#simi rpf
andthebubbles · 2 years
Pairing: Seb and Kimi friendship (it fits into canon/rl)
Summary:  “I like chocolate and the smell of fresh bread. My favourite colour is blue.”   In which Rianna makes her Uncle Sebastian blue chocolate chip bread.
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 2 years
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A look at the F1 fandom with 20 years of F1 RPF fic on AO3! I’m planning to look at character and pairing tags next in more detail, but let me know what else you’d like to see! 
I’ll be tagging this series #f1 rpf analysis so check that tag out for more!
Some notes: Data pulled from AO3 on 14 December, 2022, and works were analyzed based on date of last update
Edit 18 Dec - corrected the 2017 top pairings.
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f1shipbracket · 3 months
Group A: Matchup 5
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beabnormal24 · 3 days
Simi!! For the do i ship it thing 🫶
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Hands down one of the best pairing ever in F1, racing (and not only)-wise. Always loved the way Kimi's whole attitude just completely flipped over whenever Sebastian was nearby, and you could tell they genuinely liked to be ariund each other.
Their fics heal me, honestly, I would love it so much to read some new ones but I get how hard it is to find inspiration when it is not directly "happening" in front of your eyes.
Thank you so much for the ask! ❤️
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tooxmanyxships · 8 months
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Send me some ships to do this with! 🖤
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monurey · 30 days
This is only gonna be a one-shot but I decided I should share part of the WIP
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jenseclaren · 2 years
making assumptions (judging you) based on your favourite f1rpf pairing
Brocedes: Did you take your meds today? Your favourite ao3 tag is probably angst. You probably get overly attached to people with the fear of losing them. You read Brocedes fics just to feel something.
Martian: Is this a right time to talk about your daddy issues or should i come back later? You probably go for people older than you and most likely with a protective instinct in relationships.
Sewis: You are the one person in your friend group who has their shit together. You also don’t need fan fiction to add excitement into your life. You are comfortable in your place. Probably mentally stable (but that’s questionable)
Simi: You live for the sunshine/grumpy trope. It’s probably because you are either of them and lowkey desperate for a sunshine or a grumpy of your own. You are in general very quiet and lowkey, you don’t like to be the centre of attention.
Princess Cake: Horny, you are definitely very horny. Also you tend to project into either side of this pairing. You probably talk a lot. You are a fun person to be around, you bring good vibes and chaotic energy to the group. Probably a bit bratty too but that’s not too bad, keeps you interesting.
Sebson: You are probably into hurt/comfort fics. You are very knowledgable in topics you are interested in. Basically you’re a huge nerd. You are either extremely introverted or extremely extroverted, no in between. Reading fan fiction is probably your comfort activity.
Carlando: You are gay and your first moment of realisation was your best friend in middle school. If you were a pre-teen/teen in the early 2010s, you had a YouTubers phase. You are very energetic, probably too energetic.
Lestappen: You had unrestricted internet access as a kid. There is no other explanation why you would turn out this way. You are probably very competitive and take your ambitions very seriously. People either love you or hate you.
Maxiel: You are in love with your best friend. You love partying and (maybe) drinking games. You are the kind of person who puts people’s moods up. You are a delight to hang out with. You are confident and but really insecure at the same time.
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blueballsracing · 9 months
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skydiamondmu · 8 months
@schumi-honey look what I found in a dusty corner of my gdocs page-
"A virus. It mimics the common cold in androids." Sebastian at least had the decency to look sheepish, scratching his neck and not meeting Mika's eyes. They are standing in the darkened Ferrari motorhome, curtains drawn. On the bed in front of him, a mountain of blankets sits. A hand emerges from within the pile, reaches out, feels around, grabs a box of tissues, and retreats into the dark warmth.
"I… And it spreads through interfacing?" He cannot believe this. He was gone for a few weeks, a short visit to Jericho and back. At least Michael is bewildered as he is.
Sebastian sort of gives him this half-grimace, and Mika immediately knows. “No.” he groans. “Really? Some of the best engineering and programming minds in the world and you ask them to create a virus so you can skip PR duties." He heaves a sigh. "Please tell me you at least put a limit on its duration." Sebastian winces. "Kimi was responsible for ." Mika glanced from him to the pile of blankets and back to him as the horror sank in. "Sebastian, how long has he been like this?"
Kimi feels like shit. The room is too cold. He pulls the blankets higher around him, snuggling further into their warmth. It's been days of non-stop headaches and coughing, and he regrets what he's created now. He would have given up alcohol instead. Why had he infected himself? He should have tested it on Jos. Good-for-nothing bastard. He coughs again, his throat raspy. His vocal cords have been producing static every time he tries to talk, even though nothing obstructs them, and they are not damaged. He checks the date and time to get an idea of how long it has been, but his system clock has been frozen during his infection. He lies there, vision blurry, head visible from beneath the blanket. Distantly, as though they were coming from a faulty aux cord, he could hear voices murmuring to themselves. Then the bed moves.
"Kimi." Sebastian gently runs his fingers through the android's hair, or at least what little of it he could reach. "Can you come out of the blankets Liebling? I have something here to make you feel better." With his other hand, Sebastian is holding a carbon fibre tube. Obsidian black and without any markings, it looks nondescript from the outside, 5 cm in length and 10 in diameter. One end of it was distorted, tapering to a sharp point. Mika had called it a Key and said they were commonplace in Jericho. He had demonstrated how to use it on a willing volunteer. One thrust into the maintenance port on an android's neck and a twist, and Mika claimed it would immediately upload a file into the Android OS. This one was loaded with the patch for the virus but would mean nothing if he didn't access the maintenance port.
"Kimi." He coos again. The android moans. This close, Sebastian can feel the heat radiating from his body and hear how his fans are in overdrive. He can feel Mika's gaze boring into them both from across the room, the older Deviant unwilling to risk infection by coming any closer. Kimi shifts, pressing closer to Sebastian's body heat. With a sigh, he glances up, optics blurry. "Seb?" "Yes, Liebling. I need you to come out of the blankets for me, alright?" Kimi whines and shakes his head. "Cold." With a sigh, Sebastian glances at Mika and mouths the words Plan B at him. Mika nods. His LED flashes yellow. A moment later, Michael enters the room.
The other German moves over to stand at the foot of the bed. "One… Two… Three." Then he yanks the blanket off the bed. Kimi immediately flinches, shivering. He's been sweating buckets, his clothes stuck to his neon blue skin. Sebastian winces at the sight. Kimi curls into a fetal position, exposing the small port at the back of his neck. Sebastian inhales, curls his fingers around the Key, inserts it into the port, and twists. To his shock, Kimi seizes up on the spot. Sebastian watches as his limbs twist and writhe for a few brief moments, his back arching. His face contorts in agony, mouth open in a silent scream. Then he goes still. His limbs tremble for a few seconds longer before giving out. Then he lies there, panting, the blue flush slowly retreating from his skin. His optics blink once, twice. Then they focus on Mika. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
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andthebubbles · 1 year
Pairing: Seb/Kimi
Summary: At twenty-seven, Seb has never seen fireworks before in his life.
Warning: character death (sort of/entirely yes… but also sort of no, but yes…)
A/N: robot Seb!
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phos-phorus · 11 days
Okay pure Simi Angst
I don’t really know if I feel 100% comfortable with writing character deaths in rpf so this will probably be the only story containing one.
If you are looking for a happy ending my last ficlet post is this story but with Seb answering Kimi’s calls <3
Kimi had been watching the race from the comfort of his living room, a glass of whiskey in hand, until the camera shifted to a horrifying scene. A massive pile-up had occurred on the track. Cars were strewn across the asphalt like broken toys, smoke rising in ominous plumes.
His stomach churned with dread as he recognized one of the damaged vehicles—a Ferrari. The Fin didn’t dare to let out a breath as the commentator’s voice echoed through his living room, struggling to identify the drivers involved.
Kimi's heart stopped. Without wasting a moment, he grabbed his phone and called Sebastian. The call went straight to voicemail. He tried again, his hands trembling, but there was still no answer. His mind raced as he left a message, his voice taut with fear.
"Seb, it's Kimi. I saw the crash. Where are you? Please, call me back. I need to know you’re okay."
Abandoning his drink, Kimi dashed out of his house, his keys already in hand. He jumped into his car and sped towards the track. The roads blurred around him as he dialed again, each unanswered ring tightening the knot in his stomach.
He left another voicemail, his voice breaking with desperation.
“Sebastian, it’s Kimi again. Please pick up. I’m on my way. Just let me know what's going on, if you’re alright. Please.”
He weaved through traffic, pushing his car to its limits, desperate to reach his friend. Another call, another voicemail.
"Seb, I'm getting closer. I’m almost there. Just hold on, okay? We'll sort this out together. I promise. Call me back when you get this."
As he neared the track, the scene grew more chaotic. Emergency vehicles swarmed the area, lights flashing, sirens blaring. Kimi parked haphazardly and ran towards the paddock, his phone still in hand. He left another voicemail, his voice raw with emotion.
"Seb, it’s Kimi. I’m here. I can see the car. Please, God, let me hear your voice.”
Officials tried to hold him back, but Kimi’s determination was unwavering. He pushed through the crowd, eyes scanning for any sign of his friend. He reached the barriers, the sight of the mangled car making his heart drop. He left another voicemail, his voice shaking.
"Seb, where are you? Tell me you got out of there. Please. Pick up the damn phone and tell me you’re alright.”
He spotted the paramedics, their faces grim, working around the wreckage. His stomach churned as he dialed again, refusing to give up hope.
"Seb, please tell me you’re alright. Why won’t you answer? Answer me, Seb, come on. Don’t do this to me."
Kimi watched helplessly as they pulled Sebastian from the car, his body limp. The medics worked quickly, but there was a finality in their movements that made Kimi's blood run cold. He called once more, voice cracking with desperation.
"Seb, it's Kimi. Help is on the way. Stay strong. I’ll try to get to you."
The paramedics loaded Sebastian onto a stretcher, and Kimi saw the truth in their eyes. He dialed again, one last time, knowing it was futile but unable to stop himself.
"Seb, they're here. Hang tight. We'll get you out safely. I’ll be there. I won’t let you go. You won’t be alone. I promise.”
Tears streamed down Kimi’s face as he climbed over the barriers and stumbled forward, his worst fears realized. The medics tried to keep him back, but he broke through, reaching for his friend, his voice a broken whisper. All those voicemails, all those desperate messages, and now he was too late.
“I’m here, Seb. I’m here.”
The paramedics pulled away the grip he had on Sebastian. Pushing him back and telling him to stay back as the ambulance doors closed and drove off without leaving him a chance to go with them.
As he got guided off of the track and back into the pits he left one final voicemail, his voice raw with emotion.
“Seb, they’re going to fix this. The docs will take good care of you. You’re going to be alright. Just focus on getting better. See you soon.”
But deep down, Kimi knew. He knew that Sebastian wouldn't answer. He wouldn't call back. The reality of the situation crashed over him like a wave, and he sank to his knees, collapsing onto the floor of the Ferrari garage, the phone slipping from his grasp.
The following days were a blur of sorrow and disbelief. The racing community mourned the loss of one of its brightest stars, but for Kimi, it was a personal hell.
He listened to the voicemails he had left, each one a painful echo of his desperate race against time. He visited Seb’s memorial, leaving flowers and sitting in silence, the memories of their friendship playing in his mind.
He spoke to Seb in those quiet moments, his words filled with a deep, abiding love.
“Hey Seb, it’s Kimi. I hope you look down to us once in a while. I’ll keep racing through life, just like you taught me. Last week I won at rally but you were all I could think about. I stood there, while the whole crowd was cheering, thinking how I wish you could be there with me. I miss you.”
Though Sebastian would never answer again, Kimi found a measure of solace in those voicemails. He had tried, he had loved, and in the end, that was all that mattered.
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 2 years
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Top 15 F1 pairings tagged on AO3 from 2013 - 2022
This is part of my F1 RPF Analysis based on a dataset of the almost 20k AO3 F1 Fics. Fics were analysed based on date of last update.
Feel free to check out the tag #f1 rpf analysis for more, and let me know what else you’d like to see!
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f1shipbracket · 5 months
Welcome to the Formula 1 ship bracket tournament!!
I've seen this happen in different fandoms and thought that it would be fun to make for this one, so I'm taking matters into my own hands and doing this myself.
Before I create the bracket, I would like to ask for suggestions to make sure I include as many popular ships as possible, and not only the ones that I know.
Please fill out this form with your favorite F1 parings. You can include as many as you want and it will be completely anonymous, but do make sure you follow the rules.
I also want to make ir clear that this is not meant to create any fandom drama, it's just meant to be fun. I understand that there will be disagreements, of course, but make sure things stay civil.
When I've considered that I have enough responses I will make the bracket.
May the odds be in your favour!!
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ipleadbritney · 2 months
I have like two wips that are a bit ghoulish and ghostly, and they're the only ones speaking to me, ugh. I want to post them when it's in season but with the way things are going, I'll be able to finish them both in like a month.
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tooxmanyxships · 2 months
Feel free to send me prompts/questions while I'll be going through a shift from hell at work.
You can check out my prompt tag (it's in my pinned post) for inspo if you want.
As always, all drivers (current and past) and all pairings are welcome.
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monurey · 25 days
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The tattoo design to go along with my Simi one shot "Matching Tattoos"
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