#dash game : i’ve been caught up in a riptide
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vendettavalor · 5 months ago
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but not of homes. only the shells of what keeps us enclosed. houses can be decorated or well-built or crumbling or haunted but only a home can truly be warm; you are the patron saint of that lack.
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TAGGED BY: no one, I stole it from @prodijedi ❤️
TAGGING: y o u
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vendettamuses · 2 years ago
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// Force sensitive Heelers ❤️
// As requested by @nemekii
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vendettacanons · 3 years ago
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deep staining red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
TAGGED BY: @scumbcgs​ (thank youuu!!)
TAGGING: @romancemoon​ @maximuses​ @ineffablemuses​ @audaciious​ and anyone else who wants to try it!
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fantasmalforces · 2 years ago
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what they smell like .     
Rayn smells a lot like hibiscus flowers, pinewood, green tea, quality leather, and Mythic-brand tobacco. The flowery woods smell is from her soap, the green tea comes from constantly drinking tea brew or chewing on the leaves, the leather comes from her coat, and the tobacco is self-explanatory - she’s been a smoker for twenty-something years. Granted she’s cut back a lot and Mythic-cigs have just regular tobacco plants and flavoring as opposed to all the chemical shit of regular human cigs, but it still lingers faintly on her person.
how they sleep ( sleeping position, schedule, etc ) .  
Rayn sleeps on her side with her back against a wall. Occasionally she’ll roll on her belly and sleep in the victory position if she’s really comfortable, but she mostly sleeps on her side in a position where she can’t be snuck up on can monitor the full area of her room. And that’s on what? Hypervigilance babeeeey!
what music they enjoy .    
Rayn prefers classical music or jazz. She likes a few select rock bands or artist, but other than that, it’s mostly top 40s or Latin music.
favourite thing to collect .    
Rayn’s not big on collecting things. Closest thing to a collection she has is a bunch of old vinyls. She’d like collecting more of them honestly.
left or right-handed .   
She’s mixed-handed but typically uses her right hand more.
favourite kind of weather . 
Rayn likes stormy weather. It’s part of her Mythical connection (though she’s not aware of that because of the emotional block on her powers). But even still, she just generally finds gloomy and cloudy weather calming, and she enjoys falling asleep to the sound of rain and distant thunder. She sleeps like a baby through hurricanes and tropical storms.
weird/obscure fear they have .   
It’s a really small and easy to miss detail, but Rayn never wishes or hopes for bad things to befall living people. You’ll never hear her say things like “I wish someone would shut them up” or “I hope they experience something terrible to make them eat their words.” It’s because Rayn was mad at her family one time when she was a kid and left the house while they were sleeping to go cool off on the beach nearby where she wished they would just go away. While she was gone, a bunch of hunters ended up setting fire to her house and killed her entire family. When she came back, it was to her firefighters putting out the flames and her family’s bodies being pulled out  It was a pure stroke of luck that she wasn’t there and survived, and though she had absolutely nothing to do with it, she still blames herself for wishing that. So she has this irrational fear that if she wishes awful things on people that they could happen.
tagged by: @audaciious​ Thank you royalty 💜
tagging: @maximuses​ (Rosebud), @ineffablemuses​ (Toni) @thxwxlf​ @motleysort​ (Joel) @unrclypirxte​ (Matt and Beth) and anyone else who feels up to it 💜
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vendettavalor · 10 months ago
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Rugged. Gruff. Intimidating. And yet, breathtakingly handsome. Silvery salt and pepper hair and dark eyes like gunmetal glinting between the leaves of foliage as it takes aim at a target. Skin weathered finely by age and harrowing experiences, wrinkles and scars tell stories of the many battles he's fought- and won. Freckles and sunspots form constellations that intertwine is cosmic patterns across a body built for power, speed, and resilience. Despite his conventional beauty and the charm of his appearance, he is far from inviting. With a resting face more akin to the hunting stare of a wolf, a stature that easily towers over most, and a frame built broadly to dissuade any would-be challengers to his prowess, he is meant to be admired from afar- assuming he wishes to be seen at all. Lucas may not be the perfect specimen that Ort-Meyer was aiming for. But he is still nothing short of a masterful and terrifying assassin.
The burn of gunpowder and metal stings the nostrils. Yet it is not entirely unpleasant. Not when the notes are so muted; tangled and nestled deep within the fibers of his jacket where smoky bourbon and cool aftershave blanket the harsher scents with something slightly more palatable. Mingling with the aromatic spice of dusty sand and fresh petrichor collected on him like dew from his travels, his scent is not for everyone. But to the few who might be able to understand him- connect with him even- it may well be the most soothing scent in the world.
Not the crack of the gunshot, but the roaring echo that follows. The rumble of distant thunder that tails silent lightning before a disastrous storm. The growl of a predator stalking closer and closer to its prey, ready to pounce before it will ever be seen coming. A voice pleasantly deep and spoken with an accent that, on the surface, is British. His Romanian heritage betrays him at times though- the slip of the wolf's paw over the smallest branch, cracking it in half. The only warning of danger his prey receives before he goes for the kill. His speaks low, almost soft. As though that will bring any comfort for when he strikes. For even the serpent's tongue sounded sweet as he lied.
A bed a little too big. A house for two inhabited by one. A silent garden in the middle of spring. On the surface, he seems like he could be so comforting. But on approach comes the realization that he walks with an aura of death. The chill up the spine when his gaze finds its mark. The deep, primordial urge to turn and run when he parts his lips to reveal gleaming white canines poised to sink into flesh with cold metal. It feels as though that, in another life, Lucas could be someone wonderful. Someone who brings peace, and safety, and love, and kindness in his smile and in his words and in his shape. But in this life, he feels every bit like the monster he was always meant to be. And everyone can see it.
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TAGGED BY: @valorums
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ Which Major Arcana Tarot Card are You? ⚔️
Take the linked quiz as your muse!
TAGGED BY: @sithsjedi (mwa bless u!)
TAGGING: @tacticalvalor (Paz and Trilla), @fledermuse (Jane), @ambitchouss, @rathalascendant, @shamisenson and anyone else up for it!
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The High Priestess
Quite intuitive and wise, you are seemingly connected to the world. Follow your instincts. You know far more than you think you do and this card greatly embodies this. Look inside yourself for the guidance you need.
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ Miscellaneous Character Info⚔️
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Tall. Canon states he's 7'1". I headcanon him being even taller at around 7'5" with how he towers over others.
Savage couldn't care one way or another about his height. He appreciates it since it helps him appear large, imposing, and intimidating. But ultimately, even if he was short he would not care. His size is not what his enemies should be worried about.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE?
No hair. Only his crown - the term by which Dathomirians refer to their horns. He's kind of meticulous about caring for it so it's 're basically hair though.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING?
More than he'd ever admit. It was part of the culture. A Dathomirian male's crown is weapon and a symbol of his status. The bigger the crown, the more powerful, healthy, and therefore more desirable he is. But beyond the cultural aspect, good hygiene is just a requirement. After all, the individual horns aren't actually horns - they're antlers since they're made of bone and not keratin. Unlike antlers though, they keep growing and are nourished by blood vessels, meaning they never calcify and fall off. This means if they're not taken care of and maintained, any damage could mean a very painful and possibly fatal infection. Plus, it's just a point of pride for him.
Not really. Savage, like most males of his culture, views his very being as a tool and a weapon. His appearance doesn't matter. His skills are what count. He allows enemies to underestimate him at their own peril.
Outdoors. He prefers more temperate to hot climates like that of the Dathomirian village. Being inside for too long makes him feel confined.
Sunshine. Dathomirians enjoy sunning themselves. They're not cold-blooded by any means, but the sun is very pleasant on their skin. Granted, Savage doesn't mind the rain. He's liable to stand in it like a koala if need me, completely disregarding it as it drenches him.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH?  
Forest. The bogs and fens of Dathomir are familiar to him, and the forests are very similar. Though he might also enjoy the beach if he knew how to swim and also could get over how open it is.
Metals. It's not a matter of form but of function. Metals can create tools and weapons which are useful. Gems do not hold his interest unless they have some greater functional use to attract him.
Flowers. Dathomirians have sensitive senses. Savage is no exception. If anything, he's only more sensitive due to his alterations. He doesn't mind the scents of flowers. In fact, he even finds them soothing and pleasant. But perfumes are just a bit too strong for him. He tends to get headaches and gets very grumpy about how they make breathing a little bit difficult and his eyes water.
Savage does not judge by appearance. If that were the case, Kenobi would have killed him instead of simply taking an arm and the nibs of his crown spikes. He learned from his brother the mistake of judging someone by their appearance - quickly. He knows now to make judgment based on a person's personality. Their beliefs, their actions, their gestures, their habits. That's what he bases opinions on. It's also how he sizes people up to determine how best to approach them.
Depends on where he is in his journey. But for the most part, Savage prefers to be alone or only accompanied by his brothers. He's never had a strong sense of community, never had a circle of friends or companions. It's only ever been him and his family. Sometimes it's Feral, sometimes it's Maul. Ideally, he'd like to be able to go along with both.
Order. Savage grew up in a cult, and that is not an exaggeration. The Nightbrothers were a strict band of males who focused heavily on the very archaic, traditional beliefs that the males were made to fight and be selected as breeding stock. They existed as weapons and tools of carnage made to create stronger and more resilient offspring to continue the cycle. His life has centered around conflict and survival since the day he was born. That rigid structure and desire to fit into a specific role follows him everywhere.
Painful truths. Savage can handle the truth a lot better than he handles lies. He'd prefer people just be honest with him. Lies waste his time and infuriate him.
Magic. Mostly because that's what he was raised with knowing. The magick and the enchantments and the spells of the Nightsisters were a pivotal part of his life. He grew up knowing that his fate was intrinsically tied to the Witches of Dathomir and the Nightsisters. And also because, let's be honest - Savage runs on instinct. His skills of reason and deduction are weak at best. He doesn't know the first thing about science beyond the rudimentary basics of biology, physics, and engineering required to make blades, make bombs, and make babies. Maul was the brains of the operation for a reason.
Peace was never an option. This man was born and bred for conflict. Woe be unto anyone who forgets that for even a second.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY?
Night. Sensitive eyes see better in the darkness. It's cooler and more temperate but generally not too cold and he just enjoys the feeling of an evening breeze and the moonlight highlighting his surroundings. It speaks to his inner beast. He's a Nightbrother after all.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN?
Dusk. See above. And also, weirdly tender as it is, Savage enjoys the sunset more than he enjoys the twilight.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?
Warmth. Again, Dathomir leaned from temperate to a tropical in climate. Heat was more common than cold and he enjoys that a lot more. He doesn't claim to have an intolerance but... he definitely isn't fond of the cold.
A few close friends. Not even that actually. Just his brothers, thanks.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME?
Reading. Savage has never played games. Not even as a child growing up. The closest thing to games was grounding Feral and calming him down whenever he got scared or whenever he panicked and started scrambling around looking for baby Maul because he turned his back for two seconds and saw he'd disappeared from the mat where he left him. At least reading makes him feel smarter and more prepared for things.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS?
Savage has a tendency to stare. Very, very intensely. He was never taught manners to be fair. His natural inclination is to assess people, analyze how much of a threat they are, and watch closely for any sign of danger. This leads to his staring long and hard for inappropriate amounts of time.
Another habit he has is tapping his claws or shifting position often. Folding and unfolding his arms, flexing his fists, cracking his neck, rolling his shoulders. Despite the transformation, he has a lot of pent of energy. He feels the urge to constantly be moving, constantly be looking and patrolling for threats, scouting out danger or watching the perimeter of his "territory." He sometimes has to be refocused.
Mumbling. Savage has a very low voice and while he can project it, he leans towards being more submissive despite his size. Thus, he speaks quietly and softly - unless he's facing an adversary. This means that, at least around Maul and Feral, he tends to mumble.
Rubbing his crown against surfaces. As mentioned previously, he's a little bit obsessive about his crown. He tends to it incessantly when he can and that means whenever he makes himself at home in a new place, he frequently rubs the spikes against surfaces. It has a dual-purpose, sharpen them up a bit and keep the circulation good, and also to leave his scent and let others know that this is his territory.
Nightbrothers are told not to form attachments. They're soldiers, weapons. Weapons can't feel. But oh, Savage feels. He feels more than either of his brothers, and no amount of transformation can take that from him. He does not remember his mother, but he remembers Maul and Feral. He remembers raising both of them from the time they were infants and while he himself was still a child. It was brutal, unforgiving, but beautiful - and he would not trade those days for the galaxy. He did not show it, but when he killed that construct of Feral the Nightsisters conjured, he genuinely though he had killed his brother. And he sobbed. He snapped out of that spell just long enough to weep. He was devastated at the realization that he thought he had murdered his own brother. And when he came too after the fight with Palpatine and Maul wasn't there? He cried even harder, because he loved Maul, he found him, and he lost him again. He thought he'd failed to protect him. And that hurt him more than the thought that he was alone and had no one now ever could. (At least there is a small comfort in the fact that it was Feral who found him, so not all hope was lost. But God, losing Maul altered him. He regained some of his previous heart. The softer, more sensitive bits of himself that the spell repressed.)
Savage's fondest memories come from his brothers in their childhood. Carrying Maul on his back and Feral in a pouch slung across his chest while out foraging in the fens. Teaching Maul how to talk and walk. Teaching Feral how to tend to his little nubbins. Teaching both of them to fight using sticks. Teaching them how to climb and having to be the one to help them jump down when they got stuck. Teaching them how to hunt small game and prepare it for meals. Hands down his favorite memories are the ones where both of his brothers are snuggled into him and dozing off while he lays back and watches the stars above them.
It's harder for him not to.
No one will ever see it. You will never know if Savage is deeply and truly upset. He's too good at playing the stoic facade. Not even his brothers have seen him cry. He waits until he is well and truly alone and even then, he fights the tears. Tries to wipe them away and just sniffles as he does. But when he is well and truly at his limit and the burden on his heart becomes just too much to bear any longer, he falls to his hands and knees and just sobs. It's not pleasant to hear. It sounds like a wounded animal screaming out. The tears come fast and free and his teeth are bared like a snarling wolf's. He claws at the ground and just screams until it all comes pouring out of him like a fountain of emotion. And once his vocal chords are raw and he has nothing left to wail out, once his chest is empty, he heaves in breaths, picks himself up, wipes himself clean, and carries on like nothing happened.
It never really helps though.
Yes. But only a select few. You'll never guess - his brothers. His kin are the only ones he truly and completely trusts his life with.
Stupider than usual. Savage does not understand the concept of attraction or romance. Those just don't exist in his society. He was raised in a cult where he was viewed as breeding stock and nothing more. Any coupling that occurred was for the express purpose of producing strong offspring. There was no love or romance and affection or connection. No deeper emotional attachment to it.
He doesn't believe that someone would or could have feelings of romance or affection towards him. His mind can only comprehend the idea that they might be experiencing physical attraction and want him to be the sire to strong children. Emotional sentimentality does not make sense. Likewise, any attraction he experiences is strange and confusing. He understands only that he might be having a biological response to physically attractive qualities. That doesn't get him to act. He just waits for it fizzle out.
The worst part is when it persists and becomes an emotional attachment. That's when the confusion becomes frustration. He doesn't things anymore. Doesn't understand why he wants to be near the person more. Why he wants to hear their voice. Why he suddenly feels so protective over them and thinks about being aggressive towards people that engage with them, even if he's familiar with them and would never think so otherwise. All he knows is that when he's with them, he feels comfortable. Soothed, even. And he doesn't know why. Nor does he seek to know why. He just sort of keeps an eye on it and waits for it to pass because, per his culture, it's not his place to engage. Man will pine forever and never even realize it.
And flirting? Don't even think about it. He doesn't know what flirting is and any sort of flirting or even bold displays of romance will go right over his head. Go ahead - give him a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates and kiss him directly on the mouth. He has no idea what you're on about. This could be a sign of friendship for all he knows. Unless you're going to sit him down and tell him directly and to his face that you're in love with him and want a relationship with him, and then take the time to explain what that means in detail with comparisons to his culture, he is lost. He's that dense and inexperienced.
Because why would a weapon need to know what love is?
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Tagged by: @mayxthexforce
Tagging: @tacticalvalor (Ghost), @ambitchouss @valorums @fledermuse (Jane) @rathalascendant @calibratedafflatus (Dani) @heroinesjourncy (Doc Ock) and anyone else who feels up for it!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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███ “LUPA” █████
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winter and death
you’re known for your self-discipline and rigidity. although you may be perceived as cold and intimidating by those who don’t directly worship you, you’re actually quite fair and polite. your followers pray to you for a safe winter and peaceful death.
// Yeah, I could totally see this being accurate. Lupa is well-known amongst her team for her remarkable display of constant restraint and rigidity. This includes wearing a collar and muzzle when around other people to prevent any sort of unforeseen accident due to the nature of her existence. She regards herself not just as an animal, but a monster, and her greatest fear is hurting or even killing the people she cares about. She self-imposes isolation- she stays away from most of the others, preferring to watch over them from afar. Paired with generally apathetic demeanor, lack of sociability, and intimidating appearance, Lupa tends to come off as cold. In reality though, she’s very considerate and polite. She leans down so she doesn’t look so big and scary, speaks softly, and offers assistance when asked. Additionally, she takes very great care to spend time with Alice and help keep her safe. There’s a lot of mystery and tragedy that surrounds Lupa and her cold demeanor, so controlling the domains of winter and death would suit her well.
Tagged by: @dragetunge (thank youuu <333)
Tagging: @rathalascendant (Ratha :3c) @shamisenson @tacticalvalor (the 141) @fledermuse (Jane) @seeasunset @sithsjedi (Shi'al) and anyone else who feels up for it!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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False Sunflower
Come midsummer you’ll be wandering the prairies, dipping in and out amongst the grasses, finding your way in a world in which people fail to realize your worth. Some people might think you’re a little fake, but is it your fault if they mistake you for what you’re not? Turn your face to the sun, and soak up the love it gives you.
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (thaaaanks! <3)
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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BOLD what always applies to your muse; ITALICIZE what sometimes applies to your muse; STRIKE OUT what never applies to your muse
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absent-minded / abusive / addict / adrenaline junkie / aggressive / aimless / alcoholic / anxious / arrogant / audacious / bad liar / bigmouth / bigot / blindly loyal / blunt / callous / childish / chronic heroism/ cheater / clingy / clumsy / cocky / codependent / competitive / corrupt / cowardly / cruel / cynical / delinquent / delusional / dependent / depressed / deranged / disloyal / ditzy / egotistical / envious / erratic / fickle / finicky / fixated / flaky / frail   / fraudulent / foul mouthed / guilt complex / gloomy / gluttonous / gossiper / gruff / grudge holding / gullible / hedonistic / humorless / hypochondriac / hypocritical / idealist / idiotic / ignorant / immature / impatient / incompetent / indecisive / insecure / insensitive / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / manipulative / masochistic / meddlesome / melodramatic / money-loving / moody / naive / nervous / nosy / ornery / overprotective / overly sensitive / paranoid / passive-aggressive / perfectionist / pessimist / petty / power-hungry / proud / possessive / pushover / reckless / reclusive / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / senile / selfish / self destructive / shallow / sociopathic / sore loser / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / stubborn / suspicious / tactless / temperamental / timid / thief / traitorous / ungracious / unlucky / untrustworthy / vain / withdrawn / workaholic
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (bless u!!)
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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Name / Alias: Vendetta, Ven, or V!
Are you over 18?: Yep!
|| WRITING. ||
-Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
-Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
-If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
-What post lengths do you write? One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned.
-Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No /Gifs / Icons/ Yes / Sometimes.
-Do you write on other platforms? No /Yes
-What level of plots do you write? Unplotted/ Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted(only if my partner wants to, I'm not good at plotting) / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned.
-How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days)
-What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst/ Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned.
|| WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? || ( Feel free to add!)
High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic
Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / All of the aforementioned
-Are there any themes you're uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No / Yes/ Sometimes
-Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? Not really a trigger, but I appreciate people tagging Uncanny Faces.
-What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
-What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic/ Familial / All of the aforementioned
-Do you have OTPs? No / Chemistry Only / Yes
-Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes (same as above, no answer)
-What is your muse's sexual orientation? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you're asking
-What is your muse's romantic orientation? Heteroromantic/ Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you're asking.
-Are you comfortable writing smut? No / VERY Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never / Depends on the writer and the muses
-Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
-Are you open to problematic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
-Are you open to polyshipping? No / Selectively / Yes
-Are you an exclusive shipper? Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
-Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope / Yes
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TAGGED BY: @uncxntrxllable (thank you!!)
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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you mourn your losses. it is as if something has been torn from your soul and you are forever a lost fragment seeking what you have lost. it will take you time to accept some things are better floating through the universe, taken from us with vice and leaving us incomplete. your corners will drift through the ocean and each grain of sand you brush by will sand you down. you will reach the beaches healed, and your sharp corners will become dull and smooth to the touch.
your painting is "anguish" by august friedrich schenck.
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TAGGED BY: @tacticalvalor (thanks boo <3 )
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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spice :  rosemary
weather event / natural disaster : lightning storm
color : gold
magical power :  electricity
shoe :  combat boots
plant :  peonies
animal : rabbit/badger
weapon :  whip
subject / major : high school graduate
gemstone / mineral : gold
makeup product : eyeshadow
candy :  gushers
fear :  choking/drowning
sport (traditional or extreme) :  running
method of long–distance travel : flying
hour :  5am
wood : silky oak
mythological creature : Woppletinger
three  emojis : 🐰⚡😎
moon phase : new moon
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tagged by: @ruinouss (thank u bb!) tagging: YOU!!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ OC Picrew ⚔️
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Delpine Riviere; Lone vixen mercenary
Amalgamate Sauer; Witch shop owner
Rayn Wilder; Wolfwalker private investigator
Marmalade Minos; Minotauress baker
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TAGGED BY: @tacticalvalor TAGGING: YOUUU
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ Fighting Style ⚔️
Bold applies to muse, Italics somewhat applies.
Piper Bagley
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat/ beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
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Tagged by: @ruinouss (thank u bb!)
Tagging: @tacticalvalor (Thor) @rathalascendant @fledermuse (Jane) @ncrmxndy (Varyk) @valorums and YOU!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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DEFENSIVENESS. arms  crossed  on  chest  / crossing  legs / fist-like  gestures /  pointing  index  finger   / karate  chops / stiffening  of  shoulders  /  tense  posture /  curling  of  lip  /  baring  of  teeth
REFLECTIVE. hand  to  face  gestures /  head  tilted  / stroking chin /  peering  over   glasses  /  taking  glasses  off  —  cleaning /  putting  earpiece  of  glasses in  mouth   /  pipe  smoker  gestures   /  putting  hand  to  the bridge  of  nose  /  pursed  lips  / knitted  brows
SUSPICION. arms  crossed  /  sideways  glance / touching  or  rubbing  nose  /  rubbing  eyes  / hands  resting  on  weapon  /  brows  rising   /  lips  pressing  into  a  thin line / strict  unwavering  eye  contact / wrinkling  of  nose
OPENNESS + COOPERATION. open  hands  /  upper  body  in  sprinters  position  /  sitting  on  the edge  of  a  chair  /  hand-to-face gestures  / unbuttoned  coat  / tilted  head  /  slacked  shoulders  /  droopy  posture   /   feet  pointed  outward  /  palms  flat  and  facing  outward
CONFIDENCE. hands  behind  back /  hands  on  lapels  of  coat  /  steeped  hands  / baring  teeth  in  a  grin  /  rolling  shoulders  /  tipping head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact /  chest  puffed  up / shoulders  back  /  arms  folded  just  above  navel
INSECURITY + ANXIETY. chewing  pen  or  pencil  /  rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb / biting  fingernails   /  hands  in  pockets  /  elbow  bent  /  closed  gestures /  clearing  throat  /   “ whew ”  sound   /   picking  or  pinching  flesh /  fidgeting  in  chair  /  hand  covering  mouth  whilst speaking  /  poor  eye  contact  /  tugging  pants or  clothes  /  jingling  money  in  pockets  /  tugging  at  ear  /  perspiring  hands / playing  with  hair  /  swaying /  playing  with pointer / marker /  smacking  lips  / sighing  /  rocking  on  balls  of  feet /  flexing  fingers  sporadically
FRUSTRATION. short  breaths  /   “ tsk ”  sounds  /  tightly  clenched  hands  / fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  /  running  hand  through  hair  /  rubbing  back  of  neck  / snarling  /  revealing  teeth  /  grimacing   /   sharp-eyed  glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows  /  shoulders  back,  head  up   -   defensive  posturing  /  clenching  of  jaw  /  grinding  of  teeth  /  nostrils  flaring  /  heavy  exhales
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Tagged by: @mayxthexforce (thank uuuu!)
Tagging: @tacticalvalor (Artyom), @therapardalis @valorums @prodijedi @ledcouncil @900years @rathalascendant @shamisenson and anyone else who's up for it!
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