australet789 · 13 days
YESSS more Epic Saga content is always welcome 🙏
Love it so much!
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 months
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Had to be him 🥺
It is
past time
I said I was going to stream the full games through when the Legendary Edition came out and then I got 50% through ME1 and DID I EVER FINISH!?!?!?! NO
Anyway AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Mordin forever bae forever best why did it have to be him??
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skelhell · 1 year
Would u rather have a sword implanted in one arm (the nanoceramic blade being about the length of your forearm) or claws on both hands (with each claw being the length of a middle finger, the ultimate fuck u)?
yes but actually claws sound rad, gimme those
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skelior · 3 years
Assigned Slytherin Kin At School
The aesthetic is superior, okay
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irrfahrer · 3 years
O fuzzy spaceweasel of glorious rants, what are your thoughts and general choices when it comes to weapons? Do you have countless weapons tucked away in various pockets and sleep with a snubnosed blaster under your pillow, or are you more of the "do no harm" category of medical peeps?
"You forgot- Fuzzy and kriffing amazingly gorgeous!", grinning Ziv patted her small cheek, fluffying up the thick, velvetly pelt there. "Anyway, you are aware that sometimes a kriffing Bone ahs to be broken twice so it can heal better? Beeing a kriffing Healer does not mean I am free from hurting people, quite the oposite, you know. I however prefer to avoid hurting people, patients or others, to be honest, but when I have to I prefer a kriffing slugthrower since this little babys allow me to be a kriffing medical nerd and hit the spots on people who hurt like kriffing seven sith hells but are not lifethreatening. Also you know, when you have buckled down and leanred all the kriffing medical stuff about every known alien in this galaxy, you better just kriffing boast about it and my way of boasting about is is hiting that sweet spots tht make acupuncture-medics so kriffing dangerouse little kriffers.. Its a lot of kriffing fun to see the disturbed face of someone who was boasting about their strange just to hit a spot on their back and see them turn into a horrible wailing baby-pup of misery.", laughing she grabbed behind herself and knocked her fingers gently on the small transperisteel-container bound to her backpackwhich made the Reeksa in the container happily puur like a loth-kitten and press their two flowerheads against Zivs fingers on the other side of the glass:
"So no, I am not sleeping with a weapon under my kriffing pillow and usually have a slugthrowerrifle in another room, but I sleep curled around my sweet little perfect babyangel AyyAyy, who is the sweetest, cutest thing in the galaxy but also happens to be a reeksa and actually is able to bite off limbs easily."
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domirine · 5 years
When was the last time you recieved headpats?
a couple of days ago from my overly enthusiastic golden
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belzinone · 4 years
// THANK YOOO~! WITH A LOT OF BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS! haha it was actually a big learning process. before making it, i mostly used my photo editing program (medibang) for drawing and knew next to nothing about psds & editing. slowly but surely, i learned how to do some pretty cool things like adjusting levels. short & brief af tutorial below the cut ~ <3
// so i went from this manga page from Innocent Rouge:
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// to this:
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// then exported that, added symbols, & chipped away a transparent border like this:
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// i mainly used a brush called “splash” to mimic a blood splatter effect. after abusing that in my edits, i’ve started playing with another one called “flower stamp”. they’re just so pretty and so much fun ~ <3
// i tried to show as much process & layers i could in the screenshots, but if anyone’s interested in all the steps and techniques i used, i’ll gladly share them with y’all!
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wingsofintxlligence · 5 years
What do you think of Bel, hm?~
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“Bel is a sweetheart and a brilliant medic. Why she sticks with the Survey Corps is beyond me. She could easily be a high paying doctor within the Walls. We’re lucky to have her.. Also…”
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“…If anyone so much as lays a finger on her I will gladly feed them feet first to my Titan test subjects.”
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jaegermacht · 5 years
Eren, what do you think of Jeaaaaan?~
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“ He’s a mommy’s boy B ITCH! “
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lefthanded-sans · 5 years
A concept: Left Handed Mordin!
Bless. Those five words are magic.
And I admit: I’ve always displayed my Mordin action figure with his gun in his left hand. Intentionally. Because Mordin’s my fave, I’m a lefty, I have left-handed needs, and I can do that.
It’s not that I have a canonical base for it, but it’s that I like the concept.
First: Mass Effect games fail to show squadmates as distinct in their handedness preferences. I probably don’t need to get into this, but fuck it, I will because I can.
I’ve noticed that no character in the Mass Effect games displays left-handedness, beyond the fact Ryder can change weapon positioning from right to left hands. Now. I haven’t peered intently at everyone. I haven’t documented every cutscene and screencapped each time someone picks something up left-handed. There’s a chance I’m missing something. There’s always that chance. Buuuuut. I tend to notice people being left-handed in 0.005 seconds, I haven’t seen anyone else in the ME fandom talk about canonical instances of handedness, and I know how media depiction of left-handedness tends to go: they forget about it. 
And the way the game is programmed shows strong right handed bias, and it blankets every squadmate in the series.
We can’t determine handedness in many cutscenes because squadmates are meant to be interchangeable. Sure, there are some dialogue and action differences depending who you pick for your party, but the games aren’t going to customize everything. Squadmates’ positions and movements will be mostly the same, whether you took Kaidan and Ashley, or Tali and Wrex. And because everyone’s going to be interchangeable like that, that means that how they’re positioned and animated - hand preference choices - don’t get individualized.
To take the example of one scene - the start of Jack’s dossier mission - the variation that you see is characters with two-handed weapons facing more forward than to the side, and Jacob getting a special crouching animation if you take him. But the characters with one handed weapons always have the same position, and characters with two handed weapons always have the same position, and it’s clear that people weren’t given individual attention. Most peoples’ reactions are generic, and then there’s a squadmate who’s more likely to be in the scene - Jacob, since he’s a starter - with an occasional special “something.”
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The very nature of these cutscenes means a character won’t get attention to being differently handed. Makes sense. I get the logistics of that. But we could try to look at special cutscenes for each character, and how the squadmate holds their weapon in game, to see if there’s handedness “variation” elsewhere.
We don’t have that, as far as I’ve noticed. Every squadmate in gameplay, when they draw their weapons, holds their firearm with the right hand. 
Individual cutscenes show the same right handed gun wielding.
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Everyone puts their omnitools on their left arm so they can access it with their right.
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Characters are almost always animated holding items in their right hand, or gesturing with a preference to their right, even for their special cutscenes. And there haven’t been standout instances of characters doing things with left hands. Like, the most we can say with Mordin is… his thinking pose is sometimes with his right hand propping up the left. And like, that doesn’t overrule how he’s animated throughout the franchise, and every individual has some mixed lateralization traits.
Even in the comics, I see lots and lots and lots and lots of right handed actions in every species. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Paragon Lost, but I’d eat that DVD disc myself if there was a clearly left-handed character in that.
I think it’s safe enough to suggest everyone was animated with a right handed bias, and that’s why Shepard and all her squadmates appear to be right hand dominant. I’m not here to talk about how simple it is to program someone with different handedness in a video game, I’m just observing… everyone’s depicted as righties in the Mass Effect world.
Which has frankly always tickled me, because we’re dealing with aliens and robots and humans in all their diversity.
I know there’s scientific discussion on lateralization of limb usage from evoluationary perspectives, how most individuals using the same dominant hand could play into cooperative benefits within a population. Or, there’s preference arising from prior brain lateralization of tasks. Yada yada yada. All this means, potentially, is that some alien species in the ME universe could display the same phenomenon humans do: most individuals having the same hand dominant. But this is also aliens we are talking about, from different planets. There’s infinite possibilities! Their brains will be organized differently, for crying out loud; if they have a hand dominance, there’s nothing saying it has to be the right hand, and on and on and on. I don’t need to talk about all the handedness and evolutionary possibilities because there’s so many of them, and I’m sure you can creatively generate enough ideas on your own without me saying anything more.
Point is: there’s no good reason for every individual of every species in Mass Effect to be right hand dominant. I’m someone who’s extremely stickler to canon. I’ll acknowledge a character for everything down to the canonical hand dominance they display on screen. But from a realism perspective? From a perspective of ignoring game mechanics that plop people into a righty template? Chances are Shep’s got some lefties or ambidextrous babes on board.
So why not Grunt? Why not Garrus? Why not Javik? Why not Mordin? Why not 86% of the salarian species and 54% of the asari? I reject the game’s implicitly suggested canon of handedness and substitute it with my own.
Left-handed Mordin ALL the way! Give me ALL the lefty Mordin!!! It’s a little thing, but I feel like it adds more… flavor… as it were?
I don’t want to analyze Mordin’s personality and abilities as to whether he’s more stereotypically “righty” or “lefty”. That’d be applicable if we were talking human characters. But again: aliens are going to be wired differently, so I don’t feel there’s a need to sit back and say, “Lefties are usually pegged as more creative - does this apply to Mordin?”
It’s fun enough to accept Mordin, as he is, without any thought, and just scream, “Lefty Mordin!” Fly with that. Draw him like that. Pose his action figure like that. And be content.
If I had my way with handedness headcanons completely ignoring canon implications, I think I’d pick… [contemplates]
Righties: Kaidan Alenko, Suvi Anwar, Gil Brodie, EDI (just to mimic humans), Kasumi Goto, Cora Harper, Jack, Kallo Jath, Nyreen Kandros, Liam Kosta, Miranda Lawson, Jeff Moreau, Samara, Shepard, Jacob Taylor, Aria T’Loak, Liara T’Soni, Urdnot Grunt, Garrus Vakarian, Ashley Wilson
Ambidextrous: Thane Krios (born left at birth but has since trained to be indistinguishable - he’s a fucking assassin guys), Legion (a fucking inorganic, guys, why would inorganics have hand dominance?), Tali’Zorah vas Normandy (let’s just declare quarians are non-hand-dominant because why not?)
Lefties: Pelessaria B’Sayle, Nakmor Drack, Jaal Ama Darav (I feel like his species are lefty-heavy), Javik, Zaeed Massani, Morinth, Vetra Nyx, Ryder (come on she’s the closest we’ve got), Mordin Solus, Urdnot Wrex, James Vega, Reyes Vidal
People with italics are individuals I’m fairly sold on them being that handedness, for whatever reason. Others I might rethink. I haven’t headcanoned deeply for everyone!
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
When did you first start to thirst for Barnaby? 😙
Lau stares at the man who suddenly spoke to him, and awkwardly points at himself while raising an eyebrow, puzzled.
( is he... talking to me ? )
Nervously, he bites on his lip, and stares at the stranger.
“Barnaby is... not a drink, as far as I know ? Why would I... thirst ?”
( Merlin, I’m so confused )
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australet789 · 3 years
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Have an emotional support Toothless in these trying times!
Aww the gunmy smile! 😊😊
Thank you a lot
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
Yoooouuuur heart is a muscle the size of Toothlessssssss-
You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon
Only you Hiccup dear can bring our worlds together
I was so afraid of becoming my dad
Mostly because I thought I never could
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skelhell · 3 years
Lorem ipsum
dOlOr sIt aMeT, cOnSeCtEtUr aDiPiScInG ElIt, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA. UT ENIM AD MINIM VENIAM, QUIS NOSTRUD EXERCITATION ULLAMCO LABORIS NISI UT ALIQUIP EX EA COMMODO CONSEQUAT. DUIS AUTE IRURE DOLOR IN REPREHENDERIT IN VOLUPTATE V̶̻̈Ë̴̦́L̶̙̍I̴͔͑T̸͔̕ ̶͐ͅE̴̩̾S̵̥͗S̴͚͝E̵̢͘ ̷̳͂C̴̻̉I̴̝͒L̵͇͌L̷̲̿Ṵ̵́M̴͎̄ ̴̭̍Ď̸̘Ȏ̷̠L̵͕̍O̷̟̎R̸̯̂Ĕ̸ͅ ̶̨͊E̴̛̮Ù̸̢ ̸̩̂F̸͉̏Ù̸̗G̵̹͠I̵͖̊A̴̹̕Ṱ̷͊ ̶̱͗N̸͖͛Ụ̴̌L̷͙͝L̵̖̎A̶̳̕ ̶̢̃P̵̗͂A̷̗̎R̶̖̈́Ī̶̜A̶̢̓T̷̺́U̴͎͠R̶̘̿.̸̩̿ ̵̫̑E̵̞͘X̵̬̌C̴̱͠Ë̷͎P̶̭̐T̸̝̀E̶̟̿U̷͇͌Ṟ̴͗ ̷͕̊S̷̬͠I̴̼̍Ņ̸̛T̶̹̊ ̷̥̀Ö̷̦́Ç̷͆C̴͈̃A̵̯̎Ě̶̞C̷̦̀A̴̦͆T̷͚̏ ̷̤̎Ć̵͓Ű̶̧P̶̰̈́Ḯ̴͜D̸͖͝A̶̲͒T̶̯͘A̸̺̒T̶̉ͅ ̶̺̌Ň̷̫Ŏ̴̦N̶͇͂ ̷͕͛P̵̬͊R̷͖͘O̷̠͑Í̵̥D̵̪̅E̶̩͊Ñ̸͙T̶̩͝,̴̠͝ ̸̨̲̜̰̩̻̰̤̬̏́́̆͂͛̅̄̆̾͆́͆͘͝͝S̵̨̧̨̼̲͉̻̊̒̈́͑̃̀͑̏̈́̽̒͂̕͝͝͠Ù̶̡͈̫̳͗̌̇̏̀͂̅̐̿͂̒͘̚͝N̵̡͔̳̥̮̼̼͙͙͛͂͐̍̊̍̂͝͝͠T̷̨̡̥̬͈̬̙͙̘̭̦̤̳̹̈̏͋̊͛͂̑̎͗̂̚͝͝ ̸̛̤͕̻͈͂̇͋͋̃́̏̂͂̑̋͛͊͝͝İ̴͍͓͉̳̺̪̉̎Ṇ̸̡̲̲̥́ ̶̿̎̌̓̃��̧͖̜͔͔̗̣̞̩̣̯̤̄̊̆̐̾͘͠͠ͅĆ̶̢̞͍̱̦̰̱̭͓͚͈͋̀͛͒͂̀̀͛̍̔̓͊͝͠ͅͅŪ̷̠̱͙̜̗̘͕̝͎̑̀̑͋͊̐͐̕͘͝͝ͅL̴̞̮̻̅͐̆̒̀̚P̶̧̢̱̤̘͓̘̞̻̩̏̂Ä̸̦̭́̃͑̉̀̏͝ ̸̻̮̦̞̱̩͙͔̈́̌̉̇̋̾̀̈͊̓̀͝Q̶̧̡̡̻̝͍̱͓͉̜͔̹̠̃̂͋̋̍͆́̅͝͝͠U̴̧̡͇͓̣̭̤͚̮̠̬̗̳͍̜͎̽̔̾̍͊̈́̇́͂̄͒̕I̷̛͙͉͈̬̤͇̻̝̖͙̪̔̋͑̏̋͗̈́̍͝ͅ ̸̢͙͉̦̘̬̭̠̹̼̠̙̞̟̼̆͛̈́̌Ǫ̷̛͙̎̔̈́̿̈ͅF̸͔̱̥́͌̾̿͆̑͝F̷̧̢̳͍̯̜͇̦̠̮͍́̒̾͂̉̕ͅͅḬ̵̢͖̼̎̏̈͒̿̎́̅̈́͌̕͘͝Ç̵̱̱̳͎̘͕̦͍̻̗̬̣̊̀̊̽͒̎̑̀͂̈́̓̏̓̇̍I̴̦̰͍̲͙͖͕͓̭̘̖̖̗̙̭̹̿́̀̿̅͗̾͂̍̒̔͛̀̑̕͠A̴̧̛̙̻͇̥̮͚͉͊͗̄̍̓͑̇̀͑̕̚ ̷̥͈̦̲͎̬̲͈̘̙̬̲̺̳͈̞̔̒̅̃̀̉̏̌̎̚͠D̶̨͖̲͇̭̥͇̹̜̰̮̞̼̭̲͈͛̎͂̋̀́̍̽E̷̛̦̼̗͎̟̙̞͙̔̿̀͆͊͆͘͝S̵͍̰̣̲̰̿̎͋̎̈́̊̒͊͋̕͘͠ͅĘ̵̧̧̢͚̺͔̖̞͙̮̓̐̽̔̔̏͠ͅŖ̶̡͈͚͇̗͚͓͙̝̱̳̃͋́̊͒̑̅̿̂̐U̶̡̡͕̤̯͔͔̣̩̟̘̩̫͗̇́̓̀̂́̓̐̕̕͜͝͠N̶̦̓̔͗̍͊̀̊̊͘T̸̡̳͓̘͚̖͍͕̯͎͂̾́̔̉̄ ̴̢̲̍̽̅̋̎̓̒̚͘͘͝M̷̧̬̙̰̻̖̗͕̦̻̩̥̱̭͐O̵̡̡͍̞̖̱̘͕͓̙̱̥̺̔̓̎̎̔̚͝ͅL̴̡̧̡̥̠̜͎̰͍͔͕̬͉͖͕͌̐̋̈́̃͌̐͐̕ͅL̴̦̦̋͆̇̈́̒̈͌͑̀̈́̾͘̕͝͠͠Ị̷̞͔́̈́̿̔̀̾̏̊̀̕T̷̞̩̼̬̙̱̙̹͝ͅ ̸̟̜͔͈͕̈́̉̈́͛̾̈́͗̀̀̚̚͝͝A̸̫̹̜͌͆̏̍̋̊͗͗̽̑́̌̊͐̕̕N̷̨͖̫̫͉͉͉̘̰̻͖̲͍͓͊I̴̧̧̛̹̣̠̦̐̏̈̀̊͐͌͐̎̊̽̀̚͘M̵̜̖͚̒͆̆̋̈͋̂͝ ̷̦̳̎̆̋̋̂I̸̧̛̘͕̭̝̟̩̯̰̟͓̼̝͎͓͖̋͗̉͑̈́̏̑̊̉̿̚͠D̷̢͋͐̎̀͌ ̵̤͚̄̒̄̀̊̎̓͌̋̓E̴̛̪̞̰̲̺̮̺̰͜S̸̡͔̯͈̥̦̲͍̆͒͆̑̆̿̂͆̔͗Ţ̵̛͈̖̯̜̭̱͈̗͎̹̣̽̿͗͛̓͊̀͐̓̏̀̃͑̈́̚ͅ ̸̨̠͌̾͂͒̽͌̔͘͠L̵̨͎͕̩͒̾̄̀̈́̑͛͊̽̏̃Ā̵̢̰̰͙̟̣̻̲̝͊̈́̔͐͂͂͌̀ͅ��͈̖͇Ḇ̸̨̨̩͇̠̥̬̰̖̹͓̩̯̭͒̄͂͜O̸̡̬̻͍͚̣̠̫̭̯͖̩̳̖̦̓R̵͇͙͇̉͆̽U̷̢̡̘̲͔̮̜̰̺̎̐̆̋̈́̈́̅̈́̀̆̋̀͠͝M̶̧̨͖̩̩̥͓̬̟̻͠.̶̼̣̲͓̻͕͚̜̑̾
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skelior · 5 years
PSA! PSA! This is your daily reminder that OC's are Incredibly Valid! This has been a PSA!
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fimbry · 5 years
Does any of your snake cats accept forehead smooches :o
Honestly can’t tell if this is about my cat or the snakes or all of them and I think that’s the best part.
Tobiko accepts smooches basically anywhere. Yes, you can even bury your face in his belly and give him 20 smooches and he’ll purr the whole time.
I don’t smooch the snakes ever though because germs and they don’t understand smooches to make the germ risk worth it in any way. But they are sweet in their own way lol. I’m sure several of them wouldn’t object if I tried.
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