueling: +2 to damage rolls with that one weapon, goes up to +3 at level 5 Two weapon fighting: goes up to 3 weapon fighting at level 5 Protection: when someone attacks an ally within 5ft of you, can use reaction to give their attack disadv and attempt to block it, at lvl 5 can attack back if you successfully block their attack Second wind (1d12 instead) Action surge Reckless attack
Sniper Class features: HP: 1d10 per sniper level Proficiencies: all ranged weapons and simple weapons, light and medium armor, and shields Saves: the focus one, maybe also wisdom Bonus to mind or body Fighting style: Rifle: long range bonus, adv if use action to aim last turn Pistol: closer range bonus, no disadv on melee range ranged attacks Slingshot: multiple types of shots Bow: bonus to something idk, prolly somewhere between slingshot and rifle Can do dif types of shots, like fire dmg, pierc, ice, basically cast entangle, but unless rifle and pistol get to choose 2 types outside of standard, bow gets 3, slingshot gets 5 Second wind Action surge
Monk is basically exactly the same as 5e so far
Archaeologist/wizard Class Features: HP: 1d8 per archeologist lvl Proficiencies: 4 simple weapons of your choice, 2 mind based skill of your choice, idk some sort of archaeologist kit Saves: wisdom Bonus to mind Spells!!! - mind based Ritual Casting the wizard way Learn spells by spending time during a long rest 1hr/spell Arcane recovery School: - get history related bonuses for each of these? Conjuration Illusion Enchantment Invention
Navigator Class features: HP: 1d8 per navigator lvl Proficiencies: 5 simple weapons of your choice, two skills of your choice, navigator’s tools Saves: wisdom Bonus to mind Spellssss No ritual casting but more cantrips i guess “Navigator points” aka sorcery points also metamagic but i need a better name Style: Weather manipulation/prediction - divination and weather magic mostly Playing field control- move other people/extra charismatic, illusions
Bard is basically the same as 5e so far
Doctor Class features: HP: 1d8 per doctor level Proficiencies: light, med armor, shields, simple weapons, medical kit Saves: focus one, blocks Bonus to mind Speellllss; more healing spells and buff spells, less ranged spells -- mind based Ritual casting,, the cleric way Style: An actual doctor ^™: bonus to healing spells, prof. With heavy armor and more weapons Animal doctor: talk to animals, wildshape basically but still appear weird and sentient and only have like 3 forms and limited uses until later levels War: what it says on the tin again Surgeon of death: hey its trafalgar law and he's here to steal your heart (literally) - confusion powers, plus bonus to dodge and more weapons
Shipwright Class Features: HP: 1d10 per shipwright level Proficiencies: any weapon used in building a ship as well as guns and unarmed attacks, carpenters’ tools, alchemist supplies, woodcarver’s supplies, tinkers tools, smiths tools, leather workers tools, steering the ship, shields, light and medium armor Saves: endurance idk Bonus to body “Magical tinkering” its just cola but sure Infusions Cannons Style: Artillerist- extra cannon options and damage, plus can eventually add them to the ship Armorer- more personal focuses, can idk have extra attacks Battle smith - yeet a companion (or a tank if you want) also eventually get extra attacks
Cook/chef Class Features: HP: 1d10 per cook level Proficiencies: cooks supplies, all weapons, shields, light and medium armor Saves: endurance? Probably Bonus to spirit Essentially casts spells only during rests and as rituals, but has cantrips?? Basically divine sense except its chef’s instincts and specializes in if something is edible or a threat or neither Can essentially craft potions that give buffs and health and use them during battle if necessary, can make like 5x chef level in common “potions”, increase rarity costs more Fighting style: No weapons fighting, no hands, aka the sanji: feet are weapons and boy are they good ones Knives: common weapon, extra damage and bonus to attack rolls Literally any other weapon: idk same as above??
Rogue Literally a swashbuckler rogue,,, idk what else to say, except all rogue ac bonus goes to dodge
Warlocks Required to multiclass into warlock, have 3 basic types: -can turn into animal (aka a zoan) - animal related powers -control/produce element (aka logia) -other (aka paramecia) idk how to do this one tho
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bubonickitten · 6 years
So I just spent a few days with my little cousins, and as always I have to share some of their antics:
We were at the zoo. One of the tigers died earlier this year and of course the kids had questions about that. Right now their parents’ explanation of death is “they went to heaven,” so I just go with that -- the tiger was old, he was sick (cancer) and got better once (was in remission) but it came back, and died and he went to heaven, etc. The kids’ great grandfather also literally just died last week, so it’s not surprising that the 7-year-old starts noting the similarities --- “Oh, like granddad?” “Yeah, like granddad.” (He had cancer that came back after being in remission, and he was in his 90s, so old + sick = yes, like the tiger.) 7-year-old is quiet for a moment and then says, “Wait. Do you think granddad is getting chased by the tiger in heaven?” I nearly died.
4-year-old is currently convinced that wolves live in the walls in basements and nothing will convince her otherwise. Her parents have no clue how this started, she just decided one day that the basement is scary because wolves live in the walls. I was showing her pictures of wolves (I took out a big animal encyclopedia at the library for her to look at), talking about how big they are (too big to fit in the walls), how they don’t actually live around here, etc. But, as kids tend to be, she had the most fascinating explanations for how the wolves managed to live in the walls despite their size. Namely: apparently these wolves are magic wolves that know how to shrink and go through walls to hide when they see grown-ups, so only kids can see them. 
This was a little while ago, but -- 7-year-old is currently fascinated by the human body and anatomy (makes sense, her mom’s a pediatric nurse and her dad’s a paramedic). For her birthday all she wanted was one of those plastic model skeletons that you can put together. Her dad cut himself opening it (apparently he thought a pocket knife was a good thing to use instead of, you know, scissors, but whatever). It was deep enough that he had to get two stitches, but 7-year-old was really disappointed that it wasn’t deep enough for her to see the bone so she could match it with the plastic bones on her model skeleton.
4-year-old still sings the “let the storm rage ooooon” lyric in “Let It Go” as “it’s Snowman Jooooohn”. I’ll be pretty disappointed when she stops doing that.
My brother picked up a Pokemon puzzle at a yard sale awhile back and 7-year-old likes puzzles, so we were doing it together. 4-year-old was “helping”. I was teaching them the names of the Pokemon. Apparently, according to them, I’m pronouncing “Pikachu” wrong -- it’s actually “Peeg-achoo”. 
They both tend to have a lot of questions about how I present myself--mismatched socks, lip + nose piercings, lots of ear piercings + mismatched earrings, sometimes dyed hair, etc. Basically I’m 29 and still Like This bc I was lucky enough to find a job that doesn’t have an issue with me continuing to have unnatural hair colors and keeping my piercings in and what I wear is something that allows me to feel some semblance of control over my life so why stop now if I don’t have to? But anyway -- 7-year-old is currently in a perpetual war with her mother about mismatched socks, apparently. “Mom won’t let me wear two different color socks even though you do.” “Oh. Um.” “I want pink hair like you but mom said no.” “Uh.” “Can you paint my nails like yours?” “Now THAT I can do.” “Okay, I want black nail polish.” “Er... your mom’s not cool with that.” So we did mermaid nails (blue + pink) on one hand and lime green on the other, and we compromised and did black nail polish on her toenails. tl;dr apparently this child is terrorizing her parents with “I want to go through my teenage/young adult fashion rebellion now” and it’s probably my fault lmao.  
Not really a funny kid story, but just something fun: They both like watching those unboxing videos on YouTube -- kids opening those Hatchimals and LOL dolls and other blind box type toys (which, I love blind boxes too -- I’m a sucker for those Tokidoki Unicorno ones in particular). I pretty much love how much they get into it?? Like, I collected a lot of shit when I was a kid -- Pokemon cards, Beanie Babies, rocks, Pokemon figurines, etc. -- and I remember wanting to talk about it for hours on end, even though adults would get bored of it or not show a lot of interest in it bc it seemed like frivolous kid stuff to them, so I was trying to show active interest in what they were saying, because hey, it’s something they’re passionate about, even if it can get a little boring for me to watch YouTube kids opening LOL dolls for 45 minutes straight. But mostly it’s just amazing how much kids can memorize about stuff they love (relatable tbh), and if you actually engage them and ask them questions about it and stuff, it can mean the world to them. So let kids enthuse about stuff if you have the time and ability to sit with them for awhile and just let them talk about and show you things they’re passionate about. It helps them with their communication skills and vocabulary, and it can boost their self-confidence to be able to be the teacher for once and tell you things that you might not know, instead of learning and teaching being a one-way street all the time.
Speaking of a good memory, 7-year-old remembers shit so well?? Even when I don’t??? Like, she’ll call me out on stuff: “Why did you come to [4-year-old’s] birthday party but not mine? It’s not fair.” “Oh. Well, I had to work that day, so I couldn’t come to your party. But I’m here now, so I can play with you while [4-year-old] plays with her friends.” “Hmmmm. Okay.” Or, she’ll remind me of promises I made like months ago (especially if I didn’t follow through on them -- usually unintentionally, I try not to make promises to her if I’m not gonna keep them). Like: “Last time we were here, you said we could see the hedgehog, but she was asleep every day. Can we go upstairs tonight and see if she’s awake? Because you said we could see her.” “You know what? You’re right. Remind me and we’ll go upstairs tonight to see if she’s awake.” Just... kids definitely have a sense of fair vs. unfair, especially considering 7-year-old is the oldest sibling of three and I’m also the oldest sibling in my family (though I only have one younger sibling), and the oldest cousin on one side of the family, and I know that it can seem unfair that the younger sibling(s) and relatives get away with stuff that you can’t, or get more attention than you do, and that you’re expected to be more mature even if you’re still just a kid too -- just like it can seem unfair to the younger sibling when the older sibling(s) get to do stuff that they can’t because they’re too little. 
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vveissesfleisch · 5 years
21 questions
I was tagged by the illustrious @girlwiththepapatattoo & @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash to do the thing (thank u bbs)
1. Nicknames: satan’s fave (jk i don’t really have any)
2. Zodiac Sign: scorpio
3. Height: 5’5
4. Hogwarts House: slytherin
5. Last Thing I Googled: something real nerdy about javascript and php for work
6. Favorite Musicians: *looks into the camera like i’m on the office* too many to list, but if it’s shreddy and metal or sexy-drippy and industrial i’m probably all over it. also a fan of, like, debussy and stuff, don’t pigeonhole me. 
7. Song Stuck in My Head: i’m sure I’m really dating myself here, but THE FUCKING DONKEY KONG N64 RAP. my bff reminded me of it the other day and i will never forgive her. although it did finally unseat the fucking cantina song from star wars as the soundtrack on constant loop in my brain, so that’s good. i linked both songs for you because i am sadist. 
8. Following Now: over 1000 i think, i love a lot of things
9. Followers: there are somehow over 2K of you and i love you all so much
10. Do I Get Asks: yes! recently, most of them have been klaus/diego headcanons, which i am fucking living for. 
11. Amount of Sleep: nowhere near enough. like 4-5 hours a night. 
12. Lucky Number: 666
13. What am I Wearing? a fat muse hoodie with a mohawk skeleton on the back, a tank top with captain america on it, purple leggings, socks that don’t match, and black chucks
14. Dream Job: i’m finally living my dream, baby--i made a huge career switch this year & now I work in tech <3 . i’ll add published novelist to the roster at some point & all will be right in the kingdom. 
15. Dream Trip: back to the south of france, or to tokyo!
16. Favorite Food: i love love love love food, mostly japanese + mediterranean + korean, with a big ol’ guilty weak spot for bbq (specifically mac and cheese).
17. Instruments: piano, but you’d never know it
18. Languages: english & french fluently, a decent bit of arabic & a little spanish. 
19. Favorite Song: too many to name, if you want to know what i listen to you can search the #musicismyboyfriend tag on this here shit show of a blog
20. Random Fact: i just saw buckethead for the first time the other night and it was a pretty fucking transcendent experience
21. Aesthetic: ganking my own answer to another one of these things bc it’s perfect: Dishes made from casts of doll heads, scuffed pleasers, old timey medical equipment, plaid flannel button-downs, amethyst geodes, half-burned religious candles, a jar full of teeth, a partially-drunk bottle of bordeaux, decorative knives, faded band tees with body glitter that just won’t come out no matter how many times you wash them.
Well that was fun! I tag whoever wants to do this. 
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.3
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h  m y  g o d do I get a little crazier  every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [III]
EDIT 25/10/2023: Updated the traditional drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
**Side note: I’m not going to put any scripts for now, but rather on the following sketchdumps, as they might be explained more clearly
1.-BFH FC 7 – Steinkion
Another old OC comeback, this time being a UnderTale one named Tekion that was like some kind of human-beast with metal claws (100% original donut steel)
…But now he’s a zombie-shroom scientist that has gotten mad due to the power outage to the point of even daring to kidnap a live human to force him in becoming his ‘human battery’
…and as you may assume by me using he/him pronouns for the other person -yes, the poor target for this guy’s lunatic “solutions” is BF, an F in the chat for him would be nice thank u
BTW the reason his clothes/bandages have the ‘transparent’ effect in the digital ver is to show his body traits (his exposed ‘organ’ alongside his ribs especially) underneath for referencial purposes only
2.-BFH FC 8 – Isidro UnderTale OC again, though I never made him public and besides he used to be more of a ‘cameo’ …until now that he now has a ‘position’…well, sort of
Used to be an ‘half-skeleton-half-human’ brave traveller that felt awkward about the possible San(d)s fangirls he would encounter during his journey, he’s now a semi-infected human that’s also a rewarded worm Wiseman/caretaker/tamer
But during this very moment, he’s pissed off over the outage -like if being a trypophobe mess bc larvae and stuff wasn’t burdensome enough oof- so he grows into a impulsive guy that can kinda leash off over the minor of things…unless, of course, you fix the power gap on his place
3.-BFH FC 9 – Grimowra “Rockonna”
Again, old OC
Topic –Steven Universe
Originally known as ‘Greora’, a possible onyx gem that kinda aggressive, I decided to bring her back with a blast, and now she’s one of the hood’s best wrestlers (the champbelt being proof y’know)
But here and now, she’s furious about the outage, one of her reasons being that she would starry in a very important (and expensive, might I add) event during that time, and well…seeing that the light didn’t come back asap, frustration blew into her like fireworks on new year’s eve…she doesn’t even fight fair anymore, so beware, she might try to crack your nuts
I’m talking to u specifically, BF-
Also she basically makes the auto arrows somewhat relevant sooo…props??
You’ll see what I’m talking about in the later, you’ll see you’ll see hehe-
4.-BFH FC 10 – Mendel The medic from before
His name basically relates to my biology classes so y’know
As for his cloak, I initially though these markings on it to be only liquid stains (not blood, just waste and that sort of stuff) that couldn’t be washed off anymore, but since I kinda gave him some military kind of background characteristics (he didn’t actually go to war himself, but he worked on the medical support division for some time before quitting later on), I now have that idea where he would see them/refer to them as a light-colored cammo-styled pattern instead, just for fun
And yes he treats zombie patients too
Crazy I know, but even they need a fix up every so and then; though of course, what we humans would consider hard damage, they would only view it as a mere scratch…unless fire is involved, then it’s panik times confirmed
That also explains why he has some scratches on his body, his face’s clearly being from the most outstanding operation during his professional career…to say the least
What happened? I don’t really know, but sure it had a chaotic patient involved              on it
Overall, he has a stressful job, but he’s used to it
5.-Fahra (MumDaddy’s pet )
Sphynx cats ma duck
He likes being on GF’s legs, very comfy(?)
This was also taken from an old UT OC called Fareonne (ithink…?) who’s a male furry lion (with possible gender dysmorphia cuz yo where his mane brooo) dressed up as a pharaoh
6.-Mummu Ka (MumDaddy’s companion woman 1)
A little bit of Mummu Ka in my life-
This is going to get me cancelled so bad…but I already made this and there’s no going back so ayee-
Still though, humans ain’t allowed to ask for a hook-up in that club so it’s cool (iguess)
7.-Zuu Xha (MumDaddy’s companion woman 2)
Also, in case you wonder, in the in-game scenario, Mummu and she are side-by-side with GF on the boombox following the rhythm like her –according to where she leans to might I add
8.-Cranium boombox
wOOAHHOAH spoiler
 no, I won’t tell u anything
…not yet
9.-BF’s icon, but he’s a little sick
Way to welcome your guests, Graveyard…
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wander2theedge · 6 years
Spooky Tag Time!
I’ve been tagged by @starry-eyedandstormy. Since it’s officially the spookiest time of the year, celebrate by sharing your six favorite films or shows to indulge in during the season of the spooks (they can range from frightening and grotesque to the funniest and most light hearted thing imaginable), then try to tag six more followers/mutuals to keep it going!
Funny thing is I’m more into spooky video games then films or shows (such as Soma, Majora’s Mask, and Night in the Woods are my favorites as all are fun, and atmospheric, and chilling in all the right ways), but I do have these six to pull out and share with you guys.
1.) Alien (1979)
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Even tho Aliens vs Predator is my fav out of the Alien movies and a gulity pleasure (its a fucking MASTERPIECE your critics!), the first Alien is just too good to pass up for the season; the visuals, the suspence, the practical effects, and SPACE! I loved the buildup and the big reveal of the Alien and how it left a big impact Signourney Weaver becoming one of my fav actresses
It also brings me back to when I was younger and spend hours and nights watching the SyFy (back then it was SciFi Channel, fucking miss those days) and AMC channels. A LOT of the stuff on wasn’t even good, but when it was great it was GREAT (Predator was on too), and its one of the things where I really started my love for monster and science fiction movies.
2.) Stranger Things (2016-20XX)
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Can anyone believe it only took me NOW to binge watch Stranger Things for the first time ever? Well I caught up and it. IS. PHENOMENAL! Kids? FUCKING AWESOME! The adults *coughJoyceByersIsBadasscoughCOUGH* The teens always start off as the weakest part for me and the bullies were one dimensional but then they get better, but its such as strong series and those are relatively nitpicks from me. The characters are solid, the music and atmosphere are top notch, and the suspence and mystery are fucking awesome! I’m so excited to spend 9 hours next year for season 3!
3.) Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
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I saw Hellboy 1 and Mimic on scifi channel once, but I forgot about them quickly later on (Hellboy made a rebound with me after another rewatch but its nothing like its sequel. Mimic is just bleh). Pan’s Labyrinth cemented me as Guillermo del Toro becoming my one of three only favorite and likable directors/producers right now in hollywood, and huge fan of his work and styles. It really made me appreciate and look deep into the power of practical monster makeup and design, smart camera work and lighting, large sets and environment, Doug Jones, and revitilized my love of movie monsters when I fell out of it for a time. I love how dark this story gets with its visuals and storytelling (I hate it when kids and animals die on screen, but del toro is SOMEHOW the only guy who makes it work for me. HOWDOESHEFUCKINGDOIT???), but yet still be so emotional and be full of energy and passion. Its just so. Damn. GOOD. 
4.) Annihilation (2018)
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I have NEVER left a movie theater in terror and shakes since I saw War of the Worlds as a kid (aliens with needles sucking up human blood? WAY TOO MUCH FOR A 10 YEAR OLD). This ^^^ THIS MOVIE? FREAKED. ME. OUT. Both as a casual movie goer and as someone with an environmental and biology career ahead. It’s another scifi horror and it delivers. The atmosphere, the setup, the crazy ass shit these scientists experience is both beautiful and terrifying, and its just chilling in a goosebumps through your skeleton kind of feel. If I were to spoil it, I dont think I could describe it justice bc I couldnt convey how fearful it can be, but there are gorey bits in it that might get too much for some. 
Its sad that not alot of ppl saw it before I was put up on Netflix while it was still in cinemas, but I highly-HIGHLY-encourage ppl to watch this with a good ass sound system bc .... D A M N 
5.) Young Frankenstein (1974)
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6.) Over the Garden Wall (2014)
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Has anyone ever heard of “Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark”? Its a book full of anthology vignettes of gothic stories, folklore, and urban legends for kids? My parents would read them to us at night next to Goosebumps, Harry Potter, and lighter hearted kids books. I get that feel when I watch the mini-series with the brothers and their travels in the woods. Its just charming and weirdly engaging, and just odd in some places with this eerie undertone with the kiddy and goofy parts to even it out just right. Plus it has one of the best lines I was ever spoiled with but it got better in full context ever. 
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I was tagged by @starry-eyedandstormy and for my 6 peeps, I’m going with @little----wolf, @ellimm27, @notagrimreaper, @tipolini, @platypiandi, and @cesspooldrool@. you dont have to do this if you dont wanna, but I wanna hear what you guys have to say about your favs if you feel like sharing.
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kim-bbap · 7 years
Rules: answer these 11 questions, make up some more and tag 11 people. Thanks for the tag @yes-i-am-student!! i love you hahaha 💕
1. What’s your dream job? skldfj;alksjfakjsf ahhAAAAhhhh idk maybe a creative director?? but idk in what field (lord pls help me figure out my life)
2. When was the last time you saw your friends? Earlier this day. classes resumed today so i saw them :)
3. What accomplishment are you most proud of in your life? why are your questions so hard geez you could ask like what i ate for breakfast and i wouldn’t know the answer hahahah um i guess getting into the college and the program that i wanted and getting the high grades that makes my parents proud??
4. Do you make new years resolutions? i don’t lol i know i’ll just forget them in around two weeks.
5. Who is your favourite artist or author? artist? like a singer? or like a painter or something? I’m gonna go with painters because I have a several names in mind. Van Eyck, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Vermeer, and Goya. When i was learning about painters and all that, Francisco Goya (de Goya?) was i think my favourite, or like the one that really piqued my interest. His works were dark and kind of scary. And also Jan Van Eyck, his paintings were meticulously detailed af. if you go to this website, you can see his works in great detail. like you can zoom in, and zoom in even further and you’ll still find small details and it’s so cool ahhhh sorry this is getting too long, and idek if you were asking about painters. (im gonna keep going) and i mean of course i also like van gogh. i did an acrylic painting of one of his works (starry night ofc) and it’s so therapeutic. it’s so fun to do bc you don’t have to pay so much detail to proper proportions and stuff, and i liked doing the little strokes. anyway aside from (post)impressionist painters and renaissance, i also like painters who did expressionism and surrealism. (sry i got excited there’s so many) as for authors, i don’t really have a favourite? i kind of like ya books just in general. honestly, i don’t even read as much as i used to do. so sad. 
6. How happy are you about where you are in life right now? quite happy actually. stressed, yes, but happy. (tbh, i was really depressed back in high school and i used to think i wouldn’t even make it this far?? like how am i even alive right now wth)
7. Introvert or extrovert (or the mythical ambivert)? introvert. I wish i was an extrovert. I’d probably have achieved so much more if i was. :( but that’s alright i guess
8. Favourite item of clothing? i’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour :) Majority of my clothes are black hahaha i like all of them. but there is this one black muscle tee that i wear quite a lot and it has two skeletons on it. I also like sweaters. and black thigh high socks.
9. Where is your dream holiday destination? JAPAN pls
10. Do you like Star Wars? i’ve only watched ep 7. but I have downloaded the first 6 on my laptop a while back bc i really wanna get into it. but rn it’s just sitting there hahaha
11. How much time do you spend on your phone during a typical day? a lot of time. an unhealthy amount of time, im guessing. If i’m not seated in front of my desktop or working on something, i’d be on my phone.
My questions: 
1. How was your day? 2. Can you recommend song/s for me to listen to? 3. What’s your favourite meme? 4. What’s one thing you want to improve on this year? 5. Post any random picture from your phone. (You can skip this one if you want) 6. Seen any good movies recently? 7. What’s the coolest thing you have right now? 8. What did you want to be when you were a kid? Is it the same now? 9. What’s the weirdest dream you had? 10. Do you watch any youtubers? 11. Do you have any funny or weird stories about a teacher in your school?
I’m tagging @psyduckstudies @shrustudies @a-turtle-studying @citrusstudy @awhaleinanoceanoffish @ryukignis @study-beaver @studygnit @fragmentos-de-estrelas @notesbynunes @drama-studies
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Izzy! We found your take on Salix very refreshing and can’t wait to see what you do with our lovable trickster! Please follow the steps on the acceptance checklist and welcome to The Ridge!
O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R -
Name/Alias: izzy
Age: 22
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Timezone: est
Triggers: ed talk/disordered eating mentions + sexual assault mentions/talk
How did you find us: through the skeleton rp tag ! i was browsing and found y’all !!
Please describe your activity: with quarantine i have nothing but time. i try to be on at least once a day so i don’t get behind on replies !
Anything else you need us to know:
D E T A I L S -
Character: salix willowbark
What drew you to this character: i usually tend to play very meek characters but something about salix’s ‘fuck everything im just gonna do me bc rules are oppressive in any regard no matter who is in charge’ attitude really just connects to how i actually feel normally in the world. obviously i don’t thieve ( for legal reasons of course ) but that constant need to mess with people, especially people who are all about politics, is something i have so much muse for. i can just see salix now always coming in extremely late to the council meetings on purpose just so he can make as loud as an entrance as he can even though he knows he literally has no value to them really, its just fun to watch them snap their heads expecting someone important but nope, its salix slamming the doors again. he’s that type of guy who is always around but you never see him leave or arrive anywhere, he’s just there and then gone along with your wallet if you’re lucky. salix would call himself an enigma but he’s just really good at sneaking in and out of places ( i wonder why huh? ). authority means absolutely nothing to him, anyone who tries to police him just gets greeted with nonstop laughter because he can’t even take them seriously and he was quite slippery, too hard to grab and arrest. salix has no schedule and he doesn’t make plans. if he gets invited to a party the times are optional so he shows up when he wants to or doesn’t. he’s a very fickle individual who likes to seek out adventure without falsifying with prior intentions. he’s a purest when it comes to adventures and nature, both should always be presented to you not picked by you.
Faceclaims ( Please list at least two ): hero fiennes-tiffin & seo kang joon
ik they’re very different objectively looks wise but honestly when it comes to vibes they’re very similar. the reason i picked up hero & kangjoon was because they both kind of radiate this smugness while also being extremely charming looking. both are very attractive men who just have that look, that severe beauty that is just approachable enough with his charismatic personality. he’s definitely the type of guy to know people think he’s hot and doesn’t like to show that he likes it but he secretly loves it especially coming from people he’s tricked so both of these face claims to me just scream that type of energy. smug but not arrogant, attractive but not too attractive to where you can’t talk to him, just charismatic enough that you look past any red flags because that smile is just too genuine looking to be coming from a trickster, right?
I N  C H A R A C T E R -
Please list at least two headcanons for your character:
1. it is not uncommon for salix to disappear in the woods for a couple days only to come back to the ridge with no explanation. no one knows where he goes or why but sometimes he just needs peace and quiet from the constant reminders that their societies were close to a war. it’s like his own little meditative retreat.
2. salix likes to pretend he’s a human sometimes by covering his ears with a hat or scarf while going out on the town to see who he can fool and mess with. it’s very amusing to him and he’s learned humans are kinda dumb but then again so are all of the other races to him as well so it wasn’t a huge surprise. 3. salix is the type of guy who doesn’t believe in settling down and not in a ‘no one will ever love me so im too afraid to try’ way. the entire concept of a relationship just seems archaic to him and the amount of work that goes into that is too much work for him so he just puts it out into the universe that he is single but not looking to settle down.
4. salix’s charm is really easy to fall under because he’s an attractive sweet talker who knows how to work a person based on body language alone so he’s really not to be messed with. he is 80% non-violent and honestly mostly neutral when it comes to almost every topic because he could care less but that 20% left over is from situations where someone forces his hand to be used. he doesn’t use force unless someone is really bothering the shit out of him and that’s a hard feat to do since he’s such a fucker its hard to fuck with him back.
5. salix is constantly barefoot and prefers to never wear shoes but he is known to make the exception for special occasions ( but not always ! ). he doesn’t tell people his reasoning mostly because he doesn’t really want their input on what he does with his life because its his life but its simple, he feels more connected to the earth without shoes. shoes to him rob every species of the true experience of nature.
6. it is no secret that salix likes to use the five finger discount a lot but what people don’t know is that the stuff he steals that isnt for profit ( stuff he cant resell or barter with that he steals ) he always keeps. his home is just full of random shit everywhere in piles and there is absolutely no organization in his home but he doesn’t care, the chaos calms him because all those stolen things are his now, his little trinkets and random stolen things that he likes to just look at when he is home. ( which isnt super often, he likes to go out and not come home for a few days )
Please include a list of potential plots for your character:
1. i can’t stop thinking of salix annoying the hell out the council members just for shits and giggles. so i can just imagine him showing up somewhere a council member is and just acting like a moron until they leave. 2. anything to do with him stealing/pick-pocketing + messing w/ppl and running into the ‘law’ and just having to try to keep a straight face when he’s being questioned because he doesn’t take any authority seriously. i’d love to see how an angel responds to his ‘charm’ 3. i’d also love to delve into his neutrality, like how deep does it go and how far do his morals go with it ? he isn’t a true neutral but he’s close so to really go in-depth with his character to see what kind of person he turns out to be in the end of this, still neutral or will he bend and choose a side?
Please include an in-character sample. This can be as long as you’d like with a minimum of 400 words:
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milothebastardman · 7 years
Ok what songs fit your ok ko otps I through it be fun to learn your favorite otps and songs
Oh man, this is a cool ask! Let’s see…
Voxman (Lord Boxman x Professor Venomous): I Won’t Say I’m In Love (me tbh) They both just seem like they’d be super stubborn about admitting their feelings for each other? idk I think it fits.
Radmond: Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen (I’m musical trash y’all) Like I personally imagine that Rad is really insecure (it’s canon that he is actually, I just expand on it a little to apply to his first relationship with a guy) and he feels like he needs to somehow “prove” himself to Raymond. 
Bearbones (idk who made the name but it’s super cute good job, it’s Brandon and Real Magic Skeleton if y’all didn’t know): Personally? Video Games by Lana Del Rey seems like it would fit them. They’re not into super fancy dates and stuff, they can just hang out and play video games with each other and be in heaven. 
Goxman (Lord Boxman and Mr. Gar): hhh don’t judge me but… GFDI Dave seems really fitting bc Lord Boxman definitely has a love/hate thing going on here and he’s just “ugh I hate his stupid face and his stupid smile and his stuPID SHIRTLESS SELF” and yeah… (I’m not a Homestuck I swear I just liked some of the songs people made)
Carol x Mr. Gar (idk the name. Mr. Mom? Car???): Can’t Fight THis Feeling, cause I feel like Carol and Mr. Gar were pals way before he started developing feelings for her. And that’s what this song is all about, falling in love with a great friend and being overwhelmed by it. Doesn’t that describe Mr. Gar’s situation pretty well? (plus the line “it’s time to bring this ship into the shore” describes everyone who has an OTP)
Nick Army x Joff (i forgot the ship name but I personally love War and Peace cause I’m a literary reference slut): I Want to Hold Your Hand, it just seems fitting because it’s a very innocent song, you know? It’s not a song about wanting someone sexually, it’s just so sweet and pure, just like Nick and Joff! 
Enid x Red Action: Teenage Dream (let’s be real Red Action is every lesbian/bi/pan girl’s teenage dream) There’s like… So much tension between them? just make out already pls
Enid x Elodie: Enchanted (heck off I’m a southern girl who lived off country Taylor Swift) Okay, so hear me out on this one. The whole song is about Taylor (or in this case, one of our lovely girls) meeting someone absolutely amazing for the first time. It’s another really innocent song with nothing sexual in it, and I related to it so deeply when I got my first serious crush in middle school. And since Elodie and Enid met when they were middle school aged… Idk, it fits to me. (and then Clean maybe applies to how Enid feels now that she’s kinda moved on)
okay I think that’s all the OK KO ships… (watch me miss like four really good ones) Anywhore, hope that answered your question Nonny! If y’all have any certain songs you like, let me know them! maybe I’ll do a songfic with your OTP and the song of your choice
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