#since it. implies htings?
wheucto · 12 days
ok thinking about the idea of mephone generating things unintentionally. what if, in my mephone4 father au, that's the reason cookie is there
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thestalkerbunny · 8 years
oshune for all of those htings cus of course oshune
1: their voice- Calypso from the Pirates of the Carriabian series. Deep and rolling. auditory butter
2: their smile-ranges from terrifying to the sweetest cinnamon roll face
3: Great Achivement- Coming back from the dead seems to be one
4: Insecurities- None really, she's rather secure in her self image and emotions
5: Shortcomings-Probably numerous regarding how she's supposed to act in regards to her blood caste (is super laxy and does nothing over clubbing babies)
6: How they deal with grief- Quiet near immediate acceptance.
7: How they like to dress- She tends to gravitate twords blacks and puprles, but she likes brighter purples, greens and yellows. Mardigras colors. She tends to wear a skirt most of the time and likes beaded neclaces.
8: What they like to eat- Everything. Anything. Headcanon that High Purple Bloods have crazy metabolisms and just eat whatever, whenever and constantly. She's not picky. She gravitates mainly twords absolute garbage that would wreck havoc on the digestive system
10: Fashion Sense- Casual Goth
11: Their Family Life- Her father was a peacock. Think Haru and her dad from Highschool Host Club. Super Drag Dad who wants best for his daughters while the daughter is still caring but vaugely indiffrent twords his antics.
12: Romantic Life- You of all people ask me this. If the law of the land did not forbid me, I'd flick your goddamn ears.
13: Embarrassing Memory from years-She blocks them out. The way some people have black out hours, she just blots out all embaressing things.
14: How they react to burning food on their tongue- Crying for 40 minutes because food has betrayed her and then immediatly goes in for the second bite. the cycle repeats.
15: React to a brainfreeze- She screams internally for 20 minutes, but she keeps drinking it anyway because she refuses to pussy out.
16: Their Dreams- She doesn't nessarily dream anymore, not since she died
17: Ambitions- To make sure people around her do not end up ghosty and ectoplasm filled.
18: How they sleep- Prior to her death, heavy and like a corpse.
19: Reaction betrayal- "I'm not angry, I'm just very dissapointed in you."
20: Their Reaction to a mystery love letter- "Oh look. Free paper." *Proceeds to make a grocery list on the back*
21: Reaction to pain-a bizzare mixture of 'Oh, there is a fork in my hand.' and casually moving on about her day. think slow poke. 40 hour time limit between pain reaching her brain.
22: What they're like on 2 hours of sleep- that implies that Oshune gets more than 2 hours of sleep at time. She fucking regulates her sleep like a cat. Two Hours here. Another Two hours there.
23: How they act when sick- 80% Whine, 10% laying there and being sick and sleeping.
24: What Motivates- Vaugely dared spite. 'Don't do this' Oshune: Fuck you I will do this.
25: Why you enjoy them- *Is vaugely shaped like me* *poofy hair is fun to draw* *You constantly ask about her.*
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