nohshinwoos · 5 years
skamly replied to your post “Mel, i was going through your h*** d********** tag and....how had i...”
this clip
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softedwin · 5 years
I love having two conversations going on at the same time with adina like,, I am currently talking to her on her main and her sideblog and there’s no reason for us to do this 
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sadlittlenerdking · 6 years
your top 5 saddest fics
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bangzchan · 5 years
skamly reblogged your post and added:
yo what the fuck
WELL stop posting about wanting shrek to raw u and text instead
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isakthesnake · 6 years
3,6,15,24 ?
lay on the roof or lay on the grass bi?obviously the roof. i’m an aesthetic bi
earth, air, fire, or water bi?uhghh fire bc i’m a fire sign and I have no originality
pineapples on pizza bi or ‘wtf that’s disgusting’ bi?pineapples on nothing ever especially my tongue
hoodie bi or jacket bi?okay but get this: hoodie UNDER jacket. now thats bi culture
ask me some biconic questions this glorious 20gayteen
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phastelpink · 6 years
skamly replied to your post “would be it okay to replace dinner with crepes??”
nO dont listen to her,,, it would NOT
too bad i’m already making them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fondestphan replied to your post “would be it okay to replace dinner with crepes??”
yes it would
yes THANK YOU, brb gonna start frying them
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magnolialex · 7 years
@skamly replied to your post “dear men on dating apps why do you always feel the need to show ur...”
also the ones that only have shirtless pics ,,,
or the ones who post pictures of their crotch like no thank u pal
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tananais · 7 years
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happy pride month from your local bi (and apparently a turtle) you can blame my girlfriend for this photo
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shameforskam · 7 years
SKAM question meme
i was tagged by the lovely @loooreleii thank you so much! 💙💙💙 
favorite squad: i think i have to go with the boy squad, i love them all and love the girls but the boy’s friendship holds this very special place in my heart because it’s unlike a lot of the standard examples of male friendships i’ve seen
favorite character: Even, Isak, Eva
least favorite character: to quote Billy- William is here at the bottom but his brother is even lower
most good-looking person: how…. do i choose this? i mean Isak is beautiful, Vilde is adorably gorgeous, Noora makes all the girls gay, Sana is constantly stunning, Even is endearingly pretty, the list goes on and on
character you’d like to kiss: Even or Jonas, mainly i want to run my hands through their hair
character you’d like to cuddle with: if i’m gonna be cuddled i want to be all wrapped up and taken care of so i’m gonna say Even or Magnus
character you’d like to have as a best friend: me and Even would make movies together
character you’d like to live with: i want to live with an extrovert who likes to party to get me out of the house so Eskild or maybe Vilde or Eva
character you’d take with you on a deserted island: me and Vilde would get shit done with minimal complaining  
character you’d have tickling contests with: Chris or Isak 
character you resemble the most: Eva my girl 💖💜💙 
favorite friendship: Isak and Jonas, Vilde and Chris
favorite romantic pairing: Isak x Even, Yousef x Sana, Eva x Vilde
notp: uMMM new one, how why who needs PChris x Emma ???
favorite haircut/hairstyle: Jonas’s hair is a blessing, Chris’s hair is always in fun or soft styles, and Noora’s hair when it’s really voluminous and wavy is like the exact kind of hair i want, and Isak’s curls hold a special place in my heart
favorite outfit: i’ll do one for each main because there’s too many i need some guidance- Eva’s girl power party look with the santa hat, Noora at the beginning of Forever Young with the rolled up pants and black jacket, Isak in Stress with the red and blue jacket over a grey hoodie, Sana in Maghrib with the grey hijab and camou jacket
favorite location: Nissen, especially the window seals they sit at
favorite season: 3
least favorite season: 2
favorite episode: 1.03 because i love all the introductions to the girls and the first bus meeting, 2.04 because skam is actually a horror show, 3.08 because the whole thing is beautiful from the kitchen scene to how they framed and edited Even’s episode, 4.01 because it still hits me with all the same emotions as the first time
moment(s) that made you cry: after 15:15-01:01 i asked my roommate for a hug because it really destroyed me, Nå because it was over, the Vilde and Chris moment in Kjære Sana
moment(s) that made you laugh: so many oh my god, basically all of Isak’s expressions in S1, so many of the song choices just across the board, the hoverboard moment, Sana blackmailing Isak, Isak and Eskild’s banter in Sjalu, Chris’s spoon, the So Hot slow-mo scene kills me, the girls believing Sana when she pretends she’s psychic, the twin names awkward moment, the ouija board outing Isak, Jonas flipping Eva off from the floor, smoke weed everyday, when Isak fails awkwardly (aka the bike, the window seal, that guy walking into him), Isak and Even’s banter in s4 (Al Gore and laundry), okay i should stop  
and i’ll tag @softnorwegians @skamly @gleekandhpfreak @sanabksh @sanameskini 💙💙💙
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nohshinwoos · 6 years
happy birthday bb i love you!!
thank you! love yoooou 💖💖💖💖
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evenforisak · 7 years
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people….most importantly, have fun!
tagged by: @jimon thank you lovelyy
a / age: 20
b / biggest fear: spiders 
c / current time:  11:18 pm
d / drink you had last: water 
e / everyday starts with: my alarm going off and pissing me off
f / favourite song: It’s Alright by Matt and Kim
g/ ghosts are real? Maybe?
h / hometown: Boise 
i / in love with: well no one romantically rn
j / jealous of: the girl who is dating my friend oops (think Adored by Him by dodie) 
k / killed someone: nope
l / last time you cried: a few weeks ago
m / middle name: ann
n / number of siblings: 1 older brother
o / one wish: to not be so clingy with some people
p / person you last called/texted: my mom/ my friend Wes
q / questions you’re always asked: “are you Indian? no not like  native american but like Indian Indian??” 
r / reasons to smile: my parents, my brother, my really good friends, on here: Markie (jimon) ! 
s / song last sang: Trust in You by Lauren Daigle 
t / time you woke up: 8:30
u / underwear colour: black
v / vacation destination: India
w / worst habit: leaving situations, places,,,,people at the slightest moment of inconvenience 
x / xrays you have had: none
y / your favourite food: this fish curry my mom makes 
z / zodiac sign: aries 
some people im tagging,,,sorry I know I dont talk with you a lot (im not good at it??) as far as I know we are mutuals??? Anyway I appreciate you guys!!! lol im terrible. 
@isak-is-gay @skamly @smoothyousef
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sadlittlenerdking · 6 years
did you post the pennitin fic?
its not penntin lmao and yes
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bangzchan · 7 years
skamly replied to your post: isak: is born at june 21st 21:21 me: is born at...
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rightvibes · 7 years
dear Adina (skamly), listen. I love you with all my heart and I appreciate you so damn much. You're such an amazing friend even though we sometimes want to fight each other (I'm mainly joking when I say that, I could never hurt you but idk about you,,,). Thank you for helping me through today while I was feeling sad, you managed to pick up my mood big time
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isakthesnake · 7 years
skamly replied to your post “Okay! First question, which weed is best for pain and anxiety? Because...”
why do u know so muc about weed
I have friends in high places
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phastelpink · 6 years
skamly replied to your photoset “stay made of lightning”
I LOVE U!!!!
okay here’s ur love, love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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