riddlersbimbo · 2 years
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is this the same guy who said he "doesn't smolder"????
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mayh03 · 1 year
How do you expect me to survive😖
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y‘all are literally sleeping on this man like he’s so daddy that it physically hurts me🤕
(especially that first pic has me going FERAL)
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feionaapple · 10 months
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shahinelected · 8 days
🇦🇿 Həqiqi tapıntı, yoxsa İnsan hiyləsi?!
🇺🇸 A real find or a human trick?!
🇷🇺 Настоящая находка или Человеческая хитрость?!
🇹🇷 Gerçek bir keşif mi, yoksa İnsani bir numara mı?
#shahinelected #gizem #gizemli #secret #sır #mystery #mysterious #секретныематериалы #секретнебес
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cinder-clan · 1 year
Moledapple was taken by twolegs D:
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I Həyatımız kino lenti kimidir. Biz o kino lentinin hər bir kadrını vaxtı gəldikdə, ancaq yaşadığımız zaman görə bilirik. O kino lenti doğulduğumuz andan son nəfəsimizi verdiyimiz ana qədər yaşayacağımız milyonlarla hadisələrlə doludur. Hər bir təfərrüat o kino lentinin içinə sığışdırılıb. O kino lentindən kənara çıxa bilməyəcəyimizi heç vaxt unutmamalıyıq. Əslində kinoteatrda izlədiyimiz film kimidir. Filmin əvvəli, sonu, filmdə qarşılaşdığımız hər təfərrüat biz hələ o filmi seyr etməyə başlamadan öncə bəllidir. Biz filmin hələ əvvəlindəki kadrı izləyərkən, filmin ən son səhnəsində nə görəcəyimiz bəllidir. Bunu əvvəldən bilməmək, hadisələrin reallaşmamış və müəyyən edilməmiş olduğuna dair dəlil deyil. Filmin ən həyəcanlı səhnəsində bir sonrakı epizodda nə olacağını bilmədiyimiz üçün həyəcanlanmağımız, nə olacağının sürpriz olmasından irəli gəlmir. Bir sonrakı səhnə filmin ssenarisi tamamlandığı andan bəllidir. Amma biz o səhnəni bilmədiyimiz, sanki hadisələr həmin an öz-özünə baş verəcək hissinə qapıldığımız üçün həyəcanlanırıq. Əslində həyatımız da kinoteatrda seyr etdiyimiz film kimidir. Tək fərqi odur ki, hər birimiz üçün özəl film var və hər kəs öz film lentində əvvəlcədən müəyyən edilmiş hadisələri yaşaya bilir. Əvvəlimiz, sonramız və hazırkı anımız hamısı o kino lentinin içindədir. Necə ki, bir film ekranda göstərildikdən sonra biz o filmdəki obrazları, hadisələrin gedişatını, filmin sonunu dəyişdirə bilmiriksə, öz həyatımızla bağlı da ən kiçik bir dəyişiklik etmə gücünə, qüdrətinə, imkanına sahib deyilik. Hər birimiz özümüzə aid filmimizi, sanki kinoteatrda seyr edirmiş kimi, qapqaranlıq otağımızın içində seyr edirik. O otaqdan kənara həyatımız boyunca əsla və əsla çıxa bilmirik. Kinoteatrdan fərqi odur ki, biz filmimizi böyük otaqda yox, əksinə beynimizin arxa tərəfində, bir neçə kub millimetr ət parçasının içində seyr edirik. Bu nə bir düşüncə, nə inanc, nə də fəlsəfi fikirdir. Tamamilə elmi həqiqətdir. (ardı rəydə) #quran #islam #dinipaylasimlar #Allah #namaz #dua #din #tale #qədər #kader #kinoteatr #sirr https://www.instagram.com/p/CllwtcjM7g9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smugraccoon137 · 2 years
My boyfriend told me I should go play pokemon cus im always happier when I'm playing pokemon.
And I straight looked him in the eye and reminded him that December was almost upon us, you know just in case he wanted to start a new neopets account
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juttaskatze · 2 years
Sheikh Abdellatif erklärt den Unterschied zwischen #echten Awliya und den #falschen #Awliyah u #Shaytan. Er geht auf die #Anzeichen von einem #Wali u llah ein.
Die #Taten werden mit #Ikhlas und nicht mit #Augendienerei gemacht. Grundlage ist die #Taqwa die #Gottesfurcht nicht Show und damit man von den Menschen bewundert wird.
ein großer #Turban #Gestank und ein hässliches Gesicht von jemand der von sich selber behauptet ein #Wali zu sein ist heute modern. Diese #Gurus lassen sich von #Jahils feiern. Sie sitzen in der Ecke damit man ihre Hände küsst.
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lilspacewolfie · 6 days
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Antichrist will walk the earth
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yaren23 · 1 year
WHY IS HE SO 😩🥰🥺🧎🏻‍♀️🥵
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My Pedri pinterest board
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mikaikaika · 10 months
Etoiles is such an enigma of a man like my man went to a museum to stream, came home tired and fell asleep in the hallway (?) / corridor(?). Woke up in the middle of the night and logged onto minecraft. Got summoned to a a Hatsune Miku birthday party which suddenly reminded him it's his mom's birthday so he screamed about that and went afk and now he's back discussing armour and dark metal with the lads
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shahinelected · 11 days
🇦🇿 Paranormal varlıqlar!
🇺🇸 Paranormal entities!
🇷🇺 Паранормальные существа!
🇹🇷 Paranormal varlıklar!
#shahinelected #паранормальное #существо #секрет #paranormal #gizemli #gizli #secret #entities
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firehologram · 2 months
The fact that it was a gay, vampire x werewolf, lowkey self-insert fanfic
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michaelnotholden · 9 months
Hi Michael. Hi gorgeous.
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marilynthornhilllover · 9 months
S.O.S she's in disguise, S.O.S she's in disguise
Ghostface!marilyn x fem!reader
Warning: knife play, stalker, talk of murder, cunniligus,fingering, slight!softdom marilyn, slight teasing,neck biting, indecent language, fear, mommy kink, degradation kink, praise kink,body praise, and lots more!
A/n: this fic needs holy water honestly, posting this and logging out ( jk)🤣 please enjoy.🙌😌it's long I'm aware🥲 #kinktoberismychanceofmakingsinfulsmutfics 😌🙌
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Let's just say your new neighbor marilyn was one of a kind. She was beyond weird. Since the day she first moved in and you tried being nice to her, she was shy and introverted. You didn't take it to heart at first - couple times you tried being nice and she completely ignored you. after all not knowing what she went through or maybe she's just not used to new environments and people you let her actions slide but as time passed her shyness became rudeness.
She started to give off a vibe you didn't like at all, hence the reason everytime you saw her you'd pass her straight or turn a different direction.
At first it was a coincidence - seeing her in the same grocery store, hardware store, coffee shops, the mall but soon everywhere you went, every place, every corner you took you would see marilyn. And she would just stand there and stare at you, blankly. Sometimes she'd smile but on other occasions it was just straight up creepy.
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It was Halloween night and you had gotten off work early. As you walked home you saw brightly colored Halloween decorations, some were very terrifying while others were just creatively scary in a cool way. You smiled as you saw children rush pass you laughing and giggling with their baskets filled to the brim with snacks - mostly chocolate and small candy sticks. While others had chips and soda.
You saw your other neighbor's daughter, Ella who was just around the age of eight running up to you with the brightest smile on her face.
" hi y/n! Want some candy!" She asked smiling.
You chuckled as you brushed her frizzy hair back into its ponytail.
" hi baby! Thank you, but just one, you know all this sugar is bad for your teeth especially for kids your age" you spoke as she handed you a snickers chocolate, she hummed as she waved you a googbye and ran off. You watched her as she jumped along with some other kids her age before continuing your walk home.
As you got closer to your apartment you saw that the lights of your bedroom was on. Seeing this you froze dead in your tracks.
You had turned it off before you left for work early in the afternoon.
What was it doing on?
Before your mind was able to race and think of everything bad possible reason why your light was on and play tricks on you, your cell phone began to ring.
You took your phone out of your bag to see "unknown caller ID"
You considered picking it up before declining the call.
You sighed as the tiredness of the day and the walk started to kick in.
The night was still quite young but it was pretty spooky.
You walked up to your front porch and stared taking out your keys, when your phone rang again.
You groaned as you saw the the caller ID was still "unknown" you sighed and picked it up.
" Yes? What is it?" You answered harshly hoping to get the person to hear your annoyance and stop bothering you.There was along pause before you heard shallow breathing. Your eyebrow twitched as you tried to listen carefully.
" what the fuck?" You whispered.
" look if this is some sick game, you better back off! And stop calling my damn phone!" You shouted as you threw your phone down on the coffee table you had outside and turned towards your door to unlock it.
You turned back around to pick up your phone and it was gone.
" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" You shouted as you looked around to see if you saw anyone running away, but there was no one, no a single soul - Just cold air hitting your face and spooky ghost balloons staring at you from your other neighbors house across the street.
Your heartbeat picked up as you started to feel light headed. You backed up inside too scared to turn your back - afraid you'd be the one to disappear next if you do. You slammed your door shut and locked it, bolting the blots and placing the broom under the door nob.
You jumped as your house phone started to ring.
You never gaved anyone that number....
You breathe got caught in your lungs as you started coughing. Your eyes filled with tears as you slowly walked up to the phone hanging from the wall. You picked it up and placed it at your ear.
There was nothing.
No sound.
No voice.
" please whoever you are this isn't funny!" You whispered-shouted as tears rolled down your cheek.
" that slik purple shirt looks good on you, my love" you heard the voice say. It was discord, distant. You couldn't pick up who's voice it was or even the gender it sounded almost like a robot.
You looked down to see that you were indeed wearing a silk purple shirt. But you were at alot of places today, anyone could have seen you in the shirt.
"this isn't fucking funny asshole! You don't scare me! " You spoke, voice trembling as you wrapped you other around around your torso to clam yourself.
" you lost something, it's been found" the voice said again before they hand up. You jumped again, as your door bell rang. You placed your hand over your heart and exhaled through your mouth to calm your nerves, but nothing you did was working. Your palms were sweating, your hands were shaking, your anxiety was through the roof.
You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. You carefully walked towards the door and opened the spy hole, you looked around and saw no one, when you looked down you saw your phone. On the ground. You opened the door and quickly grabbed it before slaming the door shut again and locking it up once more.
Your phone was now in a clear - ish purple case with Polaroid pictures of you from when you were at the coffee shops, grocery store etc. Behind each picture had the initial, M.T. a message popped up as you walked back towards the kitchen. It was from your contacts.
M.T sent a video - tap to open.
This person took your phone and added their number into your contacts and now your fearing for what's about to happen next or worse - what this video contains.
With shaking hands you tapped the banner.
It was a video of a person in a white ghost face mask with a black cloak, they tilted their head to the side then brought up their hand to the camera waving a long slender knife. Once again tears formed in your eyes.
They turned the Phone in a direction and that's when you realized that they were standing in your back yard and the door was wide open. Your eyes widened as you rang into your living room and closed the door, but you realized that the lock was broken from three months ago and it automatically slides open from the wind at times.
At this point your heart was pounding out of your chest. You walked around the living room talking shallow breaths as you held your phone tightly in your hand, knife in the other.
You looked down to see another notification from M.T
" don't you think it's a little too late to be closing doors sweetheart? What's already in side can't be locked out." The message read.
You quickly went on 'phone' and dialed 911, but before you could place the call your phone randomly shut down, it wasn't dead, it can't be... it was just at 97%. You started to break down in tears as you slowly walked back into the kitchen. Stopping dead in yours tracks when you came face to face with 'the ghost face'.
" please! P-please, I'm begging you... please don't kill me" you muttered, your vision becoming clouded with tears.
They chuckled as they took a step closer to you at which you took a step back.
Rage builded up in you as you threw the fruit bowl at them to which they dodged with zero effort.
" this isn't funny!" You screamed. They gripped the knife tighter as they took slow steps towards you, you instantly regretted your actions. How stupid can you be.
" who said I was making a joke princess" they chuckled before pushing you hard against the walk behind you. You whimpered as you didn't even get enough time to react as they already had their knife prodding at your throat. They took off their mask and you swore you almost had a heart attack. Standing in front of you was no other than...
Marilyn Thornhill
Your creepy new neighbor.
She took off the cloak as she revealed her navy blue suit.
" didn't really think I'd hurt a pretty princess like you right?! Silly girl, mommy really made her baby scared didn't she?" She cooed as she caressed your face.
You were scared, happy, confused and flustered at the same time. The pet name and the way she addressed herself made something in you go off.
Your lack of answer had her chuckle, she examined your face and smirked. She reminded you of the sharp cold metal knife at your neck before she slipped her knee in between your thighs, hitching your your skirt more around your thighs and allowing her access to press her knee directly onto your clit.
Your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud as a soft moan escaped your lips.
" mhmh such a slut for mommy already? Whoring out yourself to me like this, I could have killed you darling" she spoke confidently, as she dropped the knife and started rolling her knee against your clit erecting a whimper from you.
" but you didn't" you spoke looking at her, eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes.
" but I could have" she whispered, coming dangerously close to your face. You gulped and looked into her deep brown eyes. They were filled with meaning, she may have held a knife to your neck but she truly meant no harm. Her pupils were delated, making them more brown. They were filled with lust, desire, need, want.
You don't know what came over you but suddenly your lips were on hers. How did you not notice how beautiful marilyn was. You were more focused on her being creepy and not your raging mommy issues. She was perfect. Her hair smelt like lavender, her perfume smelt like old spiced cinnamon, she also smelt like burn smoke, she was intoxicating. She was driving you off this clif you didn't even know was possible or even existed.
She roughly pulled down your underwear, ripping them in the process causing your to moan, giving her the perfect entrance for her tongue to slip in. You both fought for dominance but she obviously won.
She tapped your leg and you jumped up, wrapping both your legs around her waist she took you to the bedroom - how did she know where it was? You had no idea but you didn't care either. You both did your best not to break the kiss as she closed the door shut with her foot. She threw you on the bed and began taking off her suit.
You did the same, taking off your shirt then unclasping your bra before taking off your skirt, your panties were gone a long time ago. Marilyn took off her clothes, the both of you naked as the day you were born. You were enchanted by her. She had such great breast, perfect abs.She simply looked perfect when she was naked.
She smirked at your spaced out look, you ran your hands up her abs before she took them and kissed them breaking you from your trance.
You bite your lips and looked up at her with pure lust and need. Suddenly your pussy had a heartbeat for this woman, you needed her badly.
" What's the matter baby? Thinking of how well mommy's gonna stretch you out?" She asked and you swore your core became a pool. You were wet as fuck. You whined as you slightly arched your back.
Marilyn smirked as she leaned down towards you.
" patience tiger" she mumbled before she started kissing your neck. Sucking and biting the tender flesh, definitely leaving marks. Marilyn was driving you crazy and she knew it, and she loved it.
You moaned softly as her cold hands roamed your body, scratching and caressing areas, making you shiver.
She sucked on your pulse joint lightly.
Marilyn leaved hickeys all over your neck leading down to your chest, making butterfly hickeys. Your skin was her art book at this point.
" fuck marilyn I need you so bad" you whispered grabbing her hair and pulling her closer to your face. Making her moan. She smirked at your desperate exertion and kissed you passionately, she was making you feel hot and bothered.
" don't worry princess I'll fuck you so good that no other man or woman can ever make you feel as good as I do ever again" she muttered into the kiss before trailing down your body, leaving love bites on your skin. She sucked, bit and nibbled her way down your chest and stomach making you squirm.
She gently pushed your thighs apart and looked at your glistening cunt, smirking she looked back up at you.
" all this for me, my love?" She started running her fingers through your slit collecting your arousal as she began kissing in between your thighs, you moaned as you arched your back.
" fuck marilyn just fuck me already!" You shouted plopping yourself up on your elbows, marilyn looked up and you and smacked your clit making your jolt. You moaned as you layed back down, eyes rolling back as you felt a new pool of wettenes form from her actions. Your cunt was aching for her touch.
She came up and slapped you. She took your jaw in her hand and forced you to look at her.
" look to me you slut, this pussy is mine and I'll take how much ever time I want get that in your head, and i'm in control" she husked before ghosting your lips with a kiss, chuckling as you thought she was going to kiss you before going back down.
Marilyn opened your legs wider for her and licked up your arousal that was dripping everywhere making you let out a pornographic moan. She smirked as her tongue got to work. She sucked on your clit before releasing it with a pop and moving down to your hole, dipping her tongue inside making your grab the sheets and pull them tightly, your knuckles turning white.
" you taste so fucking good y/n, should given me this pussy a long time ago sweetheart" she mumbled as she ate like there was no longer any food left in the world, she was addicted already. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned again, you've never had your pussy eaten this good before and it was driving you absolutely crazy. She was taking you into oblivion already. You could feel the knot starting to form in your tummy.
She opened her mouth the widest she can and sucked in your cunt, sucking on your clit and flicking her tongue in and out your hole and teasing your clit now and then. Your legs Bagan to shake as your hips began to buck upwards. She was fucking you so good, it was unbelievable.
" Oh fuck mar! Shit! Mhmm" you were seeing stars, marilyn looked up at your disheveled state, hair flatten out on the pillow, chest falling and rising heavily, eyes rolled back, hands grabbing the sheets so tight she swore you'd rip them. The sight of you took her pride and self esteem leavels through the roof. She started sucking faster.
Your thighs began to close around her head but she she held them open wider with her hands, pushing them up a little towards your chest. Marilyn was eating you out like you were ice cream.
You grabbed her hair and tried to pull her off you but she was too deep in it, she was losing herself, and the pleasure was becoming a tad bit too much for you.
" shit! I'm gonna cum! Marilyn I'm gonna cu-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm hit your like a wrecking ball. Your eyes were rolled into your head as your back was arched so much you wonder how it's not breaking in half.
She came up licking her lips as your arousal was still on her chin. She smiled at you as she kissed you passionately.
You moaned as you tasted yourself on her lips. She pulled away and looked at you deeply, it was so pure and filled with love.
" look at you, such a slut baby for mommy... mhm your a masterpiece honey." She whispered kissing your cheek before moving down your chest again. She sucked on your nipple making you sigh in pleasure. You didn't even know who you were or where you were. You felt as if you were on cloud nine. Your orgasm hasn't even waver off yet.
She was taking such good care of your body it was magical.
She squeezed your breast as she sucked on it like a baby. She released it with a pop and swirled her tongue around it before pulling as it with her lips them teeth making you let out a gasp before she did the same to the other one. She trailed kisses back down to your pussy as she reopened your legs again, your legs were trembling but she still managed to force them open.
She kissed your clit softly " such perfect pussy" she whispered blowing air on your puffy bud making you whimper as you turned your head into the pillow. She kissed it again, this time sliding her tongue down to your entrance and back up, your hips twitched and you moaned softly. " suck pretty moans, from a pretty princess"
Your body was on fire, never once did you or anyone make you feel this good sexual or in bed.
She came up once more and kissed you, she forced her tongue into your mouth as she kissed you deeply, this was she easily slipped two fingers into you, you moaned into her mouth, your hips bucking up off the bed. She pushed her fingers deeper into you, knuckles deep. She curled them making you moan loudly, the overstiumlation was kicking in. She slowly began moving her fingers in you, not pulling them in and out but flexing them.
She was massaging your spongy walls so good.
You turned to face her, opening your eyes slightly, as the dimly lit room made everything more erratic. You looked at her and she looked at you she was so proud of the way she was making you feel. You opened your mouth to tell her something but a loud pornographic moan slipped out inside as she began thrusting her fingers in and out of you deep and slow, not rushing anything.
" fuck... mhpm marilyn?.." You moaned her name like a question but it came out more prayer like.
She chuckled as she kissed your forehead. The way she was fucking you now was sending you insane. You were losing your dignity for this woman. She was so rough when she was eating you out now she's soft as ever with her fingers.
" Yes my love?" she asked going a bit faster now, hitting your g-spot with every curl of her fingers in you.
" fuck! You fuck me so fucking good" you moaned biting your lips as your eyes rolled back, the room was filled with her fingers working in and out of you and your moans. She kissed every inch of your face as she picked up her pace. Her curled fingers were now making wave movements causing your hands to fight to pull the bed sheets but she was faster grabbing them and holding them tight as your orgasm pushed you off the edge more and more.
She kissed your ear and whispered.
" squeezing my fingers so good baby, go ahead and cum for me" with that being said you did just that. She waited for you to ride out your high before removing her fingers and licking them off. She gently choked you as she kissed you deeply.
After you both calmed down you turned to look at her.
" how the fuck are you so skilled with both your mouth and fingers" you asked cupping her face and kissing her.
" What can I say, I'm a perfestional" she muttered lazily before pulling away smirking at you, before biting her bottom lip.
" Well I'm addicted" you mumbled, rolling your eyes playfully, before moving closer to her, cuddling into her warm body, she held you tight and kissed your forehead. You both were extremely exhausted.
" Oh yeah, well your my drug" she whispered before you both fell asleep.
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I Allah qatında zaman yoxdur. Bütün hadisələr bir anda baş verir və o “bu andır”. Bir çox təlqinlərə görə zamanın keçmiş, indi və gələcək olduğunu zənn edirik. Əslində isə keçmişi qavramağımızın yeganə səbəbi hafizəmizə bəzi hadisələrin verilməsidir. Məsələn, orta məktəbə getdiyimiz an hafizəmizdə olan hər hansı bir məlumatdır və buna görə də biz bunu keçmiş hadisə kimi qiymətləndiririk. Gələcəklə bağlı hadisələr isə hafizəmizdə yoxdur. Buna görə də biz hələ xəbərdar olmadığımız hadisələri “yaşanacaq”, “gələcəkdə baş verəcək” hadisələr kimi qəbul edirik. Əslində, necə ki, keçmiş hadisələr bizim üçün yaşanmış, təcrübədən keçirilmiş, görülmüş hadisələrdirsə, gələcək hadisələr də artıq yaşanmışdır. Ancaq bu hadisələr bizim hafizəmizə verilmədiyi üçün biz bunları bilmirik. Əgər Allah gələcəklə bağlı hadisələri də hafizəmizə versəydi, onda gələcək də bizim üçün keçmiş olardı. Məsələn, 30 yaşlı insanın hafizəsində 30 illik xatirələr var və bu səbəbə görə bu insan 30 illik bir keçmişi olduğunu düşünür. Əgər bu insanın hafizəsinə 30-la 70 yaş arasındakı gələcəyinə dair xəbərlər verilsəydi, onda 30 yaşlı insan üçün həm 30 ili, həm də 30-la 70 yaşı arasındakı “gələcəyi” keçmiş zamana çevrilərdi. Çünki bu vəziyyətdə keçmişi də, gələcəyi də hafizəsində mövcud olacaq, hər ikisi də onun üçün yaşanmış, görülmüş, təcrübədən keçirilmiş hadisələr olacaq. Allah hadisələri bizə kiçikdən böyüyə doğru, sanki keçmişdən gələcəyə doğru davam edirmiş kimi hiss etdirir. Buna görə də O, bizə gələcəyimizlə bağlı hadisələri bildirmir, bunlar haqqında məlumatı hafizəmizə yerləşdirmir. Gələcək bizim hafizəmizdə yoxdur, amma Allahın sonsuz hafizəsində bütün insanların keçmişi və gələcəyi vardır. Bu, bir insanın artıq mövcud olan filmi seyr etməsinə bənzəyir. Film artıq çəkilmiş və bitmişdir. Ancaq bu filmi irəliyə ötürə bilməyən insan kadrları bir-bir seyr etdikcə həyatını görür. Hələ seyr etmədiyi kadrların isə gələcək olduğunu zənn edərək yanılır. (ardı rəydə) #quran #islam #dinipaylasimlar #Allah #namaz #dua #din #zaman #yaddaş #sirr https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck02Jd5o66f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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