p4r4n0rmal-exe · 6 months
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YIPPE!!! OCS!!!!!!
a few funny tidbits abt them!
HES ME! hes me in honks cult.... when they stream.. and somehow i multipled. so thats why theres a 1 in his name. its because i fcking multiplied somehow, we love twitch overlays.
SINBOY IS FERAL AS FUCK!!! he doed not hesitate to shove the sinfulest things he can think of in ur face like "ooh u like them ? go screw em :3" or "cmoonnnnnn lets have a drink! one won't hurt you :33"
he is. the sin boy after all :)
hes MY yellow cat for leshy, expect to see some leshycat appearing round here :3
he was going to be a sacrifice to Heket actually, but the lamb obv saves them and hes been greatful eversince! hes currently a follower that gets revived after he dies.. not immortal, just a good follower to have around, plus, hes leshys caretaker, he kinda needs to stay around
SPEEDPAINT MUSIC- Mourning, and Everyday Life Continues- Miyashita Yuu on YOUTUBE! please listen go him....
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burlveneer · 2 years
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Cover art for Subnormal’s Bad Decisions album, by band member Andy ‘Sinboy’ Luke
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jamlabs · 2 years
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Everyone say Hi to Sinboy!
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lydiwths · 2 years
💓💓να με σκέφτεται κάθε φορά που ακούει sinboy και tranno 💓💓
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shqiperialive · 2 years
Rina Balaj tregon frymën e saj patriotike kaq pranë festave të "28-29 Nëntorit"!
Rina Balaj tregon frymën e saj patriotike kaq pranë festave të “28-29 Nëntorit”!
Këngëtarja e njohur Rina Balaj, e cila u bë famshme dhe u prezantua në industrinë e muzikës si një repere u bë e njohur gjithashtu edhe për lidhjen e saj me këngëtarin SinBoy. Ata prej disa vitesh bashkëjetonin së bashku dhe ishin një ndër çiftet më simpatikë të showbiz-it, por pak muaj më parë dyshja deklaruan ndarjen. Rinën e kemi parë shpesh herë të eksperimentoj me ‘look-un’ sidomos me flokët…
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mohunnids · 5 years
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 years
Opinions on sinboy?
uuughh xD I am not a fan of his. I find him kinda entertaining at times. I don’t understand why sometimes he chooses that his lyrics sound muffed or with full autotune in the song. He tries to make his lyrics sound like quotes but the only people who are convinced his lyrics are deep are his long time fans. 
What bothers me more than his music is that he thinks with his aRtIsTic MiNd he is above everyone else and that he is now someone important for the country because he has money. (His new name is Lil Jesus now, if I am not mistaken?) Generally, his attitude is not the best...
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1-was-here-today · 7 years
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ectomologic · 7 years
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There you go, take it, take this sin-boy
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creature-enjoyer29 · 7 years
my mom’s love for my boyfriend is ridiculous every time he gets out of our car she’s like “awww I love sinjin he’s so shy and nice isn’t he adorable”
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mahift · 6 years
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Shitty assassins doodles dump
Hi, these are my dumb, murderous and angry children.
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slovenlyrecordings · 7 years
TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT. (Sorry... and thank you!!)
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Ultra badass animation by Andy 'Sinboy' Luke (Anglo-Spaniard nutcase freak living in Romania for the past 15+ years) THANKS AGAIN ANDY and see you in a month!
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medicwriter · 7 years
Sinboy is back in the box. 
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texasssmash · 3 years
wip wednesday again.
i will be honest. this is such a cracky idea. i just thought abt hal as a radio host and it all went down from there; also au where sinestro hasn’t gone off the piss colored deep end yet of course
“Sinestro. Sin. Sinny. Sinboy. Sinbad. Sinful delights-“
“What,” Sinestro all but barks, teeth bared at the smug human face he could practically imagine beaming at him off the surface of his ring.
“Tune into the Oa broadcast frequency.” Is all Hal says, the laugh he’s swallowing audible. Somehow, Sinestro’s irritation hasn’t faded.
“Why would I do that?”
“Be-cause,” His once-student sing-songs, the faintest of clicks heard through their connection- Sinestro realizes he’s doing something, distracted with it. They sound like switches. “Someone just found the god damn space radio station of my very dreams nestled into the ass end of Oa, that’s why. How did I never know this was here?”
Ah, that. It had been so long since he’d even devoted a thought to that defunct old structure Sinestro didn’t immediately recall where it even was. It was mostly underground, constructed in the case of communication loss between ringbearers and to launch Lantern Corps messages to other worlds. Frankly, the gnomes they called Guardians had made plenty of bizarre projects in their long lives, and the station was simply one of them. Between all their combined power and networking between rings, it was more than obsolete.
How typical Hal would find himself enamored with it.
“Who let you in there?” Sinestro asks wearily, knowing better than to truly ask at all. It wouldn’t be the first time, but he might get an answer on this one.
More switches, more bustling about. “Staff. Asked what they were doing and they said they were checking the area, doing inspections, all that. Sent me to Parzzx- y’know they used to have a motivational broadcast? Every morning? Anyway, they suggested I do a couple of recordings and up-keeping the studio, and they’ll take my drill duty. Seemed like a great deal to me- Oh, shit-“
Ugh, Sinestro did remember those broadcasts, blared over the damn speakers instead of consciously opted into via ring comms. He can’t chase off the thought of Jordan droning on with some inane human platitudes over a congregation of very tired Lanterns and almost feels fit to make a visit to the Guardians for the safety of the Corps mental health.
A loud clattering, and more vague sounds of upset from Hal- Why hadn’t Sinestro hung up yet, was the question, and suddenly the human returns. “-that’s fine. Anyway, take a listen in a few hours, give me some pointers.”
“My only pointer is that this is a waste of time.” Sinestro says honestly, fingers pinching the flat bridge of his nose. Hal had a great talent for making time pass, which was, he decided, the one reason Sinestro had answered at all. As Hal had said, the commute between ones home planet and Oa was a long one.
“You’re supposed to listen first!” Hal insists, unaffected as always. “Don’t miss it, Sinbin.”
Sinestro can’t spit out his utter distaste before Hal has already severed the connection.
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shqiperialive · 2 years
Rina Balaj pozon përsëri nga krevati, por këtë herë ndryshe!
Rina Balaj pozon përsëri nga krevati, por këtë herë ndryshe!
Këngëtarja e njohur Rina Balaj, e cila u bë famshme dhe u prezantua në industrinë e muzikës si një repere u bë e njohur gjithashtu edhe për lidhjen e saj me këngëtarin SinBoy. Ata prej disa vitesh bashkëjetonin së bashku dhe ishin një ndër çiftet më simpatik të showbiz-it. Mesa duket kohëve të fundit Rina është fiksuar me pozat nga krevati, ashtu siç kanë qenë edhe fotot e fundit të saj në rrjete…
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όχι να το παινευτώ, αλλά αμα έλεγες sinboy, θα πεφτε ανφόλο.
Άμα βρισκόμουν σε θέση να ακούσω παιδικές χορωδίες να τραγουδάνε τρ*π θα έβγαινε στις ειδήσεις ως τρομοκρατικο συμβαν με μακελαρη μια κωλογρια με όπλο
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