skeledetective · 3 years
So, How would you deal with an elemental that's set itself up as a deity over a considerable village of people? It's relatively benign but it does take any gold or precious stones that pass by on trade route, and demands worship from the villagers in exchange for protecting them.
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“Well too be honest that actually doesn’t surprise me,” he said after a good bit of thought, “Nefarian Serpine did do that some time ago, and he was an Elemental. ....And to be honest I believe I did it at least once when I was young and stupid, but the demanding part I see more as Nefarian’s thing. He did have a large god complex about him that even tiffed me off.”
He chuckled and rubbed the bridge of where his nose should have been with his thumb and forefinger and continued, “Especially when he’d torture me, he made it a point to tell me about pretty much everything going on in his life.”
Skulduggery made a slight shutter. That was for a whole different reason entirely though.
Then he finally thought about the question and answered it point blank, “I’d turn the daft cunt into dust with a very old magical scepter.”
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skeledetective · 4 years
Starter Call!!
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Leave a like or reblog if you want a starter!! Please also specify muse if you are a multi muse blog!!
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skeledetective · 3 years
“I’m failing to remember what I expected when I signed up for this.” (Eve)
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“This is news to me,” he said with a chuckle, “Apparently I have to sign up for strange things happening to me too. I wish it was as easy as that.”
He threw his head back a bit like he was going to have a good old laugh, “Expect the unexpected, lass”
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skeledetective · 3 years
“Oh hi! I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
Skulduggery chuckled to the other softly, “And neither I, you! So hello all the same! What brings you here?”
Skulduggery wasn’t wearing his disguise today, because he wasn’t anywhere public or even well known, he wanted a big break from the city and he was sitting in a chair enjoying the scenery around him. It was a nice day and he wanted to enjoy it.
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skeledetective · 3 years
eyyy skele-man... can ya 'bone' people, or are you an actual skeleton that can't due to no genitals?
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“Very funny,” he let out a playful sigh, “Sadly I have no fun bits anymore, I can’t really do anything much anymore.”
He answered, “So I’m entirely skeleton, no bits or bobs that any normal person has, just, literally a walking skeleton..”
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skeledetective · 3 years
“You know what? I like you.” Rikku said.
Skulduggery stared at the lady with those empty eye sockets of his for a small bit. This blonde haired girl had some set of balls just walking up to a complete stranger like Skulduggery, and funnily enough, he was in his disguise that showed absolutely nothing of what he was.
Skulduggery tilted his head to one side and moved his gaze to meet the young lady and gave his best chuckle through the large purple scarf currently wrapped around his mouth, and in his friendliest buttery smooth Irish voice, “How can you like me if we’ve never met before? Thank you kindly, but to be honest I’ve actually never seen you before in my life!”
That was a jest, a joke, he was actually expecting her to have a great comeback. That was the kind of air she gave off about her. Or from what he saw anyway.
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skeledetective · 4 years
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(Oki doki, since I forgot who all I owe rps to and all that I’m gonna be deleting all my drafts and asking for more. So leave a like if you want to rp with the sassy skeleton man and if you wanna plot my messages are open! X3)
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skeledetective · 5 years
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“Please do forgive me, I have been quite dead lately. Yes I know that is a joke, quiet. But seriously...My Mun says she’s sorry for not writing anything lately. She needs to write some more!”
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skeledetective · 5 years
Rp promo (again)
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(Oki doki this Mun is gonna ask for new rps! So...You know the drill....Leave a like or a reblog if you wanna rp with a sassy skeleton and I’ll write a starter!)
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skeledetective · 5 years
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(I drew this a while back too...o3o I can’t draw hats for shit...But have a cute picture of Skulduggery petting a baby dragon!)
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skeledetective · 5 years
“Just a stroll”
( @hannah-the-small )
The tall Irish man had just stepped out of his black 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental, and shut the door. He began walking forward, lifting an arm up and pressing a button on his car alarm keys to turn it on. He wouldn’t have normally done this unless he had a reason to step out of his baby, yes, he considered his Bentley his baby, and that reason was standing alone on the other side of the street.
Of course, as always whenever he was out, he had on his disguise, the fake fluffy hair, the overly large sunglasses, the scarf wrapped tightly around the lower half of his face, making it hard for him to breathe, like he had any breath anymore. The whole skeleton thing was still new to him and he learned a lot about himself pretty much everyday. At times, being like this did still feel a little weird to him. He also did kind of miss his hair, still did. This wig was a sorry excuse for it though.
He stopped at the edge of his street to let a car pass, watching it go by down the street, the crossed the road while doing a fast little jog. He was making his way toward a little girl, seemingly standing alone on the street. She looked as if she was waiting for something, but he knew all too well, that being alone on these streets weren’t the best thing for her to be doing. There were a lot of mean and evil people around and in all honesty, he was a little bit worried for her, so as soon as he had walked up, he took a little glance around then squatted to her level.
In that rich velvety and sweet accent of his, he said to her, “Well hello there little lady, what are you doing out here all alone?”
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skeledetective · 5 years
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(o3o Sorry...He’s really fun to draw...Well Sketch...Enjoy!)
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skeledetective · 5 years
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(Random sketches of my favorite characters, and my oc the Slayer beside Skulduggery. He’s up there because he was originally heavily based off of Nefarian Serpine, but I changed him quite a lot to be his own thing. XD Enjoy that asshole with all the other sketches!!)
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skeledetective · 5 years
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“It’s feckin cold outside...”
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skeledetective · 5 years
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(I sketched him in his disguise too! X3 And Thank you for all the likes and reblogs on the last pic guys!)
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skeledetective · 5 years
SP RP Promo
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(Leave a Like or a Reblog if you want to rp with a Skulduggery Pleasant!)
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