#sixshot my beloved
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quietbluejay · 2 months ago
Spotlight: Sixshot
blorbo time!!!!
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we see various scenes of destruction and Sixshot
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he looks out the window at the stars
"…time crawls"
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he continues staring out the window
Sixshot: In the lulls, there's nothing to distract me from a void I can never hope to fill. I feel...nothing
Sixshot: Not rage. Not duty. Not a sense of self. It's not me staring into the abyss...
"...I am the abyss"
you've messed up a perfectly good cybertronian is what you've done. Look at him! he's got depression
he basically only stays with the decepticons because, well, nowhere else to go he's guilty of multiple genocides
au where it's sixshot instead of megatron going after the knights of cybertron to judge him
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friend: those decepticons who got killed dealing with Thunderwing because they assumed self preservation would be just as much of a death sentence because of Megatron's general policy about disobedience/the DJD the way Megatron makes leaving or even taking issue with things within the decepticon faction such a soul crushing ordeal to stamp out any will to disobey him
bluejay: it's just easier to…not the amount of resistance against change
friend: but there's this recurring layer of learned helplessness to the point only the ones who've made violence and cruelty their sole joy in life are actually enjoying their lot in life
notes from future bluejay: you know what I'm feeling the Betrayer in this chilis tonight
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oh ugh these guys
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Sixshot goes and talks to terrified purple guy here to ask where the Terrorcons are
"Let me see what I c-can find out."
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the Terrorcons went in and never came out
and the word is, Mumu-Obscura...
"…has fallen to the Reapers!"
you know, roberts or barber could have picked up the reapers as an endgame villain
friend 1: jlk;ajfsdkakfd he's so starved for socialization that he's looking out for the terrorcons bluejay: the only people who willingly spend time near him friend 2: his only friends are serial killer fans but for the things he doesn't like doing and wishes wasn't his only job ever
note from future bluejay: man the longer i spend rereading this one the more i want to stick Sixshot in 40k
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but there's a bit of fact within every legend
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"...they take no prisoners!"
a bunch of surface-to-air missiles are coming towards him
"no way around them so..."
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i love this one i know im just weak to explosions but it's a very good explosion and very evocative
Sixshot flies down towards the planet's surface
"That said, where I consider myself something of an apt pupil when it comes to the gospel of apocalypse...
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he quickly goes through the info he has on reapers and figures all the accounts are gross understatement
friend: he's also surprisingly philosophical bluejay: he manages to walk the edgelord line friend: like even accounting for early furmanisms this is very much more sophisticated then nightbeat's narration bluejay: which is a very fine line to walk and not go full edgelord friend: he reads like a depressed scholar which is what i think lets him pull it off
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he doesn't do pointless destruction, or like, this level
nuke it AFTER you take their stuff and then melt down the nuked stuff for spare parts
he goes winged wolf mode
Sixshot: The reapers seem to go out of their way to leave behind them a dead world in every respect
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"...of the reapers!"
we seem some outlines of various aliens
Sixshot: one of two of the species...
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Sixshot narrating: it's what they were built to do
Reaper Dude: At long last…we meet. Welcome, Sixshot. Welcome to our world.
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(heh, anyone else hear Sixshot with a specific accent now?)
that is an extremely blorbo thing of sixshot to say
Sixshot starts firing
Sixshot, in dialogue: fine by me!
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he transforms
"I got a whole caseload of tricks!"
also i like this because it shows Sixshot isn't just a world killing machine, he does have an actual brain
he takes out the ground under them first
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this is very "make the shot and brag to Perceptor about it later"*
*something Prowl thought in the Costa run
"The others take their best shot!"
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"they're fast…and furious"
claws make marks on sixshot's metal furman furman i am facepalming never mind that i do the exact same kind of stupid writing references
narration: things...escalate
there's a lot of fire flying around
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"And I realize, grudgingly, they're toying with me. Or perhaps…"
friend: ravenous the metal raven bluejay: i just have the flattest face i hate this pun so much but at the same time i have to acknowledge that is exactly the kind of thing i would do
"testing me"
"Whatever the case, the battle appears to be over"
the fires die out
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also i didn't put it here but me and my friends spent some time thinking of fix-it aus for sixshot and i stumbled across the scavengers!! he would work so well with them also
sixshot: i've only had misfire for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone and then myself
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Sixshot: and now?
This Dude: Now, instead of waging war…we seek to end it forever
Sixshot looks over at the devastated world
Sixshot: Aaand...this is how you go about it, eh? I gotta tell you, this grand plan of yours - whatever it is - still has a few, ah, rough edges
i like this a normal amount
friend 1: so the Reapers are what happens when multiple civilizations make a bunch of world destroying WMDs and they get fed up with taking orders but still keep up the world destroying because it's all they know friend 2: sixshot understands that destruction isn't what he wants out of life friend 1: The WMDs have unionized bluejay: 'we're gonna destroy war by destroying everything' sixshot: press x to doubt
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Sixshot gives them an extremely judgemental look, and props to the artist for it
they ask Sixshot to join them
"All you have to do, to prove you have truly cast off the shackles of your old life..."
he points to the Terrorcons
"...is eradicate these five"
Terrorcon: who? us?
Sixshot looks down
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Terrorcon: what? No...you wouldn't
Terrorcon: Sixshot - c'mon! We have a bond. You don't need these misfits. You already got...er...
Different Terrorcon: Us misfits
First Terrorcon: Yeah. Right?...Right?
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he fires a few times, there's some big clouds
he lands, goes to tank form, then fires again
Sixshot: it's times like these…
his guns are smoking
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the Reapers turn and walk away
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so yeah that's sixshot underutilized blorbo
honestly these guys would have really fit in with Barber's themes about cycle of violence, I'm surprised he didn't use them
friend: they'd fit into the later recurring theme of people fed up with war wanting to rebuild better vs the ones who think it's a lost cause and everything needs to be destroyed
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snatching-ishidates-wig · 8 months ago
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they-hermes · 3 months ago
it's always Optimus Prime is a dad this and tarantulas is a father that but no one wants to talk about Sixshot being a father. his runaway son who hates him and wants to do good where his decepticon father went bad and hes cool
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mychlapci · 9 months ago
"Three Dick Triple Changer"
I raise you, Six Dicks Six Shot. Try saying that six times fast.
No one ever talks about my beloved Sixshot. It's heart breaking, because you know he'd be such a good breeder. Especially with how much transfluid he has to share. Woe is the jet puppy, maybe he'll get to breed a carrier some other time. Sigh.
Aw i don't think a lot about Sixshot. It would be so fucked up if he had six dicks though.
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baebeyza · 4 years ago
What is a plot hole or subplot in any Transformers show/series that you dislike/hate? Have a nice day! Ps: I love your art!
Thank you! <3
Okay, lets see...PS: I love most of these shows with all my heart, if I don’t I’ll say it. So don’t take me criticizing some aspects of them as me hating them, some of these don’t even bother me much and I find them hilarious instead :>
G1: This show is full of plot holes and that is part of the charm, however, I could have lived without Optimus coming back, ruined everything my boy Roddy went through before. 
Headmasters:  I love Sixshot’s “redemption” (I wouldn’t call it redemption really, more a heel-face turn) but the decision to take this character whose been written as a merciless killer with an on-screen death count of 3, including beloved baby Ultra Magnus, and giving him depth in the last 4 episodes was a truly bold move xD Personally, I think they handled it well enough, but I don’t know how other people feel about it - if you watched Headmasters PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINION! Super-God Masterforce: Hmmm, I mean there are things that aren’t so sweet when you watch the show, like the slow pacing in the first half, but looking at the story as a whole it doesn’t matter much. Said slow pacing makes sense when you think about it.  So for this show, I don’t have complaints, I love it and love the plot! <3 Victory: There was a story to be told between Deszaras and Leozack, Leozack and Hellbat and between Greatshot and Guyhawk, but these arcs just faded out without conclusion.   I explained my grievance better in this post! Beast Wars: I love Beast Wars but I hate the love triangle with Blackarachnia and Silverbolt and the teenage third wheel Cheetor. So annoying 🙄 Beast Wars II: Kind of a bummer to me that Megastorm just kinda turned pathetic towards the end instead of being a threat with more evil methods than Galvatron as he was introduced to be. I mean the idea of him being more evil and serious without Galvs around and being a suck-up annoying lil brother with Galvs around was nice, but I would have liked to see more of his advertised evil methods.  Beast Machines:  I hate the way they handled Jetstorm and Silverbolt, they could have written that far better.  Here a post explaining it! Robots in Disguise 2001/Car Robots: The most hilarious thing in this show’s writing is that in the first episode Yuki’s father gets kidnapped and Optimus is like “We’ll save him!” Then they don’t save him and it takes around 30 episodes for the father to be rescued by fucking SKY-BYTE xD Armada/Micron Densetsu: The show I enjoyed the least and don’t even really like: I liked the ideas with Optimus, Megs and Starscream, liked the conclusions, but the build-up to them all was so boring, confusing and unnatural that I couldn’t feel for it.  The characters, their interactions and conflicts are nonsensical most of the time and contrived as well, it just ruined the experience. This whole show would need an overhaul from the very start to give it justice to the good ideas it had. Energon/Superlink: This show isn’t better than Armada when it comes to good ideas and lazy writing, but unlike Armada, it was fun to watch and had its characters act like people- And while character arcs were just stopped out of nowhere as well, at least it happened via death xD Inferno’s arc stopping was sad, but at least his death scene was nice.  If there is one thing I was a little sad about then it is Mirage not having an important place within the Cons as Starscream had. I would have thought both him and Star would be the serious ones and flank Megs on both sides, but nah, he’s in a dumbass trio with Demolishor and Snow Cat in the end. 😔 And while I celebrate his canon crush on Megs, it would have been nice to see Megs acknowledging it.  Cybertron/Galaxy Force: This was an awesome show, but as a Decepticon and Megatron lover, I was disappointed. Megatron was boring as an evil leader! The only person he had any interesting dynamic with is Starscream, and even that fell short. He didn’t care about any other Decepticon. And I don’t mean it in a “he’s bad boss” kinda way, he just doesn’t care. Decepticons join and leave without him ever reacting to it. I don’t think he spoke a word with Demolishor.  I would have thought he and Flame Convoy would develop something awesome, but even with that guy, nothing meaningful happens between them.  I know this is a story about friendship and you gotta show the villain as being friendless, but even that could have been showcased instead of just not bothering to write the dude. Animated: One thing I find sad is that Blackarachnia has nothing to do with the rest of the Decepticons. Megatron never even asked about her. And it is sad because she joined them because they accepted her while the Autobots would have not and that was interesting! But nothing gets revealed. Prime: Breakdown dying was a real bummer, because they had implied for him to get more development. Robots in Disguise 2015: The one grievance I have is the problem of characters never developing and going through the same lesson all over again. Also, Steeljaw being the best thing the show has as a main villain, but just getting sidetracked the whole time. Prime Wars Trilogy: I like the plot of Prime Wars, the storytelling, in general, is lacklustre though. Starscream could have had something better than just trying to take power and failing immediately. Cyberverse: I find Cybeverse to be boring and a thing I hated is how in season 3 they have Kup telling the story to the audience for the last four episodes of the Quintesson arc. It took away any kind of dread you could have felt for the story because Kup being able to tell it means that all goes well.  Which, yeah, of course it’ll go well, but Kup reassuring me the whole time that all will go well the whole time was just annoying.  Imagine watching an intense action flick where the characters are in mortal danger, but the action gets interrupted the whole time by some random character just to be like “this was intense, but don’t worry, we gonna survive :)” Makes it impossible to get invested in the drama! War for Cybertron: Not done yet I know, but while I celebrate this show and like it a lot, I am miffed about the lack of backstory to the conflict and characters. Siege should have been a second season with a season one that explains how it got to the point they are in Siege.
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thanksjro · 5 years ago
Spotlight: Hoist - This One’s About the Guy I Keep Mistaking for Hound.
It’s time to focus on the straight man. Not, like, straight as in hetero. Don’t get it twisted, Hoist is queer by default just like every Cybertronian in IDW, not that that’s been established in-canon just yet. No, Hoist is the straight man because he’s the grounding line in this issue.
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Hoist, as established during Spotlight: Trailcutter, is off the Lost Light currently on a mission. At this exact moment, he’s running from something.
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Well, it was nice knowing you, Hoist!
No, he manages to escape Tarn’s grasp by doing some sweet grappling hook drifting using his tow line, and books it for the crashed shuttle that all his fellow mission-goers are hiding out in. Missionaries, if you will. Looks like Swerve left right after Trailcutter hung up on him, so it’s probably for the best that he didn’t get that forcefield around his voice box. Can’t imagine it working at that long a range. Sunstreaker’s here, along with his pet, Bob. Sunstreaker’s feeling a little salty right now, probably because he’s supposed to be the handsome one, and instead he’s got some sort of face thing going on in this issue.
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Yeah, nobody looks quite right in Spotlight: Hoist. Then again, maybe I just don’t get Cybertronian beauty standards.
On that note, let’s take a real quick look at our interior artist for this issue, Agustin Padilla. Padilla doesn’t have a ton of work within the Transformers franchise, but he’s worked on some iconic pieces- specifically, MTMTE #16, The Gloaming. 
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Yeah, THAT one. We’ll get more into his work when we hit that issue, I promise.
Back to the story at hand: Hoist puts on the cloaking device for the ship, hiding them from Tarn, then gripes to Swerve about the scanner scope being a huge friggin’ liar, because it said that there wasn’t a gotdang thing out there, because there clearly is. Swerve is less than thrilled by the prospect of having Tarn in the general vicinity, to the point that he forgets how to talk for a solid .5 seconds. Swerve’s seen the DJD in action, and it’s not pretty.
They’ve got six hours before the cloaking shields drain the power, then it’s goodbye Safetytown, hello Murderville. So, what better way to spend their final hours than by sniping at one another over things like fault and who’s gotten the shortest end of the stick here?
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Looks like Perceptor has a pretty strong lead on all the other guys, seeing as his legs have become one with the ship. Hoist’s busy trying to get in touch with the Lost Light, though no one’s picking up. Gee, wonder why.
Swerve is really in a needling mood, as he asks Sunstreaker where his apology is, seeing as he was the one piloting the ship when they crashed. Sunstreaker blows a gasket for a second over the fact that all he seems to do these days is apologize. Hoist manages to calm the situation and change the topic pretty smoothly, as he fiddles around with the internals of the shuttle to try and get the Lost Light’s attention.
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Good at multitasking, Hoist is.
We get the backstory on Bob, who Sunstreaker found after Metroplex woke up and decimated the local Insecticon population on Cybertron, almost certainly upsetting the balance of the ecosystem and traumatizing poor Bob. Yes, even our dog stand-ins have trauma in MTMTE. Sunstreaker, in true pet-owner fashion, baby-talks Bob, saying that he’ll bite that big, nasty Tarn if he gets near them, won’t he? Oh yes he will! Yes he will! What a good boy, yes you are!
Swerve isn’t so optimistic.
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Well, that’s certainly a sentence I just read with my own two eyes. Really hoping this is a bit of hyperbole, because I’d hate to think just what sort of life Swerve’s led that resulted in him watching a guy triple his size give himself an enema.
Sunstreaker, who knows that Swerve is kind of a massive baby, isn’t terribly impressed with how scared the DJD made Swerve, accidentally strokes the guy’s ego for a moment.
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Swerve, completely on the defensive now, lists off the five things he’s afraid of. Hoist butts in to point out the implausibility of Swerve’s fears.
Smash cut to four hours later, and Swerve hasn’t slowed down a bit, having talked to the point that he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it anymore. Sunstreaker’s about had it with this marathon bashing he’s receiving, and suggests that Swerve pick on Hoist for a change. Swerve declines, saying that there just isn’t enough material to work with, because Hoist is boring.
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Fun fact, this is his character quote for his introductory paragraph on the Wiki article. He had so little characterization up to this point, this is what they went with. Such is the fate of many of the Transformers who didn’t enter the original 80s cartoon until the second season. Roberts decided to run with it and take the rare opportunity to NOT give someone mental illness so severe and unchecked it’s simultaneously sad and hilarious. Hoist is probably the only dude in the entirety of the IDW run to just be a regular person.
After Swerve confirms that he does in fact know his colors, we blow past another hour, to find Hoist hard at work cutting Perceptor off of the ceiling/floor- Hoist, like most everyone on the Lost Light, is a doctor- as Sunstreaker and Swerve discuss previous scrapes they’ve gotten through. Apparently Sunstreaker fell off a bridge forever ago that was named after a biblical reference, because it doesn’t matter how little you believe in a higher power, you CANNOT escape the pull of the 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜.
Swerve asks Hoist if he has anything to contribute to the discussion, and while Hoist does have experience in near-death situations, he’d really rather not talk about it. Swerve respects his privacy.
Well, he tries.
Hoist indulges our little red and white idiot, because it’ll get everyone the Swerve-equivalent of peace and quiet, and begins his tale.
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Long story short, it looks like another hotshot pilot had the same idea as Hoist’s, and things got a little crashy-explodey-everyone’s-deady. Hoist was the only survivor, and had to walk his sorry butt back to civilization. Then the exhaustion set in, and he was forced to sit there, fully convinced that he would die alone in the middle of nowhere.
Once he’s finished with his story, Hoist makes the horrific discovery that Swerve’s been bleeding to death over the last five hours, and failed to mention it.
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No, Sunstreaker, he’s honestly just like that all the time.
Swerve’s spark casing has ruptured, which I can only imagine is somewhat similar to having a hole poked in your heart. A problem, to put it lightly. Sunstreaker and Hoist decide that, to keep Swerve from biting it, they’ll take the fight to the DJD, in an attempt to get some sort of transport back to the Lost Light and all the tasty medical equipment on board.
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Man, it really is unfortunate that Rung’s still not got a head at this point in the timeline, because Swerve is like a jelly donut filled with self-loathing. God just took a jumbo-sized bakery syringe and jammed it right in there.
Hoist and Sunstreaker ignore Swerve’s protests/pained screaming, and gear up for a fight with what they can find. Hoist manages to make two working crossbows and a butt-ton of arrows, not to mention a couple bowie knives in about five minutes, and they head out to kick some tushie.
The lads split up, keeping in touch via communicators, and Sunstreaker manages to get found by Tarn. He gets his ass kicked, because of course he does- the DJD aren’t famous for their macramé and pies, they’re famous for super-murder and being horny for the Decepticause. As Sunstreaker has the realization that he’s leaving his beloved Bob behind, Hoist finds him. Sunstreaker’s in quite the pickle, because he’s had his chest blown in, and Tarn’s been replaced by Shockwave, Megatron, Sixshot, and Overlord.
This just gets better and better doesn’t it?
Then this happens:
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Swerve’s theory may hold some water, but we can’t worry about that right now, because Hoist is going to try and fight this bastard. Good luck with that, Hoist.
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Yeah, that went about as well as it could have.
Hoist is about to get stomped like a bug, when the Con-biner suddenly phases out of existence. Weird.
Hoist runs back to the shuttle, I guess just leaving Sunstreaker in the middle of that clearing, even though he literally is a tow truck. He returns to find that Swerve’s passed out from blood loss, but Perceptor’s still awake, which is good, because there’s some grade-A bullshit going on on this planet, and we need the smart guy to info-dump for the sake of the plot.
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Man, this is such a cool plot device, and I’m so mad it never comes up again after this Spotlight.
So, Tarn and all the big bads that Hoist ran into weren’t real, but projections of his and his team’s worst fears. It was feeding off of Swerve, but now that he’s down for the count, it’ll probably go for either Hoist or Perceptor next.
Then there’s what feels like an earthquake, one so powerful it finally removes Perceptor from the ceiling, letting what’s left of his body fall. Hoist runs outside to see just what the hell’s happening now, only to find Metroplex outside and closing in.
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The phobia shields work on sub-sentient creatures too? Good lord, this thing just never stops, does it?
Thinking quickly, Hoist scoops up Swerve and the upper half of Perceptor and bolts for the edge of the cliff their ship is sitting next to. He must have been training for the Robot Olympics or something, because he makes the leap by a large margin, even when weighed down by two limp bodies.
Then he punches Perceptor in the face, knocking him out cold.
Then he commits an act of animal abuse as he knocks Bob out with his tow hook.
Our hero, folks! Let’s give him a hand!
As Metroplex fades out of existence, Hoist remembers that he is not immune to trauma, as he’s forced to sit there, completely alone, until help arrives.
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No wonder he got that massive Rodimus Star. What a trooper.
Thus ends Spotlight: Hoist, as well as the Spotlight series as a whole.
So, Swerve may not have much of a read on Hoist, but I figure I can try and take a stab at it. Hoist is… helpful. The entire issue, he’s the one who never stops doing things. If he’s not trying to repair the shuttle, he’s cutting Perceptor out of the floor, or he’s patrolling the perimeter, or trying to defuse the tension between his crewmates, or building weaponry, or punching people in the face for the greater good.
The folks he’s surrounded with for his Spotlight accent the characteristics he lacks- he’s not insanely smart like Perceptor, or strikingly handsome like Sunstreaker is intended to be, or capable of holding a conversation like Swerve. He blends into the background, always has and always will, both within canon and as a character.
He’s just a guy. He’s the guy,  a jack of all trades, master of none. And that’s okay.
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wingwaver · 3 years ago
Sixshot my beloved 💙💙💙💙💙
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baebeyza · 5 years ago
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AWW YISS, SIXSHOT TIME BABEY! ~ @anitaofsamothrace​
First off, that whole episode about Danny going on that comet with the archive to find out Ultra Magnus’ birthday is really cute and also really fucking dumb.
And it’s dumb because of how Cyclonus, the baddy of the episode, got involved.
Like Danny and Wheelie use a trash carrying shuttle to get to the comet with the archive, and Cyclonus sees this on his trash channel TV (why is he keeping track of Cybetron’s trash shuttles?) and just like Harry Potter in the first movie, who could tell that Snape let out the troll to sneak past Fluffy to get the philosopher’s stone based on nothing but that fact that Snape had a knee injury, my man Cyclonus uses his excellent deduction to think: “Hmmm, this trash shuttle goes off at an unusual time to a different direction, surely those autobot kids must be using it to get to a remote area where no one can stop us from keeping them prisoner!”
Damn Cyclonus, you are such a pro at this!!!
Okay, that wasn’t related to the actual question, I just wanted to put out there! xD
So, in Transformers Headmasters, which plays after season 3 of G1, Ultra Magnus, beloved autobot, gets killed by Sixshot, ninja decepticon.
And my boi Danny is really devasted about Ultra Magnus’ death, everyone is and the main character Chromedome was hating Sixshot before that anyway, so my assumption was that at the end of the show, Chromedome and Sixshot would have one epic fight!
BUT, the last four episodes went into a different direction with Sixshot! They had him and Danny become ~ friends ~
How? They both got stranded alone on a hostile planet and Sixshot, who had no desire in killing a child, protected and cared for Danny during their time together. And Danny the loveable fool took that as a “he’s not so bad after all” thing. Like yeah, he kills people, killed someone I really cared about, but he was nice to me when no one else was around, so I guess that’s his real personality!
When I watched that I was skeptical tbh - I wondered if Sixshot would join the autobots and didn’t wanna see that because it would be really out of character for Sixshot to just join them when he has a lot of loyalty for the decepticons and it would have been ooc for Chromedome to even accept him. As I said, he really hated Sixshot.
But that doesn’t happen, he stays with the cons a while longer and at the end he does help the autobots, but without actually joining them. Danny is only one part of his change of character, the other one being Megazarak being a really bad boss to him.
I did like that tbh! And apparently the japanese fans liked it as well, as both Masterforce and Victory feature their own Sixchangers with noble character who were decepticons at first but later helped the autobots! :D
(Victory’s Greatshot is even comfirmed to be Sixshot with a different frame and name! Not in the show itself, but Transformers Legends made that canon for the anime. In that show he really did join the autobots, but not before doing a lot redeeming work. And Masterforce’s Sixknight is the japanese version of Quickswitch, who is Sixshot’s son. I wish he was in more stuff)
So all in all, I do like Sixshot a lot because of his little arc here :3 He’s one of my fave characters ~
About Danny though...now while it does seem really odd for him to immidiately be like “Sixshot is actually good” when the dude killed Ultra Magnus, I personally see that as a “Danny” thing. The boy’s a little kid who always wants to see the good in things. I have no trouble seeing his willingness to see the good in Sixshot as a trait the boy simply has. 
Last but not least, lets not forget the epic little description tfwiki provided for Sixshot in the Headmasters manga:
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Because it’s really damn funny xD
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