#sim settlements 2 berman
atombonniebaby 9 months
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The minute Berman showed up in Sim Settlements 2 I immediately guessed Mac wouldn't like him...I think I was right 馃槄
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Like, buddy, no...he would squish you 馃ぃ
(I did not pose them or give them expressions...they did this all by themselves!)
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brokenangelwings22 6 months
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erikageiger 2 years
I'm curious, what are your thoughts on how the companions in the game would react to the events of Sim Settlements 2 if they could. (I mean, it's mighty impressive what the team already managed to do with them, but I am asking the queen of this niche fandom to feed our endless hunger.)
Yes, Sirick did an amazing job with the companion comments! I was quite surprised when both Nick and Piper had brief interactions with The Ron! And Preston recognizing Aiden, an ex-minuteman, was a really nice touch!
I wish I knew all the comments he used so I wouldn't have anything contradicting something they actually say, but what the heck. Here's how the "queen of this niche fandom" would fill the gaps. :D
Damn, this took a while! Pardon if anything feels out of character, it's been a while since I traveled with most of them.
Oh, and SPOILER WARNING for chapter 2, obviously.
F4 companions react to SS2
Cait: the biggest change of opinion
Being one of the two who dislike helping settlements, she would scoff and taunt at first. She doesn't trust Jake, thinks he's hiding something since he's "too nice". But since the player won't let that stop them, she backs off to observe and to mostly just help out in the fights. She won't show interest until the new plot types are found, since those plots give a much clearer improvement to the settlements, like a bar and a proper place to work out.
When the trouble with the Gunners starts, she absolutely hates the idea of the Gunners getting the sensors and now doesn't mind spending so much time in the settlements (heck, she's probably made a few new friends by now! ...like Sneake!). However, deep down, she is rather scared of their odds, knowing just how many Gunners are out there and what they're capable of.
I don't think she'd like Aiden much, especially when he tells the player to leave their "cheer squad" behind. Like "you afraid I'll steal your kills or something?". No matter how it gets done, she's quite relieved about Algernon, since this meant an upper hand and fewer Gunners to deal with. No matter how much she hated Gunners, she could respect a reasonable one. When Old Paul dies, she leaves the room to not be seen shedding a tear. And after all that, she's 110% done with the Gunners and ready to take the fight to them, voting for Aiden's plan. And don't you dare spare Berman or she'll kill him herself.
(Oh, and I think she'd like Raphael... maybe...)
Codsworth: the second visionary
Being very familiar with RobCo, Codsworth never doubted what Jake said about the sensors. He gets excited about the project and offers to help the settlers in whatever way he can. He's happy about the idea of bringing back civilization, cheerfully talking about the future and making jokes like they'd one day have bottles of milk delivered to front porches again.
He gets quite focused on improving the settlements' defenses when the Gunner threat starts, even urging the player to join the Minutemen if they haven't already. He tries to keep morale up and will probably even lift Jake's spirits, assuring him he's not to blame. And when Jake gets kidnapped, he'll be about as worried - if not more - as the player. He's pleasantly surprised about Algernon, him being a promising ally and an interesting man. And when meeting Lupe, he's back to his cheerful self, eager to get back to work on keeping the good folks safe.
With the CPD and Nightingales, he's again reminiscing about the comforts of the pre-war life. He's supportive of both causes and likes to work with them.
When Old Paul is killed, he's ready to comfort the player - and he might be in need of comfort himself, poor guy. If the player dismisses him at some point after taking care of Paul's body and fetching Cola, he will look after the little pup to the best of his abilities. And then, if taken with to the battle at the Plaza, he'll vote for Jake's plan. And with HQ, well, he's quite excited to help with anything, probably clean the place like no other could. And after all this, he'll think about his master/mistress' work and think about how proud the spouse would've been.
Curie: the Nightingale fan
Much like Codsworth, she's excited about seeing the comforts of the pre-war life return. She's quite fascinated about the sensors and likes to help map things out, keep things organized and with the settlers' health in mind. As for Jake, she loves how well-mannered and good-hearted he is. This project of his is admirable and she looks forward to what the future holds. With trial and error, she is certain the Commonwealth will one day be thriving thanks to Jake and the player.
When people start to get sick, she manages to help the ones with the less serious diseases, then keeps an eye out for medicine. When learning about the Nightingales from one of their traveling doctors, she's eager to meet and work with them.
With the Gunner problem, she's much like Codsworth and believes in team work, to stand their ground and fight for a better life. When Jake is kidnapped, Curie is quite worried for his safety and quickly checks his wounds when the player comes back with him. She's relieved to know the outcome and is happy about the new allies.
And much like Codsworth, she checks on the player after Old Paul's death and happily takes care of Cola if dismissed, even carries the pup back to the settlement if she's in her synth body. And when it's time for the battle, she'd be very sad if you'd choose Aiden's plan. Inviting the Nightingales would be a nice idea, as she plans to heal any and all survivors too.
If left to work at HQ, she'd have Cedric call the player a bit earlier, having already determined the cause but still thinks they need help from the Nightingales. Also, while she doesn't like visiting her old vault, she likes working with Cedric and hang out with him.
Paladin Danse: the friendly bigot
As soon as he understands the true potential of the sensors, he really believes in the vision of the future but also thinks they should involve the Brotherhood more. To get their help with the Comm Hub and minimize the risk of it being stolen, but it never happens (either because the Brotherhood is too busy or because he can't convince Jake to let them even touch it, maybe both). He can respect that and waits patiently for the next opportunity. In the meantime, he likes seeing the people of the Commonwealth thrive. (And, of course, if the player has done his personal quest, he won't press on it, instead focus on experiencing this adventure like a common citizen)
Depending on the situation with the Institute, he will like the adventure and working on settlements, but will occasionally remind the player of how important it is to stop the Institute before they get their hands on the sensors. But he will stop when the Gunner threat starts, even do what he can to get the Brotherhood to help (if he's still a part of it). He will look at the tragedy objectively but ends with some encouraging words for Jake, being rather annoyed with Aiden too. So, just like Cait, he's also not thrilled when Jake gets kidnapped and Aiden tells the player to leave their companions behind. He doesn't trust Aiden but will listen to the player.
With the Gunners, he tries to be impartial. He hates them for being such ruthless mercenaries, but he can accept Algernon and see him as a valuable ally. He'll trust the player's judgement and won't mind Aiden's plan (if the player doesn't ally with Algernon), even if he dislikes the vigilante.
With HQ, he's quite impressed, looking back at the player's journey. He'll consider them and their friends a brand new faction and valuable allies to the Brotherhood. Or if his personal quest is done, he'll feel much better about life and be more than happy to serve in security... even if it means Aiden is his new CO. ...maybe he'll ask to join engineering instead so he can work in the weapon and armor labs.
Deacon: the informed one
He knew about the sensors, but never got to see them in action, never finding a working one and Tinker Tom being too busy to learn the new tech. Other things had higher priority, so he was quite happy when Jake showed a working one.
Being rather good at seeing people's talents, I'd imagine him hanging out with settlers and kind of work like the Vit-O-Matic, being able to judge their character and suggest workplaces and such. And having kept his eyes open for ASAM stuff in the past out of curiosity, he'd probably know a few things even Jake didn't know. In fact, it'd be quite funny if Deacon had learned about the ASAM stuff at Vault-Tec's HQ but didn't have time to investigate, and so he sold the info to The Ron, which would've been a fun moment when they go and investigate it.
Being rather used to things being too good to be true, he wasn't very surprised when the Gunners attacked but it wasn't time to give up yet. He could see the potential and the cause was good. It's worth fighting for. And hey, he'd REALLY like to see the Gunners try against the Laser Artillery Cannons parked in a few settlements.
As much as he'd love to infiltrate the Gunner vault... again, he lets Aiden have his way and stays behind. However, he knows about Algernon and pulls the player aside to advise them to go in peacefully. He thinks it's best to keep the good Gunners on their side. With the HQ built, he loves what they've done with the place and won't mind helping out, but he must continue his work. ...he would like a box of sensors, though. You know, to upgrade the Railroad's HQ. And hey, he'll keep Jake's secret and keep an eye out for Katelyn and Laura.
Dogmeat: the good boy
Like most things the player does, he's more than happy to tag along. This is no exception. He likes Jake, he likes how the places improve so quickly with unique buildings and so many new people. He's especially excited when you rescue Cola and he takes every chance he gets to check on her. Especially after they lost Paul.
Hancock: Just like the motto
It's not a bad idea, rebuilding the Commonwealth, and he'd bet some good stuff on your success. It's of the people, for the people. You give them the tools to make a better life for themselves. How could he not like that? He also likes the idea of maybe improving things in Goodneighbor, seeing how the sensors are definitely easy enough for chem-heads to build something for themselves. It might strip the place of some charm but he's sure most folks wouldn't mind if it meant a better home.
He loves the adventure and to help out so many settlements. Eventually, he'll make jokes about alliance agreements and Diamond City possibly losing their crown soon. He believes in the cause and wasn't too surprised it caught the Gunners' attention. The empire has been built, time for the war to keep it. He's quite skeptic about Algernon but trusts the player's judgement and eventually grows to like the old captain. Some Gunner boys can play nice after all. But that Berman guy. When you get to him, could ya give Hancock a chance to give him a good punch in the face? ...call it some history from when that prick was a Diamond City guard.
The reason he traveled with the player was to make sure he hasn't lost sight of what matters, so it wasn't meant to be permanent. So, like Deacon, he still has a job to do elsewhere. Not that he thinks he'd be of much use to your new headquarters. No, keep up the good work, fellow leader. You gave him one hell of an adventure and he looks forward to the new Commonwealth.
MacCready: the amazed dreamer
Being a fan of sci-fi comic books, he gets really amazed by the sensors and thinks they're super cool, probably cooler than the tech used to colonize Mars in the Captain Cosmos stories. He's eager to try it out himself and build a house. He had heard about the incredible power of a G.E.C.K, and compares it to this project.
He's quick to pick up how Jake rarely asks for something in return to all the help he gets and has his suspicions. But it's hard to imagine the guy being any kind of threat, so he doesn't let it get in the way. And when the truth gets out, after the Gunners attacked, there's no reason for him to be suspicious of the guy. He's empathetic, and might even mention his own situation to Jake (if his quest is completed). Knowing the Gunners, he'd urge Jake to get some defenses or something to better protect himself. But Jake still ends up kidnapped, which doesn't surprise him.
He doesn't like Aiden, quick to suggest ditching the guy. But even he can't stop Aiden from tagging along. And maybe, like Deacon, he knows Algernon and asks the player to sneak in without killing anyone, since they might be able to reason with the old captain.
Seeing the advancements in medicine, he'd probably be quicker to ask the player to help him with the cure to Duncan's disease, if they haven't done so already.
With the war, he probably prefers killing as many Gunners as possible, but if the player allies with Algernon, there's no debate. Jake's plan, please. And he too would like to see Berman dead for reasons of the past, and he'd check if you got shot in the head if you spare him. And after all that, setting up the HQ and making this grand empire, he's more than happy to serve as a guard. And, one day, he'd like to go and get Duncan, since he can't think of a better place for them to live.
Nick: the supportive voice of reason
He's seen the advertisements and have been a bit curious about them. To see them in action was quite fun and he likes the idea of trying to better the Commonwealth. He knows a little bit about Jake's story from the time he came to the agency, asking for help. The lead went cold, so he couldn't help the lad. He keeps it a secret until Jake tells it to the player, then adds how he's glad he didn't give up hope. He seems like a good man, so it'd been a shame if he let the cold trail get to him.
As for the Gunner threat, Nick tries his best to help the player and Jake stay calm and come up with a plan. If they tell all the settlements about it, warn them of the threat, the settlers could choose whether or not to stay and fight. It's the responsible thing to do, and they might be surprised just how many are willing to fight for what they have, even if it's against a Gunner army. People can be quite stubborn when they got something worth fighting for.
When Jake is kidnapped and Nick sees the order from Algernon, he gets worried about The Ron. Sure, he wouldn't be too surprised if the guy's a weasel - but if he's not, he might need help. And could that Aiden guy quit the tough guy act, a life's at stake here! True, Nick is old enough to remember the old Gunners and the good captain Algernon, but it's the brute he's more concerned about. He too suggests the player go in peacefully, for Jake's sake and the chance of Algernon being reasonable.
He will check with the player after Paul is killed, see if they're okay and give them some comforting words, before suggesting they get to work and get that bastard Berman. And even if the player doesn't side with Algernon, he'd pick Jake's plan. No reason to kill people just for having a tattoo on their forehead. And when it's time to set up the new HQ, he's quite excited and checks with Jake, happy to hear he's more hopeful now. Keep that up, friend. Laura will get to hear one hell of a story and be so proud of her dad.
Piper: the excited lore hunter
She always wanted people to have freedom and the chance to make their lives better. While she might have her doubts at first, the player's and Jake's dedication to the project has her hopeful. She can already tell it'll be an epic tale to share with her readers, so she makes sure to write down the key moments and interview some interesting characters.
When investigating the Vault-Tec HQ, she keeps an eye out for terminals and, when the player is about to leave, she asks if she can go through all the terminals to see if she can find anything useful. She wants to know everything she can about that Magnusson guy, what the whole deal was with the Comm Hub and all that. Who knows, it might be useful in the future.
I think... she'd probably like Jake. Like, have a little crush on him. So she's ready to comfort him after the Gunner incident and when he shares his story, happy to learn he really is a good man. And when he gets kidnapped, she'd be more difficult to convince to stay behind. She doesn't like Aiden and doesn't want to be left out. I bet she'd be stubborn enough to convince him.
And like most others, she - especially if she gets to join the infiltration of the vault - likes having Algernon as an ally after hearing him out. While she doesn't like Gunners one bit, she had heard stories about the old Gunners and was willing to keep an open mind. And, of course, she'll vote on Jake's plan. Not just to play favorites, but the fact that there might be people like Lupe in there! And, well... it's worth the risk.
With HQ up and running, she feels like it's time to sit down and get some articles out. She's gathered enough for a whole book, and knows someone in one of the settlements that can make that book. If the player has dealt with the Institute, she feels a great sense of relief, seeing the Commonwealth recover. If not, at least it's one hell of a boost to morale.
Preston: he didn't expect that
He figured life would remain the same. He hoped the player could restore the Minutemen and do what he believed could be done to help the common folk. But he never dreamed they'd actually rebuild the Commonwealth and make life so much easier! Even if the player never gets the Minutemen back on their feet, he's happy to serve in one of the settlements. (of course, in order to get him as a companion, you'll have to get the Minutemen somewhat back on their feet)
He believes in the cause and feels more certain that the Minutemen will be back and better than ever thanks to the project. When the player eventually get access to Communications, it could even delay his request to retake the Castle, since they could now keep contact via standard radio.
As for the adventure, it's quite inspiring. So when the Gunners got wind of the project, he's more than ready to fight - to avenge Quincy and its people. He recognizes Aiden, but doesn't pry. He can respect his reasons to avoid the recognition. And he's more likely to side with Aiden, since he's unaware of Algernon's intentions. He trusts the player but won't be very happy about having a Gunner ally, until he meets Lupe. (I know what he says about Jake's plan in the battle, but I'm sure even he can't deny the sad truth of there possibly being people like Lupe still in the Plaza). But Berman is dead, okay? He won't go against the player's decision but he'll hate to see him go free.
There's no reason for the player to have neglected the Minutemen up to this point (even if they did, it would be quite disheartening to Preston, and he'd likely leave the so called "general"). So after the battle and hearing Jake's plan to make the Plaza their HQ, he's quite excited, imagining the bright future. And if they haven't already, he looks forward to hopefully take back Quincy as soon as possible, while the Gunners are weakened.
Overall, he probably couldn't have asked for a better outcome and a better general. Let the Gunner army come. It may be a challenge, but he believes the Minutemen and the Commonwealth are on the right path and will be strong enough to stand their ground. For the Commonwealth!
Strong: parked outside
He doesn't understand what's going on and he doesn't want to. Just don't talk for too long or he'll find something better to do than sit outside and wait. The only thing that interests him is when you explore new places and fight something. Don't expect him to leave much targets for you, though.
Jake seems weak, but ASAM blinkies make good huts. Maybe worth time after all. And this New Bugle building, Strong write papers, people like to read. ...Strong don't know what's so funny but... maybe write more papers. (Assign him to a "New Bugle" industry plot and he'll write articles)
Yeah, this guy is rather simple. He doesn't have many cents to give, he's a simple man... er, mutant. Give him something to fight, and he'll be happy. He's usually not impressed by settlements but even he can admit the buildings are good and the big gun plot was worth the hours of boredom.
X6-88: The Institute is still better, change my mind
You would think he'd maybe get a little faith in the surface-dwellers once you get some settlements up and running. Maybe when you defeat the Gunners and set up your own HQ. But no, he still thinks more about how much better the Institute would use the sensors. But maybe, just maybe, if you've taken over the Institute and earned his respect, he'll admit this might work.
Other than that, he mostly keeps his commentary to himself, only giving strategy suggestions and such. E.g. he'd suggest a direct assault on the Plaza early on, knowing that's where the leader is and probably the info they need to find the hub. He's more of a "let's get this over with" kind of guy, since he doesn't want to spend too much time with humans that are doomed to die out either way. On that note, he'll prefer Aiden's plan, but will follow the player's command without question.
DLC companions:
Ada: likes the odds
Short one. She mostly keeps her commentary to herself. Always ready to be of service, e.g. help Jake transport the Comm Hub from Olivia, and the stuff from the Vault-Tec HQ. I mean, unless the player needs her, why waste time? She likes helping settlers make their homes better and the tech is fascinating. With this development, she's certain the Commonwealth will be much safer within just a few years.
Old Longfellow: ...can he get one?
Of all the strange devices he's seen, the ASAMs ought to be one of the strangest. But hey, let him try one out and he just might like to try building a new outhouse with it or something. He has some loyalty to the classic techniques, but he can admit these devices help an old man like him make something proper even when... a little drunk, heh.
As for the story, he's not very familiar with the Gunners but he knows when to stand his ground and fight. These hooligans better get ready to try running with a barbed harpoon up their asses! And hearing Jake's story, well, it hits his soft spot and he tries cheering him up afterwards. That Algernon fella seems alright, but the choice is yours, captain. And tell that one-eyed redhead to tone down with the murder and show some respect to the little miss Lupe, or he'll join them decoys out in the minefield!
Damn, to think about Old Longfellow, I start to miss him. I think he'd find several moments to be sarcastic and such, be that fun old grandpa guy that we love. But in the end, I think he'd get a little homesick. It's a fine place you got with the HQ, but put him on the next boat to Far Harbor and he'd love to hear your stories next time you visit. Oh, and... could he get one of them sensors? In case some beast took down his ol' shack while he was gone.
Porter Gage: Jackpot!
You kidding, boss? Keep this up, give them some time to build up and all those settlements will be gold mines! He'll go along with whatever you're doing, you're the boss, but you better not forget your gangs are hungry for action. He doesn't like Jake and likes it when the player chooses the quick/rude options, like skipping Jake's demonstration of the new plot types, tell him to deal with the Gunners himself, get the short version of his story, etc.
He also likes either fighting or convincing Stodge to leave. That guy would've caused trouble down the line, better make one of the weaker ones the leader. Then again, there's certainly a thrill to the idea of the place being better fortified, only to be betrayed.
With the Gunners, he doesn't like allying with Algernon. True, the guy would be a powerful ally, but a pain in the butt later on. It's your call, boss, take him down while you can or let him become a future pest to deal with. Either way, he'll suggest good points where they can at least invite some pals from the gangs, but he can't deny Jake's usefulness. Let the nerd tinker a bit longer, wait until the HQ doesn't need him anymore... then, Raider Paradise.
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atombonniebaby 9 months
I post so many pics of the big guy, but I don't think I've really gone into his background too much...and I was in the mood to info dump!
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Nathanial Alasdair Watt
Age: 37
Nationality: Scottish
As the General of the Commonwealth Minutemen, he has earned a place in the hearts of the people. His kind demeanor and bravery have won him the admiration of many. As a pre-war, decorated war hero, Nate knows a thing or two about combat, leadership, and survival. His reputation precedes him.
Just a bunch of facts and screenies of my boy below the cut 馃檶
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Cat Like Reflexes and sense of exploration: At 6ft, he's surprisingly agile on his feet. Growing up in his family's profession (that's still a secret 馃槒) he needed that upper body strength and found he was more than comfortable being up high. 馃挭馃徎
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Teddy Bear: He comes across as someone not to mess with, but this big lad has a big heart and a big personality that is tested a lot post-war...but when you're General of the Minutemen... whilst simultaneously trying to make sure the other factions don't annihilate each other... well you gotta maintain a sense of humour... so Nate enjoys knowing people find him intimidating, just to watch their faces when he deadpans a somewhat dubious response... oh and he'll never ditch that twirly mustache! (his tats are a form of self expression, but two have meaning. The rose on his neck, with Nora's name...and Shaun's name under his wedding band)
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The Wanderer: The fact that he ended up settling down was a surprise to him as much as it was to everyone who knew him pre-war. Nate grew up on the road, his family traveled all over. Moving to America from Scotland when he was was a young lad of fifteen... leaving homeland was something that took Nate some time to accept and it wasn't until his sister came along two years later that Nate stopped being angry at the world.
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The Sole Survivor: Seventeen years her senior, he was very close to his baby sister Elspeth, and was as much a part of defining the bright young woman she grew up to be. Nate and Nora recognised El needed stability and had a dream of doing more than just tinkering. She had a knack for robotics and fascination for how things work. So they offer her a place to stay whilst she studied in Boston. Losing his best friend and partner in crime is particularly hard on Nate, because El was the only person he could ever truly let his guard down around.
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Atom's Gift: Nate's unphased by a lot of things, and one of those things is radiation. "Sole Survivor" isn't a new moniker to Nate, who's often found himself coming to in wake of destruction. Survivor's guilt is something he's had to endure many times over... and to some extent it makes him reckless... it's difficult to keep a level head in the heat of the moment when you feel like nothing can touch you.
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Protector of Strays: So when he stumbles up a canny looking German Shepherd, he doesn't think twice about letting him tag along. "Dugmeat" helps Nate a lot in the early days out of the Vault, and it is rare you'll see Nate without his hairy shadow (oh and taking in 'strays' does extend to the human variety)
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Nobody is beyond redemption (mostly): Nate's fatal flaw is probably his inibility to say no, and if faced with someone (or a group of someones) whom may be deemed 'unsavoury' or 'a risk' if Nate sees potential, then he's gonna try. So, when Nate meets MacCready, he sees a lot of his younger self... a young guy down on his luck who just needs somebody to give him a chance... it isn't long before the pair bond and Nate truly takes the young scrap under his wing. Being close in ages with his late sister, he's used to dealing with difficultly headstrong individuals... But to be clear, you only get one chance. If you break his trust, don't expect to be given a second chance.
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More than just business partners: When Nate meets Jacob, the stranger who hears his radio broadcast about setting up a new Settlement in his old neighbourhood of Sanctuary Hills with his "ASAM" sensors. Nate decides to humor the guy, and quickly finds himself revisiting feelings he'd spent a great deal of his younger years trying to ignore... and tries to again. But in the Commonwealth, life has a way of reminding you that every moment is precious... Nate takes a chance.
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At a Minute's Notice: A natural leader and protector, the Minutemen reformation was the foundation Nate needed to build upon. With Jake's ASAMs and Nate's influence, more factions emerge in the Commonwealth, and Nate is more than happy to support in any way he can... if there is a uniform that fits, he'll wear it.
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All seeing he is not: Sometimes the world has a way of humbling you and there is nothing more frustrating for this Sole Survivor than having his specs knocked off his face in the heat of battle...or having to rummage around in the dirt and debris long after.
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I can't wait to tell you their story
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