zionanelequaso · 2 months
homestuck main kiddos sprite edits + hcs
please don’t maul me for this I just wanna have some fun
also keep in mind I am only (checks website) 1604 pages in so these are bound to change
dividers are NOT mine I stole them from the last thing I reblogged
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john/jane egbert
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bigender transfem
she/he, likes them being used interchangeably
still goes by john, actually kind of prefers it over jane
you can’t stop my john with freckles propaganda
trying to grow out her hair
lost one of his top adult molars because of cavities
braces that go in the exact order of pink yellow and blue (see what I did there)
THE definition of a nerd emoji for bad movies
knows EVERYTHING. about a lot of bad movies.
not autistic though he’s just like that
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rose lalonde
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it/she, doesn’t mind which you use
likes everything to be perfect, but it won’t bug her if it’s not perfect. no this is not me saying “oh ocd is only being neat” I know what it is I’m just saying this is a contributio
has heterochromia
a fan of goth/scene/all that good stufffffffffjahdhjshxhhwhs
she has a monocle because she’s going a little blind in that eye. she doesn’t need to use it much it’s only for reading. Dave makes fun of her for that methinks
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dave strider
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he seems white to me I’m sorry lmao
literally doesn’t care what the fuck you refer to him as as long as it isn’t she/they
adhd ass
trying to get a mullet. what the fuck is wrong with him I love him.
little fucking annoying ass bitch (affectionate)
I love him (derogatory)
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jade harley
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vitiligo swag (keep in mind I do not know how to draw it that well please spare me)
genderfluid. prefers she/xe most of the time but uses all + neos what projecting me no haha no Nuh uh not at all.
green eyes
omnisexual with a preference to WOMEN 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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