#since only 2 of the 13 have kids old enough to be saved
chongoblog · 6 months
My First Pokemon Playthrough
So I've noticed in my time of talking about Pokemon, I've told a lot of various anecdotes that are all a part of my very first time playing Pokemon. I was feeling nostalgic, so I figured I would share what I remember about this playthrough for everyone to enjoy. There may be a tangent or two in there and people who have followed me a while may have heard these before, but hey.
For context, I believe I was about 8 years old at the time, and after collecting some Pokemon cards, watching a kid play Crystal at summer camp, watching some of the anime, and generally being a pretty big fan (I even have Pokemon Yahtzee burned into my memory for some reason...), I finally got myself a Game Boy Advance with Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World, some Frogger game (after looking it up, it was Temple of the Frog), Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, and, of course, Pokemon Sapphire.
I remember that my starter was Torchic. I don't remember why I chose that one, although I remember really liking the color red at the time (which I still do), so that was probably why.
I don't remember too much about my team or the general progress I made in most of the game, but I do remember Slateport City. For those who do not recall, in Slateport City in order to advance you need to get into the museum, which is blocked off by Team Aqua Grunts until you talk to someone in the shipyard. There are also Team Aqua grunts blocking the route ahead
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Now, my 8 year old brain for some reason concluded that the only way to get past the Team Aqua Grunts was to intimidate them with a high enough level Pokemon or something like that. So one night, while I was supposed to be asleep on a family beach vacation, I beat down more poor level 13 Pokemon than I could count. I learned later what I was actually SUPPOSED to do, which led to me finally fighting the Team Aqua Grunts.....with a level 42 Blaziken.
And since the Name Rater was in Slateport City and my starter had evolved, I figured it was only appropriate to give him the new moniker "MAGMA MAN"
The rest of the playthrough went about as normally as tearing through the game with mostly Blaziken normally would go. There were a couple exceptions though. First off, at the Weather Institute, after I saved the day from Team Aqua, they were kind enough to gift me a Castform, but my party was full, so I couldn't get it. My 8 year old self did not read this. (Remember this, it will come back later). But I managed to make my way through the game, catching Kyogre with my Master Ball and giving it the nickname "LEGENDARY"
Then we come to the Elite Four where I hit a brick wall. I don't remember my team at the time exactly, but I do remember it was MAGMA MAN which had reached about level 80 or so, LEGENDARY which was about level 48, a level 36 Pelipper, two level ~35 Tentacruels, and some other sixth Pokemon I don't recall. And for some reason, I just couldn't beat the Elite Four with this team for some weird reason. The best I could ever get to was Drake. I felt I was utterly defeated.
That's when we bring a new character into the story. A member of my friend group at the time who we'll call "John" to protect the innocent. Now John had a very "uncle who works at nintendo" type energy to him. The group used to play Gauntlet: Dark Legacy together all the time, and when I got the GBA port of it, he convinced me to trade my recently obtained copy of the Pokemon Trading Card Game Boy game for a Gameboy-Gamecube cables, only for me to learn too late that it didn't work like that, and from there, there were no backsies (but then I got ahold of a copy of Pac-Man VS and Four Swords Adventure then I learned to emulate, so who's laughing now).
Anyway, John saw that I was struggling and he decided that he wanted to help me out. You see, he had come across an incredibly powerful and rare Pokemon that couldn't be found in the wild. He had gotten it exclusive, and I had never seen it before. It was called a "Castform". Now John had Ruby version, so he decided that as much as it ached him to part with it, he figured it would be a reasonable trade to trade this powerful Castform for the slightly less powerful LEGENDARY. I agreed.
And then he moved to Ohio.
To this day, Castform is my least favorite Pokemon because of this betrayal. I was so distraught at 8 years old that I completely restarted my game of Pokemon Sapphire. I don't remember much about that second playthrough, but there's a reason why.
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This rival battle on Route 110 is somewhat infamous for being quite the sudden difficulty spike. And since I knew how to get past Team Aqua now, I didn't have an over-leveled starter to stomp my rival with ease. After losing to her about five or so times, I got frustrated and figured that whatever team I had wasn't cutting it. So I restarted again.
In my third playthrough, I made it all the way to the rival battle on Route 110. Then she stomped me repeatedly. So I restarted again.
This cycle would go on for, like, 15 resets. I didn't count, but it felt like there was hundreds. As I would keep on resetting and playing through the early-game of Pokemon Sapphire (which I had practically memorized at this point), I would start to take things a lot less seriously, sometimes picking the girl character, making my name random gibberish, etc.
Eventually, on one of these playthroughs where I started with Treecko, I actually managed to beat the Route 110 Rival Battle! And on my first try too! And thus began the epic journey of a girl named DE.
Now, I'd figured at this point that maybe only leveling up one Pokemon wasn't the best approach, so I was trying to balance my teams a bit better (I guess my rival taught me something). I was making my way through the game, and one day I'm checking out my best friend's Pokemon in Ruby, and who do I see in his box, but a Kyogre. I take a look at his name, and I can't believe it. It was LEGENDARY. John had traded it to my friend before he moved.
My friend didn't know that it was originally mine, so he offered to trade it back, which I accepted. LEGENDARY was a disobedient little bastard since I didn't have enough badges, but he got the job done. I don't remember the team I ended up using to finally beat the Elite Four, but it included my Sceptile starter, a Sableye that somehow knew only Fighting-type moves, and two Kyogres, LEGENDARY and LEGENDARY2.
And that's my first playthrough of Pokemon Sapphire. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
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shijiujun · 1 year
Alright guys, temporarily bursting out of hiatus to talk about this show because DAMN if there's anything we know works in BL-land, it's like underworld AU (hello History3: Trapped and KP lmao), and even better if this underworld AU has like DILFs and two familiar actors who WERE FORCED APART in their previous roles and who knows if that'll happen again BUT!
Without further ado...
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Title: Kiseki Dear to Me, based on novel Dear to Me by Lin Peiyu Beginning: Aug. 22, 2023, 7PM (GTM+8) Episodes: 13 Total No. of CPs: THREE CONFIRMED + "childhood friends" DILFs
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Fan Zherui x Bai Zongyi: Fan Zherui, 25 years old, is a gang member who turned to the gangs due to family problems, and one day when he's injured, Bai Zongyi saves him, he falls in love with him and decides to leave the gang, but things go awry when his enemy Zhang Teng (played by Wayne, see CP 3) comes after for revenge. Bai Zongyi is a good student, your cutest boy next door, who is independent and has some PTSD from when he was beaten up in the rain - meets Fan Zherui and for once realises what it means to be loved, to have someone to care for him and more. TWO MEOW MEOWS?! Anyway, Bai Zongyi, according to MDL, will take the rap for some fight for Zherui, and then end up in jail, but then very weirdly the official description says that CP 2's Eddie ends up in jail for Bai Zongyi, I'm a tad confused but WHATEVER we will find out when we watch the damn show.
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Chen Yi x Eddie (Ai Di): They both grew up together with Eddie as the younger 'brother', with Chen Yi being 'adopted' by gang boss Chen Dongyang after his parents, also gang members die to protect the boss. Eddie has been chasing after him for the longest time, and has a sad family background as his parents are druggies and he was only able to grow up well under the protection of Chen Dongyang, and he only listens to Chen Yi. UNREQUITED-REQUITED love, but Eddie sees how Chen Yi feels deeply about Chen Dongyang (I don't know what that means from the description LMAO like??) and decides to leave Chen Yi, and somehow get embroiled in something and ends up in jail for Bai Zongyi. Chen Yi is only just understanding his own feelings for Eddie when Eddie literally goes to jail DOGBLOOD MUCH?! Anyway they will reunite 4 years later.
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Zhang Teng x A-Jun: BOTH GANG MEMBERS if you couldn't tell from their loud af shirts and thick ass accessories LMAO omg I cannot believe how happy I am to see these two again. A-Jun is Zhang Teng's like follower??? Has been following him since he joined the gang and both fears and reveres him, and Zhang Teng is just angry ball of angst and revenge and vengeance, if you couldn't tell from Wayne's face. I cannot believe they're in a setting! WHERE THEY MIGHT NOT GET GOOD ENDINGS WAS SALT SEPARATION NOT ENOUGH TELL ME YALL
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Friends yall do not understand how I feel about these two uncles. IF you've ever watched Taiwan family dramas, these two, especially the one on the left Xie Chengjun, is a fucking LEGEND, he's in EVERY SINGLE FAMILY DRAMA all hundreds of episodes of them, he's literally like THE dude to idolise he's been paired up with EVERY SINGLE POPULAR GODDESS ACTRESS in Taiwan - I KID YOU NOT I GREW UP WATCHING HIM on OUR CHANNELS EVERY SINGLE DAY ACROSS 5-7 POPULAR FAM DRAMAS it's been like 20 years ISTG.
Anyway I'm NOT SURE if they are actually going to be a CP at all BUT (1) at press conference this week, these two made kissy faces at each other sooooo...?
Zhou Minglei grew up with Chen Dongyang protecting him as he was a weak and sickly child, so they're childhood friends, and he becomes super unhappy and upset that Chen Dongyang begins to protect and pays attention to Chen Yi ;-; LIKE WHAT IS THIS DESCRIPTION? Okay we could think of this professionally as like two bosses of a gang with their interests at stake BUT THE DESCRIPTION?! And ok Chen Dongyang on the right, he's obviously gang boss, and he relies on Zhou Minglei a lot to fix his problems for him. EXCUSE ME?!
The main CPs (1 & 2) are torn apart in a particular fight, and they will reunite 4 years later LET'S SEE HOW THAT GOES THANK YOU.
500% I'll be watching this you bet your damn ass because they better give me happy ending Wayne and Junzhi THIS TIME otherwise they're seriously cursed?!?!?!? No more salt accidents fuck you writer for that ;-; AND IF THE DILF PAIRING COMES TRUE even if just bromance and meaningful side eyes, this bitch will take it.
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infamous-if · 1 year
Do you have any kind of rough timeline of events leading up to BOTB and during BOTB? Kind of like, when MC met 7, the rest of the band, when the band formed (when/if the relationship happened and ended), when The Fight was, and BOTB stages?
Ah. I had plans to make a timeline and I completely forgot. It was a BIG request. (Lucky I had a draft saved)
Apologies to all non-Americans! I'll try to add their ages to make it a bit easier to understand for those who may not know.
Middle school (7th grade) (11 - 12 years old)
Seven and MC meet as they are in the same class and have assigned seats together. Somehow they missed each other last year but they get close very quickly!
Middle school (8th grade) (13 - 14 years old)
They graduate from middle school and are best friends at this point. They go to each other's houses and hang out often. Spent all summer together. MC's parents are beginning to get busier and Seven's dad's presence is growing more sporadic again.
High School ( 14 - 18 years old)
They enter high school and end up in the same class as Rowan, Devyn, Jazzy, and Iris who enters about a month later as she moved homes.
Seven and MC start getting into music as most youth™ do. Seven and MC run around their own circles but remain close. Talks of music grow and jokes about starting a band become less jokes and more planning. Somehow they all end up in a band and are actually practicing in Devyn's garage.
As they get serious they start doing gigs. Small ones like school dances and birthday parties for the kids around town. They work part-time jobs and Rowan commissions art to scrounge up money for actual instruments they own instead of renting them out from the school's band club. They start making their own original music.
They release their first EP to, like, 20 sales hahaha but it's enough for them to stop doing covers and start getting serious about original music.
They graduate and keep playing.
After High School
They start releasing more music and start growing a steady following. Their music grows in popularity and with their gigs, they can start quitting their jobs and doing it full time, though the money is still tight. They're on a steady incline that only escalates once they hit 21 years old and have full freedom to gig wherever they want.
This is up to headcanon but I like to think that Seven and MC began dating at 21 years old (for those romancing seven.)
22 years old
Seven and MC get matching tattoos (once again, I leave this to headcanon). The band grows in popularity.
23 years old.
The vote happens + things start to break down. The fight and Seven officially leaves the band.
24 years old
Orion comes into the picture. Seven spends their bday alone but eventually joins Soft Violence.
25 years old
All of them trying to make a name for themself. Soft Violence blows up with Seven as lead singer.
26 years old
BOTB auditions.
SO it's been 3 years since the Seven fight, 2 since Orion came in and Soft Violence formed.
Everything happened really fast, but I prefer that the pain and everything is still fresh!
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djsangos · 4 months
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//who are THESE fresh squids?? (made here)
okay these guys might not get a mention on this blog for a while- if ever- so i'm gonna talk about them now bc i've been rotating them in my mind for a while
these are captain's siblings! the ones they left behind when they were 14 to run away to inkopolis. captain certainly isn't proud of leaving them behind at ALL, in fact the one thing they wish they'd done differently is taking them with them, even if it would've been damn near impossible to take care of 2 younger siblings all on their own away from home when they were already struggling to take care of themself. they have no idea how their siblings fared with their neglectful ass father after they left, but pierce (right) was only a year or 2 younger than them, so they hoped he'd be able to leave soon too- taking harper (left) with him
so yeah harper (left) i think is probably around 16 or 17 now, having been 7 or 8 when captain left. since she was pretty young she didn't really know exactly why they left, and they didn't tell her either, so i'd say she probably resents them for it. she's a hotheaded edgy teen, classic rebel, you know the deal.
and then there's pierce (right), who's around 21 or 22 now, so he would've been 12 or 13 when they left. even if they didn't say a word to him before packing their bags and hopping a train at the asscrack of dawn, he knows exactly why they did. because being a kid and not only growing up, but having to parent your 2 younger siblings in your father's place, is hard. he basically had to take on their role as caretaker of harper when they left, being the second oldest, and that's how he realized. he doesn't resent them exactly, but he does wish they'd at least said goodbye. he's an outwardly chipper guy, and puts on a brave face even at the worst of times.
and they both did eventually get out of that house- pierce didn't leave as soon as he turned 14 like captain did (though cod, he wanted to) but when harper was old enough to be left home alone he got a job and saved up what he could to get himself and his younger sister out of there. and then when harper was 12 and he was 17, he got them both out of there. they might have gone somewhere else first, but i wanna say they probably ended up in splatsville, living in an apartment together with pierce doing what he can to support harper through school, and she does some turfing herself to help with rent and save up her own money so she can get her own place eventually.
i feel like the reason they probably haven't run into captain is that captain lives in inkopolis and only really goes to splatsville to visit rookie, and the last time they saw their siblings, neither of them were fully transformed yet, and they aren't so easy to recognize anymore themself. so if they've happened to pass each other on the street, it'd take more than just a cursory glance to realize just who they're passing. so it could definitely, and likely will, happen eventually. who's to say.
#headcanons#muse lore#jesus chirst this is a fucking novel and a half#but also i wanna say i think the reason captain is so fiercely loyal and 'no squid left behind' with their current found family#is because they'll die before repeating their perceived mistake with their siblings#tbcf to them they were only FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and were NOT equipped to raise 2 younger siblings#so it's fully understandable why they would dip as soon as they could from the situation.#they loved their siblings. they did everything they could. but they reached their breaking point. so they left that house before they broke#they DO feel a lot of guilt over it but they've never tried to go back and find them for multiple reasons- the guilt being one of them#but also when it comes to their father: i likely won't incorporate him into the blog in any way more than a mention or a flashback#he was a single father of 3 and he did an absolute shrimpshit job of it.#should've gotten help with parenting from someone OTHER than his oldest barely teenaged child#though he pushed the parenting role onto them long before they reached their teen years#anyway what the fuck am i talking about#wrote ANOTHER WHOLE ESSAY IN HTE TAGS I'M SORRY#I JUST HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS BACKSTORY I'VE BEEN CRAFTING FOR THIS SQUID BEHIND THE SCENES#but anyway my point with these tags is: it's a very complicated family dynamic#all these squids are fucked up but at least they're out of that house now#i DO want to incorporate them into the blog somehow i'm just not sure when/how yet#ooc
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exoticalmonde · 5 months
Arknights Chapter XIII - The Whirlpool That Is Passion (Part IV)
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Wow, relishing the Logos art while also staying tuned to what happens in the chapters for REAL this time? Well, all I can say before we continue is a reminder:
WARNING: This post is going to contain a lot of yapping from me about Hoederer and how much I love him and will also have a LOT of spoilers.
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This kind of reminds me of 'The Lion's Song' because there was a person there, I think, who wanted to commemorate all the soldiers' lives in paintings I think. Those who passed away in the war he'd send to their families. But I don't remember how that ended honestly...
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Sometimes I forget their dynamic and because I don't usually use W and don't pay attention to her that much (considering she is Pinkie's crazy wife to deal with), she ends up saying something so out of the left field I get vertigo.
"GOOD NEWS THOUGH-" **Insert explosion**
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W: [Hard to say. There's an old hag kind of keeping me at arm's length from their beloved 'Doctor'.]
Yes, and boy do I feel safe with her.
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I will learn to use the word lollapalooza unironically.
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This is terrible to say and at the meantime gosh has it been since chapter 9 that we have been crying and suffering from litches.
13-2 Before: The Injury At Hand
Oh... Oh god what is that?
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In the following story, we're in the POV of Guard who we know from a couple chapters before, but I forgot about him as a whole. Which I am sorry for, because he's turning out pretty cool. He took part in saving the Doctor from Ursus initially, but after staying behind and being a little affected by the situation and the worsening of the situation leads to the death of Ace and Scout.
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Now we are reminded that he's part of Nine's gang - Reunion, or what was left of it, being picked up again after Talula... Who didn't even stay at Rhodes for long enough, she got kidnapped again and is basically being used as some type of glue for the group even though she is falling apart herself, not willing to off herself but not wanting to continue the same path she was forced to take.
We met him in chapter 7 again before Lungmen and Chernobog were about to crash.
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I've also forgotten what is reunion doing here out of all places. They are putting themselves between a rock and a hard place while also saving lives... Since, apparently, Victorians are very openly against the infected and the presence of Litches, Sarkaz and originium in general is going to lead to many, many infected.
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Not to mention having to leave their homes. I know I will lose my soul if I actually have to abandon my house for any reason. They just get what they can use, not just something they find precious that should be carried, and they have to leave. Marauders could be in any corner, you can't really take valuables, so you just have your life, some clothes, perhaps enough food until you HOPE you find somebody who can help.
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I love the hair gel detail, why is everybody talking about this now? What does it matter if your hair looks good or not, you are half-dead 63% of the time! We all have depression and look after each other only because it's easier than to allow yourself to affect the mentality of someone else by being allowed to slack off.
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Oh no, he has a headache. You have been assigned the Ebenholz disease.
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Also, imagine having rock cancer and suddenly the place where you work is like 'No, you don't actually get insurance for *checks list* dying, so it would be best if you get fired and maybe go home to see your kids for like 2 days before perishing because we have NOTHING to help with.'
That's the type of health-ism we are talking about.
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Unfortunately, Guard decided that just searching for medicine, meddling in politics, meeting people, going on operations, saving people, treating people for free most of the time, hiring operators and ALL WE ARE TRYING TO DO. Is not enough. Infected need the aggression, to put themselves out there and...
We see how different the Sarkaz and general Infected are, and both sides take different approaches with the same outcome. It's tragic and useless, and it creates even more problems that are hard to mend in the hearts of people who are afraid.
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nimmee · 2 years
Being the kento Nanamin simp I am here's a part 2 of headcanons
Enjoy ❤️
Continued from previous part :
12. He likes jazz. Strangely enough knows how to play saxophone. Loves romantic music too. Loves Classical music especially Cello has a soft corner in his heart. But jazz is his all the time mood freashner. He puts on light jazz or songs that feel jazzy enough when he cooks. ( a bit cliche but it feels right)
13. Even though he likes expensive things, but our man has got taste, which is irrespective and irrelevant of the price tag. He would absolutely buy cheap things if he finds them to be good quality products with elegant style. Which brings me to the next point.
14. He doesn't waste money. Kento is a very mathematical and logical person, he keeps track of all his financial transactions however minor they might be. He researches a lot before buying something expensive. (most probably researched a lot before he bought his watch). Our jjk finance guy knows his finances.
15. He once read "No longer Human" during his emo phase and was scared to death because he related too much to the protagonist. However stern and logical Nanamin looks he's a softie who hates watching movies belonging to genres like psychological horror, or just plain horror. (he hates horror movies because either it annoys him or irks him too much, the only genre that actually scared the life out of him psychological horror)
16. Let's talk about bread. Nanamin lives off bread. Period. Kento loves food from different cuisines but bread is a staple for him. Since he was 3 he took bread bento to school most of the days. His mom knows a million different ways to make sandwiches and hence Kento is our bread baking, bread loving average handsome office guy who is also a jujustsu sorcerer.
17. He has reading glasses. Even though his eyesight is perfect sometimes he needs reading glasses to focus on the book he is reading. Also he really likes the way he looks so mature and serious in those glasses.
18. He journals. He writes about the tiniest of the moments that made him believe in humanity a bit. He started journaling after Yu died. He had spiralled into a horrible bout of depression when he did take some overpriced therapy sessions that didn't really help him. Sometime around this time his Dad gave him his grandmother's handmade journals (which were blank because she had especially made those for Kento before she passed away. Kento and his grandma were pretty close). He used these journals to write down one thing that reminded him of Yu. And slowly he grew around the grief. Yes, he did write about the cute Baker girl. Also he did take a quick look at her name on her name pin so that he can write her name when he wrote in his journal.
Ps : this is just a headcanon so I'm pretty much making a lot of stuff up that feels right based on Nanamin's character.
19. He also has newer group photo of the Tokyo jujustsu tech kids (Yuji , Nobara, Maki, Toge , Megumi, Yuta, Panda) sitting on the fireplace mantle beside his old group photo, because he absolutely loves these kids. He would do anything to save their lives and childhood.
20. He wanted to be an Architect when he was younger. He loved to look at magnificent buildings and tried to make miniatures of those buildings with paper or cardboard. His maternal grandfather had bought him a proper miniature set after he had shown him that he had tried to build the Colosseum with cardboard. He was 8 years old.
21. Owns a guitar. Doesn't know how to play. Has the same problem as all bibliophiles have. Buys too many books. Doesn't have time to read. Has a descent fashion sense. Most probably has a suit and tie collection along with shoe collection because his high end work kinda demanded it. He loves art although there are some things he doesn't understand he is curious but won't show it.
22. Nanamin is a pretty heavy sleeper when he is on his own. Given how stressed he is with his work all the time his home is a safe space for him. His apartment is spelled or rather veiled to ward off most cursed spirits (every jujustsu sorcerer gets this kind of protection).(Lowkey the apartment is blessed). Hence he can sleep without thinking about his own protection but if he has to sleep the night along with some one in the house he sleeps lighter.
Bonus : 23. Kento actually likes shopping. He might not readily accept the fact and most probably would deny it for the rest of his life but this man loves shopping and researching before he goes shopping. Kento is a very domestic and independent person hence shopping has become a necessity for him which he has gown to enjoy as he grew older.
Bonus 2 : 24 He has a lot of similarities with Elijah Mikaelson. But not as dramatic as Elijah.
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originmade · 4 months
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Tags: Headcanons. Asks. Interactions.
This post is to cover all major canon divergences as well as any important details that are worth sharing about my portrayal of Mavis. All of these points remain no matter the verse unless stated otherwise or plotted with specific partners. As someone who has hyper analyzed Fairy Tail Zero for years, Mavis is the character that genuinely frustrates me the most with their mishandling. Please Note: Mavis' Portrayal is very heavily tied to my Zera & Zeref Portrayals.
1 ) I am of the belief that Mavis was much older during the events of Fairy Tail Zero, because you cannot except me to believe that anyone in their right mind would join a guild being run by a 13 year old. Mavis was 15 when the other founders arrived on Tenro, and by the time Blue Skull had fallen, the guild hall was built and all the paper work was finalized, Mavis was 17 when Fairy Tail was officially founded and dubbed it's First Master. At the time of Makarov's birth, Mavis was 26, meaning she had only held the title of first master for nine years ( ten technically if you count the year she had run away before her "death" ). She was 27 at the time of her death.
2 ) Mavis is a very cold, tactical and manipulative person. Most people disregard this aspect of her due to only seeing her child like wonder and excitement for knowledge, and while all of these aspects of her personality are very much genuine, the amount she exaggerates these qualities is all done on purpose for people to underestimate her. Her title of Fairy Tactician isn't just because of the war. Mavis is cunning and isn't one to show her entire hand, and tends to leave most conversations gaining more information than she gave. You never will know what truly is on Mavis' mind unless she wants you to know.
3 ) I cant believe this is an actual point I have to make. MAVIS IS NOT AUGUST'S MOTHER AND NEVER HAD CHILDREN. The entire implication of august existing is genuinely disgusting and something I have hated since the moment it was even hinted at. Like jesus fucking christ NO??? The time period between Mavis' 'death' and Cana breaking the Lacrima, there was no way in hell that mavis had a child. Seriously. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Also in general, Mavis would never have been acknowledged as the guild's mother. She is not a motherly presence and honestly would be an awful mother if she did have kids.
4 ) Considering she spent a large majority of her life alone with only one other person, Mavis is not the most sociable of people, and tends to keep a lot of things close to her chest. The only people who know of Zera are the other founders ( and much later down the line Team Shadow Gear ) and she wants to keep thing that way. As much as she loves the guild she has created, she doesn't believe they are entitled to the secrets of her heart and mind, and tends not to share things unless absolutely necessary.
5 ) Mavis never loved Zeref, at least, not romantically. Mavis' relationship with Zeref is... complicated, but romantic love has never been in the picture for her. Respect, admiration, sympathy, all of those are feelings she had toward him and his plight, especially after he told her the origin of his curse. She could relate, the desire to bring back the diseased a strong one. But love? Love was never an emotion that crossed her mind and was why she had died. Her bringing about Zeref's death was never due to romantic love, but due to her desire for that companionship, that comradery of being with the only person in the whole world who would know the pain she was going through, and that was the emotion strong enough to finally kill them both.
6 ) While never spoken aloud, Mavis resents Precht for the creation of Fairy Heart and everything it had caused. She never wanted to be saved. She never wanted the immortality that came with casting the incomplete version of law. She resented being alive and all she wanted was to die. The fact that Precht had gone out of his way to try and revive her, leading to his own madness and decent into darkness. The fact that her corpse was now being held as a sacred object and something to be protected, it genuinely disgusted her, and was something she wished again and again never came into existence. I don't agree with the motion that Mavis called the Lumine Historie 'Fairy Tail's Light' because she out of everyone should know that it's nothing but darkness and was only going to cause more harm than good.
7 ) While most of her stint as guild master was plagued by the trade war, Mavis was a very direct and respectable master. She was a big advocate of flying under the radar and not stirring the pot more than necessary. Fairy Tail was created so she and the other founders would have somewhere to call home, and was fine keeping the guild small and quaint, with an open door policy for those who needed a home, needed a family, especially after she had lost the only remaining family she believed she had just a few years prior to the guild's founding.
More shall be added / this post shall be updated when deemed necessary
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Ok so what if I made a list of things I started at some point in the past like five years or so and haven't finished but am still pretending I'll get back to them eventually? Maybe that would be interesting to literally no one but me, which is good enough.
The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games ever. I'm like 90 hours into it, have at least twice that left to go, and I haven't touched it in like three years. Like most of the rest of this first section the main problem is that it's on my computer, and being able to sit comfortably in a way that doesn't injure myself while also being able to see the screen isn't going well these days.
Tales of Berseria is also a lot of fun, but it has the computer problem. I need more Magilou because she's such a gremlin.
Final Fantasy 13-2 is definitely my favorite post-12 FF game and might even be the one I've had the most fun with since 6, 7, and 8. Alas, computer.
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is a very silly crossover that feels like it shouldn't exist. I keep saying I'll go back and finish the rest of the storylines, but computer and also I just haven't had a strong desire to yet. I did figure out that I can win fights using an old Guitar Hero guitar though, so that was fun.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is something I started after finally getting caught up on the manga after years and years, because I tend to like Warriors/Musou games when I'm in the right mood. It's decent but not amazing, which hasn't motivated me to get past the computer issue.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is technically also a computer thing because I was playing it in Cemu. It gets extra bonus points for being hard to see because the text and UI are so small, but also I managed to break my save file like 70 hours in and haven't gotten around to figuring out what's wrong with it yet. Everything seems fine except my character and the camera get loaded in different locations, and I could probably use the memory editor to reset my location and fix it, but it's not worth the trouble until I can see.
Boyfriend Dungeon is great and I already finished the base game right when it came out, and I've been meaning to go back and do the post-launch stuff they added later and still haven't.
Atelier Ryza finally got good like half a dozen hours in after one of the worst-paced intros I've ever seen, and I haven't worked up the fortitude to try playing more past there so far.
A Slug's Dream has some decent puzzles and I was enjoying it enough, but I totally forgot it even existed. Maybe some day.
Xenogears I also keep forgetting because it's in an emulator on my computer and not somewhere I remember to look to see what game I should play. It sort of bypasses the usual computer problem by being ancient and designed for 480i screens so everything is huge. I'll finish it one of these days.
Ok I think that's all the stuff on the computer. There are a couple others that I'm not including because I only made it like an hour into them before getting sidetracked, so I'll just start them over if I ever go back to them.
3DS next? 3DS next.
Fire Emblem Fates is what's currently in there I think. It's taken multiple years, but I've finished Birthright and most of Conquest. Some day I'll finish that one and then maybe do Revelation. Any year now...
Shadows of Valentia might come back around too. I've had enough of a break to at least partly get over how mediocre a lot of the maps are and how annoying certain enemy types are, and I do want to at least try to finish it for the sake of the story, just not while I'm in the middle of pretending to play Fates too.
Shadow Dragon deserves another chance too when I'm in a better frame of mind for it, I just don't know when that'll be.
Radiant Historia is amazing and I really need to get back to it and finish it, and I don't know why my brain keeps not letting me for the past couple years. One of these days it will though, and it'll be great.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is also pretty great, but it's physically painful for me to play. I keep saying I want to try to figure out some way to work around that, but it's been multiple years and I still haven't.
Shovel Knight is one I completely forgot I even have, but it was way better than I expected and I should give it another chance.
Project X Zone is another ridiculous crossover that feels like it shouldn't exist, and it's pretty fun sometimes too, but wow does it really drag sometimes with how long each level is and how many of them there are. I might be able to manage it in smaller chunks though.
Ok Switch gets to be in a separate post or I'm going to run out of tags.
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chidoroki · 1 year
I already asked officiersnicker about it but i would like another opinon and also i love to speak with my fics with people. And I love yours analysis of Ray and Isabella.
Still about the Isabella has twins after the escape AU
Ray has been under a lot of stress// emotional mess moments// grief since the attack of the bunker right? And everything here happened in like…one month? October - Novemnber 13th? I'm not sure than Ray has sleep enough during all days. Except for few nights where he was able to rest, like in the Paradise. Same with food, probably. Except wome good meals, he has not had the best diet. And before that, he and the rest of the team were just coming back of exploration and were probably already tired.
And then after their arrival in the human world, Emma vanished + the worry for his mum + the discovery that he has blood siblings + he's forced to live with them.
Then Ray will work to pass all the exams in the human world for be freed of the scholar system since school is obligatory for a 13 years old child. He has to finish all the exams to not have to worry about it. I don't know if he will pass it as much easly than Norman. I guess yes. But maybe not as quick. He barely study in almost 2 years after all. or it will be super easy for him. Who know. He's super worried for Emma. He barely sleeps and eats because he's so focused on his search. 100% not enough sleeping time for his age. He drinks too much coffee. He also help Norman with the creation of his entreprise.
He's almost never at home or goes to work very early so nobody is awake or return very late so everyone is asleep.
So he barely interact with Isabella or the twins. Which make him feel bad. While orther GF kids visit their mum and the babies very often. ((The babies quickly learn to say "Noma" when they see Norman =) and gave such nickname to a lot of GF kids)) Ray will feel awful *of course they love more Norman than me. I'm such a bad son and bad brother but i must find Emma, she count on me to find her, i will make thing better as soon i find Emma*
And i decided that, around 18th December, he will collapse from (physical/emotional/mental) exhaustion, and suffer from overwork. So he'll be forced to stay at home until half January. To rest, to have a better diet, to babysit the twins (Gilda will have to show him how change a diaper because he didn't know and he refuses to ask his mum because he's ashamed to not know already XD). At the end, he'll work at home but with Isabella to control his working hours.
"You can't tell me to go to sleep, mum. I can decide myself
"Like when you decided that three hours of sleep by night were enough for you?"
Do you think that it's believable that he collapses from exhaustion and suffers from overwork after only a little more than one month? He's only 13 after all. Physically he's a child.
Correct. The shelter blowing up, losing Yuugo & Lucas, invading a farm to steal medicine for Chris, the journey to the paradise hideout, the Seven Walls, the trip to the demon capital where all of Norman's annihilation plan takes place, followed by the trip back to Grace Field to take over headquarters and finally crossing over into the human world all happen with a month. I often find myself looking back at the full timeline Tag once put together because everything these kids accomplished in the span of a couple years is insane.
Oh, Ray definitely doesn't get enough sleep. If there's any possibility that their family could be in danger, he's on guard to protect them.
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And it's not like this is a new behavior either. I'm sure he spent many nights studying everything he can in order to successfully prepare the escape plan to save Emma & Norman as well.
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Not to mention that he's suffered countless nightmares during his years at Grace Field (and probably afterwards too).
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So yeah, safe to say that Ray was absolutely paranoid once in the human world and everyone set out to search for Emma. The poor guy was already a mess during the three weeks without her after Goldy Pond, not only from keeping a constant watch over the rest of the kids but worrying whether or not Emma was alive and safe as well.
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Just imagine the amount of stress, panic, heartache and anger (towards demon god and possibly himself) Ray felt during those two years. It's amazing he doesn't look completely exhausted during ch181 because he totally should be after all the hard work and effort he put into finding our best girl. (okay, so it depends on the panel really, but he looks relatively normal for a majority of them! here he does look tired though.)
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I would hope he doesn't become so immersed in looking for clues during the Emma search that he misses out on meals, but if he's out with others then I'm sure he's keeping track of when his family eats so they don't collapse and taking a moment for himself to do the same. With him being the team chef, he's gotta know that eating will allow him to keep his energy up to continue searching.
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(now that I think about it.. searching for Emma in the human world is kinda like the Sevens Walls; it's a totally new, unknown place for him, where he has no idea if progress is being made or not. it may not play intricate mind games on him like the Seven Walls, but he's surely losing his mind all the same. biggest difference is that his number one support is not beside him trying to solve this mystery, which add a whole new level of difficulty to this trial.)
Anyways, add all that on top of the elements in your story and this boy will be lucky if he manages to sleep a half hour a day. I still believe Isabella would provide as much assistance as she could while she recovers, but then the idea of caring for the twins will probably hold Ray back from searching for Emma as often as he would like to.
I have little doubt Ray would have any trouble with passing some exams with all the knowledge he's retained from the endless supply of books he's read throughout his entire life. Only problem might be exactly when would he actually have time to take such exams in between worrying about everything else going on with mom, the siblings and Emma.
Coffee will definitely become Ray's new friend during all this.
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(as if he wasn't a fan of it already. at least, i'm pretty sure it's coffee considering the steam coming from the cups. s2ep3 has them drinking water but the next ep shows ray's was colored brown as well as during that moment in the paradise hideout. so.. apologies. i'm rambling about nonsense.)
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I can see how he might prioritize looking for Emma rather than care for Isabella and the twins. Not only are there other people who are more suited for those roles (our medics Zack & Anna looking after Isabella and Gilda watching over the twins since she used to help looking after the babies while at GF along side Emma. not to mention she is that Mom Friend) but also because Ray's relationship with his blood family is kinda rocky at the moment as well. He would feel bad about kinda ignoring them though.
Pfftt, I imagine Norman acting so smug whenever he's around the twins with Ray as they would prefer to spend time with him rather than their actual brother.
MHHMM exactly! Gilda would totally teach Ray how to handle the twins better. He's already a decent brother since he's had to look after everyone else since the escape, but never to children that young (that I'm aware of).
I live for any sort of interaction between Isabella and Ray just acting like a typical mother and son. Of course they would both try to mend the bond they have to a more normal state but they would be so snarky with each other too and I would literally die if we had the chance to see them act this way.
It would absolutely be believable that Ray would crash after that chaotic last month the demon world. It's honestly amazing that he didn't (from what we've seen anyways). I have no doubt that once Emma is found and they return home that night, Ray passes out instantly and stays asleep for a good day or two. It'll be the first time in his entire life that managed to sleep soundly without any sort of worries.
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kaeru-kobold · 10 months
Kaeru Kobold-Dear Tumblr #1
I finally decided what I'm going to do with this Tumblr Account! Aside from the typical reposts of my art, self-promotion and such, I'm going to use it primarily as a live, public diary of my adventure in Vtubing, streaming and content creation, so here goes my very first entry. I think I'm going to try to do this daily, at the very least I'll make one weekly and on big events.
Dear Tumblr,
it's currently 1:22 AM, 12/11/23. I've been interested in becoming a Vtuber for roughly a year now, and have slowly done tons of research, watched hours of Vtuber content for fun and advice, built up art and assets, came up with a new Sona design, customized models, and have spent hours upon hours of work making art and assets related to that goal. Boy they really don't tell you how much work it is to be a streamer/content creator, especially when you're broke and doing it all by yourself. Speaking of broke... I'm currently out of work, money is very low, and I'm very stressed out. I made the mistake of leaving my old job for a new one that I hoped would be a good opportunity, but I had to leave on day one for moral and public health reasons I won't get into. I have put in dozens of applications the last two weeks and have mainly only received automated emails; I have done 2 Zoom interviews for two different jobs, and then was never given a call or email back. My old job won't take me back for reasons beyond me. I admitted this in an OkayDonuts stream a day or so ago, and he said similar issues motivated him to start streaming. This gives me so much hope that I can have the great community and career success that he has that I so desire-If he could do it, so can I! Right? I just really like making stuff, I've always liked learning new techniques both physical and digital; crochet, clay sculpting, wood carving, painting, graphic design, 3D modelling/Texturing, game design. I wasn't good at much as a kid, but art was my passion, and the best part was seeing how happy it made other people. I just want to make cool things that make people happy and create a community of similarly creative people to share our passions and bring more kindness and cool creations into the world. I don't want to be an uber rich Mr. Beast level celebrity, I just want to make enough that I don't need a menial job I suffer at. Simply making a decent living in this world off my art would be a blessing, it would be so much better for my mental health. Speaking of which, if you're reading this....did you know I take commissions? Please commission me, I hungy :'( But seriously, as of writing this, I have $43.20 in my bank account. My phone bill alone is $45. My partner and I have family support, so we'll get by ok, but the struggle and having to ask for help is really getting to me. On the bright side, since we should count our blessings- I have a really nice microphone since my partner tried streaming a couple years ago and is letting me use it whenever I need! I have a really good laptop from my college days that can run everything I need without getting TOO overwhelmed. I have a really good drawing tablet that I bought a couple years ago when I was doing a little better financially (It's much easier to save money when you're living with your parents and work 40 hours a week for $13/hr and your parents pay for everything) Losing my job may be a blessing in disguise because In my stress I have gone into a manic state and began going crazy getting my custom stream Overlays done, fully animated Stream Opening, BRB and Closing Screens, stinger transition animation, a functioning PNGTuber, and multiple drawings/animations for alerts/emotes/rewards/etc. and yes that includes things I didn't know I needed to be a Twitch Affiliate to even use...lol...I'm currently working on an animated lore video for my debut that I will also record a voice-over for. Lastly, a more recent thing-My partner found a gamer chair in the dumpster at our apartment last week after I had spent a couple months trying to find one-the cheapest ones on Facebook Marketplace in our area were like $80-and it's in near perfect condition, only a bit of scuff/rip on the seat and arm rests. How crazy is that? I gave it a good scrub-down and its good to go. I choose to take that as a sign from the universe that I'm on the right path. Wish me luck! With lots of love, Kaeru Kobold
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ourimpavidheroine · 11 months
20 Questions
Tagged by @marezelle!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On AO3 it's The Legend of Korra and RWBY. I had some old X-Files fic but it got lost in the shuffle (and yes, I am sad about it) and as a kid and teenager I wrote a whole lot of fic for various fandoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Please Excuse My Penmanship
Dear Diary or: How I Had a Second Coronation and a Dalliance with a Detective
Five Times Mako Didn't Say I Love You
The Prince and the Bodyguard
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do make an effort, although I'm not 100% compliant. I think it's a nice exchange, and a good way to interact with readers. I very much enjoy comment exchange chains, where I can chat with the readers, in fact.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh. None of them? I mean, I guess maybe A Fervent Conflagration; Or A Dispatch Regarding The Investiture Of The Crown Princess, since it ended with Qi crying about letting Naoki down.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm. Maybe Bouncing off Clouds? I wanted Lin Beifong to have some fucking satisfaction so I had her meet her father, finally. And specifically be happy meeting her father.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Enough so that my TLOK fics have had comments toggled so that I have to review and approve them before they get posted.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Some. It's not my main focus. My smut tends to be pretty character-driven. I'm not a fan of reading the same old regurgitated smut that I read in 90% of smut fics (I find it boring and painfully obvious that most of it is being written by people who have never actually experienced said sexual acts they are writing about - thus the regurgitation), so I tend to avoid writing that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. Although I have promised to complete a Love Between Fairy and Devil and Till the End of the Moon crossover super AU crack fic that I've been amusing a friend with in bits and pieces. It's ridiculous. And funny. It involves a teenage band that only does covers of Evanescence. I don't know what to tell you.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, into Polish and into Spanish.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't! I am not sure how well I would do that. Generally speaking I don't play well with others. You never know, though. I wouldn't count it out in the future.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Of ever? Mulder and Scully.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I am ever going to get to that Royalist story, unfortunately. I have written stuff on it, but it's not happening. Never say never, but. Yeah. No.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters! I am very good at finding individual voices for characters, and there seem to be an endless amount of them. I make an effort to keep canon characters canon even years and years into the future. I am also good at keeping details in my stories straight. Continuity is a strength, for sure.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot write to a deadline to save my fucking life. Also, I am 100% a pantser and sometimes sustained plots can elude me. (See all of my thousands of ficlets.) I have a very difficult time finishing any and all of my longer, chaptered fics and that's no good.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eh. I guess it depends, for me. Why are you doing it? If it's for worldbuilding flavor then I guess it comes down to whether or not it's important to you that readers understand what they are reading. If so, then you need to clarify what's been said by either some sort of direct translation or by what other characters are saying/doing in response. If you don't want readers to understand what's being written - trying to reflect the confusion a character has when hearing dialogue in a foreign country, for example - then sure, that works too.
The one thing I wouldn't do as a writer is add dialogue in another language with the expectation that readers will go to google translate on their own to figure out what it means. That's going to take them right out of the story and the world you've created (literally and figuratively) and as a writer, that would be the last thing I would want to do, break that fourth wall. But that's just me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking about actually writing it down then it's a toss up between my self-insert Duran Duran epic masterpiece (which I still have) and a Pern fic that I wrote when I was 10 and which my mother threw out. The Pern one was technically earlier than the Duran Duran one but it wasn't as much a story as it was disjointed scenes and such.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I Do Not Ask the Night for Explanations. It pulled my fucking heart out and trampled it into the ground and brought me back to life after my wife died. I don't know if it is the best fic I've ever written - it's certainly not the most popular, that's for sure - but it saved me, in more ways than one. Especially for a fic that took me over 5 years to write.
I am not a fan of tagging, but if you write fic and you'd like to answer, please do and let me know, because I genuinely enjoy reading people's answers to these.
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nanzyn · 1 year
I need you all to just listen to to following series of events that culminated in the most thing to happen to me in a while
I join [fandom] and start writing short-ish one shots for it
I make a side blog and in the drafts of the sideblog is where I store my drafts until I move them over to ao3 since I'm moving away from using gdocs and calmly writer, the other writing program I have on my laptop, is only accessable on my laptop so I don't use it too much, only sporadically. This is important. Remember that.
I start another fic around 5 months ago
I forgot what happened here, but at some point I took the 100 or so words I initially started with when I made the draft on the sideblog and wrote another ~1k words to add to it. Somewhere along the lines what happened to those 1k words got lost and the only remnant I have is the starting 100 words on the tumblr draft
Pissed that I lost my writing I abandon it for other wips
I write ~13+ fics, amounting to over 32k words in this fandom over the last 5 months or so. And those are just the ones I've posted
Having had enough time pass and having a hard time coming up with new ideas, I revisit the old fic I abandoned
Only, my house has no wifi currently
So my options are 1. Write it all on my phone, which has two bars of service at most, and run the risk of losing everything again if it doesn't save right, or 2. Bite the bullet and transcribe the 100 or so words to calmly writer and then continue it there and move it back over to tumblr when I have wifi again
I take option 2.
I open calmly and ignore the literal 10 tabs of wips I have named vague things like "the og" and "a" and "h" that open on startup
I open a new draft.
I hand transcribe the stuff over from where I pulled the draft up on my phone, then spend the next hour and a half ish writing another 1.5k words of stuff i know I've already written but assume lost.
I reach a breaking point. I sit back and do some minor edits before getting bit by the curious bug
I flit through some of the tabs of wips
Most of them are from fandoms I'm not in anymore
But one
The one titled h
It started off familiar.
Oh, I say.
You've got to be kidding me.
There it is. All 1472 words I wrote months ago, hidden away in calmly writer and assumed lost.
And painfully rewritten three tabs over.
I'm gonna cry.
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
How old are Percy and Annabeth?
This has been mulling around in my head since starting my reread. I know Riordan has stated that there isn't a canon birth year for either or canon dates in which the various series take place, but I've seen some fanon stuff that places Percy's birth year as 1993 in relation to The Lightning Thief happening in the summer of 2005 which.... doesn't make sense.
It's canon that Percy is 12 when he's introduced and he is in his last semester of sixth grade. If we take the year TLF was published as when the series starts that means Percy needs to be already 12 by the summer of 2005. His birthday is in August, so he's 12 going on 13 during TLF, and for that to work out his birth year would actually be 1992.
There's also a bit of weirdness when it comes to Annabeth and her age because it's stated in the books that she's the same age and the same school year as Percy: If Percy is 12 going on 13 during his sixth grade year, that would mean he's one of the older kids in the year. (In the US there's not really a hard cut off date for how old kids need to be when they start the school year. There's some blurred lines for children born in August and September where it's really the parent's choice whether to have them a year ahead or a year behind. So a kid born on August 18th could either be 11 or 12 when they start sixth grade) I've seen so many fanfics that have Percy still be 17 in his senior year of high school and that doesn’t add up with what we know is canon from the PJO series. Now Annabeth's birthday is in July, so in order for her to be in the same year as Percy, her birth year would be in 1993, almost a year after Percy.
I also skimmed through The Diary of Luke Castellan in The Demigod Diaries to try to pinpoint the time of the year those Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth meet to see if all of the above still fits with canon info. We’re told that Annabeth was 7 when she meets Luke and Thalia, they get to CHB 2 weeks later, and all that's 5 years prior to events in TLT. Interesting enough, when Luke and Thalia trapped in Hal's mansion (they find Annabeth later that night), Hal tells them that the monsters of the mansion would attack at sundown with a very specific time: 7:03pm. So for funsies I did a bit of digging and what's wild is that in the US, 7pm sunsets only happen in the early Fall (in early Spring, that time gets skipped over bc of Daylight Savings). I found an actual date too! In 2000, the specific sunset time of 7:03pm in Richmond, Virginia happen on Sept 25th. But no matter the year, Annabeth would be 7 on that day as her birthday had already passed. While she'd only be 11 in TLF, rounding up she'd still have been at camp for about 5 years. The only weird thing is that her and Luke’s first camp bead is Thalia's tree, but the summer season already ended at that point 🤔
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
MY THOUGHTS ON THE MANDALORIAN - Chapter 17 "The Apostate"
I can't believe the wait is over! I got up even earlier than I've been doing since TBB started so I could watch both shows before starting my day, but it was so worthy cutting my sleep short. The premiere was incredible and sets up nicely what we'll see this season. My favorite dad-son duo is back and I'm beyond happy about it.
Reactions and thoughts below the cut
This is a flashback? Don't tell me this is when Din took the creed, bc I'm dead if it is.
Oh kark!!! What's that?!! A mega crocodile?!!! Wtf?!!! (I wish this would've been a mythosaur instead. I'm still holding hope to see one, even if the chances are low)
The armorer is badass as always
Paz!! (He's been a jerk to Din in the past but I love him anyway)
Oh! Din in the N1!! So it's NOT a flashback (but I know the confusion is intentional) Din saving the day is awesome. The Mand'alor to the rescue, even if most of those mandos don't know that he's their leader.
Now, that I know this is the present day, my question is where all those Mandalorians came from, because the covert has GROWN. I mean, last time we saw them, it was just Paz and the armorer (well, supposedly it has been like a year since so, they had time to gather the people)
Also, I noticed this in a rewatch (yes, I've rewatched it like 3 times already) If the Living Waters are so important, why can younglings be baptized (because that's what it is) in any body of water? Couldn't Din do the same to be redeemed? I mean, it's like crazy to me that this kid is taking the creed in some lake in a backwater planet, and Din has to go to Mandalore to do basically the same thing. I guess it's to show his genuine commitment, but it's just stupid.
The only good thing about the mega turtle/armored crocodile's attack is that they have plenty of meat to eat 🤣
Grogu being a cutie pie peeking up in his bubble in the N1 to say hi... adorable!! 🥰🥰🥰
Ugh! I hate that the Armorer start with the same old narrow-minded speech and rejecting Din. Go kark yourself, Armorer! Din doesn't need any of you. This is the second time you speak about Din taking the helmet off, and you don't ask why he did it. That should count for something.
Oooh! Where did you find that?? 😆 With Jawas, of course. Din's new BFFs.
I'm convinced that the Armorer was going to take back her words and say there's no a way for Din to redeem himself, but one look at Grogu is enough to cave in. The baby totally convinced the armorer there.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Purrgils?!!! Is that a purrgil? Omg !!! A purrgil!!!!!!! A purrgil!!!!! (As a Rebels fan this makes me sooooooooooooo happy)
Grogu cuddling with Din to sleep is the cutest thing ever, and I've been saying since season 2 started that it has happened many times before, I think since Din put that little hammock for Grogu to sleep in his sleeping space in the Razor Crest. I don't think Grogu missed the opportunity to cuddle when all he had to do was get off the hammock. AND in chapter 10, he also cuddled to sleep next to Din under his cape, and Din didn't bat an eyelash about it, a proof that it wasn't something new.
Of course he's visiting Nevarro. I knew that from the trailers.
Din remembering Ig-11 💚💚💚
😂😂😂😂 Grogu spinning the chair. I love this so much because it shows that Grogu is still a baby. But it also shows that he's matured a bit. I compare this with what a 3-4 year old would do (even if Grogu doesn't quite behave like a human child of that age in other areas like speech). I remember doing exactly that (well, no with the force) when I was that age and my dad took me to his job. In comparison, Grogu touching buttons in season 1 is a very baby-beginning-to-walk/crawl-like behavior, testing boundaries of what he can or cannot do and almost as a game. While in season 2, grabbing his toy, his shinny knob, and take with him when as he leaves the ship (like in chapter 13) is a behavior seen in 2-3 year olds (and older obvs). So despite his cute demeanor, Grogu has grown.
😂😂😂😂 Greef not caring about Grogu's name. We've been there. Don't worry, it grows on you.
So funny how Karga gets all 😠 if others don't say his title properly. High magistrate!
Oh, trouble! Pirates. The nitkos, yep, big trouble.
What are you doing Din? You're going to kill me, leaning that way against the tree. Have mercy!
Yeah, that's gonna bite you in the ass later, Karga, and Din will need to come back and help you with a group of mandos.
Aha!! Yes! Cara's absence explained. There it goes, a square on my bingo card 😊
What? Ig11? But I need someone to explain to me how IG-11's torso and head are intact when the explosive he had for self-destruction was on his chest??!!!
Awwww, gawd!! You're killing me with feels here, Din! He's the only droid you trust 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
I like Din is showing his skills here (and they're using the same music of when Kuiil reprogrammed him 😢) But what if IG-11 wakes up with the old programming??
Here we go!
I knew it, I knew it!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! NOOoooooo!!!
Din tossing Grogu at Karga like a ball 😆
Kill the droid already!! Why is it so hard now when it took just one bolt last time?! Crushing it also works, I guess.
The anzellans!!!
Awww, he's your friend!! Din!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Din's look when Karga keep translating for him. Priceless!
Grogu squeezing the anzellan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and Din using his name, and being in Dad mode activated "Sorry about that, he's young." 🤣
Awwww Din teaching his son, and Grogu paying attention. Aaaaaahhh this is too cute!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 They could make the show only about this and I'd be happy.
Ugh! Pirates again!
Hehehe! Grogu strapping in with Din's bandolier is perfect.
Oh! so that's the dogfight in the asteroid field. I thought we'd see this in a later episode. But i LOVE the music!! Joseph Sherley did an amazing job scoring this!
Gorian Shard is basically Davey Jones in space??? So this is who is going to wreck Nevarro 😠
Kelevala. This where Bo-Katan is.
Where the pram comes from? I mean, there's no much cargo space in the N1. I guess it's detachable from the ship, and it's where Grogu sits when he’s in his bubble.
Ugh, Bo! So why are you so hypocritical? You speak of how the Children of the Watch and other factions (like DEAD WATCH perhaps?!!) fractured mandalorian society. Girl, YOU were in one of those factions. Like seriously? Did you forget that you helped to dethrone YOUR sister (which led to her murder)? Excuse me for my lack of sympathy for you because people left you because you couldn't take the Darksaber back. Be as passive agressive and hypocritical as you want but that won't make you a better leader. Honestly, i think mandalorians will be better off if you're nowhere near a position of power.
Altho, you've been graciously informative, but I know there's a catch somewhere, and this won't be the last time we see you.
Nooooooo why did it have to end? Why I have to wait a week?!!!
Yay!!! They put Brendan's and Lateef's names in the credits as co-stars!! Well deserved and long overdue.
If the length of this review is of any indication, I enjoyed this episode immensely. I think it sets things for the rest of the season very nicely, and I'm very excited to see how everything plays out.
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christiewryte · 5 months
oc asks that reveal more than you think (responses!)
1 Morn: Mother told her she was too old for stuffed animals when she was 8.
1 Fahda: Handed hers down years ago, but misses them sometimes.
2 Morn: Oh, plants are easy. She can handle plants, no problem. Plants are routine. She can do routine. Pets... she's never had a pet. She thinks she could handle one fine. They're mostly a routine, too, right? Children... well, as long as they're old enough to be obedient, she should be fine?
2 Fahda: Oh goddess, no, do not hand her a plant. She will forget entirely about it by day 5, latest. Kids and critters she's fine with, they can both remind her when they need something.
3 Morn: "Oh, well, Fahda's... um... well... Where to start... She's... well, gorgeous, obviously, you have eyes. And cool, and creative, in... a violent sort of way... but... What really gets me is... she's so warm. She's like a warm blanket that throws itself on me when I come out of the rain. And bundles me up, and makes me feel safe, and warm, and... wanted... and... known."
(i.e., "She can fix me.")
3 Fahda: "Morn... She reminds me of the ocean. Vast, and deep, and dark. She's mysterious, and full of terrifying things I could only see in my nightmares. But I keep feeling this force pulling me deeper, and deeper, until there, under all this horrifying pitch and bone there's this wet, shivering little puppy, and I just want to gut anything that would lay a finger on her."
(i.e., "I can fix her.")
4 Morn: No one knows, and no one ever will, because she has never, and will never, wear red.
4 Fadha: Hell yeah, she's straight fire in red. Especially whenever she's got her hair dyed that good fiery orange she likes.
5 Morn: Oh, clots, she wasn't prepared for this. Um, uh, does she have to? Like, in an official capacity? Okay... (crudcrudcrud...)
5 Fahda: Short and sweet, Cheers to whoever earned it!
6 Morn: The only person she found harder to refuse than her ex was her mother. Not that either of them were giving "advice," so much as ultimatums.
6 Fahda: Her sister and godmother have her ear for anything. The old drillmaster never offers input on anything unless it's worthwhile. Her bestie's about 50/50, her squire's a brat. Anyone from the upper crust is totally tuned out.
7 Morn: "As the future queen, I must be absolute, incorruptible, and penitent. I'm... working the 'absolute' part."
7 Fahda: "I'm a sexy, badass outlaw-warrior-princess, and yes, that was only three, I hyphenated."
8 Morn: Intrigued until she hits a wall for too long, then crumbles to frustration easily.
8 Fadha: Has no patience for puzzles... unless you frame it as a competitive game.
9 Morn: Sapient >>> Sentient > Living > Inorganic, but BOY is it honestly starting too high for sapients. Like, to an actually problematically self-sacrificing extent.
9 Fahda: Develops deep sentimental attachment to things, but still sees a separation between sentient and nonsentient.
10 Morn: Either 5, or, like 30. Everything was simpler when she was 5, and surely she'll have her life figured out by the time she's 30, right?
10 Fahda: Eh, maybe 23-ish? Get a few more years training and experience under her belt, and she'll be even more unstoppable than she already is, but honestly she's never felt any pressing desire to be any age than she's been in the present. Not since she was 8, anyway.
11 Morn: Save. The village is very efficiently self-sufficient, but it'll be good to have something to fall back on in an emergency. The Red Ears always need additional funding for their work, too.
11 Fahda: SPLURGE!! ...about 10%, then invest the rest into the clan. We need equipment upgrades, building materials for housing improvements, so much for medical care for both our people and our horses...
12 Morn: There are books with romance in them???
12 Fahda: Every story's better with a little sauce.
13 Morn: Her mother taught her obedience, shame, and magic.
13 Fahda: Her mother taught her about equality, and now to read and write in three languages. Her father taught her to be kind, and lots of card games and variant rules. Her godmother taught her to strike with intent, and a finger-training exercise to use for stimming.
14 Morn: All pleasure is guilty.
14 Fahda: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
15 Morn: Bodily functions and malfunctions, like using the bathroom, menstruation, and getting sick. All massive time sinks people only put up with because they have no choice.
15 Fahda: Anything to do with the upper crust that isn't robbing them.
16 Morn: Money isn't what's stopping her from dressing differently.
16 Fahda: Dresses and armor. Almost all of her armor is cuir bouilli if not soft leather, and while that mostly works for her, she would kill for some steel gear to supplement. A chain shirt would be a good start, but oh boy, what she would do to get her hands on a lame breastplate.
As for dresses, she's never had a real fancy dress since she was a little girl, the kind that only comes out for real special occasions, or when you've just gotta leave that special someone breathless. Maybe one of those ones with the shimmery fabric that seems to dance when you move, or the risque ones with the daring cutouts or sheer sections.
Oh! And replace her entire wardrobe with silk and cotton. Nice, lovely, smooth silks and soft cottons that don't make her feel like she's breaking out in hives every time she gets dressed.
17 Morn: Kids make her feel responsible, and she has enough of that on her plate already, thank you. She's trying not to think too hard about the day she inevitably needs to produce an heir.
17 Fahda: She loves playing with kids and is happy to look after them in the short term, but wears out of patience if their actual caregivers aren't prompt about taking them off her hands when they're supposed to. She looks forward to parenthood in the unspecified future, but isn't about to put a time frame on when.
18 Morn: Tongue, but build up to it.
18 Fahda: Not opposed, but needs warning.
19 Morn: Flashcards and studyplan review until dawn, ride the stress high through the event, then crash hard as soon as pencils are down.
19 Fahda: That's what all the training you did up until now was for. It's called the "calm before the storm" because you should be relaxing and letting all your tension drain away so you go into the fight fresh and clear.
20 Morn: Pigeons.
20 Fahda: Not exactly something that no one else likes, but she appreciates light, soft, and smooth textured clothing far more than anyone else she knows. Fahda is extremely sensitive to certain textures, and a lot of common clothing materials are unbearably uncomfortable on her skin, wool being one of the biggest offenders.
21 Morn: Her ex literally dumped her, cursed her, disappeared for 3 years, betrayed their people, practiced dark magic, arrested her, drugged her, scheduled her for execution, stabbed her, planned to release an eldritch abomination for revenge, and Morn was still holding onto hope until the bitch tried to kill her for like the third time.
21 Fahda: Has dumped people for chewing with their mouth open.
22 Morn: Has some trauma around pet names from her ex. Fahda has special permission for therapeutic purposes. Doesn't usually do petnames herself, but fell into using a common one from Fahda's mother tongue as one of the first terms she successfully committed to memory once she started trying to learn.
22 Fahda: Nicknames anyone she doesn't get an actual name for within moments of encountering. Sometimes they stick. Calls Morn "Storm cloud," after her pretty gray eyes and stormy disposition. Loves whenever Morn calls her by hers.
23-25 Morn: Stability, charity, safety.
23-25 Fahda: Novelty, honesty, possibility.
26 Morn: Talent is a ceiling that no effort can pass, however heartfelt.
26 Fahda: You've gotta have both if you're gonna make it, but effort's definitely more admirable.
27 Morn: Forgiveness. I have no right to hold anyone to higher account than myself.
27 Fahda: Vengeance. Some crimes are unforgivable.
28 Morn: *blushes and hides face* "Sh-shut up!"
28 Fahda: *smirks and leans into her* "I didn't say anything~."
29 Morn: Has literally been cursed with the same recurring nightmare every night for the last three years from her ex, reinterpreting their breakup as a betrayal on Morn's part with generous eldritch abstraction.
29 Fahda: Doesn't remember her dreams, but has a vague sense she often dreams about the night her mother and father died.
30 Morn: "I'd be happy if it could just pay off the burden of my foremothers. To be granted a clean slate... sigh."
30 Fahda: "Like, legally, or emotionally? Because if legally, I'd gut the Goat and decorate his palace ramparts with his entrails like festival garlands. Emotionally... I guess I'd chew my sister out for all the things that piss me off about how she runs the clan."
0 notes
janeaustinforevermore · 7 months
MY MӨƬΉΣЯƧ DΛЦGΉƬΣЯ // My mothers daughter
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Summary: Alara Koc is a 18 year old daughter of Aphrodite who was brought to camp after being taken out of her foster home. This is the story of her last year at Camp Half Blood.
contains: talk of SA, mentions of fighting, cursing, innuendos. 
authors note: this is my first work! I don't know if this is even good, but I like it! If you notice any issues please be kind but I would love to hear them! Now, let's get started!
1, 2, 3
At 18 years old there were few things I cared about. My (half) sister, my cat, and falling in love. I had always been drawn to it, but it never seemed to work in my favor; this became increasingly apparent in the string of failed romances I had left in my wake. At 13 I had my first kiss with Robbie Finkle, it ended with me catching him telling all the guys at camp that I "gave it up easy". We broke up the next day. At 14 I flirted with a son of Hermes who had just come to camp. He died (you get used to it as a demigod). At 15 I dated a guy for 2 months until he started dating a Demeter girl in secret and I cut it off. By 16 I gave up on guys and tried women. I went back to men. At 18 I had already had several unsuccessful attempts at relationships, and I still tried to hold out hope that the right guy is out there. Maybe he'd find me. Whether that has proven to be true will be revealed in time reader. But let's get back to where we were: Camp Half Blood. 
Cabin 10 is like the Met Gala, if you took out all the billionaires and threw in a little hormonal acne. Oh yeah, and there's also never enough closet space. The only thing that made it worth it was my sister, Penelope. Penelope is one of those people who can only be described as something of an angel, and if you think I'm exaggerating, that's because you've never met her. Penelope was brought to camp at 6, where she was taken under the wing of Chiron immediately, as she was the youngest kid there. She's at present been here every year since. Not including the small outings Chiron has taken her on. But since she was here so young, she's been the cabin leader since she was 13, and my best friend since I got here. I love her more than life itself. As I got ready for the day I heard her slip in next to me as i waited for the next available sink. 
"Hey Lara, do you have any concealer I could borrow? I'm all out and I can't see Leya without it!" Leya is Penelope's girlfriend of the past two years, and if you're wondering why they've been together that long and she doesn't want her to see her without concealer, I don't have an answer for you. It's kind of a 10 thing.
"Of course, you know I have more concealer on hand then an Ulta." 
"You're the best!! I seriously don't know what I would do without you!" True by the way, Pen loses something once a day and it's easier to just have extra than it is to try to remind her. Plus, I like taking care of my sister. It's a nice role to fill. 
"Hey by the way, I was talking to Jack in Hephaestus, and he mentioned that Layne's single... I thought maybe you two could go out..? He's our age, funny, AND taller than you!"
"Ew, no! Layne dumped Margot a few months ago when she told him she's saving herself, I do not want any part of that!" 
"Ohhhh I forgot about that! Yeah that's true, he was such a dick about it. I just wanted to mention it, I mean, I know you're trying to stay solo for a while - which I respect- but I thought that was a temporary thing?? it's been 8 months since you said that and I'm just trying to make sure you're not closing yourself off." 
"I do want to find someone, which is why I'm trying to stay open, but I want it to be right this time. Plus, I'm kind of over all this high school BS. What's meant to b mine will find its way to me. I read that in a magazine! When it's right I'll know it."
"Okay, I'll back off then. Do you have a moisturizer I could borrow?" 
As I finished up my routine I looked in the mirror and thought of my mom. I've never met her, but I like to imagine she looks like me; full lips, dark curly hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes covered by two thick Turkish brows. The only thing I think would be different is our height. At 18 I'm pushing 5'10, and if I have to hear anymore "the lakers need a center" jokes I will personally go find them one to shut everyone up. It's not that I'm insecure about my height per se, I think I'm pretty, but it's hard to feel like feminine next to a bunch of 5'5 girls with tiny hands and size 6 feet. I've always found it funny that me and Penelope look so similar since we're only half sisters, the only huge differences being she's a bit paler and is about 5'6 with a rounder nose than mine. We always bonded over having curls in a cabin full of silky haired redheads. I scrunched the leave in conditioner into my hair, and watched it fall down my back as I put in my small hoop earrings. I wouldn't say I'm vain but I'm self aware enough to know I'm not humble. In all honesty, it's hard not to be a little stuck up when your mother is the goddess of beauty. 
I quickly fixed my tennis dress and tied my white platform converse as I ran out to catch up with Vivienne, my other sister. 
"Oh hey Alara. Did you see the schedule for today?" 
Vivienne has blonde hair that stops at her shoulders in loose waves, green eyes, and freckles that look straight out of an old western movie. To top it all off she has this perfect Georgia accent that other girls at camp used to make fun of before we kicked their asses. 
"No, what is it? I swear to gods, if we're doing anymore archery!" I've always sucked at archery. Also at sword combat. And I don't like running. I like Greek though! 
"No actually! We're on for riding and stable maintenance, and helping the littles with swimming. Also, don't forget Zeke wants to lead another bonfire tonight! Oh and mom needs a few more candles on the alter, which I've already ordered from the store!" Vivienne helps keep the cabin running. Honestly, she's pretty cool when she's not cheating on whatever guy she's seeing at present. I've never liked it about her but she's my sister. And everyone knows she does it so it's kind of on them for dating her? 
"Oh not bad, it should be a good day! Also, If you see Trent send him my way, I have to go over a few things with him!" 
We near the tables right as I'm saying this, and I see Ben from Hermes wink at me as we walk by. I give him a flirty wave and keep walking, seeing how his sister laughs and hits him on the shoulder. Just because I'm not dating doesn't mean I can't kiss a guy here and there. A girl needs her hobbies! 
After breakfast I found a way to sneak off to meet Ben by the amphitheater. 
"Hey pretty girl ." Ben Jenkins is the cutest guy in Hermes, he has black curls currently pulled into twists that hang in his eyes, he stands at 6'1 (6'3 if you asked him) and a white smile that stands out on his dark skin. 
"Pretty girl huh? It was Gorgeous girl two days ago." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I lean in closer with a small smile on my face. This always gets him.
"My bad, alright? I'll never demote you again." He laughs as he pulls into his chest and begins to kiss me deeply. 
My hands find his hair and pull, my baby pink nails scratching along his neck as I trap him against the wall. I feel his hands drift lower and begin to grip under my dress. I let out a soft moan and move to his neck right when I hear someone start to walk closer. I quickly push off him and go run behind a tree as he follows. 
"Oh shit, it's Mr D!"
"Shut up!" I pull him behind and we both ran as fast as we could. I press a quick kiss to his cheek and ran the other way as fast as I could. 
Reading this you may be thinking "so much for staying single!" But believe me when I say, I had no intention of dating Ben. In fact, Ben was actually in love with a girl in the Athena cabin who didn't  even give him the time of day. We both just wanted a body to keep warm. 
As I headed to the stable I checked that my dress was sorted and tried to blend in with the others. 
"About time idiot. I hope you used protection, you would be a terrible mother." Pen laughed as she clicked her long nails against the stable doors. 
"Oh please, nothing interesting ever happens to me. I'm the definition of a non player character." 
And at the time I genuinely meant that. I had only ever been the side character people toss aside when the fun heroine came in to save the day. Until the day I wasn't. 
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