lowkeyclowning · 2 months
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More doodles… yall don’t even know how bad I need these guys :c
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gigamuffin · 10 months
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[The Villains] [Landlubbers] [Media links]
You may recognize the name Kaptein Sabeltann in some of my posts and may have wondered "Hey who is that totally sick and awesome pirate?" Well here's a (mostly objective and unbiased) introduction to our main crew!
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Kaptein Sabeltann (Captain Sabertooth) himself is the most feared and revered pirate of the seven seas and the self-proclaimed king of the sea. He is known for his love of gold and the ability to literally smell it + the catchphrase of the show "Hiv o' Hoi". He is a stubborn, decisive pirate who expects everything to follow his way. There is a rumour that Kaptein Sabeltann has sailed the seven seas for a hundred years, but this is often dismissed as scared landlubber tales.
Kaptein Sabeltann sails onboard Den sorte dame (the dark lady) with his crew: Langemann, Pelle, Pysa, Benjamin, Skalken and a young cabin boy Pinky. They reside in a port called Abra Havn, hidden away on an island surrounded by fog and through a narrow passageway only Langemann knows how to get Den sorte dame through. This place is called “Det usynlige land" (the invisible land)
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Den sorte dame (the dark lady). Fun fact her skull actually opens and closes it's mouth, and if you don't think that's cool you're not real. They sail her around for the show at night and in the daytime, she is free to ride in the park itself!
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Let's talk about Kaptein Sabeltann's first mate and right-hand man: Langemann (Longfinger) (pictured on the left). He is Kaptein Sabeltann's most trusted man and helps keep the crew and sometimes the captain himself in check. He is the only other person with free access to Kaptein Sabeltann's castle. Langemann is known as "Sabeltann's shadow" because "Where Langemann is Kaptein Sabeltann is close by."
Langemann is very serious about his job and makes sure the usually incompetent crew actually does their duty. But off duty, he knows how to joke, flirt, sing and just be an average guy, which is something he uses to his advantage to spy on landlubbers (one of his main jobs is to fool them for information on treasures). Langemann is Pinky's father figure, and behaves very much like dad in general.
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And this is Pinky (Tiny, pretend his english name isn’t real), he's technically our main protagonist and has the overarching plot of the show. Pinky was found on a shipwreck as a baby by Kaptein Sabeltann and his crew (but mostly by Langemann). He grew up in Abra Havn amongst pirates and dreamed of becoming the world's youngest pirate, which is something Kaptein Sabeltann scoffs at. Kaptein Sabeltann only sees Pinky as "the kid that Langemann picked up in that shipwreck" and doesn't take his wishes to become a "real pirate" seriously at all. Langemann on the other hand does try to encourage him to become a pirate someday. He is currently 11 years old in canon. After he realizes he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore he dreams of finding his biological dad, Morgan, instead. This is his overarching plot of the show.
Langemann used to be close friends with Pinky's biological dad Morgan and raises Pinky assuming Morgan is dead. Pinky lives at Langemann's house and often follows him around when he's in Abra Havn. Pinky looks up to both Langemann and Kaptein Sabeltann a lot growing up. Pinky is valued for his ability to read but other than that he is just a cabin boy in Kaptein Sabeltann's eyes.
Now we can move on to the other crew members.
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Pelle and Pysa (Wally and Wimp) are twin brothers and huge mama's boys. They can't read, write or count, which is often the butt of some joke. Pelle (Wally) sees himself as the "older brother" of the two, despite being only a few minutes older. He is often very bossy and mean to his brother Pysa. Pysa (Wimp) as his name implies is more of a coward. Other than that they are very similar. They are the stereotypical stooges, comedic reliefs, and love food, especially their mother's cooking. They are always bickering and even have a whole song dedicated to just that.
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This is Benjamin (no yeah he's Benjamin in english too we're blessed), he is lazy first and foremost, and boisterous. He usually tricks Pelle and Pysa into doing his job for him. Despite doing very little he often brags about being one of Kaptein Sabeltann's most famous and talented crew members. He often twists words or cracks jokes (often referencing things from modern day, aimed at the adults in the audience) that annoys Kaptein Sabeltann and the crew. He very much prioritizes fun and jokes over doing his job and being serious. If Pelle and Pysa are the physical comedy he is the verbal comedy. Benjamin also has the best eyesight of the crew and is often stationed at the crow's nest.
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Finally there is Skalken (Tully, his name actually translates to crust)...... Skalken is the ship's cook, and just by looking at him you can guess he isn't very good at it. Skalken only cooks food that makes the rest of the crew squeamish. He is often on the hunt for rats and cockroaches to put in his "famous" rat soup. According to him, rats and cockroaches are nutritious meals and a necessity to pirates. Despite everyone verbally and physically hating his cooking he just laughs and goes on believing he is a first class gourmet chef. He is our gross-out humour guy. Skalken, like Benjamin, often makes jokes that go over kids' heads, only Skalken has the ability to break the 4th wall.
And that's the main crew of Den sorte dame! I plan on writing another post for the villains, the side characters and the shows themselves in the near future. I will also have a short post with links to some of the media up soon. See you then!
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sabelbloggen · 2 months
Highlights og thoughts fra Havets Hemmelighet i år:
"Du kan ikke stole på en politiker, Kæpten! Hu juksa sikkert på mastern!"
Skalken e honestly så artig i det stykket her! I begynnelsen når han så bestemt prøve å pusse skoan tel Sabeltann e hilarious
Skalken sin romanse med borgermestern e fantastisk
Meine bestemt Skalken kallte sæ Paskalken i fjor, som verdenskjent konditor. I år va det bare "Pascal". Extreme disappointment😔 ikke like artig.
My face 🤯 hver gang Bassa og Ruben for real kysse på scenen
Ina Svenningdal som faktisk e en heilt ikonisk Tante Bassa.
Pelle som kalle Ruben "Din forvokste blokkfløyte!!" INSANE. Elske de overraskanes tydelige bildan æ får i hodet herregud
Det e så altfor enkelt å se for mæ Ruben som ei svær blokkfløyte
Kaptein Sabeltann som nikke godkjennanes tel danseran som tar backflip. Not bad.
Æ skulle likt å se DÆ ta en backflip, Kaptein Sabeltann
"Du lurer meg aldri" som littegrann e en duett med Langemann. Plis fleire Sabeltann og Langemann duetter der Langemann ikke får kjeft.
Benjamin som snubla heile veien inn i en av folka på første rad og skremte vettet av det stakkars mannfolket
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louthegreatfurrry · 5 years
the impossible, for evan uwu
There are hands on Pinky's skin.
There is also sand in his boots. "I have sand in my boots," he says, because he's no liar.
Sabeltann, the owner of the hands, laughs. "Of course you do."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Pinky asks, jokingly offended.
"Oh, nothing, dear," says Sabeltann lightly, his fingers on Pinky's wrists twitching.
Pinky rolls his eyes behind the blindfold. He can feel Sabeltann's amusement through the touch. There's silence for a moment. Waves roll in the distance; Pinky cocks his head to better listen. "Where are you taking me, anyway?"
"The beach," says Sabeltann.
"Really?" says Pinky drily, and flexes his sand-covered toes. "I never would've figured."
A helpless little chuckle. "Patience, my sweet, patience. You'll learn soon enough."
"Sometimes," Pinky says, "I regret making the first move."
"And then you remember how dazzlingly handsome I am?"
"And then I remember how dazzlingly handsome you are."
Sabeltann laughs, loud and real, and Pinky can't help the soft smile he feels spread over his face. They walk only a few steps more, Sabeltann steadying Pinky when he stumbles in a loose root he - naturally - can't see.
"Okay," Sabeltann eventually says, "hold still." He moves behind him, hands gentle against his hair. After a bit of fumbling, the cloth tied around Pinky's head is pulled off and away.
Pinky blinks at the bright light, squinting as he tries to adjust. Indeed, they are on a beach - sandy, some shrubbery creeping up to the sand but stilling there. He knows the Grim Lady must be nearby - he'd been aboard her as recently as half an hour ago, after all - but due to the formation of the beach, he can't see her.
That isn't important, though. In the sand stands an improvised table - an overturned barrel with a white cloth thrown over it - joined by two crates similar to the ones they use as chairs on the deck of the Lady. Steaming plates are on the table, along with a single lit candle. The sunset against the dark-blue sea lights the scene in a muted, golden hue.
"Oh," says Pinky, very softly, very kindly.
"Happy birthday," Sabeltann whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to Pinky's temple. "Sponsored by Gusto."
"Is it..." Pinky asks, fingers curling loosely around Sabeltann's, resting on his waist.
"Buttered chicken? Of course," says Sabeltann, and squeezes lightly.
Pinky's favourite. "I love you," he says.
"Anything for you." Sabeltann steps towards the table.
Suddenly it makes sense why he's dressed up.
Pinky picks at his own shirt, hoping to brush off some of the salt he knows is there. They returned home to Abra just today, and he'd been working close to the gunwale the whole day. Water has coated him more than once. Terribly flustered, he follows Sabeltann to the table. "I'm sorry I'm not better dressed," he says, not quite meeting Sabeltann's eyes.
Sabeltann, who'd waited for Pinky to sit before getting seated himself, gives him a look. "I gave you no warning, Pinky. It's been a long day, don't worry about it - I want you to enjoy yourself. Okay?" He reaches across the table to gently take Pinky's hand. "Can you do that?"
"I want to look good for you," Pinky protests, but it's weak, and they both know it. He's learned to trust his captain in matters like these. If there was a problem, Sabeltann would tell him.
"And you do, my star. Every day. Always." He smiles, his eyes wrinkling in that specific way Pinky has ever only associated with him. "The food's getting cold."
Pinky startles, reaching hurriedly for the cutlery. He takes a few bites, ducking his head over the delicious chicken to hide his thoughtful expression. "Thank you," he says, quietly. He knows Sabeltann glances up at him without having to look. "I don't know how you keep doing this."
"Doing what?" Sabeltann asks. His voice is also quiet; there's a gentle concern in his tone.
Loving me, Pinky doesn't say. "Surprising me," he says instead, smiling. "Making me feel special, I guess."
Maybe it's the setting sun casting strange shadows across Sabeltann's face, and maybe it's just that he dares to look at Pinky like he carved the moon, but his words are weighted when he says, "It's because you are."
And Pinky believes him.
Later, when they've finished eating - ("Do we bring it back to the inn?" - "No, Gusto said he'd collect it.") - Sabeltann grabs Pinky's hand and pulls him along the beach. It's the late hours of twilight, the warmth of summer still trembling in the air. "I want to show you something," says Sabeltann, and kisses him with sweet lips.
Pinky giggles into his mouth and lets himself be pulled along further, stumbling in the sand. Sabeltann steadies him, laughing, and kisses him again.
He takes him to a little alcove, shaped by the water in ancient times. Now it lies dry, right by the sand - shielded from view from Abra, the harbour, and any curious souls that may be walking about. "I used to come here often," says Sabeltann, and drags Pinky down to sit in his lap, hands folding around him. Pinky melds against him, happily tucking his head beneath Sabeltann's chin. "A few decades ago, the water was higher - just high enough to make it possible to rest here, with water to my chest." He's quiet for a moment; Pinky reaches up to tangle his fingers in his hair. "It's one of my favourite places."
"Why?" Pinky asks, curious.
And Sabeltann leans down to whisper against his skin, "Look up."
And Pinky does. A soft little, "Oh," escapes his lips at the sight of the world unfurled above him. He's seen the stars often enough before, but – there's something about them, now, like the veil between worlds is thinner than usual.
"It's the light from Abra," Sabeltann explains, lacing his fingers with Pinky's. "Shielded, yet not. And the ocean is strong here." With his other hand, he traces gentle circles against Pinky's thigh.
Pinky closes his eyes, intent to just feel. "Thank you for showing me," he whispers. His heart thrums through his chest, warm and lazy, bearing none of the Pinky's uncertainties – none of the self-consciousness or fear. "I love you," he adds, because one can never say that enough. Especially not when one feels like this.
"I love you, too," Sabeltann replies, shifting to nuzzle the top of Pinky's head. "More with every day that passes."
Pinky is about to respond to that, but it occurs to him, very abruptly, that he's barely seen Sabeltann all day. "How was your day, actually?" he asks.
Surprised silence, then a bout of helpless giggles from Sabeltann. "Back to small-talk? Really? Something you're trying to tell me, love?"
"Not at all, dear captain mine," says Pinky, grinning though Sabeltann can't see it, "I just remembered I haven't seen you all day, and I'm curious." He turns to rest his head on Sabeltann's shoulder, glancing up at him through his bangs.
Sabeltann doesn't look at him, expression not quite conflicted, but not quite not, either. "Pinky," he says, and stops, considering. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me."
Pinky's heart constricts, and he swallows, shifting, throwing an arm around Sabeltann's chest to semi-hug him, semi-press his own nose against his neck. He doesn't answer; can't – he knows when Sabeltann lies to him.
He isn't lying now.
"I mean it!" Sabeltann exclaims, apparently taking Pinky's too-gay-to-function response as his disbelief. "I mean it, angel. You're the most important thing in my life. More important than the Lady, than gold, and gems, and jewels. I'd give it all up for you."
Pinky sniffles. "I'm no poet," he whispers, a half-choked apology for not having a response. "I'm no poet, captain, you know that."
"I don't expect you to be," Sabeltann soothes, brushing his fingers against Pinky's cheek – tucking some hair away behind his ear. "I just want you to be happy."
Pinky's breath hitches. I love you, he doesn't say, I love you, I love you, I love you, he doesn't say. He does say, "I think I want to marry you."
Sabeltann tenses and Pinky immediately regrets saying the words out loud. It's not the first time he's thought them – not the first time he's dreamed, or wished, or hoped – though he should've known better. Should've known pretty words don't mean anything binding, however truthful they are.
But when Sabeltann speaks, the words tremble with choked hope. "Do you mean that?"
Pinky swallows. Swallows. "If you want me to."
"Do you want me to want you to?"
Yes! yells Pinky's heart. Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes! He doesn't look at Sabeltann when he answers, a quiet little, "Maybe…"
Sabeltann pulls away from him, placing palms flat against his cheeks, gaze searching his. "Pinky, please," he whispers. "Please. Tell me the truth."
Pinky traces trembling fingers down Sabeltann's exposed neck, lingering at the familiar, muted splotches of his markings. "Yes," he says, "yes, I want – I would quite like – to. Marry you. Yes. But it's just – it's just me, you don't have to – if you don't want, which you don't, I –"
Sabeltann kisses him. He's trembling, lips and hands and all. "I," says Sabeltann, when he pulls back, eyes half-lidded, "would quite like to marry you, too, Pinky."
"Don't say that just because I want to hear it," Pinky says, even though he knows he's not– he can tell – Sabeltann never trembles, not unless it's something important.
Sabeltann scoffs. "Don't be an idiot," he says and kisses him again. "When have I ever done something I didn't want to?"
Pinky's about to point out the countless of times Sabeltann has eaten Skalken's decaying rat soup but bites his tongue. Comparing himself to that is a step too low. "You mean it?" he asks instead. Sabeltann just looks at him – really looks, his eyes soft, his hands tender. "You mean it," Pinky concludes.
"Yes." Sabeltann touches their foreheads together gently, skin against skin, breaths mingling. They sit there for a long moment, and then Sabeltann sighs, pulling back. "It's getting late. We should get back to the ship."
Taking the hint, Pinky nods, climbing to his feet before helping Sabeltann stand.
"We can talk more about – marriage," says Sabeltann, and his voice rises and nearly breaks against the word, but it's in a good way, "later… okay?"
And Pinky leans against him, fingers tangling in his, and whispers, "okay." He glances up at him; at his hair falling freely down his back, his eyes gleaming in the distant moonlight; at his lips, crooked in a tender smile. "Thank you," Pinky says.
The tender smile turns puzzled. "For what?"
For loving me. "For everything."
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Our lovely little Sabeltann had 5 whole babies! I'm nicknaming them Benjamin, Skalken, Odin, John, and Sabrina. The last three were Marco, Pinky and Sunniva
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Last summer Skalken here had an extreme fear of water, but this year he is finally starting to enjoy baths!!
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totallydoglife · 5 years
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Last summer Skalken here had an extreme fear of water, but this year he is finally starting to enjoy baths!!
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skramesto · 2 years
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På sammenkomsten chez moi på 17. mai tok min fabelaktige venn @livehokstad med seg et hjemmebakt surdeigsbrød. Live er, blant mye annet fabelaktig, en matlagende og bakende legende. Guri, som jeg har gnafset på det mesterverket av et brød siden nasjonaldagen. Jeg ble litt sånn anti-religiøst religiøs, liksom «mennesket lever kun av brød alene», og i dag ble de siste skivene til middag. Eller «middag», for dere litt mer konservative. Jeg ristet dem, kokte egg. Kaviar, pepper og persille. Mmm. Serverte det hele på en tallerken fra portugisiske Bordallo Pinhero. Den siste skalken fikk Stella, men Live sa at det fortjente hun. Og hvis du lurer på hva Bordallo Pinheiro er, finner du ut av det på side 67 i boka mi om Lisboa. #surdeigsbrød #bordallopeinheiro #tilbaketillisboaogtrappenetilsanktcrispin #nocomprendopress (ved Grünerløkka) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd81QmMq5Hp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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platingbypia · 3 years
Pasta Pangrattato
Middager på under 30 minutter ser jeg er en stor slager her . Men hva tenker dere om en middag på under 20 minutter? Pasta Pangrattato er en rask og god kosemiddag. Med få ingredienser kan man lage denne deilig, crunchy retten med smak av hvitløk og rosmarin. Denne er perfekt for å bli kvitt de tørre skalkene etter ukas brød eller helgens rundstykker! Pasta Pangrattato Ingredienser: 150 g…
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View On WordPress
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thepetbible · 5 years
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My friends are getting annoyed at me for shoving pictures of my dog in to their faces. I now turn to Reddit. Meet my adorable dork: Skalken.
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teacupdogsworld · 5 years
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My friends are getting annoyed at me for shoving pictures of my dog in to their faces. I now turn to Reddit. Meet my adorable dork: Skalken. Check our website for more info --> http://bit.ly/Teacupdogsdaily
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From: Last summer Skalken here had an extreme fear of water, but this year he is finally starting to enjoy baths!! @MelancholyDrugs
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gigamuffin · 5 years
may i mayhaps have some ruben headcanons blease
If you can’t find Ruben at Bassas Vertshus he’s probably at the docks hanging out or helping his fellow sailors
Ruben’s cooking skills include; the “best” fish and nothing else. If Bassa isn’t nearby to help him most the food they serve would be just fish and unedible bread
Bassa has tried to learn him to cook for years, so far it has resulted in 1 edible bread and soup
HE LOVES TO SING!! He never works without singing a good ol’ or old forgotten shanty
used to swear a LOT, he started swearing less when he started doing work at Bassas Vertshus, he stopped completely when Bassa caught Sunniva saying a curse word once, Bassa yelled at him for a week straight (this is why he always goes “gå planken å hopp i havet” now)
Ruben holds the record of most time spent at Bassas Vertshus, at one point he was there so much he just began helping Bassa around the house
Loves food, but Bassa’s food is the undefeated favorite. If free samples are a thing in Kjuttaviga, Ruben would taste all of them
thank you for giving me this golden opportunity to talk about my man, Røde Ruben. I had more but I gotta stop or this post would run on forever lmao
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kapteinsabeltann · 8 years
ey, hva heter kokken på den Sorte Dame? Vi sitter her og krangler om det er han som heter Goggen eller ikke
Skalken det vettu
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ingridmv88 · 7 years
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Vi klarte å bruke nærmere fem timer på @astridlindgrensnas. Vandring i hage, kosing av katt, omvisning, matpause og utstilling. Vi skalken igjen imorgen, men ville helst bare glemme det og kose oss på tur! Men vi skal tilbake! @astridlindgrensnas #astridlindgren #vimmerby #sommerferie2017 #sommerferie #norskisverige #visitsmåland #visitvimmerby #sverige #sweden #instasweden #instasummer #astridlindgrensnäs #småland #visitsweden #swedenpictures #boapånäs #astridlindgrensbarndomshem #ektesommer (ved Astrid Lindgrens Näs)
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sharkavgral · 1 month
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I don’t expect u guys to hear me out,,
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