#sisilja garen
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thrwne · 7 months ago
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Teo, Sisilja, Benjamin and Alisah at Benjamin's house watching Rykter
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xcassedie · 7 months ago
Thea, girl, there's a whole bag of tea you missed while you were gone.
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thepermanentrainpress · 6 months ago
The Permanent Rain Press Interview with Martin Storebø Koh. (Watch in HD)
Martin Storebø Koh chats about his role as Felix in Rykter (Rumours), including his destructive habits and family pressures, relationship with Mathias, memorable scenes and the response from viewers, studies in school, acting inspirations, and tattoos honouring words to live by and his Asian heritage.
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madisonmccoy · 8 months ago
Rykter cast featured in Bergens Tidende while filming season 3
translated below :)
New rumors are spreading: “Getting in the mood very quickly.”
The TV success from Bergen continues: “We had to think differently”.
The TV series from Bergen is finally starting again.
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Teo Tomczuk, Sisilja Garen, Martin Storebø Koh, and Alisah Süssmann also have central roles in the next season of \"Rykter\". Shown here on the sofa during a morning party in Telavåg.
By: Frank Johnson
Alice Bratshaug (photography)
Published: September 19, 2023
It is Friday morning in Telavåg. The seaside house at the water's edge is full of festive young people from 16 to 17 years old. The alcohol is on the table, the guys and girls are dancing, the atmosphere is both amorous and aggressive. Many adults are standing around, watching and filming.
Sexual identity
Suddenly, a fair haired man stands up, shouts “cut” - and everything calms down. Before the music is turned up.
“It's a bit weird to dance in the morning without music. But the crew is also moving, so we get into the mood very quickly”, says Teo Tomczuk (17) smiling when the camera is switched off.
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Sisilja Garen has makeup done for new party scenes.
“The adolescents in the scene are going to be at a party, so we play music between takes. Then they're on it right away”, adds director Andreas Milde.
The Bergen company “Mothership” is finally starting to film new seasons of the teen series "Rykter" for NRK. Most recently, students in tiende klasse (final year of lower secondary school) were followed on fictitious Vesterøy. Now the main characters have started videregående skole (upper secondary school).
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Photographer Christer Steffensen and part of the crew in filming for "Rykter".
Things that were hinted at in the last episode – drug problems, identity, taking responsibility – are all made clear.
“They have reached a new phase in their lives and will, among other things, explore sexual identity”, says photographer Christer Steffensen, who will also direct ten of the episodes.
Success in Italy
In addition, 30 ten-minute episodes will be recorded this time. These will be released in two parts on Norway’s national channel, probably in the first few months of 2024 (liars). The series creator is, the same as last time, Christoffer Ebbesen.
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Producer Linda Bolstad Strønen is keeping up with the recordings in Telavåg.
The budget is 22 million NOK. Producer Linda Bolstad Strønen admits that it has been tough to get funding after NRK, like most other channels, has reduced its budget. Despite the fact that each episode is seen by 200,000 in Norway alone.
Therefore, among other things, they had to go to the broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) in northern Germany. Production money from the West Norwegian Film Center and the Norwegian Film Institute, as well as support from the Media Fund Zefyr in Bergen, has also helped secure a new season.
“We had to think of an alternative, so it is a patchwork of contributors. The fact that "Rykter" was also picked up by the public broadcaster RAI in Italy, with great success, gives us good momentum”, says Bolstad.
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Alisah Süssmann from Fana goes to the dance department at Langhaugen upper secondary school.
The Nordic countries have aired the series. Now Mothership is betting even stronger internationally.
“It is a clear advantage that we have a finished season to show off.”
We are a "Rykter" (rumors) gang
Glesvær and Telavåg became important recording locations. This time Sund secondary school is the new base.
“The collaboration we have with the school there is incredibly important. They really show up”, says Bolstad.
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The atmosphere is good between recordings at the seaside house.
Many of the main actors are students themselves, so there has been a lot of planning with parents and schools to get the schedule in place.
“Last year we shot 30 episodes in one go. Now we record ten at a time and have a two-week break until the next few. It gives everyone some breathing room”, says Bolstad.
It has been a whole year since the actors last stood in front of the camera. The party scene comes along in episode six. Now there will be recording until the middle of January.
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Teo Tomczuk grew up in Solund municipality in Ytre Sogn, while Sisilja Garen comes from Øystese.
“I have missed the gang very much, both in front of and behind the camera”, admits Tomczuk, who plays Mathias.
“We are a "Rykter (rumors) gang" who both know each other well and try to keep in touch, but we live spread out. It's not often that everyone gets to meet up”, says Alisah Süssmann, Sara in the series.
We bring ourselves into the roles
They are happy that another season came. It gives them the opportunity to go deeper into the roles and explore new issues.
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The seaside house they use for filming is close to other buildings.
“I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't fully get into my character, Thea, but everything came back as soon as I got on set. The production crew wants it to be authentic, so we bring ourselves into the roles. We know the characters best”, says Sisilja Garen.
“From day one, I have heard from a friend of mine: "You are exactly like yourself. What you're doing is not acting". One day the director said we should screw with the script and just do what we wanted”, says Martin Storebø Koh, who plays Felix, and laughs.
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Martin Storebø Koh from Austevoll gets an even bigger role in the next season of “Rykter”.
“We have had a little part in the script’s process, and have adjusted when needed to make it even more believable”, adds Süssmann.
Followed home by young girls
And since the TV series has become a success, they are also becoming well-known again.
"I am followed home by young girls every day, they stand outside the door until my mother chases them away”, says Tomczuk and laughs. He also talks about emails from Italian fans.
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Director Andreas Milde and lighting master Poul Iversen during a break.
“I happened to be in Italy and got a login to RAI. It was very strange to see yourself dubbed. They kept my laugh, but used a different voice for me”, says Süssmann.
Director of the first episodes, Andreas Milde, thinks the target audience is getting older this season.
“Since the main characters in the series are getting older, the audience will probably be older as well. But we know that 13-14-year-olds like best to watch somewhat adult series.”
(y'all this is literally the last promotional thing i had saved to translate... NRK why are you not hyping people up about this show?!? 🤨)
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thrwne · 8 months ago
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The Rykter cast playing truth or dare
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thrwne · 8 months ago
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Rykter (NRK) BTS
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thrwne · 8 months ago
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New Rykter season 3 banner on NRK
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thrwne · 8 months ago
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Benjamin, Teo and Sisilja, showing varying levels of energy 🤭
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thrwne · 8 months ago
Rykter (NRK) season 1 & 2 trailer - with subtitles
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thrwne · 6 months ago
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thrwne · 7 months ago
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The Rykter cast and the period cramp simulator machine 😭
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xcassedie · 7 months ago
Will we be getting a better Felix or a worse Thea this season?
Them and their patental issues.
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It's nice to see Thea not making it about herself.
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Thea, girl, don't try to fix him. You can't.
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Felix better not use her to win the bet.
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madisonmccoy · 8 months ago
Teo’s interview with Bergens Tidende
translated for y'all below!!
This 17-year-old goes from dream role to dream role: He was thrown into it
By: Frank Johnsen and Maria Aarekol (photography)
Published: 27. February 2024
It is not easy being a school student when you also have to handle major roles on TV and in theater.
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17-year-old Teo Tomczuk has experienced this in the last few years.
Teo Tomczuk will soon premiere on Den Nationale Scene (DNS, or The National Stage, the largest national theater in Bergen, Norway.)
When Bergens Tidende met him at Den Nationale Scene (DNS) in the morning, he had already been to school, Bergen Private Gymnas (a videregående skole, upper secondary school, in Bergen). He is in his second year there.
Right now, theater rehearsals await him. Teo has been given one of the main roles in Frode Grytten's “Menn Som Ingen Treng" (Men that no one needs), which premieres on the big stage on 6. April 2024.
Won a prize
The recording of seasons three and four of [the NRK series "Rykter"](https://www.bt.no/kultur/i/Qy17gA/her-denger-de-loes-paa-hverandre-i-nrk-satsingen-fra-bergen) has just finished. It took up a lot of the fall and winter.
“Fortunately, my school is supportive of my work in acting and music. My days will be packed, so I have to work in a structured way, be at home a lot of the time, and use Sundays for school work”, says Teo.
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Teo Tomczuk has busy days.
His parents are Polish. He grew up in the island municipality of Solund in Ytre Sogn and moved to Espeland three years ago.
The 17-year-old also has a growing music career underway, with concerts and releases planned. 
One of his songs has been A1-listed on NRK P1. Last year he also received the “Luttprisen” prize for best newcomer. This is an award that celebrates the music scene in Sogn og Fjordane.
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Teo Tomczuk grew up in Ytre Sogn, while Sisilja Garen, who plays Thea in “Rykter” is from Øystese. PHOTO: ALICE BRATSHAUG (ARKIV)
This year he will return, as a presenter, together with Kjartan Lauritzen (a Norwegian Rap artist), among others. The party will be in Balestrand.
“I love playing music. The goal is to release an album this year. Then a new song will be coming out soon, which is a bit more rock. And in Norsk. I'm really looking forward to putting it out. I'm playing with a band now, so there will be more pressure”, says Teo.
Barely knew what alcohol was
He was only 15 when he got the role of Mathias in the Bergen-produced series "Rykter", which follows a fictional 10. klasse (final year students of lower secondary school) on an island outside Bergen. It is about everything from drugs and alcohol to developing romances and sexual identity.
“There are adult themes, but it was just a matter of getting into the character and listening to the director. I come from a small island and barely knew what alcohol was. So a lot of it was new to me”, says Teo and smiles.
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Teo Tomczuk, Sisilja Garen, Martin Storebø Koh, and Alisah Süssmann also have main roles in the next season of “Rykter”. This photo is from the recording of “Rykter” in Telavåg this autumn. PHOTO: ALICE BRATSHAUG (ARKIV)
In the next seasons, the group of friends have started videregående skole (upper secondary school).
“The recording was maybe even more fun now, I felt safer as an actor. At the beginning everything was new, like we were thrown into something. But I actually learned very quickly. It's a fantastic group, everyone supports each other”, says Teo.
The last episode in season two ended with him and his friend in the series, Erik (played by Benjamin Ebbesen), suddenly kissing each other.
“People are very curious about what will happen next. This was the first time I had kissed a boy, and then I also had to do it on camera and with someone I know very well. But it felt natural for the role”, says Teo and he smiles.
A hit in Italy
The first seasons were seen by 200,000 people in Norway and were also a big hit in Italy.
“Italian fans are eager to send emails”, says Teo and he laughs.
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Teo Tomczuk plays Mathias in “Rykter”.
Germany is another important market for "Rykter". German funds were also needed to pay for the new seasons, a total of 30 episodes, which are scheduled to be released on the national tv channel in the fall.
Frode Grytten's play ["Men that nobody needs"](https://www.bt.no/kultur/i/XbkPnn/frode-grytten-sitt-nye-stykke-faar-urpremiere-paa-dns-i-bergen) is another step forward.
In the play, the audience meets seven very different men who tell their stories, almost monologues that run parallel with each other. Cover songs are also played throughout which intertwine with the stories.
Teo has done some musicals in the past. Among other characters, he has played Jean Valjean in "Les Misérables" in Nordfjordeid when he was 13.
A mystery
Acting at Den Nationale Scene (DNS) is still not something he would have even dared to dream about.
“I never thought I would get this far”, says Teo.
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Teo Tomczuk pictured two years ago, when he released the song “Trust". PHOTO: JANNICA LUOTO (ARKIV)
But it just so happens that the lighting master at "Rykter", Poul Iversen, is married to theater director Solrun Toft Iversen. A recommendation was made, and Teo received a phone call.
Suddenly, the role was his, without an audition.
“It was very good.”
“What role are you playing?”
“I am a man, 19. The role will have a bit of mystery. It starts with me having a conversation with the headmaster at the school about a short story I wrote. It can also be perceived as a message of concern. Then things happen that I cannot reveal.”
“Do you get nervous thinking that 450 people in the audience will watch you on stage every night?”
“No. When I first read the script, I thought it would be difficult. But the script flows naturally, it's really just a matter of reading it over and over again. And to try to understand everything that has happened. Now I feel free, honestly, and can't wait to get started”, says Teo.
Tall for his age
He is the youngest of the actors in both "Men som ingen treng" and "Rykter", and has always been mature for his age. Not so surprising, perhaps, because Teo was already 1.75 tall (5’8” ish) in 4th grade.
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Here is Teo in the 7th grade with his classmate Borgar Espeland. PHOTO: PRIVATE
“I have pictures of me and my best friends when I was little, and I'm like two heads taller than the whole gang. And was sure that I was going to be 2.20 (7” ?? 😳🤯). But I stopped growing, so now the others are catching up with me”, he says, laughing.
He has 50,000 followers on Tiktok and 22,000 on Instagram, and he reports a lot of positive feedback.
“I grew up with almost no neighbors, so it's a bit of a strange time that I will be well known again.”
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