#since these are technically their stardew versions
thegiantpuppy · 2 years
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💌Little Valentines💌
I know Valentines Day already passed but it’s still February so I can still doodle little Valentine chibis for fun💕
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sepublic · 2 years
            We got ANOTHER promo y’all!!! It’s technically a trailer but it’s thankfully very brief, given the runtime it’s hyping up is only two episodes, compared to usual TOH trailers that are advertising at least nine episodes! This is an official release and NOT a leak!
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         First off, Luz’s laptop!!! She’s doing this 11:09 pm at just 20%, she’s got references to Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight on her desktop, and I think that one Hades game? The one with Zagreus? Anyhow the Hollow Knight references are REAL, coupled with the S1 intro, makes you wonder if it influenced stuff like Hollow Mind…!
         Luz also has a Good Witch Azura fanfic file! And she’s recently made art since her return to the human world; You can’t see all of it, but it appears to the Owl House’s roof, in a parallel to how the intro usually ends with Luz, Eda, and King on the roof when she ignites a light spell and pushes it into the sky! Augghhhh she’s coping…! And her username is @FriendofOwlsandTitans… Oh my GAWD! She accepts King as a TITAN she’s a friend to TITANS!!! Original art do not steal, just like her GF!
         “All I ever wanted was to be good at something”… Good lord, if that doesn’t summize SO much about Luz. Her feelings of inadequacy. Her initial dreams of being a chosen one. Her desire to help others and be of service to them. Her need to JUSTIFY her own existence, to quote her girlfriend… That hit hard. Like I know but OW.
         She’s making video diaries again as we guessed, but this time to HERSELF; Girl needs a place to vent, good for her! She probably stayed up and snuck to the kitchen to let herself indulge in her dark feelings and thoughts alone. Did Luz make a video for Eda and King and eventually give up, being forced to confront herself inward without any distractions? She says she knows what she has to do now, is… Is Luz about to do something rash? Something involving Belos? Babey don’t hurt yourself, or maybe she just means the general principle of making thing right!
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         Then skipping past stuff we DO know, we see Luz and Hunter dressed up for Halloween! Hunter has a HOOTY mask, likely meant to invoke his Golden Guard persona, and Luz is honoring King OH MY GAWD WAAAIIIIII!!!!! She’s MOURNING her Titan brother, just like she mourned Eda! They’re in a dilapidated house, the shack where the Portal opens? They’re armed… Probably investigating paranormal activity, AKA Belos. This fits with another shot of them entering a basement with the same coloring as the house, atop the stairs!
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         We get a proper look at Amity and Gus’ new designs in the show’s own art style! They look AMAZING… They painted Hooty’s face on the door, pffft, but also ouch. The longing. Treating this place as an earthly version of the Owl House because it kind of is with its role and even coloration! If they miss Hooty you KNOW it’s been a while. Willow must’ve grown flowery vines outside to spruce up the place, it seems to have been converted into a fulltime hideout! If this was the old Wittebane home, I’m sure Caleb would appreciate it… Philip on the other hand.
         The door seems to have just… Opened on its own as Amity looks back. Or did somebody, probably Luz and/or Hunter (seeing a glimpse of Gooplos?) quietly leave, and Amity only notices when she hears the door swinging behind them?
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         We have a hand, either Amity, Willow, or Hunter’s, reaching out to some glow-in-the-dark night decorations; Including a symbol of the moon and sun. This is likely one of the characters mourning and being reminded of the Collector, rather than in-universe connection.
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         We see our cast, sans Luz, looking at some sort of box with styling reminiscent of the Portal! Not only does it suggest it was actually Caleb and his wife who made it (and Philip plagiarized), but also! Caleb must’ve left it behind in the human world. When Flapjack was pecking at the floorboards, was it to find this? It must be a clue, perhaps on how to make a portal, a Titan’s blood rift, etc.! Is this distraction what got Luz to sneak out earlier?
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         There’s some sort of book page we see next, presumably the contents of the box the kids found given their hands! I’m not sure the significance of the symbols, but the bottom one reminds me of the curse… Or is it just a reference to Clawthornes loving birds, AKA his wife? Is that some sort of teardrop? Maybe it’s Titan’s Blood and that’s meant to be a FURRY arm of a Titan! And what even IS that thing to the right?!
         Hunter says “Did you know that HE was here?!” In a distressed voice. Is this him potentially confronting one of our protagonists for keeping information about Gooplos’ potential survival, regardless if they actually knew and were hiding? Or him talking about Philip and Caleb to perhaps Luz, with the realization that either was a town founder, and inquring as to how Luz didn’t notice!
         Then we get Gus and Hunter THE BROS dressed up for Halloween, Hunter doesn’t want to hear spoilers because Gus is likely talking about a recent human hyperfixation of theirs! Brothers.
         And then, finally… Luz and Hunter aren’t here, it’s just the other kids, maybe those two are at some other part of the zoo more personal like the aviary…
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         WE GET THE LONG-AWAITED ANSWER TO THE GIRAFFES!!! AFTER TWO YEARS, ARGUABLY THREE IF YOU CONSIDER WHEN THE FIRST TEASER THAT MENTIONED GIRAFFES WAS RELEASED!!! Since the very beginning, we have been haunted by this question and whether they’d answer it, but now… NOW…! It all comes to light.
        The kids are obviously scared and locking arms in preparation, that’s so cute, venturing into ancient territory that hasn’t been traversed for generations. WILLOW HAS HER HAIRCLIP FROM WING IT LIKE WITCHES!!! Was it a gift from Amity, I MISSED IT SO MUCH! She takes a picture and a Giraffe, recognizing natives from its home realm, FREAKS… 
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       We get one idea of why Giraffes were banned and it makes sense. God the kids’ reactions are so funny. Of course Willow the Bravest is bold enough to step ahead and take pictures for the rest! This is such adorable levity and I appreciate the closure, this is their one chance so of course they’d take it after two months of debating if they should risk it! Mayhaps they regret that risk now.
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zoeythebee · 6 months
farming game?? that's exciting! what is there to know about it so far? :0
It's a cozy game made by someone who hates cozy games
To be more specific, it's inspired by the only harvest moon game I've ever actually liked. Harvest moon for the gameboy color, and due to technical limitations you could only hold one item at a time. And the time your crops need to be dropped off to be sold was earlier in the day, rather than midnight. Which meant once it was harvesting time you had to BOLT.
You couldn't step on crops either so you had to lay your farm out in a way that would make dropping your crops off as efficient as possible.
And it was tremendous fun.
And due to technical limitations the only mechanic in the game was farming and marriage, and some house expanding stuff. Which was useless since you couldn't decorate it. And I didn't know about the marriage stuff since the 3ds virtual console version I was playing didn't have the manual.
So my idea is to take that same idea of being strategic about your farm layout and go harder on it. I have an idea to keep the same 'one item at a time' idea while expanding on it without giving the player an inventory. I have an idea for crates that hold x items. And then you can stack these crates, and push these stacks around sokoban style. Forcing the player to be clever about their layout.
And that is the core mechanic, trying to give the player reasons to be clever about their farm layout in exchange for more efficient progression. I have more ideas outside of it, but that is the thing everything else hinges on.
Oh and no other mechanics, I find random collecting and social stuff annoying. When I played stardew valley I didn't talk to a single townsperson in my entire 40 hour play time.
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herearedragons · 9 months
3, 5, 6, 13, 23 from the video game asks! :)
Thanks for the ask!
video game questions
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
the first Pillars of Eternity game (as evident by how much I've been posting about it) is still great and I 100% recommend it, it is darker fantasy than Dragon Age and there are a couple of Yikes Moments close to the beginning, but you WILL love at least one of your party members and the writing is pretty great. also a lot of its soundtrack was used in season 2 of Critical Role, and there is significant vibe/theme overlap, so if you enjoyed that season you'll probably like something about POE1 (also there are a lot of voices from the cr cast in the game itself. Matt Mercer notoriously voices two(2) of your best friends party members)
Dragon Age: Origins! The OG. The reason I'm even on this website. I had a pretty major reset when I realized that I accidentally locked myself out of Zevran's romance and now I have to do the Sacred Ashes quest again, but once I get through it things will get fun again. I've had a lot of fun writing Kyana meta based on this playthrough earlier this year, and I'm sure I'll have more things to say when I GET OUT OF THAT TEMPLE
I started playing The Sims 4 between writing sessions during NaNo. I made an off-brand Evelyn and another household based on two very old OCs, and I was really invested in them for a while (to the point of considering making fanart of the second household). I stopped playing at some point, but I think that, like Stardew Valley, this is going to be a fun thing to come back to every once in a while.
(the first answer was already very long so I'm putting the rest under the cut)
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to
I played the demo for GLITCHED: The RPG a couple of years ago and it's been on my Steam wishlist even since. I don't actually know what's going on with the game (I think it was announced that it would come out in 2023 and then it didn't?), but I really hope that it will come out eventually because the demo is A Lot of my favorite things packed into one game. Like, honestly, even if the game won't be out for a while, I think that the demo itself is a really fun experience.
also, despite everything surrounding Dreadwolf, I'm definitely looking forward to it! though somewhat concerned about actually running the game because I Do Not Think my laptop will be able to handle it.
6. A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to
.........I mean, this is very much a Dragon Age blog. DA:O was one of my first RPGs (Skyrim was the other) and Here We Are all those years later
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
I haven't actually played it yet, but Challenging A Queen from Stray Gods. I'm definitely going to play it, though, because this is another game that looks like it was made personally For Me. and this song absolutely rules (my favorite version is the first one they played in this video)
23. A “Wow” moment of awe
...technically I didn't play this one either, but I watched a full playthrough of Wandersong on youtube, and the final song sequence I can't really talk about without spoiling everything was. very. Emotional(TM)
also for a more somber kind of awe, I really like the ambience in Emprise du Lion in DA:I and the White March DLC's entire deal in Pillars of Eternity. in both cases the environment made me just kind of pause for a second and take it all in (actually, adding to the song thing, the Abydon's Shell soundtrack from The White March is haunting)
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lilypadding · 1 year
Hii! I haven’t really been active here for some time sooo how are you? How have you been? :)
HIIII!!! honestly I haven't been very active here either, I just hop in every so often. I should go back to the time when this was my #1 social media cause that was a lot easier to digest than twitter LOL
(this ended up being longer than i thought so I added a read-more)
I've been okay generally, I feel like I'm in a bit of a transitory period in my life where I'm trying new things and attempting to get myself to chase dreams that feel very far away. I just recently got on my Summer break from school, so I'm grateful for that! I was planning on taking another summer course, but I dropped it last second because it's technically not a requirement
I posted a random scene that I've been wanting to post on AO3 because I wrote it a while ago, it's basically an AU where Nagito is a fem musician and the whole premise is that she's popular (and so is the rest of the DR cast and some others, like just generally a fame AU cause I dig the idea so much) but it hasn't gotten many interactions since it primarily involves a rare-pair. (I've been so into Taylor Swift's music and her rise to stardom, it's been a recent fixation for me so I completely blame that on that AU/snippet of a fic.)
I have SOOOO many fanfics sitting in my documents of this rare pair, like 99% of them have fem nagito, and it mainly stemmed as an "inside joke" between my partner and I but now it's like second language to us and it's this weird thing where this version of fem nagito feels more like an OC if anything, cause the more deviations you take from canon the more creative liberty you impose on them and all that. I always feel a little bit like I'm lying when I post that content, because I love writing canon Nagito and writing him as accurately as I can muster because I'd like to think I do a good job, but then I remind myself that fanfic is entirely optional and I may as well post things that feel completely unique to me and even "out of character" because what's the harm in it? most sensible people will just click off if they don't like it.
Like, I posted this fic titled "3 years different*" on AO3 which was ANOTHER rarepair AU fem-nagito thing (Like, a different AU to the musician AU one) which, again, stemmed between my partner and I and I didn't expect anyone to read it and enjoy it but I got a pretty nice comment on the second chapter that warmed my heart and made me feel like posting was slightly worth it.
and I just love the rare-pair and I love my version of fem nagito that has shifted and grown - and while it's SO much fun to kinda have a little fandom AU between my partner and i, it gets sooo lonely being the only 2 people who are a fan of this hyper specific fandom-amalgamation we created??? like I'm only touching on it lightly here but THE LORE we made runs ridiculously deep, I've considered what a video-essay on it would look like trying to cover EVERYTHING and it would be A MESSS but it's so fun
in my personal life I've just been filling my time with animal crossing, I don't know if you're anything like this but I swing between all of my previous fixations when I don't find a new one and I just ping-pong between getting really sucked into one thing to another. like, a few months ago I was OBSESSEDDD with the sims 2. before that I think it was stardew valley. Now I'm back on animal crossing. I finally have a Switch so I've been decorating my island from SCRATCH for the first time ever, it's fun but I also find myself running out of ideas so quickly so I end up running around my island aimlessly wondering what I should do. I love building on animal crossing with long-form youtube content in the back.
I also want to start doing fan edits again!! I used to be really into it in 2020 (I Wonder why with the state of the world then), but I'm trying really hard to dabble more because playing around in After Effects and making transitions is genuinely a lot of fun. I hope i get into it more consistently
I'm also looking forward to a concert that I'm going to with my partner soon! I've never been to a concert so it'll be my first! I'm excited to dress up and hopefully know the words to the band !!
IDK why I'm just rambling LOL I got so excited to see this question in my ask! You're so sweet for reaching out and asking!! How have you been?!?! I want to know!!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Best SNES RPGs Ever Made
SNES games might not be much to look at now, but in many ways, they were a massive improvement over any console games that came before. SNES developers could create massive worlds with detailed sprites that actually looked like what they were intended to represent. New advances in technology also meant that games could take their first real steps toward becoming the kinds of cinematic experiences we arguably take for granted today. And while 4 MB wasn’t even a ton of storage even space back then, it was still more than enough to fit an impressive script for a 40-hour story.
In short, the SNES was almost perfectly set up to be the home for RPGs. While the console RPG scene was still finding its footing at the time of the Super Nintendo’s release, many developers were more than willing to dip their toes into the genre to see what kind of experiences they could craft. That combination of experimentation and all-time great creative voices eventually resulted in some of the most beloved role-playing games ever made.
As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the SNES in North America, now feels like a great time to look back at 15 of the best RPGs on the SNES. 
15. Shadowrun
In the early 1990s, console RPGs were synonymous with turn-based combat and medieval settings full of knights, sorcerers, and dragons. So, no one really knew what to make of a cyberpunk game with real-time combat set in a dystopian Seattle. However, those who stuck with Shadowrun found one of the best and grittiest stories of the 16-bit era, as well as some surprisingly innovative conversation and hacking systems.
Shadowrun was truly ahead of its time in almost every way. While it didn’t get that much attention when it was released, games like Cyberpunk 2077 and The Ascent proudly carry on its legacy to this day. Even the Shadowrun franchise itself finally got its due with a trilogy of successful PC RPGs released over the last decade.
14. Soul Blazer
Even today, Soul Blazer is a title that not many gamers have heard of. Admittedly, it’s a little rough around the edges. Arriving early in the lifecycle of the SNES, the graphics and music aren’t quite up to par with the best games of its era, but the gameplay makes it a worthy addition to this list. Taking some inspiration from Actraiser, another beloved Quintet game, your goal in this action RPG is to clear out various lairs, rescue various souls (that could take the form of plants, animals, or other humans), and free the land from the evil Deathtoll.
Quintet would go on to hone Soul Blazer‘s best ideas in several other games (including Terranigma, another fantastic action RPG that sadly never made its way to North America). Unfortunately, Quintet shut down in the mid-2000s, and it’s unclear who exactly owns the rights to these games at this point. That sadly makes any official re-releases of these often-overlooked gems unlikely.
13. The 7th Saga
The 7th Saga is an excellent example of a game that had a lot of great ideas that never quite came together. Probably the best thing about the game is the playable characters. You have seven to choose from at the start (including a robot and an alien), and you eventually meet six other characters that you can either fight or recruit. It was also one of the first RPGs that didn’t include completely random combat. Enemies could actually be avoided through an innovative “radar” system.
Unfortunately, The 7th Saga is also unforgivingly difficult, with some enemies always surpassing your stats no matter how much you level up. So, while it may not have aged as gracefully as other games on this list, it’s an utterly fascinating project with incredible ideas that have since been incorporated into numerous genre classics.
12. Breath of Fire II
To be honest, Breath of Fire II doesn’t have a particularly memorable stand-out feature. Sure, there’s a town-building feature that lets you fill a town with various NPCs you meet throughout the game, but it’s easily ignored. Having a giant talking armadillo in your party is also pretty cool, but it’s obviously hard to recommend the game based on that alone. 
So why should you play Breath of Fire II? Well, it’s just a very solidly told fantasy story with a lengthy quest and strong turn-based combat. It’s nothing flashy, but it’s a strong overall entry into the Super Nintendo’s RPG library.
11. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
The release of Lufia II was overshadowed by the release of the next-gen systems and a SNES library already bursting with classic RPGs. It took a while for a lot of gamers to dig up this hidden gem, and some gamers simply never found it at all. To be fair, the story (which features a typical fantasy hero who has to save the world from the four evil Sinistrals) is a little mechanical, but Lufia II features some of the best graphics and music of any game on the console. Plus, there are tons of puzzles to solve and a 99-level randomized dungeon to eventually tackle. Honestly, Lufia II might feature more “gameplay” than any other Super Nintendo RPG.
While it’s billed as a sequel, Rise of the Sinistrals is actually a prequel to the first game, so you can feel free to dive right into it without playing through the first (though Lufia and the Fortress of Doom is well worth checking out as well). 
10. Harvest Moon
Arriving at the tail end of the SNES’ lifespan, Harvest Moon made a lot of gamers re-examine what an RPG could actually be. There’s no combat and no great quest to save the world. You’re just a simple farmer growing crops and raising livestock on the land you inherited from your grandfather. It sounds boring, but the gameplay loop is remarkably addictive. There’s a reason why the Harvest Moon series continues to this day and has inspired dozens of imitators, spin-offs, and sequels (most notably Stardew Valley).
Admittedly, some of the recent Harvest Moon games haven’t lived up to the series’ standards, but thanks to charming characters, witty writing, and its simple yet deep gameplay, there’s a very good argument that this first Harvest Moon game remains the best in the franchise.
9. Illusion of Gaia
The spiritual sequel to Soul Blazer exchanged the town-building mechanics of its predecessor for more involved combat, which honestly made it a better game overall. Illusion of Gaia also forgoes the traditional leveling of most RPGs for a roguelike system where protagonist Will can choose to increase his attack, defense, or health stats after clearing each room of enemies. As such, how you choose to proceed can make the final bosses of each dungeon significantly easier or much more difficult.
While it’s not technically set in the real world, Illusion of Gaia does incorporate several real-life locations, such as Egyptian pyramids, Incan ruins, and the Great Wall of China, leading to some of the most unique locales in any SNES RPG. It’s also a much better-looking game than Soul Blazer, fixing one of its predecessor’s biggest flaws.
8. Secret of Evermore
Square Enix (then Squaresoft) is primarily a Japanese developer, but after the massive success of multiple titles in the ‘90s, they decided to give an American studio a crack at the Square formula. While the basic gameplay of Secret of Evermore is obviously inspired by the superior Secret of Mana, Evermore mixes things up by restricting combat to just you and your trusty dog. There’s also a new alchemy mechanic that allows you to create potions when battling the game’s many tough bosses. 
For better or worse, Evermore is also graphically a much darker game than other Square titles of the era. It all mostly works here, but Square was ultimately not interested in pursuing Americanized versions of its games and Evermore is now more of a curiosity than anything else.
Read more
25 Best SNES Games of All Time
By Chris Freiberg
25 Best RPGs Ever Made
By Matthew Byrd
7. Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
More of a military strategy sim than a typical RPG, The March of the Black Queen might be the most demanding game on the SNES. You will spend a lot of time managing units, some of which include ninjas, griffins, and witches. But when you pick just the right strategy, it’s oh so rewarding to watch them take back the continent of Zetegenia from the evil Empress Endora. It also features one of the denser stories of any 16-bit game. Many of the best plot beats may even remind you more of Game of Thrones than Lord of the Rings.
This is actually considered the fifth episode of the Ogre Battle saga, and while several sequels were produced over the years, the first four games that would have presumably featured the rise of Endora were never made. Sadly, though, Square Enix now owns the property, it doesn’t look like the Ogre Battle saga will ever be completed either. 
6. Final Fantasy IV
Plenty of RPGs were released before Final Fantasy IV (also known as Final Fantasy II in North America at the time of its release), but this was the true turning point for the JRPG genre. Of course, the graphics and sound were better with the move to more powerful hardware, but what really set it apart was the distinction of being one of the first RPGs to actually feature a fully fleshed-out plot complete with a complicated love triangle and a sympathetic villain in Golbez. It was also the first Square game to include the Active Time Battle system, which showed that JRPGs didn’t have to just be plodding turn-based affairs.
Honestly, the only downside of playing Final Fantasy IV on the SNES is that the original English translation is a little iffy. That’s been fixed in later ports and remakes, so while it might not be worth checking out on the SNES anymore over other options, it’s still worth playing in some form.
5. Super Mario RPG
Both Nintendo and Square were arguably at the height of their abilities in the mid-90s, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that when they finally teamed up, the result was an absolute masterpiece. Super Mario RPG expertly combined the beloved Mushroom Kingdom setting and Mario platforming with Square’s top-tier storytelling abilities and advanced RPG combat systems for a truly epic game. 
Those who have played through Super Mario RPG still yearn for a true sequel developed by Square or, at the very least, the addition of Geno to Super Smash Bros. Given how beloved the game is, it’s surprising that Square and Nintendo still haven’t teamed up for another RPG. The Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi games are good, but none have surpassed this classic.
4. Secret of Mana
Closer to The Legend of Zelda than Final Fantasy in gameplay, Secret of Mana was perhaps the most innovative RPG of the ‘90s. It introduced many gamers to faster, varied combat, three-player multiplayer, and an absolutely massive game world. Even better, it’s all wrapped up with some of the best music and graphics of the generation. While still confined to the 2D limitations of the SNES, Secret of Mana’s systems are closer to what we see today in modern RPGs and action games than anything that came before.
While this game has been ported and remade perhaps more than any other game on this list, none of those versions quite match the first release. The original version of Secret of Mana still looks and feels timeless. 
3. Earthbound
RPGs were generally considered more niche games in the ‘90s. They rarely sold well, but at least did well critically. Earthbound is even more unusual because the initial reviews were rather tepid, yet it’s now considered one of the greatest games of all time. Most gamers just weren’t ready for an RPG set in the modern world that alternated between the cheery enthusiasm of childhood and the ominous alienation of growing up. In that way, Earthbound could be considered a PG-rated South Park that debuted two years before South Park even premiered.
Surreal, satirical, and sometimes just plain weird, Earthbound remains one of the more unique and innovative RPGs ever made. It’s a triumph of the genre that dozens of other games have attempted to emulate, but none have yet surpassed. Now, if Nintendo would just get around to finally putting out an official English localization of the sequel…
2. Final Fantasy VI
Two decades and nine sequels later, there are still some RPG fans who consider Final Fantasy VI to be the pinnacle of the series. That’s debatable, but it’s easily the best of the 2D entries as well as a kind of swan song to the gameplay that introduced many gamers to RPGs for the first time, with its pitch-perfect ATB battles, a huge, varied world to explore, and an epic, apocalyptic story. 
But it’s the cinematic aspects that make Final Fantasy VI stand out. The rousing soundtrack pushes the SNES to its absolute limits, making moments like the famous opera scene and the final battle against Kefka feel especially epic. Square arguably came to rely on CG movies a little too much in later games, but Final Fantasy VI is proof that the developers were master storytellers long before that.
1. Chrono Trigger
Is there really anything to dislike about Chrono Trigger? The time-traveling story that sees our heroes journey across millennia to save the world is simply outstanding. The characters, from Frog to Magus, are among the most memorable in any RPG. While the combat system might be a little simpler than some of the games on this list, letting party members team up to use their “Tech” abilities in different ways is endlessly customizable and entertaining. Of course, all of that occurs before you even dig into the new game plus and dozen different endings.
It’s difficult to label any video game as truly perfect, but Chrono Trigger may be the closest thing to perfection that gaming has ever seen. More than two decades on, it remains a high point in the RPG genre that all gamers need to experience at least once, and it’s easily the very best RPG on the SNES.
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adorabeezlc · 3 years
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Adora Winterpop || Twenty-Two || Streamer || Non-Magical
Adora likes to think of herself like a popsicle— sweet but cold. Some might call her personality “Fake”, especially when they see how quickly she can go from giggling in her sweetest little voice to seeming ready to dox someone for saying something negative about her.
She technically has two youtube channels, her main one where she uploads VODs and compilations from her Twitch streams, and her VTuber account, which she uses to practice doing consistent voice overs. There are some fan rumors going on that she runs that account, but Adora has never confirmed nor denied any of them. 
Her online persona is very different from her real life personality. She’s always putting on a different face depending on what content she’s making. She’s probably most herself on her TikTok when she’s making cosplay or impression videos. When she’s collabing with people, she tends to act more how she thinks they *want* her to act— especially if it’s ever with Tinsley— while also being very careful to not say anything too mean or too against the persona she’s built up on her own channel. And if she does decide to play online shooter games, she puts on the sweet innocent voice to get her teammates to not be upset if she’s doing poorly. 
Adora isn’t afraid to play to what the masses want. And sometimes that’s to sit in her comfy chair with her legs crossed, an oversized sweater and short shorts on, while she plays farming games and talking in a gentle voice. Does she sometimes pander to the people who are willing to give her subs and donations? Yes. And she’s sure that some day she’ll feel bad about it, or be upset that certain things she’s done are out on the internet, but right now, having a lot of her *own* Money feels pretty good. And while she knows this isn’t the right way to find “true love” it does feel nice to think she has people lining up to show that they love her--even if what they love isn’t her as a person, but how she looks.
Her handle on almost everything is Adorabeezle, based on the nicknames her parents called her when she was a little kid. 
She doesn’t like the colder, meaner person she’s become ever since meeting Tinsley. She doesn’t like how easily she switches her attitude based on what other people expect from her. She’s trying to be better, but only through the protection of a screen. She’ll send private DMs to people she’s hurt but she never acknowledges it in person, like what she’s done with Van. She feels bad about it, but doesn’t know how to make things better without becoming an outcast herself.
Whenever she’s stressed or bored, she’ll make cosplays or buy new wigs. She loves to sew and she has a series on her tiktok where she shows off ways to get creative with cosplay for those that maybe don't have as much access to materials and props as she does. 
She’ll occasionally stream in her cosplay outfits, sometimes she’ll even do the character’s voice as she plays. Some comments (that her mods usually block) will call her cringe for it, but she’s having fun, and she thinks that’s whats important. And besides, if anyone ever gets too annoyed, she can say it was a donation request. 
She can get pretty mean online, and she really doesn’t like that side of herself. She’s trying to get better, but whenever she gets one hateful comment, she’s doing what she can to find their other accounts and send some of her most loyal and crazy fans after them.
Adora isn’t that good at art, and she knows she could never make a career out of drawing, but she does love to doodle and tries to take some classes to improve her skills. 
When she’s not making content, Adora can be found at the ice rink, practicing. She loves to skate and it’s something that always clears her head.
She loves to learn more about the history of animation and voice acting in her free time and whenever she can she sends out voice acting reels to people just in the hopes of getting picked up for really any project. 
Adora is almost desperate for love. She wants what her parents have and she feels so bad that she hasn’t found that yet. So, she’ll sometimes find herself flirting with strangers she meets in hopes of it turning into something real. Usually it just turns into a one night stand and another blocked person on her personal instagram account.
Adora is always down to try new things on her streams, but she always tries to make sure she comes across as the sweetest version of herself. Even though she can have a meaner side, she tries to keep that underwraps. She doesn’t want any of that to get out; she doesn’t want to be remembered for the mistakes she knows she’s made. 
She loves science; that passion came around when she was young and wanted to learn a lot about the cold and how it worked and why it did the things it did. 
She can be kind of a dork when it comes to the things she’s passionate about. She’s also trying to get better about standing up for people she cares about. She hasn’t done that for Vanya yet, though. And she hates herself for not feeling like she’ll ever be able to actually make things up to her. 
Has several Sims series, and plays a lot of Final Fantasy, Stardew Valley, Genshin Impact, and really any RPG she gets recommended. She loves when there’s character customization in games; that’s one of her favorite parts. Then her favorite part is when you can build complex relationships with the NPCs. 
She’s thought about branching off and making a tabletop RPG series with some people, but she’s worried that the Sugar Rush crew would make fun of her. Adora just thinks with her love of story based games and her talent for doing voices, playing things like Dungeons and Dragons or really any TTRPG would be something she’d love and maybe even be good at.
Calls her fans Winter Beez. 
An Aquarius.
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Long ass post ahead. TL;DR I found an old set of questions and decided to answer them again 7 years later because why not.
1: What are you wearing?
2014: Some Shorts and a shirt I accidentally stole from my brother.
2021: Panic! at the Disco shirt and some running shorts
2: Ever been in love?
2014: Oh yes, sadly...
2021: pfft.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
2014: Not technically, but I once had my homecoming date hook up with another girl.
2021: hahahahahaha. Yes.
4: How tall are you?
2014: like 5 foot 1, maybe 2? I dunno.
2021: 5’4”, apparently
5: How much do you weigh?
2014: How about no...
2021: Who’s to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6: Any tattoos?
2014: Yes! I got one on my left shoulder blade not too long ago. I often forget I have it, actually lol.
2021: I’m up to five, and six is planned.
7: Any piercings?
2014: I do. I have double lobe piercings, and my left ear at the top. No non-ear piercings. Those seem uncomfortable to get, tbh.
2021: Uh...double lobe, helix, forward helix, tragus, nose, and septum.
8: OTPs?
2014: Marshall and Lilly on HIMYM. I mean, I think that's what this is asking. Right?
2021: I’m still not 100% sure what this means but I’m doubling down on Marshall and Lilly.
9: Favorite show?
2014: I'm still recovering from the ending of How I Met Your Mother, but I also love Criminal Minds, and the Big Bang Theory.
2021: HIMYM, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, and Masked Singer.
10: Favorite bands?
2014: I pretty much love anything, so I'll try to shorten it to Love and Theft, Newsboys, t.A.T.u, Beast, and Fun.
2021: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, Maroon 5, Relient K.
11: Something you miss?
2014: Going to the park and just lying in the grass with my friends or crushes. I know, I'm Cheesy.
2021: Not having responsibilities or bills to pay.
12: Favorite Song?
2014: ...why do they even bother asking this? Tbh, “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain, and “Hello, My Name is” by Matthew West
2021: “you should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish and “no body, no crime” by Taylor Swift
13: How old are you?
2014: Nineteen. I feel old.
2021: ...twenty-six.
14: Zodiac sign?
2014: Aries, barely.
2021: (not) shockingly, I’m still an Aries.
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
2014: Just someone who's willing to go on cheesy dates at the park, and love me for who I am. And a Christian. Yea, I'm one of those people. Sorry...
2021: dude just someone who’s gonna stick with me.
16: Favorite quote?
2014: It's actually a verse. I love Jeremiah 29:11. It's actually part of what's tattooed on my shoulder; right below a cross.
2021: “it do be like that sometimes”
17: Favorite actor?
2014: Uhhhhh. Matthew Gray Gubler, or David Tennant. I love them both :)
2021: Matthew Gray Gubler.
18: Favorite color?
2014: Green, or pink. Depends on the shade and whatnot.
2021: pastels. mostly green.
19: Loud music or soft?
2014: If I'm alone in the car? loud. Anywhere else I enjoy my soft music.
2021: If I’m by myself loud but if there’s others I like to keep it low enough so we can still talk.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
2014: My Room, or the park not to far from me. I like parks, if you haven't noticed.
2021: My room
21: How long does it take you to shower?
2014: Uh, probably about 10 minutes.
2021: Either 10 minutes or 45 minutes. There is no in-between
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
2014: About 30 minutes. I like to sleep tbh.
2021: Maybe 20 minutes at the most. Cutting off all my hair really took some time off my getting ready list.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
2014: heck no.
2021: hell no.
24: Turn on?
2014: Cute shy smiles, and geekiness. I love someone who I can be comfortable with.
2021: dorks with a lame sense of humor. I am all about the dad jokes.
25: Turn off?
2014: Those guys who try to make you uncomfortable, or act like they're super cool. I guess that would be douches, huh?
2021: the “oh you should smile more” men.
26: The reasons I joined Tumblr?
2014: I was trying to find a place where I could post stuff without my parents seeing it tbh. I like having a place where like 2 people actually know me.
2021: Because where else can I release the true psychotic chaos within me?
27: Fears?
2014: Being abandoned. And darkness, for sure.
2021: Finding out people only stayed in your life out of obligation and not out of their own choice. And spiders.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
2014: The guy I liked totally looked past me and started telling me about this other girl, after I told him how I felt (not RIGHT after, it had been about two months...but still).
2021: My mom manipulated me into showing up to something I didn’t want to because “I should really go visit family”
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
2014: My best friend and I say I love you after we hang up the phone Lol.
2021: Other than normal parent “Love You”’s, it’s probably been about 3 years.
30: Meaning behind your Tumblr name?
2014: I'm short, totally socially awkward in new situations (and with old friends, now that I think about it) and Idk about the fox. I just like foxes, I guess...
2021: There is no meaning. I like pancakes, space, and dragons.
31: Last book you read?
2014: If you don't count my English Lit book, then it was probably "Only the Good Spy
Young" by Ally Carter, but I don't remember.
2021: oh geez. It was probably “George” or “Rick” by Alex Gino
32: The book you’re currently reading? 
2014: Nothing yet. I do have that last Gallagher Girl book to read though. I'll probably start it this weekend.
2021: Nothing. But I never got to that last Gallagher Girl book...
33: Last show you watched?
2014: The Big Bang Theory.
2021: The Masked Singer
34: Last person you talked to? 
2014: My dad lol. We were watching the NFL draft.
2021: Guy friend of mine. I went to his place for dinner and some video games.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
2014: Good Friend
2021: hahahahahahahaha. We’re just friends.
36: Favorite food?
2014: Cajun. Blame my grandparents, that's what they cook a lot lol.
2021: Pasta
37: Place you want to visit?
2014: I wanna go to Alaska. Even though I know it's super cold.
2021: Europe. Specially Spain or France.
38: Last place you were? 
2014: I honestly left home like twice today, to bring something to my brother at the High school, then to bring him to a friends house. He has a better social life than me.
2021: Friends place to hang out. We played Stardew then ordered wings and watched a movie.
39: Do you have a crush?
2014: Yes. See question 28 lol. Also, there's this other guy who I got close to last year, but I haven't spoken to him in weeks, and it's killing me.
2021: See guy referred to in 34, 35, and 38.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
2014: Never. I have never kissed anyone. Well, besides like a kiss in the cheek from family. Yeah...
2021: wow it’s probably been about three years.
41: Last time you were insulted?
2014: Recently lol. I guess... I don't really pay attention, or care...
2021: I don’t know. Probably recently.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
2014: I'm just gonna act like this doesn't exist, cause idk what it's asking.
2021: Chocolate.
43: What instruments do you play?
2014: I can play the French Horn and Mellophone! I also want to learn the flute, but I can't unless I have something to practice lol.
2021: French Horn, Mellophone, and Ukulele. Still want to learn the flute.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
2014: My purity ring. If I forget to put it on, I can seriously feel the emptiness, and it bothers me...
2021: My septum ring! I feel like it’s the first piercing I got for myself, and not just something I thought others would like on me.
45: Last sport you played?
2014: Maybe Soccer? Idk.
2021: pfft. Sports.
46: Last song you sang?
2014: “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain. But I really don't sing well, so it doesn't happen much, unless I'm alone.
2021: “You Belong with Me (Taylor’s Version)” by Taylor Swift and I 100% sang it to my dog.
47: Favorite chat up line?
2014: I don't have one
2021: It’s been 7 years and I still don’t have one.
48: Have you ever used it?
2014: Since i don't have one, no.
2021: Nah.
49: Last time you hung out with someone?
2014: I hung out with my future roommate before I left college yesterday.
2021: When I went to the previously mentioned Guy’s house earlier today.
50: Who should answers these questions next?
2014: Well, I guess any of my followers can choose to, if they want.
2021: Bold of you to assume anyone’s actually going to see this.
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End of Year Fic Meme
tagged by @quidnunc-life (though technically @cassiesinsanity also tagged me)
Total number of completed stories: 4
Total word count: Just going off of what’s up on AO3, 15,297
Fandoms written in:  Marvel, Elfquest sort of? Lol
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I feel like I wrote so little this year, but apparently I wrote over 15k???? This is insane to me as I am the World’s Slowest and Least Prolific Writer (TM).
What’s your own favourite story of the year? I think Family Togetherness Time, my follow up to my favorite fic of all time Good People. Though I think my fic Time Makes You Bolder (Children Get Older) has a really cool concept.
Did you take any writing risks this year? I put up two WIPs that I had no idea how they were going to go/end? And I had to make them up as I went along? 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I swear to fucking GOD I will get SOMETHING of the Criminal AU up before the Black Widow Movie comes out. I have until May so that should give me enough time to put out something. (I am currently unemployed so I have time right now lol)
Most popular story of the year? Time Makes You Bolder has 67 kudos total, so I guess that one. That’s definitely because of @spectralarchers signal boosting it at some point (which I very much appreciate)
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Bring Me Java Bring Me Joy has only 30 kudos, which kinda surprises me, since it’s Clint/Natasha and a coffee shop au? But that doesn’t make it unappreciated, as most of my fics are in that range. 
Most fun story to write: Time Makes You Bolder, because it’s fun to think of which emotional pain will I inflict next! (Yes, I’m the worst)
Most unintentionally telling story: I’m...also confused by this question lol I think I’ll go with Something I Need because it revealed that I’m an Elfquest fan?
Biggest disappointment:  ....oh God this might be too revealing but I really struggled with my fic But I Carry This Feeling, because I wasn’t sure how to balance the tone and the feelings and consent and when I finally put it up I wasn’t 100% happy with it, but went with it.
AND THEN, in the most incredible twist of all time, @cloud--atlas ended up with me in the be_compromised Remix exchange and wrote an amazing version of the same scene that nails absolutely everything I was struggling with and I adore it. If you’re a ClintNatLaura fan and you don’t mind Explicit fics, please to give it some love!
Biggest surprise: I hosted a promptathon! And it was fun! And people participated and wrote lots of fic! Fingers crossed I can hold one again this year! (Maybe March ish again? I think that’s around be_compromised’s usual stuff?) I WROTE THINGS! Even with Covid and Career Changes and Moving and the Black Widow Movie being Delayed and someone trying to copywrite the bisexual flag on twitter and Depression and playing SIms 2 and Stardew Valley again and being the World’s Slowest and Least Prolific Writer (TM) I wrote things!!! I got things done!!! I wrote words!!!!
tagging @ufohnoparty (because you told me to binch), @smallblueandloud, @spectralarchers (since I tagged you in above already), and anyone else who wants to do this!
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cutevon · 4 years
tagged by @birbs-in-space, thank u!! i won’t be tagging 17 people since i dont think i know 17 accounts off the top of my head but if you see this post and you wanna do it you can just say i tagged you ^^
17 questions 17 people lolsorry
Nicknames: my mom calls me “D” cause calling me devon is still kinda weird. dont call me that tho please. i think if you just misspell my name i think its really funny so just. do that. Debon or Debom, whatever is fine.
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5′5 or 5′6 i have no idea
Last thing I googled: i don’t google things much cause its usually just wikipedias and game advice but like. “stardew valley phone” technically. the phone started ringing in game and i freaked out cause i didn’t know it could do that
Song stuck in my head: Mayonaka no Door // Stay With me, specifically the very first “watashi wa-watashi” just MM<HMMHMM love that
Number of followers: 63
Amount of sleep: like. 7. averagely. but i take naps a lot.
Lucky number: 19, or 300. my og club penguin account was called Flutterby300 and i just like the number 19 cause nobody ever thinks of it
Favorite song: honestly? i love viva happy in the japanese version. i dont understand it but hnng bari bari tune dootododootodotoo woowoo!! always gets me
Favorite instrument: piano? or drums man i love a good drums. lilypichu playing piano is like the only time i listen to just piano music 
Dream job: Animating for a Ghibli Movie. but i think i’m only set out to do personal animations and cooking work and like. fursuit/costume making in the future. which is still fun
Aesthetic: oh god oh no i have no idea but soft colors are great
Favorite animal noise: the sweet sweet meow from a kitty. or that one dog in the video and its like “dont woof” and then the dog “wauurrff” or whatever >w<
Random: i woke up from a nap like 30 mins ago and im still super thirsty but im almost out of water and arrrgggg its cold downstairs i dont wanna go in the garage for another waterbottle but IM THIRSTY FOR WATER
How it started: ah yes. how it started. i dunno prolly in 6th grade we were doing like a weight thing and the average weight for females in the class was 105 and i was 106 or something and i was all embarrassed to be... the average weight?? anyways im at 95 or something rn. my metabolism went sicko mode ig.
How it’s going: god im so happy every day i love everything but man school sucks but i have a great grade and theres so much i wanna do
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baronvontribble · 5 years
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okay. alright. i’m doing it. here’s a list of AUs that i have toyed with for the robot and marshmallow, none of which have solid titles (and i will answer questions about any of them):
the big story: the one for publishing, so far. both the most finished and the oldest original story. Adam is a runaway police robot who comes to a group of sympathetic humans to find a new body and a new life as a free man. Ted is part of that group and ends up helping him. goes HARD into the AI minutiae and modern concepts about robotics in a five-minutes-into-the-future setting. tackles mental illness, disability, and is generally super soft and low-key.
team winions: workshopped but not written. still nailing certain things down. basically Ted’s the main support on an esports team and Adam is his newly traded-in DPS/lane partner/AD carry. over the course of a season they do the cute bonding thing, and they and the rest of their misfit team eventually secure a finals win for an NA region that’s pretty much never won anything before that. oh, and this one has art! i mean it’s an old art from when i was first thinking of having Adam be on another team instead of a new trade to the one Ted’s on, but STILL AN ART.
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(the one who gets traded away is Owen; Rani swaps to top lane, and Angie and Malak stay in the same positions.)
post-apocalyptica: this was an idea for a platformer. basically, the world has ended. Ted wakes up from complete stasis in a hospital after a few hundred years - healed of whatever it was that got him into stasis in the first place - to find that no one’s left but robots (not androids, though) and a voice on a headset. the voice guides him through the ruins of the city to find meds and possibly other survivors (a thing the voice doesn’t recommend). but when he finds those survivors, he finds out that they were woken up too. by the same voice. every single one of them rejected it once they found out what it’d done, and now they’re fighting the robots to ‘take back the city’.
the voice expects Ted to join them at that point, but he doesn’t. instead he asks where the voice is broadcasting from. then he goes all the way to the top of a ruined skyscraper, and on the very top floor he finds Adam hooked up to a bank of servers. this is the last android, trapped by the limitations of his own memory-bloat, kept functional by a mess of wires that connect him to his own massive server room of a brain. upon seeing this, Ted sits down, unpacks his lunch and his meds, and settles in to try and make the guy a little less lonely.
space, idea 1: one of two different ideas that i’ve considered the two goobers for in the same universe; at this point i’ve decided that if Ted gets one, then someone else will have to get the other, because I want to reuse my goddamn space universe. barring that, i could use another idea for a framing device, but i’ll talk about that later. for now, we will say Ted is in training to become a human partner for a ship pilot AI. or was. he’s being threatened with getting kicked out.
why? who knows. it’s Ted. that is not the point. the point is that he is given an opportunity to redeem himself by joining an experimental program that will give him telekinetic powers via alien spores, but to harness them he has to have nanotech and an AI implanted into his nervous system to monitor and regulate the bits of his brain that will spontaneously burst into irreparable cancer the moment he starts the treatment. the cancer is the flipside of a radical regenerative ability that the spores also cause.
Adam is the AI, one of many. he doesn’t want to be there. none of them do. it’s a last resort assignment given to AIs that are about to be sent to run remote He3 scoops out in the sticks. Ted is also one of many humans and most of them are pseudo-dropouts for one reason or another just like he is. very few of them are well-adjusted, and the usual anime training school shenanigans ensue.
but then a dark thing happens. a test subject who was thought dead seemingly comes back and starts killing the AIs, which can potentially kill the people who really need them in their brains. panic ensues; the leader of the program tries for as long as he can to cover it up because it’s a skeleton in his closet, specifically, but eventually it comes back to bite him and everyone else on the station. so it’s up to Ted and Adam and their friend-group to save the day and get everyone who’s still alive off the station in one piece.
space, idea 2: Adam is a freshly minted AI who has a problem: he goes through partners like other people go through shoes. technically he has the right to refuse anyone for any reason, but his handlers think it’s getting a little ridiculous that he’s refused so many. it’s also expensive to keep trying to match him up with people again and again, and no algorithm can really predict the personality profiles that’ll end up being compatible with him since so many have proven not to be.
then Ted stumbles into his airlock, and he gets An Idea: the human can’t act in ways that are incompatible if his good word is the only thing keeping them from getting arrested. so, he takes advantage of the opportunity and says he wants this one as his partner. this one that’s an actual criminal.
his handlers give up, and this is how the story begins. i don’t know where it will go from there. maybe i’ll use my conspiracy plot where Zach’s trying to start a galactic civil war and they uncover his machinations together. or maybe i’ll use the Fermi paradox plot where they’re scouting and they find a Pioneer-level probe out in space only to find its planet of origin completely dead except for a lone caretaker AI overseeing the stored memories and personalities of a million long-forgotten souls. it’s the kind of setup that can go anywhere.
the framing device: but then there’s this. this thing i thought of to tie them all together. if i start with the last and write the rest, then this would be the thing that let me keep writing AUs with abandon: the VR idea. set in my space universe, it would be a procedurally generated full-immersion VR experience compatible with both humans and AIs that allowed them to live fully fleshed-out alternate stories for themselves, either alone or with others. the stories would follow narratives, have plots, have stakes; the promise is that you can spend your time in the sim being the storybook version of yourself.
now, there are settings. when you go in you can tweak the realism, set up what tags and genres you feel like going for, how much drama you want, how much violence you’re feeling up to seeing or experiencing. and all of it is safe, controlled, and probably really expensive. but it’s supposedly the best vacation your credits can buy you without having to go offworld, so it’s an immediate sensation in-universe.
this would be how i’d tie it all together. and i could use it for multiple character pairings. i could even reuse characters if i said it stored imprints of previous users or had stock characters. but for Ted and Adam? they’d use it as a way to meet and fall in love and be with each other in a thousand timelines across a thousand different worlds, and they’d never get tired of it.
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anyway, yeah. those are just the ORIGINAL ones. i’d write them in WoW or Shadowrun or Divinity: Original Sin or Dragon Age or Mass Effect or Stardew Valley or Slime Rancher or Cyberpunk or DnD or Fallout or Starcraft or Overwatch or ANY universe if i thought i could get away with it. these boys will always jump into any AU i dip my toes into, and be the first to volunteer themselves for any plot i come up with. if i bring one, the other is coming too in one form or another. that’s just how they are.
now you all know why i never get anything done that doesn’t have them in it.
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wanderleave · 4 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @stoprobbers and @share-the-damn-bed. Sorry it took me so long, but quarantine mood means it’s taking forever to do anything.
Top 3 ships -
I’m going with currently because I’d be here forever if we did always.
Jancy, obvs (yes, I am still working on high five.)
Zelink, BOTW. A princess fighting for a hundred years to keep the world safe until her knight wakes up and even if he doesn’t remember her he knows instinctively that he has to fight for her, GOODBYE. Also Zelda is such a nerd, I love her. 
Bellarke, 100 emoji. It’s always there, a low thrum. I love them. (Absolutely convinced Bellamy is going to die and I’m going to have lost seven fucking years of my fucking life. Also cast Bob Morley on Prodigal Son as Lou Diamond Phillips’ son plz and thank you, hapa representation 4 eva.)
Last song - The new Purity Ring album came out yesterday and I’ve just been listening to it beginning to end nonstop since then, so technically it’s Stardew, but it’s all of it.
Last Movie - Emma., which I rewatched on a Zoom call with a friend in DC. This is our lives now, guys!!
Currently reading - The Passage, which remains my favorite virus end of the world book and one of my favorite books of all time, and I thought... why not reread this RIGHT NOW? It’s going better than I thought it would.
What food are you craving right now - Something served in a restaurant. But, mostly things I can technically make myself but want a specific restaurant version of, so: ramen (Ichiran), penne vodka (Vinny’s), anything from Frankie’s, sushi even from the crappy place on Seamless, my Chinese place that is closed hopefully only temporarily. I did order from the restaurant down the block last night and they sold me their usually $40-50 bottles of wine for $18 and $22 so, it’s not as bad as it could be.
Tagging: @easilydistractedbyfanfic, @leslie057, @alexiscrose, anyone who wants to do it!
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
a LOT of people have been (politely) asking me if I’m going to release a Crowley version of the Stardew Omens mod and... well...
1. I’m very interested in doing a “full” version of this mod where they are BOTH original characters, as in, they don’t replace anybody, and they have their own home bases, heart events and schedules, and have different variations depending on who and how you wanted to romance them, or just have them as townfolk in a relationship with each-other. 
In fact, that was what I initially wanted to do, but I opted for the Harvey replacement because it was do-able in a (relatively) short amount of time with zero modding experience.
2. Said “full” version of the mod would require INFINITELY more work. Weeks or even months of unpaid labor. Some of the stuff it would involve:
Making another set of seasonal images, this time for Crowley, totaling something like 50 portraits and 150 sprites. Turns out pixel art is WAY harder than I gave it credit for; massive kudos to ConcernedApe for making this game by HIMSELF. I have a whole new respect, wow.
Learning C++ and SMAPI mod creation in order to correctly load new assets.
Adding and editing custom maps and tilesheets.
Animating and scripting cut scene events.
Play-testing and troubleshooting and patching up many holes in the wall from head-banging and items thrown in programmer tantrums.
Personally handling bug reports and technical problems after release.
3. I’m not sure how comfortable I would be sinking hundreds of hours of work into something like that for free or “out of love” either. I feel like that would just make me bitter, haha. (says the person who has written hundreds of thousands of words of free fanfic... hmmm)
People have suggested crowdfunding, but I’m not sure how comfortable I would be doing something like that, since the project involves two IPs I don’t own. I have no idea if there’s a precedent in fandom for crowdfunded projects, but it kinda makes me uncomfortable, which is usually the first clue I shouldn’t Do A Thing. At least not with the expectation of monetary gain.
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t mind learning new stuff. In fact, this could be really worthwhile, a good skill to learn, and it sounds kind of exciting. But the workload would be massive, with no real promise of reimbursement for time spent.
So idk. It’s in the back of my brain, but I’m not sure what to do about it yet. 
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destiny-smasher · 5 years
Always Gotta Don’t Stop (speculating about Smash)
So with Byleth incoming in just a few days, we also got other noteworth announcements that got me pretty excited about the possibilities for what could come to Smash Bros. Ultimate over the next two years. I felt like having some fun and came up with multiple lists using this template by Matthew Lovenzka, and I tried to find a balance between various factors -- perceived popularity (not just with Western Smash fans but that’s part of it), moveset potential (they CAN make a moveset out of anything but Sakurai specifically focuses lately on bringing new mechanics), and also a twist of marketing (since that IS part of it, as Byleth demonstrates).
Long post is LONG, I’m goin’ ham.
First up, just some general predictions for Fighters Pass Volume 2:
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Now, I don’t believe we will get Sora AND Geno, but it DOES feel likely we will get another Square character, and those two feel like the most popular picks with people from Square. I could Nintendo trying to get Sora in first and foremost, but if legal complications (or Square just being fussy) got in the way, they might compromise on Geno. I feel like with how big Activision/Blizzard is, they’d want a character in, and if Nintendo likewise WANTED to parley with that, and go for another western-themed pick, Bandicoot makes the most sense. Crash didn’t get into Playstation All-Stars but everyone still inherently associates Crash with the Playstation One, so it’d be a great pick and feel similar to Banjo-Kazooie in a lot of ways. I could see moveset being a little standard but they could probably come up with some fun elements. Given how much emphasis the Crash franchise has put on Coco more recently (made her fully playable in the Crash Trilogy, given her lots of attention in CTR Nitro-Fueled), it would feel in-character and also just be neat if she was added as an alt costume. Capcom: I feel like we’re all expecting a new Capcom rep, and that by no means entails we will get a new Capcom rep, buuut it feels pretty likely. Capcom is on good terms with Nintendo, Ultimate already has plenty of content from them, they even pitched in plenty of new music tracks to Ultimate. The real question is, who would Nintendo want from Capcom, and who would Capcom give their approval on? I would’ve thought Resident Evil a couple months ago, but since we just got RE spirits added, I’m starting to think that if a new Capcom rep got chosen, it must’ve been from somewhere else. (Maybe RE was considered first and they did spirits and all that but then it got cancelled or switched, I dunno). There’s plenty of possibilities, including multiple desired characters who have already been in Marvel vs Capcom. Personally, my money is on a Monster Hunter rep just because the game is so huge in Japan, and recently finally broke through to worldwide popularity. Next, a Bandai/Namco rep. Given that the company works on the series, it’s actually strange to me that B/N costumes from Smash 4 were removed, and we have yet to get anyone new added in. Pac-Man is still the only Bandai-Namco fighter in the game. As for who they’d add, most of the obvious picks might feel redundant (Tekken? Soul Calibur?) but if they went with something like Dark Souls, they could incorporate a stamina managing mechanic, as well as that grim-dark aesthetic (I feel like ONE of these six newcomers will be from a grim-dark game.
A year ago, you wanna know who EVERYONE was expecting to get into Smash? When it was revealed that NINTENDO was deciding the DLC, not Sakurai? Wanna know who everyone expected? ‘The new Fire Emblem protag.’ Which is...exactly what we got. I would say that at this point, we can’t really expect anyone or anything from Smash, but the exception to that rule is to expect a first party, corporate overlords pick. Could be a Gen 8 rep, could be Travis Touchdown to promo NMH3, could be a new Zelda rep to promo BotW2, I dunno, could be a new Splatoon character to promo that series (and whatever is coming next from it) but I feel it in my bones that one of these six will be first party, from a more recent game, basically to just be Nintendo flexing their own brands.
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But something we learned over the past year is that they are actively trying to add more franchises and characters via Mii Costumes. So here’s some theories as to what we might get from 1st/3rd party Mii costumes in the couple years to come. It feels like we’ll prolly get more Nintendo themed Mii costumes, and tbh I just feel like with more Pokemon DLC coming, they will want to push that here. Especially if we get a new Pokemon fighter/stage, it would feel natural for them to throw in a trainer-oriented costume.
If we get a new Square rep, which feels likely because Square is just THAT big, then I would suspect we’d get one or two more Square costumes, but I’d expect them to be underwhelming. So, like, bring back the Chocobo hat. Bare minimum, that’s been Square’s creed when it comes to Smash.
While Resident Evil feels like it didn’t make the cut, I could totally see them adding in one or two RE themed costumes as kind of a peace offering for the franchise. Leon/Claire would make sense with the RE2 remake being such a hit, and Leon’s history with Nintendo hardware.
TBH it feels kind of criminal that Chun-Li isn’t in the game in some way outside of a spirit and a music track. At least give that lady a costume, for Din’s sake.
2B is also technically Square, but her creator has been very open about being interested in just...selling her likeness all around. I feel like 2B could be a fighter, of course, like she already is in Soul Calibur 6, but I also feel like if Nintendo was going to aim for a Square character, they’d have their sights set on bigger fish. She would please plenty by appearing as a costume, at least.
OK, so, I have played a Minecraft or two over the years. Hell, I played it WAY back before it was even officially finished/released. I can definitely see the appeal of Minecraft coming to Smash, though more as a stage than as a fighter. I could easily see a Minecraft SOMETHING making its way in, and it is very possible to show up as a fighter, but a Mii Fighter skin feels more likely imo.
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So something else that hasn’t officially become a pattern yet but has definitely set up an anticipation is indie games getting their dues with ‘premium’ Mii costumes. So here’s my picks for those. I think three of these are actually still quite possible to be fighters, if IF IF Nintendo is willing to truly throw an indie a bone. But it feels more plausible that that bone would be much smaller, and we’d get popular indie reps in the form of these premium skins with music tracks. I feel like I don’t even need to really explain most of these, but VA11 HALLA is here more because I personally like it a lot, it’s a popular enough visual novel internationally, and it has a banging OST. But tbh if I could decide on a Stardew Valley skin that would’ve gone there instead, just because of how prominent the game is. You could likewise replace Cave Story with Stardew, except I feel like Cave Story was THE indie game that kind of kickstarted this whole ‘indie revolution.’ Tricky part there is the complicated and unfortunate nature of the series’ ownership (essentially taken away from its creator).
The other four, though, I could easily see them as fighters with their own unique gimmicks/mechanics and stages with cool music and aesthetics. The only other indie game/character I could envision more than them is coming up. I feel like if this indie trend continues, one of these is bound to show up.
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So Sakurai made a weirdly big deal about the concept of ‘echo fighters’ only to like...add three and call it a day? There’s so much more you could get out of the concept, and as many have discussed, doing an ‘Echo Fighter pass’ (or just piecemeal adding in Echo Fighters) over the course of the next two years would make extra bank, please lots of folks, and not actually take up more resources. The trick is they’d all have to be first party characters from already establishes franchises in Smash, otherwise I just don’t see them happening. To be a proper echo fighter, they would need to be slightly different than another fighter, but different in some way. This usually entails at least one special move being totally different, but it also often entails changing the characters’ properties in some way. To be clear: Tetra - Toon Link, Medusa - Palutena, Octoling - Inkling, Gooigi - Luigi, Impa- Sheik, Dixie - Diddy.
Personally, I think Impa would make the most sense of these to be her own fighter, and she has many forms she could take (pictured above is the Hyrule Warriors version), which tbh could just mean an entirely original, new adaptation, like they’ve already done with Sheik and, arguably, Zelda. But she could totally get away with being a Sheik echo, as well. You can probably imagine differences on your own, but if we were to get more echo fighters added, these are some of the more popular and perhaps plausible picks that might possibly please the higher proportion of people.
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So I don’t think any of these feel specifically likely outside of a Monster Hunter rep, and even then, I feel like Byleth essentially got the ‘gimmick’ you’d give to a Hunter fighter (like they got in MvCI), so you could swap the Hunter for a Palico or even a Monster or something, I dunno. I want someone from Monster Hunter, and I want a Monster Hunter stage/music. But I do feel like at this point, anyone feels possible for Smash, so these are picks I would personally DIE OVER, like I did with Mega Man, Lucina, Banjo-Kazooie, and Joker before them. Ones that I personally have great affection for and would main regardless of play style, but which also feel prominent enough and appropriate enough where you imagine them in Smash, imagine many people knowing who they are, etc etc.
ARMS was such a lovingly made game that just didn’t have mechanics deep enough to hold people’s attention in the long run. Which is a shame, because the characters, the world, the aesthetic, it’s all so well done and I adore it. I do feel like we’re bound to get at least one more Ninty rep (probably two or even three depending on how much Nintendo wants to dabble with third parties this go-around), and I feel like ARMS is a franchise worth inspiring interest in. The game did well, it just didn’t do SPLATOON well, and I don’t want Nintendo to abandon it. Give us the four most prominent characters from the game as different skins, use colors to reference the ones who are shaped differently from them, give them a unique mechanic with their arms and the swapping-fists element.
I do think we may very well get an Activision/Blizzard rep, and while I ain’t happy with that company right now, I do think they’re one of the biggest western companies who’s not in the game (Bethesda being another one, who I am also not happy with atm but who has much less defined characters). Tracer would tick many boxes in terms of what I want from a newcomer in Smash. She has lots of personality, she’s a woman (a thing sorely lacking in new Smash characters lately), she has what could be a VERY unique gimmick, and she would help advertise Overwatch 2 and other Blizzard games that have been coming to Switch. Make it so she doesn’t have a Final Smash but has an Ultimate that charges over time (and the Smash Ball just insta-fills it), but make it not as powerful AS a normal Final Smash. Give her Blinks and a Rewind but no traditional recovery, so you have a real intriguing balance between managing her cooldowns to either maximize offense at great risk, or grant very safe recovery but then lack ways to overcome neutral. Tracer’s kit could encapsulate just about everything interesting about competetive Smash gameplay. The only real downside is that Overwatch doesn’t have much in the way of music -- so incorporate other Blizzard stuff to make up the difference. Overwatch already crosses other Blizzard content into it, anyway.
Undertale may have gotten a nod in Smash already, and arguably in the form of one of the most desired characters/tracks added, but I also think the game is big enough of a deal that a full-on fighter/stage as the first indie properly added would feel...I dunno, fulfilling. Appropriate. Not to mention the moveset potential. Whereas Sans is already repped well enough tbh (even the nature of him being a costume FITS his too-lazy-to-actually-show-up-in-person mood), a concept for the actual player character of Undertale has way more potential imo. Not to mention that Sakurai/Nintendo seem much more keen on adding the primary/player character to rep a game before anyone else. Frisk could be played in a dual style: either a hyper defensive passive style that relies on turning the opponent’s strength against them, OR a hyper aggressive rush-down style that is fast and fierce but easily punishable if you make mistakes. The key to creating a truly fitting Undertale rep for Smash would be finding that balance of player choice between peace and violence and working it directly into the character’s kit. HOW you would implement it would be tricky -- ideally, you’d want to reward players for actually committing to ‘Frisk’ style or ‘Chara’ style, and punish them for middling between the two. Not only this, but an Undertale stage would bring with it one of the decade’s most beloved gaming OSTs, and you could probably get people in the gaming world who’d be JUMPING to arrange those tracks for Smash. The stage itself could take many forms but I think one that plays with the various characters and their attack styles would maximize the creativity of the team. If I had to pick one single character/stage to get added to Smash, I’d vouch for this one, probably, and I’d make it either the first of this pass, or the last; it’d have the biggest impact on either end but would be a big deal regardless.
Kat from Gravity Rush is, arguably THE least likely out of everyone here to show up in Smash, mainly because she is a Sony character. Unlike Joker or Crash, she isn’t a third party character who is associated with Sony, she is a Sony-owned character, to my knowledge. But out of every first party Sony character, she makes the most sense to me as a Smash character. She’s cute, cartoony, she has a primary gimmick that a PLATFORMING fighter could take full advantage of (imagine managing a gravity charge to go sideways or underneath the stage for kills, BUT dooming yourself if you mess up), and she would be a real “oh whoa wtf” moment in terms of bringing Sony into the fold. Main problem is, if Sony was to let of their characters in, it would probably be someone else, just because it seems they’ve lost sight of value in this series, unfortunately. Though, tbh, I’d be pretty damn down for Aloy, as well, I just think the stage/moveset wouldn’t be nearly as exciting or new.
Lastly, I want more Splatoon. We all want more Splatoon. I don’t know if the series has gone into hibernation until the next Nintendo hardware, or if a spinoff is coming sooner than we think, or what. But Nintendo knows how big Splatoon is. And the series FEELS big enough over the past decade to warrant more representation. I feel like we’re getting a new Ninty rep or two, anyway, and I’d much rather it be Splatoon than more Pokemon or Fire Emblem or JRPG etc. (nothing against those things, we just HAVE plenty of them). The pop idols of Splatoon have won the hearts of many, and you could definitely come up with a new moveset for them in many ways. It could be a tag-team moveset where the player swaps between them (maybe even on time intervals like a musical performance), it could be music-themed instead of ink-themed, it could be Ice Climbers -esque, I dunno, there’s a lot of possibilities. A Splatfest themed stage with multiple variations could keep things tied to the actual gameplay of Splatoon, as well (or they could do a Salmon Run based one, that mode is INSANE). It would drive up appeal in the brand even further, it would capitalize on the fanservice angle, it would highlight just how much the series has accomplished these past ten years -- for fuck’s sake, there are PHYSICAL CONCERTS YOU CAN GO TO to watch these characters perform. Who the hell else in Nintendo history can you say that for? And these characters are still pretty recent! That speaks a lot. If I had to rally for any first party add, it would be this, honestly. And yet, we already have Splatoon, but I think the brand is fresh enough and fun enough to warrant a whole new fighter.
So that’s my hopes, some predictions, and some shots in the dark.
The past year has been a WILD ride. The next two years will hopefully follow suit.
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hawkesvarric · 5 years
I’m new to gaming and don’t got a lot of games so i was wondering if you could give me some recommendations?
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*Turbo Man voice* You can count on me, anon.
> Mass Effect. Get it here on Origin if you’re playing on PC. This is a single-player, story-driven rpg set in a futuristic sci-fi society where aliens and humans alike will have to band together to destroy a bigger threat looming over the galaxy. It’s a little bit cliche, sure, but it’s SUCH a blast to play. You will laugh, you will cry, you will fall in love with some aliens. You get to customize your character (Commander Shepard) and make choices throughout the games that change what happens in the narrative. And when I said “fall in love with some aliens”, I didn’t just mean you the player. Your character can also romance certain npc’s, if you choose to! AND one last thing - you get to set the difficulty so you can set it on an easier mode if you’re having trouble in combat.
Play Order: Mass Effect 1 -> Mass Effect 2 -> Mass Effect 3. The first 3 are the original trilogy which feature Shepard as the protag. Mass Effect: Andromeda is technically a separate game, but I would recommend playing this one after the trilogy. And yes, I recommend Andromeda, because it’s a fun game that gave me a JETPACK.
> Dragon Age. Made by the same studio that did Mass Effect, so it has a lot of similar features: customizable character, romanceable npc’s, choices that impact the game, etc. Dragon Age is a fantasy game set in a world torn apart by the tyrannical rule of the dominant religion hellbent on controlling magic and spreading their doctrine to the non-human races. There is a TON more going on, but it’d take WAY too long for me to type it all out for you. Don’t be intimidated by the amount of lore though! They really are fun games where you pretty quickly catch on to what you really need to know in order to play. And, most importantly, you get to love so MANY companions and form little found families. :’3
Play Order: So, each Dragon Age game features a different protagonist and a new band of companions, but the underlying story plays out in order. So (with their Origin links): Dragon Age Origins -> Dragon Age 2 -> Dragon Age: Inquisition. PLEASE consider getting the DLC Dragon Age: Awakening, it’s practically a sequel all on its own and is very good as well.
> Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Get it on GOG. This is an rpg about VAMPIRES!!! where you get to play as a fledgling thrust unexpectedly into the vampiric society of Santa Monica. Again, you get to customize your character here, and you also get to choose which clan you belong to which unlocks special abilities unique to your clan. I found it pretty easy to play, but do make sure when you first boot it up that you reset which keys do which command because that was a bit of an issue for me at first. And there is a sequel coming out relatively soon, so you could play this just in time for that release. ;)
> Fallout. Honestly, I’m still pretty new to this franchise myself, but I do really love it. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic fictional version of the U.S. where they’ve invented robots and nuclear weapons while maintaining a 1950′s aesthetic. The radio you get to listen to in-game? Amazing. This one can be a bit more challenging if the open world concept is daunting to you as it was to me, but it’s not bad once you get the hang of it. You can again customize your character (notice a trend in my tastes?) and recruit different companions on your mission.
Play Order: I’ve only personally played New Vegas and 4 (though I hear 3 is good too!) I don’t believe it matters in what order you play them since they star different protagonists and have very different stories.
> There are a lot of games I enjoy, so it’d be too long-winded of me to explain in-depth why for each individual title. Hopefully those 10 games listed up above are enough to get you started! But here’s a few others that I’ll simply list and link if you’d like other suggestions. Hope this helps, anon!!!
Stardew Valley
The Wolf Among Us
Yakuza Kiwami
Far Cry 5 (You don’t need to play the other FC games first.)
L.A. Noire
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (actually just started this myself, but I LOVE it!!)
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All for the video game ask. (do I need to mention only if u r comfy w/ it at this point). Love you!!
alright u done done it now bitchhhhhhhh are u READY 4 THIS SHIT (dshfa;lkj thamk i am so pumped ur my biggest enabler) i already answered a couple of these for anon but i’ll go ahead and answer them here as well
1. First game you played obsessively?hmmmm i wanna say the legend of spyro the eternal night? i played it so much i could beat the whole game in four hours. i’ve heard lots of ppl actually hated the legend of spyro trilogy but honestly they can suck my ass i loved them
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.uh besides my answer for anon of skyrim not many games have actually just straight up influenced my art style but i’ve been playing this game called Fe (not fire emblem just Fe) and i really want to draw fanart for it bc it’s super cute if that Counts as influence?
3. Who did you play with as a kid?if this is meant in terms of co-op games nobody bc we didn’t have anyif just in general, my sister for the most part. i’d watch her play things like resident evil and she’d help me with the hard parts in medievil and crash bandicoot warped (read: racing levels)
4. Who do you play with now?myself lmao i don’t rly like co-op and multiplayer games and i prefer to play most games by myself
5. Ever use cheat codes?like i told anon, no bc i don’t know how they work and i’d probably only use them for the sims anyways
6. Ever buy strategy guides?not really? once we bought the collectors edition for diablo II when i was little and it included the strategy guide which i stayed up all night to read (bc i had run out of other reading materials in the house) but like i don’t really use them idk
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?the sims three and i know you know the reason why but in case anybody else wants to know: i didn’t know they had actually completely changed the game since i had played it last probably a decade ago so i bought it @ walmart this year and then i got mad bc it apparently SUCKS ASS now so in search of a copy of the original version i bought a second one from amazon bc the Image being used WAS of the original case but it really was the new version so now i have two SHITTY SHITTY VERSIONS of a game i used to love that i will never play bc it’s shit except maybe i will bc apparently it has real life music in it just replaced with sims language which is amazing and this response is far too long for the question but i asked u if u were ready so u signed up 4 thisi also have an xbox version of it tht i got for like christmas or smth years ago and a,,,,,, ds version??? that i got last year bc somebody was selling “the original version of the game including every expansion pack” for only like $30 and it definitely said disk version but when i got it it was this Pre-owned Dirty Ds Cartridge Covered In What Looked Like Strawberry Jelly and when i tried to contact them they shut their page down so there’s that which equals four shitty shitty copies of the sims three and i will never be more mad about anything than i am about this
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?uh well back when i had a job i spent A Lot of money (to me it was a lot) to get the collectors edition of the last guardian so that would be my most expensive. other than that i would have to say one of the hardest to find (maybe not rare but not common)games i have currently is medievil for ps1 bc it took me like a week of searching to find a copy in good condition online for sale bc i rly wanted to own it again since we had to sell all my old games when we moved to oregon which sucked bc we had a Bunch of cool games (mostly early ps era)
9. Most regrettable purchase?did you see my rant about the sims three for answer 7? yeah
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?never lived in an area where that is A Thing
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?i wanna make a homestuck joke here (srsly probably not like i said i don’t rly do any type of co-op or multiplayer games so)
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?not really?? is that a Thing?
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?uh idk literally any COD game, basketball games, Fallout games, overwatch, anything that’s co-op, shooter games or sports related etc idk i’m a simple fellow these types of games don’t appeal to me
14. Favorite game music?idk what this means? like genre-wise??? idk abt stuff like that i just like good game music but i’ll tell you the fuck what, hiveswap music fuckin SLAPPED
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?fuck shit idk man i don’t rly want a tattoo maybe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh smth that could be vague
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?idk rip lmao
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Nah man i can’t even imagine smth as dumb as that unless they’re screaming racist or sexist slurs bc then friendship is terminated but otherwise like wtf it’s just a game,,,
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?i mean?????? sure????????????? they don’t have to game with me??????????? unless they tell me I can’t game bc they don’t like it in which case Bye u controlling piece of shit
19. Favorite handheld console?u kno those games that used to come in sonic happy meals? yah (jk uh i don’t have much experience w/ handheld consoles besides nintendo ds-es and they’re cool)
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?like i said i played spyro the eternal night so often i could beat it in four hours so probably that one.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?the only games i didn’t like as a kid i p much still don’t like now
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?i am Poor
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?currently skyrim or stardew valley
24. First Pokemon game?I didn’t get to play any pokemon games until this year actually but i got myself pokemon y and ultra sun so those are my first two! although you Could technically say pokemon go bc i played that for the first time like One month before i got y and ultra sun but like idk if tht counts so *shrug emoji*
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?i never lived where arcades were a thing tbh
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Why
27. Game that makes you rage?there’s this absolutely adorable and INFURIATING game called so many me that’s a puzzle platformer but the controls are so ridiculously precise that it’s absolutely the WORST to play bc unless you do it just right at just the right millisecond you will die over and over and over
28. Ever play in a tournament?nah
29. What is your gaming set up?the livingroom tv and my mom’s xbox one or my bedroom with my ps4 i got for my birthday and my xbox 360 that i got like 7 years ago
30. How many consoles do you own?alright so If ds-es count i own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, roughly seven? i have my new ps4 i got for my birthday last year, my 7 year old xbox 360, another xbox 360 i bought from a kid @ school, a ps1 i bought last year for the Nostalgia that’s in rly good condition, a rly old ds lite a rly old 3ds and my new pokeball 2dsxl. i would also say that the ps3 my aunt left when she died is mine bc my mom never used it and she had bought most of the games For Me and Her to play together anyways so the idea that she left it to my mom is,,,, Weird but my mom claims it was left to her so Shrug emoji
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?“virtual boy” i love it omg. uh not really i don’t use my ds-es that often bc i don’t have a just wild amount of games but when i do use them it doesn’t rly mess w/ my brain or eyes too much
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?probably not?
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?i don’t think so tbh
34. Do either of your parents play video games?my mom does but she really only plays like three games (the newest assassins creed, skyrim, and stardew valley)
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?nope
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?man have u ever heard of brotherhood a tale of two sons? mom told me abt it and she didn’t warn me abt how it ended and i had to leave the room and cry bc it broke my heart
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?i didn’t know that was a thing
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?i can’t think of any tbh. oh wait i take that back sonic unleashed it’s terrible but i love it
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?maybe not a sequel but they rly need to come out with another stardew valley type thing or maybe expansions or smth so that you can talk to and befriend more ppl and stuff
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?never been able to try them but they look super fun and i can’t wait to see how they improve the technology
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?multi-player games period. also first person shooters and sports games. there’s more but i can’t remember the title of the game bc i don’t know what genre it would be lmao
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?i assume this means game related nerdiness not just my inherent nerdiness in general so probably the very first spyro game
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?all the time my dude
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?none
45. How are you at Mario Kart?probably shit i’m not good @ steering in games
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?i love them! i have like 100+ hours logged into stardew valley and i only got it in like november of last year
47. Do you like competitive games?not really
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?so long. i either have to make them gorgeous or beautifully hideous
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?yah tbh lmao. i have like eight thief stone khajits in skyrim rn
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?i have a Lot of ideas and not all of them are good
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?forgetting to sleep, yes. forgetting to eat? no 
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?i was a very sheltered kid i didn’t know about new games coming out when i was little bc we didn’t have any way for me to find out About Them. i’m making up for it by begging as an adult for ni-no-kuni II and the new spyro trilogy remastered
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?depends on the game tbh some of it is good and a lot of ppl who make mods are rly talented but sometimes the big companies just make dlc to make more money so it can be rly shitty so it’s kinda a 50/50
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?heck yes rn i’m waiting for house flipper to go on sale bc i’ve been waiting for it to come out since i found out abt it
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?no my style of playing the sims was more along the lines of make a hundred houses that are all P Much The Same House and making a hundred familys and never playing literally any of them hadflskja;sdfjdslkhja i just liked building stuff and that’s why i’m pissed abt how much they changed the sims three bc it used to be Way Better
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?we didn’t have it but i did have zoo tycoon and i’d release the dinosaurs sometimes
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?legend of spyro the eternal night
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?uh!!! that’s too much pressure and i would get so bored playing them for the rest of my life even if i loved them so i will not choose
59. Do you play any cell phone games?sort of? i’m big into abyssrium and i like viridi if those Count?
60. Do you know the Konami Code???????????????????????? guess not
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?keep them forever!
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?i got the last guardian before getting the ps4 does that answer ur question? (jk that is not the only reason i wanted and got the ps4 but it was One big reason)
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?not really? i just use whatever i currently have bc i am lame
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?nope
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?not a nokia but we had this one handheld thing that had a bunch of games in it that included snake i just can’t remember what it was it had like letters and numbers and it needed like regular batteries and you could only play the games that came programmed on it 
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?i cannot think of any right off the top of my head even though i know i played a lot of video games and loved them when i was little. hm it might not count as like a gaming-related childhood memory and more of just a memory of a game but we did have one really interesting little game that i absolutely loved i think we only rented it but u were a scientist who could turn into a mouse and it was absolutely amazing i loved it i have no idea what it was called hm
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?not really we didn’t have arcades around where i grew up
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? there are a lot of rly good ones i can’t choose a best game
70. Very first game you ever beat? like i told anon i’m p sure it was crash bandicoot warped
WHEW this was rly fun thank u for enabling me it took me like two hours to answer this i’m so happy. ilu 2 man hope ur day has been rad!
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