christabelthevampire · 10 months
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eky-funciona · 4 months
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This is from the time where I was trying to wonder if I wanted her to have long or short hair. In the end I decided to stick with the braids, but I still like the other options.
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kittsuneriyu · 2 months
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Do robots dream of eternal sleep?
I don't draw flowers often, but it looks cool.
Ok I really liked DECT it's just kinda tragic but is a satisfying end for V2 (In my opinion ofc), so why not draw it?
I'm not a super expert on flower simbology and stuff but I'm aware of the meaning for some of them (Spider lily for death and passing while the lily's on V2 were for love and attraction).
Basically doomed lovers.
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Sooo, I just read a post saying that gaylors are disgusting because they want to force Taylor out of the closet?? And that NYT should not have posted that article???
Let me get something clear, if you are closeted, you try and hide your queernes as much as you can. You dont go around singing about your agumentative, antithetical dream girl and wearing someone like a necklace. You dont talk about hairpin drops. You dont dress yourself in the bi pride flag colors and sing about wanting boys and girls. Is not something you do if you are closeted.
Forcing someone out of the closet is disgunting, thats for sure, the thing were this person is wrong is that we are not trying to force Taylor out of the closet. Forcing her would be something she does not agree on but since she has been putting all the queercoding and queer slang in her music (out there to listen and analize by everyone) and decide to do some things queer people use to identify each other and send signals in public, aware she is being watched by the whole world, I would argue that the talking about her probably being queer is consented by her.
Also, saying she is in a closet would mean she is secretive about it and trying to pass as straight, which I think I gave you enough examples as to why she is not secretive about it. Is out there to see. And because is out there to see, it is okay to talk about it. She put it out there. The NYT only talked about queercoding in her music, which is completely fine to talk to. She wrote that music and she released it. She filmed that videos. Chose that words. She is in control and she decided to leave hairpin drops as often as she could. The NYT was not outing her or anything, it was just doing a reading of a piece of art using certain simbology, that happens to be the queer one. And if we think about how the art and the artist are connected, is fair enough to wonder if she could be attracted to woman. She hints at it in her music!
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uuuhhmmm124 · 29 days
PUT YOUR AUDIO ON and wait for the elements symbols to end for the animatic to start
So, i put all my mind into the meaning of every line of this song.
Can i tell you my fav ones?? You can't answer so i will.
-every night has its day, so magical- for Zuko: the simbology of the dark and the light, the evil and the good.
- And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle- for Mai: it's reference to that: "you miscalculated: i love Zuko more than i fear you". I love Maiko.
-For every tyrant a tear for the vurnerable- for Katara. You know, that " I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!"
-in every lost soul the bones for a miracle- for Suki. This is the hardest to explain. Have you read "Suki Alone"? i would take that "lost" not as figurative. She lost her hope, but then the miracle: Sokka and Zuko arrived!
-"How did I get so blind and so cynical?- for Azula: at the beggining i wanted to give this to Toph, but then i thought that was more Azula's.
And i know, Ty Lee is between everyone at the end: i just wanted her to be there:)
If u want to see in on yt, i appreciate it!
This song is Waiting for love by Avicii sped up version
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
If, big if, this hand over ceremony with Lewis and Kimi really happens, I hope Mercedes is ready for the backlash.
You don't get a 6x wdc for your team to hand his seat over to a child debuting in f1.
Mind you, Lewis is not retiring.
You don't get to pressure your biggest champion to leave or retire and then use him for props.
(Also, where does that leave Russell ? The simbology is pretty clear if it happens)
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paladin-tourney · 8 months
Round 1, Side B - Aragorn (Lord of the Rings/The Tolkien Legendarium) vs. Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
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Aragorn (Lord of the Rings/The Tolkien Legendarium)
Aragorn’s character serves as one of the more immediate progenitors of the Paladin as we understand them, along with rangers as well. For perhaps the most beloved fantasy of the modern era, he brings me of the traits we associate with paladins, being a passionate errant force for good wielding a blade of fire and light against the forces of darkness. Beyond that, he’s by all accounts a moral, charismatic stand out character in a great work full of them, but perhaps most importantly, though he is the king, he is not someone who demands attention as the hero of the story, but is kind and considerate as well as brave in his actions. Lord of the Rings as a work is the source of much of the fantasy tropes and character concepts we still use today, but as much as we like to tweak or subvert them, the classic remains a classic for a reason. I submit Aragorn for the Paladin Tournament.
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
He’s fiercely loyal to the people he loves, and there’s an oath he made with his childhood best friend that he is very determined to fulfill or die trying. Other things about him: he’s a feminist, he’s extremely petty, he’s a 19 year old alcoholic, he’s suicidal, hes gonna be the worlds greatest swordsman with three swords up his ass, hes literally just some guy, hes the one piece equivalent of tony hawk. hes even gay
Zoro's Oath, to never lose again, and promise to his childhood friend Kuina and his captain Monkey D. Luffy to become the World's Greatest Swordsman. He wields not one, not two, but Three Swords! That thrice more than what a traditional paladin would carry! He has showed religious simbology in his attacks, despite not actually praying to any God per se. Is mostly Buddhist things, likely because the author thinks it looks cool (he is correct). Zoro has a paladin-like aura that intimidates his enemies. Dude shows up not in shining armor, but covered in blood. And yeah, it's mostly HIS blood, but not for long. But the thing that can be seem most of a Paladin is in that he protects his crew, which on can see as a kingdom, the most loyal Knight to the future King of Pirates.
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Childhood crushes unisex edit. Requested by @matti2k2 Allows children to have crushes and kiss (called "give cooties") The final version of childhood crushes (from 2017) edited to allow same sex crushes! credits to Simbology and the creators of Simpe. Download here
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sweetmariihs2 · 19 days
When you get into a new fandom where your fav character has 10 min of screen time, no sequels, and a 20min short animation of it from the 70s.
and all the fan content of it are very veryy far from the canon material, no one's talking about the original content, expanding the universe, exploring cut moments or timeskips with what may had happened to the character in that period of time, or being faithful to canon, or exploring dynamics between characters, or discussing topics within the source, or pointing out little details and simbologies, or making analysis, or making playlists that look like the character instead of ideolized versions of it... or anything that doesn't include ideolized versions of it for that matter
it's phisically painful fr. Got here two weeks ago and i'm already not excited about it anymore, don't have anything else to clung to keep that interest alive instead of: the original source material, some icons on pinterest and little things here and there, like ch.ai. I made a little oc and my own lore about the character x my oc together but in general it's not even that good to keep me interested for long
100% disappointed :( and I like that character a lot to just let go of it for now. I'll probably hyperfocus on something else before the end of the month. I hope it's Cedric again, because he's very healthy, heals my inner child and his fandom is great and full of creative and talkative people.
That feels like a breakup fr
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midnightshaze13 · 5 months
⋆⭒˚.⋆The Albatross: metaphor, what does it represent and what is the lyric about ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Albatrosses are truly remarkable. They spend most of their lives at sea and can spend over a year without touching land, actually sleeping with a part of its brain (while the other part navigates). Unlike other birds that use thermal airstreams, albatrosses take advantage of the airstreams generated by waves in the ocean to fly. That's so very cool to not have to move a muscle for days simply because they don't even need to.
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They are also long-lived flying animals (to 50 years, compared to 20 years for most sea birds).
Historically, the albatross was seen by sailors as omen of good luck. It symbolized salvation because it appears just as wind picks up to move the ship ahead in the sea. 🧭🌬🚢
But the presence of these huge sea birds on a sailor's voyage was often misleading. Albatrosses usually fly and nest in coastal areas, so seeing one could meant having land nearby. But the albatross is an animal that can travel for miles and miles, go for several days/weeks flying without moving their wings, as said before, which could mean that there was no land to be found for miles and miles around the ship, there was no landing near in time.
These birds then went onto ships and boats to rest after weeks of not finding ground where to land.
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Sailors, due to desperation and fear of what sometimes was interpreted as bad omen, from months at sea, entertained themselves by capturing albatrosses. And although the albatross was considered an omen of good luck to sea men, the misleading of their presence caused the mariners to shoot them. ⚓️
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Then, the simbology of albatrosses, we largely know from literature - perhaps most famously from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1798 poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".🕯
The poetic use of that bird image is introduced metaphorically to represent a psychological burden (most often associated with guilt or shame) that feels like a curse. 🪽🏹🪶
The sailors symbolize society, which rejects and discriminates against poets because they do not identify with their spiritual side, they shoot before they can understand about you. ✒️📜🪔🌅
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The last curiosity is that most birds are monogamous, very few mate for life. For the albatross, once a mate is selected, it is generally for life.
No wonder why it was written “I now belong to a higher cult of mortals, for I have seen the albatross” by Robert Cushman Murphy, 1912.
About the song:
The Romantic movement became categorised by the intense emotions of awe, wonder, and terror when experiencing the beauty and sublimity of nature.
In the spirit of the Romantics, Swift likens the ‘wild wind’ to women like herself, an untameable force of nature, inspiring both fear and beauty. It is this untameable force that so easily blows out the flame of the candle, a man-made object effortlessly extinguished by the power of the natural wind. The ‘wise men’ in the song reprresented by the candle, are those who should be wary of unruly women for they will be their downfall.
The opening line of the song sets up the song’s theme of men being warned about ‘destructive’ women.
Furthermore, in Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Mariner” wind plays a role within the narrative. The mariner shoots the albatross following the ship because he believed it to be a bad omen. The crew were initially angry with his act, believing that the albatross brought the wind that led them out of the Antarctic. The south wind that blew them north then began to send them into uncharted waters where they became stranded, tormented by thirst.
Throughout the song, Taylor creates a tone of suspicion; a theme of people warning men about women like herself. She appears to be painting herself like the albatross, a creature that represents the aforementioned bad luck and shame. In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” it is the sailor’s act of killing that creates disaster, not the albatross itself. Taylor uses the suspicious tone to show how blame is pointed on ‘the albatross’, showing how men point the blame on women they’ve been warned about instead of acknowledging their own actions.
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anglerflsh · 5 months
are you called anglerflsh because you like TMA or is it just a coincidence
Because anglerfish are my favourite animal! Coincidentally, they are my favourite animal because I love their implication and simbological use, so it's not far off from being a TMA reference
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cacaitos · 7 months
one thing that keeps being consistent in differences of how male mangaka and female mangaka write trans characters is the women keep tending for individual, more personal, identity approach, while idk dudes seem to like represent/be presented through idk simbology and like used for not necessarily related plot reasons like huh.
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tharenia · 1 year
I think that post is being too restrictive. Kingdom hearts simbology doesn't make associations for no reason.
I played days first and only knowing Roxas Xion and Axel, so for me Oathkeeper seemed to be the promise to the beach and the vow of friendship Roxas made to his friends, and Oblivion the memories of Xion that are driving him to fight even though he won't be able to remember her. Maybe in KH2 release they didn't seem to be more succint than "oh it's because he is Sora's nobody" but he had to go through life events that the keyblades resonated with, and so Roxas could call out to their power. The secret ending from KH1 also shows this was definitely planned before, as what we got in Kh2 was suspiciously short...
Sorry it's just kind of a bummer when people speak reductively of the nobodies trio
oh definitely. roxas probably associates both keyblades with his own experiences, that's why the keyblades stay with him anyway. i think it's safe to say they are more considered to be roxas' keyblades at this point than they are sora's because sora only uses them if the player equips them
tho the association with riku and kairi because of sora is also something that is pointed out in roxas' own character files page. so i assume this is what op was referring to
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and these are iconic but i just think it would be super cool if both roxas and xion got keyblades uniquely designed for them since they have their own hearts that can produce one!
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rainyfroggy · 2 years
14 and 26!! :D
14. Any favorite motifs
Well sure this one is obvious. A recurring idea on my work is religious stuff, mostly Catholicism. I'm not into religion, but I love history, simbology and the art around it. Many of my comics have that hint, and I love taking references from art history and Christian culture (also for that my fav game is BW...N...the whole Truth vs Ideals...delicious)
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
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Maybe my comic SP Vore AU. Yes, the name was a joke mostly, it had cannibalism but wasn't kinky or even sexual as people blame it. I wanted to use the "obsession to the point of consuming your lover" and "too many feeling that eat you instead" concepts. It was really a deeper story but people keep hating it for the name and general idea (idk if they even read it at all).
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sillysoraya · 1 year
Has anyone else had a problem with the simbology-twojeffs 'No friends needed for careers' mod clashing with something? I'm guessing something 3t2 trait related as they are the mods I most often download these days. My sims have all skills and full performance bar and still not getting promoted after days and days 😢😒
edit: nevermind, just saw on the conflict thread it says naturally good at their jobs file 'traits_promotionChange' conflicts with it. I'll try changing the load order around!
Edit 2: It worked!! no friends needed loading last worked! Don't know how that affects the trait mod now, but whatevs
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knonamefornow · 2 years
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Sorry about the terrible edition.
I was thinking about The Weeknd’s simbology and I can’t stop thinking about the smooth transitions that some albums have from the track 3 to track 4. 34. I think 34 years old he will be reborn with After Life, that could maybe be released next year.
But I decided to play with numbers, and put “0″ for albums without the 3-4 smooth transition and “1″ for the ones that have.
So I came with a binary number (001101011) and when I converted to decimal (107), I saw 10/7 (which is the date of the show I’m going in Rio de Janeiro). But I showed to a friend, that is not a fan, and he asked: “could it be 1/07?″ so... January 7th is when he released Dawn FM.
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