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spokewar · 1 year ago
“ i saw myself, and it wasn’t me, it was… someone else. but they looked just like me. ”
— Shi’al to Obi-Wan ( she saw a vision of her Sith self :)) )
──✶prompts from the dark pictures anthology
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"I see . . . I was hoping it would not be the case, but I was worried something like this would happen." His fears had only gone unspoken for the sake of grief. Shi'al's loss was a complicated one; she didn't miss the Sith Lord who sought to see them dead, she missed the man—the one who played games and watched her recitals—whom he'd killed when he'd shown his hand. So he let her keep what she could from him, his lightsaber. It was now changed, no longer a corrupted crimson, but being wielded by someone who fought for good did not erase all of the blood it once senselessly shed. If Obi-Wan reached out far enough, he could still feel a residual darkness and he wouldn't be surprised if Shi'al was subconsciously reaching for it as well, a mind aching for a moment of familiarity. "I do not speak with certainty, but perhaps it is time we find a kyber crystal of your own. I've sensed no changes in the force and if you're seeing these things . . . well, I fear your saber may be to blame."
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mvndrvke · 1 year ago
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@sithsjedi : ❛  in my padawan years, master yoda told me “ when you fall, catch you i will. ” so, child, i tell you this: if you fall, i will catch you.  ❜
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Seril looks up at her master, brows furrowed with anxious concern. "We can't fail," she says. "Taking me as your padawan is a test they've given to you that can't be risked." She shakes her head. "I didn't think.... I didn't think the pressure would bother me so much. But I suppose it's a test of myself. I'm not a mimic here. It's harder than I thought it would be."
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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@sithsjedi said: “ That's not who I am anymore. ” Dooku shook his head, hesitating for the briefest of moments before resting a feather-light hand upon Nimona’s shoulder. “ Darth Tyranus is dead; Jedi Master Yan Dooku has returned home. It is to my home that I welcome you, child. ”
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“ That's not who I am anymore. ”
Oh, so NOW he decides to tell her? After she's already clawed her way in here and taken out a good portion of the temple's guards while looking for him. Tossing aside the weapon she took off of one of said incapacitated guards, Nimona huffs. The side-eye she gives him radiates suspicion as he speaks. More than just the usual scorn or disbelief he's become accustomed to receiving, it's something distrusting - almost paranoid.
Like she's afraid to be left behind.
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"Soooo you're not trying to be a villain anymore?" Something in her tone indicates that she's hoping for an answer in the negative. That he is the villain still. That he wants to be. But why? Why would she want that to be true? It drives her to glance at his hand with a small scowl hidden carefully behind a razor thin mask of confusion, and misunderstanding. She's a hair's breadth from pulling away like a cornered animal on the defensive. He can feel it. Her fear.
And it only abates once he continues.
“ Darth Tyranus is dead; Jedi Master Yan Dooku has returned home. It is to my home that I welcome you, child. ”
At that, she seems to settle. Squaring shoulders fall back down and she breathes harshly through her nose, trying to stifle a sigh of relief. The minute tenseness in her face fades and she tips her head a bit, squinting.
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"Soooooooooooooooo, I am still your sidekick then. Right? We had a deal, remember? Don't think that changes just because we're here now." It's spoken lightheartedly, playfully. A grin breaks out across her visage. As genuine as it looks, he can sense that part of its appearance is to serve as a coverup for the fact that, for the longest, most painful moment, she was afraid of what his answer might have been.
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obi1archive · 1 year ago
" shi'al , it has truly been too long. " and so it has ; years , in fact. though obi-wan knows she speaks to master windu somewhat regularly , circumstance often has him away from coruscant when she is in the temple. he bows , but his expression is warm enough that the gesture isn't overly formal. " it is good to see you. " @sithsjedi
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lemusegallery · 1 year ago
🌸 — Yoda places a flower in Master Dooku’s hair
Dooku was meditating nearby the lake of meditation in the Temple when Yoda put a flower on his head. The Jedi Master was not disturbed for such a move the older sage did, for it was usual about it. But after his moment, he reached with his left hand to collect that flower and inspect it for what it was. Still, he said nothing other than a short smile that nearly formed in his face.
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stillsolo · 1 year ago
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@sithsjedi 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: “ Ah, yes — the smuggler you are. ” The elderly Jedi Master peers up at Han, curiosity sparkling in his hazel hues. “ Much trouble you have caused, Han Solo, but so very highly of you my student has spoken! ” — An unprompted ask from Yoda to Han simply because I think them meeting would be HILARIOUS.
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               ❝𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴'𝚂 𝚃𝙰𝙻𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙼𝙴?❞  han solo blinked as a faint start of surprise lifted his brows within twitching distance of his hairline. he didn't know what to think, except that maybe he should back it up a couple of steps. luke's master was a lot smaller and older and stranger than what he'd initially imagined, but gut instincts warned against looming over the little guy.
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❝trouble, huh? well, can't deny that. i've been known to cause a bit of a ruckus here 'n there.❞ not so much anymore, but that was more or less the whole issue lately, wasn't it?
with vader gone and sidious dead, there was too little to focus on.  life had become nothing but a monotonous sequence of events, broken up only by mundane routines and predictable proceedings, like a pendulum that swung from one side to the other.  these days, han passed the hours bored out of his skraggin’ mind, sitting around waiting to land his next job from the new republic, which inadvertently stymied him from personal projects in the intervening periods.
life as an alliance general had become a thorn in his ass, and now, with the unexpected arrival of luke’s mystical mentor, han had to wonder if luke’s earlier visit held deeper significance, whether the kid was privy to more than he let on.  maybe luke knew han well enough to glean he’d been thinking about leaving again.   maybe.   it wasn’t out of the question, seeing as it took a single holocomm transmission for chewie to start doling out advice, urging him to slow down and allow this respectable way of living to grow on him.  that had been months ago, yet the restlessness persisted.
of course, han knew better than to make promises he couldn’t keep.  there was little else he loathed more than the shackling, claustrophobic nature of a future laid out in flimsy words and empty promises.  the kid didn’t need that, and neither did the princess.
❝but if luke thinks highly of me, i must be doing something right.  so—uh.❞  one corner of the corellian’s mouth curled up, humorless, and a bit strained at the edges.  ❝i’m hopin’ this ain’t some kinda … jedi intervention.❞
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siidious · 1 year ago
��� 𝐃. 𝐓𝐘𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐒 :
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𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 of its vessel, the rise of his lungs disregarded it as such. Echelons were proven their rightful timeline, the absolutes resolved them all. Beyond the blood trails perhaps there was a taint around the corners. Reality in time would sink into the chains of the futile flesh where troopers of the storm had now minds of another, peace keepers had no been buried in his place. For that this domain, was his ⎯ always had been.
A wrinkled palm flipped downward once creeped out of sable cloak, dual digits swayed in motion, gesture had crimson royal guard to step in unison and dismissed for the loyal soul. ❝ Darth Tyranus ⎯ ❞ the exploitation, viper's venom had sunk into the hearts of 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙚. The final discourse executed by perfection, the emperor drew a faint smirk under the void of his hood, having turned around, he glided in gentle strides to the aged padawan. Through the transparent glass within imperial's venator, the results spoke for themselves. Director Krennic's fine work was underway, 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂 globe shall cast its sail over blood in time of need, a star that heeded his word.
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A crackled hum escaped through the emperor's faulty throat, ❝ I am no fool. ❞ albino palms folded upon one another, a contemplation that whispered through the 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙞𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨. The mind of the man before him, a cloud of doubt had caste around the chest for fleeting moments. Subtle, silent, the kind of silence a child whispers of 𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 dreams. The growing fault noticed only by sprout where the tongue cannot assist the voice. ❝ Your mind ⎯ is not your own. ❞
@sithsjedi liked ྾
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stardustbeings · 1 year ago
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“ Everyone who has ever seen you has underestimated you, haven’t they? ” — Mace Windu to Krin Nunye @sithsjedi
"Not everyone," Krin was too in shock that Master Windu was addressing her directly, until this moment she was certain that the jedi master didn't know she existed.
"Master Billaba sees me, she thinks I have potential." Perhaps she shouldn't say so, but Krin was quiet proud of that.
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ofthestcrs · 1 year ago
“  walk with me?  ”
— Redemptionverse Dooku to Obi-Wan Kenobi
There is an unease that Master Kenobi cannot seem to swallow down. Perhaps it is because he's looking at the man who'd been a friend and then an enemy and now was trying to make amends again. Qui-Gon would want him to forgive Dooku. He knows this, but it's hard to do that. It is so hard to do the right thing, but he will persist. It is the Jedi way.
"Alright." Obi-Wan agrees before gesturing for Dooku to take the lead.
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corruptedforce · 1 year ago
canon questionnaire — What’s the worst thing about the fandom?
Canon Questionnaire - @sithsjedi - Accepting!
The screenshotting, The narcissism, The desire to make everyone hate what you hate, and just the backstabbing.
I've been here over a year and I do still talk to a few people, that I talked to, at the begiining. But, there is this need people have to screencap what others say, and the whole 'receipt' thing that makes people feel like they can't trust anyone with what they say. It's petty and it can make people uncomfortable. This happens in every fandom but when you have characters like we do who are truly some of the best in pop culture, we have to remember that we are one person. No one person is better than anyone else's. We all write these characters different.
This goes through the screencapping. But, the way people try to turn all their friends against someone, is worrying. It's toxic behavior and one I am just too old for.
There are more backstabbers in this fandom, than people realize others are aware of. Some people are quieter, but they see it. They also see that drama goes back to certain people.
But, there are a lot of good things too. If people would stop being so dramatic, it's not a bad rpc. But, if you just watch, you can see who does what and who the players are.
It's less dramatic than Harry Potter, though.
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protectxthem · 1 year ago
@sithsjedi liked for a random starter
"Have you ever been late a day in your life?"
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spokewar · 1 year ago
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"Your first trip off of Coruscant should not be at the behest of the Jedi! Tell me, what's a planet you've always wanted to see?"
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mvndrvke · 1 year ago
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@sithsjedi gets a starter! yan + seril
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"So they're actually going to do it?" It seems insane, and yet Seril has been presented with this opportunity-- this faith in her-- that she feels her life might've been building towards.
She'd waited outside of the council chambers, pacing back and forth until Dooku had finally come out. "They're actually going to let me train?"
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ Which Major Arcana Tarot Card are You? ⚔️
Take the linked quiz as your muse!
TAGGED BY: @sithsjedi (mwa bless u!)
TAGGING: @tacticalvalor (Paz and Trilla), @fledermuse (Jane), @ambitchouss, @rathalascendant, @shamisenson and anyone else up for it!
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The High Priestess
Quite intuitive and wise, you are seemingly connected to the world. Follow your instincts. You know far more than you think you do and this card greatly embodies this. Look inside yourself for the guidance you need.
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lemusegallery · 1 year ago
❝ i see you are deaf to sense. ❞
— Mace Windu to Count Dooku
Usually a Dark Lord of the Sith would give into it's anger over such commentary. But the fallen Jedi Master Dooku, now Darth Tyranus, was above such reaction. He simply smirked, as a way to conceal the aura of apathy that he surrounded himself and proceeded.
"And I see that you are blind to see the big picture this war will bring in it's due time, my old friend."
He said with a hint of philosophy behind his words. After all, he knew full well the purpose of the current war and to where it was aiming at. However, he remained flanked by his magnaguards, as evident by the fact that he didn't bother to raise his lightsaber and he was willing to banter around before any action occurred. After all, the Count was not shy to have some educated audience for a while.
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shibemuses · 1 year ago
( for both here and @historiavn )
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
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For @sithsjedi - So Leia and the other SW muses are kind of a given. But I think it would be fun to compare Swap!Leia with Yoda. She wouldn't have as much patience in certain cases, but she might be a better pupil than her twin, hehe~ But really they all could write with all of your SW muses, I'm intrigued.
For @historiavn - I am not particularly sure! Only a couple of my muses are really older than modern times. But I know it might be interesting to have Inu Kobayashi speak with folks who would be confused with how Japan is acting at the certain time period...
Ashireiko is an overall villain muse and they can go up against most anyone and try to manipulate them...
Whiskey is Wild West centered, so if anybody was alive during the last half of the West, we could do some ghost hunter (who is also undead) shenanigans...
How would any of your leader muses react to Kyubey? He's an alien from space who has had a hand in 100% of humanity's major events thanks to wish granting and the magical girl system... Would they consider him a threat or would they believe in his whole "greater good for the universe" thing?
Kaguya-hime- a maiden who ran away from the moon to become a human being. Would any of your muses raise her and teach her to love? Protect her from the moon?
Okami-Amaterasu- would any of your muses like to meet a literal god? Who is... also a doggie?
Elsa and Trico deserve to be buddies in isolation together. Maybe they both escape the Nest together.
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