#sims 3 plants
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ninthcirclets3cc · 2 days ago
TS3 WCIF - Crystals, Agates, Geodes, etc
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Agates (x x OR x) (More agates listed in my Voodoo WCIF here)
Crystals and Gems
Crystal Box
Crystal Mandala Board Set
Decor Shelf (x) / Recolor
Geodes (Small & Tall)
[EDIT] Glass Decor CAStable
Harmony Crystal Set
Himalayan Salt Rock as Recolorable Light (x x)
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Magic Crystal (Large) + Rock Base + Crystal (Natalia)
Magic Hand & Ball
Mother of Pearl as Light
Shine Bright! Outdoor Lights Set
[EDIT] Tankuz SciFi Crystals (preview pics, I forgot about this set)
Tarot Cards and Deco Tray
Tiberium Set
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Tiberium Lamps Set
TS4 to TS3 Crystals as Lights
Wiccan Crystal
Wiccan Set
Witch Set
Extras Finds
There's this other good crystal WCIF post from 2022, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to update it for 2025.
Ask the Crystal Ball (table-less | invisible)
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Crystal Zoomer 4t3 SN EP Witch Broom
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My tutorial on how to use EA's crystals
Omg I forgot to mention that EA's crystals were made recolorable by Deniisu too.
EA's Lunar Lakes Tree of Prosperity (TS3 Store)
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EA's Lunar Lakes Crystals (TS3 Store) / Recolorable Version at MTS
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murfeelee · 2 months ago
TW3 GoW File Dump!
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This set includes 22 items converted from God of War 2018, for your sims of the Spartan and/or Norse persuasion!
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Alfheim Light Crystal as Light (Floor | Wall)
Alfheim Tree (10k Polys)
Bifrost as Table Light
Coin Piles 3 | 4 (§10000, ANI Moneybag Script REQUIRED) (found in Hobbies/Skills)
Dragon Arc as Decor
Dragon Firepit (8k Polys)
Elf Statue (10k Polys)
Floor Panel as Rug
Leaves (Giant | Not So Giant)
Jotnar Shrines as Wardrobe (10k Polys) (SN EP REQUIRED)
Kratos Vase
Lemnos Juice as Drinkable Beverage (ARSIL MOD REQUIRED)
Lemnos Wine as Drinkable Beverage (ARSIL MOD REQUIRED)
Library Sconce (Wall Light)
Lyre as Guitar
Nornir Chest as Land Chest (IP EP REQUIRED) (found in Debug)
Rock Face as Wall Climbing (found in Hobbies/Skills)
Scroll Case as 2-Storey Bookcase (20k Polys)
Wall Ivy (10k polys)
And here are 9 far lazier items only inspired by GoW, not directly converted from it:
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EA's Double Doors RETEXTURED
Elven Family Lock as Decor (Animated)
Decor Glass Crow (Wings Down | Wings Up)
Idunn Apple as WA EP Edible Morsel (GLOWS)
Light Bridge as Floor Light (use with glass floor rugs)
Tapestry as Wall Art
The Light (Outdoor Light)
Happy New Year, and enjoy!
Download zips (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & pics under the cut:
Most of this stuff's pretty clear-cut, but I wanted to just explain a few quick things.
The Alfheim Light Crystals, Bifrost, Idunn Apple, and The Light all have Fullbright, so they always glow, even if you turn the lights off. (The Idunn Apple mesh is a wee too big for my liking, but oh well.)
Coin Piles 3 | 4 (§10,000, ANI Moneybag Script REQUIRED) (found in Hobbies/Skills)
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Shoutout to @thecardinalsims at MTS for helping me with these! 👍
Fully recolorable, these 2 coin piles cost 1 simoleon, but when your sims scoop them up, they get 10k! You're welcome! 🤑💰
Elven "Family" Lock as Decor (Animated)
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Fully recolorable. This was cloned from a clock, so the pieces turn as the big/little hands turn on EA's clocks. I've never actually caught it at the right time when all the pieces properly align, esp. since I use the Time Mod like crazy and never really know what time it is in-game.
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Giant/Not So Giant Leaves
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Fully recolorable, found under Plants. These leaves are HUGE, which is why I added a smaller version, cuz jfc. 😅
Jotnar Shrines as Wardrobe (10k Polys) (SN EP REQUIRED)
I apologize in advance for these. I don't really intend for them to be used as EA dressers--I just wanted something with open/closed door animations (so alas, I also had to squeeze the mesh down to fit EA's dimensions). But by god these are dumb AF if your sim actually tries to rifle around inside for clothes (which I ofc removed)--
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--or Aesir forbid, they actually enter it to hide/portal travel to Narnia/woohoo. 😬 There is NOTHING on the other side, so your sim WILL be seen floating like a doofus behind the mesh (through the walls).
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Anyways, if you pause your game during the .5 seconds that the doors are ever open, you'll be graced with all the effing hard work I went through to add as many Jotnar panel variations as possible:
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In order: Bergelmir, Hrungnir, Jormungandr, Skadi, Skoll & Hati, Starkadr, Surtr, Thrym, Tyr1, Tyr2, Ymir (sorry, no Groa U_U).
Lemnos Juice/Wine as Drinkable Beverage (ARSIL MOD REQUIRED)
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The juice is regular kid-friendly juice, but the wine is strong alcohol only for adults (*cough* Kratos wtf were you thinking giving your kid 1000yr old alcohol to drink, someone call CPS on this fool! *cough*). So now your Spartan sims of all ages can safely & responsibly enjoy sippin on gin & juice~! 🥂 As always, the mesh clipping into their faces is out of control, but oh well.
Lyre as Guitar
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Fully recolorable variation included. NOT a fan of where the fingers sit (esp. for kids), but OH WELL.
Nornir Chest as Land Chest (IP EP REQUIRED) (found in Debug)
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Fully recolorable variation included. For some strange reason, I couldn't clone the WA EP chests (which I prefer), but thank goodness IP has a land chest I could use instead. (IIRC you can set it with all kinds of treasures with testingcheatsenabled true and/or Nraas' DebugEnabler or something, IDER.)
Rock Face as Wall Climbing (found in Hobbies/Skills)
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This is based on the rock climbing station at the EA Store, but you DON'T need it for this one to work!
Comes in different fully recolorable variations, with/without Faye's "Yellow Paint" guiding the way.
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Scroll Case as 2-Storey Bookcase (20k Polys)
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Fully recolorable variation included. Yes. I know. The polys are insane. I decimated as many as I could, but AAA games are just so effing high poly. U_U
And that's that!
Happy New Year, and enjoy!
Download zips (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
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fancifults3cc · 11 months ago
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Mushroom Ring as Subway Rabbithole: https://www.simszoo.de/filebase/file/4919-hexenringe/
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scifits3ccblog · 2 years ago
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Stargate Atlantis Set 1 1.0.0 by Nonsequitur
This set consists of 25 Items/objects plus a bonus of “Skull” Texture (for any object) and Terrain Paint for large ground coverage) – a total of 27 items. All objects are NEON and glow brightly at night. There is also a ZIP file containing all Packages to ease total Download efforts. 
Download set at LoversLab (free registration required)
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nefarrilou · 1 year ago
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🐭 ⋘ Hair | Hat | Rat* | Earrings | Hanbok* | Shoes 🐮 ⋘ Hair | Flower | Top | Skirt | Shoes 🐯 ⋘ Mask | Hand Preset | Loincloth | Tiger (cat) 🐰 ⋘ Hair | Hair Acc | Necklace | Dress
🐲 ⋘ Hair | Horns | Top 1*2 | Acc* | Tail*+ Scales 1,2 🐍 ⋘ Hair 1,2,3 | Hat | 🦋 | Outfit | Snake* | Tail 1,2 🐴 ⋘ Hair | Hat | Top | Skirt | Shoes 🐐 ⋘ Hair | Headdress | Dress | No-Feet
🐵 ⋘ Hair | Hat | Dress | Shoes | Blossoms |🐒+🖐🏽 🐔 ⋘ Hair | Wings | Tongue* | Jewelry | Dress | Claw 🐶 ⋘ Hat* | Scarf* | Straw | Outfit | Katanas 🐷 ⋘ Hair | Hat | Outfit + Legwarmer* | Shoe* | Nails
+* Clipping
* Edited to fit the design
* Base Game
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C r e a t o r s
🐭 @goamazons @magpiesan @kismet-sims @yakfarm @rimings @rustys-cc 🐮 @simandy @dizzyrobinsims @marsmerizing-sims @dallasgirl79 🐯 @vapidsims @ssspringroll @xldsims @dustyrat 🐰 @sixcircles @palacesims4
🐲@sixcircles @zynoox @maye @julhaos @srta-leila @dansimsfantasy @shandir @astya96cc 🐍 @luutzi @wenwem @simbience @1-800-cuupid @ommosims @natalia-auditore 🐴 @daylifesims @marsmerizing-sims 🐐 @sixcircles @wenwem @kotehok @snaitf
🐵 @plantainboat @zeussim @jius-sims @dansimsfantasy @kalino-thesims 🐔 @simandy @asansan3 @maya @zeussim @regina-raven 🐶 @natalia-auditore @myfawnwysimblr @the-daydream-archives @sims-musou @studio-k-creation 🐷 @zao @maya @charonlee @feralpoodles
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🏮 H a p p y L u n a r N e w Y e a r ! 🏮
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altogetherx · 9 months ago
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lake part 3
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doka-chan · 2 months ago
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I've tested one of the new TS3 CAS backgrounds from @qertyv. Thank you so much for converting them !
It was so hard to decide which one to use. But this time I picked Beachy Daze and wow ! I never tried custom CAS backgrounds before, but this one got me and I don't regret it !!
It's an other level of upgrade for my game ! ♥
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murfeelee · 11 months ago
Someone will die! 😈🤭
(Thanks for liking my CC, and incorporating it in your alien challenge!)
Dragonfish Reloaded
I continue the story of the WaterFireGod, for part 1 click here
EDIT the link should work now - First Part was on 1. April, named "The WaterFireGod, Story + Screenshots". Sry for the mess!
(1) Remember the gate, where the humanoid aliens came through?:
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(2) It changed a lot after them humanoids arived -
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(3) The second invasion started at dawn. It all happened very fast:
Some very mighty guards came through the gate...
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(4) ...and them tiny fragile blossoms, that arrived earlier with the humanoids, grew within seconds into all kinds of - plants?! :
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(5) At the same time, a second gate opened…
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(6) … spitting out some more "visitors"…
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(7) … all kinds of pretty agressive fellas!
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(8) The whole garden of our little unnamed sim changed into a nightmare.
Well, he called them, and they came, right?
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(9) They forced him to sit down and stay put on an alienesh-crystal-stone-stool-thingy…
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(10) …and startet talking…
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(11) … to their GOD! The WaterFireGod. Our well known dragonfish.
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(12) Then they told our little unnamed sim, that they will return to their home planet through that portal, together with their god...
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(13) … right after they solved this kind-a-tricky problem, that they just learned about from the little fish - sry, your highness, of course -
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(14) Turns out, unfortunatly they can not just kill the sim, and leave with their god, as they intended…
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(15) … because their god can not survive without our little unnamed sim, due to the bond that exists between them. This bond must be broken of course. Or else!
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(16) (Moment of akward silence)
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(17) They startet negotiating. Meanwhile it was bright daylight.
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(18) They discussed during the whole day…
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(19) …and also the whole next night.
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(20) It turned out, there is more to the good old dragonfish than we ever imagined:
When he spits fire unterwater, while living with a sim that he has a very special bond with, the fire sinks down on the ground, and turnes into gold.
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And you know what they say about dragons… they protect treasure.
Next time I will tell you:
What kind of bond the sim + the dragonfish do have,
what the sim is doing with all this gold?!,
and what the "Fisch des Grauens*" has to do with all that
I want you to have the option to influence the story. You can choose 1 of these 3 options, what you want me to put into the story next:
No 1 - Someone will die
No 2 - No one will die
No 3 - Something will happen that has to do with owls.
Just write it into the comments until the End of April, then we will wrap it up and count the voices for 1/2/3!
* Please someone tell me how this fish is called in English, I couldn´t figure that out! (the dark-greenish fella living in the ponds of graveyards, killing all other fishes, and that can be used for prolonging live) - Or maybe I´ll just make up a new name for it :-D , you can recognize it anyway by the pictures I will take then.
The mods I used here for the first time:
Asparagus densiflorus, from alex_stanton1983
Lotus Lamp, from 4Sims
Floor-Lamp Skoll, from sim_man123
TW3 Archespore Miniset
Skyrim Blackreach Giant Mushrooms as Outdoor Lights Miniset
AMR Small Plants Group
Junk Pile as Coin Pile
Deniisu_TS4 to TS3 RoM Rug Medallion as Floor Light
Thank you, Murfeel! Love your stuff since I played the first time with the telvanni-village, and that was on my old computer (meanwhile, this computer I´m using now is pretty old).
I will also continue the 10-things-challange, weeks ago I already picked the items for the next round - but at the moment, I want to finish that alien-story first!
And yes, I still have to finish the sorting of my mod-collection. That has highest priority, not just because I want to continue playing, but also because of this 10-things-challange I started. For both I need a well-sorted, richly filled mod-folder (lol).
Well. The last weekend I spend downloading nearly everything that Murfeel ever published :-D ! Just the sorting of this murfeel-collection alone will take a week, or two, or whatever it takes :-D.
I started yesterday evening with the Letter A. Today I will do the B… like in "babysteps". Like in "Baby Yoda as Teddybear", that is the first mod beginning with a "B" in my murfeel-folder.
Just imagine, this green little fella, how well he would have fit in my alien-story, if I would have known this mod a week before.
You all have a good time :-)
Oh NO now I need to do the tagging. I still have NO clue how that really works here on tumblr, although I always watch you other simmers out there, and try to get it.
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woolpines · 3 months ago
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though it'll be a bit lucrative later, a lot of zara's mornings are spent tending her garden to get everything to grow and sell -- its the longest part of her day
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germaaaaaaaaaa · 1 month ago
moooore peter and norm swap stuff
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I did not bring that up last post but the main idea was by @redtalics ^-^ yapping in tag. If you are curious. Hi
#space peter and factory norm in my dialtown? More than you think#norm at the plant fit so much just think about it man#And space peter???? Oh he gotta miss his family man#NOTE DESIGN wanted to make p much a alternative of both but wanted to keep much of their personality still going on.#Norm look like a florida dad#I still gave him his cowboy theme going on NOT as america much as his og is but still here#HES A HISTORY NERRRRD so he get to have that radio head. Radio. Head? Is he a creep? Is he a WEIRDO?#oh yeah tool belts instead of the whole guns n all thing going on :] he still big into america i think he'll be more about how Mingus care#About the plant and they just CANNOT fail to bring it back#peter as norm sound kinda random at first but if you think much... Yeah... Potential!#Instead of having a motivation of REVENGE he just want to get back into the past#NO matter the circumstance.#If peter at the factory sounded a bit crazy from time to time SO imagine 3 years in a forest missing your wife THE LIGHT OF HIS TUNNEL and#he kinda crazy but me think he a bit more saddy looking than usually norm always look angry#I GAVE him a axe as a alternative of the gun#The ending where you get axed and shit yourselfeand die#GINGI can motivate peter to stay in the present or to fuck around and keep him in that mindset like chapter 3 after all!#REALLY LIKE THE IDEA MY FRIEND ELLIOT MADE ABOUT HIM RIPPING OFF HIS AMERICA FLAG OUT OF ANGER#Hum I have more tobsay but i think thats enough. Tagging.#germa rambling for nothing#dialtown#dialtown fanart#dialtown phone dating sim#dialtown au#dialtown peter#dialtown norm#sgt norm allen
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murfeelee · 10 months ago
Aquatic INSP Set Pt2 (More Objects)
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This set includes 12 objects, either recolorable or default replacements:
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Venus Girdle Inspired Table Light (FULLBRIGHT) V2
TS4 to TS3 EA Angler Fish as FX Machine (LN EP REQUIRED)
Severinka Neon Flock REDONE (RECOLORABLE with Fullbright)
EA Kelp as Outdoor Lighting (GLOWS) - Regular | Taller
EA IP EP Kraken as Decor
EA Hang Ten Seal as Decor
EA IP EP Shell Wall Decor REDONE (Frameless, Smaller) - Regular | Flipped
EA Pets EP Hay DR (Blue)
Pearl Pattern Non-Seamless
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Download (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
Description & preview pics under the cut:
Venus Girdle REDONE: Fullbright
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Yay, I fixed it! I hated the way the OG version came out, cuz I really wanted it to glow similar to how IRL Venus Girdles do.
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Close enough! ^0^
Angler Fish FX Machine (LN EP REQ)
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These things are frikkin frightening--y'all owe me for this, LOL.
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I made TS4's Angler Fish a recolorable Late Night EP FX Machine so it could spit out bubbles, cuz ofc it should. Found under Party/Entertainment.
Fullbright: Neon Flock & Kelp Lights
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I made Severinka's Neon Flock ACTUALLY neon, by making it glow with the Fullbright Shader, as well as making it recolorable. IDER what category it's in--use the Search mod like god intended.
The Kelp Outdoor Lights also have the Fullbright Shader.
EA Kraken as Decor
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Includes 2 variations. Found under Lawn Ornaments (IIRC). This mesh is friggin huge, so you'll need a big enough lot to fit in on.
Hang 10 Seal as Decor
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I took the Evil Seal mesh from EA's Surfing Station, and made it a Lawn Ornament. I added the retexture from @mspoodle1's Hang Ten mod. You'll need an OMSP with these.
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Shell Wall Decor REDONE
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I was NOT prepared for how huge & clunky the IP EP mesh was, omg. I reduced the scale, removed the USELESS square frame/border, and added an extra version with a Flipped mesh. Jfc, EA.
Pets EP Hay DR (Blue)
While playing with horses in Mermaidia I realized that their hay/straw was a garish yellow that made no sense underwater. So I decided to fix it. AFAIK this texture replacement only affects 2 items:
The Pets EP Horse Stalls (including @mspoodle1's No Walls version)
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The Pets EP Hay Pile that sims woohoo in.
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UNI EP Sketchbook DR (Aquatic)
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These are all the swatches possible--I have no idea what levels they show up for, it seemed pretty random AFAIK:
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This is them hung up:
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Pearl Pattern Non-Seamless
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Found under Plastic, I'm tired.
That's that!
Download (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
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bettergardensingnomes · 3 months ago
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(MTS) "The Fiorella" from TS2 Celebration Stuff - Goodywood
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juniper-clan · 9 months ago
Heronstar's on a banger legacy challenge, 5th generation, grinding for the top-notch infant trait, raising a perfectly ideal family, has never been more girlfailure and Slickclaw just set the camp on fire. also the apprentices are fighting. this is world war 3 but there is a sad woman happy in the middle of it and that is all I need
Heronstar spent three hours and 40 KB downloading hairstyle and clothing mods for all her characters she was BUSY
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simsmono · 7 months ago
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My lovely little gardener 👨‍🌾
Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted anything. I hope you've all been well. I've been busy at work, among other things, but have been lurking around, and playing different saves every now and again. My little gardener was born in game in one of my older Meadow Glen saves (can't remember how many gens this is though). The only thing I did was update his make up and clothes. He's so pretty, I couldn't help but share a couple of pics hehe.
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altogetherx · 6 months ago
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last moments of summer
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fleeblesim · 21 hours ago
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When Ylva came back home I extended the house and made a nice little room for Shashataa. She doesn't need to sleep, but I thought she deserved her own space.
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