#skam convention
tommeraasx · 11 months
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annadriesen2121 · 1 year
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Henrik at the SKAM convention in Paris 🤩
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lailoken · 2 years
"The Swedish language contains many words specific to the practice of folk magic, for which there are no precise English equivalents. These terms can be literally rendered into conventional English, but a great deal of the cultural basis of the tradition is lost by doing so. Just as African American hoodoo practitioners speak in their own culturally-mediated dialect when they use words like fixed, dressed, goofered, jinxed, and tricked, so do Swedish trolldom practitioners have a culture-specific context for words like förgjord, tyda, gnidträd, tomte, and makt. Because literal translations do not convey these magical meanings, Swedish words are retained throughout this book, resulting in an intentionally "Swede-lish" text similar to the spoken English of old-time Swedish-Americans.
• Älvaeld (elf-fire): Skin diseases and rashes said to be caused by älvor burning a person. See also Älvablåst.
• Älvablåst (wind from the elves): Skin rashes and diseases said to be caused by älvor blowing on a person. See also Älvaeld.
• Älvakvarn, älvkvarnar (elven quern, elven mills): Huge blocks of stone into which small pits have been carved. These have been in use as sacrificial spots from the Stone Age up until modern days. The most common sacrifice is a doll. The small pits are usually anointed with butter before anything is placed in them. In Sweden prior to the mid-1800s it was recorded that when times were hard and the crops failed people used to have sex on these stones and leave the semen in the pits as a sacrifice.
• Alver, alv, älvor (elf): A spiritual ancestor; also a species of small nature spirit almost identical to the fairies of the British Isles, if those were also considered to be ancestral spirits. Alver make their homes in ancient Scandinavian burial mounds. The smallest of them are amused by playing with young children and are reputed to suck their blood.
• Ångerstål (steel of regret): A murder weapon or a sharp metal tool that has accidentally broken. It is generally used to make magical tools but also occurs in spells for protection.
• Aning (hunches, suspicions): Vague feelings of spiritual distress, often associated with worry or nervousness. A tyda of the inner senses.
• Återställa (recovering, restoring): Bringing an item that has been förgjord (destroyed) back to normal. See also Bota.
• Besvärja (to speak about something): The recitation of troll formulas, also the process of conjuring spirits.
• Besvärjelseformen, maning (the incantation formula; exhortation, command, conjuration): An adjuration at the end of a troll formula.
• Bjära, bese (carrier spirit): A spirit in the form of a ball or a doll.
• Bot, bota (cure, healing or curing): The process of restoring something that has been förgjord (destroyed). See also Återställa.
• Brännvin (burnt wine): Clear, strong grain or potato vodka; it is used as a scrying medium in some forms of spådom.
• Cyprianus (Saint Cyprian book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Djävulen (the Devil): Other names for him are Den Onde, Fan, Pocker, Skam, Hin Håle, Gamle Erik, and Hornpelle.
• Döva (to deafen, to make still): A method used to render weapons harmless, to quell love, to make something numb and still.
• Drömsyner (dream visions): Dreaming true does not only refer to sleeping visions; in trolldom, daydreams or vakendrömmar (waking dreams) are also considered to be tydor of the inner senses.
• Dyfvelsträck (devil's dung): Ferula asafoetida; devil's dung is a common English name given to this foul-smelling plant.
• Fassna (stuck): A condition in which something is magically fastened to a person; usually considered a harmful situation.
• Fegljus (death light): A very small light appearing close to a person who is about to die. A tyda of the inner senses.
• Femudd, femhörning (pentagram star drawn in one stroke): A sign of protection used to bind spirits; symbol of the Virgin Mary.
• Flygrönn (flying rowan): A rowan tree that has grown in another tree and never touched ground.
• Förgjord (un-made, destroyed): Unable to function; bewitched; rendered useless due to curses, hostile trolldom, the evil eye, or spiritual attack. Restoration is via Återställa or Bota. See also Skämma.
• Förtrollad (enchanted, en-trolled): Often used as a synonym to Förgjord (destroyed), it can also mean enchanted in general.
• Fylgia (monitors): Personal guardian spirits. See also Vard.
• Gand (airborne spell): A spell cast into air and sent a great distance.
• Gast (ghost): A visible spirit of the dead; it may occur as a prefix in the names of negative conditions like gastkramad (squeezed by a ghost).
• Gnideld (rubbing fire): See Vrideld.
• Gnidträd (rubbing tree): A tree with two branches or trunks that rub against one another. Such a tree makes a squeaking sound when the wind blows, and is therefore also known as a knarrträd (creaking tree).
• Göra före (to do before): To place something in another's future.
• Hambel, hamn (one's appearance): This refers to the physical appearance as a shroud around the spirit or vålne.
• Hård (hard): The result of a spell to make oneself invulnerable.
• Håg (hag): In English, a hag is a witch who rides people or animals at night, but in trolldom, the håg of a person consists of their desire and mind. To change someone's mind is called hågvända (turning the håg).
• Hågvända (turning the håg): See Håg.
• Ingivelse (spirit-sent impulse): An impulse to act that has been sent by a person's vard or fylgia (guardian spirits) or by other benevolent spirits. As tydor of the inner senses, ingivelser can occur suddenly, without conscious thought or action.
• Jätta (threaten) - Jätta för ont (threaten for evil): To threaten with a curse, which is regarded as a method of cursing a person in itself.
• Jordfast sten (earthbound rock): A rock too large to lift from the soil.
• Kasta ut (cast out): To remove evil by throwing it out, usually at a crossroads or cemetery. Other than speaking a troll formula, the work is silent, and it is not mentioned to others until one night's sleep has passed.
• Klok, kloke (clever): Wise and intelligent; in a magical context it also means well-versed in trolldom.
• Knarrträd, knarrtall, knarrgran (creaking tree, creaking pine, creaking fir): See Gnidträd.
• Kusad (quelled): This dialect term derives from a synonym for trolldom - kuschleri - and means quelled or quenched by trolldom.
• Likfassna (corpse stuck): A negative condition in which the spirit of a dead person is afflicting a living person. See also Likkrosa.
• Likkrosa (corpse crushed): The negative condition of being held down by a spirit of the dead. See also Likfassna.
• Lövjeri (leaf-craft): The use of herbs to cure and remove evil.
• Makt (power): Might, power, and force, in a magical sense.
• Maktstjäla (to steal power) - Maktstulen (robbed of power): The act of stealing another's magical power and the condition of one whose power has been stolen. See also Modstjäla.
• Maning (exhortation): See Besvärjelseformen.
• Mara (night-gaunt): A spirit who torments people at night or in their dreams. The same root appears as "mare" in the English word nightmare.
• Mäta, mätning (measure, measuring): A category of spells using measured strings and tied knots. Magical measuring can be traced back
• Modstjäla (to steal courage) - Modstulen (robbed of courage): Stealing one's courage is a sorcerous act. The term also describes one who suffers from depression or feels low in spirits. See also Maktstjäla.
• Motskott (countershot): A counter-remedy against trollskott.
• Näcken (Nix): A naked spiritual being who resides in streams, rivers, or lakes. He is a shape-shifter and he drowns people, but he also teaches magic and music. In Scandinavia there is only one Nix, who can appear in any body of water, but among the Germans and English, there are many nixes, and the females are called nixies.
• Namnlösa fingret (the nameless finger): The ring finger on the left hand; it is believed to have a direct link to the heart and therefore to a person's power, might, courage, and håg, which reside in the heart.
• Natur (nature): A person's sexuality and capability for procreation.
• Nedsätta (to reduce, to set down) - sätta ned (to put down): The magical destruction of a person's love life or chances to get married. The term may also refer to the destruction of other areas of a person's life.
• Nisse (brownie): See Tomte.
• Ofärdsspådom (oppressive divination): The act of predicting or foretelling harmful events in the future. See Spå.
• Offring (sacrifice, offering): To cure problems through sacrifice, to appease elves, or to offer a spirit something and get something in return.
• Rå, rådare (spiritual ruler): Spirits who act as caretakers and guardians. of a place. They are named after the locations where they reside, such as skogsrå (forest rå), sjörå (lake rå), havsrå (sea rå), bergrå (mountain rå) gruvrå (mining rå), skatters rå (treasure rå), vägrå (road rå), kyrkogårdsrå (cemetery rå), and kyrkrå (church rå). See also Tomte.
• Runa, runor, runkafle (rune, runes, a stick carved with runes): The letters of the Old Norse alphabet are called runes. The same word also refers to charms written in runes or other alphabetic or non-alphabetic characters. To rune can also mean to cast a spell. See also Trollformel.
• Sänningar (sendings): This refers to things by magic or cast upon someone from a distance.
• Sedel (ticket): A slip of paper used for written runes and talismans.
• Sejd, seiðr (sorcery): Used in the Nordic sagas to signify trolldom, this obsolete word has recently been revived by adherents of Asatru.
• Signeri (signs, symbols, marks): To read or speak troll formulas aloud or silently, or to sign or mark something with the cross. The latter may be done "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" or silently. See also Välsigna.
• Skämma (shame, taint), skämd (having been shamed): A magical method to render someone powerless and cursed. See also Förgjord.
• Skärsel (garden riddle, flour sifter): A divinatory method using a sieve, sifter, or riddle.
• Smörjning (anointing): The use of ointments to cure and remove evil.
• Solv (string heddle eyes of a loom): There is a very old belief that the world and all the events in it were created by weavers. Therefore, string healds or heddle eyes that are cut off the heddle frame of a loom are magically dangerous because they are outside the world of the weavers. It should be noted that to cut these from the loom can be regarded as a transgressive act.
• Söm (horseshoe nail): a square iron horseshoe nail.
• Sortebog (black arts book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Spå (to predict, to foretell), spådom (divination): The art of foretelling the future, also used as a general synonym for trolldom. The word spå survives in the Scottish term spaewife, meaning a fortune-telling woman. See also Ofärdsspådom and Tyda.
• Spiritus, spertus (spirit): A spirit, often kept in a box, bottle, or pouch.
• Ställa (to stall, to stand still): The method of making a thief or anyone else stand still and be unable to move from a location. It can also be used to stop game animals from moving, when hunting.
• Stämma (to staunch, to summon, to command): This word meansvto staunch, as in staunching blood, but also to summon people or animals to a place. In the old days, the stämning was announced in the powerful trinity of bedpost, threshold, and ting or court. When someone was stämd to the ting, the messenger first read the summons by the bedpost of the person being called, then a second time at his threshold, and finally at the ting.
• Skogsfru (female forest guardian spirit): Rådare means caretaker or guardian spirit. In the case of the forests, the guardians are usually described as female and may go by names such as the Skogsfru (Forest. Lady) or Skogsrå (Rå of the forest).
• Stöpa (steeping, melting, reshaping): The method of pouring melted lead, tin, wax, or a similar melted liquid into a container of water while holding the water over a person, to cure and remove evil. Stöpa is used for divinatory purposes as well, in which case the various forms and shapes made by the coagulated material are read as signs.
• Svartebog (black book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Svartkonstbok (black arts book): A grimoire or book of sorcery. Other names for this type of book are svartebog (black book), sortebog (black book in Danish), and Cyprianus (a book attributed to Saint Cyprian, the patron saint of occultists and necromancers).
• Svärdsbrev (sword-letter): A written talisman carried on the person for protection from harm. See also Trollbrev.
• Syn (vision), synsk (a visionary): A person who has the ability to see visions (syn) is said to be a synsk or visionary. The word synsk is synonymous with clairvoyant or second-sighted, but in casual conversation, the work synsk is often used to describe those with related abilities who would be known in English as clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant, or just plain psychic. An inherited ability, it is a tyda of the inner senses.
• Ting (legislative assembly, court): The word ting is used in this book to describe these assemblies as they were constituted in the old days in Sweden, before Christianity arrived, circa the 9th century. The tings were often held at crossroads or where three borders crossed.These meeting places were commonly the locations of old burial sites and grave mounds. The spirits of the ancestors took part in the procedures of the ting by determining the outcome of various ordeals set before two opponents in a court proceeding.
• Tomte, nisse, gårdsrå, bol-vatte (brownie, land-spirit, house-elf, house-wight): Tomte is the title for, or position given to, a spirit who takes care of a household. The tomte is responsible for the luck in the house and the work done around the home. Originally a spirit of the dead, in modern times the tomte has been popularized as a cute kind of nature spirit. Other names for this spirit are gårdsrå (rå of a farm), nisse (brownie), or bol-vätte (land-wight).
• Torvigg (the lightning bolt of Thor): This name refers to a flint axe of the kind that was made in the Stone Age and was used for cutting and hunting. In Swedish folklore it was said that these ancient axes appeared when lightning bolts from the Norse thunder god Thor struck the ground and that they were his weapons against evil. The torvigg is highly valued in trolldom. It is used to protect oneself from harm and from sorcery and to prevent one from being overpowered by other people or spirits.
• Tránsjuka (obsessive love-sickness): This condition renders one unable to let go of a lover, either due to mental obsession or because one has been förgjord (destroyed through sorcery).
• Troll (troll, goblin, ogre): A class of ancient magical spirits, their sorcery, and the magic performed with their aid. As a prefix, it may be roughly translated as "magical" but in this book the Swedish word is retained in terms like troll-bundle, troll-letter, and troll formula.
• Trolldom (trolldom): folk magic, the Scandinavian equivalent to the folk magic of other nations, such as sorcery, hexerei, braucherei, brujeria, stregoneria, hechicería, hoodoo, conjure, witchcraft, or rootwork.
• Trollaktig (troll-like): A person who behaves as if he or she is wise or knowledgeable in trolldom; a practitioner; someone who is trollkunnig.
• Trollbrev (troll-letter): The generic name for a written talisman for any purpose. A trollbrev may be rolled up and worn in a cylinder hanging around the neck, sewn into clothes so that the symbol is facing outwards, or carried in the inner pocket of a jacket. In modern times it may be worn in a woman's bra. Sewing a trollbrev not meant for curing into your clothes is pointless unless it is for a single occasion, since the paper disintegrates during laundering. See also Svärdsbrev and Värnebrev.
• Trollformel (troll formula): A spoken spell or incantation, either rhyming or in free verse. The wording of each troll formula is kept as a closely guarded secret that is transmitted only to those who inherit an elder practitioner's power and craft. Teaching a troll formula to a student has traditionally meant that the teacher loses the power to use the formula successfully. This is still true today, although, due to the publication of so many troll formulas in books during the past hundred years, contemporary teachers never need give away the specific incantations that they themselves use; instead they can teach their students alternative versions. This is not difficult, as there are more than 50,000 collected troll formulas in Swedish folklore archives alone, and many thousands more in the archives of Norway, Denmark, and the Swedish-speaking part of Finland. The word runa (rune), meaning a written spell, may be used as a synonym for trollformel.
• Trollhare (troll hare): A hare-spirit that is used to draw material goods to a specific place or to steal milk or butter. See also Trollkatt.
• Trollkatt (troll cat): A cat-spirit that is used to draw material goods to a specific place or to steal milk or butter. See also Trollhare.
• Trollknyte (troll bundle): A magical bundle wrapped in cloth and tied shut; knyte is cognate to the English word knotted. See also Trollpåse.
• Trollkunnig (troll-skilled): A person who is skilled in magic; one who is knowledgeable, well-versed, or cunning in trolldom.
• Trollpåse (troll pouch, troll bag): A small pouch made of cloth or chamois skin in which magical articles are contained. See also Trollknyte.
• Trollskott (troll shot): A magical shot to cause harm. It can be done by humans, various spirits, or even forces of nature.
• Tyda, tydor (omen, meanings): Magical indications, decipherments, readings, interpretations, or visions. The word is cognate to the English tidings, meaning messages. Tydor are messages from the world of spirit.
• Utesittning, utiseita (sitting outside): A vision-quest to awaken trolls.
• Våd-eld (accidental fire): A fire resulting from human carelessness.
• Vålne, vålnad (wraith): The spiritual part of a person that survives the death of the physical body.
• Välsigna (signs or marks for well-being): Blessings. See also Signeri.
• Vard (ward): Personal guardian spirit.
• Värnebrev (shielding letter, guardian letter): A written talisman used to protect the wearer from harm. See also Trollbrev.
• Varsel (warning spirits), varsla (forewarning): Tydor that predict evil or tell of evil at another location are called varsel. A dying person's vard or vålnad may carry the forewarning or a tomte may tell of it.
• Vättar (gnomes): An old word meaning spirits in general or spirits who reside in and are a part of nature and the elements.
• Vigt silver (dedicated silver): A piece of jewelry or a coin that has been worn at a wedding.
• Vite (penalty) - Vita (trolldom): Vite, a court-ordered punishment, gave rise to the words vita (a term describing trolldom as a way to magically mete out justice) and han vitar (he casts a justified curse).
• Vrideld (twisted fire): Fire-drilling with a twisting motion. A wooden pole is held horizontally against a vertical wooden surface such as a door, and twisted until the heat of friction produces fire. This fire is used to drive off evil spirits and to remove curses and the evil eye. Also called Gnideld.
• Wittenberg: A German town in which Scandinavian priests studied theology. It is associated with magic, the Jewish kabbalah, and folkloric legends connected to trolldom, magical words, and black arts books."
Spells and Methods of the Norse Folk Magic Tradition
by Johannes Gårdbäck
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skamenglishsubs · 5 months
i know u made a post a while ago (or at least i think it was you) about nickname conventions in swedish. i was trying to find that post but couldn’t. i was wondering if you had that on hand?
I don't know why it's gone from the app, but on desktop or in a browser, you should see a link to my archive, where you can easily see all my posts: https://skamenglishsubs.tumblr.com/archive
The particular post you were looking for about nicknames is this one:
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
Much as I would love to see a Muslim/hijabi woman on tv. Most likely wouldn't want to be on tv since it goes against their beliefs. I'm ok with Natacha in this role bc I love her and I appreciate what LS has done with showing respect as the show has continued
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[response to my post here]
First off, thank you for the insight/feedback on the accuracy, and the prayer part in particular! I had thought the location she was praying in was inaccurate but that wasn’t something I saw mentioned a lot at the time of the initial backlash to that scene. So I appreciate the information. 💜
I definitely head canon that when Owen rebuilt the firehouse (for the 2nd time!) he made sure there was a dedicated quiet room. Not only would it be important to have for Marjan or anyone else that works at the firehouse with them of Muslim faith to pray in, but also they have stressful and emotional jobs! Having a dedicated safe space at the firehouse to go when you need that kind of quiet privacy just makes sense to me.
As far as the casting part first: I think Natacha has done a great job and I appreciate the fact that she spoke up to the showrunners after hearing feedback from Muslim viewers. and from what I heard of her talking at the most recent convention, she has some great ideas of exploring various intersectionality that is found within that religion and I think that’s great and really hope they do explore some of those things.
My desire for an actual hijabi woman to have been chosen for this part was mainly based off experiences I witnessed from a previous fandom, Skam. IDK if you ever watched it, but the 4th season focused on a Muslim girl in high school, Sana, played by an actress who was actually Muslim, Iman Meskini, who was fantastic. The show writer/creator/producer relied a lot on her knowledge and lived experience when filming things. Then the Skam remakes happened… and another iteration of the show did not bother to get an actual Muslim to play that character and I remember very vividly the negative experiences a lot of the Muslim people in fandom had based off choices that were made and how that character was portrayed. Iman herself spoke up about how much better it was to have someone with the lived experience, who knew what it was like, acting in a role like that. I love this quote from her too: "I never dreamt about being an actress, because I never saw an actress with hijab on. I didn’t even see it as an option or a possibility at all until I became that example that it is possible."
I definitely can appreciate and understand how nuanced the discussion of actors playing parts that aren’t their own experience truly is though. I think the wars that are waged online about actors who play queer parts especially is a big thing happening in culture right now and I truly understand a lot of varying sides to those kinds of discussions. I know it might not always be possible for own voices actors to play parts like this, but I just feel like the best case scenario in a role like Marjan would have been for it to be played by a hijabi woman. That doesn’t mean I think Natacha is in the wrong for taking the role or that it was a terrible mistake for her to have been cast. Just that there was a better scenario that I had hoped for, that didn’t end up happening. and that's okay.
Now the corn silo story: That interview with Natacha where she said there were things that got cut from that storyline makes me really sad because I wish we could have gotten a better resolution to it. Maybe it would have been exactly what you're mentioning here too - clarifying for the viewers that not everyone in the mosque felt that way and it was just pettiness amongst some of them. Sadly, I guess we'll never know exactly what that would have looked like. It makes me a little sad that the only time we've even seen the mosque she goes to was in that episode in season one. I really really hope we get a chance to see some more storylines for Marjan that can include her faith and her mosque but more of how they're positively impacting her life instead.
(I don't have any relevant Marjan reaction gifs since I mainly use my fave Paul, so have this gif of her being absolutely adorable instead)
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eulchu · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (4/30)
Today we are talking about queer representation in media. In 1894 "The Dickson Experimental Sound Film" is released, becoming the first "gay film". It was also known as "The Gay Brothers", it feature two men dancing together and it reportedly "shocked audiences with its subversion of conventional male behaviour". Unfortunately, in 1934 the USA introduced the Hays Code, which, while it didn't explicitly ban queerness, banned queerness in effect. This resulted in three decades of queer-coded villains, such as Joel Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and Jack Favell in "Rebecca" (1940).
The Hays Code was lifted in 1968, and the queer cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was released in 1975, and gave a much-needed positive and FUN representation of queer people and queerness. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as the rising AIDs crisis worsened the stigma around the gay community. This didn't stop everyone though, and in 1985 "Desert Hearts" was released; regarded as the first mainstream lesbian film with a happy ending.
Further on, the first gay kiss on TV in the UK was on "EastEnders" in 1989, "Ellen" became the first American tv show with an openly gay lead in 1997, and other show such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" started to add recurring LGBTQ+ characters. An important show in the UK was "Queer as Folk" (1999) which was one of the first shows to depict the queer community as vibrant and alive.
Even further forward, and "Moonlight" (2017) became the first LGBTQ+ film (and the first all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Oscars. GLAAD publishes an annual report showing how representation is changing. 2005-2006 1.4% of regular characters vs 2020-2021 the figure is at 9.1%. So, there is still a long way to go obviously, especially because media is often the main or only place that young people have an insight into the community at all.
Because of this, I want to ask you for a recommendation: What is a piece of queer media that you think more people should see? (it can be literally anything, big/small, funny/sad, smart/stupid <- just anything you think deserves to be watched!:))
(I'll go first: "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "I Don't Want to Go Back Alone) is a really really cute Brazillian short film available on Youtube! (if you enjoy it, there is also a full-length film version called "Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "The Way He Looks"))
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
OHHH i will definitely look it up thank you so much for the rec!! i love talking about querr rep in media it can get so frustrating but it's also so beautiful and empowering...
as for my recommendation: SKAM !!!! skam my skamogie every time i watch season 3 i cry ugly tears...amazing lgbt AND mental health awareness rep 💙
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yeastinfectionvale · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (4/30)
Today we are talking about queer representation in media. In 1894 "The Dickson Experimental Sound Film" is released, becoming the first "gay film". It was also known as "The Gay Brothers", it feature two men dancing together and it reportedly "shocked audiences with its subversion of conventional male behaviour". Unfortunately, in 1934 the USA introduced the Hays Code, which, while it didn't explicitly ban queerness, banned queerness in effect. This resulted in three decades of queer-coded villains, such as Joel Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and Jack Favell in "Rebecca" (1940).
The Hays Code was lifted in 1968, and the queer cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was released in 1975, and gave a much-needed positive and FUN representation of queer people and queerness. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as the rising AIDs crisis worsened the stigma around the gay community. This didn't stop everyone though, and in 1985 "Desert Hearts" was released; regarded as the first mainstream lesbian film with a happy ending.
Further on, the first gay kiss on TV in the UK was on "EastEnders" in 1989, "Ellen" became the first American tv show with an openly gay lead in 1997, and other show such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" started to add recurring LGBTQ+ characters. An important show in the UK was "Queer as Folk" (1999) which was one of the first shows to depict the queer community as vibrant and alive.
Even further forward, and "Moonlight" (2017) became the first LGBTQ+ film (and the first all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Oscars. GLAAD publishes an annual report showing how representation is changing. 2005-2006 1.4% of regular characters vs 2020-2021 the figure is at 9.1%. So, there is still a long way to go obviously, especially because media is often the main or only place that young people have an insight into the community at all.
Because of this, I want to ask you for a recommendation: What is a piece of queer media that you think more people should see? (it can be literally anything, big/small, funny/sad, smart/stupid <- just anything you think deserves to be watched!:))
(I'll go first: "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "I Don't Want to Go Back Alone) is a really really cute Brazillian short film available on Youtube! (if you enjoy it, there is also a full-length film version called "Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "The Way He Looks"))
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
Oooh anon thank you for the recommendations!
I really would have to say either:
Skam - A teen drama based in Norway about the life of students. Each season focuses on one character.
Maja Ma - A closeted housewife's world falls apart as she is questioned about her sexuality and her struggle to remain the perfect matriarch (we get to see her love and grow as a person)
Bol - A really dark movie about how Pakistan treats the intersex and trans community and what families are willing to do to hide any non-conformists to the Islamic society of the country. [this movie passed the Lahore film board checks but is basically banned in most households and getting a copy of the cd is extremely difficult where I grew up]
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patchesbeanie · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (4/30)
Today we are talking about queer representation in media. In 1894 "The Dickson Experimental Sound Film" is released, becoming the first "gay film". It was also known as "The Gay Brothers", it feature two men dancing together and it reportedly "shocked audiences with its subversion of conventional male behaviour". Unfortunately, in 1934 the USA introduced the Hays Code, which, while it didn't explicitly ban queerness, banned queerness in effect. This resulted in three decades of queer-coded villains, such as Joel Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and Jack Favell in "Rebecca" (1940).
The Hays Code was lifted in 1968, and the queer cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was released in 1975, and gave a much-needed positive and FUN representation of queer people and queerness. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as the rising AIDs crisis worsened the stigma around the gay community. This didn't stop everyone though, and in 1985 "Desert Hearts" was released; regarded as the first mainstream lesbian film with a happy ending.
Further on, the first gay kiss on TV in the UK was on "EastEnders" in 1989, "Ellen" became the first American tv show with an openly gay lead in 1997, and other show such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" started to add recurring LGBTQ+ characters. An important show in the UK was "Queer as Folk" (1999) which was one of the first shows to depict the queer community as vibrant and alive.
Even further forward, and "Moonlight" (2017) became the first LGBTQ+ film (and the first all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Oscars. GLAAD publishes an annual report showing how representation is changing. 2005-2006 1.4% of regular characters vs 2020-2021 the figure is at 9.1%. So, there is still a long way to go obviously, especially because media is often the main or only place that young people have an insight into the community at all.
Because of this, I want to ask you for a recommendation: What is a piece of queer media that you think more people should see? (it can be literally anything, big/small, funny/sad, smart/stupid <- just anything you think deserves to be watched!:))
(I'll go first: "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "I Don't Want to Go Back Alone) is a really really cute Brazillian short film available on Youtube! (if you enjoy it, there is also a full-length film version called "Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "The Way He Looks"))
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
I haven't really watched much queer tv or movies but i really liked SKAM when i watched it! it's pretty well known but if there's someone who hasn't yet heard of it, go check it out <3 it's a norwegian tv show, the third season's main character is gay
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evak-elu-nicotino · 4 years
---- Not my video -----
Henrik staring at Maxence the whole time is a whole mood, honestly.
Dunno why but this video is messing with my brain SO MUCH.
Also, Maxence’s English is cute AF. 
And the last part of him explaining the paint scene got me chills. ALSO WHY DID AXEL AND MAXENCE MADE OUT FOR 30 MINUTES AND WE ONLY GOT TO SEE THREE ?!
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tommeraasx · 1 year
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Herman in Paris, France. (01/10/2023) 💓
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It’s so nice that high on skam recorded all their panels so that even the people who couldn’t come could watch it. It kind of messed up my plans to study for my exam next week but it was totally worth it!
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reivenesque · 5 years
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Herman Tømmeraas, the number one Chriseva shipper (x)
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flodaya · 5 years
I forgot you were going to the con in Rome too! I hope you're having fun and that you enjoyed the panels. I'm so jealous you got to see Iman and Ina in the flesh.
late answer, I wasn’t really active on here in the last few days, but thank you, I did have a lot of fun
for me personally seeing iman and tua and assa in the same room was a dream come true, i can’t believe that really happened (add hajar and I might have fainted seeing that much power and beauty at once) oh and sadly I didn’t see a lot of ina :( she was late and i only saw her for a few minutes at the end panel, but even those few minutes were worth it
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incantavaxx · 5 years
High on Skam 2 Drama
So, you know the Skam convention in Rome with a very tempting guest list (Henrik, Maxence, fricking Michelangelo...) that will be in December? 
I was tempted to go, because the other option is Share The Love in Milan just the week before, they have almost the entire italian cast, Maxence and Thomas from Skam OG BUT not Michelangelo nor Henrik (at least not yet) -and honestly, I would only choose Share The Love for the italian cast of course, but I was kinda giving it for certain that they were going to be at High on Skam 2 too, because it would be just ridiculous to make a con in Rome without a single actor from the only Skam actually filmed in Rome. 
But the thing is, I looked into it more and I found out some drama on twitter, like that many italian fans are pissed because they bought the pass for the con months and months ago when the con was first announced, sure that the italian cast (or at least a part of it) would be there for obvious reasons (con in Rome = majority of partecipants are going to be italian, and also because the organisers came up with the idea of doing HOS2 in Rome just after the success the italian cast had at HOS1 -when they were the only cast invited with OG). 
So yeah, it was 99% sure the italian cast would be there but now months later we have basically a Druck con (literally everyone from Druck cast even minor characters and the cameramen, with a couple of OG and French guests too) in Rome and italians are happy about meeting all the amazing guests of course but feel a bit scammed because there is literally 0 guests from Italia.
Personally at first I was like, yeah it sucks that someone spent money on something that it turned out not what was safe to expect, but the organisers said they did invite the italian cast, so it’s no really their fault, and maybe they’re just taking their time to accept (even if it’s weird, because they already confirmed for Share The Love, so confirming for a con that’s literally in their city shouldn’t take all this time for every single one of them.)
But then I read that one of the main organiser of the con has deleted from her IG all the pics she had posted during HOS1 with Rocco and Fede and they stopped following each other. Honestly I remembered those pictures from when I was stalking all the new content from the con at the time, but I absolutely don’t remember the name of the lady so I can’t check if it’s true, but it would make sense on why not a single member from Italia was announced yet if something bad happened between them and the organisers. 
And in that case, it’s not even necessarily siding with the cast (which I obviously would lmao) because we have no idea what happened, but it’s about honesty towards italian fans: they keep saying they’re still waiting on new guests and it doesn’t depend from them every time italians fans point out the what about the italian (literally roman lol) cast, which might be tecnically true, but if you know you had a fight/beef/drama with them and that’s why you’re not following each other anymore and they didn’t sign the contract, then 99% you also know that they won’t be at your con.
And it would be professional not to explain the drama of course, but at least to let italian fans know that no, probably and crazy enough there won’t be any italian guest at the con in Italy. 
Because if the thing about deleting Rocco and Fede pics and all that it’s true, then the only reason why they keep saying ‘we doon’t knoow, we’re waiting’ is because they know many italian fans would just go to the Share the Love Con instead of theirs then. Andif that’s it it’s not okay, because they already got so many money from italians fans that bought the tickets giving for certain the italian cast would be there, they don’t need to keep taking more money from us by letting us hope they will be announced later.
This post is not necessarily an accusation, don’t get me wrong: I don’t have enough sources for that. It’s more a question to everyone that knows more about it than I do, because given those conditions I won’t give them my money, but if someone knows more I’m open to listen and eventually change my mind.
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manjirou-sano · 5 years
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therainbowteamevents: We are thrilled to announce that the first guest for High on SKAM 2, who will be joining us in Rome is the lovely, the wonderful, the amazing IMAN MESKINI! ⁣
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flashbaeklight · 6 years
I just realised Axel will be the shortest in the SKAM Convention and its the cutest thing ever, Maxence i believe you can protect our little 🐕
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