#skeleton crew tie
earlycuntsets · 17 days
frank: I spilled coffee all over me. thank you. I was so excited that we won! I high fived fall out boy... and then spilled my coffee i'm sorry. uh we have some people we wanted to thank real quick
gerard: first thing we uh, we wanna thank our fans because they are the best fans in the world. that the main thing. we've got some people at home. our crew, our work crew that sticks by us every day and we know they're home so we want to shout out to them incase they're watching.
crunche from 2006 mychemicalteam.br (brazil)
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02/21/2006 trl awards
they won "best group that actually plays instruments"
edit of oliviaa's clip (yt)
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Leon Kennedy x fem reader Established relationship/married, mentions of sedation, blood, bit of spice, absolute nonsense
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Leon looks through the porthole-style window of the metal door to the lab and what he sees makes his heart stop. You - his beloved wife - on the floor, propped up against a row of cages at the far back wall, each wrist zip-tied to the bars above you and your head hanging low, clearly unconscious.
You’d agreed on radio silence when you’d split up, the expectation being you’d break it when either of you had located your objective. It was meant to be an easy job – suspicions that the research being undertaken at this particular oil ring was questionable at best, conducted by a skeleton crew. A USB stick holding the files the two of you had been sent to retrieve is now securely zipped in a pouch on his vest, a handful of guards sacrificing their lives for the cause. Annoyingly, a speedboat had managed to get away with the scientists onboard, but a call to HQ had the coastguard swiftly on their tail.
Leon had started to worry when he didn’t get a reply from his call-outs and had circled back, his stomach in knots. There had been slight pushback from the DSO when you and Leon had started dating, and even more so after you’d tied the knot. The two of you remained professional to a fault, but it had been observed that you worked incredibly well together. It brings both of you a bit of comfort too, knowing you have each other’s back - not one left at home wondering if the other one is going to come home in one piece.
You can take care of yourself, he has no doubt about that… But, hell, neither you or he are invincible. He swipes the pilfered keycard through the automatic lock and it takes everything within him not to sprint on over to you as the door buzzes – he needs to remain cautious, scan the area for any remaining threats and then tend to you once he’s established it’s safe. He pushes the door open and checks each square foot, gun raised, finger ready to shoot on sight. The lab is small, just the one room – no outgoing doors – and once he confirms that it is clear, he quickly pulls across a medical cart to block the door as an extra precaution, then practically skids his way over to you across the linoleum.
He drops to his knees, placing his gun down by his side and grasping hold of your chin gently to tilt your head up.
The first thing Leon takes in is that you’re breathing. He immediately releases the breath he’s been holding in relief. There’s some tacky blood on your temple from a wound that is already clotting, as well what will end up as a pretty nasty bruise developing under your eye. It doesn’t seem right though – you’re too skilled to take something like that…
He pulls out his knife and slices through the first zip tie, freeing your wrist when he spots a very unwelcome sight – there’s a syringe stuck in the crook of your elbow, obviously administered in quite the hurry.
“Fuck.” Leon pulls it out slowly and holds it aloft, squinting at a small serial code within. He presses his earpiece then, and there’s a couple of beeps before he’s patched through to Hunnigan.
“This is Roost.”
“Roost, Condor One. I’ve located Kestrel – unconscious, looks like she’s been injected with something. There’s a serial on the syringe, run it for me?”
He recites the numbers, slowly, making sure he’s read them right – a slip might be the wrong diagnosis. There is a tense pause as he hears Hunnigan tap away on the keyboard.
“Got a match. It’s a barbiturate, type of sedative. Good news is Kestrel’s not allergic to any of the ingredients. Usually it’s administered via an IV to keep the patient under, but if it was a controlled dose via syringe she should come round soon.”
“Okay. Good.” He cradles your face with his palm, relieved that it wasn’t something unknown or particularly nasty.
“Did you obtain the info?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got the files. Can we get an extraction?”
“45 minutes ETA, Condor One. Meet it at the helipad – side of the rig - if you can make it there with Kestrel.” He looks down at the map and notes the point, as you let out a soft, sleepy mumble.
“We’re pretty close. Think she’s beginning to wake up. I’ll give her a little longer to come round.”
“Right. Just a warning – that drug is strong.”
“Noted. Condor One out.” He presses the button and the connection drops. He grabs hold of his knife again and slices the remaining zip-tie, pressing a kiss to the indent it’s left on your wrist – bastards - before he places it down gently in your lap, and waits.
Leon explores the lab a little further, digging in all the cabinets and drawers he can find. There’s a metal table with some dried blood on it and he reckons after they’d injected you you must’ve hit the deck, or, more literally, the table. He comes up empty-handed of items in search, besides finding your confiscated weapons in a medical tray ��� he adds them to his own supply, sticking your pistol in his front pocket. By the time he’s finished, you’ve begun to show a few more stirring signs so he makes his way back over, crouching down in front of you to caress your cheek once more.
“Hey, sweetpea,” Leon smiles as you blink repeatedly, trying to get your eyes to focus. “You’re all right, I’ve got you.”
“Huh?” You mumble as the blurs slowly transition into Leon’s face, his features in a mix of concern and relief at you finally regaining consciousness.  
“Took quite the hit, huh?” He drops his hand to your waist and you flinch at the contact, causing him to withdraw. “Sorry, are you hurt there?”
“I’m okay.” You eye him warily as you reply, sitting yourself upright a little more.
“Good.” He lets out a sigh, before rubbing the back of his head. “Not gonna lie, you had me scared for a moment. Come here, sweetheart,” he slips his arm around your waist this time, pulling you forward in what he means to be a gentle kiss, but the second your lips meet he cannot resist taking it a bit further, tangling his hand in your hair to deepen it, swiping his tongue along your bottom lip to gain access within. You relent and he grins into the kiss, darting his tongue against yours and…
A stinging pain on his right cheek from where your palm has collided. There wasn’t a lot of power behind it, but it still makes him pull back. He opens his eyes in alarm and you’re glaring at him, hot tears threatening to spill.
“You bastard.”
The slap, the name – he’s heard you use some pretty colourful language over the years but never directed at him at least – renders him speechless for a moment, his mind trying to catch up with what happened to sweet reunion.
“Baby, what…?“ He reaches a hand out for you again but you slap it away, or at least you try this time - your co-ordination is all off and all you do is bat the air.
“Don’t call me that.” There’s a slur to your words, almost as if you’re drunk. “Back off, buddy.”
“I’m married, I’ve got a husband.” You make a point of looking him up and down. “A husband that could kick your sorry ass into next week if he saw you right now.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Leon frowns, thoroughly confused now. “I am your husband.”
You laugh dryly at that. “You wish! He’s, like, ten times sexier than you without even trying.”
He looks down at himself then – he’s in his tactical vest, his usual mission get-up – maybe his hair does need a bit of a trim, but… what are you on about?
“I assure you that’s mathematically impossible.” Leon withdraws a flashlight from his belt and clicks it on, trying to direct it at your pupils. “Does your head hurt?”
“Stop that.” You wince into the light, ducking your head away. He only gets a quick glance but your pupils aren’t reacting as they should – a combination of the sedative and a concussion, maybe? You aren’t going to be a willing patient for him to get a longer look, that’s for sure. “Leave me alone.”
“Uh-uh, you need to listen.” He puts the flashlight back in his belt and cups your face with both of his hands, forcing you to meet his eyes. “I’m Leon, I am your husband. You were sedated and I think you’re concussed - that’s why things seem a little confusing right now, but you’ve got to believe me, sweetpea.”
You blink again, tilting your head in a curious manner before squinting. A delighted smile crosses your face as you take in his face, as if he hadn't already been in front of you this whole time.
“Hi,” you say, breathily. “There you are!”
“Hey.” He smiles. It is weird to see you so ditzy, however he can’t help but admit it is utterly adorable. “I’m here, darlin'. You’ll feel better in a bit, okay?”
“Nah, I feel great, baby.” You place your hand over his and tug it slightly so you can lace your fingers inbetween. “Hey, have I told you how sexy it is when you wear these gloves? We should-"
Your earpieces beep simultaneously and cut off your train of thought, as you both answer out of instinct.
“Condor One, it's Roost. Helicopter’s 20 minutes out. Thought you’d like to know the coastguard has picked up our scientist friends. Any update on Kestrel?”
“Hunnigan, it’s me!” You chirp. “I’m fine. Great.”
“Please tell me this is an expected side effect.” Leon comments, dryly.
“Yeah, sounds like it. Kestrel’s going to be like that a little while – I’m sure you can handle her, though.”
“By the way, Condor One – excellent. Love it, love you.” You poke Leon in the chest to really emphasise your point. “Roost – makes sense. Kestrel, though? Kestrel’s such a dumb name. I want a cooler one.”
“We don’t pick them, you know that.” Hunnigan replies, tapping away at her keyboard – Leon assumes she’s sending intel to the helicopter medic about your apparent state of mind.
“Well, we should. I'm changing mine." You declare, boldly. "My new codename is gonna be… Mrs Kennedy.”
“You don’t mean that, sweetpea.” Leon shakes his head in disbelief. You’d kept your surname when the two of you had got married – antiquated tradition that didn’t mean anything to him or you – hadn’t ever been an issue. “You don’t like it when people even mistakenly call you that.”
“Mm, that’s not strictly true." You pause to bite your lip and look up at him. "See, I’d really like it if you’d call me that next time we do that thing where y-“ He covers your mouth then, pulling you into his side. He’s now painfully aware of where you’re going with that sentence and it’s not something you - or he - will want recorded on the comms transcript for this mission for all time.
“Okay, Roost, I think we’re gonna head off now to the extraction point.”
“Wise.” The connection cuts out and he lets go of you, about to apologise, but you’re already distracted, looking down at what your hip bumped against when he grabbed you.
“Hey, that’s my gun,” your hand ghosts across his crotch as you try to take it from his pocket. He’s quicker though, grabbing hold of both of your hands and twirling you into his embrace, pressing your back into his chest and crossing his arms in front of you.
“Yeah… Best if I keep hold of it for now, don’t you think, sweetheart?”
“But it’s mine-" You protest. He steps you forward, leaning his chin on your crown as he directs you towards the door.
“You can have it back when you’re feeling a bit more yourself, I promise. Just let me look after you for now, okay?”
“Fine,” you huff out, allowing him to manhandle you forward with no resistance. “Where we going?”
“We’ve got a helicopter to catch.”
Satisfied that you’d forgotten about your gun, he settled for just holding your hand tightly as he tugged you up the stairs and to the helipad, keeping an eye on the horizon. It should be here soon – then maybe they could flush whatever it was in your system or you’d sleep it off in the helicopter. You’re not a big drinker – you get a little tipsy off a glass of wine – but this as if you’ve downed a whole bottle, your filter entirely wiped out.
“Leon…” You drawl, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“I’ve been thinking about the debrief…”
“Don’t worry about that right now, darlin’. Let’s just get ourselves home first, huh?”
“No, not that one.” You bite your lip, before your hands slide round and down to his ass, giving it a squeeze and then tugging at his belt to slip below. “I have a different kind of de-brief in mind, if you get what I mean…”
The helicopter blades whir in the distance at last and he thanks his luck, pulling your hands back to around his waist and away from his boxers.
“Don’t you want me?” You pout, pathetically, pushing yourself into his chest. “I do,” he hums, “but not like this, sweetheart. When you’re more yourself we’ll talk, okay?” He presses a kiss to your crown and wraps his arms around you, keeping his eyes focused on the helicopter’s approach.
You feel as if you’re hungover – head throbbing and nauseous as you wake. You’d dozed off in the helicopter ride back, vaguely aware at some point of Leon carrying you out and a sharp sting in your arm before you’d fallen asleep again. You’re in the med bay back at HQ, an IV in your arm connected to a bag of fluids and Leon’s sat cross-legged in a chair by the bed, typing away on a laptop.
“Hi.” You mumble and his blue eyes meet yours, his smile creasing the corners of them.
“Hi there. How you feeling?” He closes the laptop and puts it to the side, shuffling closer to you.
“Like I drank way too much. What happened?”  
“Those scientists injected you with a pretty strong sedative and you whacked your head. Mild concussion – headache might hang around a couple of days, I’m afraid.” He hesitates then, curious. “Do you remember the lead up to that at all?”
“No.” You shake your head and regret it when the room spins. “I remember us splitting up and then everything’s a little hazy…” Patchy recollections of conversations circle through your mind. “I think… I remember saying some… things. Weird things.”
“If you count telling me that your husband is ten times hotter than me, then yes.”
“What?” You have to laugh at that one.
“Oh, yeah. Then you tried to get them to change your codename, before finally trying to make debriefing have an entirely different context.” He smirks as your face loses colour in embarrassment. “Didn’t think you had it in you, sweetpea.”
“I… I didn’t.”
“Oh, you did." He licks his lips then, maintaining eye contact. "I've been looking up some of the side effects of the sedative – apparently it can disinhibit you something rotten. Got me wondering though - you keeping some secret desires from me?”
“N-no.” You’re a terrible liar - a poker face in front of enemies, but you always crumble within a second in front of Leon.
He gets to his feet then, circles the bed to clamber in the opposite side of the IV drip and pulls you into his chest, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Cos, as I told you at the time, I’d be very happy to revisit some of your ideas when you’re feeling better…" He moves his lips down, whispering in your ear. "..Mrs Kennedy.”
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Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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Star covered hug booth (platonic)
Not canon but just some plane what if fun based on an ask from awhile back. Also sorry I’ve been inactive I’ve had some burnout as of late alongside starting second year university lol
Send me asks for characters you’d like to see hug Determination! Y/n
Masterlist for determination!
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In life Nami had many things she has come to love.
For one she loved her mom Bellemere and sister Nojiko (as well as Genzo, a man who was the only father-figure she had in her life despite how she butted heads with him). Nami loved them wholeheartedly, loved them so deeply she sacrificed her childhood to ensure Bellemere’s sacrifice was not in vain.
She loved Cocoyashi. Loved the quaint island village she called home, the old beaten paths she’d chart on her first mock maps. Loved its people that despite having their pockets nicked by her small nimble hands still cared for her (only years later did she learn that many would let her get away with taking their wallets and would give Bellemere discounts for things she needed).
She loved tangerines and oranges. The smell of them lingered on her and in her dreams as the soft memories of that home on a cliffside played in her mind. The sweet taste that stuck to her tongue, the white blossoms in the spring and the color that matched the sunsets that she would peer out at through windows.
She loved money, she felt more secure with it after the years of barely scraping by and being extorted. Liked being able to provide for herself things that seemed more like a childish dream rather than a reality. Nami liked buying clothes, jewels, supplies and things for everyone on board even if they had not noticed. She also used it as a way to tie people to her, by having a “debt” it meant that they would not leave her (even if in her mind she knows they won’t).
And most of all Nami loved her crew.
Nami loved the idiot she called a captain. Dressed in flip flops and his raggedy straw hat sitting like a crown atop messy raven hair along with a stretched out smile across his face.
loved the moss haired swordsman without a sense of direction. How loyalty ran through his blood and his unwavering spirit in spite of the situations they ended up in.
Loved the blond haired cook who went out of his way to feed the crew with a grin. A cigarette hung limply on his lips whilst he handed off Hand made drinks specially catered to individual tastes.
Loved the long nosed cowardly sniper who she leant on for support as one of the only sane ones left on this crew. Their shared dry remarks on ridiculous situations before laughter replaced it.
Loved the blue nosed little doctor that plastered wounds with bandaids with their Jolly Roger. His bursts of bashfulness at being told he did a good job and his love of all things pink and sweet.
Loved the calm and cool historian who never failed to make her feel appreciated. The woman who never asks about the nightmares (nor does Nami ask about her own) but instead silently comfort each other.
Loved the shipwright with flashy chains and a steel hard smile. The man who puts love into their vassal with each nail and board while making unconventional machines that make everyone else smile.
Loved the joke making skeleton with annoying questions but with the soul of a true musician. Ivory bones drifting along similarly ivory keys whilst the crew listened to his songs of old.
Loved the reserved yet hearty presence of the helmsman that helps her through her trauma of fish and scales. The way he uses graceful movements of his karate that’s used to water her tangerines before he splashes a nearby Luffy.
And finally Nami loved the starry-eyed storyteller of the crew. The cherub face of an old soul that has seen too much of the world and has yet to change. A child stuck to watch the world around them change, telling the stories lost to time and later their own mind.
Nami loved her crew.
Maybe that was a bit of an understatement, but the point still stands.
…..but god did she sometimes loath their spending habits which leads her to this situation now.
As the only person on this damn boat with any Handle on money (besides Sanji when he’s not head over heels) she can’t help but want to bash her head in. Because along with being the navigator she handles the money, but evidently that didn’t matter to her stupid (affectionate) crew mates.
No Luffy you can’t buy 5 tons of meat just because your hungry.
No Zoro you can’t buy an oceans worth of booze because you feel like it.
No Sanji you can’t just buy every woman in a crowd a necklace because their “angels sent by heaven”.
No Ussop you can’t just buy a bunch of random supplies for your bombs half that stuff doesn’t make sense.
No chopper you can’t stalk up on cotton candy…the medical supplies is allowed though knowing this crew.
No Robin you can’t have another library on board when our room is already stacked from top to bottom in books.
No Franky for the love of god please stop buying supplies for robots we already have enough of them.
No Brook you don’t need a glass piano we already have 3 different pianos on the sunny.
No jimbe…actually no Jimbe your good because you're actually an responsible adult…wait why do you have so many Hawaii shirts-
And finally you. The only person on this crew who sticks to the budget but never actually buys anything for themself. Honestly she’d be happy if you went over budget and got yourself something, but she knows that’ll happen when Luffy becomes a vegetarian.
Nami loves her crew but god does that seem to screw her over.
They barely had enough to afford supplies at the next port, and though stealing wasn’t off the table laying low would be nice. Especially since her idiot of a captain just had to make a ruckus recently and have a good portion of the marines on their tail.
She’d really like to avoid another jailbreak.
So with that in mind she needed cash quickly.
And with that formed various schemes and ideas.
Form a mlm? Nah too much time to invest in.
Rob a bank? Too much attention.
Form a big distraction and then rob people blind? Shed and most of the crew would avoid doing that to civilians if possible.
And with all those x’d out ideas in mind she finally came to one that seemed plausible.
Somehow you had gained the friendship of many people over your many years of living. From almost all the warlords to Yonko’s and even admirals.
And knowing this Nami’s mind started a scheme. One that left her conflicted.
Because as much as their finances needed it, she wasn’t alright if it made you uncomfortable.
It’s partially halfway to their next destination that Nami sits herself next to you whilst you watch the waves. They lapped over one another, folding into the endless blue complimented by bubbling white foam. The sight never seemed to grow old to your eyes, even after so many years of watching the same sight once more as the day continued in its mellowness.
Normally someone of the crew would come to join you so it’s not too surprising when Nami joins.
But what is surprising is when she speaks up instead of continuing in sweet silence.
“We’re low on funds and I had an idea” she starts slowly, she picks beneath her nails, a nervous habit of hers. You noticed it quite easily, for as much as Nami wanted to look like she’s calm and in control you’d alway noticed the cracks in her resolve. It’s what you respected about her. The way she always tried to act like a pillar for others to lean on even when she was as brittle and scared as everyone else.
“Sure thing” you say, still looking out towards the waves.
“But you didn’t-“
“Nami I trust you.”
You think that for a moment that breaks her, shattering her heart into thousands of tiny pieces. Though that should hardly be surprising to her, because of course you trusted her. She was your navigator, your friend. You had every reason to, yet still it resonates within her deeply.
“You didn’t even hear what it was” her tone is slightly chiding, yet lingering fear still makes itself known despite your previous comment. “I had the idea for a hug booth…you know so many people who’d go to the end of the earth for you” she seems slightly uncomfortable saying this, as if slightly upset at herself.
“Yeah sure thing.” You say once more.
Instead of silence though you're met by her ocher brown eyes.
Nami places her hands gently on your shoulders, getting down on a knee to look you in the eye on your level. She looks for apprehension, yet finds none.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asks this with a tone that indicates how serious she is “if you're not that’s fine and I can think of something else. But I need to know if you're ok with this.”.
She watches a smile cross your face, small hands that were soft yet should be weathered over the years and years you’d been alive gently cupping her cheeks. You’d done this before to ground her, those nights filled with nightmares of Arlong that left her crying and grasping for anything to hold. The ones where she’d desperately want to curl up and disappear into herself, the ones where she'd look to her shoulder and still see the tattoo beneath the cover up.
It was a gesture of sincerity.
“I’m alright with it, Nami.”
Your eyes sparkle.
“I would’ve said I wasn’t if I was. Besides, I’m looking forward to seeing who shows up! Plus it’ll be nice to see some old friends again”
At that Nami nods, a shaky breath leaving her as she stands back up. She swallows down the last bit of fear and anxiety about pushing you to do something that would make you uncomfortable.
And then her game face quickly takes over.
Her head snaps towards Usopp and Franky’s direction.
“Get to work on advertisements and a booth pronto. You’ll get a bigger cut in the budget I’ve set”
On the grand line there was a small island that was considered an odd outlier to that of many other islands.
The island of “plote devi’cee” was one that served as a neutral ground for both marines and pirates alike. It started decades ago due to a legend, a daughter of a marine falling in love with a pirate. The meeting of the boyfriend and dad didn’t go well as expected, the boyfriend ended up dead as did the dad which left the girl heartbroken and supposedly cursing the island.
So long as pirates or marines stepped foot on its soil no fights could happen.
Lest they suffer like the poor fools all those years ago who had their ships decimated via sea kings and such bad weather that the ship capsized.
This is important due to the fact that it was the perfect place to set up shop.
You’d been to this place a few times before, so when mentioning it to Nami for this money making scheme it seemed like the only logical place it could work.
With the pamphlets handed out via news birds and your crows they’d inevitably end up at Marineford. So better to be on neutral territory for both marine and pirates without having the operation busted.
So with that in mind and the sunny docked Nami took quickly to setting up shop.
The small booth Franky constructed stood proud and strong atop a small hill just outside the village of the island. Just far enough out of the way as to not disturb their peaceful lives as you sat in your booth waiting. Drapes of cloth created a small doorway and privacy for you and the future customers. Mostly since you’d known this would likely get emotional for more than a few people (perhaps even yourself). Now thinking about it though, it seemed more like a tent and booth but “y/n’s hug booth” was definitely more of a zinger.
Just outside holding a large set of jars were Sanji and Zoro, your “guards” and debt collectors for Nami. Behind your stand was Robin sitting in a small sun chair. An ear inside the booth to listen for the secret sign of you being uncomfortable, 3 taps on the wood and then it would be the signal for zoro and Sanji to drag off whoever was inside.
It wasn’t fully fool proof but it was enough for you to be comfortable enough.
And so you wait.
But it seems not for long as you hear the exasperated murmur of Nami not far away from the booth.
“That’s a lot of ships”.
Seems like the hugging shall begin.
Boa Hancock
Before even seeing the curtain open, you hear Sanji’s commotion of “my eyes have been blessed by a goddess-“ before a subsequent thwack sound resonating in the air. You're not sure who hit Sanj whether From Zoro, Nami or Boa herself but the curtain opens and there enters the empress of the Amazon Lily herself.
The proclaimed most beautiful woman in the world and snake princess warlord.
She sits down, posed and perfect on the small stool. Long legs crossed as you watch the apathy from her face fade at now being in private with you.
It’s odd for you to see her public persona of uncaring, cruel and selfish. Not when you know at heart she’s a girl who’s been victim to the most vicious of cruelties. A woman who longs to be kind yet cannot face being hurt once more, someone who’d rather push those closest away if it ensured their safety.
It’s why you smile when a soft expression covers her face.
“Sorry if Sanji gave you trouble, he’s a massive flirt…and a simp. He means well though, just takes a bit far sometimes” you say a little exasperated as you rub the back of your neck. She gives a small chuckle, the sound of it is soft and pretty like wind chimes and birdsong.
“He’s a man, I’ve dealt with plenty worse.” It comes off as slightly mocking towards the blond, though you’d let it slide knowing her experience with men…plus as much as you loved Sanji he was a bit over the top “besides, I came here to see you.”.
“I must be lucky then. Having been graced with the presence of an empress” the tone is accented by a slight giggle. One that she mirrors with a true smile, one not marred by fakeness or lies, just genuine.
“It’s…it’s good to see you again”
“It’s good to see you too Hancock”
You open your arms, and she reaches forwards to warp you in her own.
Her hug is stiff at first, as if she had not felt the comfort of arms holding her in a very long time and still trying to uphold her mask of stone cold empress. But much like her mask, it cracks and breaks.
What once was stiff arms much like when she petrified people circled around you soon melts.
She pulls you closer, resting her head atop your shoulder as she just holds you and you hold her.
The floral scent of the Amazon lily creates a pleasant smell that wafts within the tent. Roses, peonies, lilacs and of course Lillie’s tickle your nose. It’s much different from your scent of sea salt and dust covered books.
It takes a moment but you quickly begin to hear soft sobs leave her. Tears trailing down and making your shoulder dampen.
You don’t mind.
You just pat her head as gently as you can.
Once more Boa Hancock does not feel like a heartless warlord nor a scared little girl huddled in a cell.
Boa was just Boa.
She was more than the beauty, the power or the brand on her back.
She was more than just her body.
And that’s more priceless than anything she could ever imagine.
“Thank you” her voice is quiet and gentle, something few people would ever have the luxury of hearing.
“No need to thank me Boa.”
To her, your hug signifies a genuine love. One not of romance that clouds the eyes of her fanatic nor of lust that clouds the eyes of men. Your love was Just the love of a friend.
The love of the person behind her facade.
You see her gentle heart and hold it with equal gentle hands.
“You can always turn to me if you need it, can always use my shoulder to cry on. It doesn’t make you weak, it only makes you stronger”
Mihawk Dracule
His appearance at the booth is as cryptic and abrupt just as his appearance of his boat on the sea is.
It’s abrupt.
And to everyone but you (and maybe Zoro) it’s an unpleasant surprise.
One that should be bound for bloodshed yet creates a certain tinge of happiness as he closes the curtains behind him and sits down on the small chair facing you.
Yoru being leant against the chair.
A small and subtle sign that he feels at ease with you.
…or at least didn’t see you as a threat. (It was hard to tell with him)
“It’s good to see you again Mihawk, how has the traveling been?” You say this while leaning against your palm that rested on the stand.
Golden ringed eyes stare at you, for a moment you can distinguish a crinkle of affection.
“They’ve been monotonous as usual. Overzealous fools who think they can challenge me”
“An, so like zoro?”
He chuckles at that, distantly outside the tent you hear a distinct “Oi!” Before the sounds of Sanji kicking him. Their bickering fades into the background as Nami presumably dragged them away.
Mihawk leans over, and suddenly you're enveloped in his arms. It’s perhaps a bit unexpected, though with Mihawk things were always a gamble. You half anticipated for him to leave without a hug, but seeing that he hadn’t made you all the more happier.
Mihawk's hug feels secure and protective, as if he were a shield to the rest of the world and its hardships.
Hands that have seen endless fighting and held the hilt of blood a rusted sword hold you.
His hold is not gentle but it is perhaps the softest Mihawk could ever be.
And that’s ok.
Because in his hold it feels as if you're safe.
That he would take on the world to ensure that even when you’d left his arms you’d never have to worry.
And while that’s a far off dream, knowing Mihawk he’d try.
And that’s perhaps the most comforting thought behind it all.
Mihawk would try for you if you’d ask.
If you’d ask, you could have stayed at his abode.
If you’d asked he would do all that he could to ensure you’d never have to die and reappear again.
But he’d only do that if you’d ask.
He didn’t make that decision for you.
Didn’t decide that his judgment was better than yours and impede on your ability to make decisions.
He might have disagreed with some of your decisions but he respected you to make them.
And even more so, he respected you even if he was wrong.
He would never admit to it, but in those few moments you’d proven him wrong a certain pride shone in eagle eyes.
A certain uplift of the corner of his mouth.
“The humandrills miss you…I have a room open if you’d ever require it” it’s said quietly, like a secret exchanged beneath candlelight. It’s a valuable moment, it reminds you of that thing that zoro had said.
“A wound on the back is a swordsman’s shame”
Vulnerability was not something easily handed out by swordsmen, especially not one like Mihawk. A weakness, a so-called wound on his back or in this case his heart. It’s not something to be taken lightly. But luckily you know this well.
“I’d like that”
His mouth twitches, sloping upwards ever so slightly.
To him the hug you give is a moment where he can momentarily be at ease and feel as if he had a goal to accomplish.
Throughout aimless travel he tries to find his match yet all that come to him are disappointments. Battle after battle of people not being able to even land a single blow on him. It’s a constant that leaves him bitter and resigned as he’d toll away in his castle alone.
But with you in arms that carry the burden of being the best he finds himself with a mission that seems ever so slightly more achievable.
He could protect you as best he could.
Though that is an equally daunting task considering your penchant for death, it feels more feasible so long as you remain in his hold.
Small arms that are wrapped around his neck mean no harm.
He has no use in being on edge, not when you’d barely had the will to ever pick up a blade. Even when your life depended on it.
For a short moment the bloodthirsty marine hunter feels at ease.
You do not see him smile but you can feel the warmth he exudes when his hand cards through your hair.
The cries of “cheater!” And “we agreed that everyone else would get a head start!” Ring out from the very familiar voices of whitebeard’s division commanders outside the tent as an even more familiar voice yells out to them “early bird gets the worm” with an amused chuckle.
And it’s there that the small tent is lit up by flames of cyan blue and brilliant gold. Still in his partial zoan form his clawed feet press against the ground as tail feathers of gold trail behind him like a burning chain.
Flames flicker in a calm heat, letting small pops of sparks almost as if they were mini-fireworks.
A lazy smile is across his face as he sits leisurely across from you.
“Long time no see Marco, how’s the family?”
He chuckles, pointing his thumb to the now closed curtain door as the slightly muffled sounds of complaints just outside answer the question. “Licking their wounds but for the most part good.” There’s an audible “hey!” Once more behind the curtain which makes you chuckle in turn. But eventually the chuckles settle down into silence.
And for a moment besides the murmurs outside there’s a warm silence punctuated by the soft crackles of flame.
Warm blue and soft gold.
Flames that are simultaneously soft as feathers as they wrap around you. Cocooning you in their warm nest of a grasp, like a mother bird swaddling an egg. You could go on and on with the bird analogies, but none could ever describe the sense of comforting warmth that covers your heart in its inferno.
“We’ve all missed you”
The fire burns like a campfire on your heart. The soft oozy scent and taste of s’mores as the muffled laughs of friends and family. The sweetness of chocolate, slightly charred marshmallow and crumbly graham-cracker seem to appear like phantoms on your tongue.
“Pops checks the bounties for you”
A father’s warm hand places itself on your shoulder as the two of you sit by the fireplace. The fireplace sets the blaze on your heart to that of a warmer intensity. Frost presses against the nearby window and nearby boots, hats and mittens let snow melt into them. The chill of winter easing away at the warmth of home and the presence of a man who swore to love and protect you.
“Izou has been arranging for some old spare kimonos of his to be given to you”
A mothers warm hands cup your cheeks as a tender kiss is placed atop your forehead, red phantom lipstick staining your flesh as its kindness traveled to your burning heart. A light giggle echoes from rose lips, a giggle escaping your own as tears pinch at the edges of your eyes at her goodbye.
“Ace, Thatch, and I have been keeping track of your guys’s adventures”
The hearth of your heart feels the burn of the sun clench around it like a firm hug. Beneath a sun hat you pick at a freshly tended garden, soil pooling beneath your hands as you pat it down firmly. Roots tangle beneath the ground, red strawberries hanging low and ripe for the picking as they are placed in a wicker basket. brother places a glass on the ground beside you, cool lemonade fresh on your patched tongue and the bittersweet of it lingering as his blurred face is obscured by the shadow of his own hat.
Love burns you to the core. It’s heat scorching a heart that should be dead and reigniting its will to keep moving.
You melt into the cool flames of blue and gold.
Your tears don’t put it out but instead makes it wrap more securely around you.
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shidousprincess · 7 months
Hello my sunflowers welcome to my Galintines Day Cafe
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Happy Valentine’s Day my Sunflowers 💖
I originally wrote like 5 of these cause l've had a shitty week because of my "friend" of 2 years decided to break our friendship off because she accused me of something I didn't say but turned it around to make it look like I did ."friend" am I right? And a bunch of other things But enough of my life events how are you guys hope yall are doing well 💜.i locked in at like 5pm yesterday and I decided to write a few more but not all 20 something i apologize for that..the others will be written separately on another day when i feel better 💜🫡
Also you can check my pinned post on my blog for requests 💜
Characters: Zoro,brook,Kidd,corazon,crocodile,sanji,robin,nami,Cesar,gojo,toji,choso,megumi
Also you might can tell that I gave up on the Valentine’s Day plot in some 😭I’m srry for that I was just so over it and it might be shitty but I tried I’m still playing around with my writing
And beware my writing will probably be ooc
But Without further ado enjoy my sunflowers
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Ah Valentine's Day was coming to an end y/n figured Zoro forgot today was special little did she know he didn't ..you were setting on the rails of the thousand sunny overlooking the sea while everyone else went drinking you decided to stay back not wanting to bother with a hangover.. Zoro stayed back with you to keep you company "hey y/n how about you and I take a stroll around town ?"
.."sure that doesn't sound to bad " so you both walked off the sunny after about 30 minutes of walking Zoro brought you to a nice little mountain side that overlooked the sea "oh Zoro how beautiful how did you come upon this ?" ..well earlier when we were in town I kinda got lost and found this place " he said rubbing the back of his neck looking away from you .."oh and here happy Valentine's Day pumpkin " he then handed you the f/c bag of homemade chocolate .."awe Zoro did you make this just for me ?" " yeah sanji helped me a little " ..thank you babe i really appreciate this "you said and walked up to him and engulfed him into a hug after a moment you pulled back and pulled him down into a loving kiss "I love you Zoro " .."I love you too y/n
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"Happy Valentine's Day y/n my lovely..I've got something very special to share with you! " .."happy Valentine's Day to you to brook my love what might you have to share?" You said as you put your book down that you were reading.."well let's just say I'm taking you on a little date " ..oo sounds fun when are we leaving?" "Whenever you want my lovely !" So you got up from your seat and told brook you were going to change really quick and then you both could head out .."alright brook im ready !" He then turned around to see you .. you were adorned in a blouse with hearts all over with black jeans and some tall combat boots "you look so beautiful y/n !" .."now let's get going " he held out his hand and you took it he quickly told the crew you two were heading out for the day ..after walking through town you both went to a restaurant and ate then stopped at a ice cream parlor and got some yummy ice cream and to conclude the evening you both went into a shop to browse around brook spotted a beautiful hair tie and ring he knew you'd like you had already looked around the whole store so you told brook to take his time that you'd wait for him outside so he quickly went back to grab both items and paid for them and got the nice lady at the counter to put it in a small box ..brook somehow hid it from you the whole time back to the thousand sunny you both stood to watch the sun set
"What a wonderful Valentine's Day don't you agree brook ?".."yes but " he then got down on one knee and pulled out the ring "but what ?"and you turned to look at him you seen that he was proposing you started crying as the crew cheered in the background "y/n will you make me the happiest skeleton in all of the world and please be my wife ?" .."yes brook yes !" He slipped the ring on your finger "now I can safely say today was a wonderful Valentine's Day Yohoho!"
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You had been sick for a few days now and you'd hoped you'd be better by today which was Valentine's Day you wanted nothing more but to spend today with Kidd but your plans got soiled by your own immune system "curse you immune system!" A few tears fell from your eyes that soon turned to full on sobs the whole crew distanced themselves from you even your own boyfriend didn't even bat an eye in your direction .."Kidd where are you headed ?" Killer asked as he seen his friend stauntering off the ship he didn't answer he just kept walking..Kidd knew today was a special day because you had it marked on the little calendar in the kitchen so he went in a bunch of shops to pick up different things he thought you'd like so he fixed the little basket he had up looking as cute as possible not his type of thing but it was for you so it was a exception so he started his trek back to the Victoria punk but he stopped at a restaurant and ordered some food for the both of you ..when he got back he went straight to your room and barged in "y/n you up ?"...... no answer so he flicked the blanket off of you seeing you with tears falling down your face "y/n what's wrong ?" His rough demeanor crumbled when he seen you crying "well to start off everyone has been avoiding me like the plague second of all you have been avoiding me aswell and I just feel like shit because I'm sick third it's Valentine's Day and I really wanted to spend it with you but I can't " .."yes you can here happy Valentine's Day baby " he gave you the basket he prepared for you .."awe Kidd thanks for this I love you !" It was nothing baby and I love you too now let's eat so he went and retrieved a small table and a stool for him to set on and a candle after he got everything set up you both started eating after you both got done you started dozing off after you completely fell asleep Kidd cleaned up and came back and picked you up and brought you to his room and you both went to sleep
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“hey Cora-San"law asked pulling on Cora's coat "what is it law ?" "Since today is Valentine's Day can we make y/n something?".."how sweet of you sure we can !go get the craft supplies from the closet "so law brought all the supplies they needed to make some things for you he made a few paper flowers,and a card "how does it look Cora-San ?" ..he then handed him the card ."she'll love it law good job" he handed it back and law smiled at the card "now how about we run to town real fast and get some flowers and some chocolate?" "Sounds good " so they walked into town and found a flower shop and Cora let law pick some roses for you to put with the ones he picked for you and they made a beautiful bouquet and they grabbed a box of chocolate and payed and went back home to wait for you to get home from work .. "Rosi,law I'm home !" Cora ran over to give you a hug and tripped on a book law had laying on the floor "oomph" ..law had been in his room reading when he heard you were home so he grabbed the things he made running to show you but you were busy helping Cora up "welcome home angel how was work ?" .."same old same old .how were you guys day ? "Well let's just say it was pretty fun huh law ?" Law then ran up to you both "happy Valentine's Day y/n " he gave you the homemade flowers and card and you read it "awe law you are so sweet "you then picked him up and hugged him "now for what I got you” he brought you over to the counter where the chocolate and vase of flowers were "happy Valentine's Day my angel " "Rosi this is beautiful thank you both so much "you pecked them both on the cheek and sat down and shared the chocolate between the 3 of you
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After a long exhausting day at work my shift is finally over and I can finally go home to see my amazing husband crocodile .
I grab my bag and phone and head out as I'm leaving I wave at the secretary and tell her I'm taking my leave.
As I'm headed home I quickly send him my location  because he likes to make sure I make it home safely
. He texted back and said he was home waiting on you. You texted back and said you should be there in 5-6 minutes if you weren't home in that time period something probably happened.... (Due to you being his wife ) .(yall live 5 minutes from your job)
I pocket my phone and keep walking after walking for about 3 minutes
I get a rag put over my face and drug into and ally before I passed out I noticed that this person was one of makiyokos men that I seen on the news and are one of the cross guilds rivals.
I try my best to fight but the drug on the rag worked faster .
Timeskip to makiyokos hideout
"Boss we got her like you asked" isamu said
"Awesome now we can draw the cross guild in with her missing" his boss Akari said
As I open my eyes I see 2 men infront of me I recognize them and Aoki Akari and his #1 sato isamu
Akari speaks up and says with a laugh ... "you were the perfect target to draw the cross guild in to us.
You wondered when crocodile would notice you weren't home on time ..
A few hours go by and I started hearing gunshots.. already knowing who it was you waited patiently while still being tied to the chair...
Akari and isamu waited patiently next to you with their guns drawn waiting for whoever walked through the door
You hear mihawks voice from outside the door saying "this is the last room boss "
You sat watching in fear tears falling from your eyes .. fearing that mihawk would get shot
He breaks down the door you shut your eyes and no gun went off oh look up and see that both of their guns jammed.. what luck you thought..
Then crocodile and buggy along with mihawk walked in and buggy shot Akari and Isamus leg making them fall down ...
"You son of a bitches I thought you'd never get through my guards "said Akari
"Well they were pretty weak in my opinion said "mihawk
Crocodile then announced to buggy and mihawk to take them to the hideout
Crocodile then untied you from the chair and you immediately locked your arms around his neck and put your legs around his waist and he held you for a few seconds while you cried
Then he started walking out of makiyokos hideout headed back home
Timeskip to y'all getting home
You slept a little on the way home waiting till you were in the privacy of your own home to talk to croc
As he picked you bridal style out of the passenger's seat he took you inside and took you to the bathroom he then set you on the granite countertop and drew you a bath
You undressed yourself and got in the water he then told you to scoot up where he could get in behind you
He then asked how all this happened and you began to explain
As you were explaining he started to massage your shoulders a lil
After you finished explaining you both sat in silence for a moment then washed yourself off then got out of the tub and headed to y'all's shared bedroom
After you got dressed you walked back into your shared room croc was already dressed waiting on you in bed he throws the sheets back and pats his body and says "come here sunshine" and you layed on him and buried your face in his chest
He wraps his arms around you  and holds you for a few moments before letting go and making you look at him
He then pulls you in for the most soft kiss that was full of love
You both pulled away and he spoke up saying that you wouldn't be going out for a while without having him or  a guard by your side
He then said since it's the weekend tomorrow he was going to take you on a date
You smiled and said thank you for everything he did today and kissed him again
He smiled and said "your welcome I'd do anything for my dearest sunshine "
You asked him to sing the song my only sunshine to you and he did
You slowly drifted to sleep happy and listening to crocodile sing as he played with your hair
and after he knew you were asleep he then drifted off to sleep himself
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Y/n had been friends with Gojo and geto for 3 years now and 2 years ago she and geto started dating y/n loved geto and enjoyed when they hung out ..but geto just dated her because of a bet he had going with some of his friends...they told him if he dated her for 1-2 years they would pay him a lump sum of money and he agreed..Gojo never found it entertaining to watch his best friend date y/n and then talk shit behind her back ..Gojo always hung out with her when geto wasn't around but she never noticed how much geto was using her ...until now you and Gojo were walking around the park because Gojo thought it would be fun to spend Valentine's Day together until you both seen geto making out with some random girl .. Gojo panicked and stood infront of you and embraced you he then went on saying..."y/n I can't keep this a secret anymore.. hell I'm sorry I even kept it a secret from you but geto is only dating you for a bet insane am I right?"... it finally hit you as to what geto was doing while he was gone is he was hanging out with this random girl he never loved you .. you hugged Gojo tighter and a few tears escaped your eyes you then let go of him and he gave you a sorrowful smile you then grabbed his hand and turned back around and asked Gojo to take you on a drive...after about 20 minutes of driving around in silence you told him you wanted to go home .. when you arrived at your house you told gojo to come in ... you both sat down on the couch waiting for geto to come in
15 minutes later
"Y/n I'm home happy Valentine's Day !... oh Gojo what are you doing here at this time ? "
"Geto tell her the truth even though I've already told her "
"Tell her what? "he said with a panicked tone
"About how you're dating her just for a bet and that you're dating another girl for real "
Geto just sighed and said "I got bored 2 weeks into our relationship and just decided to go to her she's way better anyway" and after that he left
Gojo turned to y/n and just looked at her
Y/n spoke up "I can't believe I was oblivious to the fact that he didn't love me and that he was cheating on me wow im so stupid aren't I Gojo ?"
"No y/n you aren't stupid Geto is"
"He was an absolute idiot to cheat on an amazing angel like yourself "
He then took this moment to confess
"Y/n I know you and geto just broke up or whatever but I've held this in ever since I met you "
"Y/n I love you so much please take my confession seriously and think about it ok ?"
You nodded
He got up and walked to the door and you quickly stopped him and asked if he wanted to stay for the night
He then said " ok sure anything for you my angel "
He then asked "hey don't you have a spare set of my clothes? "
"Yeah go in my room and they are on the top shelf of my closet"
He went in and got them stopping before he left your room because he spotted a picture you had on your dresser by your door .. it was a picture of you and him at the Christmas festival last year he picked it up "geto was such an idiot to cheat on you y/n don't worry I'll take care of you "he thought as he put the picture back down
He then went and took a shower
After he got out he walked to the living room to find no one
He then walked to your room where he found you laying in your bed he then climbed in and held you from behind
"My Angel whatcha thinking about hmmm??"
"everything "
He then sat you both against the headboard and set you on his lap and put your head on his chest and held you there
For once you actually felt the love you seeked
Gojo then started singing a song
You slowly dozed off before you fully fell asleep you said "Gojo thank you for today I love you "
He then looked down at you in his arms and kissed your forehead and whispered "I love you to my angel I promise to treat you with all the love and care you deserve and if your up for it I'll take you on a proper Valentine's Day date tomorrow "
And he slowly fell asleep aswell
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You and megumi were strolling the streets of shibuya for Valentine's Day megumi mentioned you and he should go on a mother son date so you both bought some ice cream and sat outside and ate it enjoying each others company until you heard a familiar voice your ex husband toji fushiguro "y/n,megumi ?" You froze and megumis eyes widened "what are you two doing in shibuya ?" "Shit" you cursed under your breath "we're just having a mother son date why do you ask? " ."well I was on the way to your apartment to talk to you " .."oh well I guess we can go I'll drop gumi off at Gojos place " so you two headed to gojos to drop megumi off .so when you both got to your apartment Toji was the first to speak "y/n I know I shouldn't have left you for 5 years because of my shitty job but I just recently found out that I had a son so I decided to give up that life to try and reconcile with you and be here for both you and megumi " .."it'll take some time for me to accept you again but you can rent an apartment next door and come visit but I'm not gonna let you in my heart again that easy got it ?" .."100%clear got it " then there was a ding at the door you got up seeing that it was Gojo "hey y/n I have to go on a mission for a week can you please babysit yuji for me ?" .."sure Gojo no problem.im sure megumi will enjoy that aswell huh megs?" He knoded holding onto gojos pant leg obviously nurvous of the strange man setting in the living room ..so after Gojo handed both kids over to you ..you introduced Toji to him and megumi didn't like his vibe at all so he just walked off with yuji in tow .."well looks like megumi won't crack that easily huh ?" ..."looks like it ..welp i better get going where i can pack my stuff and move in soon ..I'll see you in a week  ..adios " and then he left and you went to start cooking dinner for you and the 2 kids
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As y/n sat down to do a makeup look for Valentine's Day just for fun but her boyfriend choso walked in and sat behind her on her bed
As y/n finished the last touches on her makeup she turned around and asked choso how it looked
"It looks amazing sweetheart but i want you to do mine now" he said as he looked you in the eye and crossed his arms thinking you wouldn't
"Of course babe I'll do your makeup "
He then smiled
You told him he needed to relax his face and he did as he was told
You picked up some Foundation and applied it to his face
After you blended it out you then grabbed some concealer and applied It
After you got the base makeup put on
You moved on to eyeshadow and eyeliner
After you got that put on and perfected you smiled and said all done
But then you thought......
"Hey choso can I do your hair ?"
"Of course sweetheart make me look cute"
You then grabbed 2 ponytail holders and put his hair up in 2 braids
You giggled at how cute he looked
He then asked if he could see you said of course
He giggled and hugged you and gave you a kiss and said he loved it
Then all of a sudden choso got a call from his friends saying they wanted to go out drinking
Choso really didn't care if the guys seen him with makeup on and pigtails
He asked if you wanted to come with him and you obliged because this wouldn't be the first time you went drinking with choso and his friends so you both hopped in the car and headed out
After a good majority left you and choso stayed to chat with his 2 other friends and some locals
the guys gave choso a few looks but never said anything
Until your best friend showed up with her boyfriend and seen you and choso had your makeup done
Oh look how cute your makeup is choso I wish my man would let me do his like that one day she said with a smile and a short giggle
Her boyfriend then scoffed and said I would but I don't want to be judged by the guys ..maybe in private one day
You then thought of an awesome plan you smirked and looked at her .."hey how about we have a day soon and do their makeup ? "
"Sure y/n that would be great but we really have to go I have to go check on my puppy " then you all bid your goodbyes
After you and choso got home you took his makeup off for him and you both got showered and got ready for bed "I love you y/n " "love you too choso"
It was 1am when you felt Robin moving around a lot so you set up and turned the bedside lamp on ..seeing Robin having another panic attack you woke her up "Robin honey wake up " she opened her eyes jolting up "come here honey let me hold you " so she relaxed into your arms "do you want to talk about it ?" You asked as you kissed her head "no not really it's just my past that's all " .."I promise Robin nothing like that will ever happen again ".."can you sing me a song please y/n ?" .."sure anything for you " you then started singing her favorite song and she slowly started to drift off to sleep
You and Nami had broken up a week ago and things weren't quite well for either of you ..you both wanted to make up again but couldn't find the courage to ask the other person ..until you talked to robin about it she told you you should give it a try that it should most definitely work so you took her advice and shoot your shot "hey Nami can I talk to you for a minute." .."sure what's up ?" .."well you know how we broke up a week ago .. could we maybe get back together?" .."sure y/n we can it's been the worst without you ".."omg i know right its like I couldn't function without you " .."I've missed you Nami " .."I've missed you too y/n "
"Hey Cesar want to make some cupcakes with me ?" You asked as you poked your head through the lab door "sure y/n just give me a second " .."ok I'll be in the kitchen waiting " so you went and got all the ingredients for tonight's dinner and the cupcake mix and ingredients and after you had grabbed the eggs from the fridge Cesar came up to the kitchen island watching you put the ingredients on the table "I'm here y/n what are we doing first?" .." let me preheat the oven real quick and we can start with the cupcakes .grab me a bowl from the cabinet please" he sat the bowl down on the table as you heated the oven "alright now cupcake time “you said with jazz hands you poured the batter into the bowl and Cesar cracked the eggs and poured the oil and he mixed it so you prepped the pan with liners and let Cesar spoon the mix in the pan you then got some batter on your finger and smeared it on his nose you couldn’t help but giggle “hey why did you do that “ you then stopped giggling and kissed it off his nose “that wasn’t to bad was it ?” .”hmph” ..”awe don’t pout “ you put the cupcakes in the oven as he went over to the island and sat down watching you as you prepared some pasta you then pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool after you got done cooking it was time to ice them and you made them as cute as possible and you plated you and Cesar’s food and set them down at the dinner table and got some drinks and you both ate enjoying each others company and sharing a short conversation and you went back to the kitchen and grabbed the cupcakes and sat them infront of Cesar “try one “ he picked one up and took a bite “these are delicious y/n “ ..”of course they are you made them yourself “ .”thank you for the dinner y/n I appreciate it I know we don’t get to spend much time together but I greatly appreciate when we do I love you “ ..”awe Cesar I enjoy every second we get aswell and I love you too “ and you walked over and kissed him
Today yuji invited you over for a date but he forgot to tell Gojo so when you arrived yuji answered the door as Gojo was cooking and that’s when it hit him he forgot to tell Gojo “shit y/n I forgot to tell Gojo you were coming over “ ..”he should be fine with me right ?” “I’m not sure we’ll just have to see “ so you walked with yuji to the kitchen where Gojo was in a pink apron humming a tune “uh Gojo I forgot to tell you I was inviting y/n over for dinner “ Gojo then turned around to see you “now yuji you cold have told me and I would have. Made myself more presentable “ “besides that hello y/n how are you ?” “I’m doing great thanks for asking sorry to come in unannounced “”it’s no biggie I hope you’ll enjoy todays dinner “ “I sure will because I know you can make some of the best food “ “now you tow love birds go chill while I finish cooking “ …so you and yuji went upstairs and chilled until Gojo called you both for food and you 3 sat and ate and made conversation and all in all had a awesome time
“Hey megumi ?” “Yes y/n what’s up ?” “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dance in the rain ?” “Yes why?” Well can we dance in the rain please ?” “Sure let’s go “ he grabbed his speaker and his phone and brought you outside and put his speaker and phone down and played a love song and you both went in the street and began dancing enjoying the small thing in life
I hope you enjoyed 💜
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shadedsecrets · 1 year
The Color Language of Phantomarine
At just a cursory glance at this webcomic, it is very obvious that there are strong colors and that they will be tied to themes of the story. And the impulse to discuss and dissect them is.... far too great.
So! Let's start with something general, yes?
There are two types of color schemes in the webcomic so far. Schemes with brighter colors and additional accents, and more muted colors with much more limited value differences. Practically speaking, more saturated colors and visual interest helps to draw the eye to what is important; like black thick lines around animated characters to distinguish them from the background. But.... we have a group of characters who has changed from a background scheme to a main character scheme. Such as....
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...Our Favorite Princess.
Three different color schemes for three different Phaedras. The first muted yellows and browns, almost boring against the intense lighting of the Candlelight Sea and its foreshadowing hues. The second an intense yellow and terracotta red that hold up against the maroons and deep reds of the Red Tide. The third, blues and white like the very sea she was looking down at but saturated and darkened with indigo and purple unlike any of the other sea ghosts we have seen before.
The transition from background color scheme to VIP color scheme coincide with the very critical moment of the Princess meeting Cheth, demonstrating that her death is a critical moment plot-wise. Her transition to a completely different but still VIP scheme is when she realizes exactly what has happened... and we see that it changes her outlook down to its core, all the warm colors replaced with cool tones.
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So, a characters' color scheme tells us both how important they are and can clue us in to their mental states and affiliations. Nothing new. Let's see those groups!
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As the Red Tide King, it isn't surprising that his color scheme is dominated by a bright red, mixing into warmer purples with highly contrasting white and black. This color scheme overtakes the muted blues of the sea ghost, as well as marking them with his tattoos. White is the secondary color closely associated with Cheth in-story, representing bones featured both in skeletons and his original divine body the Bonefish. This sort of color pallet usually infers more sinister intentions, with red commonly being associated with aggression, but I believe in this case it implies passion. Not necessarily romantic passion, mind, but a deep level of involvement and care.
The Plume Church
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Black and bright turquoise and blue with touches of white and green, Cheline and the institution worshiping her are perfect foils to Cheth in color scheme; the cool colors of the Goddess of Life oppose the warm tones of the God of Death while still being unique against The Candlelight Sea. I imagine the black represents the ashes left in the wake of her fire and the greens and blue new life growing from it, though the predominantly black robes are not the usual choice for a Life Diety. The very liberal use of black also paints a more sinister color scheme, with it's traditional use to imply 'evil' in villains. As of writing this, I do actually think that is the intention.
The Mantaluna Crew
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Being Seaghosts, the group's scheme is focused around a cool blue, but with more saturation and variation than other seaghosts to represent how they still have some life in them yet. Their cooler colors also allows them to contrast starkly with Cheth, but the purple gives it just a bit more warmth than the Plume Church, showing that while the crew may follow their Church's teachings.... they are fundamentally different on some level than those who have tied themselves closer to the Church.
Pavel, Vanna, and the Lodestars
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Characterized by yellow with accents of white, red, and black, the Lodestars stand out. Being the third primary color, they easily stand apart from both Cheth and The Plume Church, showing they are not tied to either. Yellow appears to be the 'neutral' side in this diefic-level conflict, with Best Boy Pavel trying to be a mediator and Phaedra from Chapter 1 treating Cheth with more empathy than in the current chapters when her color scheme was strikingly similar. They do not have a side: they simply want what they think is best and try to stand as a beacon against the dark.
The Fata Morgana
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Monochromatic with only lighting and their pale pink eyes for color, these enigmas stand apart as blank voids against the rich vibrancy of the rest of the Candlelight sea. The dominant white with bone-like designs implies a closer relation with Cheth than Cheline, though the exact nature is still up for debate.
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Another monochromatic and muted color scheme, the seaghosts of the Candlelight sea are a pale blue with some white to outline and to fill the eyes. A traditional scheme for spirits, hostile or otherwise, and it blends nicely with their home in the ocean, truly making them feel a part of it. Their cooler color scheme also allows the Red Tide to stand out beside them.
I have a few special mentions that are not fully flung schemes of their own, yet, but that I feel need mentioning.
Silas, though we have yet to see him in different lighting, has the Plume Church's signature blues and greens catching in his hair, with the rest of his pallet being a background tone with little detail. Almost like a certain bird's words have wormed right into the head of 'some nobody' and he all too eagerly listens for the boons she promises.
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Daphnie and Euphamina also share a muted color scheme, tending towards the golds with purple to show their high status. Though this is their funeral dress, Daphnie having the black on top covering her own warm and regal colors while her mother instead covers the black with yellow and dons spectacles of a familiar red seem to hint at how the Plume Church interacts with them. Daphine is being covered and almost smothered, though her pure intentions still peek through; Euphamina cannot get away from the influences, but has found ways to assert her will.
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Speaking of the funeral, we have a mystery bean with their very own VIP color scheme with cool, deep blues that we have yet to see used elsewhere.
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Finally, we have Amos Ellery. We also do not know much of his color scheme sans funeral, but I believe his color scheme hits at his own motivations, similar to Silas. Whereas Silas's colors were seemingly very average for persons in Saperport, save the little highlighting of his hair, Amos is all black, white, and grey. His course is chosen not because of promises, nor because he agrees with the Church... they are driven by the Church being the only thing 'correct' to follow.
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I hope you have enjoyed my ramblings, the pretty colors, and any snippets of a story you saw. Do please go read and give the author all the support!
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help-i-lost-my-sock · 10 months
The Straw Hats Drawing Lots to Dress Up as Each Other
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So, I was thinking - what if the straw hats had a costume party where they drew lots and dressed as each other?
Word count: 269
Brook - draws Robin. Is trying to keep up a corset and show off his curves. But he's a skeleton, so he has no curves. Yo ho ho ho!
Chopper - draws Franky. Does the super pose, can't stop shouting "SUPER"… Until he remembers he's wearing a speedo, and hides (the wrong way around).
Franky - Draws Chopper. Has crafted massive antlers that shoot fireworks. Is stuffing his face with Cola-flavoured cotton candy.
Luffy - draws Sanji. Has swirly eyebrows drawn on with Nami's eyeliner (Nami punches him for stealing it and messing it up). Wears his hair over one eye, looking grumpy while puffing on a stick. Wears a suit. Keeps accidentally choking himself with the tie. Wants food, but is confused who's supposed to make it now.
Nami - draws Ussop. Complains about his sense of fashion. Wondering if she would look good with a perm.
Robin - draws Brook. Is rocking the suit and top hat. Jokingly asks Zoro and Brook to see their panties.
Sanji - draws Zoro. Walks around looking all groggy, with a heap of grass or some scraped off moss on his head ‘cus he "wants to look authentic".
Ussop - draws Luffy. Proclaims himself captain of the ship and king of the pirates. Keeps shouting for Sanji (and bugging Luffy, who is dressed as Sanji) to make food.
Zoro - draws Nami. Is stuck wearing a miniskirt, and is constantly complaining about how impractical it would be in battle. Tries to segment the Clima Takt and use it as santoryou, but ends up accidentally electrocuting half the crew. Nami screams at him to put it back where he found it. Zoro disappears for 3 hours. 
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chihuahuawashere · 5 months
On their 7th year anniversary together as lover Vox decided to make it the most special anniversary Alastor ever had yet!!
The night before Vox spoiled him in bed and really made him feel like he was on cloud nine, when Alastor woke up he was greeted to breakfast in bed— but it was from a guy who was climbing up the latter and /almost/ becoming an overlord until Vox got him last night and cooked him up as breakfast for his sweet sweet deer!
Once Alastor was done eating he went to the bathroom to see his new clothes Folded up nicely on the counter, they were clean new pair of clothes that Vox made Vel make for him a week prior to this. Vox knows every inch and corner on Alastors body so the mesourments were practically perfect when all was said and done.
It was a red wine button up shirt with black slacks a blazer and tie with his normal hooves like boots finished off with beautiful gold jewelry (rings, necklace, bracelets and deer earrings). When he got fully dressed and went out of the bathroom he was met with a beautiful boque of blood red roses wrapped is sparkling black paper.
By the time he left the room there was roses petals across the floor leading to the front door and sees Vox also dressed to the fine nines wearing black and blue and his jewelry was sliver he was complimenting Alastors outfit like a puzzle piece. Vox opened the car door like a gentleman completely pampering Alastor.
They went to the wrath ring and all day they cleaned the city with the blood of the poor souls who were outside that day, and by the end of the night they went back to the Pride ring to go to their favorite restaurant. They place was completely booked so that they can have the place to themselves with no interruptions and a skeleton crew working that day as well.
They were met with the finest of soul food that Alastor had as a kid and brought back good meaningful memories now more are being added to it with Vox in it. At the end of the night when everything was said and done Vox had one more present to give him which would truly top off the night!
Vox grabbed a box out of the shadows and handed it to Alastor the box was wrapped in red wrapping paper with a black bow on top of it. When Alastor took the led off of the box he gasped in shock! He immediately put both hands into the box to grab what was in there when he pulled it out he couldn’t stop smiling (an actual genuine smile from deer ear to deer ear) and Vox couldn’t contain his excitement anymore, he shot up from his chair hands slamming the table!
Vox: SO do you like it?!
Alastor put the thing down and leap over the table tackling Vox to the ground showing him with kisses and whispers of words of affirmation. When they both got home Alastor as all to excited to add the new Alastor look like furbies to the collection for different kinds of furbies to an ever growing shelf of them ♥️
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disacurveball · 10 months
(This is post is also written from the point of wanting these figures and their stories in the Magnus Archives universe. Trying to keep in line with the historical contexts and figures in TMA, so most are British, except one because it's crazy to me.)
Jeremy Bentham
This whole post is inspired by how absolutely crazy it is that Jeremy Bentham is not in the original TMA series. YES, I get it was to allow Robert Smirke's architecture be front and center to the TMA plot, but I still think it is criminal. He is briefly mentioned in MAG 41 because of reasons I will explain, but briefly mentioned is not enough.
Quick rundown of this dude for those unaware: Bentham was the English philosopher to come up with the idea of the panopticon prison, and Millbank prison was originally proposed and designed by him in 1799.
I feel like there are quite a few facts about Bentham that could make killer plot points in the TMA universe: one is obviously his creation of the panopticon as a way of "humane reform" for prisoners and subsequent criticisms. And....Also he had himself publicly dissected and his skeleton was put on display as an "auto-icon" TO THIS VERY DAY. It's in the student center at University College London. It's a wax figure now with his skeleton inside. It haunts me. Alice and Sam should visit him.
Robert Knox
The Burke and Hare Murders took place in 1828 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Within the span of ten months, sixteen killings were committed, before William Hare agreed to give up details in exchange for prosecution immunity. His partner, Burke, was executed (His skeleton still remains at the Anatomical Museum at Edinburgh to this very day.)
What sets this case apart is Burke and Hare's claim it was done for "scientific purposes." All of the corpses were sold to anatomist Robert Knox, who used them for both dissection for his own study and at his anatomy lectures. While he claimed he had no idea that Burke and Hare were murders, reasonable doubt can be cast on that claim. This very-public case contributed to the Anatomy Act of 1832, which further regulated to study of human dissection to prevent events like this and "resurrectionists" digging up corpses.
In a TMA statement format, I would absolutely love a letter from Robert Knox, after his reputation has been trashed from being involved in this very public murder case, detailing his denial of ever knowing these cadavers were murdered. Of course, it's obvious he's lying, as there is some supernatural happenings surrounding his studies that just get worse the more he works with these two men. (Either Slaughter/Flesh for sure.)
Sir John Franklin
Ok, so, TECHNICALLY Sir John Franklin & The Crews of the HMS Terror and Erebus are in TMA already. In MAG 98, that Algernon dude outbids Maxwell Rayner for an artifact from, you guessed it, the HMS Terror. I think this could be a wonderfully great tie in that could connect the TMAGP universe to the TMA universe if another artifact from it is found.
I just want more of it because the disappearance of the HMS Terror and Erebus are just TMA statements waiting to happen. The HMS Terror and Erebus were two Royal Navy ships, under the command of Sir John Franklin, who ventured into the Arctic in 1845, in order to find the Northwest Passage and gather magnetic data. They disappeared, and during rescue expeditions it was discovered both ships had been abandoned as the crews attempted to trek overland to Fort Resolution 970 km southwest.
There are so many different ways you could take this story in the contexts of the TMA universe: there is evidence cannibalism occured, so obviously Flesh there. The Dark could be invoked, as both a connection to MAG 98 and the fact that the Arctic's sunless winters swallowed them. The Corruption could be used as well because there is evidence the canned rations were tainted with lead and botulism. Finally, the Vast because of the endless nothingness of the landscape they found themselves in. Admittedly, I am a big AMC's The Terror fan, and I think TMA like that show, would be a great place to represent this story's themes of the hubris of man and the British Empire.
Florence Nightingale + Mary Seacole
Both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were British nurses who were pioneers in sanitary medical conditions during the Crimean War. I think less background is needed with these two, but I'd like to see an anti-Corruption artifact come from one of them, like in MAG 45 the syringe that once belonged to John Snow (19th century medical pioneer who deduced that dirty water was linked to cholera). Lowkey would also love a statement set in Scutari Hospital during the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole fight the Corruption?? Please, for the love of god.
John Lambe
Congrats...you made it to the start of the more obscure section. Get ready, because this is. A case.
"Doctor" Lambe was an astrologer and a quack physician (in his time period's context, 1545-1628, that means a person who had no formal medical training, not necessarily a charlatan, although Lambe most definitely was.) He was the personal advisor to George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, who, I don't know why he kept him around because this guy claimed he could read fortunes and find things in his crystal ball. Literally, everyone thought this guy was the Duke's personal sorcerer, which was not great for the nation, because the Duke was close to King Charles I, which if you don't remember from history class was the king who got executed and Oliver Cromwell ran England as a republic for a little bit. Regarding Lambe, a plaque even got put up in London referring to him, saying, "Who rules the kingdom? The King. Who rules the King? The Duke. Who rules the Duke? The Devil."
So what I'm saying here is that this guy is a ye olde Web avatar, which could be discovered in some government files by Alice and Sam regarding the Civil War.
Margaret Cavendish
Okay, I feel like in an alternate universe (*cough* TMAGP *cough*) she could have been the most formidable foe to Jonah Magnus. She was a 17th century (before Jonah's time but with avatars it doesnt matter) philospher, poet, scientist, and fiction writer, and the first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society of London (an upper class academic society which we know Barnabas Bennett was involved with in MAG 92).
Academic contemporaries os her day called her mad for her unusual and bold manners and interests that bordered on "masculine." Despite being bold af, the reason I think her and Magnus would square up is her work on natural philosophy. She claimed the use of artificial instruments that are used to study the world "delude" academics, specifically the experimental philosophers in the Royal Society. For example, when Robert Hooke created the diagram of the flea, she said using magnifiying glasses to enlarge the flea's image have no practical purpose because it doesn't help anyone afflicted by them.
Therefore, her philosophical writings are literally the antithesis of The Eye's voyeuristic knowledge-seeking. I'm not entirely sure what entity she'd be an avatar of (though her book The Blazing World gives major Spiral vibes), I just want Jonah to have to square up with an enemy in the Royal Society and have a conniption over it.
Gaspare Tagliacozzi
Last guy. He is not British, but I swear....As The Flesh's certified number one fan, I just need this statement/story in the TMA universe.
Operating in Bologna in the 16th century, Tagliacozzi was one of the pioneers of plastic/reconstructive surgery. Due to the dueling culture amongst upper-class men who felt they needed to protect their honor if insulted, there were many rich men during his time who had lost their noses. This was seem as a great social stigma, the nose was seen as the most important part of the face, and more importantly, it showed you lost that duel. So these rich men had the time and money to hire Tagliacozzi...(He also did surgery on other groups as well, but all of his literature he wrote was tailored to this group.)
Tagliacozzi was inspired by natural botany for the idea of his reconstructive nose surgery; he studied how plants and trees grew over time and applied the same logic to human skin. What he would do was this: He would attach a mold in the shape of a nose to his patient's face, he would attach this to a graft of skin on the arm, and over the course of three weeks, the living skin would grow over the nose mold.
I don't think I have to explain this one. It's my duty as the Flesh's number one fan to give the people good material to work with. (Also could be Stranger.)
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sea fox post time
All under the cut cause I'm gonna ramble like crazy <3
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The sea fox is genuinely absolutely massive, it's not obvious in this image but the damn thing is huge, more than big enough to fit a good few life boats and row boats in it (and fit them it does)
The sea fox is so large because it used to be a flagship, things have changed a lot since then (although it is still just as big and long (don't take that out of context)) but nonetheless it's still a functional ship, and Marbled gets repairs and upgrades done on it frequently
When Marbled had acquired the ship, it wasn't in particularly good condition, so he took it to a friend and they basically striped the ship down to it's skeleton and then rebuilt it, with Marbled's specifications of course
The ship does still have all of it's sails and stuff, it genuinely needs them to move, these images are just more simplified for the sake of I don't know how to draw ships-
The ship has massive ear shaped buoys on each side, which are meant to keep the ship from sinking in particularly stormy and weather and in the case of aggressive sea monsters (they are also just there to keep the ship more stable)
You might be wondering, "Why is there what looks to be a lamp on the end of the 'tail' of the ship?" Short answer, Blue Moonstone.
Long answer, Marbled had it installed after an incident where Moonstone got turned around and disoriented during a particularly nasty and foggy storm in some unfortunately murky water, her tail smacked into the side of the ship by accident due to her confusion, they eventually got her up into the ship and after that storm Marbled opted to make a detour back to his friend to get the lamp installed.
Circling back to the life boat talk-
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One thing about the sea fox is that it has a "mouth" so to speak, two massive metal pieces, of which are connected by a surprisingly strong chain, and the bottom jaw lowers to allow life boats and row boats into the safety of the built in dock in the ship
Marbled used to be a lot kinder back when he first had the dock installed, things have changed and he's realized things, but he refuses to remove the dock, because even if he's a jackass sometimes now he can't allow himself to let people die, even if they deserve it
The crew's quarters are absolutely massive, involving pretty much an entire living room alongside all the beds and hammocks, the crew live pretty well in their own opinion and they wouldn't trade it for anything
The loot and major supply storage is connected to the infirmary, of which the infirmary door is, kind of stuck permanently open :'D unfortunate for the sea fox's paramedic, but at the least everything in there is very easy to tie down
The kitchen has it's own food storage just above it, which the quartermaster (remember the buff lady i was drawing the other day alongside two other cookies? yeah she's the quartermaster) is grateful because it makes sending the small crew members for ingredients a lot easier
A fun thing to know is that the whole crew (spare for the littles) all take turns cooking, even Marbled takes a turn every so often
The brig/prison is placed close to the ship entrance of the dock, another set of stairs just outside the second door leading up to the brig. The space in between the two doors is sort of just a mud room, if you've ever had one of those- put short anyone brought in from the dock is checked over for injuries, general sickness, and cleaned up before they're properly brought onto the ship
The captain's quarters are at the top of the ship, and include Marbled's office at the front of the room, and then up a few small steps and behind a door, is his bedroom, lavishly furnished and with a large round bed for his comfortability (trying to sleep in a rectangular bed as a centaur can be, awkward-), his bedroom is like the definition of cozy
Unfortunately for Marbled he does not get his bedroom to himself because Moonstone and multiple of the littler crewmates can and will barge into his bedroom and lay down with him without warning (the littles need the comfort and Moonstone is very used to sleeping in cuddle piles)
(don't worry he gets used to the lack of privacy eventually, and finds ways around 'em)
Alright I think that's enough rambling from me (questions are welcome <3)
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chemos-factories · 6 months
Who wants to know about my rogue trader crpg character? Everyone? Excellent
Sennaca is the spare child of a spare child of a noble house, and being pushed into becoming Lord Captain von Valancius is the most responsibility he’s ever had, and the most danger he’s ever been in. He puts on a brave face, but there’s terror in his eyes sometimes.
He’s been involved, willingly or not, in court politics for as long as he can remember, and much prefers talking to combat. Every conversation with people above a certain social class is a game of chess to him. If he must fight, he’d rather set himself up in a little sniper hole and let Abelard and Marazhai tie everyone up in melee. Staunch Iconoclast, firmly of the opinion that happy citizens leads to a smaller chance of his head ending up on a pike, and stubborn in that he will certainly hear out your suggestions on how to proceed! But he’s going to ignore them.
In-game, he’s romancing Marazhai; in my heart he’s also with Abelard. And Calligos. And Nocturne of Oblivion. He’s somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, Abelard is the relationship that’s probably closest to actual romance for him. Marazhai and Nocturne of Oblivion are closer to friends-with-benefits, and Calligos is being strung along as an unwitting sugar daddy (Sennaca likes his dick and his resources and not much else, but Calligos is very receptive to the Sweet Helpless Ingenue In Over His Head act).
After escaping Commorragh, Sennaca went into a catatonic state for about a year, not doing much besides staring off at nothing while his mind finally processed everything he’d been through once he didn’t have to be in survival mode. Abelard stripped the von Valancius palace down to a skeleton crew and forbade visitors, claiming a need to quarantine in case of any xenos diseases, and spent the year looking after Sennaca himself.
If he were to fall to chaos, he would go Slaaneshi. Partially because I’m contractually obligated, but also because yes. Of course he wants excess. He wants an excess of excess, for nobody in his protectorate to ever want for anything, for everyone to have the same opportunities for leisure he’s had!
Smaller facts:
- He has auburn hair, a little more on the red side, that goes all the way down to his mid-thigh. Most of the time he wears it in a chignon to keep it out of the way
- He has grey eyes
- He’s 5’9 barefoot, 6’ in his favourite boots
- I like to think that post-game, he marries Abelard and has four children (on paper, they’re all Abelard’s, but…)
- Transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
- Rose and fox symbolism for this boy, I think. Pretty enough to make you forget that he has thorns or is clever enough to run laps around you
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cranberrytea451 · 1 year
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Before meeting Motti, Hydie sailed under a different captain, one that didn’t have the guts but had the heart…kinda?
He was after a heart anyway. The golden heart of the sea. It was said to grant any wish to the person that opened it. Rumored to be the last remnant of the child that fell from the sky, it glowed a brilliant red when basked in moonlight.
Her captain had saved her life just to throw his away.
He taught her to trace the waters of the sky, every star an island and every constellation a continent. The wind became her compass. The clouds whispered gossip about storms and turbulent waves.
How unlucky it was that she charted the course to his death.
“To bring a woman aboard would be bad luck”
How fortunate that the ship she’s sailing on now has three so far.
Undercut is kinda dark so… be advised
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“To bring a woman aboard would be bad luck” Hydie understood from a young age that she would never leave the island she was born on.
But she wanted to live not just be alive.
She she filled her life with books of the ocean, understanding every myth and tall tale, studying sea life(her father taught her to fish, and sometimes she would tie her hair under a cap and fish by the docks… she would always throw her catches back) and wild life alike (she would stalk animals in the woods and sketch them…sometimes she would give them names and leave food).
She dreamed of catching a glimpse of those mythical creatures drawn grotesquely in books: a kraken, a siren, a skeleton-
Her father, a traveling merchant, always brought her gifts from foreign lands. She is grateful that he taught her to read and write. But he would never bring her a book on navigation, no matter how much she would beg.
Girls didn’t need something like that. She didn’t need sometime like that.
Her father died. Drowned, burned, consumed. His ship never returned. All because she had stepped aboard for a single second to hug him goodbye. Perhaps the same pirate crew that sunk his ship, burned down her village. She wondered if the hands that had groped her had strangled the life from her father.
She wanted to crave their touch from her flesh.
A cold skeletal hand tightly wrapped around her knife.
Death visited her, and gave her life.
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pinned post! latest edit: April the 10th
Howdy!!! Call me whatever name you’ve heard. Any pronouns are fine!
I have an unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifications don’t show up- so if you need me uhh keep yelling until I notice? Aaahhh...
I put reblogs in a queue or schedule!! If I like an art post of your but don't reblog, don't worry, it'll be out in a week or so. Probably
Tag list, ordered by most common to least common in each category. Starting with my personal tags, then general navigation tags.
Art tag: wolfys art (my art), 2022 artchive (specifically my art from 2022)
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
All art month challenges: Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth setting): little wastrels
NOTE the au is getting rebooted so old stuff is not canon.
second fallout au (island setting, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
My main story stuff, not fallout: Split Fates au
posts that vaguely relate to my ocs: jeanposting, jerposting
Other aus- SCP Jailbreak!, museums monsters n marvels, voidspace crew, When Multiverses Collide, eternal spring
I kind of hit my story with a hammer and it shattered into a million pieces. oops
Misc fandom tags: fallout, whump stuff, bg3, doctor who, ace attorney, hermitcraft, qsmp, warrior cats, good omens
Misc common tags: described (posts with image or video ID), michaelnordeman (his animal photography), birds, food
important tags: reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), boost (donation posts), flashing, eyestrain, psa
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Subcategories of tips tags: drawing tips, writing tips, fave (personal favourites), cooking tips, health tips, tech tips. (more to be added soon)
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls, zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive, insects, spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps, partial nudity, death
Characters that frequently appear are... ( updated 10 April, more descriptions to be added soon, please hold!)
Rabbit: A human-sized anthro rabbit! Light grey and white fur, green eyes. Usually in a grey suit with a green tie and gold scarf- or in white robes with gold jewelry. Sometimes drawn with long curved gold colored horns.
Wolfy: A cartoony anthro wolf, exactly five feet tall! Medium grey fur, has oval mirrors (with two shine marks) in place of eyes, and has grey and purple wings and a bird tail over his wolf tail. Always in a medium grey suit with a purple tie. Sometimes drawn with deerlike antlers.
Parsure: Looks like a blonde and light skinned human dude with dull blue eyes! He has shoulder-length hair with jagged bangs, and has a goatee and mustache. Always wears jeans, a white t shirt, red converse shoes, and a leather jacket. There's a large red bullseye on the back of the jacket. There's patches on the left sleeve: A red X symbol, and a night sky with a black stripe down the right side. On the right sleeve: A yellow axe symbol, and grey hexagon with a blue and orange background.
Jerome Drew (should be updated to Jerome Heulwen, I'll get to it soon), <- my main guy :D
Rev -(belongs to hollyrosecheeks),
Vince: A were-snow leopard! Um. Imagine a snow leopard, but with gold eyes.
Jodie: A were-pine-marten! Like a ferret but bigger, brown furred with white patches on the face and chest.
Kiley: (new oc, aaaah- I will redo my reference soon)
Jean: (probably) human dude with short brown hair! Wears a full mask that looks like a crow’s face. Usually wears a white shirt, grey vest and tie, grey slacks, and brown dress shoes. Sometimes wears a simple black jacket. Or a scarecrow's hat and black gloves.
Psst if you have a spare dollar can you pass it along to my pal Fern!
Cashapp: cash.app/$AustinToach
PayPal: paypal.me/AustinStidham
Venmo: venmo.com/u/Austin-Toach
uh if you show me you've donate something I'll draw you a doodle-
End of the post! Have a good day, wahoo
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dollimusprime · 6 months
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Spring redressing time! We'll see how much longer everyone can fit on one shelf! Everyone's been redressed and the artificial hair gang had their hair brushed. I swear I brushed it.
And yeah I know the bottom especially is overexposed, but it's hard to get both very dark-skinned dolls and dolls with straight-up white on them properly exposed in the same shot, IME.
I swear Orchid is in the picture, she's lounging on a fireplace I thrifted! But it's behind everyone, oops.
[ID: Jaxx's doll crew, dressed for spring, sitting on the top shelf of a blue cabinet. Left to right, there's:
Back row:
Fiadh wearing a dropped-waist dress with short sleeves, a pleated skirt, and a tie around the waist, all brown floral fabric, along with white-orange-green handknit socks and tan shoes.
Monday wearing a white t-shirt, an oversize bomber jacket with skeleton and rose decals, denim shorts, thigh-high socks with leg bones, and checkered black sneakers.
Thalassus wearing a grey sweater, black pleather leggings, and black buckle shoes.
Megu wearing a cable-front purple knit shirt and a short blue skirt with white stripes and pink roses that has sage green bloomers under it, the bloomers have white, blue, purple, pink, then white again ribbons around the legs, and white cross-strap mary janes.
Ara wearing a forest green knit shirt with cables on the sides and sleeves, white overalls with blue stars and a tie across the front, and brown shoes.
Front row:
Suha wearing a long-sleeved shirt with thin blue and white stripes and pastel blue PJ pants with white hearts.
Tian Ni wearing pink sunglasses, a pastel pink blouse, a black bowtie with pink polka dots, a blue and white striped pleated skirt, lace socks, and pink mary janes.
Clover wearing a white blouse with a round collar and a jumper skirt made of thin crinkly white fabric with purple and yellow flowers, it has purple ribbon straps.
Nikki without her eyepatch, wearing a holo cat collar with a bell, an oversized white t-shirt, a satiny pink pleated skirt with a bow and lace on the front, and over-the-knee socks with a corset print up the length and roses ringing the top.
Nova wearing a rosy pink shirt with loose elbow-length sleeves, a long honeycomb-pattern skirt with white buttons up the front, and blue tie sandals that are way too big for her.
End ID.]
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Rumor Has It
A week late and a dollar short (but plus a Penny... sorry, couldn't resist) but here we are. Spoilers under the cut for Episode 4 of The Case of the Greater Gatsby!
God, this episode made me laugh. Banger after banger from the Persauds. The line about Fig's family being bad at math TOOK ME OUT like I was Cliff Calloway and the writing was his next hit movie.
Speaking of: CLIFF! <3 I've been so looking forward to seeing him and he did not disappoint! The continuation of the gag of him rehearsing threatening play lines is hilarious, as well as thematically on point for a story about Hollywood backstabbing and intrigue. As much as I hate my boy getting threatened, I'm relieved that he seems completely innocent in the case of the malicious hate-mail. But then why did Willie say he'd been acting down recently? He only just received the threatening message the day before, so it couldn't be about that. Is he just pining after his contractor? Stressed about having to manage an estate with 48 bathrooms? And just how does all this tie into F. Scott's murder? Willie and Cliff being targeted suggests that their foe is all about stopping The Grapes of Wrath, but what would that have to do with the larger story? Or are we being misled by the narrative? Is Cliff secretly signed on to play Nick in a still-happening Greater Gatsby? If so, by trying to silence Willie, who can't keep a secret to save her life, and then get Cliff to drop out of the cast, whoever killed Fitzy could be trying to ensure that his final project is buried with him.
The idea of creating one character who does basically everything on the film set is genius. It's very funny, and keeps the character count down and affordable for a small indie company. But on a purely narrative level, what secrets has Penny learned from being everywhere and everyone on the lot? (Also, just waiting for someone to make a "Penny for your thoughts" joke with her.)
Jumping back to the first part of the episode, I agree with Ford that Sheilah was very hard to read. She does seem a little too cavalier about the affair, especially since she then turns around and points the finger right at Vivian. And her theory doesn't even make sense. How is Vivian drumming up dollars from this case? If anything, she's losing money by hiring them. If she wanted the notoriety of being a murdered man's lover, she could have just gone to someone less likely to discover her guilt, like Dash. Unless she didn't trust him to find out that the death wasn't a heart attack (totally fair. He would not have.) But there are other P.I.s... Fitzy's affair with Vivian aside, Sheilah does have plenty of other motives for the murder. Who knows what damage his drunken ramblings could have done. And do we know where Sheilah was during the murder? Citizen Jasper says Fitzy came home around midnight but never mentions seeing her return...
What exactly are Fig's "skeletons"? It's hard to imagine anything particularly upsetting, but then again Shipwrecked loves to hit us with dark and tragic backstories that turn out to be all-too important to the main plot. I also like how they're setting up a Poe-esque arc for Ford to finally start letting Fig in and considering her a real friend.
Another fun episode! Besides Buster Keaton, whom I do not believe is set to appear in this podcast(?), we've now run into everyone from the original crew but Roger. Looking forward to his appearance!
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merrysithmas · 1 year
Did they really announce a Mandalorian movie at the Star Wars celebrations 2023 ? I’m so out of the loop but just saw an article talking about it and now I’m like ????
they announced a movie but it's not a Mandalorian movie it's a "Mandoverse" movie which is going to tie together the endings of Ahsoka, Skeleton Crew, The Mandalorian, and Book of Boba Fett. Filoni's pet projects. And the movie is allegedly going to be directed by Filoni.
It's not happening for "6-7 years"
Which means it's not gonna happen period lmao.
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Alright been a bit and collected my thoughts I want to talk about the ending of the Twitch plays DND.
First off there was a bit of a theme in the voting this time. We tied 3/4 votes. First vote we tied was All Stats Upgrade and Upgrade Health. DM upgraded both stats and health a bit.
Then we tied the Upgrade Three Allys Vote. While First Place was Ringwall/Necromancer 2nd was a tie between Moonblood and Solar Knight. Also because Ringwall was also the boss we were going to fight to prove our worth the DM told us he added a third phase to the boss fight. I also don't know if there were ramifications to tieing SK and Moonblood.
The final one we tied was Giving a charecter a gift. That was tied between the player charecter and our guide in the world/DM Insert The Sage. I also don't know the consequence to tieing this or what it really did. Like yeah The Knight got a happy ending but the DM said that was decided by us being kind.
The one we didn't tie was to learn a powerful Profane magic from Ringwall, Sacred magic from Solar Knight, or Technique from Moonblood. We chose Moonblood, hoping to learn a techquie that in a previous poll we could have learned we nicknamed Reality Marble. Instead we learned a technique we abused the hell out of Berserk Snap, which granted a bonus turn at the cost of damge, the damage increasing every time we used it.
Anyway session started off with a cool twist. The DM revealed he had borrowed an idea from the discord, that being shoving our unused stats into a different body with necromancy. This meant we were fighting the main boss weakened but with our crew and the "secret boss"/Boss needed for the true ending at full strength but without our crew (not that we would of had our crew if we didn't split ourselves into two bodies Ringwall told us it was 1v1.
First stage of the true boss was a bit of a cake walk. The Boss had a poison ability which was kind of our weakness and Moonblood self damages. But with our health increase, lucky rolls, and also a chat suggestion of Moonblood using Watercasting to pull all of the poison out of themselves and then a different chat message suggested using that poison blood to stab the boss it was easy.
The Ringwall fight was not. First of all, she has a very, very power ability to just not mechanically take wounds. Wounds happen when you hit 0 HP and remove a D6 from your dice pool. This meant unlike other fights she would not get weaker as we did damage. Also whenever she would take a wound she, rather then having to roll to heal for about half health she instead would just instantly heal to full.
Also in the first phase she had two annoying abilites. Whenever she was hit with a regular, melee attack she could counterattack. If it succeeded we would be stunned, making us loose our movement for that turn and also no actions or movement for the next. However we had multi-attacks and range so wasn't super annoying after the first time.
What was more annoying was the Quiz Time. She would ask us a question with three potential anwsers. We would have to run to the correct anwser and if we either didn't or chose wrong. We would be hit with a ton of damage. While we could move before damage she also had the ability to fuck with us. For example in a failed attempt she was going to try and trip us if we ran past her and in a nearly succesful one she threw us across the room and then placed the skeletons out of reach unless we sprinted.
However the DM with Chat's help realized "You have a fuckton of synergy" we stacked up a thing that gave us bonuses and multi-attack while zoning her and destoryed 3/4 of her health bars in a single move.
Next phase was much much less annoying. The main mechanic was three giant skulls (kind of like Gaster Blasters now that I think about it) would shoot either vertically or horizontally and do a shit ton of damge if we didn't avoid them. One of our stats had a teleport it was very easy to zone her and do the above stacking and destroy her again. She also did a fairly OP attack but she missed and it was melee so it didn't really matter
Third phase we nearly died on. Up till this point we were nearly full HP after using our OP healing item. She took us down to near death, and remember unlike Ringwall, we did take Wounds, every time she took us down to 0 we would heal and then loose a dice. Luckily exploiting our kit to do the giant combo we surived and so we got the Best Ending.
Anyway Ringwall fight and Phase one Boss ended at near the same time. Main version us and Ringwall arrived right as the boss was powering up and we fucked him over so bad. We willingly let him "absorb us" and then let our allies kill us, with each time we got a Wound the dice that was Wounded would join their sheet. It was really sweet send off for the main charecter. Each aspect of us ending up with one of our allies.
Beast of God ended up with Solar Knight which of course. They were our trusted ally from the begining and Beast of God maybe had a tiny little cursh maybe. Solar Knight would end up becoming a god.
Fool's Hope ended up with the Pioneer aka tje pirate. With the Pirate showing them the world and eventually turning a place of theives and heretics to a country who would welcome those who had nowhere else to go.
Lore went with Caster of the Profane Uraden aka our H2Bro. Lore was a scolar and H2Bro was a monk it was an obvious match. Also Lore was the last one to leave the thing they became after merging with the boss. The stat we didn't choose, the first stat. It was fitting. Also H2Bro wrote the entire adventure in a book and that's what our adventure was, him retelling his book.
Wandering Stray ended up with Whispered Moonblooded, another great match as they vibed a ton having similar personalites and Stray learning their Jump abilites from them, and like the name implies they Wandered. Moonblood wanted to complete a bucket list of wishes of fallen allies before they passed from their curse.
Blooming Heart got yoinked by The Exile. And we don't know what the hell happened to them. The Exile decided to go on a journey of self discovery after a pep talk from Bloom and Father Fateless so I guess they finally bloomed offscreen.
Father of the Fateless ended up with Ringwall. And Ringwall started going to the battlefields from The Knights past. Trying to understand where they got their power from, and maybe understand them too.
We also learned we weren't the Knight. The Knight was a solidier of a dead age that no one eanted who decided to house the voices of the dead, and when they were gone he once again lost his purpose and so floated aimlessly. However the kindness the spirts showed themselves, show The Knight. When they were given the order to Live, they gladly followed.
I fucking cried 2 different tears during this oh my god this was so good.
Oh fuckin dope
Sad that it's over but sounds like a fun ride!
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