#sit on the tail like a bean bag chair...
termagax · 7 months
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irishmammonagenda · 6 months
You pout, arms crossed up against your chest, staring at your boyfriend who currently has his eyes fixated on the game on his PC, mouse and keys being clicked rapidly while the otaku sits cross legged on his desk chair, tongue sticking out in anticipation as he progresses with the battle.
You shift in the bean bag that you made yourself at home on, having long set you DDD down, finding that it had completely lost its entertainment value. Call you a spoilt brat, more millte than the ten year old's in makeup aisles at supermarkets, but you wanted your boyfriend's attention God Dammit! And you wanted it now!
The Avatar of Envy pays you no mind as he continues playing his game, having probably forgotten you were in the room. Well you had been here for hours quietly on your DDD. It was fair, you supposed, though as he starts singing the praises of a certain Ruri-chan, the only thing you could feel was your boyfriend's sin.
That seemed to remind Leviathan of your existence. You huff. He reaches a checkpoint and turns around, jumping when he sees you. "O-oh! S-sorry! M-MC...I-i forgot you were there!" He says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as his face turns a red that brings out the purple of his hair.
"You should be sorry...." You sulk, sinking further into your seat, Levi flatlines, eyes widening as he nearly falls off his own chair.
"I-I am! I just got so into the game! And you were so quiet...and I-" He rambles apology upon apology as he stumbles clumsily closer to you, finally reaching within inches of you but hesitating. Something along the lines of 'How could they want a pathetic otaku like me anywhere near them right now?!' no doubt going through his head.
You scrunch your nose up, quickly closing the distance with a soft, chaste kiss on the lips. Simple. Leviathan still flatlines, if he was an android he would've stopped working. You grin, giving him another kiss, just as soft but a little less chaste, he blubbers something in his flustered blushy state, demon form popping out. While your pretty boyfriend was normally shy, his instincts were not, while he hid his face and sparkling eyes from you in his awe, his tail wrapped around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer to you, something you gladly accepted as you took Levi's hands away from his face and gave him another kiss, he might as well have been the Avatar of Greed with how greedily he was kissing you back.
Holy fuck, you love your boyfriend.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Only You
Bambi!Wanda x Reader
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It all began when your doe-human mate Wanda skipped happily into the kitchen, her mind focused on asking you one singular question.
You were listening to Wanda’s favorite song on your Amazon dot.
Only you can make this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love for only you
“Dance with me, detka!” She giggles as she takes your hand. The two of you sway to the music.
“Detka,” she smiled at you, “will you marry me?”
The question caught you off guard but happily off guard, “y-yes.”
“Good!” Your antler adorned mate hugged you tight and kissed you gently. “I want to marry you.”
“When do you want to tie the knot?”
“Tie the knot? Why would we do that? I wanna marry you.” She giggles, thinking that you were making some weird joke.
You and her didn’t talk about it much on the way to the Sanctuary but you found Wanda happily running around to the other hybrids, telling them the good news.
“I’m getting married! I’m marrying my amazing mate!!” She practically ran all the way around the Sanctuary grounds.
Natasha was practically laughing her wolf tail off as Wanda ran in. “I heard.” The red head wolf hybrid laughed, “can I be your maid of honor?”
“Sure!” Wanda giggles.
“Why do you suddenly want to be married?”
“I love my detka and I want to marry them.” Wanda found herself wistfully explaining. “I wanna spend my life with Y/N, I want to go to sleep in their arms every night, I wanna…”
“What?” Natasha’s tail wagged, “come on buddy, you can tell me”
“I want to have little deer babies.”
“Oh you scandalous doe!” Natasha giggled, earning a blush from Wanda.
“But I don’t know if I’m ready for kids yet” Wanda’s tail dropped a little, she sits down on her friend’s bean bag chair, “I still miss my boys”
Natasha gets down on her knees and hugs her friend tight. “Take your time. There’s no need to rush into a marriage. (Y/N) loves you and will understand”
Wanda couldn’t help but smile.
Meanwhile you took an early lunch and went with Yelena to a jewelry store you had your eye on.
“Why did you ask me to come with you and not sestra?” The blond wolf hybrid bemoaned.
“Because Natasha is with Wanda and I don’t want my mate to know what I’m up to. And I need you to keep watch as I browse the store.” You stepped into the store as Yelena kept watch.
You found the perfect ring. It was a gold band designed to look like interlocking vines and leaves with a simple diamond adorned at its center. You were just about to purchase it when suddenly Yelena tackled you to the ground.
“They’re here!” Yelena dragged you behind some tables. You looked under the table to see a familiar pair of legs and tails walking into the shop.
Natasha and Wanda walked in, happy as could be.
“Which one says I want to be your forever mate?” Wanda asked as she approached the wedding bands section.
“Any one of them, that’s the whole point.” Natasha smirked before a familiar scent caught her nostrils. You and Yelena.
She dropped to her knees and came face to face with the two of you. You gestured for her to stay quiet.
“What are you…you were gonna buy a ring?!” Natasha whisper-yelled, kind of happy and excited too. You hold up the ring you selected, Natasha smirked, “oh that’s very lovey but I don’t like you that way.”
“Steer her to another store, Fifi!” Yelena retorted.
“Fifi? Funny coming from you, sestra!” The two wolf sisters began fighting. You silently separated them.
“Gals, please this is the love of my life and I don’t want to ruin her special moment” you quietly begged them.
“I found it! The perfect engagement ring!!” Wanda called out with a giddy laugh.
Natasha quickly ran over and saw a simple band that looked like two antlers intertwined. Wanda looked to her friend with pleading eyes. Natasha peeked back to be sure that you didn’t see it. You could not.
“I-I don’t have any…” Wanda began to say.
Natasha gave a wave of her hand, “I’ll cover it.”
“Thank you” Wanda hugged her wolf pal tight.
“Just name your first daughter after me” Natasha said jokingly.
The two bought the ring and left. You and Yelena got up from your hiding spot and approached the register. The cashier was practically laughing, “I take it your gal had the same idea?”
“Great minds,” you shrugged. Yelena stifled a laugh.
An hour or so later, Wanda was back in her friend’s den on the Sanctuary grounds, admiring the ring.
“Now you just need to find the perfect time to propose” Natasha smiled.
The sound of an aux cord plugging in caught Natasha’s wolf ears.
Only you can make this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love for only you
Wanda rose from her seat, tears beginning to form in her eyes. It was yours and her song. Natasha peered out the den’s entry and smiled.
“You might wanna see this,” her wolf pal smiled.
Wanda walked out to see the Sanctuary gazebo decorated in Edison bulb lights and roses. Against the setting Sun, it looked heavenly.
And there under the gazebo roof was you, standing there with a smile on your face.
Wanda walked up the gazebo stairs slowly, tears of joy flowing down her face. You took her hands in yours.
“I love you Wanda Maximoff” you began. “I wanna spend each and every day of the rest of my life with you”
Wanda giggled.
“I wanna hold you when you’re hurting. And kiss you when you need a little love. I wanna raise a family with you and I wanna be there for you when we find your boys. And I’m gonna love you and them forever.”
“I love you.” Wanda whispered, “forever and ever”
You got to your knees and produced the ring, Wanda gasped. “Wanda, my doe, my love, my mate, will you marry me?”
Wanda got to her knees and pulled out the ring she got for you, “only if you will marry me”
“Yes” you smiled, tears forming in your own eyes.
“Yes!” She cries back. “Yes! Yes! You and only you!!!”
You slide the ring on her finger and she slides the ring on yours. A feeling of pure happiness takes over Wanda as she launches herself at you, knocking you to the wooden floor. She kisses you repeatedly, over and over, giggling against your lips as you held her tight.
The staff and other hybrids laughed and cheered as the two of you found each other lost in your moment. Natasha smiled and her tail swished back and forth happily.
It all started with a simple question. And it turned into a moment that you and Wanda would treasure forever. And you’d eventually tell it to Billy and Tommy: the tale of how you and Wanda ended up proposing to each other.
Tags @lifespectator @russianredassassin @revanshand @julieromanoff @multi-fandom-enjoyer @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @iiconicsfan25 @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
A Shade Darker than Red: Part 7
Jason, Jazz and Danny sat together in Danny’s home. The building had once been home to the infamous Fentonworks but now had been sitting seemingly abandoned. Jazz had technically inherited the building but she wasn’t interested in ever living in it again. It did however make a good Living World base of operations for Team Phantom. 
The interior of the house was almost completely unrecognizable from what it had been before. Danny had refitted the living room with comfortable bean bag chairs and rugs. He had demolished most of the interior walls, leaving just enough load-bearing pillars to keep the roof up. Most of the raw material had been used to completely fill in the lab in the basement. No one would ever be hurt in that lab again. 
The trio of them were laying in an unfinished circle. Jazz had kicked off her shoes and laid down first, stretching out like a cat in the sun. Danny had dropped on her almost immediately, drawing a small grunt and half-hearted, “Danny!” from her lips. He laid with his head on her stomach, his ghost tail curling and twisting for a moment before it settled down into legs. With a flash of light Danny again took on his now infrequently used human form. 
Jason had hesitated, hovering in the air above them for a few minutes before Danny gestured him down. When he finally settled on the ground he kept his tail twirling around himself almost like he was sitting criss cross. Of course Danny wasn’t having that and playfully wrestled Jason until he was also laying out, his head on Danny’s stomach. 
Jazz laughed at the two boys and began combing her fingers through Danny’s hair, humming softly to herself as she did so. Danny copied her and began doing the same to Jason’s hair, even though Jay’s hair kept returning to how it had sat. Perks of being a ghost, he never needed to worry about styling his hair again. 
They sat like that together for a few quiet moments. It had been a month since the funeral and Jason had said he wanted to talk to the two of them, but he kept getting anxious when he wanted to bring it up, so Jazz insisted on as casual an environment as they could get so he would feel comfortable. Her help had been so amazing through the past month and before that as he came to grips with both his death and his murder at the hands of the man he had once treated as a father. 
Finally after a few minutes of relaxing at the feeling of Danny’s touch in his hair and the sound of Jazz’s humming Jason felt comfortable enough to bring up what was on his mind. He was still nervous because he was terrified of them turning away from him after what he was about to say. 
“Hey guys,” he started, focusing his gaze on the stars Danny had painted on the ceiling as he spoke. “I think I would like to avenge my death.” 
Jazz had stopped humming when he started speaking and now gave a short thoughtful hum. Danny’s hands hadn’t stilled in his hair. 
“You know you don’t have to avenge your own death right?” Jason was surprised by that and partially turned so he could look up at Danny. “You’re still just a baby ghost, it’s not your responsibility to avenge yourself. An older ghost should take care of that for you.” 
“I’m not a child!” Jason said, childishly. The others chose not to comment on his tone. 
“You’re still a very young ghost.” Jazz explained, her voice calm. “If it weren’t for your exposure to ectoplasm prior to your death you wouldn’t even have fully formed a core at this point. You would still be vulnerable. That’s why the Realms have a code of honor for older ghosts to avenge the deaths of younger ghosts.” 
“Oh. Then who would avenge my death?” 
“I would obviously.” Danny said immediately. “Even if I hadn’t basically ghost adopted you into our family, I was the first ghost who found you after you formed. I consider it not just a responsibility but a privilege.” 
Jason had to sit up and meet Danny’s eyes at that. 
“Yes. The only reason I haven’t done it already is because I was waiting for you to be ready. It’s your life that’s being avenged. I will avenge it exactly as you wish.” 
Jason had to lay back down to think about that for a few minutes. Danny began playing with his hair again while Jazz continued her soft humming. She was humming one of Ember’s songs if Jason remembered correctly. 
He honestly hadn’t expected Danny to be so on board for vengeance, much less to volunteer to do it himself. He was still getting used to people caring about his wishes. Then a thought occurred to him. 
“Wait a minute, then who avenged your death?” 
“I did.” Jazz responded. 
Jason again had to meet her eyes in surprise. He never would have expected his sister/therapist/grief counselor to have enacted a plan of revenge, though maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised. Seeing his questioning look, Jazz continued speaking. 
“Honestly we had argued about it back and forth ever since Danny died.” She said, then Danny spoke next. 
“For a long time, I considered my death a mere accident.” 
The two of them continued trading off on the story, Jason listening silently. 
“But the accident wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for negligence on their part. And their actions after his death made the decision easy for me.” 
“Then it was all a question of who would get to them first.” 
“Turns out my plan was faster.” 
“Of course it was! You had been planning yours for way longer than I had!” There was a trace of a laugh in Danny’s voice, though Jazz’s remained serious. 
“Of course I had. I knew what they were doing was wrong as soon as I read and understood the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Even more so once I read the Meta-protection acts. In the end the plan was easy. I just had to play on their own insane biases.” 
Jazz changed her voice to make herself sound younger and more excited. 
“Isn’t it strange how Superman’s powers are just like those of a ghost? Do you think he could be a long term possession?” Her voice returned to normal, with a tight edge of anger hidden underneath. “They of course drove out to Metropolis immediately. Danny and I forwarded their plans to capture and destroy Superman to the Justice League under the guise of scared civilians. Jack and Maddie got there first and put their plan in action, and like with everything they do, innocent people got hurt.”
She had to pause for a moment to clear her throat before she continued. 
“Of course the fallout from that was more than even I had planned. A hidden loophole to the meta protection laws that allowed indiscriminate torture, experimentation and annihilation of meta adjacent beings made international news. The Justice League closed that loophole then went after the Guys in White with a vengeance. All our parents' research was handed over. All of the monstrous things they had done, and all their horrible backwards biases that they used to justify their cruelty. Including the video of Danny’s death and torture.” She took a deep breath to calm her fury, then finished in a smug voice. “Life in prison. For both of them.” 
Jason thought about that, he vaguely remembered reading up on that news while he was trying to catch up on everything he had missed after he died the first time. After the GIW were destroyed, all ghosts and ecto beings were given the same rights as all other sentient and sapient species. The Justice League established a special hotline for citizens to inform them about ghostly activity. 
Danny had explained that he had created a Royal Edict and ordered all ghosts to keep their interactions with humans to a minimum for the next several years. He didn’t want to outright order them never to interact and end up destroying a ghost’s obsession, but he wanted the very idea of ghosts and the Infinite Realms to fade from the public consciousness to prevent any risks to the ghosts or the Realms themselves. 
“Jack and Maddie are still alive?” Jason finally asked after he had thought about their story for a moment. He felt Danny’s hands tighten in his hair before with a conscious effort, Danny forced himself to relax. 
“No. Jazz avenged their crimes against me. I avenged their crimes against another.” His voice was hard as ice and twice as cold. “My- my younger sister. Danielle.” 
It was Danny’s turn to take a shaky breath before continuing.
“Danielle or Ellie, was my clone, a half ghost, just like me. My fruitloop of a godfather wanted to kill my dad, marry my mom and make me his perfect son. When I refused to be his heir he stole my DNA and cloned me. Most of the clones didn’t make it. Ellie was the only one who was stable enough to survive. She fought against his programming to be our friend, rather than trying to kill me. She had some health problems but over all we did the best we could to help her live her best life.”
“She loved traveling.” Jazz said, her voice a little wistful. “She wanted to see the entire world. She was always sending us pictures of her at different locations around the world. Every few months she would come home with a new souvenir. Any time she called she would have some new and fun story about such and such country or city.”
“Ellie took to languages like a duck to water.” Danny said. “Here I was struggling to master Ghost Speak and failing English and she was having philosophical debates in Cantonese or a dialect of Arabic I hadn’t even heard of.”
Jason could feel the gulf of grief that surrounded the other two. He could feel the hole left behind by Danielle. The perfect spot in their little circle where she could have been, her head resting on his stomach and Jazz resting on hers. He would be playing with her hair, longer than her brother’s but probably just as light and floaty. He could almost see the way Ellie would try to braid Jazz’s hair, attempting styles she had seen among her travels. 
He could have talked with her about his own travels, the countries he’s seen and the martial arts he learned there. The two of them could have made fun of Danny for having no spice tolerance. He could have shown her how to bake, and shared some of his favorite books with her. He felt Danny and Jazz’s grief and longing for Danielle almost as if it were his own. 
“What happened to her?” He asked softly. 
“Jack and Maddie had scattered ghost traps all across the country. We tried to remove all the traps, but they barely took notes on where they were, and we couldn’t find them all.” 
“Like mines being buried all over Europe after the World Wars, just waiting for a child to find them.” Jason could feel his gut curl up in fear and anger. 
“Exactly.” Danny sighed, breathing out a little bit of frost as he tried to keep his emotions even. “Ellie had found one of the traps. She had sensed the ectoplasm of a bunch of blob ghosts that were caught in the trap. She couldn’t just leave them there. So she tried to free them. Apparently it was a newer design that we hadn’t seen before. Designed to stop anyone from tampering with the trap and freeing the ghosts.” 
“And in their mind, the only thing that would care about a ghost enough to try and free it was another ghost.” Jazz’s voice was as bitter as black coffee. 
“If a human had encountered the trap they would have died just about instantly. All but the most durable of metas would have been horribly maimed by it. Even a fully formed ghost would have been brought to the very edge of nonbeing, and only a few of us could have survived.” 
Danny’s voice was shaky, and his fingers in Jason’s hair had taken on a mechanical movement, as if he weren’t aware he was doing it, and only stimming to keep his mind functioning. 
“Ellie was never the most stable.” Danny continued, his voice breaking. “I felt her pain. I wasn’t fast enough to save her. Only fast enough to hold her as she fell apart.” 
Jason reached up and grabbed at Danny’s hands as the other ghost sobbed. He wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to continue, but underneath the sorrow that Danny was filling the room with was a burning rage that made him keep speaking even past his tears. 
“Ellie was my family. It was my responsibility to avenge her death. And I did.” He grit the words out. “Jack and Maddie were already in prison for what they had done to Superman and Metropolis to say nothing of their other crimes against ghosts. I went intangible and snuck past the security of the prison to get to their cells.” 
His words died, unable to continue past his emotions any longer. Jazz finished in a somber voice. 
“Madeline Fenton slipped in the showers and broke her neck. Jack Fenton was overcome with regret for his actions and committed suicide in his cell.” 
“What if they had become ghosts?” Jason couldn’t stop the question even in this serious moment. He was only marginally surprised by Danny’s dry, humorless laugh. 
“Their souls are bound for the worst cells in Walker’s Prison for a millenia or more. If they ever form as ghosts, they will spend their time in a place where every single one of their jailers is a ghost and knows exactly what they’ve done to ghosts in the past.” 
Jason was quiet. They really were willing to do whatever it took to avenge a death. Jazz sent both of the Fentons to prison for life for killing her brother, and Danny killed them himself for killing his sister. Unlike Bruce who had refused to bend his rule about killing only for the Joker to kill hundreds or maybe even thousands more. He had paralyzed Barbara and Bruce had done nothing. Then he had crossed his own line and beaten Jason to death. 
“Jay, you said you wanted revenge? You name it and we’ll do it.” Danny said, his voice completely serious and only a little hoarse from his tears. 
“I don’t think I’m ready to do anything about Bruce. I can’t- I don’t- I’m just not ready.” Jason said. He was still coming to terms with what Bruce had done to him. 
“That’s ok Jason. This happens on your terms. Whatever you need.” Jazz said, reaching across their circle to grab his hand and give a quick squeeze. 
“I can’t deal with Bruce. But maybe, it would be nice to deal with the Joker?” His voice was still hesitant. 
“Deal, buddy. You tell me what you want. And I’ll make it happen.” 
“Deal. Thanks Danny, Jazz.” 
It was some hours later that alarms around Arkham Asylum started blaring. At first the guards were worried about a break out, none of them wanted the Clown Prince of Crime back on the streets of Gotham. Then they realized it wasn’t a break out. Someone had broken In to get to Joker’s cell. 
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i-smell-sass · 2 years
Overworked [Donnie ROTTMNT x Male/Masc Reader]
A/N: FINALLY my first donnie fanfic i love this goofy goober. Donnie is autistic coded and mikey ADD, leo ADHD!. Reader is not specified to be human or mutant but appears in human Form. The turtles have tails
Pairing/Relationships: Donnie Hamato x Male/Masc Reader 
Summary: Donnie is tinkering on his tech and neglecting his needs, Y/N helps him get his sleeping schedule on track.
Requested: Yes/No
Warning(s): Donnie neglecting his needs to do science, a little of arguing, awkward morning between Donnie and Y/n
Genre: Fluff/hurt 
AGAB: none mentioned
Pronouns used for Y/N: He/Him
Y/N = Your name
H/C = hair color
H/L = hair length
Leo's dialogue is blue, Raphs red, Mikey's orange, Donnie's purple and April's green.
Y/N was sitting in the living room, watching a movie with April, Raph, Mikey and Leo, talking about a Jupiter Jim movie and giggling as they were exchanging stories and theories about his adventures. Donnie had gotten bored of the non-Jupiter Jim movies and went into his lab to tinker away at his inventions. Y/N got up and stretched, looking over everyone "hey, I'm gonna go get a snack. Anyone want anything?" Mikey piped up and held up his empty glass. "Yes please! Orange juice for me" Leo leaned over the bean bag chair and looked at Y/N, smirking "you already know what i want, don't 'cha?" Y/N rolled his eyes "yeah another bag of chips. As always." April shook her head and Raph just said "I'm good, thanks" He took Mikey's glass and walked into the kitchen, getting him a refill and then grabbing the chip bag. He glanced in the direction of the door, seeing Donnie lazily trot into the kitchen with his goggles still on. He moved to the coffee maker and put on a pot of coffee to brew, leaning on the counter to stabilize himself since he was so tired. Y/N looked at him and sighed, laughing under his breath. "Hello sleepyhead. Finally came out of your genius lair?" Donnie shrugged and nodded "mhm. I'm so close to finishing my invention. Just needs a few more tweaks and then I'm done." He said, grabbing the coffee pot full of steaming, brown liquid. "So how long have you been working on that already?" Donnie shrugged and looked at the wrist thingy he had on, squinting at it since his vision was getting a bit blurry from the lack of sleep "i dunno. Like, 20 hours maybe?" Y/N scoffed. "And you didn't sleep at all? Donnie, that's not good." Donnie rolled his eyes and sighed "well, my dear, less intelligent friend, luckily coffee is by my side" Y/N sighed and grabbed the snacks and Mikey's glass. "Okay, well, just don't stay up so long, alright?" The purple dressed turtle shrugged and trotted back out of the kitchen into his lab, and Y/N brought everyone their drinks and snacks. "Shit. I forgot my snacks. Whatever." He shrugged and just flopped down next to Leo on the bean bag chair, stealing some of his chips out of the bag "hey! Rude. go get your own chips." The H/C haired male rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Leo. "Stop complaining, you jerk." Leo sighed and just kept eating his chips grumpily.
They watched a couple more movies, talked a bit and joked around until Y/N got up again "alright. I'm going to the bathroom. You guys can start the next movie without me." He walked off and went to the bathroom, after that he walked over to Donnie's lab and heard some machines whirring. He peeked into the room, the doors opening by themselves and he gasped, jumping at the loud sound of the mechanical doors opening. But Donnie was still fast asleep, laying sprawled out on his desk with music blasting from his headphones/goggles and he was drooling. Y/N sighed and looked around for shelldon. "Hey shelldon. Turn off the lights and Donnie's music please." Shelldon nodded and did so, then he flew back to his loading station. Y/N picked Donnie up and sat him up so he would lean back against the chair. He took off his goggles for him and tugged off his elbow and hand protectors as well as the knee ones. Since Donnie had his battle shell off already, he did his best not to touch his sensitive shell and pulled him up so Donnie's arms were wrapped around his neck and he was carrying him by his legs. Donnie snuggled himself into Y/N's neck for warmth and continued sleeping. The H/L haired male carried Donnie to his bed and tried to lay him down on it, but Donnie wouldn't let go of him. In fear of waking Donnie up, Y/N just decided to lay down with him and wait until Donnie would fully fall asleep again so he could leave. I mean, they both slept next to each other and slightly cuddled before but that was at a sleepover where they both fell asleep watching a movie and neither of them talked about the situation again. Y/N had a big crush on Donnie but didn't want to make it weird between them, so he just never said anything. Donnie wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and laid his head on his shoulder since the other was taller, sleeping peacefully on him and enjoying the warmth since he was a cold blooded creature. 
In the morning, Donnie woke up to an unfamiliar warmth surrounding him. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, then he looked at what or who was under him, and low and behold it was Y/N sleeping peacefully under Donnie. Donnie gasped and blushed bright red, moving to get off of His crush but falling to the floor in the process. "Fuck- OW!" Y/N jumped up and looked around in a surprised manner. "Huh? What? Don? Why are you on the floor?" Donnie rubbed the back of his head and shrugged. "Eh.. uh.. i.. fell..?" "Well are you okay?" "I think so.. just kinda hit my head." "Oh. Let me see. Are you sure you're fine?" He asked and got out of the bed, kneeling down in front of Donnie and looking at his head. "Hm. There are no bruises. I think it wasn't that bad." Donnie nodded, still blushing as he did. "Why were you.. um.. in my- my bed?" "Oh! You fell asleep and I wanted to bring you to bed so your back wouldn't hurt because you fell asleep on the table, but you didn't want to let go of me so I just laid down with you. I wanted to wait until you fell asleep and then I wanted to leave but I guess I fell asleep too." Donnie nodded and sighed, tapping his fingers on his knees lightly as he thought. "did you sleep well.. at least?" "I mean.. yeah. I like being close to you. But you don't like physical affection that much so i try to keep it minimal" "yeah i uh.. understand. But.. I guess it was nice for me too? I mean you're warm and it was comforting but next time it would be nice if I would be informed before I wake up in your arms." "Yeah that's alright. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Donnie shook his head "no no it's okay. I just didn't expect it. Being so close to you all of a sudden.." "Is that bad..? I didn't mean to be weird"  "no! It's just.. eh. I get nervous around.. you when you're so close to me. So.." Y/N ran his hands through his hair. "Oh.. is that bad..? I think that's.. not good." Donnie shook his head and waved his hands in a panicked manner in front of himself. "NO! No. It's because.. ugh do i really have to say it? You know I'm bad with feelings" He let his head hang down and he played with his fingers as he mumbled "maybe.. kind of.. have a crush on you.." Y/N stared at him in disbelief. "..you what?" Donnie sighed and covered his eyes as he rambled "i know it's stupid and i don't even know if you like guys and especially me because I'm a mutant turtle for heaven's sake! And I just made it awkward and now you probably won't even want to be my friend anymore-" Y/N grabbed Donnie's cheeks and smiled as he looked at him "don, Donnie! It's okay. I like you too. You're so smart and awesome and funny and when you're not trying to put up a front you're the sweetest guy I've ever met." Donnie gasped and looked up at him, staring him in the eyes as he held his hands that were resting on his cheeks "..are you sure?" "Yes. 100% sure." Donnie chuckled and pressed their foreheads together so that their foreheads and his beak and Y/N's nose would touch. He then intertwined their fingers.
"Thank you. For being my friend and not finding me weird because I'm.. a humanoid turtle that builds high tech assault weapons in his spare time" Y/N laughed and kissed Donnie's forehead "why would I hate you for all the traits i like you for?" Donnie rolled his eyes and squeezed Y/N's Hand. "So.. does this mean we're.. boyfriends?" Y/N chuckled and shrugged. "I mean.. sure if you want that." Donnie nodded and smiled. "I absolutely want that." The H/C haired male smiled. "But only if you promise to not stay up so late all the time." Donnie sighed and rolled his eyes "betrayal!" Y/N giggled and pat Donnie's head. "Stop being such a drama queen." Suddenly the lab doors opened and Mikey stood by the door. "Donnie! Breakfast is-" Mikey looked between his friend and his brother a couple times before smiling and yelling: "LEO YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS" to which a dissatisfied groan and a "OH COME ON" came from the direction of the kitchen. Donnie blushed and sighed, curling up in a ball and covering his eyes as he laid there "I'm never gonna live that down" "oh come on it isn't that bad. Plus, we get Mikey's pancakes. They're awesome." Donnie sighed and laid there sprawled out on the floor "did they really bet on us getting together? Was I being that obvious?" Y/N shrugged and leaned back on his arms as he sat there. "I mean sometimes you'd just stare at me for a good while while I was like, playing something with Mikey. But i always thought you just zoned out or something" Donnie shook his head and sat up. "Sigh. I really have to be more suave about it next time" Y/N shook his head and lightly held Donnie's hand. "Nah. I like when you're doing stuff like looking at me and that's obvious. It's cute. That way i know that you're interested in me" The purple turtle nodded and leaned his head on Y/N's shoulder. "Fine. But can we keep PDA around my brothers to a minimum..? At least for now? I don't want to be teased even more by those dum dums." Y/N nodded "sure. Now let's get breakfast. I'm starving for some of Mikey's pancakes" he smiled and got up, pulling Donnie up with him and they walked to the kitchen where they were greeted by joyful words of Donnie's brothers and a couple teases about how they were dating now.
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sukuna-darling · 2 years
ᴛʜɪs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ʏᴇᴀʀ
reading time ⥂ 5mins/1.3k
request/ @deepcloudspyhairdo ⥂ Could you do a sfw with Nanami, like a really cold evening and making hot chocolate or something. Thank you!
prompt ⥂ Relaxing with your adoring husband and drinking some hot chocolate, after Christmas decoration shopping for the new family home.
tags ⥂ fluff, sfw, established relationship, six pregnant!reader, soft!Kento who wants to pamper you
@hxllhxunds @dickdeprived | Christmas event!
    Kento sets the bags of decorations down by the front door. Whilst you say, “I can handle opening the door and carrying some of the bags.” Crouching to pick up some bags when Kento grabs your arm.
He says, “Please don’t strain your knees and ankles. Let me bring the decorations, then we can put them up together.” Stepping into the house and standing next to Daisy, who sat by the doorway. Her tail making it impossible for her to fully sit.
Rubbing her treats and grabbing of her treats out of the jar. Next to where Kento sets the keys down in the bowl. Whilst you ask,
“Can we make some hot chocolate together first? I’m so cold I feel like baby bean is going to catch a chill too.” Bud sits up, holding her fluffy white paws in the air. Softly taking the treat you hold out to her and walking away with it.
The crease between his eyebrows forms whilst he picks up the bag. Telling you, “I’ll start the fire, you can rest, let me unpack and melt some chocolate.” Muffin runs through the door past Kento, who pauses for her to go through first.
Closing the door behind Kento and sitting down on the chair on the other side of the door. He says, “Wait, let me.” He sets the bags down, then kneels to slip your shoes off.
Sighing as Kento rubs your swollen ankles. He says, “You should relax and soak your feet, whilst you warm up in front of the fireplace.” The ache quickly vanishes underneath Kento’s soothing touch. Whilst he switches between rubbing either both of your heels or ankles. 
Moments later, when he stands up, you whine at the loss of his comforting touch. Kento leans down and kisses the pout off your lips. Before saying, 
“You can tell me where you want the ornaments once I set up the tree.” Slowly standing up whilst wishing you were sitting back down. Since after a few steps, the all too familiar ache settles in. 
Pausing and sighing before saying, “You win, little nanamini is a getting to heavy on me.“ Rubbing your belly whilst heading for the living room. Where you ease yourself onto the sofa.
Kento sets the bags down around the coffee table. Whilst he grabs fresh logs to put in the fireplace. Sparking the fire and tending to the logs to make sure it catches and spreads.
Turning on the lamp next to you, whilst saying, “Next Christmas is going to be the baby’s first. They are going to be so cute in their Christmas pictures.” As the fire catches, it leaps up into the chimney and Kento stands up. The fire’s light dance across his sharp cheekbones, whilst making his golden hair glow.
Kento goes to flick on the tall lamp behind his reading chair. Whilst he says, “We can get one or two pictures framed up around the house, and the rest can go into a family photo book.” The book in question rests on his bookshelves next to his reading chair. With pictures of your belly at every month taking up the first three pages.
“The first family photo book of many. I can’t wait to have both bedrooms with little nanaminis in them!” He chuckles whilst he sits down next to you, rubbing your belly. Whilst kissing your cheek.
He asks, “You really like that nickname, don’t you? It’s cute, much like you are.” Turning and kissing Kento, you could never get over the softness of his lips. Or the way they fit perfectly with yours.
Cupping his cheek whilst he parts his lips, slipping your tongue past. And whimpering softly whilst he groans. Then breaks the kiss before you get breathless.
Kento says, “I’ll get the chocolate melting and bring in the Christmas tree.” He kisses the inside of your palm and tells you,
“I love you so much. To grow old with you, and have you be the mother of my nanamini is heaven on earth.” Smiling up at Kento only for it to drop a little as the baby kicks.
Gasping to Kento, “He’s moving! He is trying to say he loves you too.” Moving Kento’s hand resting on your round belly to the bottom. His eyes water up a little, whilst he says,
“He’s so strong already.” Kneeling in next to you whilst saying to your belly, “You don’t need to be hurting your mom. Be kind to her, she’s a wonderful person. And when you met her you’ll love her as much as I do.” Pulling up your shirt and kissing your belly before pulling your shirt back down.
Kento stands up whilst you say, “I can’t wait to meet him. Next Christmas we can dress him up as a little elf!” Muffin jumps on into the sofa, loudly purring as she walks towards you. Whilst flicking her fluffy tail.
Kento scoops her up before she can settle on top of your belly. Whilst he tells you, “We can take some pictures of him helping with making Santa’s cookies.” Holding Muffin on her back whilst picking out leaves that got caught in her tail and belly.
He rubs the fluff between her paws as she spreads apart whilst she lets out a soft squeak. After which he sets her down on top of your belly whilst you say,
“That is going to be so cute! I can’t wait for the baby to try your cooking.” Daisy comes bounding down the stairs and jumps on the sofa, sitting down. Whilst sniffing Muffin, who squeaks at Daisy, causing her to wag her tail.
Kento says, “We are going to have to record the faces he makes. Family videos is going to be important too.” He rubs Daisy between her ears before telling you,
“I’m going to melt the chocolate and bring in the tree. Here is the remote.” Pulling the holiday section up on HBO and deciding on a classic Christmas movie. That you could talk over to Kento whilst he puts the tree together.
Speaking to your belly as you hear the door close, “You have a wonderful dad. He is stubborn and strict sometimes, but it’s because he cares so much. You’ll see how thoughtful he is and how much he loves you.” Your son settles in your belly.
Rubbing Daisy’s head after she curls up on the sofa next to you. Whilst stretching Muffin’s fuzzy chin, her soft purrs getting louder.
You say to your baby, “Even if he is tired from work, your Dady will spend time with you when he comes home. And I can’t wait to for your dad to hold us both close.” Smiling whilst watching the movies opening play out.
Waiting on Kento, who comes into the room minutes later with two steaming mugs. He hands one to you whilst he tells you, “My love, you’re radiant.” He sets his own mug on a coaster.
Blowing on your hot chocolate, which has a stick of cinnamon in it. Some spices floating around the hot chocolate. Whilst fluffy marshmallows float with it.
Kento leaves the living room and you hear the box sliding. As you ask him, “Can I have some…” He holds out the box of various assorted cookies you saw whilst shopping. And after seeing the way you were eyeing them, Kento picked them up.
He grabs his mug of hot chocolate whilst saying, “Hopefully, find them as delicious as they appear.” Opening the top to find a chocolate cookie with three different chocolates. Which you take a bite of before taking a small sip.
After swallowing, you let out a small moan and take another bite. As your husband sits next to you whilst he says, “I love seeing you so happy.” Placing your cookies in his lap before wrapping his arm around you. Whilst kissing the side of your head before taking a sip of his drink.
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Library Spot || Drabble
Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: None. (it really fluffy tho)
Wordcount: 2410
Summary: Nothing better post-mission than to snuggle in some cosy hiding spot AN: Thanks Miranda, for reminding me that Four Seasons by Vivaldi exists. I should listen to it more while doodling myself. I can apparently either do soul crushing angst or very soft sugary sweet fluff and little in between. We're not going to argue the logistics of a Walkman playing classical music here I'm already annoyed its a Capitalized Word TM and Quicksilver has some kind of portable music system in Days Of Future Past which is set in what, 1976? I think? -checks- 1973 actually eh I was close. -------------------------------------
She wasn't in the danger room, in the kitchen, in the gym. Not in either of their rooms, and not on the roof either where Kurt now stood with his hands to his sides, thinking of where Miranda could be now that he had crossed off most of her usual spots. He didn't even need to check the waterfall; because that was a late resort hiding spot she only used when severely upset. Which was a mood that had thankfully not occurred in her for quite a while now. Looking over to the usual spot in the garden where she liked to hide out as well, he saw she also wasn't there.
"Well, I'm starting to run out of options.... Right," he muttered to himself, shifting his weight a little as he thought out loud to himself, "I'm Miranda, an introvert in need of time by myself to charge my social battery. If I'm not in my usual hiding spots, where am I?"
He thought for a while until his brain offered one more idea of where she could be, to which he raised an eyebrow. Well, if she wasn't there, he had truly no idea where she would be. Poofing over to the library in the mansion, he looked around until he saw a sliver of wine red between some bookshelves, all the way off into a corner. He teleported over once more as he finally found her. She had burrowed away in the corner furthest away from the door to the library, comfortably nestled in a big bean bag with her legs crossed as the foot on her elevated leg lightly moved along to the music she was listening to on a Walkman. A few art supplies were on a small stool next to her, and she was happily scribbling away on the paper that she had on the clipboard in her lap.
As soon as he appeared, she looked up at him, pushing the headphones off and pausing her music
"Oh, hey, I didn't realise you'd be back so soon or I would've met you outside."
"It's okay; I just wanted to check where you are. Now that I know, I can go if you-"
"Kurt, stay. Please."
He gave a soft smile to her, gesturing at her to sit back down as she made an attempt to leave the bean bag. Because for starters the big bag didn't seem in any hurry to let go of its current occupant, and Kurt had teleported himself in between various objects and people before.
She gave a light squeak as he tossed her up enough to really settle in between her and the semi chair, taking her place in the surprisingly comfortable and warm bean bag while wrapping his arms around her as she was now in his lap, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"What’cha doing?"
"Drawing," she muttered in response, as she leaned a bit further back into his embrace. An embrace she would spend forever in if she only realistically could, "mostly flowers and birds, right now, I don't know, I just felt like doodling. Hey, uhm... This is going to sound stupid-"
"I don't think anything you say is going to sound stupid to me."
"Y-Yeah, well, uhm," her cheeks slowly turned a little red. He might not think it was stupid, but she still felt like she was about to make a very odd request, "can you... wrap your tail around me?"
He blinked just once at it, but silently obliged, gently and loosely wrapping his tail around her lower waist as per her request. Well, she hadn't actually specified where, but that seemed to be the most logical choice, right?
"Like that?" he got a small nod as a reply, "Hm. May I ask why?"
"Dunno," she said as she shrugged, "it just makes me feel protected. Safe. For some reason. Sorry if that doesn't make sense."
Letting her change the position of her arms so she could continue her drawing, Kurt pressed a gentle little kiss to Miranda's shoulder before settling back into his previous pose; he was actually feeling quite comfortable like this.
"Don't apologize. I'm glad it makes you feel safe. What where you listening too, anyway?" and without waiting for an answer he took the headphones, putting one of the soft pads to his ear while yanking the Walkman close enough to press play and listening to the music for a little bit, "Huh. Vivaldi, really?"
"Mh. I like listening to classical when I draw. It's great to keep in the background. But Vivaldi has nothing on you, honestly."
"Your purr."
Feeling his cheeks burn with heat, Kurt set the Walkman aside with a slight huff. He wasn't. He didn't. Did he? If he did he had never noticed it himself before. Leaning back onto her shoulder, he pouted.
"I don't purr. ... Do I?"
"You do. You're doing it right now," she countered with a soft laugh as she could very clearly hear the light, happy rumble coming from low in his chest, "only happens when you're really comfortable, so I'll take it as a compliment. And... I like it. It's soothing."
"Great; I'm not beating the cat allegations any time soon then."
"You're the best kind of cat in that case: a very snuggly one," Miranda said as another laugh escaped her, turning just enough to him to press a kiss to his cheek before turning her attention back to the drawing she was working on; one of a little hummingbird. She felt the blush on her face blossom further, the comfort from the hug warming her to her core, "... but, seriously.. I don't think I've ever been hugged this much in my life. And, uhm... k-keep doing it? I think I have a lot of not hugging and not cuddling to make up for."
He smiled, slowly tightening his grip on her ever so slightly. That was a request he was all too happy to fulfil; there was little he loved more than cuddling with someone he cared about. And if it helped her in any way he was only too happy to provide the physical affection she had apparently been missing out on for so long.
He liked the way she fit into his arms, anyway, the way she leaned into his embrace now when she definitely had felt more stiff and unsure before- which made sense, he supposed, if she wasn't that familiar with affection like this.
"People compare you to a cat a lot too."
"An obnoxious stray one that won't leave after she's been fed."
"You're not obnoxious," he protested immediately, poking her in her side to which she gave a soft squeak of protest, "You're cute."
"You.... really think so?" she asked quietly after a bit, removing the paper from her clipboard before adding another one and starting a new sketch. Kurt just nodded, softly kissing her shoulder again, "... I think you're cute too."
They sat there together, hidden away from prying eyes with the only sounds between them being the light scratching of her pencil on the paper and his soft purring as he rested his head against the back of her shoulder. His eyes opened the moment the pencil stopped making sound, but fluttered shut again when he realised she was just switching it for an ink pen and an eraser.
"What do you think?" she asked after a little while, causing him to open his eyes again as she held the clipboard up for him to easily see what she had been working on, "and... be honest. Because I don't think I got it quite right."
"It's me," he said with a little grin, "it looks great, Süßer. As long as people can tell what it's supposed to be, you're doing great. How long have you been drawing for?"
"About a decade, on and off. Kind of wish I was further along than I am, but... I'm not doing this for competition or as work; it's just the best way to get out of my head."
Setting the clipboard aside, she stirred in his arms. He released his grip so she could adjust and change how she wanted, to which she turned to her side and rested her head to his chest with a slight calm sigh. He looked up for a moment when he thought he heard a sound, but there wasn't anyone else in the library currently.
Made sense, most of the people in the mansion were occupied with other things. The only one he could feasibly imagine entering anytime soon was Hank, and if that did happen Kurt doubted Hank would care to notice they were there; Beast was often far too wrapped up in his work and study to really pay mind to his surroundings.
"You've... got anywhere to be?"
"Nowhere I'd rather be, if thats what you're asking. Rogue is reporting our mission findings to Scott, she doesn't need my help with that. She told me so herself, that it would be fine and that I should just get some rest."
And he wasn't the only one in need of some rest it seemed. Whether it was from the comfort of his embrace, that she hadn't slept enough last night, or a bit of both; she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Readjusting his arms around her to a comfortable easy grip, Kurt gently ran his hand over her arm to soothe her further.
"And it seems like I'm not the only one," he laughed as she yawned almost on cue. She hummed softly in agreement, shutting her eyes not so much to truly fall asleep as to just rest her mind and body a little.
The door to the library was opened, glowing yellow eyes immediately looking over as Kurt was ready to get them both out of there depending on who was entering- his alert instantly subsiding as Hank came in. Kurt's gaze just followed as Hank wandered in, muttering something to himself that Kurt couldn't quite make out; and if he did it all had to do with medical science above his level of understanding. Hank grabbed a couple of books, debating to himself for a moment which one he actually needed, before putting one back and opening the other. While reading it semi aloud to himself, he walked back out, all without acknowledging the presence of the other two mutants in there even once.
"Who was that?" Miranda softly asked.
"Hank. I don't think he noticed us. Well. I think he knows we're here, I'm half convinced he depends on his scent more than he claims to. But there's a difference between knowing we're here and seeing what we're up to. We're fine."
And with that, he settled into the embrace himself. Closing his eyes for some rest himself, his ears remained sharp to listen for anyone else. And as soon as he heard the doorknob to the room turn in a different way, with way less weight behind it than Hank used, he reached out to grab the clipboard, taking it and her last drawing along as he teleported both of them out of the library and into his room. He placed her on the bed before going back the same way he came, moving around the library as if that had been what he was doing the whole time; easy to pretend he was just poofing around the room to find a specific book until he deliberately showed up next to Shadow.
"Gutentag. Fancy seeing you in the library. Looking for anything in particular?"
She just looked at him, one eyebrow half raised at his question.
"You don't seem like the librarian in here, Kurt," she said, shaking the book she was looking for as she had already found it by herself, "I've got it covered, it's fine."
She watched as he grabbed himself a couple of fiction books and took a spot at one of the tables around the place, opening one. And for a moment, she almost bought it; but for a reason she couldn't quite put her finger on it seemed a little too staged.
"Why are you actually here?"
"Why's anyone in a library, Fraulein? I've been here since I got back from the mission."
"The mission with Rogue? Who's been in Scott's office for what, ten, maybe twenty minutes? And you've just now decided which books to grab to read while being here all by yourself?" but the thing was, she had little to disprove his claim, something she was all the more aware of when yellow eyes slowly turned her way.
"Well, what do you suggest I was up to in here before you got here?"
"... I don't know. This library is big enough to hide away in."
A slight tension lingered in the silence between them, as both stared at each other for what felt like minutes on end, but in reality was only a couple of seconds.
"If you must know, I finished the last few pages of a book before you got here. Better to wrap up what you started than start something new with ten pages to the finish line."
She had no reason not to believe him, other than the feeling in her gut that he somehow wasn't telling her the truth. Then again, Shadow had little grounds to stand on when it came to honestly admitting to who she was spending most of her time with, so even if Kurt's claims fell off and she could probably needle him with the fact that his own faith condemned lying...
Bit hypocritical from someone who wouldn't admit it either had she and Gambit been up to something around here. Blue eyes observed Kurt for a moment longer, and she knew she didn't have any evidence that Miranda had been here.
"... Enjoy your books, I have to get back to the lab," she concluded, leaving the library. As soon as she shut the door behind her, Kurt let out a relieved sigh. He waited a little while longer before setting most of the books back where he found them, and teleporting back to his room with a singular one. He settled onto the bed, close enough to a sleeping Miranda that they were slightly in contact, before opening the book back up and returning to the point he had stopped at before.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Bwaha telling puppy!eddie you’re going to come home with another hybrid, because he can’t be left alone when you have to leave it really upsets him, so he’s nervously waiting by the door. But instead of coming home with another puppy hybrid, you have two cat hybrids, Steve and Robin, clinging onto your waist, with massive moon eyes, eagerly wanting to tackle Eddie who you’d fawned and fawned about.
Needless to say he’s taken a little by surprise, especially when Robin does move and Steve’s quickly behind, so Eddie is thrown to the floor. But he has Robin chatting to him just as much as Eddie did the first time he was in your home, and papping his soft, bouncy, ears with a smile, which actually feels nice on Eddie’s ears. And Steve is just loafing himself on top of him, grooming Eddie’s messy hair, and with the purrs accompanying his soft grooming, Eddie tentatively starts licking Steve’s face back.
You breathe out a sigh of relief as Eddie only chuckles, when both cat hybrids are nuzzling into his neck as a scenting thing. Soon Robin and Eddie sharing a leg each on your lap, as Steve is content head butting and rubbing against your calves, and you know the three, and all four of you, are gonna get on great
TBIS IS SO CUTE 😭 long post so I cut it!! (cw: sfw hybrid au. don’t like don’t read.)
he’s already nervous that you’re going out to get the hybrid bc he’s like nonono you’ll be gone and I’ll miss you and get sad :(( and you’re like Eddie!! That is what I am trying to fix!! So you speed off to the nearest shelter and what do u find but cat hybrid Robin and cat hybrid Steve!! You were only going to get one but they had a little note on their adjoined spaces that they needed to go as a pair because they get anxious without the other and you knew it’d be hard for them to get adopted because of that!! You realize that they saw you looking at the sign on their door and you give them a little smile, breaking away from the middle of the aisle to crouch beside where they’re snuggled up together in a bean bag chair. Their attention is instantly on u, they’re not used to being approached ‘cause of their specifications and so when you sit down beside them they scramble to get up from the beanbag and get all up close and personal to the barrier so they can check u out - robin’s looking here there and everywhere, inspecting your hair, reading your shirt, silently wanting to claw at your shoelaces, and Steve’s sitting behind her just :] lookin :] Robin reaches out towards your necklace and you hold it out for her, letting her examine the design as her tail flicks curiously behind her. It butts against steve’s face and you giggle, a sound that has steve’s giddy grin growing. When you’re permitted inside their little space you’re bombarded with requests for ear scratches, robin’s head smashed into your belly as she purrs under your touch while Steve lays his head on your shoulder and wraps his arms around one of your own. They’re complete lovebugs, and you can’t believe people have been passing them up just because they have to go as a pair.
You tell them about eddie on the drive home, your sweet dog hybrid who gets nervous when you leave and wants more friends to play with. You tell them he looooves cuddles, that he’ll share all of his favorite toys with them, and that he’s been trying to win over the neighbor’s cat hybrid for months, so he’ll be thrilled to be their friends. By the time you pull into the driveway they’re ready to tackle him, and you’d be worried if you didn’t think Eddie would like it.
He greets you at the door like he normally does, albeit a little hesitant to meet the new guest. When you introduce Steve and Robin he barely catches their names ‘cause they’re on him in a flash, and he’s lucky the couch is behind him to cushion his fall when Steve decides he wants Eddie horizontal for their first meeting. Robin’s swatting at his ears that bounce right back up and Steve’s rubbing his face against eddie’s, and the dog hybrid is looking at you with stars in his eyes.
“‘Thought you were gonna get another dog.” He confesses, though his eyes dart up to where Steve’s hovering above him when he feels the man’s tongue swipe over his eyebrow.
“You like cats, though.” You grin, combing through Steve’s hair while he focuses on Eddie, “I wanted you to have some cat friends.”
Eddie manages to get up to hug you in thanks, but it’s seen as an invitation rather than a gesture, and three hybrids are very hard to hold up. Now you’re on the couch, Eddie and Robin curling up beside you and giving you shiny pleading gazes in hopes that you’ll pet them. You do, but you feel Steve rub against your calves and feel bad that he’s left out, so you have Eddie and Robin each rake a hand through his hair until everyone is a snuggly, purring, tail-wagging mess :’))
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makayla-angelic · 3 months
My "Inside Out"
Yeah, so after the sequel I guess you could say I've been a bit obsessed with the movie and its characters again. And I'm a 26 year old woman. (Rubs back of head.) Like most people, if you've watched both movies and love it like I have, then you've probably thought about what your emotions, headquarters, and personality islands are like. I've decided to share what I think mine would look like. Why? Because I'm bored. Or should I say Ennui? (Wink.)
My Joy: Yellow skin, blue eyes, blue coily/curly hair pulled up into a high puff, wears a knee-length strapless sundress that's yellow in color and is dotted with pink ladybugs, my Joy would even wear tiny earrings sometimes. No shoes, she goes barefoot just like Riley's Joy. She's the leader of my headquarters.
My Sadness: blue skin, blue eyes, blue coily-curly hair worn in a wash n' Go style, wears a blue wrinkled sweat outfit and blue socks and sneakers.
My Fear: purple skin, purple eyes, purple coily-curly hair pulled back into a bun, but with one little curly bang covering a bit of her face, she wears a purple jean jumper dress with a lighter purple long-sleeved undershirt, purple socks and Mary Jane type shoes.
My Anger: red skin, red eyes, red coily-curly hair that's in a blown-out Afro looking state, red sundress and red flat shoes with yellow sunflowers at the very tips of the shoes.
My Disgust: green skin, green eyes, my Disgust is a bit different since she's a fashionista like Riley's Disgust. My Disgust wears her green curly-coily hair flat-ironed straight down, she wears makeup, diamond dangling earrings in both ears, and a diamond choker necklace. She wears a slim figure, hip hugging dress similar in design of Elsa's from Frozen, with a slit up the side and all, and she wears green sparkling high heels. Her nails are also always perfectly manicured.
My Anxiety: Oh boy, here we go. Orange skin, brown eyes, orange curly-coily hair, braided back into two pig-tails, but when she gets out of hand, the pigtails become undone and her hair is whipping around everywhere in a frizzy state. My Joy or my Disgust usually braid the pigtails back for her while she calms down in her special chair. My Anxiety would wear a office-worker type outfit of a white button-down long-sleeved shirt tucked into a brown knee-length skirt, and she wears orange-brown slip-on shoes. My Anxiety would also almost always be carrying a stack of papers of some sort, as she quickly goes from one side of headquarters to the other. My Anxiety has a habit of trying to compete with my Joy.
My Envy: Teal skin, teal eyes, teal coily-curly hair that's in a twist-out style. My Envy would try to copy my Disgust by wearing blue crystal earrings, and a matching blue crystal necklace, blue lipstick and wearing a teal slim-figure dress, only hers is above the knee, and my Envy wears teal-colored high heels. My poor Envy has burned herself a couple times trying to flat-iron her hair straight like my Disgust.
My Ennui: lavender skin, violet eyes, amethyst-purple coily-curly hair that's constantly in a loose box braid style. My Ennui wears purple leggings, and a lavender shirt with purple polka dots on it. She constantly has one sock missing off one foot, and it's usually sitting on the floor right by the couch on which she's lying on. My Ennui would be constantly eating out of a bag of jelly beans with one hand, while lying on the couch holding the phone up to her face with her other hand. My Ennui spends her days scrolling through Tik-tok and YouTube while pressing buttons on the console app on her phone as needed. My Ennui would find amusement at watching my Joy and my Anxiety argue like sisters.
My Embarrassment: pink skin, pink eyes, pink curly-coily hair that's in a bantu knot style. She wears a regular pink T-Shirt and knee-length pink shorts, and bubble-gum colored hoop earrings. Just like Riley's Embarrassment, mine would be shy and wouldn't speak much, only on really exciting days, like my birthday, Christmas, or a surprising life change. When she feels embarrassed, she'll hit a button on the console and then duck under it as it turns pink. Sometimes my Fear will join her after they both press a button together.
My Nostalgia: A Maya Angelou type figure who sits in a corner in a rocking chair humming songs and sews on a patchwork. She bakes peach cobbler and reminiscences about my childhood in the early and 2000's and 2010's.
My Headquarters: All of my emotions are active inside my mind, but my Joy and my Anxiety are my most active. Sadness presses on the console at least two to three times a week, but she presses more when Aunt Flo comes to visit. Anger slams buttons at least once a week, and Fear as well. Disgust will usually interact with the console at least twice a month, but also sometimes more when Aunt Flo is in town. Envy makes an appearance at least once a month, Ennui is pretty active, she presses on the console at least twice per day while I'm at work. Embarrassment usually only makes an appearance when I'm watching a movie/show or remembering something from the past. But also sometimes when I've done something dumb. My control panel is shaped similar to Riley's, but my headquarters looks like a library room with book case "shelves" for the memory orbs to sit on as they roll in. It is shaped this way due to my love for reading/writing.
My personality Islands:
Faith/Spiritual island
Family Island
Friendship Island
Empathy/Caring Island
Goofball Island
Writer's Island
Gymnastics Island
Hopeless Romantic Island
Anxiety Island (☹)
I would dive a bit deeper into the personality islands and what they are for me, but this post is already long enough, so I'm going to end it here. I hope you don't find this weird and that you enjoyed reading about my emotions! ❤
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booooones · 4 months
Brad headcanons? If you don’t have any it’s fine I’ll just crawl away ._.
*picks you up and sits you in a bean bag chair*
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY this may or may not be a lot of writing idk BUT HERE WE GO!!1!!!1! (btw some of these may be random but to me they're in character)
• Trans man + Bisexual (he's already canonically achillean, but i like projecting myself onto my faves)
• his dad is named Barnaby (I like to think that's where he got his new name from X-) )
• he's also autistic (also projection)
• he's very dog and cat coded to me, so I can see him doing things like purring, sitting in boxes (especially when he was little hehe), getting zoomies. Plus he already caterwauls according to Jacob, so why wouldn't he just act like a big cat?
• idk why but I feel like he'd be able to run on all 4s
• I feel like he and Denzel would be roommates (omg they were roommates)
• Adding on from my last one, I think he become the last living gargoyle at 317 years old (gargoyle equivalent of 16ish) with his dad being the second to last one. So with no other family + most definitely grieving, I think he'd just move in with Denzel
• random but I feel like he'd (accidentally) eat straight condensed soup
• speaking of food I feel like he's almost set the kitchen on fire on more than one occasion
• Definitely drives himself and Denzel to work
• Would totally listen to MSI (I DON’T SUPPORT THEM BTW, i just associate MSI with him)
• Since he's a runt for his species (according to Death), I like to think that's why his wings are so tiny compared to the rest of his body (not including his legs lol)
• he has a tail! a small one 🤏 and hooves
• he seems like to type of guy to call his s/o bro/dude in like.. a romantic way 😭
• night vision!! (only a little tho)
• definitely drools in his sleep
(if I think of more I'll add them to this post (^_^))
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lost-kingsmen · 8 months
"You need to rest." Gawain's eye lights flickered briefly - first up, over the edge of his book, and then down to the pages again - at the quiet crunch of dried leaves. Chopper lashed her long tail as her liege tried to ignore her, and grudgingly uncoiled from her comfortable position beneath the desk lamp to stand up and arc her spine in a stretch. "You have been active for six months and fifteen days. You need to rest." She insisted in the soft shushing of leaves in the wind.
"When did you start counting?" Gawain flipped the page of the book to try and make it clear that he wasn't listening. He hadn't read a single sentence in the past ten minutes. He just...he couldn't focus on the words. He got too distracted by the surreal glow of his own eyes on the page and how, no matter where he looked-
Little orange claws hooked over the edges of the pages as Griflet hauled his body up from the knight's lap. Though the spirit's negligible weight barely even made a dent in the paper, Gawain lowered the book anyway, allowing Griflet to climb up and resettle over the pages in a definitive end to his distracted reading.
"Rest is important." Chopper made sounds like the creaking of old trees in a storm as she gathered her long body at the edge of the desk, and then jumped across to take up the space in Gawain's lap that Griflet had vacated. "You need to-"
"NO." Gawain moved to stand up abruptly, causing Chopper and Griflet to tumble off his lap with a series of startled chirps. They recovered quickly, though, and gave their master matching looks of mild offense. "I can't risk it. I can't risk losing another twenty years-" He made a sound akin to breath hissing through clenched teeth as something tried to wedge itself between his palm and clenched fingers, and almost jerked his hand away. Branwen simply reached out again to take the knight's hand and lifted it to press it against the heart-shaped mark on her chest.
"You are not alone anymore." The spirit said in the soft clicking of his brother's building bricks. Gawain made the hissing sound again, but softer - quieter - in the fragile silence that now filled the space in the wake of his own near-shouting. He felt Griflet and Chopper grasp at his other hand, and let his arm go limp so that they could lift it, too.
"We will wake you." Branwen promised in the soft rumble of distant thunder before leaning her long neck in to press her head against the side of his helmet. Griflet and Chopper echoed her with rumbles of their own, patting his hand and arm with their little claws, and Gawain's eyelights narrowed.
But...not in anger.
"I can't lose another twenty years." He repeated in a voice far more defeated than before. Griflet moved to wrap his arms around the knight's wrist in a reassuring little hug. "I've already missed so much, I-. I can't."
"You will not." Branwen promised again, this time in the gentle ticking of the old clock that hung on the wall of his uncle's study. "We will wake you. You are not alone anymore." Gawain said nothing and let his eyelights flicker out of sight. He did not resist, however, when the three spirits guided him to walk around the bean bag chair he'd been sitting in and stand in one corner of the shed, where he could lean against the edge of a windowsill and the frame of a cluttered shelf.
They settled around him - Branwen stretched across his shoulders in a comforting weight, Chopper coiled around his boots like a patrolling guard dog, and Griflet draped across his hands - as the fatigue he had been fighting off for so long began to weigh on him, impossibly heavy and inescapable.
He felt a spike of fear as his awareness began to fade into the dark, but fighting was no option, anymore. Gawain's helmet dipped slightly as he dropped fully under, and Chopper heaved a heavy sigh.
"So dramatic..." She tutted in the tinkling of broken glass. Branwen reached a paw deep into her mouth and dug around for a few seconds before producing an old hourglass in a wooden casing. She set this carefully on a clear spot on the shelf beside them, and then settled back with a satisfied hum.
"Start small." She told the others in the splashing of little feet in a shallow puddle. "One hour. Later more." Chopper rolled her yellow eyes but didn't argue further. Instead, she kept her gaze on the falling sand as the other two drifted off for a quick nap of their own.
"Start small..." She whispered to herself. One hour wasn't nearly enough to make up for months of neglect, but she could understand Gawain's fear....after all, how could one tell an hour from a year when unconscious to the passing of time?
Chopper coiled herself a little tighter around Gawain's boots and watched the falling sand for the rest of the hour.
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beados10 · 10 months
Some stupid Krapopolis episode idea(s)
🫛The Beans🐍
Maybe Tyrannis was back at the old forest festival site and found some crushed magic beans in a bag (like the end of the episode) looks like it trampled or something, I dunno. And tried it, it was great at first and he was getting work done very fast, then he became somewhat addicted and very much sleep deprived and he started to become coo coo crazy. Also there’s always two plots in one episode so there’s probably gonna be some sort of “too much snakes” problem(s) with Deliria and Shlub has to deal with it from help from the Killassians. While Deliria, Hippopocampus, and Stupendous try to fix/get rid of The Beans. (Tyrannis eventually names them coffee beans and eventually makes coffee, also if I spelled the names wrong, sorry) there would probably be a few references to Ty’s Tail Tale about the cobras and unicorns or something lol
*Stupendous walks in with Shlub while Deliria turns another subject into a snake*
Stupendous: “Mom I think you have to stop turning people into snakes.”
Shlub: “She’s right honey, or else there will be no one else to have sex with other then snakes.”
Deliria sitting on layout chair(don’t know what their called): *scoff* “oh shut it, I’m a goddess, I can turn whoever I want into snakes.” *accidentally shoots towards the Killassians area*
*cut to the Killassians and a pink bolt that turns a random Killassian into a snake*
*cut to intro*
That’s just one of my ideas right now, pretty sure I had more but I can’t place it at the top of my head right now, again sorry if I misspelled anything, might repost if I have another idea
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wolffofspades · 10 months
A fluff fic by Wolffofspades
The doors of the plex closed and locked behind the last customer signifying the end of a busy day. The time was 12:30a and the sound of tiny pitter pats echoed through the empty atrium as a tiny puppy made her way to the daycare, waving to everyone as she passed by Glamrock row and sliding down the rainbow slide into the daycare ball pit. Sun and moon were busy cleaning from todays play. Restocking the candies, putting art supplies in their respective compartments on the shelves and cleaning the tables of fingerprints from fingerprints and marker scribbles. They had just finished when they heard the familiar sound of rustling plastic rainbow balls in the ball pit. Sun excitedly ran to the edge of the ball pit to greet their handler as she crawled out of the pit, scooping her up in a hug.
“Welcome back sunshine! You know you could’ve just used the door. Or are you just being silly?” Sun asked excitedly, smugly raising his eyebrow
“I know I could’ve used the door but what’s the fun in that? You know I couldn’t resist doing something silly, shinesprite.” Wolff said, giving sun a kiss on his forehead, making him giggle. She then turned to moon. “Heya moonfall.”
“Evening starbrite~. You can never resist being a silly puppy can you?.” He said as he walked up to the two, giving his handler a scratch behind the ear and watched her tail start wagging
“Nope! Not unless you stop trying to tickle me any chance you get.”
“Oh wait. That reminds me.” He then starts scratching her neck. Wolff started giggling as she hid her neck in her shoulders, her tail wagging faster.
“Hehehehehey.” She giggled, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. Sun and moon chuckled as they watched the silly puppy. “A-anyway.” Wolff started, trying to compose herself. “Is Carma in her room? Her parts are ready for her upgrade.”
“We told her that but she didn’t wanna leave yet. She said she wanted to wait till her favorite puppy got here. She’s really taken a liking to you.” Sun explained.
“I’ll go tell her. You mind letting me down?” She asked. Sun let her down and she made her way to Carma’s room. Carma is wolffs personally designed animatronic. The plex wanted to add something for spring and she suggested a strawberry themed bot. They let Wolff come up with everything. From the clothes, design, personality and the name. She landed on the name “Carmarosa” and she was built for the spring season. Carma has her own set of merch only available for spring and only comes around at that time. The rest of the time, she hangs out with the staff and Glamrocks after hours or hangs out in her bed and occasionally helps out at the daycare during naptime. Some parts needed to be specially ordered so Carma had to use suns parts for the time being. Wolff peered her head into the room and saw Carma sitting on her bed, playing on her switch. Her bedroom was a soft pink with a strawberry rug on the floor, Her bed being just as soft colored with her comforter looking like a strawberry milk carton and strawberry pillows and themed squishmallows at the head of the bed, a few pink and green bean bag chairs scattered about, a computer set up, a tv with a shelf under for her switch dock and an assortment of games. Then there’s her merch wall. Pinboards with her pins and keychains hanging from thumbtacks. “Heya Carma. I’m here.”
Carma looked up from her game and her face lit up upon seeing her favorite puppy at her door. “There’s my pretty puppy! Come here!” She exclaimed excitedly as she opened her arms and caught the tiny puppy that jumped into her arms, kissing her puppy cheeks causing her to giggle.
“Gohohohod to see you tohohohoo.” Wolff giggled as the last kiss was planted “you ready for your upgrade? All your parts came in!” Her tail eagerly wagged.
“Yeah I’m ready to finally be completed. I feel half finished. Probably because I am.” Carma chuckled to herself. “Im not gonna lie to you fluffball, I am quite nervous. But I’m not scared. More like determined. I just wanted to see my pretty pup before I left.” She cupped her hands on Wolffs cheek and rubbed her ear with the other. Causing Wolff to squeal.
“Carma. M-my ears are sensitive remember?” She stuttered as her tail wagged
“I know. I just wanted to see that smile of yours. Ear rubs for good luck. Always.” She winked. “Wish me luck, honeyblossom.” She kissed Wolffs cheek one last time before getting up and walking out of the daycare to parts and service
It’d been an hour and Wolff was keeping an eye on the door, waiting for Carma to get back. Her hair was a bit of a mess from the tickle fight that recently broke out. Sun and moon both surrendered after Wolff found both of their worst spots and the victory went to her. The door opened up and a new and improved Carmarosa walked in guided by a parts and service worker. He then walked away once Carma dismissed him. Sun, moon and Wolff made their way over to her with eyes wide and jaw dropped. She had her shell repainted, given better freckles, eyes updated, her rays now have a leafier appearance, a large green fluffy tail wagged behind her and she bounced on her new dog legs. Her clothes even fitting better
“Hey guys! What do you think?” She asked, giving a spin, blushing bashfully
The other three started examining her closely. Sun took her hand to examine her hand beans. They were warm to the touch. Just like his and moons. Moon was examining her rays. They looked leafy and very soft. But also look like they can handle a chewing like suns rays. Wolff was getting a look at Carma’s casing. As she examined, she noticed how squishy it looked as curiosity made her give Carma’s sides a poke. Suddenly she jumped and yipped. Wolff gave a smug look to sun and moon. Then they all looked at Carma with the same smug look
“Aha. Looks like they put my tummy on a high setting. Wait why are you looking at me like that? W-what are you doing eep-!”
Carma was soon scooped up by moon and taken to nap time corner, gently plopping her down on his chair and Wolff straddling her lap. Carma suddenly knew what was about to happen as her cheeks started to blush a glowing green.
“Oh no no no. Puppy please. Don’t do this puppy. NAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAPPP.” Her pleas turned into giggling pleas as Wolff started tickling her tummy and sides. Wolff moved to the sides and back to the tummy. She then took a deep breath and blew a raspberry.
“***STAHAHAHAHAHAP. YOHOHOURE THE WOHOHOHOHORST!***” She hollered through giggles. Sun then started nibbling her leafy rays. At least his wasn’t being nibbled on this time. “NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHE RAHAHAHAHAHAYS! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE HAHAHAHAHA!” Her tail was wagging frantically and her paw stamped on the ground. Moon then noticed a little detail on her paw and caught it before it hit the floor.
“Now what do we have here~. Little Rosa has strawberry paws~” moon said as he plucked a feather from Wolffs wing. Carma’s paws indeed looked like strawberries. The bigger bean was red with gold glitter while her toe beans were a green. Moon then started brushing her beans with the feather, outlining them and getting just under the big one. Carma started to scream and giggle, trying desperately to free her poor paw from moons grasp.
The trio stopped their torment to give her a break as she breathed heavily and her fans whirred loudly while a few stray giggles bubbles from her, tail never ceased its wagging. Wolff gave Carma a kiss on the cheek. Moon grabbed some blankets and plushies for them to snuggle with as he walked away for his patrols. Sun and Wolff looked at the strawberry paw, squishing the beans softly and Carma giggling from her beans being touched. She then fell asleep as her energy was burned, sun and Wolff following suit. Snuggling closely as they both fell asleep under the stars
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midnightshard06 · 1 year
Flufftober Day 11
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/128240896
Summary: Tails attempts to sneak mints into the resistance base and is caught by Silver. Metal meanwhile is just confused.
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~750 words
AN: Takes place in my Heart of a Hero au
Metal tilted his head as Tails attempted to sneak back into the resistance base. Part of him wanted to stop the fox but he was mostly just confused. Instead of doing anything he just continued to sit on the bean bag chair where he’d been. With a yelp Tails was snagged by a blue energy, one that Metal instantly recognized as Silver’s psychokinesis. Now he was even more confused.
Silver walked into the main room of the resistance base with Tails still in the air. The two looked at each other but didn’t say anything and Metal was just starting to feel like there was something he was missing here. After a while of the two just staring at each other Silver sighed. “How many?”
How… many? Was Tails smuggling something into the base? If so why? Was it something bad? Tails looked away, definitely looking like he didn’t want to say anything. “... five.” The fox finally conceded. 
Silver held out a hand and put Tails down. “Hand them over.”
Tails’ eyes darted around, perhaps looking for a way out before sighing and putting five containers of… something in Silver’s outstretched hand. Alright, enough of this. He was going to figure out what was going on. As he walked over he heard Silver mutter under his breath. “I don’t even know how you keep getting these things…”
Metal waved to get the two’s attention. ‘Can I ask what the heck is going on here?’ He signed once he had their attention.
“Tails was trying to sneak in mints again.” Silver explained that it was the most normal thing in the world. Metal stared before gesturing for Silver to explain further. “Oh right, he hasn’t tried that since you’ve been with us. Tails is somehow really good at getting his hands on mints. He also is bad at controlling how many he eats.” Silver side eyed Tails who did his best to look innocent. It wasn’t really working, the fox had little to no poker face. “So since I’ve been with him I try and take them from him and make sure his mint intake is more… controlled.”
‘That is… not what I was expecting him to be sneaking in really’ Metal said honestly. For Tails to be acting like that he’d expected much worse.
“What were you expecting me to have?” Tails looked at him, curious.
‘No clue just not… mints’ Metal shrugged.
“It really is a problem for him.” Silver sighed. “And now that you know about it you can help me make sure he doesn’t sneak any behind my back.”
Metal looked between Silver and Tails. Silver was giving him a serious expression while Tails looked hopeful. The fox was probably thinking that Metal would side with him but well, he was wrong. He looked at Silver and nodded. ‘You got it’
Tails slumped and his ears drooped while Silver smiled and nodded. “Thank you. With two of us we might just beat his addiction yet.”
“Having someone else to get around will only slow me down, not stop me.” Tails straightened back up. “I just have to get more clever about how I sneak them in.” He muttered, probably not expecting them to hear him. Metal decided not to say anything.
“Right…” Silver shook his head. “Well I’m gonna go hide these. Could you watch him Metal? I don’t want him trying to follow me to see where I put them.” Metal gave him a nod and Silver was off. Thankfully Tails didn’t try to follow.
The two stood there in awkward silence before Metal decided to break it, or well break it as best he could. ‘I have to ask… what does mint even taste like?’
Tails perked up at the question. “Well I guess it’s kinda sweet and leaves your mouth feeling all cool.” Tails tapped his chin before seeming to realize something. “Wait, does that make sense? I don’t know if you can understand the concept of taste because…” Tails stiffly gestured to all of Metal.
Metal tilted his head. ‘I can understand it yeah. I wouldn’t have asked if I couldn’t’ While Metal couldn’t explain why, which was becoming far more common than he’d like it to be, he knew what tastes were. He just couldn’t recall a mint flavor. He’d heard of it sure, but that didn’t mean he knew the taste.
“Oh.” Tails just nodded. “I guess that makes sense. Sorry.”
Metal waved the apology off. ‘Don’t worry about it. What you assumed was reasonable’ He paused. ‘Thanks for telling me’
Tails smiled at him. “You’re welcome.”
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dragonmuse · 2 years
For Mainverse, do Pete, Frenchie, & John ever visit Buttons with Lucius once he moves in with them? Has it ever been shared how long Pete & Buttons have known one another?
( a little on the history of Pete and Buttons for you!)
The carnival was a decent one as these things went.  Pete was allowed whatever he needed to fix the rides and no one ever asked him to lie or make things ‘look right’ for an inspector and that was a relief in and of itself.  When he wasn’t doing maintenance, he ran one of the games. When he’d requested it, they even let him do ones where everyone won a little prize just for playing, so he never disappointed kids who spend their wallets on something big. 
Instead he handed out fishing poles with magnets on them and went around with perpetually damp pants hems, but there were worse things on a warm night.  
“Dinner break,” Kolowski stepped in under the tent. 
“I can wait if you want to go first,” Pete told him. He’d had a late lunch, hustled down after a delay in getting the Terrifier back up. 
“Nah, I’m good. Rather do it later.” 
“Thanks, then.” 
Pete walked back to the mess tables and got some rice and beans, some of the pulled chicken and then surveyed the land. He’d been with this carnival for only a handful of weeks  and he’d gotten friendly with some people, figured out who to avoid for the most part,  but didn’t have anyone yet that he was actively excited to sit with. 
Today, he spotted someone interesting. Buttons, the guy who ran the ferris wheel was interesting. He tended to talk like he knew something you didn’t which tended to put Pete on edge, but he did with a prophetic-esque tone that made Pete want to listen. He was also out, his partner, a much more genial guy who went by Zipper, was good on stilts and a halfway decent clown. Pete had never seen them apart when they weren’t working. He kept wanting to introduce himself, to somehow signal ‘me too! Me too!’ but that last place he’d done that, he’d turned out to be wrong and he’d wound up leaving as gossip spread. 
Buttons had something in front of him, working on it with intent, eyebrows knit together. Pete didn’t see anything else nearly that interesting, so sat down across from him. Buttons didn’t look up, just went on weaving a sewing needle through mesh and feathers. 
“Hey,” Pete said.  “What are you working on?” 
Buttons glanced up then back at his work, a frown etching onto his face. “Mysteries of the universe.” 
“Uh, cool? It’s just, I’ve seen the seagull one you keep in the trailer window and it’s really good. I thought it was alive for a while until I realized it didn’t move enough.” 
“Karl.” Buttons said. 
“His name is Karl. He’s my best one,” Buttons plucked another feather from a bag in his lap and slid it into place. 
“Is it taxidermy?” 
“No!” Buttons snapped. “I would never.” 
“Wow, okay, sorry,” Pete almost dropped his fork. “Really, man, I didn’t want to accuse you of anything. Just looks really lifelike.” 
“I study them. If you pay attention you can do a lot of things. Most people don’t pay attention.” 
“Huh, yeah. I guess you’re right. So what kind of bird is this one.” 
“Silver-tailed hawk,”  Buttons moved the needle around and around. “Eventually.” 
“Is it to scale?” 
“Yes. Everything as it is in nature.” 
“That’s awesome. I used to do the same thing with model trains when I was kid. Even won an award or two.” They had been participation ribbons, but Dad had hung them up anyway, so Pete figured they counted. 
Buttons didn’t ask a follow up question. He didn’t say anything else at all, but he did keep sewing and that was pretty interesting to watch. 
After that, Pete noticed Buttons more and more often. And since Buttons never told him to fuck off, Pete would sit by him at meals or take a break in the same rickety folding chairs. He wasn’t sure the man even entirely noticed him half the time. Zipper noticed eventually and was happy enough to chat with him about everything under the sun though the guy had a way of also not entirely noticing you, in that he’d monologue until you’d walked away. 
They were nice though. In their own way. Nicer than anyone else at the place. After a few weeks of that, Buttons approached Pete on his own, sidling up next to him as Pete closed down for the night. 
“Travel day tomorrow.” 
“Yeah,” Pete agreed. “Long haul, huh?” 
“Zipper has to go out ahead, do some barking. Trade off driving with me?” 
“Oh, yeah!” Pete agreed immediately. Zipper and Buttons had their own trailer. Some of the long timers did, ones that they owned and could decorate instead of sharing with a rotating cast. “I can do that.” 
That night, Pete slept on a couch which was narrow and smelled of Zipper’s clove cigarettes, but it was blessedly quiet with the door shut to the bedroom. Pete luxuriated in the near privacy. In the light of morning, he took in the space with fresher eyes and found to his wonderment that the trailer had been carefully lined with bookshelves, the books strapped in by a series of thick elastic bands. Hung from the ceiling were several more birds, their shapes having made shadows over him all night, they were less of a surprise. Pete admired a cardinal perched on the edge of one shelf, wings just starting to spread as if about to take off. 
“Coffee?” Buttons asked him, puttering out in slippers and an ancient looking robe. His thin flyaway hair was sticking up in every direction. 
The coffee smelled exactly like the stuff his father used to make. 
“Mm,” Buttons raised his mug to him. 
If Pete hadn’t already liked the man, that would’ve done the trick. It wasn’t that Pete even particularly liked chicory in his coffee, but the taste was linked to a hundred good memories.  Buttons drove for the morning, soundtracks soaring through the decent sound system. Pete watched the road, phasing out like he normally did, but it was gentler today.  
They ate lunch outside, sandwiches that Pete bought in thanks. Moved to fill the silence, Pete talked about the place he’d last worked, and how no one had even been allowed their own trailers. Buttons responded only vaguely, but also didn’t tell him to shut up so that was fine. When it was his turn to drive, Buttons let him choose his own music without complaint and he sat in the passenger seat, still working away at the hawk. 
“How many hours do you put into those?” Pete asked. 
“Mm. Days and days. Can’t bring things to life on short notice.” 
“Huh. Guess so. Is that what the books are about?” 
Pete waited and there was no further information forthcoming, so he asked, 
“What are they about then?” 
Taken off guard by that, Pete blurted out, “Why?” 
“Because we should think about how we think. The world would be better if everyone did.” 
In the years that followed, Pete would try over and over to pick up Buttons’ books and make sense of them, but they just weren’t geared to the way he thought. But he found if he asked Buttons in the right mood, he could get a fragment of a bygone lecture, measured and thoughtful. Usually that was enough to chew over for some time. 
On that day, Pete didn’t yet know how to do that. He just knew that he enjoyed himself, listening to the fragments that Buttons offered about how to form puppets and how the world should work. He also knew that he’d be trying his best to have more afternoons just like that. 
When Buttons and Zipper found a place off the road, Pete missed him profoundly, more than he’d missed another person since his dad had passed on. So he stopped now and again at the little house when they were nearby. It felt like fate when he wound up there with his newest friends, infinitely pleased that he had cultivated this safe place to land. 
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idiotic21 · 2 years
Mr and Mrs Hamato
Chapter 5 - Lost in the Mail
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"My sons, what is it that's so important that I had to wake up from my beauty sleep?" asked the former martial arts actor.
"Hey, dad! Just hang on tight. You're gonna love her." Mikey beamed as he squished his dad in a hug. Leo and Raph entered the family hall with April and Cassandra trailing behind them.
Splinter flicked his tail with curiosity, "Hmm, are you hinting that finally one of my sons has found a ladyfriend?"
"I mean, with how long those two are taking, I'd say most likely pops," Raph said, sitting with a plop on the bean bag chair. Leo rolled his eyes around in disgust, "Hey, as much as I would like to poke fun at DonTron, I refuse to associate him with ... her".
Splinter shoved Mikey away with surprise, "Him? Purple? Donatello has a -". Right at that moment, Donnie and Sil decided to stroll in. The five people in the hall were either struck with sheer bewilderment or immense shock or experiencing both at the same time. 
"-A girlfriend?!" April and Splinter shouted at the same time. Cassandra was forced to spit out her hot coffee all over poor Leo's face. 
Sil and Donnie froze. "N-no no. You got it wrong. I am not his girlfriend." Sil explained, successfully hiding her blush, Donnie just nodded furiously, "Yeah.. yeah whatever she said." With all eyes on them, Sil and Donnie quickly parted ways. Sil went to sit beside Raph and Donnie sat between Splinter and Leo. Leo gave Sil a hard glare, growing protective over his twin. Mikey plopped down beside Sil and quietly mentioned who April and Cassandra are to which she thanked him.
Splinter however felt pride growing from within his furry chest and made the 'winky eyes' at his purple son, "I must say, Purple. I am surprised as I am proud that at least one of my sons has inherited my Lou Jitsu charm." The tiny rat man pulled Donnie in for a father-son hug. "We will go over the flirting step later so you can quickly make her my daughter-in-law"
Donnie sighed but didn't have the courage to deny anything. So naturally, Splinter took it as a good sign. April then shimmied towards Donnie, Cassandra draping herself across his back, "Dee, you did not tell me of your new girl." April started. 
Cassandra shook her head displeased, "That is unacceptable in the world of friendship. The girls must always find out about their friend's love life. How dare you not inform us of such a momentous occasion." April nodded in agreement, "You gotta introduce Cass and I properly later,"
Donnie sighed, "You do realize that this is not what we want to discuss today?" though he assured the girls of a proper introduction later.
"For once, Donnie's right. We have a situation on our hands so where in the yokai universe is Draxum?" Leo butted in the chatter and asked Splinter in a hushed tone. "He will be a little late my son. I suggest we start before him if the matter is as important as you say."
Leo nodded. "Alright, gather around everyone. I think today's topic is pretty clear. It's about her!" Splinter put his hand up like an excited teen about to ask a really stupid question but Leo cut him off immediately, "NO! No stop, no. It has nothing to do about any of us giving you grandkids."
Splinter scowled and put his hands down then gestured for Leo to continue. "This person right here is the thief we were pursuing yesterday," the red-eared slider pointed an accusatory finger toward Sil. Mummers broke out between Cassandra, April, and Splinter. "She managed to steal a meteorite from the museum of natural history and was about to get away. Thankfully, we stopped her just in time."
April gave Leo a confused look, "You called me all the way here for something urgent. How is stealing a meteorite that urgent?"
Leo smirked, "You see, April. She's not a regular human thief and that meteorite is not a regular meteorite. Our little thief claims that the meteorite has some fancy rare material that has something to do with yokai, mutants, and humans. Our thief herself has mystic powers"
Once he got the attention of his father and friend, the leader in blue continued to explain Sil's alias, nickname, and mystic powers. "How does a regular human have mystic powers? Are you part mutant?" Cassandra asked with interest.
Sil shrugged her shoulders, "I think so. I know I am human for obvious reasons but have no idea where the yokai or mutant part mix in" 
"I mean no offense but you're a thief, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you wouldn't be stealing this specific meteorite for just decor. Whatever property this space rock has could be most probably used for something scientific background, so in conclusion, someone with a high level of knowledge of human, yokai, and mutant biology would possibly burn everything on their part to get their hands on something priceless as this. Your buyer must be some crazy science dude. Right, Sil?" by the end of her crazy theory, April was at the edge of her seat, dripping bullets of sweat. Sil was astounded, "You theorized all that just now?"
Mikey patted Sil's shoulder with a kind smile, "Yeah, she's Donnie's best friend forever. Sticking around Donnie all the time would do that to you,"
"Also, she is a professional journalist in the making," declared Donnie as he proceeded to fist-bump his best bud.
Sil smiled softly and turned her attention to April. "I'm impressed, and yes. That is why I stole."
The curly-haired brunette cheered, "I'm crushing this thing, and thank you. You wouldn't be able to disclose whomever you're working for?." Sil gently shook her head, "Private and confidential, I'm afraid."
The noise and excitement in the room gradually died down as each person took in whatever information they could. Finally, Splinter decided to speak up. "Sil, this is very important news. I must ask, however, as a father and protector of my family. If you and your employer who would be most likely a yokai themselves, are working with something as powerful as the space rock, you would be on any bad person's capture list. Am I right?"
Sil eyed the rat man carefully. "That is true," she confirmed. "My employer is not the only one who would have use for such an artifact. Whoever knows of its properties will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. The components in that rock could solve thousands of unanswered questions about yokai, mutant and human life. We might have the missing link in the palms of our hands, the discovery of the millennia."
The turtles glanced at each other, seeming to catch on to the weight of the situation. "Has anyone else approached you to steal for them before your current employer?". Sil thought over Splinter's new inquiry for a moment. There was one other, but it was a long time ago. "Yes, there was but I refused."
"Why?" Splinter asked. "Ethical reasons and the fact that they were widely known to mishandle powerful items."
"Were they yokai or mutant?" Donnie asked. "They were yokai. It's best to forgo the details" Sil told him and turned to Splinter and Leo, "You are right that to think that there are bad people after this artifact. The first person who asked me constantly keep an eye on my being since I am known for making heists on important mystic artifacts. They have a deep network but remain very discrete and secretive."
Leo hummed thoughtfully before giving Sil his full attention, "Does said person spy on you?" he asked with a hint of worry. Sil nodded. "I even had run-ins with their spies. They mostly leave a word of threat to scare me back into working for them. Promising me huge sums of money and wealth and other fortunes."
"And you didn't accept it?" surprise washed over the leader's face.
"Nope. As I said, they had ethical issues. Massive ethical issues. Since I am human, I don't want to simply hand over my race to a potentially dangerous individual who poses a high chance of using whatever is in the space rock to destroy humanity." the girl replied in all honesty. Leo remained baffled. All this while, she could actually be a  good person?
Sil watched conflict race over Leonardo's face so she gracefully saved him from overthinking, "I know you're the leader, Leonardo. I also understand why you will remain skeptical of me, however, do not peg me for some cheap bastard who steals for her own benefit without thinking about the consequences others would face." Leo listened eagerly.
"I want answers desperately and in my search for what I am, I will carefully choose who to trust. I've known my employer for quite some time and their reason for the study is completely humane." Leo could see that Sil trusted her buyer. Still, he thought about the potential dangers this situation would bring if the rock fell into the wrong hands.
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" Leo started while his family watched him spew out questions of hows, ifs, and whats. "How do I know that this isn't an elaborate plan and some well-thought-out lie for us to let down our guard? What if you're working for the bad guys? How can you assure me that in any situation, my family would stay safe and away from danger?"
Sil ran the questions through her head once, twice, and thrice. All eyes were on her and waiting. Raph being the oldest and having a sense of leadership turned a serious stare. Splinter sitting straight up and his person demanding all respect and honesty. Donnie, Mikey, April, and Cassandra waited for her response. 
Sil saw that this family loved each other dearly and sought to protect each other to the very end of each other's breath. How she longed for a life like this. To make her point, she decided to stand up. Before speaking, her mind made a natural response to give Donatello, one of the turtles who has shown her much care aside from Raph and Mikey, a meaningful look, which he received as sincere and scared. 
Sil then stood straight and looked Leo and Splinter in their eyes, "I am not lying to you. How to prove that, I have no idea but I have no benefit in lying. If you really want to know about the bad guys, give them another day to sense the disappearance of my presence in the Hidden City. As soon as they realize my absence the city will be scattered with bounty hunters all in search of whatever price they place on my head. This of course means, that the longer I am here, the longer I am kept away from doing my job, the higher the risks of those goons hurting you and your family along the way."
The Silver Knight took a deep breath to steady herself and continued, "I am a criminal. I steal to make a living and survive and most of the time it gets me into many dangerous and life-threatening situations. This could very well be one."
She then braced herself to allow one part of her life's story to be exposed. Sometimes in delicate situations like these, one must compromise their vulnerability. "There was once a family of yokai who tried to help me recuperate after receiving some heavy injuries from a run-in with the goons. I was grateful and soon as I was healed, I left. A few weeks later I returned with some money to pay the family as gratitude. I-, their home had been reduced to ashes. I remember seeing their charred bodies, father, mother, and child. I learned a lesson to never let any innocent family help me ever again."
She felt a tear rising in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. She watched Splinter, Leo and the others process the story for as long as they needed. From his seat, Hamato Yoshi observed his family in silence. His eyes then settled on Sil, who had her head held down with a look of shame and regret. With a small grunt, Splinter walked over to Sil, tapping her lightly on her knee to get her attention. "What you went through is horrible. No one should ever be forced to witness that. I understand the warning you give. Though I may not be a hundred percent certain of your innocence, I put a great amount of trust in you and believe your story." 
The thief gulped the formed lump in her throat and nodded. The Hamato father turned to his son in blue, asking in silence what he thought. Leo breathed calmly and met Sil's gaze, "For now, I think I can trust you."
Sil thanked him silently, watching as Leo approached her till he stopped about a foot away, "If you lie, I will gladly meet you at the end of my blade". The thief lowered her gaze slightly. Agreeing with what Leo demanded. "I understand," she confirmed.
Leo hummed, "I guess you need to stay with us for now. Until Donnie can properly analyze the rock, it is not leaving the lair."
"Also, we should let Draxum see it before we decide on anything else." Donnie approached his brother. "What about your employer? Won't he be searching for you too?" the purple turtle asked, and the blue turtle turned his own curious gaze toward Sil. 
"Uhm, Sil? Why do you have that weird look on your face?" Mikey asked, pushing his head between his brothers. Raph, Cassandra, April, and Splinter all huddled in to see what Mikey pointed out. Sil wore an expression between mild astonishment and shock. "Is she having a stroke, Purple?" Splinter asked from his perch on Raph's shoulder.
"I don't think that's a stroke Mikey," Cassandra told him while waving her hands in front of Sil's face. It was enough to wake Sil.
The thief shook her head, "Did you say, Draxum?" 
The brother's shared a look. "Uh, yeah."
Sil took in a deep breath. Maybe she just dreamed of them saying that name. Yeah, that could be it, right? Another Draxum. A doppelganger. 
"Hey, Sil? You feeling good? Your face is a little red," Leo gently placed his hand on her shoulder and turned to a slightly worried Donnie. Sil didn't even register is when Donnie's hand went to her forehead. "She doesn't have a fever," he then cupped her face and observed her pupils. His fingers drifted to her wrist where he gently pressed to find Sil's pulse. "Rapid pulse and dilated pupils," Donnie announced.
"She's panicking." Leo concluded, "But of what? The name?" Leo thought for a while, "Sil, is it about Draxum?"
Sil once again broke into a panic, but she managed to speak, "You guys mentioned Draxum?"
"Yes, we did," April worriedly replied. "Like the Draxum? Baron Draxum!" Sil urged, eyes blown wide. 
They were about to say yes when a loud booming voice rang in the hall. "Alright, what's with the meeting? I am missing my fancy breakfast, you know. Not to mention the terrible morning I had."
Sil tensed and froze. "Hide me!" she whisper yelled. Donnie instinctively placed Sil behind him while the others quickly turned towards Draxum with uncomfortable grins on their faces. "Why does it look like you're hiding something?" He questioned them. 
"We're not hiding anything!" squeaked Raph. The sweat drenching his mask said otherwise. "Then why do I smell your fear stink?" Draxum pressed. "Ahaha, my son just woke up from a nightmare about a demon puppet bunny. Nothing fishy going on here." Splinter laughed nervously.
Draxum squinted his eyes. He was making them very uncomfortable. "Whatever. I just hope this meeting is worth my time. I am expecting an important drop-off, a very special item, of immense value and power."
Sil tensed from behind Donnie and grabbed onto his shoulder out of fear. Donnie silently extended his hand to grasp hers, calming her a little. Sil prayed silently to whatever for the newcomer to stop talking. "If the item goes into the wrong hands, it could spell danger for both mystic and humankind." Draxum continued to rant.
Donnie sneakily reached his fingers to Sil's wrist and pressed on her pulse. Something began to click in the giant brain of his. Sil panicked at Draxum's name. Sil asked them if they were referring to the Draxum. Baron Draxum. When she heard Draxum's voice she asked to be hidden. 
"Oh, bummer. Lost in the mail huh? Maybe file a complaint?" Sil cursed and tugged on Mikey's mask tails to shut him up. Donnie felt her pulse quicken. 
"File a complaint? Clearly, you do not understand the weight of my problem. This item had to be retrieved with the most secrecy. Studying it would answer my questions about human and mystic-kind. Unfortunately, our communication got cut up yesterday so I think my thief ran into some trouble" 
Oh, shit. 
"Holy truffle mac and cheese!" 
Everyone in the room turned to look at Donnie, Leo sending him an 'I'm going to kill you if you rat us out, sign.' 
"Why do you look nervous, Donatello?" The purple genius flinced when Draxum called him out. With the intense stare from the older yokai, it was easy to drown out the panicked looks his family gave him. On the other hand, Donnie felt Sil tremble. He felt once again for her pulse. Everything cliked into place. Mr. Hamato figured out who Sil's employer was. 
"Answer me" 
Donnie slipped, "We are totally not hiding your possible thief from you and definitely not in any possession of any mystic meteorite!" 
"DONNIE!" Everyone shouted in disappointment. The softshell turtle chuckled nervously. "Whose legs are those? Who's standing behind you?" Draxum pointed to the obvious pair of legs hiding behind the purple turtle. 
With one giant step, Draxum pushed away the Hamato with his purple vines and lifted Donnie by the legs with another. 
The color on Sil's face drained a little. She offered a small wave and a weak grin. 
"Uh haha. Hey, Uncle Drax..."
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