#glade gorm
ormsnok · 3 days
doodle dump B)
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ikke så mye mere å si om det egentlig BSFFYGUFU
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lowkeyclowning · 2 months
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More doodles… yall don’t even know how bad I need these guys :c
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sharkavgral · 3 days
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Some doodles
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harleysweater · 7 months
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i really gotta get back into making these :} these were based of Gorm and Pinky from Kaptein Sabeltann!
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gigamuffin · 6 months
my favourite fictitious lighthouse has got to be the Kjuttaviga one. Kaptein Sabeltann had a sword fight up there☝️
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{starter for @corazcnes with her Peach for the Main/Game Universe}
The Princess would hear that a knight from The Glade of Dreams was making his way to The Mushroom Kingdom to meet with her and Fernando. A group of five humans dressed in viking clothing would sound fanfare with horns. A knight clad in shining silver armor and a dark purple tunic would approach the throne. Another limbless, the knight would kneel before Peach and Fernando as he introduced himself
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"I am Sir Rayelot. Knight of King Gorm. Bodyguard to the Princesses Barbara and Elysia. I have come to seek permission to court Princess Toadstool."
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
The Maw Opens Wide
Ardenweald, shortly after Anduin attacked the Archon
A campfire crackled cheerfully in the glade as the four allies of the Wild Hunt sat around it, tired from a long day of patrolling Ardenweald, taking out a few gorm infestations, and trying to do what they could to restore the land now that the Drust had been expelled.
Jaie had set up a makeshift grill over the campfire and was cooking some sole and sausages she’d managed to get together for the group, as well as passing around a bowl of fruits and berries she’d harvested from the trees while out today. Samantha was snacking on one of the fruits as she waited for the grilling to be done, the fruit being not entirely unlike an apple.
Sekhi was waiting for the fish herself, playing on her flute as she often did during downtime. She still felt a bit awkward about how wild the ritual had gone, but after a long talk with Jaie she was at least assured that the others weren’t mad over it… quite the opposite really. Still, being a vulpera she was more a carnivore than anything. She could eat some fungi, but fruits weren’t really for her.
Shalandrae sat as well, feeling if anything more awkward than Sekhi did about the ritual. She’d returned after spending about three more days in Darkshore but hadn’t said anything to the Vulpera yet about what had happened. Even a year after the War of Thorns the memory was still too raw in her mind yet… but… perhaps on some level she was moving towards reconciliation. Still, this would take time.
Jaie picked up one of the fish and gingerly cut it open with a paring knife, peeking at the flesh inside. “Okay guys, I think dinner is about ready. Who wants what?” she asked, taking a fish for herself. Growing up on a travelling island meant your diet included a lot of seafood after all, so she’d gotten used to eating it.
Sekhi immediately snapped up a fish, it was a staple of the Vulpera diet back in Vol’dun thanks to their trading with the tortollan peoples, while the two elves took a sausage apiece, Sam making appreciative noises as she bit into the hot flesh and crunchy skin of the meat while Shalandrae just muttered ‘thanks’ and dug in herself.
About midway through the meal however… Sekhi suddenly froze, the girl’s eyes going huge as the rest of her fish dropped from her numb hands.
Jaie looked at her, frowning, “Whats wrong Sekhi? Stomach troubles?” she asked. She could never really read the eccentric vulpera’s mood.
Sekhi didn’t respond immediately, her ears twitching and flicking all over as if trying to pick up some distant sound, then she whispered, “… it stopped…” in a timid voice.
“Hum? What stopped?” asked Sam as she finished up her sausage, licking her fingertips clean. She really was a fan of Jaie’s cooking, nobody could grill like a pandaren.
However, Jaie looked more concerned, realizing that Sekhi was trying to hear something… and what it could be. “Sekhi… you don’t mean…”
Sekhi nodded, looking suddenly terrified, “Ardenweald’s song… its stopped…” she clambered to her feet, her head twisting around as she scanned the skies. “T-th' last time th' song stopped was back on Azeroth right before those winged jerks attacked Orgrimmar!” she was breathing heavily now, without the song’s constant presence the vulpera would become very anxious very quickly.
Jaie gasped and quickly leapt to her feet, “Wait, what?! Sekhi, are you sure its stopped? Maybe… it just got really quiet for a moment?” she tried.
Sekhi shook her head, “No! It stopped! It just ended like that!” she yipped, smacking her hands together as Shalandrae sniffed at the air, the druidess frowning and slowly rising… then all three of them jumped as Sam suddenly shrieked and gripped her head.
“AUGH!” she gasped, the tentacles in her hair thrashing about. “Godsdammit STOP YELLING ANNULUS!” she hissed through her teeth, “Yes yes I hear you! Whats coming!?” she shouted.
The others shared a look, they knew of the void entity that shared Sam’s… body? Mind? Something…
Then suddenly Sam’s head snapped up, her eyes no longer white but black with white pinpricks like looking into the depths of space.
“THEY’RE COMING! THE CHAINED ONE HAS FOUND A WAY TO REACH OUT FROM HIS PRISON! THEY’RE COMING FOR THE HEART!” shouted a voice that didn’t sound like Sam’s at all but came from her lips.
Jaie took a step back, “Okaaaaay… that’s new.” she murmured as Sekhi yipped in shock.
Sam shook her head violently and when she opened her eyes again they were back to their perfectly white spheres as normal, “Ugh… okay, I didn’t know she could do that…” she winced, getting to her feet. “Annulus is going nuts, she’s yelling at me to run and get out of Ardenweald before they get here… but she won’t say who.”
“I can take a guess.” growled Shalandrae, pointing towards the northern skies that led toward Oribos… and what was underneath Oribos…
Sekhi whined, her ears folding back as she saw a swarm of winged shapes flying towards Ardenweald… just like the day the song of Azeroth ended for her. “No no no no no no…” she whimpered.
Jaie grimaced, then her hand dug into her pouch until she found a large gemstone the size of her fist, pulling it out and running her fingers over it in a specific pattern.
The gem glowed brightly and there was a burst of light as Nelen’s head and shoulders appeared over it as a magical projection, a hologram of sorts, with the Gilnean magus currently in his human form. “Hello Jaie, whats…” he paused as the mage saw her face, “Whats wrong. Whats going on?”
“Nelen! Call Dareley and Dissonantia, have Grimo call all of Savage United and get to Ardenweald! Hurry!” she shouted, “We’re under attack, Zovaal is sending the Mawsworn against us!”
Sam shook her head again, rubbing her temples, “Not JUST the Mawsworn…” she screwed up her face, “I’m telling them Annulus, stop screaming in my head!” she snapped, “Sylvannas is with them. She says that Sylvannas is leading them so they can steal some sort of key… yes I heard you dammit! Stop shouting already!”
Nelen heard that part however, the mage’s expression darkening. “We’ll be there as soon as we’re able. I’ll open a portal to Oribos so Dissonantia, Grimo, Merihim, and I can take a shortcut… but… just hold on as long as you can!” he nodded, the gemstone going dark as the image of the worgen mage faded. From behind them, at the heart of the forest, a loud horn sounded and the sounds of hoofbeats grew. The Wild Hunt had noticed the intrusion and Ardenweald was rallying its defenses… but would it be enough?
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crazy-dane-art · 4 years
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Nu bæres lyset frem
stolt på din krone!
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Gorm: I just went on a killing spree!
Tyra: Shopping spree
Gorm: I just went on a shopping spree!
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dear-evan-bastard · 4 years
It's 3 am, y'all know what that means
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ormsnok · 6 days
commission for my friend loki :] they asked to see glade gorm as a shark man
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(this looks a lil scarier than intended oops)
they probably had a deal or something,, (related to tricking sabeltann??uh) buuuut things didn't go the way gorm wanted it to so hes mad at em
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sharkavgral · 7 days
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more saber doodles + adjusted old mayor dood
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crazy-dane-art · 4 years
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Guess what just became the third most read Kaptein Sabeltann fanfic?
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crazy-dane-art · 4 years
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Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
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I hate The Disaster of '03 a lot, but Jack throwing a duck will never stop being funny to me
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