#sir share some prettiness with the rest of us
perths · 1 year
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ddejavvu · 11 months
omg part two for hotch scrolling through your ig pretty please 😭😭 like IMAGINE penelope gathering the rest of the gang so they can collectively stalk your instagram and she accidentally likes one of your pictures while lurking
Penelope isn't often scared of Hotch, because the man has a soft spot for her, and she knows it. But now he's staring at her with a stern glare, something she's not usually on the receiving end of. She shifts on her heels, strangely speechless.
"Sir? Is everything okay?"
He lets her suffer in silence for a moment longer, then gestures towards his phone face-up on the desk. It's lit up with a text notification, and she faintly recognizes the name that it's attached to.
Y/N Y/L/N: Isn't this your computer whiz?
"Open it." Hotch instructs, his voice unfailingly calm, which sets Penelope even further on edge. She reaches out with a trembling finger to tap on the notification and it opens your thread, the screen entirely consumed with a screenshot you'd taken of your instagram. Sure enough, in your notifications page is a note: baby_girl_penny_g liked your photo.
"Um," Penelope stalls, and despite her rampant creativity, she can't bring herself to fib, "Well, I- the tags were-"
"There were no hashtags," Hotch stops her in her tracks, "The only way you could have found that photo was on her profile. How long ago was that posted?"
Penelope scrolls to the bottom of the post even though she doesn't want to, and mutters "2018."
"Five years ago. Five-" Hotch steels himself before he gets too upset, pinching the slim bridge of his nose, "Garcia, did Morgan tell you about this?"
"it wasn't his fault," She pleads his case, "I could tell there was something on his mind! So I got him, like, super drunk, and we-"
"Penelope, this was none of your business." Hotch speaks over her. He doesn't like cutting her off, but he knows her, and she'll talk for hours just to try and weasel her way back into his good graces. He watches her squirm with a stern expression, hands folded on his desk while he clenches his jaw.
"I won't tell anyone else." She promises weakly, and Aaron raises a single eyebrow at her. Secret-keeping is not her forte, and they both know it.
"Okay, so-" She crumples, "I- I totally will. But Hotch, we're gonna be happy for you! I'm already happy for you, you deserve this! You deserve love, even if you try to use this job as an excuse not to find it! You found it, and you should own it."
"I purposefully did not share the status of my relationship with our team. It was meant to be private."
Penelope regains some of her boldness now, even in the face of Hotch's scowl, "Well tough shit, Hotchner! We love you, and we were all there when you lost Haley! We watched you die inside, and we deserve to watch you live again! We are part of your family, Hotch, whether you like it or not, and we're not gonna walk away just because you get snippy with us! So help me, Hotch, I will handcuff myself to you until you realize that we are here. We are here, and we love you, and we always will! You can tell us about your life, because we want to enjoy it with you."
Perhaps she shouldn't have been so forward. Perhaps she shouldn't have said the H-word, or brought up Hotch's infuriating tendency to distrust people's care for him not out of malice, but out of self-loathing. Perhaps she should have hung her head and apologized, but Penelope Garcia is headstrong, and she does not fear the tense wrath of Aaron Hotchner simply for loving him.
For a moment, she worries that she's flaunted a red cape around a bull. Reid's words echo in her mind about how it's nothing to do with the color red, and everything to do with the movement of the fabric, but now is not the time, Doctor Reid, thank you very much. She waits for him to charge, knows he'll withdraw now that she's faced him with the terror of being known, of being cared for, and she can feel her heart sink to the nearly-numb heels of her feet.
Then something in his jaw shifts, and he glances away from her, blinking.
"Thank you." He murmurs, and she thinks she may have heard him wrong.
"What?" She whispers, and he gnaws at the inside of his cheek, caving it in.
"Thank you. For being firm with me." He clarifies, "I... I'm glad that you're here."
Tears spring to her eyes and she nods vigorously, incapable of speech but overflowing with emotion. He swallows, clearing his throat, "In the future, please do not stalk my romantic partners. And... in the future, I will introduce you, so that you don't need to stalk them."
"Okay," She grins through her misty eyes, letting him steer the conversation back towards his comfort zone, "Okay, Hotch. We love you. And- and we're really happy for you, and can I please go and tell the others?"
He laughs despite himself, and doesn't bother steeling himself into composure anymore. He grins, "Fine. But leave out the details of her most recent posts, please."
"The ones where she talks about being sore in the mornings?" She fixes him with a devious grin, already making for the door intent on shouting the news from the rooftops, "I won't say it in the bullpen, 'cause Reid couldn't handle it, but I'm totally gossiping with the girls about it, Hotch."
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 4 months
Levi Ackerman x Reader
Summary: Captain Levi wouldn't let his feelings for a scout under him get in the way of his professionalism, right?
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N, Levi being a dick to others, implied smut, making out, nudity, titan deaths, drinking.
Word Count: 2.5K
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Y/N sat in the conference room, tapping her foot nervously. It was time for assessment of the newest scouts and she was the last to go. Every single one of them had come out of Captain Levi’s office either looking dejected, shaken up, or outright crying. She had no clue what he could possibly be saying to everyone to elicit such reactions. Everyone had been nervous and she had no idea why. Captain Levi had been nothing but decent to her but her former classmates didn’t seem to share her view. In contrast, she wasn’t nervous for her meeting until she saw everyone else’s reactions.
As the door opened across the hall, she could hear quiet sobs followed by footsteps running down the hall. After a couple minutes, Captain Levi appeared in the door frame. “L/N?” he called before turning on his heel and walking back into his office. She followed after him quickly, stepping into his office as he held the door for her. Once she was inside, he shut the door behind her and gestured for her to sit. She complied as her captain took a seat across from her behind the desk. He took a moment to look through some papers before speaking. “So going over what your instructors had said when you were a cadet I’m not at all surprised you’re doing so well. You work well with the team and communicate. You’ve shown just how skilled you are in titan combat and you’re very professional in the workplace.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“My only suggestion is to stop taking such big risks. Your actions have never risked anyone else’s safety so I’ve never felt the need to say anything. But for your sake, make sure you’re not putting yourself in any unnecessary danger.”
“Understood, sir.”
“And with that in mind, I’d like to offer you a spot on the Special Operations Squad. We could use someone like you,” he said with the slightest ghost of a smile.
Her breath hitched and she was pretty sure her eyes widened. A spot on Captain Levi’s team? The Levi Squad, as it had been dubbed, was the best and most exclusive unit in all of the Scouts Regiment. “I’d love to, sir. Thank you.”
His shadow of a smile grew into a small one as he sat back in his seat. “Good. Seeing as I have nothing else to complain about, you’re dismissed.”
Not wanting to embarrass herself out of joy and excitement, she hurried out of the office. That was the meeting that had sent the rest of her teammates off crying? She didn’t dwell on it as she walked back towards her living quarters. As she walked through the hall, she could hear faint sobs and hushed, angry whispers coming through the doors. She ignored them until suddenly one of her classmates left her room with slightly red eyes. “Oh, Y/N,” Zelma greeted. “How was your meeting with the captain?” she asked, pity already creeping into her expression.
The newest member of the Special Operations Squad froze. Did she tell people? It would seem like she was rubbing it in everyone else’s faces. But they’d all find out eventually, right? Still, there was still time for her to tell them. It didn’t have to come on the heels of everyone else’s tears. “It was fine. He just chewed me out a bit for taking risky moves.”
“Yeah, well you got the best of it then. Mandel got chewed out for a full ten minutes about writing the date on his documents incorrectly.”
“Oh god.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to see if Rose is okay,” Zelma said, brushing past her. As she continued onto her room, she thought about her interactions with Captain Levi. Nothing about him seemed like he’d do that to a person. When she first started, she screwed up about ten pages of reports but rather than scream at her, he had spent the whole night helping her fix them.
“What’s this?” a deep voice rang through the nearly empty office. Her head snapped up towards the door, finding easily the most feared man in all of the Survey Corps… scarier than Commander Erwin Smith.
“Uh… hello, sir,” she stuttered out as she tried to covertly cover up the paperwork she had messed up and was trying to redo.
He said nothing as he approached her desk. Before even looking at her piles of paper, he lit the candle on her desk, making her realize just how late it was and how dark it had gotten. He then observed her papers, easily identifying what she tried to cover up. Wordlessly, he pulled up a chair to sit on the side of her desk, grabbing half of her pile. She looked at him perplexed until he finally explained. “I’ll do this half so we finish quicker.”
“Oh… uh… thank you, sir. I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he replied, the phrase seeming too casual for Humanity’s Strongest Soldier. “I’ve made these mistakes before.” No he hadn’t. But he wanted to make her feel better.
A week later, the Levi Squad was heading out on a mission to reclaim the Scout Regiment’s old headquarters outside Wall Rose. This would be her first time fighting since her cadet class had attempted to retake Shiganshina.
“You ready, brat?” a deep voice asked, coming up behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, finding Captain Levi approaching her.
“Yes, sir,” she agreed, standing up straight and turning to face him.
The Captain stopped in front of her, taking a moment to observe her. A slight frown adorned his face as he stepped closer. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the straps wrapped around her thighs. Unable to find her voice, she just nodded. He knelt down, grabbing the strap wrapped around her left leg first. He tugged at it, finding that it was a bit too loose, as well as throwing the wearer off balance. She fell forward, catching herself on Levi’s shoulder. She immediately moved to steady herself but another tug seemed to bring her closer.
Levi kept his face straight as he moved on to her other leg. He enjoyed the closeness of her. Ever since that night they spent filling out her paperwork, just reveling in each other’s company, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. He had justified it in his mind as simply admiring her dedication, enabling him to invite her onto his team. And he couldn’t just let his newest member slip out of her ODM gear, right?
Moving on from the straps around her thighs, his hands wandered up to her waist. He was still kneeling before her but now that he was no longer pulling her leg forward, she stood on her own. He kind of missed her gentle yet firm grip on his shoulder. Nevertheless, he tugged at the straps around her waist, finding them perfectly snug. Satisfied, he finally stood, pulling her attention up with him. “You’re all set.”
“Th-thank you, sir,” she said, slight nervousness creeping into her voice. He just gave her a soft smile before heading over to his own horse.
It had been a long two days. The Special Operations Squad had fought long and hard to clear and secure the Survey Corps’ headquarters but they did it without any casualties. Now, locked safely within the walls of the old castle, they celebrated.
“Oh my god, did you see Ral take down that five meter?” Bozado practically shouted in excitement. “Hell, she tripped the thing and still cut it’s nape.” Everyone cheered on Petra as she blushed.
“Did you see the rookie, here?” Jinn caught everyone’s attention as he nudged her shoulder. She blushed as well as everyone looked at her. “How was your first solo kill?”
She smiled, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Not enough,” she declared, eliciting a cheer from everyone. Across the table she caught Levi’s eye, giving her a smirk and nod of approval, the biggest reaction anyone had gotten out of him.
After a while of celebrating, everyone else was drunk with the exception of her and Levi. Needing a moment of quiet, she slipped out of the room, everyone else too drunk to notice. She made her way to the upper floors until she found a balcony in what was probably the commander’s room. Stepping outside, she just took a moment to breathe in the cool air. Fortunately all the titans had dissolved into nothingness, leaving the view almost beautiful. The only damper was the damage the titans had created.
“Mind if I join?” a low voice came from behind her.
Startled, she jumped, relieved when she saw that it was only Levi. “Oh, you scared me, Captain.”
“Did I?” he said, coming to stand next to her. “Didn’t take you as one to be scared easily. You did just stare down the jaws of a titan today.”
She shrugged, the blush returning to her cheeks. “Yeah well, I’d sooner face a titan than the infamous Captain Levi.”
He chuckled. “You did good,” he praised.
“Thank you, sir. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Your record speaks for itself,” he dismissed.
Turning to face the outside world again, a sudden breeze caught her, sending a chill down her spine. Noticing her movement, Levi unclasped the cloak from around his shoulders before placing it around his newest soldier. “Oh thank you sir but-” He waved his hand, dismissing her before going back to looking over the castle’s grounds, sipping on his tea. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find the words. Clenching her jaw, she pondered all of his actions. Taking a deep swig of the whiskey Jinn had brought, she worked up the courage to speak. “Why do you treat me so well?”
Levi’s blood went cold. It was the question he dreaded and the opening he craved but still never hoped would come. Choosing to deflect, he spoke casually. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I treat everyone the same.”
“Sir, with all due respect, no you don’t,” she countered sheepishly. “When others in my class screwed up they were punished, you helped me. You invited me to your squad even though I wasn’t first in my cadet class. You don’t even really interact socially with your squad but you’re out here with me.”
Levi sighed, considering his next words. She had him pinned on this. “You… I…” he took a breath. “You impress me,” was all he said. “More than anyone ever has.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she pressed further.
Levi groaned internally as she kept pushing. Unable to say the words, he decided to show her. Resting his cup on the thick railing of the balcony, he stepped right next to her, grasping her face softly. Her doe like eyes stared up at him innocently until they fluttered closed as Levi leant down, connecting their lips. She parted her lips, granting him access to her mouth, which he took eagerly. His hands fell to her hips, pulling her in eagerly which she took as an invitation to reach for his coat. He helped her shed the clothing before he worked to unbutton his own shirt, still kissing her. Once it was off, he returned his hands to her hips, pushing her into the room and onto the bed. In a flurry of lips and clothes, Levi had her naked underneath him. Pausing for a moment, he pulled away just to observe her. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed before returning his lips to hers.
Laying in the bed that had been prepared for him earlier that day, Levi stroked his newest squad-member’s hair. Her bare skin bathed in the moonlight as she slept peacefully on his chest. He couldn’t help but smile into the top of her head, feeling like a giddy teenager. He couldn’t believe he had finally found the girl of his dreams. In the Underground he had had no time for and therefore no consideration of love. He knew he’d have to keep her a well-guarded secret. Sometimes there were bigger threats than titans.
Continuing to enjoy the weight on his chest and the feeling of her soft hair running through his fingers, Levi stared out into the night. He could get used to this. One day they’d have to kill all the titans, right? Then they could get a nice little house out here in the country. Where it could just be the two of them.
Checking the clock that had been wound to the correct time, he could see that the sun would be rising soon. He hadn’t slept at all but that wasn’t out of the ordinary and he didn’t mind. He had more important things to think about than sleep. A small, irrational part of him worried that someone or something would come snatch her from him in the night right as he finally had her. But for the sake of keeping his reputation, he reluctantly slipped out of bed, gently replacing his chest with a pillow so as to disturb her as little as possible.
Given that the balcony doors had been left open, the object of Levi’s affection woke with the sun. With a gentle stretch, she soaked the sun in for a moment, inhaling the scent of her commander on the sheets. Despite wanting to lie in bed all day, she’d much rather avoid someone bursting in and asking her why she was in Levi’s bed so she got up reluctantly. Looking for her clothes, which had been shed on the balcony, she found them folded neatly at the foot of the bed. Smiling to herself, she put them on and fixed her hair before heading down to the kitchen.
Upon entering, she found all of her teammates grabbing food from the counter before sitting at the wooden table in the center. They all grumbled good mornings to her as they served themselves and sat. Still standing in the doorway, she saw her captain standing at the stove in an apron. “More pancakes are coming,” he announced.
There was a quiet cheer from the rest of the team as they were already digging through what had already been made. Sitting down, she helped herself to some of the fruit on the table before a plate full of pancakes appeared in front of her. She looked up, finding Levi sitting down beside her at the head of the table with another plate for himself. She just sent him a smile and said a quiet thanks as she dug in.
Meanwhile the rest of the team stared at the pair in shock. Seeing them first, Levi sent them a glare. “What? She hadn’t gotten a plate. Feed yourselves,” he barked before returning his attention to the woman sitting beside him.
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a-hazbin-soul · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some angst with the hazbin hotel characters? Like we get into an argument and they yell and notice we went silent, looking as if we were gonna break down into tears, IM SORRY I JUST LIVE FOR ANGST AHHH
Hazbin Hotel characters making their S/O cry
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He was preparing for tomorrow night's broadcast when he heard the door open.
He had been working on his radio broadcast and hotel things for the whole day. He was under so much stress and took it out on you.
"Darling, you know I've been in here all day. Is it that difficult to knock?! You know these things are important! Why must you interrupt me?!"
He didn't get an answer. You just slammed the door and ran out.
He felt terrible as soon as he saw sadness in your eyes.
He ran after you and hugged you, rubbing circles on your back and telling you how sorry he was.
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He was very pissed at how much Alastor and Charlie got along.
He was working on his rubber ducks, not hearing you walk in.
He didn't know you were in the room until you hugged him from behind.
"What? What is it now?!" He shouted, dropping his rubber duck to the floor.
"Could you leave me alone for five minutes when you know I'm busy?!"
"Wow, fuck you!" You said before slamming the door and using your powers to get to the hotel.
Alastor opened the door to see you crying and brought you to the couch, giving you a hug.
You barely got the chance to finish telling Alastor what happened before Lucifer ran to you, crying and apologizing.
You were able to talk things out and agreed to be more open about feelings.
Sir Pentious
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Pentious was working on a new invention. But, since he was trying to get redeemed, it couldn't be for evil.
He was trying to build things to help with the hotel. Right now, he was making something to lift Niffty up around the hotel.
You were trying to help while also keeping the egg bois under control, not realizing you were distracting him.
"Will you please stop already! You're supposed to be watching them, but you're just as annoying!!"
You had tears in your eyes as soon as you turned around.
"Fine!" You yelled before running off.
"That wasn't very nice, boss. You should apologize."
When Pentious saw you, you were sitting on the couch by the TV with Charlie hugging you.
"Y/N, may I speak with you? I would like to apologize."
You silently nodded, standing up next to him.
"I'm sorry, my dearest, can you ever forgive me?"
"As long as you promise to tell me what's wrong and how to properly help in the future."
He pulled you into a hug and wrapped his tail around you.
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The bar was open way later than usual because Charlie decided to have an open house for the hotel.
Free drinks were pretty much a necessity when you're trying to lure in sinners.
Husk seemed fine/ his usual brand of grumpy.... Until he saw you talking and laughing with some guy and pulled you into an empty hallway.
"What the fuck was that? Did you really think I would be too busy to see you flirting like a whore?"
Even with tears in your eyes, you could tell he's been drinking vodka straight.
You pushed him away from you.
"That's my cousin, you asshole! He was asking me about the hotel."
You ran away, going right to the room you shared with Husk and trying to go to sleep.
Husk spent the rest of the party drinking water and eating a few snacks to fight the future hangover.
When you woke up, Husk had his wings and arms wrapped around you. He didn't even bother trying to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was such an idiot and I hurt the best person who's ever been in my life. I freaked out about seeing you with someone else..... because I know I don't deserve you, and I don't want to lose you."
He was crying into your shoulder, and you pulled him into a hug.
"You couldn't lose me if you wanted to. Just remember, I love you more than anything, and I'd rather die again than lose you.
(A/N : This sucks ass and I'm sorry this took me so long. I hope you like it, though. )
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secretly-tumb1r · 5 months
Roadtrip - hotch x reader
summary: when hotch finally sheds his stubbornness, he decides to drive back to Quantico from New York, in an attempt to rest his punctured eardrum. You couldn’t leave him without company, so you join him.
Warning: 18+ MDNI, making out, alcohol usage
A/n: first hotch fic hope you love it!! Also i cant exactly remember the dialogue between hotch and prentiss at the start forgive me😭. Enjoy lovelies💞
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(gif not mine all credits to original creator <3)
“Here, for your flight back.” Hotch hands the platter of baked goods to Agent Prentiss.
“What, you aren’t coming with us?” Her eyebrow cocks up in curiosity. “No, I really shouldn’t be flying” He shakes his head. “are you sure? it’s a 7 hour ride back to Quantico” Rossi asks, words chosen carefully. Hotch looks down. “I’ve taken that road before, you’ll see loads of country, beautiful scenery, maybe you should extend your trip a day or two.” Hotch easily picks up what he was putting down, suggesting he should take a rest. “Thank you” “Take all the time you need” Rossi nods at him and gets in the black SUV.
“Hey.. care for some company?” you smile brightly at Aaron and surprisingly, he returns the gesture. “Sure why not, hop in,” his eyes twinkle with happiness at the thought of you two on a roadtrip alone, maybe even in a hotel room. You cheerfully make your way to the passenger door, waving a quick goodbye to the rest of your team.
“Well.. we all know what’s gonna happen in the one day Hotch and y/n will take off” Morgan teases. “I don’t wanna think about it..” Reid grimaces at the thought, earning a laugh from the rest.
You had been on the road for quite some time yet. The sky was darkening and you were engulfed by silence bar the quiet radio playing in the background. Your eyes dared to close as your head fell down as sleep was consuming you. Work lately was.. exhausting. Aarons eyes shifted slightly from the road to your tired physique and his heart nearly broke. Seeing you so tired, he made his mind up to pull over at the nearest hotel.
It wasn’t for another 2 miles that his car finally stopped, and you were awakened from your slumber by a soft voice. “y/n” he gently patted your shoulder, “cmon wake up, we’re at a hotel” you stirred in your sleep “mm 5 more minutes” you practically moaned and leaned into his touch. His mouth went dry, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as a he took a big gulp. “y/n, wake up” he said a bit sterner. Your eyes shot open at the familiar voice, embarrassment filling your body. “Sorry! sorry i’m up.” you try to look as awake as possible. “cmon let’s go in we’re both tired”.
Hotch was normally so.. stoic. His face blurred of any emotion except seriousness. You were pretty sure in the one year you had worked at the BAU, you’d never seen him smile. That was awake Hotch, sleepy hotch was merely the opposite. It looked like all attempts to contain human emotion were discarded a few hours back. Sleepy Hotch was more.. human like, it was refreshing seeming him emit feelings like the rest of us mortals.
“I’m sorry sir, we only have one available room right now.” Hotch’s gaze didn’t shift off the guy at the till. “It’s fine. We’ll take that please.” he hands him his credit card. “Are you sure? There’s only one bed in that room” Your breath hitched. You’d either be sharing the bed or one of you would have to sleep on the floor, which you assumed Hotch would take it upon himself to take his place on the floor. “Yeah it’s fine we’ll work something out” he sighs deeply and shoves his hands down his pockets.
Aaron tried to keep his composure at the thought of you two sharing a bed. Of course he knew it wouldn’t happen, he’d have to sleep on the floor, but the thought of it suddenly made him wide awake.
When you made it to the room you realised you had no change to sleep in, so you discarded your pants and bra and pulled your button up shirt that reached your mid thighs down. Stepping out the bathroom while tying your hair up in a low bun, Hotch’s breath hitched in his throat. You were radiating. Even tired and only in a shirt you still managed to look exquisite. His eyes hungrily scanned your body stopping at your exposed thighs, arousal building up inside him. He did his best to look you in the eye as he stared in silence.
“Like what you see boss?” You teased, your eyebrows lifting suggestively. “uh- “ he gulped hard. “i’m gonna go uhm- yeah”. He disappeared in the bathroom. Splashing some cold water on his face, he took his tie, belt and button up shirt off, leaving him in his pants and a undershirt he appeared to wear under his shirt. When he stepped out, you had to keep yourself from salivating. His biceps looked incredibly big, and his pants fit him perfectly. You bit down on your bottom lip, a gesture you only did when you were excited. Hotch knew that. His confidence building back up inside him as he repeated your previous words.
“Like what you see” and he suggestively raised his eyebrows like you did just moments ago. “uh- i- “ He laughed brightly, which took you by surprise because untill a few moments ago, you hadn’t even seen him smile before. Your shoulders relaxed as you slumped down on the bed. “so i’ll uhm- take the floor” he began to say. You quickly interrupted him. “cmon boss, don’t be like that, it’s only one night. I promise i’ll keep my distance” His mouth twitched into a smile, and his heart grew. He didn’t think you’d suggest sharing a bed, but he was glad you did. He joined you in bed, heart beating so hard he thought it would jump out his chest.
You couldn’t help but feel giddy, like a highschool kid with her first crush. His presence was so hard to ignore, and your body moved before your mind as you turned to your side to face him. He was laying on his back looking up at the ceiling, he looked so beautiful. You couldn’t help but admire his features. His dark eyebrows, and even darker eyes, his high cheekbones and his big nose. Something about big noses excited something in you. You had no idea why.
Hotch turned his head to look at you, his eyes scanning your body. Your hands were pressed under the side of your head, and your leg was slightly bent, showing the curve of your ass. He felt his pants tighten as he abruptly got up, walking to the mini bar.
“Would you care for a drink?” You lifted yourself on your elbows to look at him. “Sure why not”. One drink turned into two and two turned into too many, and quickly you were laughing and telling eachother embarrassing childhood stories.
“No i’m not even lying! I licked his teeth!” you said as you teasingly pushed his arm. Hotch, between laughs, said “Your first kiss, and you licked his teeth?” He collapsed on the bed laughing. “What can i say i wasnt the best kisser”. Suddenly, he stopped laughing, his eyes filling with lust.
“Are you still bad at kissing?” His dark eyes bore into yours as you softly said “yes” picking up what he was putting down. “Why don’t you show me and i’ll give you some pointers.” His hand met your cheek, grazing it gently, as he pulled you in, his lips crashing onto yours. He tasted like alcohol and sweetness, intoxicating. His cologne filled your nostrils as you shifted your legs to straddle him, both of your thighs pressed against his ribs, as he cupped your face and tilted your head back, deepening the kiss. His hand moved to your thighs, kneading the soft skin making you gasp. He took the opportunity of you opening your mouth more to slip his tongue inside your mouth. His soft tongue dancing in a slow rhythm with your own. He moved both of his hands to your thighs gripping them tightly as your hands make their way to his hair, pulling it.
Your mouths moved in tandem and unity, a pace that was so calming yet so awakening. You had never felt this way before, and now that you had, you never wanted to back to feeling how you used to.
first part what do y’all thinkkkk?? i know this isn’t very “erotic” but i js needed to see if you guys would like it. Lmk if you do and i’ll post a very very spicy part 2 lovelies. LOVE YOU ALL MWWWAHHHH kisses xoxo💞
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ohnoitstbskyen · 3 months
Oh no. Sir I believe I'm going to need you to explain that Dragon Age 2 opinion, that is a BLAZING hot take
I really don't think it is. Although of course all of this is personal opinion, not some sort of divine proclamation on high about which video games people are allowed to prefer, so take please it in the spirit it is offered.
Origins is a worldbuilding walking tour as much about explaining its own in-universe lore and fantasy history as it is about either its characters or the actual story that is happening in the game. It's a cool world! With some great lore! But also it is built entirely around Generic Fantasy Plot Structure #1 and never particularly seems interested in innovating, or surprising the player. On top of which, a lot of its setting and lore is pretty weakly sketched and doesn't really get developed into something either visually or narratively compelling until it gets built out in later games.
And while Inquisition has some genuinely fantastic characters, everything else about the game suffers very badly from the plague of BioWare Magic™, i.e. the production was an absolute mess up until the last minute when five hundred extremely overworked and underpaid creative geniuses somehow managed to wring a functional experience out of the trainwreck. It was made with fucking Frostbite of all things, jesus christ, it's holding together with spit and duct tape.
Now, Dragon Age 2 shares a bunch of the problems of Origins and Inquisition. It too bears the hallmarks of "our executives couldn't plan a healthy game production cycle if their lives depended on it" with a lot of unfinished content, half-assed sidequests and a truly frustrating over-reliance on a combat system that isn't half as engaging to use as it needed to be.
But Dragon Age 2 also has something neither of its siblings could ever even hope to match: an actual compelling protagonist.
Like, listen, I know people adore their headcanons about their Wardens and Inquisitors, and it has made for some truly amazing fanworks, but Hawke is literally the only actual character out of all of them. Hawke has conflicts, problems, needs and drives that actually inform and push the story forward, they have a family and a history and a reason to give a sh** about the central conflict of the narrative.
In Origins and Inquisition both, your character becomes the main character of the story entirely because of fate and random chance. You are the Chosen One and you are the only one who can Save The World because you're the last of the super special elite fantasy Hero Squad, or because you got some green magic stuck in your hand by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because the character is a complete blank slate onto which the player is expected to project themselves, random chance and circumstance are the only tools the plot can use to position them as main characters. There is no character to drive them to it.
In Dragon Age 2, Hawke becomes the champion because they're trying to build a new life for their family in Kirkwall, and end up embroiled in the chaos and politics that befall the city as a natural consequence of living in it and dealing with the conditions of it. Hawke and their family's needs and wants drive their actions, and push them to engage in endeavors that influence the course of history. They have agency (in the conceit of the narrative, at least) over how their life turns out, they make choices that have consequences, rather than being dictated into the position of Main Character by a literal looming apocalypse that permits no other course of action.
And I'm not about to sit here and claim that Dragon Age 2's story is perfect or that every character is a masterpiece or that every plotline is amazing. No, there's plenty of scuff and jank and things that have aged poorly and unresolved plot threads and all the rest of it.
And I am definitely not forgetting the godsdamned DLC where BioWare threw it all overboard by inventing a Special Bloodline Plot where oops it turns out Hawke actually IS a special chosen one specially chosen by a special fate to have a special role in Saving The World because they're special because of fate and destiny and blah blah, I still think that was phenomenally stupid (especially when Corypheus wasn't even Hawke's goddamn main villain to deal with what was any of this supposed to add to their character ffs BioWare)
But even with all its problems, the simple fact that Hawke is a character you can give a shit about independent of your own projection as a player - the fact that Hawke isn't just an empty bland blank slate with no personality, no traits, no wants or needs or drives - that has made Dragon Age 2 infinitely more memorable to me than either Origins and Inquisition. I think about it to this day. I think about Hawke to this day. I care about what happens to the character in a way that I just simply could never bring myself to do with either my Wardens or my Inquisitors.
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Lost the post but it was so good and I'd love to get your take on it!
Price getting videos of you playing from home while he's deployed, and you aren't exactly quiet. Well, the boys hear it and it leads to them watching it at some point (with your permission of course!). I thoroughly believe Price loves showing off what's his and is comfortable in your relationship to consider sharing you with his team, maybe even in more ways than 1?
Maybe Price and reader record themselves a separate time to show the boys? I don't know I'm frothing at the mouth thinking of Price showing you off!
I am slowly making my way through these asks!! Thank y'all so much for being patient. As soon as I clear out my list, I'll turn the ask button back on.
This premise is so hot! Hope this is sort of what you were looking for?
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Show and Tell
Price opened your video in the middle of Ghost’s briefing presentation. Luckily, only the task force was in attendance, but as he played the clip, your lust-filled moans echoed throughout the small conference room, unmistakable. All eyes turned to him, and Ghost halted mid-speech.
“Uh, sorry…” Price muttered, quickly swiping away. 
“Fuck, Cap. I know you showed us her photo, but she is damn fine,” Gaz chuckled, leaning over his commander’s shoulder to try and look at the screen.
“Eyes front, Sergeant.”
“Only seems fair to share, mate,” Johnny quipped, a gleam shining in his eye. 
Ghost put his hands on his hips, 
“If it was important enough to interrupt my presentation, maybe it’s important enough to share with the class… sir.”
Price sighed and sent off a quick text. He was asking you for permission to share. It wasn’t the first time that he’d asked you, but all the others had just been the odd picture here and there; a fancy neglige, or a holiday swimsuit… it was harmless. But, this was something else. To his surprise, you messaged back with an affirmative “Yes!” and a winking emoji. 
Ghost held his hand out and beckoned for the phone,
“C’mon. We’ll put her on the big screen.”
Reluctantly, and a little worried things had gotten fully out of hand, Price handed over the phone. Your enthusiastic response was the only thing propelling him forward at this point. He wasn’t possessive, but he wasn’t much of a sharing man. 
But, then, there you were… in all of your beautiful glory. You were using your vibrator and sitting on the tile floor of your bathroom, burying a thick silicone dildo in your pussy to the hilt. Your moans echoed through the room again in spectacular 4k. 
“Mmm! Oh! Fuck… John, fuck me. Please! Yeah! Mmm. Just like that. Ungh!”
And then the video replayed on its loop. Every time, your shining lips would buzz with the whir of the vibrating wand, and your pink pussy would stretch to accommodate the toy that you were fucking yourself with, slicking it with your fluids and making it gleam. Your tits were bouncing as you rode it up and down, and your head was thrown back in beautiful abandon. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Price decided. 
Ghost handed him back the phone with a sly smile, 
“Holy shit, Cap. She’s quite the little spitfire.”
Soap’s hand reached into his canvas pants and obviously adjusted himself, hardening like a stone. He let out a low, approving whistle. 
“She let you share that?” Gaz asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,” Price nodded, not sure what to say. 
“I want to see more,” Soap put a hand to his forehead in shock.
“Well, that’s all,” Price shrugged, and then added, “...for now.”
The whole room shifted a bit. Everyone was on edge. The rest of the briefing went by as quick as a flash, but before everyone left the room, Price suggested, 
“You know, it would only be polite to send one back.”
Later that night, he got three enthusiastic notifications. In each one, his men were jacking off to her, complimenting her, talking about what a pretty pussy she had, thanking her for sharing with them. Unzipping his pants, Price decided to add one of his own. 
As his hand worked him hard, he watched your video over and over again. He imagined how your tight little cunt felt around his cock, and how sweet you tasted. He imagined how you liked to whisper naughty things in his ear, talking to him about sucking him off in front of his task force, making them watch. Price knew you wanted to do more exhibitionism, and he encouraged you when he thought about how hot it would be to watch you discovering that pleasure. 
His cock throbbed in his hands, and he whispered into the phone as he videoed himself, 
“Such a naughty girl, you were, showing yourself to my men. We put you on the projector. You looked incredible, missus. You always look incredible. Had all of us achin’ for you. Thought Soap was gonna come right there. Ungh…”
Price tightened his grip and thrust into his palm, rubbing his foreskin up and over his swollen head, slicking himself with his precome over and over and over until it became almost too much. He told you,
“So, we decided to pay you back. For your gift. Hope you send us some more, baby. So fuckin’ hot. Mmm, fuck… my cock misses you, love. So bloody much. F– Fuck!”
Price’s orgasm erupted from his body, coating his belly in white, creamy liquid. He just kept coming and coming, thinking about how you would look with all your pretty holes filled twice. Stuffed so full with no escape. 
He sent off the files one by one, starting with his own, and he waited for your reply. 
The next morning, he woke up to two messages. One was a text, and the other was a video. The text just said: Wish you all were here with a heart emoji. When he played the video, he realized what you meant. 
You had lined up your toys, four of them, all in a row on the bed. Price pressed pause and went to go find the boys. He decided it might be better if they could all see your performance together. He set you up on the projector again, and his men filed in one by one, eager to see what you’d sent. 
“She said she wished we were all here, so I thought you lads might want to see what she sent.”
“Fuck yeah, we do,” Soap sat front and center, wiping a hand down his face, eyes glued to the screen. 
Ghost chuckled, 
“You’re a lucky man, sir.”
“That’s the fuckin’ truth, innit?” Gaz agreed. 
Once everyone was settled, Price pressed play. 
You were wearing a little black bodysuit made of silk and lace, and he could see your dark nipples through the fabric. He knew which one it was. It was crotchless, and just the memory of fucking you in it made him hard.
You sat on the bed, the four toys spread out in front of you, and you picked up the first one gently. You grabbed some lube from off-camera and squirted it all over the toy and leaned forward, squatting over it, working it into your asshole in tight little thrusts, moaning ever so sweetly as you let it fill you up. 
Then, once it was fully sheathed inside of you, you reached for the two toys in the middle, using the lube that was left on your hands to make them slip against each other. You used one to rub through your pink folds, teasing your hole with the head of it, and then — inch by inch — pushed it into your wet pussy. You took the second one and, with quite a bit of difficulty, tried to fit it in next to the first, stretching yourself out even more than you had in the first video, even with these much smaller toys. 
Price couldn’t believe his eyes. You were like some sort of sex goddess, showing off skills he didn’t even know you possessed, and your screams of pleasure were making him drunk with pride and lust. He heard a zipper go down and watched as Gaz started fucking his own hand, right in front of him. 
“Sargeant,” Price admonished him, but Gaz just shrugged and kept jerking off his long dick, 
“Sorry, Cap. Can’t help it.”
Another long moan from you drew Price’s attention back to the screen. You were reaching behind you, wrapping your arm around your body, and fucking yourself in the ass with the largest toy, calling out to him, 
“John… please. I need your cock… I need all of your cocks… ungh, fuck. Fill me with your come. Every hole. Please?”
Then, for your final performance, you used your free hand to feed the final toy into your throat, gagging on it and letting your drool run down your chin. Your legs were shivering, something that Price knew wasn’t easy to achieve. You must be so damn horny. He smiled, palming himself over his jeans, so proud of you for bringing yourself such pleasure like that. 
Ghost grunted, and Price looked over to see him hunched over, spilling his come onto the floor of the office. 
The video ended, and in the silence, the captain heard the wet milking noises of his men fisting their erections, trying to come to your incredible performance. 
Soap gasped breathlessly, 
“Hit play again, Cap’n. Please…” 
Price smiled, looking down at his team in all of their sex-addled joy, and pushed the replay button.
"Maybe we should all put in for some leave, hm?" Price suggested.
He was met with a very enthusiastic round of approving moans, and he felt the excitement rush across his skin like wildfire.
His pretty girl would have what she wanted, and he would make sure of it.
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If you liked this story, you may also like one of my other fics: He Shows You Off! But, please heed the tags.
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princessmaybank · 2 months
Imagine JJ getting reader a dildo shaped exactly like his dick and she sends him a video of her using it while on vacation and he's like "answer the fucking phone" and he's watching her on facetime while she falls apart from the dildo(he's obviously stroking himself while watching)
I'm happy I finally got to this one baby! It's such a fun ask I love your brain! Thank you baby, I hope you enjoy! 😘
Secrets On Vacation
Pairings: Boyf!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, Clone Dildo, Little White Lie, Masturbation, Real Porn Links, Phone Sex, etc.
Summary: JJ got you a gift and you get to use it on vacation!
Author's Note: Posted a little early but I hope you all enjoy!
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"For when I'm not around baby." JJ gives me a smirk before winking as he hands me a long blue box with a little white ribbon holding it together. I gave him a smile and untied the bow before grabbing the lid of the box and removing it.
I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting but it wasn't an exact replica of my boyfriends cock made of silicone. A blush rose to my cheeks as I hid the present from anyone who could be around even though we were in my room, with no one else around.
*3 Months Later*
Sarah, Kie, Cleo, and I decided we needed a girls trip to clear our heads and relax a bit. We drove all the way to Florida to get away for a while. I texted with JJ pretty much the entire ride. He insisted on teasing me the whole time, getting me worked up knowing he's not here to help me fix it. When we finally made it to our hotel I was eager to check in and at least get unpacked. Unfortunately I didn't get any alone time due to the fact that we were all okay with sharing one room and two beds. We stayed in the room for a while until we eventually decided to go shopping. Before the day was over we walked the beach and got some frozen yogurt. As I was eating I got a new notification from JJ.
JJ: Gonna be a good girl and use that present from daddy tonight?
Y/N: I forgot to bring it daddy I'm sorry...
JJ: Check that secret zipper in your suitcase 😉
"We should grab some dinner at that Tiki themed bar!" Sarah pretty much yelled. The other two girls agreed. Before I could even think, I told them I wasn't feeling well and I was going back to the room. They tried to stay with me but I encouraged them to have a fun time without me. "Are you sure girl? We can take care of you.." Kie said caringly. I shook my head. "I just need to rest alone, peace n quiet ya know?" I made a face to try and convince them I wasn't feeling great, and it must've worked because they finally let me leave.
When I got back to the hotel room, I immediately rushed to my luggage and opened my secret zipper that I never use because what do I have to hide? Apparently an 8 and a 1/2 inch dildo perfectly ribbed like my boyfriends dick.
I didn't waste any more time. I slipped my shorts and panties off and hopped onto my side of one of the beds. I spit on my fingers and rubbed the saliva around and inside my entrance. Suddenly I thought about JJ, he has been teasing me all day, certainly I can send him a video of what he's missing. I smirk before pulling out my phone and hitting record as I thrust the dildo inside of me.
Y/N: Thinking about you 😘
Attachment 1 Sent
Attachment 2 Sent
I ended up sending him two videos and I received a response almost immediately after I sent them.
JJ: Call me.
I was too busy playing with myself I didn't notice his first message. My phone started ringing and before I could answer it, it stopped.
JJ: Answer the fucking phone princess.
I received another call shortly after that text was sent. I was hesitant but I did answer the FaceTime. "Playing hard to get baby?" He smirks, looking more irritated than turned on. "No sir. I was playing, I'm sorry." I apologized and he seemed to understand. "Are you still playing with yourself sweet girl?" He bit his lip and looked me up and down the best he could. I nod as I continue to slowly thrust the dildo into my drenched hole. "Mmm feels just like you-" I whimpered and closed my eyes.
"Yeah baby? let me see my pussy.." The way he said it was silky and gritty at the same time, I could've busted right there. I lowered my camera to show him my hand pushing the cock in and out. "Oh, you're so wet babygirl. Is that all from me?" He teased. "Who else Jay?" I giggled. I heard him grunt and that's when I knew he was touching himself too.
"Oh shit-" I sped up my pace and moans spilled from my lips. "Please show me Jay- gotta see you.." I say between moans and he complies. His cock was rock hard and glistening from pre-cum and spit. JJ's hand was fisting his cock at the same pace as my hand, making it feel like we were almost together. "Mmm shit baby, so fuckin' perfect. So beautiful, look at that beautiful, wet, cunt. And it's all f-fuckin' mine. Shit-oh.." He gasped, he was close, I knew it, but so was I.
"Fuck- please daddy- ne-need you.." I whined. "I kn-ow baby, so close, c'mon cum f'me pretty girl.." He hissed my name as he came in his hand. About two seconds later I squeaked his name out along with some profanities as I came all over his cock, well you know what I mean. We both giggled and stared at each other through the phone. "That was perfect, thank you babygirl, can't wait to give you the real thing when you get home in a few days. Rest up, I'll talk to you in the morning." We said our goodbyes and hung up.
I had to take a few minutes to catch my breath before cleaning up. I even had enough time to shower before the girls got home. They brought me some food and I ate while they told me everything I missed. Even after hearing everything I would have encountered with them, I would absolutely choose my night with JJ on the phone, every time.
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morrieandlicky · 11 months
Sweet Moments Between Maurice and Alec That You Have Not Seen Before (From E.M. Forster's 1st Draft for Maurice)
Context: Forster's first version of Maurice, finished in 1914, has a rather different ending than the final published version (no hotel scene, and no boathouse reunion). See here.
Forster's first draft for Maurice is, in my opinion, the rawest in terms of boldly displaying the love shared between Maurice and Alec. This version shows much more of Alec's emotion and tenderness, as well as of Maurice's sentiments and affection towards Alec. It is definitely not as subtle as the final version, with quite a few straightforward declarations of love.
Hence, I'm disappointed that Forster did not manage to integrate at least some of these 1914 texts into the final version: it would've made the love between Maurice and Alec much more pronounced and convincing, as well as made Alec a character with more depth and feelings.
Having read Forster's first draft for Maurice, I share below some of these moments between Maurice and Alec that are not in the final version (ordered on how lovely I think each moment is. Bolded texts are the highlights).
1. After running into Mr. Ducie in the museum and Maurice bursting out to Alec.
M: "I'd possibly have blown out my own brains."
A: "Why?" he asked, stopping dead.
M: "I should have known by that time that I loved you."
A: "You can't, sir, you couldn't."
M: "I love you, sir be damned."
A: "Maurice"—never before had the word been spoken—"you're an angel."
M: "I don't want to hear that."
A: "Maurice, Maurice" his voice failed also; he had once said the rest to a woman. "Maurice - what you've said I feel. Understand?"
M: "I think so, but I want to be sure. Remember those rose bushes in the other rain? - Look at me hard - That's right. That'll do. It's settled." (Maurice is referring to the moment when Alec ran in the rain across the rose bushes at Penge just to see Maurice's face.)
2. The conversation after Maurice refuses to stay the night with Alec—a scenario that only happens in the first draft in 1914. Be prepared for tears.
A: "Come just for a little to me."
M: "If I came it would be for ever."
A: "Ever's the best."
M: "Why, man, you sail Thursday."
Alec found no answer.
...: here's when Maurice explains in a long paragraph why they can't be together because of their class difference and the fact that they're both men. But in this long paragraph Maurice pretty much brings up wanting to marry Alec—"We can't have the particular thing we want (which is roughly speaking marriage) unless we sacrifice something else"
M: I thought from that letter of yours you might want me to come. But, Alec, come where to?"
A: "I'd know if you weren't a gentleman," Alec said. "We'd a' found work together as mates."
M: "Yes, and if you were a gentleman, I'd take you this minute to my home.
A: "I'd a' been what young Clive was to you, then."
M: "He's a saint and we aren't. Leave out him."
A: "I'd a' been yours till death, then." ("I would've been yours till death, then")
M: "Out there if you get a chance to marry, take it. That's what I wish.
A: "Maurice, what'll you do without me, dear? Have you no other friends?"
Maurice dared not look forward to his own future. He rushed on the parting.
M: "And if there's ever a child, I shan't ever have that, so remember me."
A: "I'll remember you, child or none. God bless you. O God bless you, and be with you if I can't."
3. Right after Maurice puts his hand on Alec's back in the museum
"Yes, awfully serious," remarked Maurice, and rested his hand on Alec's shoulder, so that the fingers touched the back of the neck, doing this merely because he knew that he loved Alec, that he loved him not as a second Dickie Barry, but deeply, tenderly, for his own sake, beneath weakness and vulgarity.
4. In the museum, Alec in pain and acting cute
[Alec] had bitten his lip, his eyes were red too; face and body were cramped with pain.
M: "Alec -"
A: "Alec am I?"
M: "I'm sorry I used that other name of yours."
A: "Don't speak to me," he growled, "let me go, you calling me Alec when I"
M: "Did you give me away then on purpose?"
A: "You're correct.
M: "Was it to get money - or only to do me harm?"
A: "I couldn't say."
M: "Come, let's get away where we can finish our talk."
A: "What? What do you say?"
M: "Come along, Alec."
A: "Do you call me that still?"
M: "Come away, man, don't break down for God's sake...." He took hold of [Alec's] arm. The touch was not reminiscent; it hinted at a relation to come.
A: "Oh but you must, I want it." Alec yielded.
5. Maurice at night thinking about Alec's letter
He tried to forget the treacherous letter, but it stole back to his mind, and he suffered most during moments in bed, when it masqueraded as a real love letter, and offered him the completeness that Clive enjoyed with Anne.
(This is brilliant writing because we, as readers, know that Alec's letter is a love letter, yet Maurice's "muddles" prevent him from seeing it as a love letter, and it is only at night, when he's craving Alec's presence, that he's able to allow himself to see the truth and succumb to his feelings for Alec.
Here, again, is also a suggestion of Maurice wanting to marry Alec, like how Clive married Anne)
6. One version of Maurice's and Alec's first night together
A: "Good evening - sir, said the low voice. Was you wanting something? Couldn't you sleep?" It was the gamekeeper.
On your rounds? gasped Maurice, trying to sound natural, and felt corduroys. Their touch disconcerted him. Whither was he tending from Clive into what companionship?
A: "Just wait till I've set down my gun - eh aren't you trembling?"
M: "So are you - ah don't."
A: "Don't you like that?"
M: "I don't know."
A: "Christ you're fussy. Don't you like me to touch you."
M: "That's you lad."
A: "Yes."
Side notes: hopefully these will shut all the detractors (of the relationship between Maurice and Alec) up—namely Clive apologists, Clive+Maurice shippers, and all of those dark academia classist out there.
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mxstellatayte · 3 months
Could you write one with Lewis and action 4?! Please!
"lewis..." you groan, a smile playing at your lips despite the mild annoyance in your voice. your shared apartment is dimly lit, candles set on the countertops and a vase of purple and red tulips sits amongst them. "what are you up to this time?"
"is it a crime to want to take care of my girl?" he comes around the corner, grinning like an absolute idiot. "it's finally summer break, the season is looking good, can i not spend some time with the woman i love?" his outfit is unfairly pretty as he walks confidently towards you, tugging the strap of your purse off of your shoulder and setting it on the couch to your right.
"i guess not, but a little warning would be nice so that i can mentally prepare myself." you can't stop smiling as lewis wraps his arms around your waist and you set your own on top of his shoulders. "this is nice, though. just the two of us, no one around to bother us, without a care in the world. no races to worry about, no interviews to prep for... absolutely nothing."
"well, then, if it's an option, i'd love to spend some time with you." he leans in, kissing you slowly. it's a kiss so sweet you swear you can feel your teeth rotting, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
"it is most definitely an option," you murmur, breaking away from the kiss for just a moment and, when you do, you catch a glimpse of his face, and you can't help but chuckle. he looks completely and absolutely dumbstruck with love, his eyes fluttered closed and his head thrown back. you can't help but ghost your lips across the cursive ink on his neck reading "god is love," and it makes lewis sigh. you've always loved his tattoos. some people say that they don't get tattoos because they don't want to mess with perfection, but you see lewis' tattoos and piercings as an enhancement of his natural beauty.
somehow, you've begun to sway slowly, your head resting on his shoulder and your arms around his ribs, his own holding you close around your waist. lewis takes that as the cue to press play on his phone and set it on the couch next to your purse, and you smile so much it almost hurts when you hear the opening notes of "it's been a long, long time" by kitty kallen and henry james play.
"really? slow dancing in the kitchen?" you pull back from his shoulder, looking at him with an expression somewhere between half-assed outrage and absolute adoration. "you, sir lewis hamilton, are such a sap."
"only for you, darling."
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yutxsgf · 1 year
I deeply love to imagine Bakugou as the grumpiest person walking on the earth when he grows up and pursues his heroic dream. But every grump needs his sunshine gf that's terrible at something.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
"It's done!"
An ash-blonde tuft of hair peeked out from the kitchen doorframe before moving out from behind the wall with his softened scowl.
You glanced over your shoulder behind you at the tall male, smiling softly as you beamed him a loving gaze.
"Gonna pass me one or keep smilin' at me?"
He crossed his arms, a faint smile making its way on his lips before he began striding towards your bent figure as you took your homemade cookies out of the oven.
"Can't I do both?" You hummed before hissing when you accidentally touched the hot pan with your non-mittened hand.
His eyes barely widened before he quickly made his way over to you, looming over you as he stood behind you with your wrist in his overly large hand. "Idiot." He mumbled before rubbing your hand with his calloused fingers.
You huffed, rolling your eyes before pointing down at the cookies on the pan.
You were pretty adamant on learning how to bake. Why? Because you were absolutely ass at it. But that never stopped Bakugou from encouraging you and supporting each and every one of your pastries. But of course, since you weren't the best at baking, you can only guess how they'd come out.
"They look great, honey." He mumbled, kissing your cheek before taking a dark obsidian black, supposedly chocolate chip cookie.
You smiled brightly at your boyfriend as he took a hearty bite out of your cookie, your happiness never deterring as he kept a straight face.
That was all that mattered.
"So.. how are they..?" You whispered, turning around to face him as you craned your neck up.
He hummed in thought before throwing the rest of the cookie in his mouth and sticking his thumb up with approval.
He swallowed, clearing his throat before pointing behind you at the cookies, "Gonna give 'em to the group, that okay?"
"Of course!" You smiled, "Can I come? I wanna see their reactions and take some tips."
"'Course baby, go get dressed." And with a light tap on your behind, you were off to your shared bedroom with a small skip in your step.
"What are those." Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, pointing a slim finger at the cookies in a small zip lock baggy.
"My cookies." You replied before Bakugou could, glancing up at the charcoal in your boyfriend's hands.
The group froze before simultaneously nodding together. You took nothing of it, but Bakugou did as he sent a deathly glare to each of them.
"Go on, pick one." Bakugou grumbled, keeping his stone cold glare as he carefully opened the bag and spread it large enough for their hands to fit through.
Sero and Kaminari gulped, clearing their throat before reluctantly taking the so-called cookie from the baggy. Ashido, Kirishima, and Jirou following soon after.
"Hey, babe, can you go get us some water over there?" Bakugou asked quietly, pointing to the water dispenser near the corner of his unnecessarily large office.
You happily obligated, nodding before shuffling over to the dispenser with your fluffy winter boots.
"One negative thing, 'n I'm slitting all of your goddamn throats."
"Yes, sir." Kaminari and Sero saluted foolishly as the rest froze, seemingly lost in thought as they stared at your cookie. wondering how in the world did it get that bad.
You quickly came back with both arms full of plastic cups filled with water. Bakugou was quick to set the cookies down on his desk and grab all the waters from your grasp.
When you smiled expectedly at them, they all glanced at each other before sighing and taking a reluctantly large bite.
"They're– They're um.." "They're awesome!" Kirishima finished for Kaminari, nudging his arm behind their bodies before gulping down his bite.
You happily squealed, jumping up and down before hugging your boyfriend at his neck.
And then, he smiled.
"Say a thing, and I'll kill you."
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bvckleyydiaz · 1 year
hottie hotchner - aaron hotchner
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title: hottie hotchner
summary: during a conversation with your team, you let it slip that you find your boss very attractive. little did you know that said boss could hear every sordid detail.
pairing: aaron hotchner x f!reader
word count: 856
warning(s): it gets a little suggestive towards the end but nothing too explicit
a/n: i honestly didn’t think i would finish this as fast as i did. hope you guys enjoy this round’s winner of pick my next fic!
When you accepted the position for Administrative Liaison for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, you definitely had some reservations about what the agents would be like. Most of the jobs that you’ve had were assistant jobs, and it’s safe to say that you had encountered your fair share of asshole bosses along the way. 
That being said, the agents of the BAU were nothing at all like you expected. You walk into the building on your first day, and you are greeted by a taller, slender blonde woman. She reaches her hand out with a warm smile. A smile that says she’s genuinely excited for you to be there. “You must be Y/N. I’m Agent Jennifer Jareau of the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” You shake her hand. “But you can call me JJ.”
You return her smile and let go of her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, JJ.”
“Follow me, and I’ll introduce you to the rest of our team.”
You nod, and she leads you through glass double doors and a maze of desks that she calls the bullpen. The two of you go up a small staircase to a conference room with a circular table, and six heads turn when she opens the door. Sitting around the table are a tall, lanky man with brown hair that curls just below his ears, a taller, bald man with biceps that look as big as your head, a brightly-colored blonde woman holding a remote, a dark-haired woman with an air of confidence that could tear apart your entire being before even blinking, an older man that exudes a grandfatherly energy, and… oh. You stop at the last person–a man that looks just a bit older than you with dark hair and eyes that could bring you to your knees without having to ask. 
“Guys,” JJ starts. “This is Y/N, and she is our new Administrative Liaison.” 
You hold up your hand and do a shy, awkward wave. “Hi.”
JJ points to the lanky man and goes from left to right introducing everyone to you. “This is Spencer, Derek, Penelope, Emily, Rossi, and our Unit Chief, Hotch.”
Unit Chief? That means… Christ,  you haven’t even gotten to your second day yet, and you already want to fuck your boss.
Hotch stands and holds his hand out to you much like JJ did, his smile a lot more understated than hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
His hands are warm. “Thank you, sir.”
He turns to the rest of the team. “Alright, let’s get started.”
It takes a little while to get used to your new job, but you soon find your footing and nestle into the spot the team–your team–has created for you. The eight of you have become like a family. A big, dysfunctional family. You trust each other with your lives and your deepest, darkest secrets.
That is the only way you can explain how you ended up in this predicament.
“Hotch?” Derek asks, his face a mix of confusion and surprise. “Really, pretty girl? Hotch?”
You narrow your eyes the tiniest bit at him. “What’s wrong with Hotch?” 
“Nothing’s wrong with Hotch, sweets,” Penelope amends. “We just… weren’t expecting him to be your answer.”
“Yeah. We thought you would go for someone a little closer to your age.” Derek points at Spencer. “Like Pretty Boy.”
You shake your head. “I have a type, and as much as I adore Spencer, he is not it.”
“And Hotch is your type?” 
You nod. “He’s a DILF. I like DILFs.”
Emily nearly spits the water she’d just taken a sip of out of her nose. “Oh, my God. Never say that again.”
“Never once in my days of working here did I ever think that I would hear Hotch and DILF in the same sentence,” JJ says. 
“Neither did I,” says a voice from behind you. Fuck my life. You turn and come face to face with none other than your boss and the aforementioned DILF. 
“Hotch,” you breathe.
He points over his shoulder at his office door. “My office.”
Hanging your head, you nod. “Yes, sir.”
The two of you head up to his office, and once the door is locked and the blinds are closed, he turns to face you. “Y/N, we talked about this,” Hotch says, sighing.
You shrug like you see no problem with the situation. “What was I supposed to say? You are a DILF, Aaron.” 
His stony facade drops and a shy smile pulls at his lips. “I just didn’t expect you to say that, especially in front of the team.”
You bring your arms up and wrap them loosely around your boyfriend’s neck. “Blame Derek. He asked.”
A laugh bubbles out of him, and he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you tell him. “You know, for a group of highly-skilled profilers, they still haven’t figured out we’re together yet.”
“I’m sure they will,” he tells you before moving his lips to your neck. “Especially after tonight.”
Your only response is a giggle.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
after an extra busy weak covering things at the hotel so the morningstars can have some family time, vaggie wakes up with a blinding stress headache and charlie whisks her back into bed to rest because she, charlie, can TOTALLY manage the hotel on her own for one day! 100% there is nothing to worry about!
vaggie is worried. she has all the faith in her girlfriend and none left over for the other hotel residents. charlie spins it as 'please rest? for me??' request though so she let's herself be kept in their room listening to Very Concerning Noises from outside as charlie pops in regularly to bring snacks and smile tensely and swear things are completely fine she just felt like setting part of her suit on fire today! vaggie's not convinced. vaggie's headache is getting worse. around dinner time charlie is late checking in with her and then from somewhere below charlie is yelling FUCK!!! and vaggie is out of bed armed and downstairs in three murderously angelic wing flaps
there used to be a wall between the main hall and the kitchen.
there isn't anymore, so she can see exactly when everyone freezes in place and stares back at her.
what, she askes, are they doing. charlie tries to laugh and say nothing nothing just cooking but she's also got her horns out and alastor in a headlock, so vaggie turns to angel dust instead.
why is the wall missing? because cherri is here helping. why is there an empty wine bottle next to the ominously bubbling pot? because husk is helping. why is angel's ass on the countertop? because looking pretty is how he's helping. why is niffy stirring the ominous wine goop with a knife- no it's niffy never mind. why is one of sir pretentious' eggs teetering on the edge of the pot as if about to dive in? because alastor is here NOT helping
why, then, is ANY of this happening....? because everyone was bored, no one had been threatened at the end of a spear all day, they followed charlie into the kitchen and heard vaggie was sick. so.
the thing in the pot, charlie admits weakly as her hold on alastor's neck tightens, was supposed to be soup, to help her get better. sooner. bc charlie can run the hotel alone for a day but oh she REALLY doesn't want to.
vaggie checks the soup. the only way it's curing her headache is by making her dead. charlie drops alastor and droops dejectedly only to see vaggie smiling, a glint in her eye. everyone who is not charlie tries to edge away but it's too late- they are all going to obey their new kitchen commanding officer and follow her orders on how to actually make soup or they're gonna wish THEY were the ones being chopped up and caramelized on the bottom of a cooking pot (no niffty, you can't volunteer) (no angel, boosting moral is not a valid contribution, get off your ass and wipe down the counter top)
a few hours later dinner is raging with everyone fighting over second helpings (except alastor who's prodding his cooked food with a grin of horror) and vaggie leans in to thank charlie quietly. what for, charlie asks? for not telling everyone that the only 'sick' vaggie had really been was sick of them. she's feeling a lot better now. they're not so bad, really.... or at least they're kinda worth it anyway
charlie smiles softly. she'd almost let the truth slip when she'd gotten kinda sick of them too, at the point when they all crowed into the kitchen after her- then she'd realized they wanted to know why vaggie hadn't been around and had maybe been causing such a ruckus because they missed her, a little bit
they share a proud moment, gently holding hands. then they duck as alastor static shrieks and throws his soup across the room, revealing the egg bois who'd been soaking at the bottom of it like a hot tub
tomorrow it'll be charlie who stays in bed all day with a headache
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salty-says · 7 months
Ok wtf the post went away but the lovely @amortentiaz asked for monster trio + Shanks reaction to reader that was previously involved with other pirates romantically!
Monster Trio + Shanks
• When Luffy first saw you, he instantly knew you had to be a member of his crew. You are strong and carry yourself quite confidently. When you helped him out reluctantly in a scuffle with Marines he asked you to join and absolutely didn’t take no for an answer.
• You quickly got along with the rest of the crew as you already had proved yourself greatly by helping them out in a tight pinch.
•Luffy didn’t really understand his attraction to you at first as he never felt something like that for anyone else. He was confused as to why he felt differently about you than the rest of the crew.
•He finally admitted to you that being around you “feels like he’s going into Gear 2” as his heart starts pumping rapidly and he feels stronger.
•Soon enough you reciprocated his feelings and he was overjoyed. He treated you very special and because of this he let you nap with him and “share” some of his food (the crumbs).
•One day Robin was reading the paper during breakfast and mentioned that Sir. Crocodile had been prosecuted into Impel Down. Immediately you froze and asked to see for yourself.
•You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw that he was in fact in Impel Down. After not hearing from him in years this was certainly a shock.
•Usopp watching this questioned your odd behavior but you tried to hide it best you could. Robin being the second in command to Crocodile during her time with Baroque Works interjected, “Did they not tell you that they had a ‘thing’ with Crocodile?”
•Immediately everyone in the room froze. The tea Sanji was pouring splashed onto the ground, Usopp’s jaw fell to the floor, and Chopper’s eyes looked as if they popped out of his head.
•You looked down and blushed shamefully not knowing how to even recover from that. “Is that true?” Nami asked. All you could do was nod your head in response.
•Then they turned to Luffy who was still gouging his way through his meal, and stealing the forgotten food off of the others’
• “Are you going to say anything about this Luffy?” Usopp asked. Luffy paused his eating momentarily and quirked a brow. “What do I need to say about it?” Nami shrieked at Luffy, “Do you really not care that they had a personal relationship with Crocodile? Remember the one that stuck his hook through your body?”
•Luffy only furrowed his brows in confusion, “Why should I care who my partner was romantically involved with. It’s their past and I don’t have any reason to pry in out of them. Plus it’s over and they like me so.”
•Your eyes widened as you looked at Luffy. You smiled and blushed knowing you hit the jackpot with the captain.
•Zoro didn’t care much for relationships, believed that they were merely a distraction. But when you came along he decided that maybe something casual wouldn’t hurt.
•He was blunt with it, telling you his feelings. Doesn’t do much physical affection until it’s night and he uses you as a personal teddy bear. He doesn’t need constant reassurance of your feelings for him and that’s what he likes most about you
•One night as you were up in the crow’s nest with him after her just got out of the shower you mustered up the courage to ask how he got that giant scar on his chest.
• “Battled the world’s greatest swordsman when I really shouldn’t have” He simply responded looking for his shirt. “And he did that to you?” You asked. “Yeah, I got owned by Mihawk.”
•You paused before your eyes widened and you turned to be face to face with Zoro, “Mihawk did that to you? The Dracule Mihawk?” Zoro furrowed his brows, “I’m pretty sure there isn’t any other master swordsman named Mihawk. Why do you ask?”
•You paused debating to tell him. “Oh, nothing…” Zoro knew this was a lie and kneeled in front of you gripping your chin and turning it towards him, “Tell me.”
•You sighed and pulled your legs to your chest, “You’re going to hate me if I tell you.” Zoro smirked, “Is that so? I want to know even more, now.”
•You exhale and look away once again, “I had sex with Mihawk.” You said swiftly hoping he wouldn’t catch all of it. Out of all the things to confess he never believed you would say that. Zoro paused and stared at you in disbelief. After a bit he squeezed his eyes shut and breathed in deeply, “How long ago?”
•You looked in his general direction but avoided his eyes, “Honestly, the last time was like a couple weeks before I met you guys.” Zoro’s eyes shot open, “A couple wee-…?! Did you just say ‘last time’? It happened more than once?!”
•You squeaked a bit, “Are you sure you want to know the answer to that?” “YES!” You bit your lip, “I don’t even know like a lot. And I mean a lot. He may not show but goddamn he can get quite passionate, and it-”
•Zoro put a hand over your mouth, “Before you ask I’m not mad. But I do have to ask, was he bigger than me?”
•Lover fucking boy Sanji. When you came along gosh he felt so many emotions rushing to his body. Instantly fell in love but it felt different than the love he felt for anyone else.
•Gives little treats to spoil you, makes you specialty dishes and constant hugs. Gosh he just loves you so much and you can’t help but love him back.
•Feels so genuinely in love and lucky to be with you. Doesn’t fully understand why you chose him but tries not to think about it to often. Loved when you join him during his meal prep time. You guys talk and he makes you try different things to see if you like it.
•After a meal one night you offered to help him with dishes and even after him rejecting your offer countless times you still managed to wiggle your way over to the sink. He compromised by letting you dry to dishes and you rolled you eyes and obliged.
•After you guys finished Sanji lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He released the smoke out and sighed contentedly. You smiled mischievously and grabbed it out from his lips and took a drag yourself.
•exhaling the smoke you managed to keep back the coughs that wanted to escape your throat. Needless to say Sanji was very shocked at this sudden new revelation.
•He took back the cigarette in his hand and took a drag of his own, “You never told me you smoked.” A small cough escaped your throat and Sanji quirked a smile, “I haven’t in a while.”
•Sanji raised his brow, “You used to?” You smiled slightly shifting on your feel noticing the conversation shifting in a direction you hadn’t told him about yet. “Yeah, but only once in a while. My ex smoked cigars more than 8 times a day.”
•Sanji nodded and his heart raced nervously as this was the first you had mentioned anything about your ex to him, “That doesn’t sound healthy, I mean I know I’m not one to talk, but more than 8?! He’s basically asking to die.”
•You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders, “Well they can’t actually hurt him, believe it or not.” Sanji’s head cocked in confusion, “How’s that?”
• You sighed deciding now was the best time to tell him, “Devil fruit. Guy was actually made of smoke.” At this Sanji inhaled too quickly and started a coughing fit. You panicked and rubbed his back trying to soothe him through it.
• Once he regained his compuse, “Sorry, mon ange, but you’re not insinuating that you ex is that marine captain Smoker, are you?” You went silent. “Are you?!” He asked more impatiently.
•You looked down and nodded, knowing it was shameful for a pirate to ever be involved with a marine. You looked up to meet Sanji’s flabbergasted gaze, “I know, and I’m sorry I never told you. It’s not fair to you. I understand entirely if this changes your feelings for me. I will not hold anything against you if you don’t want to be with me.”
• At this Sanji straightened up and regained his composure. Quickly putting out his cigarette he cupped your cheeks softly. “Oh mon ange, my feelings for you could never change. If you think this silly thing is enough to stunt my love you are truly mistaken. I love you so much! Something like this, yes, is surprising. However, you’re with me now and I’m the luckiest man in the world to be able to call myself your boyfriend. Do you understand me, ange?”
•Tears filled your eyes as you launched yourself into Sanji’s arms. “I love you.” Sanji smiled and held you close, “I love you too.”
(I know Smoker is a marine not a pirate but I thought he was a good character to put)
•Shanks met you on an island and knew he had to take you with him on his adventures. You were a proud member of the Red-Haired Pirates and the proud partner of Red-Haired Shanks.
•Shanks loved to party and get drunk with you. Loved laying sloppy booze tasting kiss to your mouth. And absolutely lost it when you sat in his lap as the rest of the crew partied around you guys.
•You a more on the light-weight side always got giggly when you were drunk. As you sat on Shank’s lap you told him the most random things from your life. Tonight you decided to tell him about one of your old romantic conquests.
• “You wanna know s’mthin crazy Shanks?” You lazily asked him, your head resting on his shoulder. He smiled down at you, “Yeah, what’s that?” You giggled into his neck, “I once dated a clown. An actual fucking clown. You ‘leive that?!”
•Shanks paused for a moment before images of his old buddy Buggy resurfaced. Shanks smirked and looked down at you, “Let me guess, his name was Buggy?”
• “Nuh Uh. You’re s’upid. His name was Bugg- wait how’s you know?!” You sat up quickly.
•Shanks had never been more amused in his life, “I’m just really good at guessing.” You grimaced, “Are you mad at me because I dated someone ‘fore you?”
•Shanks brought you in for a quick kiss, “Nope!” You looked at him shocked, “Really!?” He kissed your nose, “How could I be mad when I dated the clown too?”
• You sighed and went back to resting against his chest, “Feel better now…WAIT WHAT?!”
(I know Ace was supposed to be in here but I truly don’t know how to write for Ace bc I have a shallow understanding of his character and I didn’t want to give a shitty one so I simply just didn’t include him)
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myseungsunglove · 7 months
You’re gonna Pay for that | Ksm
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Characters: Seungmin x Reader, Reader’s parents briefly
Warnings: Smut, there is ZERO plot here, a little bit of voyeurism but not REALLY, oral (male and female receiving), language
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is just a random, all smut, no plot Seungmin story. If you’re looking for any substance, it’s not here.
「© February 16, 2023 by myseungsungheart」
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During dinner, with your damn parents, Seungmin had gotten you nine kinds of worked up. He had done it on purpose, teasing you with his large hands, pulling your petite hands into his lap to feel his growing erection. To feel exactly what you were doing to him. All the while, your parents sat across from you at the dinner table talking away.
You had agreed to visit your parents since you were on tour in the States and only about an hour’s drive or so from your most recent stop in Dallas. The rest of the boys had decided to piddle around Dallas while you and Seungmin spent an evening with your parents. They insisted on the two of you staying the night because you, and I quote, “never spent any time with them since you lived in South Korea now.”
“And we’ll even be cool with the two of you sharing a room,” your mom laughs, earning a glare from your dad.
“Mom, I’m a grown woman. I’m pretty sure you couldn’t do anything about it if you wanted to,” you snark with a small smile, your eyes meeting Seungmin’s briefly.
“My roof. My rules,” your dad chimes in as Seungmin’s hand runs up the inside of your thigh.
Instead of spontaneously combusting, You stand hastily, walking over to your dad and kissing him on the cheek, desperate to get away from Seungmin’s touch while you are in front of your parents.
“Love you, daddy,” you giggle innocently.
“You’ll always be my little pumpkin,” he sighs. “You’d do well to remember that son,” he adds, his words aimed at Seungmin.
“Yes sir,” Seungmin smiles and bows politely. Always the picture of perfection.
“I’m beat, guys,” you note, stretching up on your toes, your hands extending above your head so that your stomach was on display. “Seungie, we should probably get some rest,” you suggest, walking back to his side of the table and threading his long fingers with yours. “This is one of the rare opportunities we will have to just exist while we are in the US.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin yawns dramatically. “I’m definitely exhausted after the trip,” he agrees. You pull him from his chair and drag him down the hall.
“G’night you two,” your mom sing-songs down the hall. You have to stifle the giggle that is rising in your throat.
You push Seungmin through the bedroom door, into the room that you spent the first eighteen years of your life. He lets out an airy chuckle at the way you manhandle him.
“Did someone get a little worked up back there?” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a teasing kiss on the nape of your neck.
“Dude,” you let out in a huff, your head falling against his shoulder. “In front of my parents?”
He chuckles lightly against your skin, a teasing smile dawning on his face as he turns you in his hold, his lips finding yours at last, a slow sensual kiss igniting between you that sends goosebumps breaking out across your skin, his hands pushing your shirt over your head and tossing it carelessly into the corner.
“Makes it more exciting,” he teases as he relieves you of your bra and leans down to suck your hardened nub into his mouth, his hands caressing your sides lovingly, reverently as he tends to the task at hand.
When you feel a moan rising in your throat, you push him away gently, and he falls gracefully onto the full sized bed in the middle of the room.
“You’re gonna pay for that, Min,” you warn, falling to your knees in front of him, your hands running up his muscled thighs, the thighs you loved to ride just to get off. But that would have to wait. Your fingers dance at the button of his jeans as you gaze into his eyes. He is staring at you intently, his eyes blown with lust, zeroing in on you as you slowly unbutton his jeans.
“Do your worst, Y/N,” he challenges.
You hastily unzip his jeans and peel them away from his smooth skin, letting them pool around his ankles. You run your hands up his delicious thighs, your hand coming to rest over his cloth covered erection, stroking him slowly. He watches you intently, but the second you pull his briefs away from his aching cock, he throws his head back in ecstasy, your gaze causing it to raise to attention. He puffs his cute cheeks out and lets out the air filling them, his black hair blowing against his forehead as your hand slides around his long, smooth cock.
You are mesmerized by the way it feels in your hand. No matter how many times you have done this, you can’t look away. And you just have to taste him.
Seungmin watches as you lower your lips to the tip of his cock at a glacial pace. Finally, your tongue flicks out, running over his slit, swirling around the head. You could feel his legs tense beneath you as you lower your mouth onto his long, thick cock.
The weight of his dick on your tongue is enough to send a rush of desire flooding through you. It is a heady sensation you’ll never get used to.
“Now this is what I call desert,” you moan as you bob up and down, your tongue licking at the underside of his cock as you lift off him, only to sink back down so that he slides halfway down your throat. You choke slightly, your throat constricting around his substantial length.
Seungmin’s hands finds your hair then, holding you in place while his hips do the work. He pumps into your mouth, his cock sliding down your throat roughly, his grip on you possessive.
“Fuck,” he groans as you began to cup his balls, spit dripping out around his cock and your hands as you fondle him.
“Come on my tits, Seungie,” you gasp as you pull off of him with a plop. He snarls as he slaps his heavy cock between your breasts as you squeeze them around his member, his hips pistoning with abandon. You lean in to lick the tip of his cock with each thrust and before you know it, he is done for. You lick up what you can reach as his pace slows, the look on his face pure carnal bliss.
He reaches out for your hand, pulling you up gently to rest in his lap.
“Someone is wearing too many clothes,” he whispers against your mouth as he flips you on your back and kisses you hard. He fiddles with your jeans button and zipper before forgoing the annoyance and ripping your jeans and underwear off of you in one swift motion.
“It’s my turn for dessert,” he whispers, his mouth hovering over the lips of your pussy, his breath hot.
You spread your legs wider, opening yourself to him.
“Enjoy. There is plenty more where that came from,” you manage, your head falling back against the pillow with a pleasure filled sigh as he kisses your clit reverently.
There was a knock at the door then and your breath catches in your throat.
“We’re changing; about to get in bed,” you call out as steadily as you can. Seungmin rumbles against your pussy, his tongue licking you from bottom to top.
“Oh okay. Just wanted to say goodnight,” your mom’s voice rings out from the other side of the door.
“Okay, good night,” you squeak out as Seungmin’s tongue dips into your hole.You slap your hand over your mouth as he sucks on your clit, two long fingers replacing his tongue inside you.
You hear your mom walk away and you slap him on the shoulder, earning you a low, devious chuckle from him that rumbles through your body.
“Fuck you, Min,” you breathe heavily, your brain going fuzzy as the coil in your stomach begins to wind tight.
“That’s the idea,” he snarks, his fingers curling into your g-spot.
“Shit, Seungie,” you moan. “I’m gonna come.”
Seungmin takes that as a challenge, grabbing your ass and pulling your dripping cunt closer to his mouth as he starts to move his head from side to side. You lose it the minute his tongue makes contact with your clit, your legs boxing in his head as you bite down on your pillow to stifle the scream that wants to tear from your throat.
While you are still a quivering mess, Seungmin crawls up your body, kissing you slow and sweet, the taste of your release still on his lips as he rolls his hips teasingly against yours, causing you to quake in pleasure, like a live wire ready to send volts of pleasure through your body at any second.
“Ready for round two?” he asks, running his hard cock through your soaked folds, teasing your clit, causing your legs to shake uncontrollably. “Cause I know I am,” he growls as he slides home, your warmth enveloping his cock, inviting him in. “Hold on tight, beautiful. You aren’t gonna know what hit you,” he warns as he pulls his cock out of you and slams back in without warning, knocking the air from your lungs as he rips his polo over his broad shoulders.
“Fuck,” you moan, reaching out to make contact with the beautiful expanse of skin that has just been revealed to you as he pounds you. Your fingers dig into his shoulders and take every inch of him he gives.
You could now officially mark fucking Kim Seungmin in your childhood room off your bucket list. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the only time tonight it happened.
Not if Seungmin had a say. And Kim Seungmin always had the final say.
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jejuboo-s · 2 years
ʚ stop kissing me, please! ɞ
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ʚ pairing: k. mingyu x fem!reader
ʚ genre: fluff + smut
ʚ warnings: PROOFREAD!!! established relationship, morning/sleepy sex, unprotected sex (wrap ur willy pls!!!!), petnames: baby/princess, low caps.
ʚ nsfw under the cut, minors dni!!! ɞ
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sliding on a pair of white socks, you glided towards the door and opened it, revealing a focused mingyu chopping a pair of vegetables.
“gyu, what’re you doing up this early?”
“gyu, what’re you doing up this early?”
ears perking to the sound of your raspy voice, he looked up at your hunched figure.
“more importantly, what’re you doing up this early? did i wake you up?” he questioned, face softening at your eyebags.
“more importantly, what’re you doing up this early? did i wake you up?” he questioned, face softening at your eyebags.
you weakly moved your head from side to side, spreading your arms open motioning for a hug, he immediately set down his knife and gloves to run into your embrace.
mingyu picked you up by the lower side of your thighs, burying his face into your neck.
“my baby sounds and looks so pretty in the mornings, even without getting ready.”
letting one hand come up to his shoulder to playfully slap him, your face heated up with embarrassment.
“seriously, gyu, your so corny.”
what seemed like a few soft kisses on your neck quickly turned into needy and sloppy kisses. in response, you shifted uncomfortably in his embrace, you took a handful of his hair softly tugging at it.
“don’t want this? i’ll stop right now if you’d like me to.”
“nono, keep going just—let’s move somewhere more comfy, please?” you requested.
nodding, fixing his grip on your thighs, he carried you back to your shared bed, laying you down below him. he moved some hair to the side of your face, admiring your entire face.
even more kisses were pressed on your skin, now starting from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin.
“stop teasing me, pretty please.”
was it the way you moaned the sentence out? no, it’d probably been the way your voice sounded. oh how he loved your raspy, morning voice. and of course, he could never say no to his ‘pretty girl’.
mingyu quickly discarded of his white t-shirt, throwing it aside. while he did so, you wasted no time in messing with his sweatpants’ drawstrings; untying them- pulling his sweatpants all the way down.
“you think you want to use lube, babe? if you don’t, i’ll take my time, i know it hurts getting in when i don’t use it.”
you gave him a weak response that you wanted to go without it, not wanting to waste much of your energy on your voice. he was the one who got you so needy so fast, so he’d have to finish this “so fast”.
mingyu’s eyes lingered past your neck, eyeing your flimsy nightgown, he groaned. currently, you’d been making grabby hands at him, cheeks tinted pink, whining about how long he’d been taking and how he had to solve *his* problem.
giving in, he pushed up your gown and pushed aside your cotton panties. just looking at the sight made his mouth water. you rested your head on the pillow behind you, making sure not to hit the headboard.
digging in, he attached his mouth on your pussy whilst keeping his arms locked on your hips. the feeling made you subconsciously cover your mouth. annoyed by this— mingyu used his spare hand to force you to moan as loud as you’d want.
“don’t stop your moans, baby. i want to hear them, love hearing your raspy voice.”
the breathy moan that came out from your mouth went right from his ears straight to his dick. while sucking on your clit like a lollipop, he instinctively thrusted his hips into the mattress softly, trying to get some type of friction.
“gyu, i—.. i can’t..”
“don’t call me by my name, what’s that name you always call me in situations like these, hm?”
you tried your best to suppress the urge of calling him by that, but your mind was currently mush, clouded by all the pleasure being given to you.
“fuck, sir please! will be so good f-for just you!”
he hummed against your pussy, taking his arm off of your wrist that’d been against you covering your mouth, using 2 fingers to scissor you; preparing you for his dick—aaanddd more importantly getting you closer to the edge.
the way your eyes fluttered shut, and how your hands flew to his hair just to have something other than sheets to ground yourself on— he could tell you were close.
“sir, c-can i..”
he found it so cute when you asked permission to cum, mingyu was all about service. cooing at you, he gave a small kiss to your clit before you stained his pretty face.
you watched him bring his face up to take his fingers and clean off his face. the way his tongue licked all of your mess off was entrancing.
both falling into an awkward silence, broken by your giggles, both looking at each-other with such endearment— you motioned for him to come closer hugging his neck,
“want you inside of me, like this, close to me.” you whined.
a shade of dark pink clouded his face, his forehead kissing yours. you both watched each-others expressions as he aligned his dick with your entrance, sinking in.
your eyes shut tightly, “a-a little slower please.”
“i’ve got you baby.”
you moved your hands down to his back making sure you wouldn’t hurt mingyu’s neck on accident—scratching. both you and mingyu hissed, sharing the pain.
you finally got all of him inside of you, letting your fingernails stop. you panted, hugging his neck once again. looking up at him, you gave him a nod.
humming, he started rolling his hips at a delicious pace— you moaned breathily each thrust, head backing into the pillow beneath your head even more.
“oh my god mingyu.”
you felt his forehead get off of yours, just to then feel his hot tongue on your neck, massaging that one spot of yours you found all sensitive.
you let yourself go to the rhythm of his thrusts, yes, it was slow but he felt so deep. you guys felt as if you were one, and damn, it was turning you on.
and maybe you couldn’t tell drowsiness apart from how horny you were, but whatever it was, it was really getting to your head; you weren’t complaining though.
“fuck, m’ close princess— cum with me.” gyu whispered.
you held on tighter feeling his hot breath on your neck, words going to your core. you grinded your hips harder on his length, urging him to go faster.
he abided by your orders, just as you wanted to. he picked up his pace and used his thumb to rub your clit— was he always this good at multi-tasking?
from the way he licked the sweet spot on your neck, to rubbing your clit, and finally making sure his thrusts were hitter that spot so deep inside of you; it felt like you were floating inside of his grasp.
“thats it let it all out baby.”
you held him even tighter than before, as if he’d float away if you didn’t do so— following his command, you cried out his name one last time before panting softly.
mingyu thrusted a few more times to help you ride out your orgasm and to let him reach his own. mingyu pulled out right before he made his own mess on your lower abdomen.
“c’mere.” you motioned.
he hugged you, pressing the now millionth kiss onto your lips. looking at him with a “really?” type face, you both burst out giggling admiring each-others features up close.
“let’s clean up later, wanna stay like this a lil more, gyu.”
“anything for you, princess.”
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