#siuraine fanfiction
thatordinaryoddity · 11 months
i did a thing…
Siuan and Moiraine’s visit to Cairhien brings them face to face with House Damodred’s intricate world. As they wait for the perfect moment to share their news, they discover that timing is a finicky companion when noble agendas are at play.
This fanfiction explores what happens after the 2x07 fishwife scene but we’re pretending that Gitara’s foretelling never happened and Moiraine is, in fact, introducing Siuan to her family.
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pia-writes-things · 1 year
The thing is, I want to write Siuraine fanfiction but I have tremendous impostor syndrome cuz I didn't read the books and don't really plan on doing so...
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oh-no-bummer · 2 years
Will this energy and frustration toward life and academic stuff finally bring me to erupt and write Siuraine Fanfiction? Who knows, not me that is certain. Time will tell, the wheel weaves as the wheel wills.
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thatordinaryoddity · 6 months
This is your official wedding invitation!
*excited screeching* Chapter 9 is finally out and I want to cry because Feels™️
Little teaser:
As their lips parted and the sound of cheering and applause filled the air, they turned to face their loved ones, hand in hand and faces flushed with emotions. Standing there, together with Moiraine, Siuan felt as if she could hold the entire world in her hands, and she wondered how much time it would take for her to fully grasp that Moiraine Sanche was now her wife.
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thatordinaryoddity · 6 months
Just bonding things…
My beta said Chapter 10 is super sweet and gay™️ and we all know you never question the beta
Little teaser:
“I dreamed,” Siuan answered, a spontaneous smile inadvertently gracing her lips, “and it came true. Sometimes, the world is mistaken in thinking dreams can’t become reality.” Gently, Siuan reached out, her fingertips tracing the contour of Moiraine’s jawline with a tender reverence. Her wife responded by leaning into to the touch, her eyes momentarily falling shut. Then, she grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss onto her palm.
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thatordinaryoddity · 7 months
if (moiraine + lan) == true:
print (‘fun, feels and chaos‘)
Meaning I brought you Chapter 7 where we explore the early days of the warder bond and prepare for the wedding!
Little teaser:
“Their silence has left you in pain,” Lan inferred, articulating a previously unspoken truth rather than asking a question. Moiraine was still a bit uncomfortable with the transparency of her emotions and she felt a vulnerability that had so far been foreign to her. Still, if she had to share her mind with anyone, she was glad that it was him.
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thatordinaryoddity · 11 months
Fancy some (Sunday) dinner with the Damodreds? *unhinged smile*
enjoy chapter 3 now!
Little teaser:
“I never imagined you could be up to mischief, Moiraine!” Anvaere playfully teased her sister. “Don’t tell me that you actually had fun for once?” Another round of laughter filled the room, but one person’s voice was eerily missing.
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thatordinaryoddity · 11 months
Do you, by any chance, need some reading material for this lovely Saturday?
chapter 2 is ready!
Little teaser:
“It is indeed,” Moiraine purred from behind, her voice carrying and intriguing blend of emotions that eluded Siuan’s immediate recognition. As Siuan turned to face her, her fiancée stood mere inches away, her eyes veiled with a deep, enigmatic intensity.
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thatordinaryoddity · 11 months
Good evening… are you cold? I have something hot for you 🌝🔥
read yourself in Chapter 4!
Little teaser:
Much to Siuan’s dismay, however, Moiraine suddenly interrupted her nibbling and rose from the bed, swiftly flitting to a dimly lit corner of the room. Siuan looked up, grumbling in frustration. “Why did you stop?” she protested, but her lover’s only reply was a kittenish grin.
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thatordinaryoddity · 2 years
Chapter 4: Shards of Power
Siuan x Moiraine fanfiction - Shards
Read now chapter 4 - or start from the beginning
Angst/Hurt/Comfort (with happy ending)
Major Character Injury
32k+ words (so far)
Updated chapters 4/5
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As always, here is a little sneak peak:
In wonder, she stared into Siuan’s bottomless, gorgeously dark eyes of purest chestnut brown. She kept studying them intently, rediscovering the beautifully shimmering golden specks hidden inside them, a mesmerising detail which made them appear like delicious chocolate swirls with a delicate dash of cinnamon. When she noticed Siuan looking right back at her with the same amount of love and adoration, Moiraine completely lost herself, falling so deeply into those eyes that she almost thought she could taste the priceless, chocolatey delights, those treats that were the joy of her life.
The stunning brown eyes looked at her with unmatched kindness, the likes of which she had never encountered before, and Moiraine knew she felt love again, felt joy again, felt home again. It was really her Siuan, her beloved wife. It all seemed too good to be true. Hence, she feared that it could only mean one thing, and she couldn’t hold back her naïve question: “Are we… dead?”
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