#sinous curve
reimenaashelyee · 1 year
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2023 vs 2013 // Liking the look TWIDI has evolved into. Again, the style fundamentally hasn't changed, but the whimsicality comes across better now.
The 2013 layout of this spread isn't good LOL. The speech bubble flow was all over the place... which would have been fine if it actually did anything interesting. It was simply average lettering trying to be quirky inside average panelling - not the most effective or efficient use of space vs information density.
I said I wasn't planning to rehaul the layouts drastically as I do the 10th anniversary remake. But this spread really, really needed it.
For the 2023 layout I restructured the bubble flow into a sinous curve confined within the two halves of the spread. There's actually WAY more information/text inside the spread now - I managed to condense one and a quarter spreads into just one, as well as added some extra dialogue. And somehow it doesn't look messy. Really shows what 10 years of practice does!!! PLUS I still get to be experimental, with Grimsley's speech bubble shape as he explains the types of undead; I plan to include inset illustrations inside the bubble.
Some other tweaks: the furniture/props are more specific. Mr Brown finally looks like the person I was caricaturing. The in-panel compositions are slightly more dynamic. Grimsley and Mr Brown are clearly physically interacting with the table + chair.
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abdullahzamir · 5 years
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The Design Starts with the inspiration from the Green belt and how to integrate the belt within 100yil. A natural Sinous type of pattern is adopted to define the function and the characterstic of the green spaces.
The Spine defining a path gives rise to various rings which rise to form the student housing in the design. Direct relation is taken from the vastly used five storey high buildings as they are the defining elements of 100yil and are reflected as a contrast to the student housing on the Site.
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hey what's shaking does hermaeus mora know how to skateboard. If he does, is it like. Does he grow legs/turn mortal for the occassion or is it more like a tech deck.
if hermy wormy were to take a mortal form do you think itd finger paint
It isn’t that the Woodland Keeper moves in a particularly inhuman way. It is incredibly unsettling to behold nonetheless.
When it comes to mortal shells the Scryer adheres to the Auri-elian way of thinking about motion and form—where everything must be calculated and perfect—regardless of the fact that no true mortal exists in such a manner without some degree of internal duress. It isn’t that you’ll find It bent over backwards and crawling on all fours, though if It did the action would still be done with a hypnotizing grace; It does everything that is expected of it.
It breathes and blinks (albeit at set intervals, which you won’t be able to stop noticing once you realize). Its garments are untarnished and smell of soil and seafoam. It locomotes on two feet with a sinous stride that mostly belies Its number of limbs. Its resting expression involves the upwards curve of Its lips and which might, if one was daring enough, be called a smile. It flushes red. It bleeds black. Its skin is unblemished with the texture of vellum. Its hair clings to Its face like ink-soaked rags and the eyes that peer out from underneath run too deep, hungry, distant.
The Old Antecedent knows many things. It does not know how to be mortal.
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beingintrinsic · 4 years
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Sinous organic curves and lines inspired by nature and plants defines the Art nouveau Jewellery that is still a sass!!
art nouveau inspired brooch by me💫
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neoyeppuda · 6 years
A Little More - Seungkwan [30]
30. “One more chapter.”
Word Count: 1951
Type: fluff, dad!au, a bit of angst???
A/N: Oh my god it’s been months I am so sorry it’s been so long but I hope you guys enjoy this!!!! :> This was really cute and I loved the story idea I instantly thought of!! I pray I can post more often again :@kpopbreeze for beta reading this one!!!! I’ll see you guys at the next fic :> -Clar
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He had no time for you.
That fact was the first thing registered on your mind when words of love and romance ambled off his lips with utmost sincerity. Whatever time he had for you now would diminish into one or two hours together over a few weeks once he’d take a step onto the silvery debut stage in front people that would now know him as Seungkwan of Seventeen.
You knew he wouldn’t always be there whenever you were stuck in a rough patch; nor would he be there as a pillar you could lean on whenever the need arose. Those were things you had to know before you even considered dating an idol, and you knew them very well.
To be brutally honest, you wouldn’t have considered accepting any of it when bubbles had only just begun rising from the pit of your stomach. The feelings that he had stirred up weren’t initially very difficult to brush off. But he did so more often, and more; you could no longer disregard the fact that it brushed against your heart the faintest of red shades.
Before you had time to even notice it, the soft spot you had for him began sprouting and blooming flowers that were the sweetest of roses. You could say you had already loved him; ardently and passionately, like the ambition that drives an artist to breathe vivid life into their creations.
Love had bloomed at the bottom of your heart, flourishing as it touched every crevice and every nook of the rosy walls around it.
The answer had already been decided upon as the earliest of rose buds began peeking out into the open; you knew what you were going to say.
“I like you too,” the instant the sweet syllables left your cherry lips, his face lit up like how stars did on the black canvas of night the day you admired them all twinkling in galaxies light years away from the very spot you were sitting on.
A breath of chilly wind tickled your cheeks as you shuffled to lean on Seungkwan’s shoulder, wrapping arms around the thick coat that clothed sinous muscle.
There was a shooting star on that day. Ever so bright as it glided across the vast darkness, the celestial body plummeted a little past the bustling city’s numerous skyscrapers. When your eyes fluttered close, Seungkwan’s own watched you and the sweet little curve of your lips make a wish that you hoped had zoomed across the stars to reach the heavens where it would be answered.
The moment in itself was what had made him fall deeper into the velvety sheets of red and passion fruit; honestly, the only thing he could do was love you more.
With the lights of windows slowly flicking off, the city gently embraced a sweet slumber. You had packed up the picnic cloth and the jacket that Seungkwan had swathed you in when little trembles against his fingers told him you were cold.
Everything was tidied and only a flattened patch of grass was left swaying in the wind. Whirring of the engine filled a wide silence that wedged itself in between both of you on the way home; a consistent tune that accompanied the peaceful night perfectly. It lulled you to a brief nap as the trip didn’t take too much time until you were at the front door of your house.
He bids you good night with a bashful smile, waving his hand and all before he returned to the comfy seat of his car. The vehicle pulled away smoothly and left once you stepped a foot into your household.
Rushing to the bedroom, you stubbed your toe into one of the numerous walls found in your house. But the pain didn’t matter to you at all. You slipped out of your outfit and into cozy pajamas, throwing yourself onto the wide bed as dreams completed your wonderful evening.
And your wish?
You’ve held onto it for years, until one day, you let go of it.
You had no reason to because at that one moment, he had already made it come true.
He got down on one knee with a bashful smile on his face. His hands shakily produced a small box that he opened for you to see its contents and your heart leaped, even though you knew it was coming.
“Marry me,” the words you dreamed of hearing from the man who you had been with through numerous years finally left the very same lips that kiss you in the morning as they whispered sweet nothings into the curve of your ear. Just like the day he confessed to you, similar words of romance left his smiling lips. However this time, it held promises of eternity.
And you were willing to accept the “forever” he talked about.
You brought a little angel into the world; and with her rosy skin and bright eyes, she took her first look at the awestruck faces of people she would soon come to know as her parents; with her silvery voice and the sweetest of smiles, she spoke her first words; with sturdy legs and a mind brimming with curiosity, she took her first steps.
The fragile baby that you once cradled around in your arms was now growing up and you couldn’t blink or you’d miss it. Seungkwan knew that; and with the kindness of his manager, those little hours grew into more and more during the early years of your daughter’s childhood.
“My manager is a kind angel,” Seungkwan sighed with admiration and gratitude. Only high words came out of him whenever the topic arose as she was the reason why he had so much time for Eunbyeol.
However idols will be idols, and Seungkwan had a world tour he absolutely had to be there for.
It was a day before their departure and this time, Seungkwan was given a whole day off. He was enthusiastic regarding the relatively long break, so despite it being hours earlier than usual, your husband was already up and about. He was outside playing with Eunbyeol for majority of the wonderful morning, and breakfast had slipped his mind.
They came home from the nearby park tired and starving, before devouring the pancakes and bacon you had laid out for them. “I told you to eat before you guys left,” a litany of scoldings came out of you as they finished off the rest of their food in silence.
“Is daddy reading to me tonight?” Eunbyeol hands you her plate with a mouthful of food.
You answered with a nod, washing up the licked-clean plate. “Which book do you want?” Seungkwan nudged the little kid with his elbow, eliciting another bout of giggles. Eunbyeol nudged him back with all the force she could muster, practically throwing her body at him which did not make much of an impact on Seungkwan as he was around thrice her size.
“I want Charlotte’s Web,” Eunbyeol chimed with sparkles in her round innocent eyes. The beloved novel was her favorite despite her initial struggles in understanding the story as it showed her the yellow brick road -as she described them- towards the world Charlotte had lived in.
The afternoon was spent outside again, with the two loves of your life running out and dirtying their clothes to pick several flowers for you. Seungkwan had offered to weave them into your hair, neatly separating the bouquet by color to arrange them properly.
“I want to help!” your daughter exclaims, scooping up a bunch of flowers with her tiny arms. They both made a lot of tangles here and there, as it was their first time doing something like this. However, in lieu of harsh words and expressions of disappointment, you simply smiled and brushed their apologies off. Seungkwan rubs the back of his hand against your warm cheek and your eye shuts as the hand draws a little to closer to it.
“It’s messy,” you giggle, unconsciously touching your hair in an attempt to ease the wild strands of hair standing up.
“It’s a mess but it’s still beautiful,” he chuckles and your smile mirrored his. As Seungkwan watched the breeze gently blow your hair back and forth, he noticed the specks of white that began twinkling in the gray sky behind you. A pang of pain struck his heart as the impending separation was approaching faster than he wanted it to. His plans were forlornly ruined as he realized that time would not wait for anyone, and that midnight would come in five more hours.
Back at home, Eunbyeol ran around in her silky pink pajamas. “Where’s the book?” she rummaged through her chest full of trinkets and toys she has had over the years. The hardbound book was the only one that wasn’t on the shelf like the rest of her books since it -according to her- was special, and it deserved a prestigious spot somewhere in her toy chest.
“Maybe it ran away,” Seungkwan teasingly smirks with hands behind his back. The instant she saw the look on his face she knew the book had been with him the whole time.
With an arm raised, she confidently asks for the novel. To which he replies with feigned innocence that was as transparent as glass.
“Daddy give it back!” Eunbyeol demanded her book.
His smile grew wider and he reveals the book from behind his back. “I knew it!” she exclaimed as a knowing smile graced the girl’s face, and it was off to bed with her.
Seungkwan tucked her in and small hands gripped the edge of the blanket tightly. Eager eyes watched her father flip towards the first page of chapter one and the magical journey began.
In your opinion, Seungkwan was a great storyteller. Whenever a character spoke, he’d deepen or soften his voice to fit the personality they had; whether it be arrogant or soft-spoken - he could do it all.
Bubbles of laughter erupted from the cold bedroom; waning as the little ray of sunshine slipped into a sweet slumber. Seungkwan’s voice was a little above a whisper, continuing the story despite no one listening.
The low growl of his phone vibrating against the leather pants drowned his voice in its dreary tone. He felt a tap on his shoulder as your presence filled the space beside him. The heart situated at his chest dropped along with his spirits.
He didn’t want to go just yet.
“Isn’t it almost time?” you asked quietly. Seungkwan hesitantly nodded, hoping to ignore any further questioning by averting his gaze from your being.
You checked your watch and the clock’s hands were dangerously drawing near to his departure time. “You should go,” he did not look up no matter how much you shook him as he knew any imploring look from you would convince him to leave.
With a slow shake of the head, he refuses.
“One more chapter,” he pulls you down next to him as he tells you in a soft tone. You sat on the chair beside him and leaned against him, taking in his cottony scent before he left. “You have to go soon, okay?” whispering to him as your eyes fluttered close; you shuffled in your place to rest your head on his shoulder. He nodded again, brushing his cheek against your head as he droned on about Charlotte’s exciting adventures.
“Have a safe flight,” upon hearing those words come from his sleepy wife, he let out a small chuckle before resting his head on hers.
And for a little more, his face lit up like the stars on that night.
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chewgnay · 3 years
Week 5: History of Design
In this weeks reading I was intrigued by Walter Gropius and his famous architectural designs. Predominately (I might be going on a huge tangent here) but the buildings on Kenilworth Square to me resemble a lot of the Bauhaus in Dessau or even just the Bauhaus’ in general. They have flat facades and flat rooftops. Massive glass (or maybe not) windows that would give tons of sunlight and a sense of open space.
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The next thing that I also love and am very interested in is the Art Nouveau era. The Art Nouveau era was known for its long, continuous, organic-like and sinous line. The Pabst Theater located in Milwaukee has many characteristics that perhaps may have been inspired from the era. The decorative interior of the theater has many qualities that I see in the Art Nouveau period. The gold decorative metal work on the railings on the south side of the building has those organic curves and has this fluid motion to it.   
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Also from the Bauhaus was something that I think I tend to think about is this notion of “form follows function” and “less is more”. When I think of this I think of the many metal chairs in the basement. In my opinion they really pay attention those guidelines, because a chair is meant to be sat on and that’s really just the function. The design isn’t supposed to be something out of this world, it’s simple and gets the job done.  If I remember correctly from Art History, the Bauhaus was also known for mass production and these metal chairs are massed produced so that is another characteristic it shares.  
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Kenilworth Worth pictures from: https://www.cross-management.com/kenilworth
Pabst Theater pictures from: https://radiomilwaukee.org/story/community-stories/pabst-theater-behind-the-scenes/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pabst_Theater
Metal chairs pictures from: https://www.uline.com/BL_4004/Steel-Folding-Chairs  
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lesilla · 7 years
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Le Silla AWARD sandal has all the curves in all the right places.
Discover the sinous style at http://bit.ly/2poV1NV
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